Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1899, p. 8

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-NO -ER--lO- tE-REOR--IN-EA-EOU-NVAL-O-C ~jses*s~~~Tv P. A N D_ Chicego, Fol,. 13-T e lestorybrick bash avenue and Madison street, occu. plediiy the Gù and uýtiouu~' A. 0 MoCurg& Co, ws, wen ta con. entaiiing a loss of nearly $653,00O f wbIch $500,000 was on the stock. [ Fire et Owen Sound. Owen Sound, Fol,. 13.-The hardware u! k 1. oninon Wa'4dsnvr, jAftnr-an hour's bard worký tho le a guitten unndËd-controi, butnt eo al -milI -be in- the -nolghborhood of $5OOOr; insured, bhe baon uboanrd is7 nurses and 5,000 I'KFLY To RE SETTI F0,ý te Terme lLegarding the Nule Paris, Fol,. 13-This mornling's papers 'lJJocbýer assert that.the negotiations wluîch have been in, prpqrese hetweom the Frn.c', A. - Glreat Brti bas admîtGed the legality lalv on tho N4Ue-, n -gctiatýbDonare ow --Qt- U, ad=dBon e u 110W 75c. A box, of Cbildu-en's -L, veHu 'gla 5 o O e pair. We have put eut a lot eft Drees Gootis__Prints, Shaker Flannels,. ,w c a few f6lt-î days. 'powerful argument for expansion frein the point etfview ot et schelar and v ,student cf hîstorv. The author is a firm believer in the power et the Aperican people te reach vet highor ideais et gev ernment andi civilization, andt t extend their bonefits ever the widest reacli'et territery that mav le-itimateiv cobie unflrlmSrAmpieomn ,n-rl A tQi-inei,, v.un4uerwood-, second- je drawn betw on the true anti taIse et yJosepnh enrv - Iat if their shnid imperiali,m. and il is convineingix bo a. Union ef the two Sacieties that the proved that dutv, expediencv, and ne first fair be helt Iin Orono and that ces$itv urge the nation on the new ex- afterwartis the Fairs he held alternaîelv pansion. between Bowmanviîîe and Orono.- Unqualified Commentiations: Chicazo Carrieti, Tribune, Chicago 111 :,"Mr. Fprnaid',s Moveti by T. W. lJnderwood, second- stvle is polished, foretful,tullof maznet- ed by W. P Allen that we 'recommend ism. His outlook is broati, andi boid te our Boards a, Union et the qaid two and trank. Ris patriotism is intectiaus, Societies' on the termas andi conditions isi knewiodge is accurate and velum- of the Revisedtatutos of Ontario.A D. J mous, bis lozic seunti and close woven 187,for the Union et Agriculturai Risi treatiso, bas a unit'.' andi directnes., S0cities.-Carried. that caunont fail te win tbe admiration On motion these resoînHonîs were re eof the met hostile reader." Hon. Wm eoived as the report efthIe committee P. Erve, United qtates Sonate. Wash and a spiriteti discussion ensied. Meqers. 1 ington, D C . It is a valuable book Allen. Pollard, jenees Tnle andi bar and nmue of great intereqt te ail An'eri- being tbe principal speakers, cane." Hon 'Amos J. Cummninzq, M1 eib .Jnee eodeihv ouse et Repreqentatîves, Wb eingion. W.ve FAlleMthatoe rso.lutondpeti vD. C .IIbave read it tbrough from ho- WF e tat the rn eqoiih tieptoassd ginning te end. andi finti the inforina- Mtonest ona metet il te adp. tien invaluablo. Motin lot ona voe ofli t 4,Important maps illnstrating Amern- The dates fixed for the FaîIl Exhibition can expansion inluding maps oç the at Bowmanville were Thnirsday and Unitedi States-Area, Açqisitien, andi Fridav, September 14 and 15. Transter et Territerv; 't'ho Hlawaiiani President Pollarti rAported haviuîg Islands; flomparativo Map et the Atlan joineti a de16gaton'onFeb. 2nd te wait tic and Pacifie AreaiF; The West Indues;, on the Counties'l Concîl te solict a The Philippines. l2me. Cletb, Appro- grant te the ridina, soietins andi that a pria te Cever Design. Price, 75cts , post grant of $100 10 earh sncb brnch was paid FUNK)ý W4GNALLS CO,, Publishors, Premiseti. An erder for $2.00 was 30 Lafayette Place. New York. granteti on the Troasîurer for exponses ot the Preside nt te Cobourg. m Moved bv Mn, Tole secondeti bv,'Mr .r Grav that the 'S-erearv engage th ECIZ ___ON_ FAC Hlall for a concert on Sept 15 .Chairmen et Cemmittees te consiier Condition Such Could N ot Go Ont. amontiments te the prize istrpcemmen<(luI Physician's Care Five Months. jud2'es. etc.. andi report nt next direct- CUTICURA Cured in 1 Month. ors' meetinz (Feh. 25) were appAinfild 1had eczrma on bue face for live Monthe, dur. S. Allun,; Sheep. W. P. Biackzbîurnn : oudntgoounL Itwasgoingfrombedtoworse, ~iwnoD J Gison Poitr, Gorg wiven afriend retcmmended CUTICUeÂremedies. -ie JruitWJ.baon P oui tnhGoe AfterlwasbedMryfaCeWith CUTIamInA SAPaud B ',bar: Dairv, J. X&' .Tosess; Do- unestic. E bal. Imbemntz, Jno. ke: Aunuisements, A. J Bennott , Ladips' Departmeiit, W E. Pellnrd, Fine Arte, M A. .ameTe eachcbhairman is dPpuiteti authonitv -toeqcli te bis a-Pist ance whern ho nia'. requ ire te asQist in fràminz the report. l was r-eqiested thet the reports ho presenteti in dtail b'. each cernmittee. Board adjeurned te Saturdav, Feb. 25 nt 2 P. ni whev, every Director is re- M. A. JAmEs, Secretary. USed CÇtTICUaÂ&(O!Utment> and LuTicrrauA ItzsoL- vrsrr it cbanged wonderfulhy, and fa. a menfls auy face eae asc iea as emer. THOS. J. SOTH, 312 Stagg St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CUrICUPnÀ RESOLVxNT, gretest of blood puri- fers and humac expeliers. purifies t-be blond and circulatieg fluids af HUMOIZ GEuuis, and t-bus re- moves ti0e cause, while warm batlis wiuî CUTI- CUuiÀ Ar, and gentue anintingi wit- CuTicuIIA (olinment), grcatest of emollient skia cures, cleanse the skia and scalp of crusis and acides aii-iy Iicling, bunung, adInflamumation, an,1 thns soothe andlieal the Most torturlmug, disfigur- In g lamors of the skia, scalp. and tloed, with bs of liait, when ail ailier remedies £ail. SlS ihrsut-hs the wov'S. ror-rxeD. sa c. Case., Ufilin fair and Skia by uiag S8AVE Fuwâ HAND8 17 Insanle -eoie Enrned. warobng, drew a revolver, and Ilred ati 'ýiiueu y a -' bvýer, 5.Laron oe, 55 LI Omaha, Fel,. 13.-The State Asylom the superintendent ot police, Fortunate- Wht to mach eigrsto bowas a nd sp for the Insane at Yankton, S.D., wa ly, he missed bis mark, and was seized atomchTegrr ws-bYup before ho could fire a second shot, Ho ported by Williami Armstrong, Peter- destroyed by flro yesterday mnoroing, u ofse hthewsternlae boro, who did the duties noblv. 1ev. J. Seventeen ut the homates are reported to bc esidt' 0fo asthe rin. eihepstr fthacuch pr baveperlbed.brotbers wbo were shot Wednesdayev- formed the ceremonv. After thenup)tiaLý ing iln oîdar to prevont theu aperg knot was tied, the couple drove te the COMPROMISE WITU WAITE. as wiîflesses ln tb trial ofrte roain resîderce et the bride's-parents where L- - ___ àhUan iflabarrI n.n, ,i-ni+,a,'i, Tne 15511 te increase t éelaevenue of the Or-.,n Province-The Douks in Ontari 1o. the two natives iotiieabes a wldeeprea d Inative plot agaînst the Governunent. Toronto, Feb. 13.-R. A. Waite, the_____ Buffalo arohitect cf the Panliament Lonidon Graveyards Are Full. Buildings, put in a $30000 billfor extras London, Fel,. 13 -Sir Arthba' Arnold when-tbe buildings werocompleted. The >i trying te wake u London te a serions Government disputed il and the matter state of affairs, which is that ho the near bas sioce heen brought np nîany times. A future thbe present mausneof diFpesal of compromise Ias been made, whvbîo gives thbe dead Wili be exbausted. There le an Mr. Waite $8,565. average of 13O0 000 deaths ln London Bili te Immrease Revenue. :annually, and enoir200 acres 0f huril The Govenont bill te increase the landi remaio within a reasunable distance revenue le expected to e lintnoduced at of the metropolis. Already the po pea- the end of the week. Il le aaid that, in- pie are buodird, te the number of 20, in addition to foreizn and domestic 1nan- one grave. An effort is noir being made ciel corporations, a tex may be levied on b>' the County Canni] ta push a measune the plant of telephone and electnia îiht thnougb Parliament fer the establish- companhes, and street rallway companies meut of dremiatories ail round -the ont- lu cit-les. 1 ekirîs of London. Connmee Wmsts I)oukhobors. The Noble Organ Grinder. A cording to Mn. Conmee; MP. P., anu effort will hao made te Induce 1,uOO 0f thbe London, Feb. 13-Lady Hinton, the Rushan I)oukhobore irbo are eoming wife of the viscounit organ grinder, bas over inthbe spring teo settia bInbe vrele stated in an interview that many of ber of the Haministiquia and White lfh busband's acqîua-ntanccs, villewculd Dlot Hivers. The Ont-aria Governoment ie wilî- lend blm a shilling beo re the de4t-h of ing tu build shelter buts ao£d noads for Bari PoulIt'-, art' 00W offeing Monley t-ha immigrant-s and tha country isleiel and open choques. timbered.' There wili be a chance for Viscoant HInton. does nnt antlipate those wit-baut 100110>'t-oearmu soine by an>' oppesition to hie takhng possession wonking on tbe Ont-ario &, Rainy Hiver 0f thbe properry of the lotse tarl Poulett-, Rallway. and ho will go te Mintomu St-. George in The trikimg Coummmittee. a few days te talc, charge 0f the propent>'. The stiking comunlttee. will ur.eat pin Tuesday, and it leIs '.,itît the coxl--nmdsMks hsm mittees wili hegin Ibeir labars on Wd Lonldon,' li'b. 18-Hon. Cecil IRhodes nesda>'. bas nasulved nflote toaite bi- Capb-to- Hon. Mr. Giboen le expeoted hers Ibis Caire Flailway through German ierritory, week 10 assume lbis duties as ubairman but tbrough thle Congo Froc St-sté, under1 of the pnîvate bille carmittge. a nerïvonal arrangemnent Inthbe irst- lu- Bulletin on tFruit Puip. stance wit-h the King of t-ho Belglia.. .Tbe Departmnen, of Agriculture bas H s _111g- c -1 'irogl tb ,pubnnined a nulletin on fruit puip. A 1 caretul investigationm bas been made b>'w t-be depariment dnning t-be peet year and the fruit mnr.ar e expected tuo benefIt b> it and t-o sbip la Brýmain large quantites of the fruit pu.lp t-rom wbich jam lais unade. Tbe bulletin concludes that thore ne migbt ho a good opening for blackt cur- t rnte, green gages, apnicole and strasv- au berry pulp. Rosberry pulp brought as tI high as £MO ta £60 par Ion hast vean. CE Six Negm'nes Lyuched. Athanta, Ga., Fol,. 13.-A telt)phone memsage at midnîght fron Leesbung, Ga,, ray ans mob took six neeroes frorn the jal thora laie Satonna>' nimibt and lynched <1~ - i health et the happy couple was -pro- peseti anti toasted in an able manner. Amiti sbowere et rice the bridaI part-y droveto the city andti tec the train for the- ca8t te spenti thoîir hooeymcon. Aft er their return tbev' will reside on princoss street. The bride, was the re cipient et veny many beautitulPpnesents, including an elegant- easyv chair trom the emploýees et ex-alderman T. H, Johus' grocery store, whekPre Miss Keen was bo-keeper for a number ef years - Mr Kivel's manv frienis- in West Durham join in wishing him a happy marnueti lite. PICREL-WILSON. "Gbenholme," the residence ef Mr. andt Mns. Wm-. Wilson, Rarmoni, was the scene et a happir evont on Wednes- tiay ovoning, Feb. 8th when about fitty g-nosts, from ,Osbawa, East Whitbv' anti other points asseinhledti t wituuess the uiptials et Miss Idia M. Wilson anti Mr. Anson R Piekel, oetDarlington., The cenemony was portormeti in the drawiog roorn, which was prottily dec erated wîth paloN uct fiowers anti plants T A wmiig march was revu- tiereti b! Mies Eversen. The coremonv was performneti hy Rev. J. J. Lititi, M. A , of Oshawa, assisteti by 11ev. J. S I. WiIeo , Courtice The bride was given awa -v by ber father, anti looketi baud some in a Ladies' Bine Cioth suit, anti earrieti a bouquet et white roses. The bride was atteiîdeti by fier sister Mise Mabel Wilson wbo n'as beautifully attireti in mulberrv ladies' cioth witb velv.et trimming anti carnieti a bouquet of cream roses.l'The groom was assistoti by Mn. W. R. Courtice, Courtice Atter the ceremony the ûotnpanyrepairedti t '11 onet ltoafreL4 f t wa trrD.MTo of Oshawa ritih Governmené'. hail things prepared in his best SW~e, and( everybody did justice to t.e amiple Italy Wan'ts a Sue, I spread. The bride is a most popular Roue Feb. 13-Sa.eral of the Jeading1 young lady and bas been teaching at iewspaperg say that Italvhas. aken stops llarmonv for some time past. The cIearn the views of ',ho London, Paris groom is a prosperous young farmer ýnd St Petersburg (Jovernrnents n pon and a son of the lateNelso n Pickel The be nrojept of itaitan ocepaimn of a 1 e uug couple will commence lîousekeep- bineso port and that al Ibree are favor. in0? on the old Pickel Hlomestead near ibe te the Iwe. Saxon'.Y and a host of friends unlite in wisbing themi a prosperous journey through life Children Ory for Chitdren Cry for a mloney bigipower whe thtleir she eoliege days are ended. Let a boy or girl master shor)thand amiii type-wr iting and tm.ey are aeilad Lu, the rai e [or position in business or professbonal life. "Do yon write shorthand?" is tuie prac ltial questlin asked on application 'or a stain These sutijeets ar-erthorougbly 3,taught liniisg school by experienced teac Ui sisobokow ttuù wantS 0of the business conmuîity. BRITISHI AMERI(JAN Business CoiI.gs of TORONTO, Ltd., Y MI.C.A,. Bi.Iding, Cor, longe alumefill«Sfs. D AVID BOSKINW, vtrdacoit#r Princi pa. FERRY' grows every year-as the seed, most to be relîed on-as ai'iays Il' -TO- CZGLGO, ST.LO1 DEiiVEZB, LDS ,AVTGE; BÂtI DIGo, and.other points in Osîlfornia%,A Coast Points. If you are cnt piating a rmp for 4 HEALTH, PLEASU RE uiM BUJSI S8 Prom aCanadianu,à,.ý.- the laiui f SUNSIEINE FRUIT & FLO'WURS< Thu'ough Tickets to ail-Forejan Poina. For Desciptive Guides, Time Tables, et >ply to Agï,niteG- T. R. Systeit. m C0I)ICKISON. W. WOS Dws. Passr, Agt.. Toronto. Depot A' UWr'nlcetme 'all pit i nad.Uni States, Ma litoha, Norrh West. B- C Europe at &Sot & J ury's >rtug Store,* j hn îsî 'ke, L. A. Tle, il W Jewell. W. E.- Jewoil, D. )J. Gibson, James Gale. 'Ihe resolution passed at the meeting, in Or one of the committees. appointed te consider the preposod amalgýamation, of the West Durham and ClarZe Town- ship Societios wero read as tollows: ýL ,U Moved hv T w 1-f-A - ý j -11 1 - 1 - -1 - 1 in ub'.180 fflHFd8ýFeF . - . 1 - -. h. r ýr ýr LI -t -L -77 ý Congo ýrrg;o >ýt.atia, &Bd Br;tjsh diojoinaev 1 t» dininz room and abal)-ov --atherinc v 1 -LA -L

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