Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1899, p. 6

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- ~~ uight. R. eoncentrat"d ail bigs kiii upu somehow Rat mai14aso.e b ~~~rti U~ U5IAUILv th* aufforer. iyttiidnt h es:ane fJurons. Tb* briber caae unC, _j tli.h The.Csufforeri sb idèdmba -caini, ao 1rnpn gav.ton Plaes tof Fold ta the other, BOWMANVIIJLE, FEB. 1, 1899. sfl2îVmiled and sai, "he rias lupas." er bbribers hg all onni a1y iepoa * UJ -n ag e __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ hn pa pd u wt il wsl b f god. A vd ie w sbrougilt inirjeI eaychair, rb ah an sd ibe isouth wlin ibm therlghta f bs eurned bohr ~ trniod b broppe r ose , leni uta t be fad d H a ha-fe n share uI t.bt Rev. Dr. TatraTi ls U o B wr fte cheek, and the cblidren brought flowors ano.. I"Bold. rLy lord!" sraid the milieu. W n Raiseci * * *0-lbe one a rod cRever top, the other a "olIWo are noi, ail agroed on 1this Sin f Sefish ess.violet tram t1b l riba helatcf the Verdict. The.otber nmon have roceiycid g From a, Bed of S fSlfsns.chair Wit1h a briish unothjing lber in.veoly Io.I> rWhe are you O on Sick ess e e Lift Part orf the Burden From the Shoulders of the Heav ae- bu. n s~~h1e~.1 de~ :The str"Lpyu SMO.aa 8th. i8g47. Kind Words Are as Cool Water to a Thirsty country dlootor mbat bis gig w-, notlccd la Matthew Halo, Lord Chierf Jusftice cos We are sure yo o t. Mesýsrs. dnnsn ats&Co., Toronto. Soul--Love One Another. fhorse tas inL. I Uceand WokUaior Iealb igsBuc fo ta lc, Nobodyants it. But itcornies Genlemn,-or vecliv mothsI ~bar. atifin ho ue. an w.ailrea- îou yvlliair!" Àud sa tbe injuotice Waïs temany thousands every year. coone o n cd, fltbicabe a1av Zed for te ibo unIime In Our lite 'whaî ba1Lked, Aud so lb. Young =au gai bis 1tcne etoewohv a 'w n ]E(, iw- wiz l cMop ianiai e o i ld faillI. 1! ne dootors worn wortfjEcoraetheïr. inhonitance. It ai al ft) lb tetht Icomhsta-idhosho havea -Tbe best ed , ica l il a ale n, a l Le t albing on, Ja . 29 - 111 Iis dîa- bas;donc a job W el, ell hli l la unI onI - c )e r t e uc 0 s . a t e E l koffrbigrobe andha s and olde ntil th inlg met foi catarr!h cf the stonmach, ipit 1ta ne ýcourse Dr. 'Talmage shbcwg how iti.-la pou- edIldoni. Tii. book la vieil brund, the CertaJoat mMthv aobo f i rob u hoti aadteinn ~avil.Icoldntea thmat smpifoo wih- îbotabeip othcr, vibo are uunder tbe door il a iilgraiinod, tb. chandelier lu Encourage lbe lawyrs, They are otle Chii; tok fflbs.oeofr oya lltr. and se emanes ftelug.r Ou bin i deafu isry ad oud a eipressing îaad of fatigue sud carùneud s wunrg, lb. work Is grandîy ac"e-ohzobated ont of thaîr loup, nd ad ofteu oec oat ad ifand top yourcug ~larg sumb medcat dvice I ws advsed a Tii lex la tslaîane i bed.1Dol aiàinug tIboeeinpRoyersbave te broathe tbe villaînous air f ubothatiefarbmaiyanwe ilrsaperanya uni sm wsvoiedu.1fe wspndingannslbiy îed. luof Inbatdisguise o woin mur eternai pan- rerneve the grýýt î anger of ~îrabo cfDr.Chaes atarh ure I ur-2, Bear ye eue aýnotiter's burdevs, end vibo neyer say anything tle bin rn- courtnocrns, and lhoy sa ofben bave t on eiaevel.su fedon uuetobe chaeda bx ro J.Autinan CmpaylafuRfill tho avi of Christý." ployesas oeapIteu "7ar at thera. Do ual bear pauderous respaxnibility, sud futbunsrW.e ntof frinhoe ur SimIco, ccdtomny srriefaund great relief. Xery maru fan bïmif! If Ihere Ib. be qairaid yaviii inaka Ihat ruechanie bave te maintain agaînst th. shanka i su ougb, but vie got bsck lu lime ta Nýt beiiug ,sbletocaltridabox cf Dr. Chase&s rmcmfor oiy oree nionpaéseaiger iluthb. go puffed Up and arrogant hu -,vill nover Iboin profession the diguîty of Ihal caIl- cmiv. aur etorual Inbenitauce. Au if iKd eyLierPus;th pulns lefi'mne the shird 1iKobat, gez lu Sourself. If Ioo 5aan in ah en wt inîelu hc sbuorey b lieIa ansibreor udd url iis ~da. Mape~ie as u~e fPy e corn- COfi-buden to Ritt, you superviseWvhile others gi arn r u sirte es, for bafu wrkingIhIbnly mch aonoed hthea s tan iriffors Obur acber'sureus.eea E idrmsef ereclycue, ndfrt s cl a eo Ide l. You b. lb. digit wbile ah ae fIbtdyvbnyu praisa 1Sinai beside heLord isMulb Il hna ayugwsaatog r 5yasotha"rN are the cipbrs on the right baud hlm thon. viilh. à a Rvsuil brosight iaviyor, sud Ibat bbc Bible peakm of leatreeud wialcsaaaideccv aniidn-ntin l tmmelosbt u: aalethlbbutsebedl fo fnih isChisEa Im ivcaeFEcorWeISv-EHETHMEWN. E asil2 flni hyawzs obeid oe x., ,s is Chrst lHavele ncouraeonly tbre oxs f r.Chse Kine-Lve Pis hcnngyau. In apposition ta Ibal viork as seau as be vioxnised l, forgelfuî yers in Ibeir profession af transcende"i and~ twabxXes of Dr. Cha-,css Catarrh iCure. Iter fsefsuu1al dacel y fts althat bis vif. bas been ýlok importance-a lprofession honlored LY'lafaum.Thi msej h- can do imy bouse vioritas uuta ari pos)itive toxi thei. gepol tbeany, "Bear y. nan- n id Ivia cf bshi.olîdron have diad af baviug on the beucb s ChiotJustice huai aIlttnameetcrâsl'u5 7ch thatrn cyavlosure<1whihlnkitsis thmr's bordent, sud sa fuiill Ibm lav f i c calg e oer ludhb. bas bsd a foon u a Story sud aI the bars& Hufus Choate. "aImapaac tIeem (b plurely to Dr,. Chase's reIrnieis, which 1 have Chinit. fne fterXýbn.Dn)ne a- Ecuaet*tnhr aorpbi asod. I can bonestly recomrnild the same ta Elvurvl(y balbau rdn. g soetnts nore bîlbbudDnima p' catimgélbS bars u urpble hne'imoan) lu Bethiehmet ai lb lss bconus. tbm pa Irt i0mey ry f 1u15lu s hools-cccupaîion anduanu sud pooely îîo f th@, bl$bof js, t here vias ais> perrans suiffering frorn symtari irnilx1 ai hey corne dovaupou Ihm ihouRders, colonelt recognizlng Ith acr Iattho colpensated. In. al Ibmcthes buthon. cmxuthiug lngulanly sglial"vrlsI mine. MWisbmg you evecry succeis, fmeinieîb.>' cm. dawu upon lb. bmad, inîcahanlo bluiif bas boeencbaated oui cf comaus a fit econiomyu lb. part 8t olb- 1ev. Am«y H.Bradford, D.D., cf "Tho Vours truiy, ioemes Ibm>' came devin poin IbIhe h lgibit ingredlietin, sud that bhodd vais tbe fini Iblng le do lu aiviym te iraI Chnsîia Pomu,"luib Ldis Mas. ArN< C<UCI(LL &. hrt Loeklug aven an>' assombly, lb.>' net ind out Ibm trouble ii lime. or cod.d cul davin i.aoiers' salaries. Te lake 40 -Home Jourual. ,ThCV ' ro"esnIed t.hop#egs falkid.I i______&Il________aRsee iil sud brigbi and easy, but et becauso bu Mseista bave Rslimed a on 60 boys vihiaoepanenàt. uuppaae hIbea1long aspiratils sud huuagetr l. atlons. does so bemause it is a soeth- Mrs.D. urd, Pnt Pmrv wms pB- ach on« lias a burden le lift., sud nme hanse b>' nusIiliful sbong vihen îb. precoclous and kmep tbeparentm fronm oehgmashaoulticued igdbiigrneygra ~enIe wîv an ddres, a iblesudof ethIaye NQm on butbey conu 1111.i bos. basfor monlbs bad spavin or rlig- fludiug ouI Iboir imutat., bWltze anIhelr jeurney.Teeulao xotio pvr.hsaesîege- PouR propses la sîlI up thso burdes boue orapninbaî. Ye 1 fol ubave esuply bead and fl11 it, te ime6t lbe mx- bad pervaded Ith eu su d proibhy had est pneventive tu consumption. othr ocs êfrelevig orBick ltofragmentu, Yen take part of mine, lb. ightte10find fmult vilh a ineobala enectation of ipareut$ vibo Iblikthcmir ue le Qdo 'witk tbir Vresence. TRhe im. wvater b\fe c]4le'Aid c[ the Methio an ustae.part of youms. sud eao wbmu bis dues 11. Do ycu cer praise a children et 16 yeans of age 'ought ta b. Medfial* eaola oa f Ibeir vIiil ans>'ave Ischurch MNfs. C.J1.. l>o rnead the' ieeilli lake port oeth*bm tbmr'si, sud so mohaulo vihen b. dues vWei? uabmcanad metaphysliaus sund beern tbm wlsh te psy revenence la eartlly Put one of addi ess and Mrs T, J. WdenmdeW ù ltuu b avi et CIst. B rpti.rhatoriclans, teaviork lsuccemafoîll>'ibat neYaIt>', but anrepzebblyliwantispîred th pe-naio.l. Appleton of Boston, Iho daugbtcn igreut stuffllg imachine Ibm mordem b vbY ai bas been beauMiull :aled 'tIm fyersChryPcoz cf Danielio via.W48dyla afler Rang Encourage tbe farmer.i. Tho>' ocDi s beol systou,3 ,is a very ardnuaus omit. dmsine of ail Ynaîlaus.' Tbe ideale el.theryPetoa illuoo ,oWobstorsPlasters overeyournlubg The great iavyem, aller pleadlng m arsoeyu îIieii l.Encourage thein b>' lb. usefuinougs and pasthad filedsud pinlîel su pro ilimportant case in thec iînon a i >' markets, ' oil 0f tan a9oclate vithtbhb.e veniastingueuI'ýs and lb. nagnitudo ef pai el bogna> spe e 5 thi.~ j bis va>' boni.stope itebos bsthoan lu the Ruminern monthaý. Ollice thoir çcupatîo.sd ve aubirn ougto nenvisdbttrtl1 ~ ' dagistansnd viul lab hem scknooi. se-ors go îbraugb the land. sud tb"a>'do vieil comimllient t1se instructer, pralse Tiia oessl, qasvia ilaste vidîtKasKiS fes.Mr!S Sis ied l hm,."Feho, v>' reyoustad n plilca plttoni, ad eytise teacher, theit tise mlucator. Oui au>' national religion, but thb. ilya LJbPaPFr" , . toas oI tt-da> in Ibis cold veathon vilîhaul tell the farinonsalb.esIen>' aboul Ibm lu- Encourage ahil nvalida b>' lelllng thons mc erFaodrryau ten eaîsilfetinyustar an venc Tho" , -jagreat levier vient oodu ie0 frmr igfatr'ho av nu>'yon baveituovin wbibte as hungry as lever. TVisuctit filb E~r BUSNES MA~malb, henext roaru sud vas lu a flood of wbere they Oaugbt la g.ve ypl ' ne ane aliments 'irisago el eRiand ual b>'samdoiymvvd hnficeaat eia rv. pe ________________________ ars, saying, "l)yiug bernsef, yct tisinit Pont Otfvibet? 1vas br~Uh PO eiu heno hi kaoeorask- lsiudiled viIlvds tuemtten and ehvat xeuv erk ______________________________ lno yni'of me.- oh, havi mueb molre ai; I varited au a tarin; I kuoviail mug theni vhéther lise colon of tiseir check tsund I eginnluIcf as thevediofspelo a me et s otannn 'iys heastiful Is cars.fr ton hostissu Ibis about il. I handly saw à cil>' nutit T w is rel lyheboa a andoig aesl h the n naibgfa n tidispToengaiong lcam ofted stes. Ucnosualoppor- 'i ~erasiug aitng anao~ ursiye. rovn, andI I bell you that thera IR Do wi' ta I unities anii long axperience m-,Ii- Il b p in the Wall ofthe .tempie et ds af peple lu the country' viSahave on sliing Ibani havibadl>' Ihey lookt. foaurîo'm ystwad iher>'slen sudnbu- nadyefit e freor aiii n1e piarte e Bsieathora are Itbnee sto'uas,easciih adrEndvh or ed>oa Yn tcourage ail slanbiug in lite b>' your- vonsili The olaRuhi yf 'te mk fla lyar cse. ou ciireeie vegieu: 110htnuagi 1,100l todb>ns.b ibn arer. ndpedet woai bconig sriuscnt Etalibe ale GtI' 1kbEicets udMacu styleofetmachiner>' thale.now amaong vhat, 0f lthe Oraulio tisa% t1gIhe mecaruasln tsByou e- &ieiu, DRIngcnuudî.J.C ER tistlngsr saBultetrnen Gvd i>' fettsad acsLawcl Mass. the ls ospa achr>', B>vIn le t is athen stiselogcai, oftilrs IbenryhedovinIndf- sudhavi , ymteind tse oung ers- mixod vilS a dlmycof aprohelenticipa- antithe basylen tonnage aI lise viad'e ndent of lise grassisapper, Cf the locust, ing yournRunciean, with ane oye ou tbeeion.Thdieemn e ont 0fantionipa-_______________ 20 Years ~'~f urden is ta ha lifttad rom the crusisod 'hoisearn>' worma, of tise potaobug tiroEtbibc ayns rn. Tevibi e , caerlmeonmanvareota bearl et the bumnan race. WbsI ydananIdepneta iedrub htbmsyoung lcsvyers is>' îoling cf bise lime do bornage ta Jeaus as King l is e nealin I (l-[îVrt-Wil-, Ti.trnInerî'y tcwnslip, ~~0î00~~ I i sas ne otita lear u l .a spir it of bel pi- up tisa arv at? Independent of Ibe c avi vi en n> br aie de-v n lu your frs t e i e S i î. T s > ,tis hcu s n a l i a s c t o e w f r c c t il l nD o i s . i i t e l l w h r n i u e e e p oli s e S pi-i .A o r Q a t i r d n N w Scattothe fotnrot ofore pethors. wuthamailispaleecoursagle u mnistrs ob>' merci-hlu Hm tisedemirl io n howeions'asva d A îtepwtha re d nsxp ~i~ et lisescout ttsai fuiGauxausuasiondcfetdseolgicai candi- propai -b'liepope:'And I il i uwthes. e superiar sylcf zoodo, t lm ranInopndutdates, not v'ali-ig sneund vitis a p shakofil bnatons, na let dein1ora u....:cs. Is î80aesmct . s.If lho hava with bis elerka adoruatoi vio atk n o bici aiutfuadit>' sud averavbeimiungness of manDer snakoaslsnati osanth ei oal ~atûn sal, witig tram ~tiesheoviwindows and tbbc sisalvas, eelfIndepsudent of tha cold amiogi uta n tlseaoni __________ c ncme> w( irikezbis tst.If habav ag.iod lbnmliusostnd tshing bis deereos. Doctors esaablisiset, by tliing au ca1 scei, o qweu.koclity if on- avehdgetnr e igr ru bis body' ta keep yaung dooars boivryan yoarsoit once busiess flie ave >' i a bavaosbetsfgrou ia rottIdpendonl cf mistolthtisamessies for ecaniatina. And uetccctorsaxpsrimac-c tuees, IfLa baarbsiananîtheeepels fe 'nu b euths, ùetbigortars g tisefuture recoguiza ail Ibis. Be ualtis rzuoaeal is rznfot? Iu- if yen have uîbhing t laey tt ie an- deedn fwaFane>' fermera esstih. WrnhoCnaa ~,'1t<y~l otcryoaitilrc a~sidthuisie viii becoruearrogant udbanmd e ientotnsi ts i> at uagisar sudmaverputisoem ai ti ishci- LI~T.Qd II-IMll» RA'2 iuffA up b>' yaur appuraI l. L BenonigistnIn l c er;o~ecri~reaerrane4;y ,~sotpe shigoing prsolwill corne iuandIgo onthe country' ta -build busstain ci your lips; coaspresseyounlips, and h edng X wpas exrbta tb l il mdrnmproyoeeuts as u vorbaud oe y m;nuandH f t-,ned½' naf'o usnssh' u at bsI i gci,s ana t ani1feriorma-ttnsiga luxuThea Let eei dingkepatNe ~~~,~I -I U lEE 1u isd.Bfrels ih fts Floeb Lutîdr eniant l sir h gtaxe ni ing abrdgelu aruan>, atiofla DALY iiiI cronofit,3 oma na or tàtemvia, ,.levisarisviii cameilz xiteavety oentinuallyhoar eambllet and ede- sain. bisc ealit humen viameiin frin l' avîa tii uge. 1 nti cil>' Sin. on. vibo evi ib puroiasei897, lis at.Ilgke E, , i dr bees b mrbntbI gaotie.viib fe aî Wanthcae"Thetime u s aI- e Aturdi a y Illmrethu tatyedl- int teanor ad e es e o bsepdrerynicl emttions. for?' "A h t eiti bise s mager, " is atnde14 r2 aesoaySbuu i botle fni' tascns eand lu onacve>' apieusefocsdIiovhaisutabsOieartmîypea 'aî's dotosastse' iae eaxaneue a aiIn bal va>' en nd ilse rofila bal de>' freintisaRavslugll.ni odi st e r."Ohy. idws e t vn h urelny ls ay A , bsLth (sueîi speechespebiut theseadee-tiau'l)lieoo uckeleex mmat u ou onui c s îymtla isnaI h a m>' puchaeb>- seln opîf o ie doriibcu em nbeisr t h Cag ,mari> dlte b d hae ae7o ialt iebe anhymgza wItrwihu uyn cn' ïot.Iefo uet. ltothe snl te g dte ovenoteu avitseGLOE1tna1IY nt tioirtcre eu Oa tonanfr omto mc ha yaIn reuongh swtepuca n h lleresio, ac] dme onae b>f'ie ac Who bas snovod bhis ovind ipa, ibue aig e s Watdd'Den'lTh atrayMSta W. rot udcue:EMSSON, ivt iga'imnt b.accf dstin-1r 11.trtIa' h îîeplon luma >' iiurangime mHers ihatisevr-,al ayfaue ttai ail ST I R i~ , 1Sf P T an Y ST R ('It E M r s i i e eTa c f b y -e lt t l a l Jý(ii 7iONSUrtle'LATIQ FREE.s BOORS > vihe z4 v iii reboutht n t bis t o e sudr>' ime 0f ds o faner I s o ibrug In oensa Tory sdS.ket(il en ei aln7 iu >1b m c no ex eie ce i I o i A Rew y xanng a l o d m r s t u fephe O b ,yu laid: "Y, i ', Ai lis t h e t h t s h o t d a y f r o n t e h r v e ti n fi l d n d n tli; ftu i p a m leu la r dai UESTON ILÂNKfor OME a Rui er pus. ho lofi Il harol Fnmn au o yu fateisbtihabec aus Ipa bay l i meana>' t S cil!otia e raest ll t lb. tre, hbau hlil thon., ibm dio yo wn syntac at tu. liebose 1cma essud gai vel I shîl gel vmî oveier or S ffc et Iis yaranyaisAQIKCR net take il avis>', iii. ituevi aurNEW tItlahtho. ioras hieD. a osearc mîaen;the shahugl FreeGLOBE I~J1~II ~ eospmmnln Ifeoneiht en'tlhe pesiratvin s bning efu rm hau viomn lu be poiîoutary? IthiniA"ii.-rI. U i Vr110) IEh!ATMke, nd ilSh ý- olb t l ae. the nlgbt rth as mmrnt vfm rasetdsa. u e o iebiaoueff o t uub. s ntfean So îeau r)'Oth'alfhve te5G,0131Tr il viRi hearcureavosanie styleonfgnol dofltisedfocton vin, androug hrti et- eiam a efiua.Rigm h(~" . ' f~! ~ ~ W111 1U 1 f ITaFe o 'ce fr ICHre. ï,l ýrVVci b, au L-a lae uplis gfen oI eu e teancpo uaga t iss., eer tcphI na'siguer ardon." Âwlugthe I UJUlilJoi, bou t ý ( eem lcdrtefr ua at )abiontsi h ilbae tu h er-ise ea ue oiep e rmauin ei ate-gulnai tnigb' b àlgIbstc ~ A ~ a --~~ vio ii crn ltoib sorosd res viultacriais? Thie a s greflcdaebugrsit s atesps mbiiilitytbIbm m . ,)i-cil, SU: av Lopayfor'i . £n i hesiilr dbfae b s, oeioneWhobas mbehqen btI nlîcliahi Imepe s via gmUR 'ot ff Pchas o be adboîera viitifIboa l ~ iI51~~<~tu 5cnu Novmnaonagotisa muechau, ne fea- tht vi arelisefina te entifrs dacir morovi. Yle mey fei tngor, amnti.wvy Iuten n cr:gvlbX-%nI h. yflteconi arofrotantr. A t. la ulbie, hn l. a Ittn. ye mn>'Heel aller. Thonlie e'. af BAVI & LARENCE O., Lnsb.d VAJH ULeSPII ý1ET in pufetiufoertier. viiibm bhelona gmlThmoaroio. i boudrae1 a> uImoThe evenal n thamble a sud b. nid, " e s o heRNOR iR onseVEL - "To raa. aey Dvl' mlaKi I)RkNS hlmH tr ou beconsre igepin ooll vlh t .muab. vliena bokenItbetu x par wm t inatill anou, Rie vir b il i te ia nm PROMPLY S C URE ,ueigb uploaaul hing selt 101t.. on da tinalouot'.tae reli>'uiot lo.evivha- rnaou. ntig i 'oador espRes ilyur îoi ') nti ei es eina Wrie freu Iitaesîug ock "lret pimeona etl rals.. "Evom woa o > u sOf ormr1" h ohthe." Tinalltnan ignb. vehwor-e, for ton.cpe __________________ Cd) SU 'ý Tl iN E E . OO S, he wil et rn e Js st re nd sa u e a I wr ahl te t o n. mtt eoe b t A e xaneramoP a s n bs d nî U th n ali u y O E T LO Ir l V t - L ET- li or'ulp" Ifu "ew yau a re vfli.bs Mt Te ur N.loIt hbo esrReo "In> tbHe w Uds' ut boaudef 1m.Oh b>ayehw ES nve efr bbîSai, dta > Saudusanush ket for mdl Qe or Kcuaenv nye o.~>~tio. Ou mpah,"aslsaleee " 11 e'0ia Ia l.cR ugb nna * bcut. idnu e (offeeofths . UR invntononisspcvmen ativihel au Rinevi hai usn>'aoyances t tse>'baeclnslacostntpram.ofpan e s ad m ene uipinal e OIBO(iectm a IIIRDHRIGDVS tis F OTYL$H RLIABL Ia rea RC oinion as h@ lw e l vihee rasetharD ilutyo rei lu n;Ishlliltre TF(ý,oE isoab~,ptssaa.W tae peiit'ilyu uerbe-itEncour et lb'b ragtsd Detri.>'? TRail eteie nahndr sdapcîî ricesS or a lins ~ejdtmt tache hatin ory.,rîou te la ee eang t e batedmages ! isandIgeemîlan Ens iýeureie rohit ettb>'bught To______________________Reoarsede b' .edi Ha trENN la co- iitncnus sud e h& yu lb.sh tod ii adilli eanuss o t for nan. efn thed "asmontaiarye 1a thUDiR nkIN sRhVN reîiaer. e Ci-'li& eeianC41i Fagine . the inelndunleaaïmftiisdisuce beDse tIat1 ubay Flglise pardonu Aamcl one Polyiebnic Sbeol c ]Sasgueeria. lie basorai lulega voi>'lpeiful ap rallauou men111of >5, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wi Q.Swe'saAscain so.xmsr~ tatibe> b awke ?, sidtRiaplaa'an. nenlecuisi "me IRalire. Tbos sur-fo th New',,ONUKLencu gouragen usimaunfsoios;sct etr'i a au r lede r t give me or atr ior." Yen havm see car me en ngd S 0NATORAl Le"l, 3 4- . . 1 - . .mre itramulesoc tnf e i." - .,. ----- -- .-1,_.- - I ------'- 50 ' EXPEI v' fRin C Piy ïiciau baves, soman annaiu e~ other ncar Up lt.ho WL Tima>' earl>' complmentr>' naviprotion, days via o>'lte1ipius O l5f> iiio>'balanice t ach rathen. Andi evar>' nantibat vi et aovisanl n§atieS; onm te>' s a sces., I amn glat tlise>' hve sa mail>' fude hIfeUp hiRR augbllu e b.holp& b>' aR' l rnxeort a burial, lie neI tday ho rparceoncongm iAl dcana open ta tisoi. tuioa iso tb ava passodti tsehelgbts ani s tsilaie noute; hilti~I>I~~~ The> anre wLIcomue 1u mauslian sd te col.aatecningh ie a. ultu .NCE le laco b>' nddei roývuouton vih Litîle chiltinnsenutvison tlise eliein an eucending e thîrens!. h l Jea ate lite place an>' day lu oun gra>ýi comm>' ýdevin lie 1rad, andtihie aei journalisti laesissm!cs pearotsrea.gilzîng tiesa ep, oit Dpasd sa>', -Eenlthzna lita baouuag oeani more precuin;itis' anoto, tis tat Yeu?" Tiest andi b.- A gentlemean in Engianti dieti Raaving -if you u ienîea'toolILyou visui io mre weeo ar fniniiimsansudthe grave, figist- bis fortune b>' viiilaubisas sanis. Tise soni synîpatisatie. Be affable ývibn yea haive lug isack tisa mipa Of disartiatisa caDsetiaI t ai t thorna d"erye isefatser'u 1o0b au ex tW A Sbsrsted n suir up tram tiser cMWMMpmeUlib>' AiseCodtivilanti prendetiCtiitise braser vihe MAKS ginti ta ne. Disuesin yeur nmmd visaIriver.Na oue ears sncb thasikesaubisa wnabsent WUa dtMa ntibtni. Tise thie niaelentis cenulur)ian ha ip,su doclen Imars. Tia>'are aye ttisne Lhlnti,aben Gbohr"llau ula nelrMei ant couevis.puper, antid lap,, nngîgtha>' are teat ta the L lissin le b-;'Inlid is ptefthtis ýethèr an ývarda lauaau who are engagni inlutnsibfOvi55 eitis tise tsne&dloa5s e of e anti jurons ,onofobebnLsatu as> ia sPtets ltereat,froîn lise chia! of etillo niai h --i>OtIisY bava e fzieudai.tisreurmed is" îse~amnti s n ovasnea aet. peýrtinent davistale b. boy tisa îsv u n.eday thera Wasea dnaattil fbreboi- ut ailbut ocuI> n igmpmor. Tise trial l"me A&mairniug or evening tavepape ntu i'ng;lin ar bcn a. Al iiao; sv s gne cine)p ir au~wLil~~o s'iMU yo~u aFonient witati-w. T-lie tiçtoncaem e ur us as t d~v fLtisaÈsghiie îur -mua: auGti sr 2Y Encourage macisanios.Tise' M lpom~b thccbIR ýiIt eay ib tdYti( &>'m-ensth1e prudie uof r pudne, eard mal Min-Mtsappes, or tisa>' wîîî caicinuina 'ýtisa 1 ail ietou iuîsîo anti e th1e leu< IuautisaI îuatc , asbhan lue ma, ss1ia caîineorlisay vilii put devin tiAcar- sut ati Has'>Hv oti> ia ceos. j"('gi o"f bis afii robtl EI'sut v . pals, orÉlise>' ilîl grain lthe duonor n leck itit tcit, andi 5ev the banjstar on -bhe garcf a mnuJPler. Howel q is v ort is>'vii assin is venrase B Dl reaked ,theugis wu Ineti takaap il sa iigo'sscetsa ralvetat 4y AQ. eamanr those viseneyer oS>' anyîisinu 1aBou! TisaI igiitisthactor altail p X el~e lacnrntma ' NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE NIRS. JOHN DRPW';S Siage M ais LTtseP-1 -1,a 1 s l, ns eariy cence -iisstr~ed.evciyîyaud so n eUild States If -au dele des sc krethe-ns nd RO5BER tî v IN'rMe eLÎ, Lt-- THlE McCALL COMPANY, tera t 'em on-Sctet Esavs 138 to i46 W. 141h S i4New York C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~S I.IbO' o evuAecfAre- îiMrkt..,sen F ranica. tari b>' 'user AEte, ieI y id erAc'at f~elisez ' l Z3 00 ?e~;25î u-e BiisetMagazinie Piï,shI~ ed j-, ý ki'- i ons),W- ats7 Sr.,NwYk î-rtt rotoige' ieu- t(> - s J s ~ J J '41 nt the efte,.q pmoreaë> se, -men Who vati that ou@ en! ffoing domm the bill r

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