Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1899, p. 3

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, h fi waudiu itttomau1 Wàdk Ieadlacho and r,'iove aUil thetrou'biep 1h01- dent to a llouýis--"talooftLte systom. pucil as ~inesNase, zoses.10 Dis t r f atting. Pain inl tha sidle, ,c. Wljothleir imot rtemurksbluE BucceB lias beau ehown i u cxj eatichy et ic. ,rs ie uLiýglVe r P lls a 'vtig hia 9oynCo)lantwhhïthya eorrect alidisord e F3he~toca-h,stimulate thec liver and reg1_' u Ltethbowe;ls. Ee fteoi ored. âch' ey Wouldbebalrnsstpr lsto dxewbo muffèr from i sdsretgcornlaint; lt foi-tu. zYately thiirgooueadoa oteidllrc.Pndtbose who once try them -wifl flnd these lîttie pills a ain. rWblein so many wmys that tiy wilUl ot bà Wl!- 1ln~to o Wthou thm ut afLer allaic3dhea Ist1ê 1,, 10f an man7 17V lia tai re 1P wbou VUMakeour grat boai. Our pilla cure il wbile otherh do flot. Carers ýlÀitlîn L'ver 2rois are very s~landi 'Jery easyi to taho. One or two,, pillaiea dose. n~ey ari stletly Vegetable and do, not gripe or -)Urge,> but by thir gentie actoa pleaseaiU who "e8them. iii vlals.t 25 ecntu:-, ùvefor $1. by dr cit verywhore. or net by !mL CATER ý!ED!C1NE CO, New Yo$& GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguishied everyWhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior quality and nu- tritive ýproperties. Spec- ially grateful and comifor- tiî,g to thienervous and dYspeptic. Sold only n ýj1b tins,- labelled JAMES EPps & Go. Ltd., Hom oeopathtlc CeitaLon- doni, Eg d EREAKFAST SUPPER FLORIDA WATER - THE SWEETEST» MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO AND ENDURINGO0F AU.. PERFUIMES FOR THTE HANDEROHEFJTOILET OR iBATH. AILORUGISSPERFUMERS AND GEERL DEALERS. You can't be healthy if your blood is impure or wýatery,-if poison is circulating through yeur arteries instead of rich, pure, Iifeé. givinig blood. If you feel drowsy, languid,- are constipated, have pimples or blotches breaking, out on your body fthe remedy for you is Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 <Ihaebeen uin B1.13J3., also îny Ibrother and sister-ini-la w, and we find hit a rnot reliable and cfficacimis blood Ipurificr, and rnost cordi;allyeomned it, We purchaised il, froan J. R. Ault Sors of this town." MISS C. 'M. WAT- SON, Aultsville, Ont. B.B.B. is a hjighly concentrated blood purifying veeta-ble remedy, --only 1 teaspoonful at a dose- you ad1 the water yourself. DR rl i Kt l .3EsF P.IE N D ,MANVILLE. FEB. 1"1899. GÎTE us MEN. The following- fine linos, written by the Bishor, of Exeter, were reciteti by Canon Flemning atla meeting la London anti wererecei'veti with intense enthus- isam-thp-e etire audiencre rose and cheeretifor quite minu)Ltes: Give us mlenl! Men-from ecvery raalki Fresh andi free and frank; -Me» 0of thought aad reatiiag, Mca of iight and leading, England's wlfare speeding, Men of, faith anm]fot of faction, Men of lOfty- aim lanaction, Gieus men-I saY againi, ius m en' Give uis men! Strong and stalwart ones;. Menl whlom highiest hopeinirs Men ýwhcom purest honor fres, Men who tramrýple self benieath themm Men who make the countrv Nwreath themi As; her noble sons, WNorthyv of their sires! Men wh neyer shame their mothers, Manl who neyver faï! their brothers, True however false are others, Give us men-I say again. Grive usmekn! G ive us n!n Venl wv;lo, when the tempest gathlerIý Grasp the standard of' their fathers lu the tinkest fight ; Men who, strike for home and altar (Let the ýoward cringýe and fatr, God defenid the riglit! True as, truthi, though bmri and lonely-, Tender-as the braveÏ are milyv Men who treazdiihere saints haye trod, Men for ýouaitv-Queen-and God; Give usmn- say again-again- M. Walter Couitbard, Oshawa, is Ostairio Coiunty's new Warden. The East and West Whitby Sunday Sehiool Astýociationu iet at Mdyrtie on Tuesday. Good health is worth more than an.y-, thing else to voit andi every bottle of Uood's Sarsaparifla contains good health b il ugl Anderson hati his nose broken wile playing hockey here with the Port Perry team mrecetly. That tired languid feeling and indis- position to effort of any sort will be rapidly emoved bv-thie use of Miller's Componnid Iron Pulis. Mr. W. Grahamilodgsdon and MNissý Ethel Webb wîIlgv a concer ti bc. John's Presbyterian chuhreh,Port Perrv, Friday Feb. 3. 11ev. J. S. lroug-hall, rector of Ail Saints', \Vîîitý,y. announeeti Sunday wekthat if his arrears of salarv, $375, xrere flot pui speediiy he woldresign., St. Vitus' Dance rapidlv cured bx' Miller's Compoundi Iron Puis. Cases of yeams' standin g aoIv Penjov Iag the best of lîealth as a resuit ofta g them. The complete returnls of the prohibli- tion vote shows 273,487 for anti 264,571 against, gixing- a majority of 13,916. The total vote polleti was 513,05$ and the number on tIse lists was 1,2238,840. "I was takea wlith a swelling, li my feet andi lirnbs. 1 was not able to walk for four months. 1 moud about llood's Sarsaparilla andi procureti a bottie. Before i had taken il ail the swelling Ieft me. I tooki thmee botties of llood's rand have not beon troubled with sweil- ingi_ siUCe." IlEnaccA SEEvERs, Chatham, ~Ont. Rev.R,S-eaborn preaches hisý farsewefll sermon fla St. MarilusinteFedTo ronito Junction, on Sndav Fcb.5,pio> to bis; removal to Bwavle i will be sucrceedeti bY 1ev. Canon McNabb whc is now laingnd r ESM £Nr T :m Th huiver.sal fate of Imankinti. I t cannot bc escaped,, but it can binsured agaiast.$ CÂNÀDIÀN ORDE>IRà$ hiold it ta be their high dutyr to$ $ k maeiteSy or al healthy molin $to secare sufliient insurance taý protect the-ir dependents t th $ owest possible rate conistetilv wvith safety. They have succeeded. A cop-y of that splendid story entitled "Over-coxing the World, " by' vCiiÂRLs M. SHELDON, author Of "ina Bis Steps" "The Rodelton o!fretwn"etc has been sent to us by Theoo1be Print- ing Co. This story la inti.esin.- alike to olti and yong, andtihas a powcrful influence la the -mouldling- o! character la paper envers, 125 cents, extra fine cloth binding, 5-- cents. For sale by ail dealers. or sent'bY publishiers pos,,tpaid on receipt of price. The Whitby Chronicle says : )M. Ed- gar W. Ailini. Toronto, son of Mr. Samun el Allun, Base- Line, Darlington, preachiet at Ceatennial on Sunday af ternoon. Bis sermon based on the words 1,1Follow Mle, " Nas very pract ical and helpful antirmadie a deep impres- sion upon the congrogain. in tbe evening hie atdmresseti the Epwo,-crthi League giving a genera1 survey o!i missioniarv work. lHe had a ium ber of maps anti tiagramns to illastrate bis me- marks. The aIddress was verv profitable anti thomoughl 'v enjoýýed b Jl.Itwili Mr. Allia is at prosent takin)g a Course ia medicîne at Tiniîtv M icalColege ý,popaatOryto0 en-It er ing1 the11 reic The arrivai of a copy of 1Re-n ri e's seedcaaou reiais u ls that the sea- son of so anti frost will sooni be over anti the time for pianting anti sowing,, beg-un. If the articles 0offered inlathis catloge ae a fne a qaliy s the book is lat appearance there is a treat la sto-re for a Il those who patronize this wide- awake firm. Buyers of seetis anti plants wlll do well1 to'scecure a Co py,i which mybe htonapliato t Wm.n Rennie, corner Adelaide anti Jar vis St., Toroato. -We notice somne itemns of especial iaterost to farmrers amnong thile new fo d d e r plantal s o lanthe-,fi eltd, root andivgeal seeds, and in facti throughout the whole catalog-ue thefre are exceptional values offereti in both the vegetable anti flower departmnents. MmýI. Thomas Conant, Oshawa, has publishiet a aiew book of considerable înterest to people in this rdistrlct. The titie is "Upper Caniada Sketchles" withl illustrations, portraits ani mp. A gwarantee that it î,ni;ivprinitet i lato ýayv that it was donc la the MetlotIist Book RPoom,Torýonto. Sixteen chlapters - 01r W nefli 0f ïinterestinglIy toiin cidenits-compose this lre28pg book.. Comant says in hsmftr Note ila effet -Phe Caaian public ap- preciate anti value the rlto fot setes tories ani the legernis anti1 tra- ditions of the past 1I ha\esou1ghit to presnt limpes f th rue, roclite 'lta ban l"u tecarilier -,vear-s of settiemrent, while at the 'ýatime de- itigsomre passof life aq sean, at the presont da 'y. Referring tobtheearly settiers Mm. Conant wýrites: The nr- ing rifle suppliedt hem with Inent, thle waters with fish, anti the distant miiil with flour until a crop coulti be grow-n from te cleareti landi next seàson. They spent the days igigandthie mights burning. Thebrgtflne among the trees anti against the ti ark backgroundi of the dense fomea-Ft matie a picturesque scenle. But to nakem-oaey, 'il titis new country where there were :Io neighbors, nâo travelieris to buv anti iio money to buy with vas a more' diffi- cift fout titan mn aking a homne. Amon- the illustrations.anti portraits are a tx- picai loggingscene, Roger. Conanta flrst settlement, mapie sugar making, camp meeting scenle, Daniel Conanit's lumber mili, Durham bouats ascending teIRh cm St. Lawrence, portraits of Mr. at Mrs. Thos. Collant, Davidi An- nisani thr.Tte book is well worthy o! a place la ever.yfamiv librarv la this distr-,ict ant inl every public library la Ontario. Another Cigar factory has beon stamt- cd at Galt. Dyspepsia un its worst forma will yielti to the use o! Carter's Little Nerve PiLls, aitieti y Carter's Little Liver Pulis. Thev not only relieve present distreas but streýngthen tlie atonacit anti d3igestiMve apparat. Dr. Jory, 0of Norwooti. bas locatetila I1 was weak. sc:trcelyv able to drag xnself about, '~sI worried, anti quite disconmageti, 3MIllcs Compo unti Iroa iPulls rapidly brought about a change(, I neyer feit better la m-y life titan 1 do no"this is frequently hearti. 1Grand Folks, B. C., is ejyn building boomr, Haroldi Dix, Rat Portage, Ont , writes: 1 trieti1B. B. B. for thoi disease caileti Prairie lîcýi , 1 oaly took titree boUles ainti to m-ny great satisfaction was camiplet(cly cuireýti" A branch of the Mlerchants' B'ank bas beea opeacti at EIganvlie. B3acIkache in alimost immnetiateiy me lievetdI by wai~'onecf Cartor's Smnart Weed anti Beila1otna Backach< Plus- tera. Try one and' be free from pain, Prie 25 cents. Eih-leacres of mnn at at Jno0yon, Que., solti for 8,000 Mýrs. Mý. Gillardl, 3B St. Anitoino St, Montreale, savs: "I have useti La- xà Liver Pulis for' heatiaclse,, constipa tion, otc , anti have founti themn froc from griping tenldonces, anti I eRname- commeati them above ahi otiters." Don'It doprive your f amily o! abunti ance o! wholesomc reading- matter. A happy New Vear indeeti to thoso wito believed etieve , was rio:cure for catarrh and to who the constantus " ! oinanents, nmff, aud waaies %vas a woairiniess to ihe fliuh. A. deligittful anti sure cure bas been founti. No neeti for fetiti ireatitanti broen voice.Senti fo a frcou',tlit anti be cnict.Theý namne o!ftitis sure cure is Catarrhozoneý. Cataritoonepenetrmcte to the diseasetI prsin Îlie form ocf pine scentt a W rit tonce t, N. C. 'PoiLýs&G. o!Th LvigAg for. the 3neVw OU Tiie nubrfor Jaîîuary 7cntns amog oiter tigapnetat ~jsoi~sow l~asr j p Ar~j f IIELP WIUH A DOLLAR. The mortgage iïndebtedaess on the HoptiFor Sick Chiidren, Toronto, entaiLsnan interest expense of $2250 each %year,a heavy drain on theresourc- es of týÀis great Charity. It ivili be remrembercd that la a recent issue of this paper th e wonderful work of the ilospital ivas describeti, together with an aprpeal,,from tihe Trustees, asking that thie people of Ontario payJ v25,000 of the mortgage this, year. They bad agreed to retire that portion o! titI mortgagec. A gonerous esponpe bas been matie, but there is stili 8,0 needed to complete the fund asked for., Over $222,000 lias been paid 1in,. some of it camne from tlie readers o! this papor. The Charity la provinicial and flot local. Sick cblidren Jfrom everv nok n corner of the Province are cared or Keep iin mmd that Scott's Emuilsion contains the hyvpo- phosphites. These alone make it of great value for ail affections of the nervous system., ht also contains glycerne, a most valuable, sýothlig anr)d healing agent, Thei thlere is the cod-liver oil, ac- knowledged by il physicians as the best remedy for poor blood and Ioss in weight. These three great remedial agents blended into* a crýeam-ry Emrulsioîi, make a remnark- able tissue buIIder. so.as z E o, a -ýigsts. Ant icmant lte titiagathey say, No hut wvoli beanhnnwouild Ani love voe jov alWa, Ail miht bele~e, Nne wo111idicve No ullnrwor-tia won,,lli betra-, If people saiit i tinga thiteymen, Thte Chaimniian of the Hlospital Trust, Ji. Ross Robèrtson, M. P,, Toronto.' writes: "I's there another ma in your towni who wilI help the heipless chilti- mca wçýith a 'dollar?" Mr. IRobertson says thiat overy gif t to a worthy charity bears interpst for the tionor. Threel thonuands ,;in-le dollars wiIi do the work--ui iiiyon igiv e one?. S. A. NOTES. The Salvation Army Forces over the greater part.of tbis continent wiii at, the caîl1 of Miss Bootht engage in a great sge rom Januarýy 29th to April grd. Fie!(' Commissioner Miss Booth bas sent onit a stron gly worded appealinl potr fn-orm , uil " upo th"tmue anti tho brmave" to rally to the great fight, anti bas declareti that, Iby God'.S grace, the follo;wing sha,11 beacopiht- Backslitiers rieclaimid5,00; Duakards ant i otorios sinnr convertetI i 800; Conversions matie (aklic anti no- torious sinners aroe aclded lainthis numbor.) 850 ttlinlsoldiers 'a rolieti Î,000 candidtes bînietifor S, A. offlcýership 200(: inereasu in SunCIa.v 7 a. mi knuetrlil utend ance-400;Lis- creuse lu Soidiers open airatedxc 1,0;Increase la Junior Soildiers totj 1 weely attentiance 1,500; increa.sc ina Jutnio.r Soliiir compaay atendlance, 1000; new Juniors enrollet 1000; Junior Soltiier, companies fommeti 150; J1unior, Soldier locals appointot 60;increase in, thIe sale o! Young Soldiers 150;new Bandi of Love mnembors 700. Thle local Corps ha ve almeady eôm-in meaced operations. Brigadie-r and Mrs. Gaskin of Toronto coaducteti a speciai pablilemeeting last nigýht and onSauta and Suanday Pcb. îth anîd Sth Lient. Colonel aets Territfr- !l Scc,7etary, for Mis ooth wilI cýoa, duct a special sioge laiiithriBairraeks. Alil are cordiailly vitei. it laý becausI'e thev 11mproye the power o!asimlaio tatMile'sCompouati lroa PiJill ncease the number of red, corpuiscles anti increase (il(e weighjt as rapidly. ~,MCLURE7S MAGAZNE Z t à year 1 - . - Oc -- op FOR 1899 Amnoitg the special features are A new serial by RUTDYARD KIPLE NG THE'LATER LIFE OF LINCOL4N. By Miss IDA M. TARBELL,!. THE NAVAL SIDE 0F THE WAR, 13y- Capt. ta. A Trelegraphi Operator's Life-Reali- experiences and deî a-s Contributions by higiteat authorities on iniew docveIoprnentsui SCIENCE. INVENTION, EXPLORATIONý Fmbhraci n g articles descriptive of Aý Plunige jinthse Diving Torpedo Unsolved polm oAîoon Boat. Life in tbe deepeast iniigos Submarine Navigation hatpeary l i, gl bArtc The Rite in Modern War! are The Tber01p)-~iîue y Tclegraphing without wircs Tel egraph Th1e Mreso! the sea SPLE 4ID SHNOJRilTSTRE Too< LitiÀ-e Blood Z That is what makes men and womien look pale, sallow and Ianguid. That is what mnakes them drag along, always tired, neyer hungry, unable to digest their food, breathless and ^palpi- -ta-t-ing at -tne neart-atter- sJîufl Sexertion, so that it is a trouble to go up stairs. They are 'An- Semic," doctors tell theini;'and Sthat is Greek for having "too littie blood." Are you like that ? SAre your gums pale instead of being scarlet ? Pull down your c ytl id-Isthe lining of ià blood- c hot and pale? That is where "t-o lttle blod"shws More anoemic and weak people have been made 7ý strong, energ-etic, cheerful men and women by takingyWC r.'as' PilI I i or ak eo k1 than by any other means, They are the finest Tonic 1inMË the world ; they have cured more people thian ânîy other medciebut you mustt the geninesubsit u tes are worse than useless, teyare dneos DvdR. McK~y h eIke. aco tlatn ýpoor and I 2,sion fch cgnte o fD.Wi- Ç liams'Pinl< PUs aid vS surprised r te apdiy iî If your deaLer deno ikc hm, send the price, 50 cents a bont or $V.!50 for six boxes, t-~ the Dr. WilrsMeiieG . rockville, and get the genuine by. retur-i rrU. 1 Mon of leval breedïnz. 1 L 1 ýy Wy

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