Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1899, p. 3

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w * dent te a blon1 lst o ie7stermL suc asa Dizinesa.NaseM rwsnse.Lstress afler etn.Pain in i io e býle.their mot emrable ucs hmbe bwn a uzing Éenacbe, yet îrcr -1tIe 70mr Pille are equaiiy sainabie la denstipat!i.n,:tiring antipre.. 'Veniing thisamuo i-'gc mnaiin,wbile iboyalsa lver anddiregulatLt o Us Ee f ihey only cured .aeetey oud eclosprielso thosewho anier ro ths dete~s~g omlait;butfortmm jatelyft,î rgoodnjeFsdocs ntnhrnthose Who once tytcnwill filudtheý(se littl, ie pil a able in so many watat thcy NiifL o eWi!. 3in ta~owitoutthm. But after alisit* hea< Isilsebane of ao nvny Pelivstat her« ile whor Carter's Litte Liver Pilli are very eqmali and very easy tetaz.o no or, two pis iakea dose. '£bey are strictiy vegetabloa ud do net gripe or purge, but by their gentie action pleajse ail whe sse thesu. In vialsat 23cents; fivo for $ 14l by draggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New VerTs. EPPS'S CnOCOS GRATEFUL COMFORTING' Distinguished everywhere for Idelicacy of Çavor sup.- erior , uality' and nu- tritive properties. Spec- ially grateful and cornfor-. tit-g to the nervous and dyspeptie. : So1d only n -lb tins, %labeiled JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Hom- oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. EREAKFAST SUPPER IBRJSTOL'S Sarsaparilla 4 and COUATED 19 The Greatest of ail Liver , Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPECI FOOR Rheumatism, Oout and Clronic Comlai -lt&. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. AUl Druggi--sts anid General IDealers. AN THES For Infanitr -"n' Clilldriren. TiheD. &L EMULSION ýTmM& 1- EMLSION Is tb1b i t dîmost palablMe preparatim of t aear Olaeeingtwith the mcctdlt T 1)., L, EMULSION Is roibod by thse itadlng phyrutla* 09 T e n& 1- EMULSION Yeu aanïlppeiu. 50c.'. Ier t0.. D u.wv.you get rI &VIS & LAWRBNCE 1té CV&Uuà UICÇm~ited, mantreali BOWMANVILhýE. JAN. 25, 1899. Th,à Christian uadinis publîshiin a list of its oldiest Subseribers. Ovjer fie tonls of turkey- s were pur- chased in Orillia within two days. The Methodist Book Boom are pre- paring an Officiai Conference Map. The Norfolk county poor bouse at Simrcoe accommodates 110 inmates. Mr. Geo. Berry, Hope, recently killed a two-year-old sow thAt weighed 626 Ibs. Nothing so effective for checking sev- ere Couglis and Colds as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25c, ail deal ers Mi. A. Edney, jr., photographer, Lindsay, died last week from typhoid S- e pînk Perry. fancy stand. Mlr. anid Ms .T James McFarland, of Stanley town. obtin ull unîd 1aohey, anmd wstra- aorGnea E ts, militr ciffo, anhld oqut1- J- car, i.an us.±or5PoR.T, ship: sold 91 sheep to an Iowa breeder paPulrs cdbyth hstmeicl kil gveno o li.PhlipiesMrsrs.wiantedrom -a spprtdJh. reny.regardin heIiheVn-'ited States. Ico-n- Professor J. G. Schurman, presi!dent Ibv the lbride's brotheor, Mi. '. F. Dale, . hitBy; dock al),r. ndM. ZJ. gg they i Philp, Balsamt lof oi-Dalbumrsiy.e.e. E.s DrCassOiten f oncuUre.st. omavll.TIhie !interesting cere- rand Mrs. Howard;crtL te st,1is Mr. Thos. Swain, jr., of Caesarea, and grel ur. voîi tls weight in goli2 for Colonel Charles Denby, former mninis- imony was pecrformed lby 11ev. O. B.E.PhlpWit-;lamàp, Miss Ada Hun- Chas. Swain, Burketon, were in Lindplstn ki ies. ter tu China and now a memnber et thseLab , M A., D). D. 'Che bouse was ter, Port Poirry; crystail cake stand, Miss say Tuesday îast. j A i~Chesagesere War Investigation, comm ission. prettil\ decorntted wýith moss, bolly, 'A. Phiîp, Whitby;slerpciecut »W.ý ffi il)ýbook, cioth-boGui)slsdike ri Crapsan cliear awas promptent o any addres o r- rgadier-General Charles B. Wiittier miistletoe, cýarnatuins and roses. Men. Messrs. Sherwood, Norman and How- Wil Stawbrry te best Diarrhoea ing Dr. Chases Compianýy, Admirai Dewey will be presient of while ,tisehap couple received omn Atu n isForneSîiv h . Toronto or Buffalo, N. Y. tise conmmission,gr't :latons from the asseînbled guests b;fml il \iýhl,'o /6med ineitneIt is now aonly n question as to wvhther afteýr wlîich tise eom)ipanvy parto)ok of a by-ail l , s E. W. Phl, o Lindsay Hockey1 team were defeated or net the gentloiee named ci 'i1 con-ynt bontfiful collation. Dr. and Mrs ronto; do6ck, Mr. aiJd Mrs. Baines and I byUxbidg atthelater lac lat _____________________________ t seveand as ta the date o 11beCascaîlelis eft on ,the c loektrai for familyv, Saintfield; setfiat irons, M.A wek3 Soe7-o0 and Miss Wright, Black-stock: Carving- Tek.oetloelee o0. chsN WO Lcommission 'will start for the lPhilipu1incs. Toronto, enroute tog iniefollow- set, Mr. Jas. Mclloull; colored crystal1 anedain ofrheuatim mansacgheat SENÂTOR P, ed by the lbest -w5sýhes of their many tea' set, Miss Julia Hoo per, Port Pry and pais ofrhematsin ean a geatSENTOrý1UGI. friendls. Congratulations and kindest crystal wvater pitcher, Mrs. John H1un- 1deal, and Hood's Sar'saparilla does it. Miss Ettie Venner, Orillia, i vsitng islIes were sent b a 1lnmber of friends ter; china fruit dish, Mr, Franiknd There are at present seven deacon- h er sister Mrs. S. A.-MaP.s onL,. . ..Mr . Deciprees th, eee f teof 1,ipn vho) wcre unaiible to be present. Many Ms lrnc erBethesda; silver esses and fourteen students in the Dea- Eddy. Begina, N. W. T.,i iiiglsEgh îs e s.e euiu n.cslypeet cer-pikecuR r d undie, Oshawa; coness Home, Toronto. aunt Mrs. S. Baskerville. ..Misýs Eileen Washington, D.C., Jan. 16.-A rsl-ceýivedl by tile bride. One, the' gif t of carving set, Mr. and Mr,. Harry H1art, Peterboro, pays nearly ~0Oa -car Ton svstngfinsl oo to. ion of More tbinaordirary signiL"fiuli'er he rtes a adees-Toronto, lamp, -Mr.S. Masoin: table for pl.ectric' street lighting. They are . . r. and Mrs. - N. T. Se;iby entertaîn1- was introduoce in tiis enal on aLur- veginrsdta e ossio of sprcadl. Mr. lydnand Miss ~rni agittin a h~aer ysîm. d a numiber of t efriends Fr day by Mr H ar f Meahsts î ilt-ii ids aharticle bat Pollard, Toronto; syruip pitcher, Miss Thoseunhapy pesonswbo sffereveîiug week... ,TbieLais Aid of delares thse people of ! bu Pliin1les of f ully engra u-d with the bridec's initiais.- Lila oe.B ktck atadpp Thfo îervunesand dyspesia osuld the Methodist churcli held their social rgsiogt t rea dédpendent; PUP-HSE.per csos Mr. and Mrs. WVill. 7righ1t, use Carter's Little Nerve Pis, which t ep. Mrs m. PicadsaTlrsdetia ieyae Cse fo oltcl A xerv pretty wedding tnook place at Baktc;cp ~dsues r r are made expressly for sîeepîess, ne cm we Tee a1alrg rowd conectonwit ,saînud hat tbey Ë rsdncifMr .Hopr Pr est MLaugliiin,Bacto. ous, dyspeptîc sufferers. Price 25c. v rsn n ilejydtesie i aefi ks 0 sals aea Perrv on Wednesday Jan. 111h wheni mensely ... . Bey. iDr. Iotts, Toronto, yetfrtimevs ihwihle - sas ntoerofînavpracbcd an educationial sermion la the United States doos not propose te inter- Utei eldest daugh wtr CrT.iEdgar The Weatlv o mi libe young mca întead takîag in the Worl&Is ethodist churdli Sundav imoriagi Jan. fue. Mr. H-oar desired immediate tnuitdnsnraewthM.TEdr leased hby John igadofBrgd Pair at Paris, France in 1900. 151)h. Subscriptions for$0 were taken potieeautnbtndrbetinPii),p, ickerirug la1 the p-resencýe of Provincýial License Inspector 'Stewvard The Temple of Fame entertaiument for the edlucationial fuind. by Mr. Davis, bise chairmian of lie for- a1 few fiind and acquainitances the asrith cew, cerem"n, was p erfrmd by BRey. LE .sy rneus so h nrae was repcated-in Lindsay Jan. 20 in aid îgnrltoscmltet et ovel'. Hwr Ik - Ii Awiid ca1narý was accu îin 0Orillia on of the Home for the.Agcd Society. A MaUio iom lia Iti mîdst of a speech by Mr. Allen . one adthceolita is usua peaser Women with pale coorless -faces, who fIIA iVuiU andu. i.tii lU.ili. of Nebraska the deati of the Hom. Nel. ing manner. Th'le bride lookýed verv oeo Iecl nso eebr feel weak and discouraged, will receive sn Dlngiey of Maina was repoirted 10tee rcyinars ofwn oordik Mrs. (DLr.)f Jas Hlenry bell on onie of bol mental and mental vigor by using Seat, ithwicslvoetinc ith lae1 Orauge-oville's sidewalki and broke lier Carter's Iron PuIs, which are made for -- .After adopting fitîiag resolutions of u bt ikrbo îdwaigalg the blood, nerves and complection. respect to thee meoryr of Mr. Din2ley During the ycar thiere have been 72 As a rule, mnodem9wppravet-adlsenn oabit uoyo h interments, 23m aie nad 88 females, sero enideavor to niakýe their ýsitautemenîs dstin1guished statoasan by Mr. Hlale of Sand 16 dhdren !laLindsay ccmetery, clear anld truthffi ; thcy krîýow thata Maine, lie Senata aijuns s ark Mr. W. C, McCrea, of the Peterbioro intelligent public7- specaiy hewoenofrepet Business Colege, dicd at lis home ini portion--quickly condemna untrufi's 1and GI LD'AR . Asliburaliam Jan, 17th of adule peri ton- deceptions. ta, Some advertisers. intenidïingto sarIlNew Nuimbers 30,000 in bise viclnag-e Smart Weed and Belladona, comn- high, suddenly fail f rom the sublime fi fMn101e.etr aii=frln bined with the other Ingredients used the ridiculous lu their statements. Suceli of Manaer DCath.gfr a in the best porous plasters. make Car- errors arc promptiy detectcd by the dpnec rDah ter's S. W. . Backacbe Piasters the class of people the advertisers wouid Manila, via Hong Kong, Jan. 14.-Tise besti on the market,. Price 25 cents, influence, situation haro becomnes iiourly more Mr. E, C. Bcman,:Newcaftie, coatrib- Imagine an advcrtiser of dvcs for grave. Tie,New York Herald correspond- uted $5 10 the emergency fund of tle home ds eing after giviag a long list of ent visited General Agui"aldo's outpoais Deaconess Home oot;Trn virtuos possessed bv bis products, r rudMnlao audy n ndy L-eague s1.10. umarkiug, "Tbey cleanse and rdý e atth(, h aietop eee nhsatoa same ,time." Tnis statenient mnade 0trise idea of an attaek upon Manila. 01n 0f sucli diseases as Sait Bheum, Scrf- tens if tbousands of initelligent omeOn ai ýl bouses are displayad flamiag posters nia, Sores, Ulcers, Dyspepsia and Con- ti'lsrpin Iirpnec stipation ai-c made by B. B. B. Theisodotrrtoiulaîdcmo bernti.nsiton"Idpdee daily paers rc fil f sttemets o sese; thal the advertisIr is,witbou)ýt lossO- dai. thosewb ae bcare permofsaeent uro f lm odmndas imtno e- Ilis :said tintthle native troops in t'É.11 byB. B. haeB. eraletv u e vr eavirons of Mianila, number 80,000. Ail by B B. . 'iamod Dvs i, t1é stndad liin rofezose grant iintrad for thse Americans. Mrs. John Clifford, Pleterboro, wo DaodDe s~sadr ccTr correspondent wma arestad freiquexit- I delaIwcprs abyfsavaondsyes of fibe ,forld (dmref lot make ncba ]y on lie suspicion of biag an Ameni- A die lat eekreurnblyofqta Natindaim.lIb eir valuable book on c homea eersi EJý1sovLg-i lad over $2000 secrcted in a pile of rag-s . abtwarlesdposiwngs uscdas bc. deîng (sent free [10 al who seud forit ') cunsularpapr. -Teeinomore serions menace 10tbeo seilymninta i od General Agninaldels soldiers, a n godhcat h peet g bouibccenc enroby r d-ail, 'ara îonging ta attack Maia T Kidncy dsorders and its an A S.loa, lwever aises ii the ln elr by will acceapt no terme excepti fact, but a rucer, ad tsan for- fls of and formulates a ucw doctrine by as- aisolute indapendence. fat, bcuntru eople have toet-aint of s4rting thati Dva. cîcause anîd A steamer just arrived et Hong Kong RELIEF IN 10 MINUTES I th cunryspepl hvete ait fdye at the saine itime. Soon we wil froni Manila bringe a large namber 0f Eey ufeeroin catcri bmida thesu lincs wiil find inibem aimessage thil insidious disease with-them. Dr. hear of a new starh manufacturer who rici and influantial Filipinos and Loeir o op.Nomttrbo evrly em> naflc,,n ate o a> e Chase's Kidney-Liver Pils cure al daims lis stardli wil i canse anud stif- familles, veio have loi t tia Philippines laid e edfs e ay blriednemaiter hbeýwnin>'physicians have experi. Kinydiscases fuah aieIm.1 ls iutonbsr. -mneci rupoufn i vain, ine satter how completciy be ma>' have despaizxed of KidneyPort ope, en Note snde htman f .wmnowlngt testata ia te lndn o er r idding himself of hia dIisgusting and distressing naady-he can be cured I 'Brownie" Waiker, Pr oe e- N odr htmn forw n Tise refugees saata h adn.o udesuo udeso ae sbi sbshv enflyadpriilIl tuÉcdt100 ar on the thin ice on Bar- show temper and sufer disappointment American Iroope aI Iloilo would ba Iront- Hnreds uenbuDRdo asNeWs Cas a Ra is ha e e ulyadprm n rett's pond and went tlrough. H"e was wbcn tbev make e of~ dves that pro. aS as a casas bel, andt tthle Filipino urd'i odrflrmDitAGIeW'8 Oail.TAkeRhAL oWDe tr.hbsdvloelâ rescuet i wth great difflculty. tend to take ont 41lirt an fi l e color at the army, tiereupon woald attack Ganaoral Ibis ederiyfatl rmdy ee fe 'us ite of-oet ceat aeeleped ýrinÏto Mr. Gco. Cummîings. for over 20 years saine operaton,.~oic that vo- Obis et Manila. asnd get a hule. ifl wdl relieve you io ru minutes-it wili place yeon li te roari engincer on Grand Tun running taon decolved eouplai.of muddy and Tise Filipino Govermmnt las efforeS at fou raever immedofatel Il curessold in i bad, sorelsetnilîfr between Toronto and Allaudale, says: dismal colors a fter usitii aduiterated an neyions in lie provinces ta foreiga sia e eebio ml nefns.1lr aa necîn etrfo '~becnsat uy ih ywokdysuf. ains ioudn ~aindc î aetic Rev. James Miirdock, of Harrisburg, Pa. exhe cssive tpaithlamy back, Lt e distincamiluedrstood that now iahaiiWiogaMenue. "be1know anything is wortiy of recommendaio, Iconsider it oy dutyioi et ngave me n snil. yfriendshnowit. 1ibave used Dr. Agncw'sCaarrhal Pewder for the lasttwoienb rackingm kexcieps. tied seveakL tixtivg-nin of mndsothadeand amsnow eoinpletely cured ef catarrh of fixc years sanding. Il is certairl ica remeies n y i I was e1ommnd ee l by ve n dtia xvii fta a se out iede OETUT EI O QEZ.insits effeci. Tic irat application benefilefi ime wîhiIfise minutes. 1 woulidflotnie remeiesuntl I as ecomened b vied cl%,e hatwil tak ou grasewihouiiiin tic boRse if iO cosi 85 a bttle, as il wil curean>'sigit oldm baveu my ure-mai, sMr. Dave Coulcy, bo triY spots, Stains aîîd dirt aud at the saine Iinost instantly.' At ait drsiggishs. Dr.C. ses idny-ivr ill. wotite-yva ecntcolr.rfPDahnudStndrdO.i CmpnyNuwChrgs r.Agnw' Creforhi ieai rlisebcrhiscsenimiute. r.A ew boegimltl erdea3lelD iNoe.for Co-al (iiiand Gasoliine. Liher PiS- sec. fr4edoses are tic best.D.Anc' ihent relieses Ina boxe copieclvcurc mcaadI [ci yes-the worid 's popular bonnedxe-cesiîeradilsidsas.Cusplsinsh ngsa.3. '10 day a better mais than ever. I recoin give the fuiiost and richesî t)ron a<1il Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 14.-Tise Standard 7 mended them 10 ail my iriends. materials whon the goods are ea o01 Company' since Tan. 1 bas adianceti The January number of The Chant- They are, fic only warraîîted dlyc-s on tise price. I 'û a gallon on gasoline anu auquan. Meativilie, Pa., contaînis anar- the market aindalwavs do whaiscl t- coal oil. Coal.oul le now sold aI 1oc and ticle by Miss Mary H. Kmout ons En- d for thons.- Do not aiwthe fbise gasolinoeat iOc a gallon. Tise ativance lisi) Joumualism,"' whicb. is markcd for daiims of aîîy nfcue of comnii c aine without warninig and tise roson for For sale by STO~TT JURY, Bowmanviile. ils fairness and breadlh. (dyes 10 iead yen into trouble anîd finani- I s ivn. 'fiaeraailers loiS us ________________________________________ Have you calarrh? Have von offensi ve cial los, homers yestarday ualtisae trust hiat ils- b)reath? Have you bronchitis,? Have von i>' " ph i is r on ien ftintc s sltgbt symptoms of consumpt-ion? T h eni 'Play" tawinàgWood. wes aIl tise> knaw abozt il. Cincininatsi D zlT -' rnr> l'7 11 tend for a free sample of Catamyhozone. Tise Canadien Grocar thiaeire is bueie nJaer'ecnRtilp .. ~ '11 1 W\bat is Catarrhiozuîse? Nult a snuf, an upeîing for nago you n laRat $12,C*0 more te thea Stand1ard 011 trusti1ril was nr oaiea, bt n domous gas Portage, basIng fts opinion upon lie fo) -itan tlscy wonld if lie priceoffi ail isad diseased parts. Il penetrates wherevcr NWantedl-A Younng man te ol nter lprigCyhelae.. a year - - - - - Ioc a copy air edan go, and never faulsto10cure. \Vegasîcral store 0o, Bain>' River. MI h elrorJa.1.-rb8v Bwes FOR 1899M dlo 11oÎ ask ron 10 believe Ihis until von seles., honesti and a pîacticel bookkeepopr. iseclia "eos acera pig have lesteti il for N ourself . Send for a Will ba expeeled ta distribute and 1 t trial biltle g atist N C. Poison & Co,, meke «P mail three limes a week lan ll, 4aS> ecvt iog i us migîeseilfaue r KingtonOnt sumar ant teountnalpra'er eetngstomas Irons 'Mr. N. P. Clark ot St. Clould A new serial by BUDYAIRD PL G Mm GogeT.AgeIeitr f(Presbyterian) on Wednesday evaiaugs. Mnoea orIpre ldeee.~THE LATER LIFE OF LN O X Dumb Anmals, garantee lIai aî Lpply by latter, l1iclosiag réoerences atdMn Ieïl el nw slieporo-3 DAM ABL tapoulof powdlemed sulphur i n tîng wages iexpeetei, lta .A.L., Ný,ws tomai . lie hMeowLawnlovFtn fClydSas- THF ,NAVAL SIDE 0"'lTHE îWAR By ýý-C-t Mhan cadli sboe or soka will ward off la office, Rat Portaze, taes.TisehoresStn.'FrnSi- .- gripipe, imalaria,rimhcinmalîsm andycellow As tise fermer saiS ta hie sçn: «-'Thora' e>',orgal rsa ntles Chiewd alisand bever. ~~~~~~~nothinig ta do to-day, ta you me>' go ontMaeaHuesblsWdedyat ATerahO raosLi-eaoprinsadadetie. Il fee.and Pie>' ewbile." -And what cen I were admireS la> a large nuniber of Contributionis by higlhest anîborities on inewdelpen.îr I - ~~~play?" *'Sewing Wood, of course. "-New jnSgas oi gooti horieflesi.- Il 9 MTTl~T1T51 vrllnT ct Somec cough mixtures Englanti Grocer. fleath of Judg-e Muir. SCIENCE, IIX LNIUI"1 LR TUiUP4-, emoîer he oug. Bu th laSlcnessanSSerow.Hamilton, Ja. 14.-Judge Muir dueS et tise residence of bis son.ia-law, Ernesti îEiba-n rilsdsrpiec nex br,.le ansit ntolj~ GS tkesnepleusura la pain or sor- S, BaIl, 115 Madilson streat, Toronto, on ~ A Plunge in hie Divinigorpdnovd rbesoAsiooy $ rew, bat -He wlll impose lottis if theraby Tisursda>' afternoou,. John Mui'r, )LA., Elo a t. Lsfe ii lu îL deepesi mne again. ne nMa>'brlng us ta love lm iior iniait.B.A_.< LL.B., was bora la Grimssby, Sbnrn aiainWaPayi oni ieici us more lite Hiimself. At suci a tim4p Il Lincoln Coulty, on June 13, 1848, lie umrn ai,_aîl Bec.tter put the cough out. le seîfsh, aabelleviaýg, tae onsplein andi father boing Aaý,drew P. Muir, anti bis 41Tic 1(11e iilu odlerr Warfare 'lhle TlcrsoePcue y t mumurvor' wcke b inSinut with inother wvas af daugisteof a a U. F. Loyal- ~ That is, better go deeper d eoaemdcnswih aai s (iga1n- ilou rsi, Go. ier aemeicns isoslatn l saac Switis.lie wes caîileci tg th, Te grpin wlou frsTelegraplih an snohe tefiesofIf-with Iwisdem andS la moderatlonI, binfuSbar la 186q, anS was epolid uio 'I Mrei f L sa diseese anti restore healtis, but abrised, jutige of \Wenbwarth In Jure, 188S8. ý ,;i4c cianautau i anu )MU 1 Fém ý,ý veais ï suffered ! 1 0-e' ai rdj M l-W biý-K Lirocacte, trimmen Witil walte k- FILI0PIN O COMMISSION WFdJD1NG EL.buueo iyo te aly Rev. J. N. Vanatter, M'KINLEY HAS DECI1DED TO HAVE AN CACALE-AL. l lcosin ofthe bride, wspetl attired l ay leienita Jrme INVESTIGATION. On jond'Dc 8h rtywt ht ikadlc n of Albion, Wis. weartne, home eduin was elebrtcd a thebouquet of Lily, Of th+ VIe',h eseneof rs.M. , BryntBrook ro a tedd i osn r WRITES A LETrTER ON To 31lzae a Tisorosi Study Of the Situa- lin, whenli er' eldeit daughter, arah Shewoa7ude ayowopr DR.. CTASE'S OINTMENT. tien and Advise as bte e oliey f Jnl(Jni)Dale waîS marriud to formied the duty 0f1goosm n la Ali D ascie, D.1 , Winnîipe, ,mRost satisfactory mîanuefýr. Af ter re- iBe says: My wife was thse U. S. Regarding the Islands-Tise formiely of Napane.ý At half-past cevig ongÏratulations from the a-xS nsost terribly afflicted,%ýith threo, whule sof t strains of melodious rsmldfinstewdîgspe ~ tnsiaeci ~ omnaton le lasMae.mulsic îissued from hie piano, played 1by was served. Tfe evening was nl lin.ripaed oour rcom- "i New York, Jan. 16.-Tii. Washington MssLeecli, Toonto, the lovely bride social dutChaadgaeatr ih tio. fied fon;reoi- oir(,sý3,(en o Te ord ay: lierd lld(rawing, oo eu spend ha li a, rwhý W Chases Ointment, and less Preasidant MoKinl8Y haS deoiid totue amo irboh Mr. A. H. baiee oneVmon i11rens nCatrih than onehbox effecteda0,coIII- '5.Dd a commission to the Philippines te Of oletrN. . The bride was an alntnw e hywllrtr Sufeer ae piete cure. We were so mak a thorouigb study of the. situationeatiulvatiedii gwno îor o her nw he l Pckrig olow at ibrt b pieased with the ûjiment and advjste humu as to, what the piolicy Of boae ai triinod with white edb h et ihso !hir mn that I tried ,i it ysfaI t United fSîates siioulci h regardlngchffoindca'rrjed a shower bouquet friends,, for a haippy and popru ie correspond have been troubled with an those islands. El ie a asked these genitl.- 0f1brid rses. Sheý was assisteci by The pr1eet o h riewremn wit te usihty ainafficio mon te serve on the commission: Mis Alle Dach wmanville, who 'n sflaoTwhc nyb on above address which covered thelo1erart ear-ÀAdmiral Dewey, commaxider.ln. lwas vei'y becomni des'_ ale the follwig: doo-N1im uite ad oz.iý of m face, Vde3eý,npl h n w and VAll 'bhief of the. Agi.+.i. n ailad.n - hbne À1zciii; -tiill î1 îoo sit -4%, 14%, Idiv liw Wr av loir -4v,

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