Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1899, p. 6

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ri1U H ý%A ac,ýnq5 the nations, and history and p(ISOPSULIyN T ho aRadiil ~ttesffall ~IEI sd sculpture, ln thir attempt tch Lai r'ector of St. JmsTrtLi 11 14it and deoscr!be lt, have sened to seweat1 - ~at.Oh~nottha wa xa owi eperl ho'!jilety. 0Jusi raad the -cbapter after 1-day-for-Japail - --- -- l Best Seed'ts Absolutexy Iqe.eSSary. lieh wlth a- great i* f-ziainte be. Oh, the kindness, oh, the eniarg&i Tvon gohaome. Faith In (lad, and she was .....bI all ini ettbag portc1aýors of tarrying. sxiahe aeie lsoigaon a ahre otl burtbfr et fA S ik ecno o togvnrto0 e _____________________________ e;l uu a cauintry parsonage thtat thssWho enter the gospel nistry. Iid ltr.A h, wanan wilii neyerappre- locs aOrtvai cf bwagnwierea.,n h i suppose the mntof IShunein baci tapay cate wrhat she cwcs tO husi itnil Port Arthur, Ont., Jan. lO-Mr. Alex- urZe the supremed importa nce of plalit OU-3 1 wag,,n 7ýt1_ Vreiking',Vtlol adringc ] arri.ster n seds that iare perfecUy pure an-d an~taffkorseancd!rafité 4rîer,~,hrstia woran f Shneinthatioo e -r se ner jýâgaýnism aud Mahamined-and r s;eîent or PortArhrfrheltfes.edshaarofrdatcso OMM@e utdmr tise asicsof sainechari.l trt-Lrs nse.gr . rvr it cniee u-15 years, died quite suddenly ye-sterdaty. prices are slmoqut inari, Ibly of cdubtfui tabi~instiutioGtaP td a11 1w 3, r. WVink bad beau ailingfoabu a origin and ucraae ure (,to cause4( PROM TLYSECU ED ~ icoaii:seheneghbrbad.Lu neGrea E~i ~Tr~~bie ~ yarbutnot.hing fatal vaF ant.icpated. the planter daponen ud lots, 0! ganthls wonan ofthtie wtxi as Hodlk ati nte habe. lv ewassa long tinue in partulership with 'FThethoilghtfllanersonysuriety Wre of altelei gwoo rk, and, nt, l!ilvrteat brstis sopi goatii broehyia fduelroblofe e al orkladaSIataerhdy ue cr's Hip" and "How you are awindIed." ialitw. Xet s. muis 5h. 0sinMp t 1 Mi s e 9only son hacL dîed an ber lip. A very frtefnrl r c e uhn.3aftrware rar& (eyin e C- D n ofndc"es njoj ig smds sený,vùthou y A S(f srougitsketch or model ut unr ofaoterwarmé hersgpry f Ftricedt iin wrthntin haountyhld Acfvothcirckntiheour woandper.trustworthye housem.tOPor \a o ii,-,o or improvernent andi o vie i et7Owiia ae is -rga1t oiTUringii igsiwet uilatiaihosooi. bve5h eriitcfthe rlirewriinrgBue ri heeh et of tert ivst ndhe f mican r ardenthe oufeeuropinion - ý-to -wether it s abede Willl iIMpresatL-8 frene 0? tieThe sacred writer puîs it ve" tcrsAy uzgInau, 1 a he ie u litn caAtu.H evai dWaal-tL proaby atntale- ~ aka secaly irtigel' tia .s acres 7ear thre8bold when ho eays, "H.e Ft on ber kuùe.until 1gr is erth iliuvlo rtsr i evaaw d, a danisy terhae su oýdeihav i e h ds"or yas) th ut ~ e,,_ý r-ier-utcsr- -aasthe,-wari.ti ef Yeur grectlimg, thse n500Eanci thon loe l." Ytithe writer groan ffrogo, usltdbrke-andisel&e (e. ams erld frmrCoUtQ, cnfdeceinsedstht ea applicaýtiornsre autïseti lu aUr&r hynet yut Dundas nud Port Artha.r.-Mr.sWGu- theayntme, 1).aM.aFerrymc&,Co4,IWin1,or, lsierrally e yns iseroura ges t tassytiai ise eRlamed "I îs >eartod, downtroddou woynn a~ ti wastcwn sgoflcitar for Port Arthsur frouin Olit. Tile peitgeneratyn of planiters AT T L7OIIé%R--&--X-ERTS tasn 7n-QP S oi atteya- weaa"Gre lu. rosple, s oianhava tallionin the. Nil. and Tigrîs, th e sLucorparaiiotin lu 1 84 tu Daemibor, can hardvememaber the timue whie1 MAIUN MRlN EXPERrTSsd y .o ai y a wi "(ratlipaprt s.wmnLa Plats, and on tise steppes cf Tartary. 189j7, andi during tisai time hai charge Ferry's Seeds were not )oil e evýrY~ Ciil & ISectaýnVIalFug!neereGraduaie o'th o or ce vfcmThhoe r teeee ta attetntions, liïy moran uis n'tneainwhigc echveran a ental t'i -1cni S1er f Engineering. f leir n in, yorcrnsus e ecoi. Whr r ts oo ia hv cthinhohsbeudshnr d l ukihgr c ay motntsas ncunDîuwhr ac ersu sr1ual .Sp ld cioce, avi nivr'iy Mmbrs isr.wll h hgi aure ofle e yur blisteret ou thse bot auds et ibis greai t ni:PriuplcesdSai i ýiihthe iawn'Faffairs, In al c hcs lne b huanswortege~ PtaintLa, A ' ociatien, Anierlean WaterWOrks WlemetrVetigi auhave netilng but Saisara? Where are tise solaior tisai bave Alisemibra. lier utie anes bae bauhe wsesucces-eful. 1 was conzidered est faith ithe unvarying quaiity of tth Aseoiailon. ýNâawEngand Watr Work ÀAS'oc'. sacrîioed iilu the Indus andth ie (langes. on ýhûbet iunclDliaw"ars in a 'eds 'erplanter, whether alread t', V. iniveyors Amsocation, Usaoc. Miember can. tiso lrazea edlemliok and tiseý plain chair net bout under tise burdona of grief? Theei e ra o ugoo . ea of~er SicietY of Cvil Engineers. tc efer E3115e whefl h. ceaieste SisulRon. Where le tise hip salilg over giasmysea hnreslentar, or a dungoonor rve, or canada,. aest er' edio lt houi4 OFICS 1NW YORK LIFE BLD'C., MCMONA, <CAO. Muet )beautiUel is tàù. graec.etbeplsltthi a bs ot aftemr u !e ecaught i n 1111,o altan rarvr rsent(1for Ferry's Seedl Annual for18W 0Fk.~ATLAT07DU ILIN., WA3llMiIl, D0 - wkeuz shows it d hebou« elt @Oî am s1na cyclone? Wisre aisie gbrenof n rh alake-, or a-sean but cuuld5tell5 steTy of The Bridge - 16a dGo. It is mailet free to asoewhio wrlteê thaikul hâ 1 ar alay b,,ýM pstr cmfrt uttrobbe bthhitcheti p itste outrages heapeti unos ber. But, tisabul tis a ihe alwaerba9m estln.ery ad aifrbtintoleathn gje hou thants ta(Gad, tsi. gloriaus CiristianIty retrait, Micis., Jan. 10.-A Washing- for, it Ra hv eaert esrssswlee ier t iisbrln lessr !1iaseconmes forth, sud &Il tise chaîne of this ion speciai enys: "This tine tise railway PittRS wo oI "ve ialîtv. A rang were woaueit wUndor sepetig et egsae oferin te vassalaga are snappet, and she rises tram bridge ovor tise Detroit Eiver is a >go."1 E ErNCE stand la thA v îllui er awis1le sud groat iseari cf tise worid bas burst with lguemluy te altet spiero sud hocamos Both M euaorl MeMilOd@laresd (enat s o thianzaake a pilgrintiage up tishe gwoo Navigators tell usaouStishe river. hs ff wnoedubtruie ote ie a et arlie avtatthrdga bithl tl o" aj?, a steusfl hisin îed ttudezeIteti amd rbraed ho Mississippi have houa ezplored, but who Oh, If Christiauity bas doue goanioci for throigis until thse railroads came teau npfSY& A ~ su~~gau, ad us.lg t sasieeau elitis deth r 5h legîhof'hs onanj, sureiy womnuwii beccine ie agreement for the oqual anti nintual isw£ ltât ow w1â apaleoUlbÊtfr o ntereti greea. river cf earrow, mode up ea tars eiadntaieaean i ulnjs njTaetc h srcue is atod PlIf-atin.have Dow agraet. It, wîlie tise cecupant ý1arQ mhlm witisan Twd rlinDhrugtIlhidisd Hopif',tln Taa~ MWCS a bit hîcs ~tait a ge<s, b«ingtti wrcf familMes andi Burtii 12 Buter, and Lives. C0DEYRMARS allckwichue" A t ay. is ucilacuseIf eoof muauiteies and of empires, fcemlng, A Fie.hed XSbuke. Paris, Jan. 10-A degpatch trmnBir- DESIGN<S n-cth7 ra«tse hous. t Goi o.iMwrlislaoie, beiling wlth tise agoes t Ho.GoreRuei, uhi Rcala- Ancu sudn asktc nt dseltin eHan.~aopz C<eorec sgio n bs (cole- 5CH rLII3T!!IN 4jtD quieky aeetrncor leehiand frip w ather nduvey fente o 'Gd' .,,6&,000 yvesse? ' eCtoax nd 'Veai- ney staSes hat a ivortinan naimat Que.- qniehto le robab ionfrcommthrunies. churoh tat would ~matlatain largo aet tlbtwh a iens anti telle the follow- my h a uidi hf hog ý-4f- MMPIE2ýS 4 * iuc.ïtyniipr aptentable. 00nay, wbina wa ec. les hurietWoia g tayailuvet te it. a sis teeniaflif he ibrougissoid ncý t~rsstîctyco5da aifladbokcnatets Obritian 1Influence In oommustlty culture evitËte d t ocaz ofEu, lng of r 0 Batt tefaou msertie ein l c heeath asreout t ents takan t -roui Munat& C.recevve eïtrâgakotoisti io vepcan cfetherl angcieT beaîlo Cola e hersow in ast evening, ,after having remaiueti a , îutce, wftheut charge, mInte et Christian hisIlity. scoria sud pouring thor awn tise sides bn enat iammn iat thse ladies prioforece by euor,uesay, hogs a.4PtiCuifie>0NafJ ~Centfk,,lm rku. A goati mana travelininelatise fer west t ioe ieatae h l1oui bat oti te an hemeu cf tetie mehaiby lseti, ss nd, aeroui overtakosbyil gaî a s ebartetna'gs, theebrokon Ajadceriutaadwei.Lmi l- anti sierm, asnd ho put lui ai a cabin. H boa sutagostrvestin.iar ur neltim 0f ne frsamsalong thea basaicf tise on~ ii. a lhrp, I worild p aront c tbraoscaThe mstern. cer7l r . ________ Hgadv eiw011 cares 8alit pin ~ va. . tit larned N dii . ure saisaswasneyr gandti usannoyance, anti thon, isenfing devinun 1ýian or beast; for apýra1i, ute, oeubaian hutsai ho bat tal ia emet t.gno atceaUr Da~ 5d n' We-t Lizlàt. ri e, aiaslNepe, eiualt ý.h FEwAjiai* beus hr ily panturbD.i. iulm amigeelogîista Bll nusaei n sbs'iloetetlne, '&hall Wbcoantinuie iQ!s lraflerd, Ont., Jen,10.-A votq a -,ad erig5i £fuor avIsle thse mn et tise hous a .tue mmezmel ueuaie soeSv#Tmtlun ia tle drawing ros!nu?' asti abou en teon a hylpw ta raIe 'file tvicguheacean etntmlvre- heme wltis a SUR QU bis sisolder tanud & ~ .ehe gtguQ ummo nt bloaging< ,.se tram bis hair. Xit vse rally a strok1-- d,4i or tise iurpce..et puàtiun uanr e 1,gular Acti o ftire bovwe1-is e- B~me Hea6acie Pad rs.electie liisi plnt. Tse byavi-W _4e re thre best oecastenai cathartle for lq vd yt0e gan 1 piiler 5olterlBe"is laa cone. T ý:ise rue the aonto a Pn Eliuke thse iunvroprieýy wiuihL1ut leaixgfwet, b. eo te tnding 61 ls for nd71l fam ll r e iune. Frice 2&o. 3 1l0eoc10 fer 25C.eÏ1 Ra gsu«md 4 rsm a bai àg *mtt.di , .MBe, azia' âk&ii ore lm à. f ir Vdsl ienA. M &SîÂaylruggLet &Qa t

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