Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1899, p. 5

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TIhe Sticks. "b s the kn d to b,--clarefti bo ut Iý, remiedy gives sueli relief 'in Couglis of this kind as our old reli- able Excelsior Cough,' Syrup. It stands the test. Large bottes 25e, STOTT & JURY. Sole manufacturer, J40ow Wts use the latest and mnost a- curate instruments known to science in examiining the sight and! although we do it free of ail charge, we mnake the exaination most thorougli in- every respect for our reputation is at stajke and we could not afford tQ bc careless or inaccýurate. Not oniy titis buit we realize the danger of wearing spectacles th'at fit imiprop- erly and we take speciail pleasu.re in demnonstrating the difference be- tween our Pe rfect Fitting Spectacles and those that are sold bv others who baye flot made study of opties a spécialty. STOTT & JURY. The Druggists and Opticians-. We sdi gliasses from 10e up, but the 1best value is our $1.00 leader. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLE STATION. QOINseEAST. GOING WEST. ................8831 a. M. 1 *Express... 5 23 a. ni *Express... . 10 lOaILocal.8 -28 Passenger.... 3 41pm Passeuger.. 1 35 P. m Local. 51m t Express... 4.31 p.m. ~Ex>re.. iloa IExpress... 7 391 ot Sundeys only. SrTr & JuRv. Town Agents I3OWMANVILL4E. JAN. 18, 1899. Nicholîs aiways selis cheap. Join tise procession and go to Nichols'. Curtain Poies in great variety at L. Morris. Try Nicholls' for writing paper and Miss,!rlertie 1Lylve is- visiting Miss Taylor, St. Thomas. M iss Anniie Lyle is visiting Miss Ethel Maynard, Caînpbellford.' Mr. John Stacey at tended the funeral of his cous;in Mr. John Stacey lu Toron- to Fridiay. MiIA.james is aen for the Christian Guiardian, Christ-ian Herald andLadies' Home Journal. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. M. Joness, Retreat Dairy, have been visiting Mrs. (Rev.) D. F. Gee, Markham. Tue-sday Jan1. 2 1, le the, date of the Choral Union -oncert for the benefit, of the Home for thse Aged in town. Mrs. Rl. H. Turner, Centre St., is visiting ln St. er- guest of her sister Mrs. (RZev,) J.\V. Cooley. Jerueýalemn Lodgle No. 81, A. F.& A, M., gave 85 to Toronto Sick Cqildren's Hosp ital. Antiochi school, Clarke, sent Mr. T. I. Smnelt, Woodstock, former- 1 f thtis town, was judge at thse big' g ltrv Ex1ihitio4s luinTDionto last vffek. Miss Martisa Smffth, B. E., represent- lng- the Caîtadian Viavi Co. o«Toronto, wliM address thse ladies of Bowmanville oni "Exercise, fooi, healtis," in the Royal Templars' H1all, oni Friday at 8 P. M. AilU ecp ,Admissýion fre., T ,hose çvisbing- information about thse Viavi Movemnent peaecal at Mi ss Ilenry's, NVelUirigtosn St. anY afternoon bcfore thircee From tite lorhBr' ttish Ârclîr Edinurg, Sotlad, e laruthat Mr. Mýýtthew rGray, b)rothe(r of Mr. Geo. «;rayv, Newcas;tle, -was gel honored recexi'týiY. A iiinumberoftise lealinlg ScotishAgrculuraiet aEngland 1For tin anS granite ware go te 'Nic- holîs'. A second January thaw struck us Fiday. Wisat a quant ity of ain we have had this montis. Toronto's Sick Ciildren's Hospital lias received $18,582 aid. Wiat a numnber of ministers and doc- tors have (lied lately. La grippe iasz a strong grippe on Montreal and( Toronto. Suits whicb. alwayvs suit wben made at Coucis, Joisuston & Cyderman's. ftirand Ms.TiosSisrin haveretumu- (A from a pleasant vieil at Peterboro. Mme. (Dr.) L. H1. Reid and Miss Reid have gone te England to visit friende there, Tisose wiso appreciate artitie print- ing should send their orders to THE STATESMAN. Miss Newsome, Toronto, and Mise Pollard, Oon o, were recent gueste of Miss McCiung. Men's & Boys' Over Coats seliing off at geatly rediuced pricesi at Concis, Jolinston &- Crvd ermnan's. Brîng lu your fume and have lbem e- paired and made intci atest styles at M. Mayer'e, tise Furrier. SBuy y our fume fom a f umier who un- demelande his business, Mayer le tisat man lu Bowmaaville. See bis advt. Cal at Coucli, J olinstoni and Crydcr- man's for tise beel pair of Blankets at $2.50 ehown by any house lui Canada. Ontario Poultry Association will meet at Peterborougin l 1900. Mm. J. R. Stratton, M. P., iletise newiy eiected Do as your neiglibor does, use Nicoils' Big 5c,.,'bar of Soap, tise largeet and beel bar of soap in the mxarkset to-day, 6 lise, for 25c. Mm. Walter Scott is tise newly eiected clemk for Markliam Townshsip who suc ceeis _Mr. John Stephenson, resigned, after 27-4years' ýservice. Bla-ck Drees Goo de-a beautiful rau g-e in ail qualîties uip to tise fineet goode imported juet reelved at Concis, Jolinston & Cryclerman's. Prof. T. Singleton, organist of thse Methodiet churcis, Port Hfope, bias beena %ppointed organist and choir master of St. Andrew's caiurcis, Kingston. If you want to hear sonie Music ihat will do you. good eau ai T. N. Ricisa.d'h J ewellry store, hear tise music boxes lie bias for sale and formn your own opinion. Edward Bois, in tise January Ladies' Home Journal, wites on "Tise Rush of American Women," making a plea for more repose, tisougis wiich th1e ral pleasures of 1f e are 10 be extmacied. Remember theConundrumArtGallery social at Mme R. Freeiand's, Beecis Ave. WednesdaY evening, Jan. 251h, at 8 m.under tise auspices of Trînity Y.- S.E.snexcellent pogram will be gîven anS refresisments served. Silver collection. Everyone welcome.- Mr. F. Outmam, tise popular manager of tise Globe File Works, Port Hope, narrowly escaped drowninge on Tisurs- day. While endeavoring 10 relieve tise cmusis of ice at i hisédam bhe lippied and feUl it tise torrent. Mm. Obe Fom one of hie mlyessccee u belp- in,- hlm oui. iu tisese davs of sisam and mierepre- senlation taise lime 10 thinis befome bu.v- ing a watch. Go bo Rickard's; he will tell you wisat wiil suit you, as well as wisat you are buving. He buys igist thereforeileina position,10 -se!lIrigisi. Be wise for your good ands e hlm be- fore you purcisase. Major Sam. THughes, who for tise past fourteen yeame bas been proprietor of tiseLindsav Wamdem bas disposed of tis journal anS business 10 Mm. Geo. Lytleeditor and proprietor of tise Lind- say Watchman. Tisetwo papere will be amalgamated anS business carried on under lie new head. The Sons 0f Temperance Record comes 10 us fo'r Jauuary lu wreatly im- proved fomm, spiendidiy printed anS cisocis full of Division news and other wholeeome reading for olS anS young. Bro. J. M. Walton, Kettleby, Ont., is tise editor and We cemainly congratu- laie hlm on lise advance tise officiai or- gan bas' made under hie .editorsisin. Evemv temperance man lu Canada should enisecribe to it. Only 25c a yeam. Tise annual meeting of lise Bowman- ville Conservative Association was helS lu tise Club Roome, Jan 9 when Ibese office were elected: Pres., P. Trebil- cock; isi Vice Pres., C.' M. Ca sýker, me- elected, 2nd Vice Pres.. Jas. MeCon- nachie: Sec-Treas ,,Jas. Gale, re-eleci- eS. Tise appoiniment of delegates to attend lise County Convention, 10 be isel tisers Friday. Short speecises weme given bv Messrs. P. Trebilcocký, S Bur- den, S. C. Hillier and Jas. McCon nachie. Of Major Scisoof wiso will give lwo lectures lunlise Metisodiet churcis on Monday and Wednesday, January 23m5 and 21h, tise Rev. E. W. Baker, Pas- tom Park St., churcis, Chatham writes : "Major Scisoof i preacised and lecturedin Park Si. cisurcis, Chatham, and lise large audiences svere s0 deligiseS witb hlm tisat Ihex arrange for hlm 10 etunn which lie diS and maintained tise higis eputation as a preaciser and leclumer wisicislhe received on bis firet visit Don't fail to isear iim. Tise fimt of the course of lectures lu tise Higi Scisool was given Wednesday evening when a large audience gather- cd la tise Assemblsc Room to isear Rev NZ. Bumwasis, LL. D., President of Vic- toria University, Toronto, lecture on "Books, their use and abuse." Profess- or Bumwasis ised tise undivided atten- tion of hie iseamers as isc lalked easily and intll1igently on tise iwo great classes of books lu tise worid anS of tise Welcome longer days. Carke news on an inside page. Local and otisemwieo on inside pages Mrs. Win. McKowan le visiting rela- tives lu Toronto. Don'l deprive yo um family oüf abund- ance of wisolesome ýreading matter. Tise year le not started right unles your favorite local paper le paid for. 1Mm. Neii McDonald b as resuuied studies at tise scisool of PedagogyHamn- ilton. Fume of ai lkinds selling off at abg discount at Concis, Johnston & Cryder- maan s. Ifyou want an eve ninge fun, attend tic social at Mme. Freeiand's, Wednes-. day evening. Mr. F. G. Humber is slowlv reco"er- ing from a severe attack of i nflamma- tion of the lungs. Several lines of Dress Goods selling off below cost at Coucis, Johuston & CrYderman's. McClure 's Magazine is a very popu- lar publication. Secetise prospectuLs on an inside page. Darlin,-tonliAgricultural Society re- port on inside page, also Darlington Council repo'ït. Thse lIdeal Woman is Dr. Talmage's theme in tise sermon on our inside pagLIle. Almen will wantto read it. Mo6re thaniusuaily pointed istise let tereiged Ratpayr"on Municipal Reformus to be found on an inside page. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Coiborne, prepi- dent of thse Bay of Quinte Coniferene, preached annîiversary sermons at Camip- belîford, Suinday. Rev. R., Seaboru, the new Rector of St. John's church attendled the confer- ence of Trinityv University Alumniii iýnl Toronito, last week. i Ladies ïhould -make a note of tlise 1 fact that Coucýh, Johnston & Crydermiani are selling off the balance of their Ladiles' Coats at haîf price, Canadlian Heroines is thse subject of an article in ties issue. lb ws written by a Darlington boy. He is too mnodest to sigu b is namne, but hie needn't be. Mr W. R- Knight, in comnpanyv with a numiber of the Amnerican Pet and Po ul- try Association, visited tiseo trlA- ricuiltuira College, Guelpis, on 'rhurs- Crinvthere is no ecomparison bI).- tween this journal and its competitors. compare it any week. We pub]is;h twice as mucis Durham counity news on an average as any.other paper Tise Christmas entertainmpnt given by the Trinity Snnday School will be repeated on Friday evening in the scisool room. Several additional. tab- leaux will be added to the programn. Admission10ce. William Martin Johnston, autisor of "Inside of a Hundred Hlomes," coni- tributes tise firet article of his îsew series on "The House Practical" to thie Janiary Ladies' Home Journal. Curtis Publisising Co., Philadeiphia, Say, 244 majority for MacnishiuWest Elgin, Thursday, lu the face of a Major- ity of one for Mc-Diarmid, conservatîve. at the general election ie a clear indica- tion of thsepotca barometer lu that riding. Hurrah for Hlardy! Tise D .&P Mutuial Beniefiti Soityoficeers are: P. President, W. J. Todgham: Président. C. Doncaster;1 Vicc-Pres., N. Horn; Treas., G. May- P ard; Secy, F. R. Dunisam; Directors, F. Densem, R. Allen, T. IL. Sprv, Johin Stacey, J. Alexander ; Collectors, W, Todgham, F. R. Dunham, A .llook, J. RoenigI; Auditors, Fred. Kydd, J. B. Mitchel, Phs sician, A. S Tilley, M. D.ý 'Tie newly clected officers cf the' Methodist Epworth League of Christ ian] Endeavor are: Hon Pres., Rev. J. J. Rae; Pres , Miss Carlotta Brimacombe; Vice.Pres.. Miss Yoang; Rec. Secv., Miss Kate Elliott: Cor.Secv., Miss May James; Treas., Chas H. Joness ; Con veners of Committes--Look-ont, L. T. Courtice ; Social, Siuas Harris; MissionarY, Misq Ediris Careadeten; Floral, Miss M.Horn; Musical, Miss L. Morris, The newly elected officeri of Bow- manville Camp, No. 54, Canadian Order Woodmen ()f tise World are t C. C., A. Nichois; ., L., C. Jeffery; P. C. C., W. J. Furze; Banker. Jas. Gale; Cleris, F. R. Dnnham. Escort, Jas. Nokes , Phy. sician, Alex Reih, M. D,; Watcisian, W. S. McKowan, Sentrx-. C. Dickinson; Organist, A. A. Sutton; Managers- 8 years, W. Trewin ; 2 ears, J. B. Mitchel ; 1 year, W. C. King. Wheu a builder waubs to, put np a per- manent structure, ise lookrs well to tise foundation.- He digs deep aeuS iays tise atones witis exactuess and precision. He "trucsl" aud plumbs" and"levels." A defeet or wcaisness in the foundation wif affect cverythiing abovelb. A soliS fonudationi is an absolute necessity for a solduL ous. lu tise pisysical structure tise eto>macis is tise foundetion. Up- onitbdependstise support of evcry otiser organ i l tise body. It isi tise weeis and dir-<.-- dered stom- acistisai causes indi- gestion, im - l': pure blood, genleral de- r1 bility, uerv- ousu 055, sleeplessuess, and al tise wocs of dyspep- sie. itlestise disordered stoniacis that niaises tisin, impoverisised blood, wberc microbes of cousumption flourisis anS mul- tily. lb je tise wek anSdlsordercd ebom- acis which briugs about conditions biset cause a isecking cougis, sore throat, brou- cbitis, weak euS bleediug unugs. To nwiaisetise founidetion of your pisysicel structure ou;soset bbcth rest of tise or- gane nlay successfully resisbtishe attaciss of âr,. A, W. CHASE COMES TO THE AH)D 0F Catarrh__ SUCCESS in 1 fe is almoît ipossiblc for a mani wiih baS breeîh. Nohody wants to do business witb him. Nohody wantsto ascaewith hlm. He is handicapped every- 0hce. ffnsive hreath comes (rom aarh Setmsfluom -Catarrh of bbc Sionmacb, cone- tusof the Iunýs, sometimes of tbc head. noie, and throat. lt is from Catarrb somewhere, anS Caarhi another name for, uncleanness., Many mnen understand this, and make every effoIrt '. cure iJt, but il is beyond the reach of ordinaly-)ractict,. NO 'sitlf-respecting mian can ignore CataqhF. if bie bas it in any form hie maltes constant effort to ho rid of it. There is something about the manner of-life and the climate of Canada that seenis to breed discases of the mucous membiuane. Medical science ordinarily doesn't try to cure Catarrb;, it "*relieves" it; but Dr, Chase bas heen curing Catarrh for over thirty years, and bis name 1$ blessed by thousands who bave shaken off the grasp of this insidjous disease. Sold by ail dealers, pricCe 2 cents per boit, blower free. Notices of Birtlss, Marrlages and Dcaths 50 cents; wlsen m'urriage licenses are, obtained or funeralnotices printed at this office. insertion free. BORN. Asn'oa'-In shaa. Jn. , the wife of-Mr. WesleY Ashltonl, adaLgbter. M1APRIED. PAN1MiMutER -At (be residenceof th le býride, Coidwat, ou ýiiDee.t9,hy RvM.rod Mr. ohnParnamoftlite township of Maichle- das, ad Mss eunedaugbter of Mrs, James MCCÀLUMiV- ARMSTRONG -On Jan i. 11, aitbte re oec f tebidles motherl, UCoourg, hy Rev. John Hiay, Hielen Rýwiomd, youngtest dlatgbiter of the ,Late PetpeMCllumi, and Mr. Frederick Obialmers rsto London, Eng. l4Esav-ÂCsIE.în s1kAwaq, JaLn, h y 1eV. J. Hlodges, B. A., Lonýie", eldest daugbter of Mr. Alex. Meokiu, andî Mr. Ederi Henry, Oshawa. COuILTiAu>I-WÀAKEY.1Y-In shwaJan. il b)y Reýv. J. P. Wi1son, B. A., Hýichara- Arîur Couth)ard, of Contharud & Sott Co.."andhMyrtie Dolna, younigest dauighter 0f John lWakeiy, Esq., Osbawva. Tielcx-BÂ,ssoN-At shawa, Jan. Ill hy Rev. J. J. Liddy. , MA.,Mr.. Johnt Triek, Courtice, and Miss ahAdelineBlsd8(on,Dar- PIIILP-HTJNT,-B11eR4v. E. E. Howiard, at' the reidncIf the bridesf stepfather, Wm. H1(ooper Esq., Cartwrigýht, Jan. il. Mr.T.Edgar PhIlp, Feernand 1MissChristie J. Hunter, Cartwrigbt. WV B. Brem)er, B:i. ), Mr. Chas. Foster, Maripo- MCMILaNWAION.I11Bowmanviile, Jan. il, by 1ev. J. -J.- Rae, Mr. Joseph MeMillan,Port Ferry, and Mýiss Agnes, fourth daughter of Mr.' Jamres Watson. Bowmauvflle BRowN.-In Carke, Jan. 15, Mary Louisa Browni, aged 25 years. DxAcos.-AtCoecsarea, Jau. 9, David Deacon, Esq., J. P., sged 71 y ears. BEÂTH, .-In Barrie, Jan, 7, the wif e of David Beatb. BEAvis.-In Pèterboro, Jan. 5, Thos, Beavis, aged 95 Yea OR, oToronto, Jani. 1itb,' îat,171 Jarvis Stret, ajuml Gardin is 711h1year, fathe-r of Mr. Thtos. P. Goard, Bowmnauvilie. CxAilsON. Jo Clarkeu, Jan. I6, MrS.Jobu aron aged 74 y ea rs. HoasalL,-Ju Osbaw&, Jaii. 6., Henrietta Horne, beioved wlife of F. W. Horne. RuDD.- Jo Oshawa, Jan. 8, Eliza Hudd, aged 64 years, 4,months. WEsSTEÉ.-IU Chicago, Ill., at 1248 LIi Ave., Jannary 10, Isabelia Western, aged 21 vears 4 months. Interred eti Oshawa. TILLEY--At 5 Weshington Ave.,1 Toronto, Jan. 14, William Dougas, son of W. N. Tilley, eged 1 yeer 7 montbs. STACEY.-In TorontoJan 11,john Steeey,aged 35 yeers. Formerly of Bowmenvllle. MkITLAND.-lu Fittshnrg, Pa., Jan. 12, aged 5years, Isabell Dolly. wlfe of James Mitland, and daughter of Mr. Geo Aisthorpe, Port Hope. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS (lorreeted by J.MoMurtry each T uesday FW , 100 lbs........ $1 95 to 82 2c WSAT,' Fail, busýi... 0O0 O 68 t' Sprîn. .0 00 t0 68 Red neife .0 00 0 472 et GoosE .0 00 te 0 62 B RLr , ,bush, No. 1..045 il O 46 Il il 'il2 .0 26 c085 il et.... O 25 et O 80 eTwo rowed 0 25 te 0 45 O)ATS, white i....-0 00 il0'28 RYE if............000 le0 53 BucKwAýT . ............O0 0 etO045 F sBlackeye, e bush.. O 69 "0O75 Ci anadian Beauties.. G9 0 75 ;:Mummney ' O0 0 71 O 55 S'mall, làO00 il O 57 etBle, f)07"fi0 55 B !UTTErji, best table, 4r tb.. O00 O 014 e sdo7 ..... .......000où 018 POTrAT0iss, bush ......... 60Ùtti 0 ' Tla.>lertbon ............ 5(10u 600 -1 AIRWOIIK.-Ladies wishine7 hair L . ope over, cai atMns.eIcsiasoa s,Xing ONDYAND MACHINE SHOP L' Fr sie r rnt.Knownifas the Hosken's Gro'e or al abut 08acres. No rea9sonahie F, WAUGHI . Dit S-. D, D.S-9 BOWMANVILLE. Denital Office in the Rooms, above . B. ILLIAM8OH19N8 Furofluue SIoIe. V%7ill be at Orono fromn 9 a. mn. to 2 p m , and at Newcastle fromn 2.80 un- tii 7 P M., on the second and fourth Mondays of t cdi Monath. ind Painles8 extraction are Spcate Cail we talk About Groccries? Well! W e're modest when wve say we, can and also actdthat we know as mueli about groceries as any other dealer we know of. Jt's a fact , we do. What's more we is what the buying publie want. Colle to us8 for Clieap Groceries. Colle to 118 for Good Groceries'. ilere are a few sample prices: Sweet Valencia Oranges 10e a dozeýn. Messine Lemons 15 cents a dozen,. Californie Prunes 3 lbs. for 25 cents. Californie Seeded Raisins 10e a lb. 1 Pot Jam 15 cents. 1 Bottieý PickleS abge1' Stoýre dloses at 6.30 p.m. Telephone ordersprmt Iv attended to. Highest price paid for ail farm Prodcero, eýawker & 1Tait. B 0MANVILL N z JE TELR,-A.choice selection of W atch1 ies eerRigPa silver Novelties Everythiniew amd STATONAB.-Stpleand choie 5 -t t-c ~ 'c- ~- ~-__.-~_-_-__-__-~-- - -~ ~-~' ~- - - - -~ -- -------~----'~c- _ ____ - . - - __ - - - - ~ - -- -- .~ - - - -~ c- - -'c __ a ~ ,4-~-~-ci-'-ri----~-rs'-'- i ~ c-~L~ . ..~¶... 'ia.~;--~~ ~ V4TO114kUT SOi ~ j~i~.4s~L~s -,- --"' k ..-~ ~-'5~-" ------ - _ _______________ "~-'n-2tc- 'ct- _ _ T c-' '- i 2 ~. ~n -c ---~ i-s e-c- - ~ ~ -~ -~ c- ' s-c~- ,.~ ,.... , - -~ ,c-,~ î..., - _____ ~ - ~ -- .;c,....sc, - - gL uc-c-s~tj-1.. -'c,~- 'r' ~- 'c ~ .11 "-'u-'w i-00~~~,- . Oc-- -~. ~ -~ - ~ - . -.---' - - ~ c- c--~ beee iisiscfin11~n2aa.... c~rc112. ~ - +----- ---'~--~--,--"--.i-- -- a-~~ -s k -. ---s-, -- - -- -- ---------- -~ --s, ________ -~ r 'c" -'-* MI -ut 1 lvyv.- i -.- tu -L -L . 1

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