Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1899, p. 4

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It pays to bsy a = = For the same reason thiat it pays to buy a first class article of any kiud. No obher Stove ShasAeriated Oes So many improve- - ments, Equal work- û~ _~) ranship, So large a __ sale........... One of these beautiful ranges in your home would save you much time, money and annoyance. Prices Low. Liberal Terms. We invite you to compare with any other store in the market. Phone 66, BowmANviLLE. Rd. Worth. (Opposite Ontario Bank) Inr.te case is, that in Holiday Goods, my variety is the greatest, and value the best yet offered. Don't be late, but among the early ones to take a look through, and' make your selections. Calendars in great profusion. Just to enumerate, Beautifully Bound Gif t, Books 25c, others at 40c, not quite so nice but very mucli larger at 25e and 35c.' Very attractive, leading authors, 75c to e$1.50. Poets,, leather bound, 75e up to $3.00. Toy Books, paper and linien, great value, some at haif regular price. A splendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75e. ý Pocket Bibles from 25e-- the value here is great. Ladies' Companions from 25c. Toilet Cases from $1. Glove and llandkcrchief Boxes from 50c. The same low priees mun through the whole list. Dolîs, Games, Faney Articles, Stationary, Toys, Xmas Novelties, Work and Fancy Baskets, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Vases and China. Sunday Sehools note this: 1 supply ail Lesson Hzelps and give special attention to selection of Libraries. Let me hear from yon. BOWMANVILE P. TRI3BJLeOeIÇ. duo-- du-i le- m'or Furniture Dealer_____-q A ND__ ___Funeral Director BOWIANYJLLE ~ORONO. 4SORTHAND Is practically and t horuy4 tauglit by expert teaher the BRITISHi AMERICAN 4BUSINESS COLLEGE, 4Y.M.O.-A. Bluilding, Toroto. 4 Reporinag ethode ns"'d fmthe start to.fi ,,haligraduates assisted 4to positions. Write for free prospec- DAVID )HOSKINS. Chartered Acc"t,Principal. Federated -Busness, colleges, HAMILTON Business Callege, Y.M.C,A.,Bldg.,Hamilton,Ont. C.R. McCul1 Iaugh, Principal. GALT Business Col lage, -Gait, Ont., W. Brooks, Pri nci pal. la olegateBusiness Practice hetwaen thel -stu Ef these two Representative Business, Sol sï Enter ecuber and eujoy the hast in hus s an sortan intrctin.This!i a exceAlet ime to beg1in. Circlars frce. Addî sc C.R.MvcCuilough, Principal Cawer Tit carry a full lina ni Co w4fl's celebr1ated coco0a that la1belng sOe essiullydmos intd utawtn- Don~mil o ty tbem,. Te N-. RICKAR Exendsto you bis[ Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosper= OUS 1899. It gives hlmi great pleasure to ex- presbis appreciation for your kind patronage duriug the year that is past partieularly through the festivt séason. Hie also assures you of bis deter- mination to do al lu bis power to retaiD yonr confidence and make it interesting for you to continue your patronage through the coming yeam. Grocere due bis taken as cash. BOWMANVILle, JAN. 18, 1899. THE CANAILAN CLINATE. After a comparatively mild and un- usually late openling the wiliter set ilu ini earniest and duiring th de last couple ni wveeks thee meteorog-ical records have jumiped up and down frequenitly, but a iew very coldl days with mild nes occa- sîoitally wvill niot bother Canadiaus, No0 couuitry in the worlproducs a bettssr ail-rounid climate, anid if our people are only careful te make( as niuch of the warm, g-row-ig meathite, anid ni the enjoyable features nf a Canadian wîu- ter, as they have been in the- habit of making- of the more severe character- isties of the cold season, our kinsmen accross the sea, and others who look to Canada as a possible future home, will get very different iddas of aur clituate, andcorne nearer to the truth, wicëh, if they wereonly placed in possession of. would find Canada lacking iu little titat goes to makeup a country that is worth the living in. Where is ttere a hetter? Liberal administration seema to meet our wishes exactiy.Wýitat bettet -announ- cernent could possibly have been made to the people ni Canada, than that of the Minister of Finance in Monitreal, when hie stated that not only was the surplus of the iast fiscal year $1,722,712, but titat ror the flrst half of the current year the surplus was 8,2,855,000 and stili g-row in rapidly iucreasiug ratio. Thé, fin- ancial statement for the sanie period, shows an improvtement in the revenue on, eonsolidated lands account of 84,179,0, the figures hein,- $22,113,878 as against $17,953,974 for the corres'pon- ding periad ln 1897. Exceptiug, the Post Office, every revenue-earning De- partaient shows a substantial increase hoth forithe six months period and for the month of Deceamber. The Customs Departmeut is $2,286,000 better and the excise $1,445,000 better ;,Public Works $860,000 and Miscellaneous $217,000. The expenditure in the saine period is $14.811,987 as against$l8,488,17o for the same period nf 1897, an increas e of $1,323,000. On capital account there has been paid out for Public Works, Railwavs and Canais $2,680,216 as against 81,634,428 ana iu Railway sub- sidies $2,284,716 as against $566,219 lu lu 1897. Iu spite ni these neessarv iu. creases incurred lu the active prosecu- tioni of permanent public works recog- nize4 as uecessar 'y and desirahie by ai sections in~ the communlity, ffhc public debit was reduced dluring the nti iL o December alone by $771,644 which is certaiuly very satisfactory, tIOOD ADYIVE, LADIES 1 If there be one thing more thitn an- ather a lady don't care to wear to qhurch its a bonnet or hat "out of fashion" or looking "lweary witit age" as iteadgear does g-et to look alter cousiderable ,wear- iu., Mrs. iugman, thte fashionable milliner, Bowmanvilie, understapds t<ô a dot the makiug over ni bats an4, bon- nets during the mid-seasou f0 ruake them respectable looking bei are the next seasan. Just now when she is selling off ail ber- stock of trimminge very cheap le the very time ta get your re-trimming done. 'It will cost veryï littie an d yau will be deligbted. e hier ady't. . Se TOWN COUNCIL. Mayor Loscombe addressed the coun- cil Monday night referring to hie past municipal career and outlined a saving of $2,200 fromin ast year's autlay. Hiet suggested the purchase of a crusherr and that the lire department should be1 well laaked after. Ebx-Maynr Gaibraith i tbought the Mayar's views were rather too optomistic, at thte saine time dlaim- t ing that they had the brame and ability to run things economically. Finance Minister Mitchel gave some practienl t suggestions. Several communicatiows were read and referred to the proper committees or filed.t The business was expeditiousiy des-t patched and councîl adjourned aboutC 9 80 p. in. The abbreviated council seems to bie able ta do more business lun less time than its illustrious predecess-i or. Mr. T. H. Spry was absent througb illuess. .JI. 3 bye ieru, uantengeuî ac't. 2 5o P. Lambert, work...............6e8 W. Barrable "ý........ ou Jn. Lambert, work..............6ý3 Jn. Barnes, "....... 6 Wý. Illmbly, " ..1..... 2 88 LewilIamy ". ..... 2 25 W. Eartwood, ............8 00 Sol. Palmer, .".........63 C. Pendie "....... ..163 Meth. Churcit Pub. Prop........ 15 00 Jas. Gale, priuting account ..55 00 T.N. RICHARD, miss ETHllEL MORRIS, AIITIST.Insrutingivein iPAINTNG fl Oit , Wu ter color .anld China. Sketubing sud Ipailutin[g from nk aturt. Klïlï on-premlises, liu- cng aiat eai price". 5m t~ VilêtF If' ar~ 5751 et '[bbs, aud ai tb@se- the ast - s the 14 bar mont rensaritable, lu cousequence of its Englis vroperty ciý emittiug soumis vvhen its lips Gondý were touclieci by the rave of thq rising -Dnu Sun so tha t it seemnecitu greet the comn- Dn iug' day. 'It was origialiy a portrait special $7.( modal of Kine Amenop)his III., andi was Lamps one of a pair ofistatiues between 60) and Lamp 70 feet high, carveou o f single blockts ai sancistontà andi transportod ironi the Fancy quarrios ta Thebas, wberoas the Sphinx 30e Ue fo vins carvaci iroin the living rock lu Situ. Of statues other than Stone the Most rearabe s haiofBudh a Nra near Kioto, lu Japan, which was arected A. D. 1100. It is made oi bronze anu'l is a e f bo foot 6 luchesi higa auand more than, 28 fuet brdad acrosa ýit"eshun ar.On !ts bead are 9<1 c , sd those iage 25 sur-24 h roundet by a g of ai ala 78 feC5 in i fonC't lonig, a,'o cea- To esblrimages,'- eacb 2) feet bigh, sýtand lin ront oi th larger oua, Tha total wight cfaailJ the main figure sW about 40C onI e Oh. mles and mllesý of be-d8 ina row, AËres of coverTlets whl1te assow l'illows af !os add sheetsgaore; JýLlankPts "'nd Qits bW the hundred sceore- hteoare the sâghts tlcat eaMi night che clidren -wýho go te Slumiber Street. 111ush-a-bys. hbs--, s. oit an~d o iltnci mrimurs, yo'th fast asud slow- DtiaanfIi hYmui ebld ae Meoisgay and iciîih plaintive aIir, This is tb1e nalsic of S111mber tet visios delghtfn, hapy 's7d gny, 0Or ndru~ty and mrypia7, F'antulIjiturs of rae dliglit, 0f ve(rdgnt ida1a1- skies tbat are brigtt- Oh!the athehe dreamHithe children meet Wý%ho travi e each ight to Siumhber Street. Ohi. scores npon sores of weary heads peaiceflilly resin lu iles of heds; Eaeih 1unir o 4 eldsis losed up tlght And ech pair oit eyes ls hid from s1ght, Restinz bodies anl tired littie tee*t- This Is the husýineýss of SInniber Street. TRAINING CANARIES TO SING. Six Mfonthà of Incessant Care Is RLequired for the Work. The musical academy of the oanary breeder bas Its professera, the stamp of WJhose style is leit on the pupils as dis- tinctly as that of the vocal expert Influ- ences the, students of the consorvatory. Every breedor niakes it bis business ta constantly be on the lookout for nid cock birds of reput, as songsters. These are nover used for breuding, but are usuaillY iept In i omali, darkened cages. Tholy are the masters on wbich the musi- cal education of the young h irds depends. WVben the nestiings are about six weeke nid the cocits are takon away, sys the flairait Free Press: and put ln a largo ca4ze until tLey bave developed properly. AÀfter twe months tbey are put singly into saller cages, and piaced Iin a roons witb the master bird, yet ge that they cannot sec esoh othes'. Naw cornes the testing of the youn voiceo, and the breeder listens carefully ta Judgo their quality and progress the birds are making. The best singer. are picked out and puit into what are calleil "single boxes." oniali vire, darkened cages, piaced inside atin box. At one sîde is a ur- tain, 'wbiahblla wthdraWn wben the bird is ta sing. T-he greatest Gare le ttsken that the (tanaries neyer hear an inferior bird, or, In tant, env other sort, of bird, as they are'apt quickly to, loarn wrong notes andi ge spoil thelr gong. The birds, toe, are kept very quiet, and allowed ta sIng only under plemaan 0ondltlons, as It le conuidered that eny kinci of disturbance or fright le likoiy to ereato a, broken, jorky klnd o! melody. The excellence af the songr consiste not go mucb in its loudness, or aven in its tous, as in varJed repetitions oi certain strains.> Each melody has its speciai mame and the bi ,rds are classed according té the tunes tbey sing. There are 22 different atrains, and anme birds have a aoipss aiftour octaves. T[he education of tho canary in- volves six months ni incessant watchfui- ness and activity on the part of the breeder. When the bird bas reachod caeuB monthe hoie lmsuppnsed ta bave acquired bis musical educetiom, althougb a talent- ed pupl is niten left with the master sowhat longer, iun o-cicr to gain speo- l finishi. JOURNALkSM IN AUSTRIA, Ludicrous Iteveiatoms ef an Edîtor Brought to Trial for Libel, Soins curions facts bave heen brougbt to light lu the course of an action for libel broçgbt against tho editor of The Neunircbenar Zeltung, a proqvincial weoicly paper with a large circulation in Neunkirchen andi district. Neunkirchen la a *lonrishlng town about 60 miles froinVienne. -The editor, Carl Kulf, urged Iin exten- nation of bis misdomeanor that hoe was ga occupieci witb bis duties as a sboe- makerthat ,ho haci ne time ta properiy dusocharge bis editorial wark. whicb ho only undertook as> a supplexneutary ccu- pation. His salary as editor was £6 par annuni. Judgo-You do not sown te possets the training andi oducatlan necessaryta an editor. Herr Kuif-That le net aocessary a% Jucigo-But an edîtor mueat at leest ho ahie te write an article. Herr Kulf-Ob, no. I cut ail my arti. clos out of ather papers. 'Judge-Whe acteci as editor In yaur absence? Herr Euhf-A batter liveci noxtdoor te the office, and he used ta receive the cor- respondence andiband iùitover.ta tbe printers. The printers pubigbed what lsterested thons. Judgt--Thes. are extraordinary egndi- Mouns for! etown .5gonear ibe capital ai Austnie. ler, Euh-It lotetanly In Vienna that proper Idesils ni the mission of the caseq nre in vogue, 1 nlways praise the townspaopla wbo deal with me andi pay tbeir bis reguhtrly, and "pitcls luto" baose wbo boy thoir shoes elsowbere and do net S ettia their debte. The Neun- kirchener Zei-tung le a paper with prin- cipieo. It recelvas a subvention iroin the f dIn order to fuliy appreciate the wondJerful values we are glving. You have to corne and examine. thern yourselves. We positive- ly do, as wo advertise. We could not afflord to do otherwise. Corne and see if we don't on Tuesday next. Cotton Shirting, fast colors, reg. 10c, Tuesda-y 71c Twill Sheeting 2 yards wide, reg. 18e, Tuiesday 121ce. Grey Flannel 25 inch wide, plain or twill, reg. price 12je, Tuesday 9_1c. Fine Bleaehed Table Linen, Our reg $1 Periyard ne Tuesday 74c. Moleskin for Overaîls, heavy quality, relg. 22c, Tues- day 15e per yard. Flannelette Blankets in Grey and White, reg. price 75e, Tuesday 59c. Fancy Flannelettes (wrapperettes) in nic.e litt'e, pat- terns light color, very fast, reg. price 10c, Tueýsday 61c. Wrappermttes in dark and light, faney patterns, just the thing for house dresses, reg. 124 c, Tuesday 81c. Wrapperettes in large Plaid patterns, reg. prie lOc, Tuesday 8e, Shaker Flannel remnants in great variety, splenjid sellers, every body that buys them are well pleased ni th them, 5c a yard is a small price for such goods. A lot of cotton crinkle cloths to elear ont, they make good eovering for bed comforters. These goods are fast colors and were sold for 12 '2e and 15e per yard, Tuesday ehoiee for 5c per yard. BIlack Satin Fîgured Dress Goods, a couple of pieces to elear 01ut, reg. price .5f, Tuesd ay 35c per yard. Priestley's Faney Black Dreiss Goods, our reg. 90e Une on Tuesday fer 57e. .A lot of Ilemnants of Dress Goods in blaek and fancem at greatly redneed prices. Corsets made of fine drab sateen okiestemd to seil at $1, Tnesday, 54c. Corsets, our regular 6 5c une,, in size 1,8 only, Tuiesday 25e per pair. . piece black Moire Sash Ribbon, reg. price 60e,Teda3eayd Ladies'. Gloves, iRingwood Kn i t lu ianey colors and blaeks, reg. price 25e and 35e, Tuesday 19c per -pair. Ladies' Jackets, a few left Gi our $6 lhue, Tuesday price $.8 Men's Fur Caps, reg. $3 for $1.75. 11 Ladies' Oppossum Gauntiets reg. $5, Tuesday,$2.75. Men's Fine Scotch Kuit Uniderwear, our reg. 75e hune, Tuesdlay 49c. Men's Gloves lu Mocha and Kid, lined, reg. price $1 and $1.25, Tuesday, 69e par pair. Men's Colored Cambrie Shirts self colors, îS white body with colored fronts, with cuis attached and detatched, ail the famous W. G. & B. make, guiar- anteed perfect fitting ail sizes, reg.prie$1,and$ 1 -25 Tuesday 69e each. Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots, MeKay Sewen Soles, coin toc, self tip, gond luck brand, reg. price $1.50, Tuesday 8,5e. Men's Waterproof, low eut Overshoes, reg. price $1, Tnesclay 60c. Men's Fine Casco Caîf Laecd Boots, extension soles, standard serew, globe toe, sizes 6 to 10, reg. $1.50, Tuesday 81.CO. Men's Grain Laced and Buckle Boots, teit lincd, special $1.50. Meu's Felt Hlall Foxed Knce Boots, sizes 6 and 7 only, reg. prec $2, Tuesday $1.50. Boys' Buif Laceci Boots, extension soles, pointed toe, sizes 1 to 5.. reg. price $1.25, Tuesdlay 90e. Boys'1 Grain Lacedl Boots, gond strong boot, hand pegged, si'ýes 1l te 5, reg. price $1.25, Tuesday 85e. Ladies' Fine-Dongola Kici Button Boots, J. D. King make, broken lots, small sizes 2j- to 4l, reg. price $2.50, $3 and $3.50, Tuesdiy ?1.50. Mcn's Genuine Caif Laced Boots, J. D. King mnake, price stamiped on soles $3 and $3.50, Goodyear Welt, Tuiesdlay for $2. 3j pounds gond Prunes for 25e. Brooms, nice ligbt Carpet Broom, hiardwood handie 10c eaeh. Canned Tomatoes, lairge tin 8c. Cannied CQrn i8e. Canned Peas 8e. Canined Pumpkin, large tin 8e. Canned 5Satlmonei, md fish 10e. Lalrge Round Bottle Pickles 10e. Pure gmound Cofice, our owvn grindinïg 229c per lb. 2 pounds Mixed Tea, our special blend 39e, irs Launctry boap for 2,5e. ish Mincýe Meat 3 packages for 25e. Cooking Figs Se per lb. er Sets 97 picces lu thre ecolore, every piece trimimed with glit sany fancy parlor ]amp lu stock at less thian cost prie. Glasses, flînit, any size for 5e eaeh. y China Cups and Saucers, 1,5e une for 10e,; 25c Ihue for 15c; rS 20e. )on't forget that these BDargains 'or TUESDAY NEXT, January H-ighest price for Produce. 1 i 1 WESTu~END - HOUSE, BOWMVANVI LLE. Tiu esday,

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