dent taf', lou ('J'f hesysex, no a Itiziçs, Neues Dowsuesijietes;at. etg.Pin i h S"î'&.Wiietoi'ma -~earabl ascsa aalica han in W fi eaý!%rhe Yetrto'sLittiïer ia Pllarc liver sDr_ ixeth owl. vn tliey 0o21, enfer froxu ibi ýs darging coia itutortia. txately terg'useoauotendhere.sud3thosa Ifbo oncetey thin etîiud hetIe iI iivux able in50 mtuî esys hattby ill flot lie wil- hatise liane c f OnI mauylives thatliri lea %rae eegra oastreuÂpllecure it hile thers i, pt. i Plarevysnaint atr Ltttle vr t- ivn %ery eae atL.Oeo w ismk oe Tbey are ete'ýIot'y Tvegtable a2d d(o not gripe or pur'ge, b by thir gertle action pleise tal! who USiie i Svislst 257centR ; fiv-efor $L. 8Q14 by drugg i vrer, snt -by aiL CART EH PMEDCi CINE1 C0., 'N ew Yo rk GRATEFUL COMFORTING Dist[ gushdeverywhere for deicaîcy of flavor sup- erlir qualities and nu- tritive properties. Spec-. îially grateful and comfor- tii'g tojthe nervous and dyspeptie. Sold only n -11btins, -dabeibed JAMES EPPS & CO, Ltd., Home oeopaithi.s chemiists, -Lon-' don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER LANAIAN'S FLORIDA WATER ALI ROISSFORFTHER N GENER DELRS Nol ng like r.B.B.for Ihealing sores anid ulcers, no matter how lairge or hovv chroic tbey miay lbe. B. B. B. applicd externally and aeniniternally according tç direc- tosvlisoon effect a cure. t Sscnds rich, pure blood'to.the part, s0 hathlth,,ffy flesh sqoon takes the place off the decayrg tissue. "I hadbeeritroublcd wth sore fingers and soretos around the nails. The salv I as uingdid not help me an-d Iws et1gwrs.Iwas advised to try Budc 3oDBitters, and after usîng o ïriVto lIvie nysores were purifier." OC G. HORST, i31-1 ingdale, Ot os THECOOK'S ,BESý FREND LARG.E,--TSALE: ON CANADA. Me. n o uk La a ec you tOe ut the P~ ~ shvUId bavce one fready fur av, afllt* F 3 AV SAD HOME Trhe home is sud, the flags are at half-mast A good man has gene te lis long home. Was ho wise as well as good? fhlat question is answered by the amount of lis insurance. If kte had a policy in the Canaàrn rder for $500, $100o, $1500 or,$2000 his widow and clidren or relations are sure of that amount, debt-free and absolute. And the price of, protection is so, cheap in this best of Canadian Societies that euee neyer misses the littie money that inakes the loved ones sale. For f urther puýrticulars, enquire of' any of the Officers or Members of the Order, or address fi. ELIO1T, THOS. WIE ".6.R. ngeo Eih Scy rnl ERNST GARTUNQ, SI$0 The annual meeting et Darl ingtou Towuship .Agriultural_ Society was, hled Weduesday, dan. 11, accordiug 10 Statute, In the absence of Mr. J oness, President, iMr. Jas. Gale was voted te the chair. At ter the minutes wero read, and coufirrned the report of the auditors was read and adopted, Tho receipîs of the Societv lu 1898 were: Legisiative grant $86; Members tees $150. Expeud- iture: Grant.te Cennty Society $219.50; Salary of Treasurer, $5; Socretary $10; priutiug $1.50. Total $236. Trhe election ef officers for 1899 result. ed as follows : Prp.sideont -(4e'ap Rir wmanville er If there ho one thing more than an- other a lady don 't care to wear te cýhurch its a bonnet or hat "out of fashien" or iooking "wearv wlth aze" as beadgear dees gel to look aftor cousiderable wear- îqg. 'Mrs D)iugmîau, the fashionablo milliner, Bowmiauvilie, understands te a'dot thiemakig evr of hiats and bon- nets during tme mid-season te miake thora respectabie looking betere the next season. dust new wheu she is selling off al lier stock et triminîuo')s very cheap is the ver ' vlime te get' your re-trimmiugdoueý. Il will "cost very littlo and Sfou will lie delighted. See hor adv't. ______ One mnatter'we take special pride lu is that TuE, STATE5MAN bas i1ro peer is' this district. Our staff sets twice asý much type evory wcek as our competit- ors do, wýhîIe _we publish au immense amneunt oet interestiug' correspoudence and valuable articles duriug the year sncbh as othor couut 'y newspapers do net rocei ve. ,Thie -best pa per costs ne oreon than tie others. The best is noue tee godfor yen, therefore take Taru STAESMN. l i-s very - nl more saýt isatr takothe liesýt paper. It is otten prevýokl uig'tetake ,a -papýr ta doos not entaiu the uews or informiaj tien voul waul. Subse-ribe for TH ýe I STTESMN Iien von wivil net require te liorro)w your Qugbr'.Oe dollar a year and big value uat that. BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 18, 1899,. Local and Otherwise. A Door hoilse may ho established at Ottawa, The best way te avoid sickuiessis te Sarsýaparul la, the great biood purifier. WinermerB. C., luas a Minorse'AAs- That tired ilanguid feeling aud indlis- position 10 effort et any soýrt will ho -1 When the children are hungry, what db- yo'u give tlîein? Food. When thir7sty? Water. Now use tlhe same good comiron sense, and, what would you give them when they are too thin? The best fat-forming food, of course. Somebow you think of Scott's Emnulsion at once.' For aquarter of a century it has beenrakg thin ch-ildrenl, plurnp; w'eak child-* ren, stronig; sick childrezi, 50a> andIx.,al dugss 8COTT & BO WNE, ChqmiisTû.~'ronto. f enwick's new Methodist churcli las b)een epenled. Dr. Chiase's Kiduey-Liver Pis lielp tired kidneys to do what they mnust do if yeou are to be a healthy mail or wom-, ail, Tie people of Wiartou w-ýant botter' mlail service. Mulst nlot be confound1(ed wVith common cathartic or praiepi.Carter's LiteLiver Pis are uiikeý them lun evryrespect.On trial wiii prove their The Bankl of Montreai wiil open a braniie at Frederictoni, N. B. St. Vîius' Dance rapidily cured by Milir's ompond ron PuIs. Cases of years standing unow enjoying the best of lieaith as a resuit of talln- them. Fort'SteelIe, B. C., uiow lias a popu latin of aimost one(3thousaud. Tt is because theY improve the powe(r of asýsimnilation that Miller's C(ernpountld hron PUIs iý-ncrease the nme of red rapidly. Mr. Subscribor, You eauive us a strong heipiug zban d just inw lu tree ways, especially: (1) By reuewiug your subscription at once; §) by sendiug one or more names lu with yvour own:, (3) by putting lu a good word, as occasion offers, for Tiir, STATESIMAN. You do your part and we wvil dIo ours! Mr. Robert Motague, of Daunuville, Ont., wvrites-- "' Was troubled with Itclirig Piles for.fiveyears çand was se badiy icerated, thiat they, were very pai nftl, so iuch so tht I conld not sleep. 1 tried almiost everyv medicine 1, nown when I1 wasrecommiiended te use Dr. Chase's Olulmneut. I purchased 1a box and frorn tbe first application gel relief. Have used, two boxes and arn now compietely cured." There is ne one article ini the line of mediclues that gives s0 large a returu for the mouey as a good porous strengt li. euing plaster, auch as Carter's Smart Weed aud Beliadona Backache Piasters THE STATESMAN invites ail its read- ors 10 tcontribute 'te this columu al items of a personai nature, ,such- as the arrivai aud departuro of guests, the movements of well-known people, busi- <ness mon, etc, Ail that is required is to send a post card or drop a slip int TmE STATESMAN letter box. 'I was weak, scarcely able te drag myseif about, easiy woýrred, and quite discouraged, Miler's Componud iron Pis rapidiy Jbrouglit about a chanze, I nover toeit botter flu MY life than J dIo niow" 7this is frequeutIv, heard. Comissionecr Miss Booth of Torouito is announiiced to speak lu Simcoe Street Methodist church, Oshawa, on Thurs- day evening', dan. 19. Tt iswortli trav- elling a good many miles 10 hear Mie~ Booth and resedents ef Bowmanviile shouidnot miss this opportunity of hea r- ing this remarkable woiuan.' The editor desires te lut orm lis read - ors that ho is authorized, through the courtes' of N. C. Poison & Co , Xing- tn.Ont., 10 offer each eue suffering tromn catarrh,, f etid. breath, brondhitis. &C j a sample outflt et Catarrhozone. Catarrhozone is a liqnid which, wheu inhaied, reaches overy diseased spot, cleansiug and invariably curiug catarth and al nasal aud throat diseases. For a short lime these samples will lie given free. Tt neyer f ails te cure. Se write aI once te t'he above address. Ensigu Andrews will visit theS. A. IBarracks,, Bowmanviiie, ou Wedusday eveniugr and condaet a verY interesting ianitern service. Sn qct cenes in the the lite of the atee Mrs;. General Boothi.' This mwill Iho both intrsigandIin- structive aud thie public soi avail thmvsof ls opportuniitv of he(,ar- and se gsomlig e t th,-olOis won- derful womiau, ASSESSMEN~T SYSTEM. Vice-Pres , W>. J .Bragg,Providlence. Treasurer, W. F. Allen, J. P., Bow- manville.1> Secretary, M. A.James,Bowmnanville. Directors-H. W. Jewell, D. Gai- braith, J. Gaie,' Jno. Oke, duo. M. douess. H. C. Hoar, Hi. J. Werry, Corp. A. Hobbs, M. McTavish. Honorarv Directors. . Herbert Pascoe, R. Worth, Jos. deffery, Auditors-John McMurtry,Jas. Gale. Il was decided, ou miotioni,to continue the :ýuuioui with the West Durham* Ag,2ricultuLral Society for ex_,hib)ition It is the riilg of the Directors of thie Towniship Socieýty te take active part lu ail fthe affairs of the Counity Societ, haviug reerene 10the Fait Exibition. Every man on the Board of ietrïhsya is expectetd to) do ail lie can ilu the ntretof the IUuited Sîocietios and if thiere h)-onee whio has 1)e,(n lected( but who wili net exýert himseif to promnote the(, object of the o-rgan11izatio ho ha1,d bte dcieat once and miake way for one who wiIi work. We are determiined to, if poss-' ible, make the EaU Fair a record break- er this year and therefore everv man eiected on either Board should accept the hoor with the determiination thlat ho wlil do his verv best te secure tbis much desired resuit Tfl trst object oif overy director should ho te t add a few wnmes to the nemlbershlip. Tickrets ma"IY bho had from iMA.-.Jamos, Secy. lu Jauuary cones Bohanuiversarv of the death of Edmnuncl S-penser, the a-uthor of "The, Faerie, Qucene." The anniversar y is made the occasion of a comprehensîve sketch of Spenser's life ,and work written for the danuuarvNum- ber of The Outlook by Mr. H. ýC. Seilby, aud illustrated liv portraits. facsimile reproductious,aud other original photo graphs ail made by the author of the article.. ($3 a vear. The Outlooký Com- pany, Now York.) MI)LAND LFAGUE SCIIEBUI4E. The officiai schedule of the, Midlaud Hockey Association is as folows: - At Whitbv-Oshawa, Friday, Jan. 6; Bowmauvilie,' Friday, Jan, 27; Port Hope, Fridav Jan. 20; Cobourg, Fridav, Feb. 17. 1AtOshawa-Whitby, Tuesdav, ,Jan.31 Bowmauvilie, Thursday, dan. 19; Port iope, Tuesday. Febuarv 7; Cobourg, Tuesday,,dan. 10. At Bowmanvile- Whitby , Fridav, dan. 13; Oshawa, Thursday, Pcb, q2. Port Hope, Wednesdaýy, Peh. 15: .Cobourg-, Tuesay, an.17. At Port H1ope-Whlýit1liy, Friday, Fb 3; Osawa, XWednes;day, dan, 25;; Bow- mauville. Monday, Jan. 9; Cobourg,ý Monlayda. 30. At Coourg-Whitby, Friday, Feb. 10 Oshawa, Monday , Pcb. 13- Bowmauviile, Mouday. dan. 23; Port Hlope, Wedues- dayJ an. 4 0f Kingsville, Essex Co. CURED 0F ITCIiING PILES OF 23 YEARS M. T. Wigle, better known to every one in the vicinity as " Uncle Mike,' w as troubled for over 23 years with ittoiug piles. At tixues lie was so bad lie would bave ta quit work. The irritation becanae &c, intense witb constant rubbtngthat they becaine aIcerated and would bleed. He had been treated Dy many piîýysicians, but found nothing that gave hum relief. Reading in the paper the cure of a friend who nad suiffred iiia like manner, and been etiýd by Dr. Chases D(initineot, le procured abo-x. Aft'st the bu rdapiaîo he got sncb relief that li, bsd thé ïrst coinfortaLe night's sleep helad enjoyed in yeaes. rhe one box inade a complete cure ad ie L aya lihe ieould not lie without it for $50 a box if it coujld flot De repiaced. Mr. \Vigle is a wealîby fariner, wLlI knpwn in the cooimuniîy in whichlie resides. It is Dver two years sine hc was afficted, and lie lias zever been troubled since. Physicians fail te mi-ake a .çure when Dr. Chase 1s Ointment gave Imm ediate Relief.. . <i, ý MCLURE'ý1S "- MR fî-ZINEý $ayear -1 Oc a copy FOR 1899 'a~~ Ae'g the specia1foueare SA new %ser!al by RUDYARD KTPLLNG r îa THE LATER LIFE 0F LINCOLN. Evy Miss IDA -.. TARBELL2 e THE NAVAL SIDE OF THE WAR, B,, Capt. Mahan:' ATelegraph Operator's Life-Real experiences and adveubures. Contributions by highesb; autho rities ou inew% develeprnenls in SCIENCE, INVENTION, EXPLORATION E mbraciug articles descriptive et A Plunge lu tle Diving Torpedo Uusoived preblems ofAstrenomy Boal. Lite lu tle deepest i>e SSnbmarino Navigation WlabPeary is doiug in le cArcre i . U, The Kilo lu Modern Warfare The TelectLroscoýp-Picbes by STelegraphiug wibbenb wîres Telegraph 'lThe Marvels of tle son SPLENDID SHORT- STORIES. 'a Thoy miii coeerom suclu wriers as", 14 R1,udyard Kipling Robert Barr Surahi Orne Jewet ;ýî William Allen White John A. Hlili Octave Thanet Hailu Garland Cuteliffe Hyno :,Surah bBaruwell FEliioli :eï SLèphen Crane Moygan RobertsonE.Nsi q.i Shan F. Bullock ClintenPicss llm Gus ise îurie- of those' shorýt. crisp, draiaicpsoe ri uI ite whichl ourrads have corne te kunw as a specia;ý l tauole eîrs THE S.S.MUQLURIE-1GOMPANJY -00 Easb 2tliSî reetW NE Y RUýC'ITY - - - - NEW YORK 1Tý I Min a cs as ta the nature of which, 'lc oscould flot agreo, aud it il Ipbaa - e undocr the ;circulmstances net, tao cwondred U t f....- - began sao i e years aga. The r rs j.~ fsj~first docteor TyeId i o 41 tairrh. 1 tnook re CIoiC re il e / ene hn 4 ie~ i~ ç~ other doot - ~and ho told ml i le deatr, u hat ba ndgstobut1ho did no gond. Thnà conuledanthex' docter, uho told, me vo, Iramch was al rng and that 1I was lu abIIl î h a p e - W thic r 1 a lr a d y re a liz e d . I t n bi retnoibut it dd re no gnd, î thn sif my cup of niisery waa not alreadly - fu ws ttacked with acute rheupiati-iin.c 'I1 - ý1 à -I su ffored , t ng e ca n n at to . S caslc tili another 4octr, whn tol iym J s frio~[nds that 1 would net aayarI 1 Ie thon bogan uaing Dr.WiiasPisPi, but the docoat'oppcosed t aï (1I1itopodL Saine timo after the dactur tolc e ocol dlo iuathing marc for- me, and Jitho te d cice of a frien d 1 agalllID bogan ting Dr.,Wil- 1 in Pink Pilla. After afcw ' osIcu ei ~~~~f -hëir use untîl 1 an agaînr able tu du a godT eyhýve,;r ~ mfIeer roquiro ieicnoagâinritwilibe Dr. \Villami' Pink Pilla that 1 «iii reoait ta." Tibln c cee, *n-e O*1-tKe ci" m ~ The nM'~ weaItheriand Â1nertbr;me S r. uIasPinri PiS fo r 1ie Peopie. z (t 6 a ePer "inrt and afi$aCIOL one êe L.side The Genuine are'sold only ;I~ e, .pacages like this; WaprPrinted in âRed. At il aArs or ditcct from i7 rWilain CCou C. , Brock ile, on., al, 0~cusabrto s~ -V DARLIN GTON COU.NCILC Town Hall, Hampton, dan. 9, 1893. The Council eleet for lte Township et Darlinglon for tho yoar 1899 met aI Il o'clock arn. pursuant to statute, and made the usual declaration of qualifica- lieu and et office Reeve-L. Al, Cour- lice:,' Counciliors-A. E. Clemens, R. Poster, I. L Brown, R. Pascoe. The Reeve ha ving called the ceunicil te order the minutes et last meeting worp read and coufirmed. A communication ivas received trom J. Ross Robertson askiug a small grant 10 lihe Hospital for sick children, Toronto, on mtofetMr. Brown it was agreed î'Le grant $. D Eagitson, Lindsay, appied te ho ap- pointed auditor-application filed. A circular from the' Municipal World was received asking for subsqeriptions 10 that journal-Clork was intriicted to order six copies. The foliowingbv aw were passel: By law No. .-55 apFntu . t, Ellis aud Sarnuel Ever ,,aditors. By law Ne. 556 apiuîu Board of Health-R. Poster for tLhe eunsning. three years, Dr. Mitchell miedical health officer for the encrent year, and John PotIter suuitarv inspecter,the Board te cousist et Dr. Mitchell, R. Poster, A. E. Clemens, with bbe Reeve and Clerk. No. 567,appeiniting,,, members ot the Council Road LoisiL:sioners. Mr. Brown gave notice thiat ho would intro- dace a B law ah the ex meeting fer thoie ;ppu)inîrnît etau assessor anÏd other ofilcers. The Cleurk was requested tey coiumuticate wi;tl J. G&ud-with a view of mak7iug arrangemecnts for gravel M v, Brown was appdiutcd te, acht wit!1 Mr. Poster as te oairIs ou Squ ' r;s bidge and alis le e waI G Stehens'. Teileeve was authorized to grant orders ou bhc Treasurr's folows: M. A. James, printing$t4 7,5; Municipal World $5; liick Chl1 e' Hospital $5. Couîîcil adjouedt January 28 at 10 o'clock a. in. H. ELIOTioR,., Tp Clerk. -4-- Bracebridge bas a new riak. tCartwrig-ht'7wants botter fire pro. betiolt. Jas. Dicksou of Otoue died a few days, ugo. A privale bauk bas boon located lu Coidwater. Manitoulin Island w ants a stipeîîdary magistrate.' Wiunipog's population is close 10 the Moosejaw, N. W. T.. wauts a cottage liospitai. L'ako Rosseau was free trom ice on Chiristmus, day. 11 O)rillia people want a creamcry es tabilished there. lon. Sydney Fisher wiil visit Orillia tis onth. Nearly 28,000 persoxis settied in M an- itoba-last year. Winnipeg Publie schools have. 6,878 pupils enrelled. Peterboro's Council speut $1,429 on charity lin a year. __L Gravenhurst nossesses anew lPiadry. The new G.. R. station a tllastings is completed. The Rathbuni Co. 's miii at Liud,ýsay la to li-e enlargeu. Walltýacebnrg's granulitiiciewk cst 9 cents a foot. Pears shipped from Burlingtou tet Glasgow netted $10. IAndrew Deniko, many years a resi. dent of Sidney, is dead. Dogs are beinx purchased l ie na N. W. T., for the Youlýon. McLeod and Nelson will havea tri- weekly passuriger serviceu. William Wiawanosh lias icen cecd chief of the Sarnia reserve. D. L.ý Munro, formerl 'y of lida died recenitly in California. The sait output of Canada last;- a amounted to over $190.000. Kent farmors want rcpo ityii beans with the U-aited States. Dr. Breckenridge, Morris, aot is barn and its contents by fire. 1