Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1899, p. 3

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S)e wiog z ny 5S, There are many kinds elf Sewing Machines, but where purchasing a new machine yen should by ail moans got the very best-This is the kîdIsou. ForTailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines ha-vo ne equal. Prices reasonable, torms made te suit the purchasor. Full guarantee with every machine. Jntending purchasers sheuld cýaIl and in-vestigato, or sent pestai card and agent will be around. Becst machine oil for sale. Buy ne ether. Machine parts and ropairs supplied. I have a beautiful Six-Otave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoos, Wall Paper, PureParis Green and bost varietios of Turnip Seed. I7 Heniry eIiott Jr.l j Style and Sta i a canot ie expetdtluta shorTýSewhkh l s"run con ,l'u of so ts" through ilm pverisismient of thse blood,-but bud hlm unp ith Dick'S, BIood Purifier and lie has both. It destroys ail tise napritiesia bis2 sysiemn and fortifies it. ' He feels goot and lits sprit is bigla. It aids digestionl-- ives glos te is cot bGrïgistess te i eye-vim te hie actieu. It 'wll double bis uaseuluess andi value. 60 CENTs A PACKAG[, TaIAL. SîzE 25 CENTS. DICK & CO., PROPRIlg'TORS. LEElIa MILES & CO., MONTREAL., AGEesTS. Dick's Bilobd Sev e ra Are ý Now Attracting .Publir.-,Attention, But the miost important bill is the DOLLAR BILL.- For this bill we are now prepa red te give the public 'botter value than ever before. For, Ordlered Ciothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date lino of Tweeds, Serges'and Worsteds, at prices just exactly e-von with quality. We have just recei'ved a now shipment of Dress Goods, Prints, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for eyery. day and Snnday wear, and the pricos will seli them. In 11rocories we carry only the best geods and will always_ be fonnd with a fuli assortment of al Unes jir public demand-all priced bargain- ishiy. Wo also carry Crockery, Machine 011, Paint Oul, Paints,Axlc Grease, 1,4ence Wire, Nails, Binder Twine, Field and Gardon Seeds, and Patent ~/dicines lu fuil lino. Wo don't ask yen te belie've, but ask yen te investigato. HAMPnTON. H AVING taken ove' the Grain and Coal Business i Bowm-)vranviile, lately carried on by Messrs. Lockhart B>ros, I a,' i prepareci to pay the 1IIJGHEST PRICE for al kinds oif 'rain and Seeds, and wiIl endeavor to conduet buisiniess on business principles. - Coal Nwill be delivered to ail parts of the town at the lowest possib.le price for CASH. Coal, Flour, &c., wili be delivered to ail parts of the t own Jth G ~ AS5TRAY ý.-Straved fnomi lot 27, foratin eatingtereeovery will be tisank- fuireeiet.Tues, PÂSCoEý, Solinea. S HEEPET AY-a on lot 18, Cunit Dar1Lnn abot midle ef Octois- Pri, oee we, O)witer tan hiave tise same by pro- 1lug plp1ty ant i pying eXPanSes. JOHN LouaHaxaton,49.3w" _BOAR , FOR SALE. -LargeYork sbire J.. 3Bar, iv cars olI, a splendid hog anti a sukre stock. gcder. Will be solti cheep. Have aise for ser-vice a young Yorksire of great promilse. Thanks fo'ý past patronage W.WVERT llosclanctvale Stock Farm, Saua 46.3w" B OAIS FOR SE RVIC. -Berlshire boar, Dandy 'Il, sire and dam breti by Geo. Green , Fairv,,iew. Itiesceeu exhibitor of swine et Toro- o Idu- iL. anyIl., le a iindel bog, was ajot b-aten lait yeer shown as £ tîet mo. lt e W'd t i er o vn ive ~ Iiza. Al~ '~ioc ,irc boa-r bred by ~s~lClelanH dision. Bot kepi frsevc 'tin lot 21, co(-1 rIiaCol. er 1. SAIoUEL tSaOwOhýN, jr., 79 /eLamîie, P . 4 c1 ATTLE ASTRAY.-From lot 28, C)(oan 8, Darlington, about Jnly let, two red beifers,risiig two years old. Informnation lead- ln otheir recovery wlll be suitably rewarded. JAMES GILBERT, Entield.- 46.3w" STRAYED.-Frern lot 15, con 6, Darlingon, about thse latter part of Octo- ber, three two-year old steers-two eolored reti, i ylow. Iiiforinattun iea.ding tu thoir reov- ery wll,,ne soiit,îbly rewvarded 'JOHN FosTa, drover, Bj)Wranvillû. 49 sw B O0ARS FOR SERVICE-The under- si ined lias for service on lots8, Cons8, Dar- -i~tî,atoo'bred Yorkshire White. Silver ,train improvefi 'ýhester. Bred from famous limportefi Show pizs. Ternss75c. T. WOODLEY, Tyrone 46.6w" 1AM ASTRAY.-Cameonlt4cn 1 arlingtoin, a rani. The owner is re- qired to Drove property, pay expenses and talte hlm away. T. S. BRAGG, Bowmnanville. 50.3w* S TRAYED.-From Lot 9. Con. 6, Darlingtbrn, on Dec. 2, a large Berkebire- Tamworth'sow. A nyeron giving informa- tion leadiig to herrecover wiI1 be sitably re- warded. ARTJIUR W. AaNis, Tyroiie. 51.3w> that My heu.Matisrn Cure Nwill relieve lum- bago, &ciatica and al rheumatiu pains in toor three hour2, and cure in a f ew days. -A MUNYON. At ail drnggists, 25.a ,ial. Guide toHealth and medi- ca advice f ree. 150 Arh s.,Phi]a BOWMANVTLLE, JAN. 4, 1899. WINTEIi IN THE MOUNTAINS. 'Tis winter in the mountain., A world of fint and frost, Of adamantine fountains, In frozen rivers lost., A mighty silence sluimbers, Arnong the'ridges steep, Where late, in rhythmic numbers, WVas heard the freshet's leap. And ail the rotky ledges Have draperies of ice, Along their ragged edges, lnwrought wîth strange device. Who knows the desolation, Which sumnier nover cheers, Where since their first creation, Have dwelt the frozen vears? On summinit s taîl and loneiy, Abovo the mist and cloud, Where wind and winter only, With icy feet have trod. Arnong the ice-buiît masses, WVhat hosts of cold encamp; Along the deep crevasses, What freozing ternpests tramnp? Be"fore thema fiercely driving-, The frightened flricks of snow, That downwardl huddling, striving, Fill ail the air boelow. Till borulders and sharp ridges, With fleecy white are capped; And solid stroarns have bridges 0f drifts on drifts o'erlapped. But Spring will corne, old mountains, And down your furrowed sido, Cataracts leap from fountains, By melting snows suvpliod. And pale green things uip springing, Show where the sunbeams stray; And eagle skyward wingîng, Salute the golden daN'. And Summer's old, old story, rIn leaf and flower be told, lier radiant drearn àfgiory, Irnpressed in green and gold, The valleys aIl lie sleeping, in stinshiniewrrn and sweet, And joyfuil strearns be leaping, Like lambs, around your f oet! But suinmer suns are powerless, To tayu locks of white; Foreve r cold and- floWerless,. Remains your awful height. DaYs fdanld 1nghts are alig .And scýason)is corne and go, And vears to yearsuae cali,11 .AcrossySour breast ofsu. Unchiangyed while ail else changes O mighty mountain wall! Againstyour flinty ranges, The centuries break and fali! In awstruck silence keln Ouar shirinking spiritsbw Your height and strength rvealing Hlow weak we are and low. Then corneos the soul's upliftng- Thle touch of the divine- O)ur livels like vapors drifting, A boetter life enshrifie. Our Father who hath moulded, Your granite forms like elay, Your rockey slratafolded, Like garm ents laid away- Who scooped the hollow undiffer, The great àld, solenm sea, Andi bade the heavenly wonider, 0f sun and stars to be. To us the gif t hath given, To sufer, love and know; Which makes us kin to Heaven, And ail that's great below. Bowmanviile, Ont. MIrs P. A. HiENRY, -Winess. Lost flesh lately? Does your brain tire? Losing control over your nerves? Are your mnuscles' becom- ing exhausted? You certainly k7now the remedy. -T is nothing new; just the sanie, remtedy that has been curing these cases Theýre Are Othe"s. 1 A 1boy roeid tales of the Boa and ha sald: -"Whoen 1 arn a roan, 1 will quit the, p1oýv; I1wl ali up and clown the higis seas, north and soutis andi enst andi west; 1 il viS;ý ail tliieàerth."' But wbeq ha was a man tisera were those for whom he. rnust-onro and ha mumt neetis wait. Andi su, day nftùr day, year after year, tili ha was olti andi bont and gray, ba- tweea the two'haudies of bis plow, over and over ha trndged bis narrow 11eld, stili sailing up and down the blgh seas, nonsh andi aouth andi east and west, vlsiting ail the latis of tise earti.-Christian .Worlt. The'Veloclty of Liglit. It requiros four years anti four montis for a ray of ligist to reach ns from thse nearest star, and yet ligUs trayais at the rate of 181, 1180 miles ln a second. AIt tii rate a first-cluss express train running ap tha speeti of 0'~ miles an hour would re nuirea coninuon run f 75 0 -C) ûvir rF ,iàpO i ednkâw $1 ayear 1FR 89 Oc acopy Arnoig thse special features are ~A new serial by RIJDYARD KIPLIWG THE LATE LI E 0F LINCOLN. Býy Miss IDA M. TARBELL' THE NAVAL SIDE OF THE WAR, By Capt. Mahan. SCIENCE, INVENTION, EXPLORATION Ernbracing articles descriptive of A lunge in the Diving Torpodo Unsolved problems ofAstronomy SBoat. Life ln the doepest mines Submarine Navigation WhatPoary is doing in theArctic The Kite ln Modern Warfaro The Telectroscpe-Pictures by STelegraphing without wires Telegraph The Marvels of the sea SPLENDID -SHORT STORIES. They will cuuiu fruin such writers as R ludyard Kipling Robert Barr Sarah Orne Jewett William Allen White John A. Hli Octave Thanot IlHamliu Garland Cuteliffe Hyne Sarah Barnwell Elliott Stephen Crane Morgan IRobertson E. Nesbit Shan F. Bullock Clinton Ross Ellon Glasgow aloaWe shall publish a nurnher of veystkn treqb e rtr n our,readers. have corne teow9as a special feature of McClure's, jTH E S.S.MOCjGLURE COMPANY XEW OBRCITY - -- -NEW YORK yecns te roaci Alpha Centauri. It weuîd tako 250,000 yaars for a cannon beill traveling aitishe usuàl speeti 0f sucs projectiles to reacis ibis sàeapoiat, sviich Is ourneaaret star neigihor.-New Yorit Letigen. A TirÎlÎlg xporionco A. Story told by a we1I-kllowll salvatioll Arnily captain. His body racketifrom beadtiet foot with Rhlenmatisim and neuralgia pain- Wonld prefer deatis to Undergoing Sucis sufeing again. From tise Post, Lindsay, Ont., It le tise lot of but a lirniled number of people te enjoy the confidence of aucis an exceetiiagiy lange circle of frientis anti conades aa dees C,ýpt. John A. Brkenisire, who wus recently inter-, vieweti by a Post reporter at tise home o f bis parents at Rosedale, a pretty hamn lot siluateti aitise heati of Balsam river la Victoria Counity. whiere lte eider Mr Brokensiîn, who bias reache th ie three- score years anti teni, has beldth ie posi- tionî of iockmaster for the pagt twenlyv- two x'ars. Capt. Brokensisire, tise suis jedi of ibis article, is 34 voara of cge, la well-kanown anti highly respecteti tbrougisout mcny of tise iecding cilles anti towns of Ontarlo, wiere hie savon yeana service iantise Salvation Army brouh hm in contactwticlag nubrof people. He bas beau sta- tioneti aI Toronto, Moulrel,Peterboro, Ottawa and ti ter miner places, anti at one lime wcs a member of a travelling S. A string baud. Tise following me Capt. Brokensire's own statement : "Ih hati been sightly troubleti witis rheu- mctlc pains for several -years, anti hati to give ap Army work ou different oc- casions on account of my troubla. Wisen stationeti in Morisburg, four yocrs ugo,' 1 becarne complelely unfit- ted f,;r work, aqs ifereti terriby tromn pains -la tise bja(ýckeftise neck, tiown my shoulders anti anme andtiIreugis my botiv. In tact I bcd pains cf c sting- ig museular nature fron tise bcck 'of my iseati to my tees. I et nid net bond my heati forwarti if I got tise wbole et Canada te do so, anti wien ia bedth ie oniy comfort I got was witb a piilow under my sisoulders anti lottiag my Iteatibacig backwards. I coulti net gel up, but bcd te rol or twist myself ont of beti, as my spine seemedt 1 be afected. M'y medical ad- viser pronounceti my trouble neuraigia 1eand rieumutism coômbineti, whicis ho scitl bcd -one throngh my whole sî stera Hie proscribeti for me, but tise Medicine gave me no relief. h trieti vanieus otiser remedies b ut lisey were of no avail Be- lieving My case 10 be isopeleas I doter- minedt 1 start for my home ia Rosedale . but tise jarring of tise train causeti sncb terrible agony I was compelled 10 aban doýn tise trip ut Peterboro, wbere h was ldupfor tbree weekla-c, whex I1 fai 'v "ca tietermineti effort anti roacbeàt [1t>rne, As my motiser says, "I looketi like an olt ma et 90 years of cge wb en se saw me strnggling witi tise aid of two heavy canes 10 walk fnornthecar- niageLb tise bouse," At home h receiveti ever y po3sible ut tention anti al lte treatinents Iliat kinti fientis sueg-ested, but h was ton statlygoig (om bad to worse. Iii .Janar, 196,aflen many montis of nntol dagony , h determinedti tetrv Dr Wiiiamas' Pink Pilla, having reati so reucis in tise, newspapers of tise groat benefits receivcti by etisers frorn their use. To make sure et gettiag lise genuine article 1 sent direct te tise Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., at Brockville, for tise pilla. After tcking two boxes 1 neticetic slgist improvernent lun my condition whicis gave me corne encour- agement anti I kept on until I bcd tck- en twelve boxes, ultisougis befone 1 gel tbrougis witis tieseixtis 1 coulti go te beti anti enjoy a gooti nigisl's rosI sncb as I isuti net done for yecre. I never ut any lime onjoyeti botter isealtis tian I ani oing ut present. Since mY ne- coverv 1 have induceti severci frienda 10 takZe Pink Pilla for vanlous troubles andtinl eaci case they bave effecti Tise abov e is a voluntary anti correct' statement of lise tacts of mv case anti I trust tisaI muny otistrs may isy reading thia, recc'îve tise biessing tisaI h bave. If neces-iary h would make an affadavil te tise above fuels at any lime. WIIY SUBS(CIIBE. 1Stilll tsxioum f.r ronal. it was a tisird eccL, ompnaient ef ue of tise expresses runaing from i> sný don te tise nontis. A long nosati, t1hîn lippati man, wîth pointeti ohic, e Sîocu isat anti a bangry epsio f countfan- ac, was nestlng bis feat on tiseoppqqhte seat of tise canniage, wblolm seat wa part- ly eecapied by à~ passe.n-ger in a gýay eheek sauit. "Goin far, mlster?9"aket the long nosoti man oftIse othar. 1Thse passangen adfdressed turnati sli>zt- ly round anti took a long look uit te questioea. "Yes, I'm golng te Crawe," hoe-e plieti. "My business tisera, is to elli flir ahanes of bank stock, dispose - f my in- tenestinl a f crin of 80 acres, tan miles fnorn tbe town, ant i nvasitisaeprooeeds lu c clothing establishmeunt. I am fronm St. Albsas, la Hertfordsisire. 1 got liet tisa train tisereata 9.35 ts s arning. hI waa 45 minutes behiadti tn, My ticket from Euston ceai rme 13s. 2d. lad amy breakfast about an heur ago. Peit isl. 6dtio to My name is William Page. I arn 39 years olti, bave e wîfe anti feoux chjîdren anti cm a memiber of- tise Con. gregerional cisurcis. 1 was formnerly a chemiat, but selti ont 10 a Mau nameti Morris anil &m net la any business now. 1 am worth perisapa £2,00e My faisanr was a cooper anti My grantat]ýisarwýaa sec caDtain. My wife's name was a uish before I marnieti han. Whoua Ireach Crawe, I expeot te stop ai c hatel.'" Ha atuppeThlie longnsetima n e- gartiet ihm for a moment wîth, intprest anti thon asket inla c ilsatisfleti way: "Wisat titi your great-grantifather do for brUin' 1--Stranti Magazine. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. The AKola Antisma Cure. Positive and unllmlted confidence In tiie Kola plant as natur' ue remedy for Astisma bas been su Itly Susýtalaed 1la tise many reîarke cures obtained thirougb tise use of CI 'e Kola Compoundi It 1. a great discovery Endorsud by th;e medicai profession evcrywhere. 0,cr 500 cases ab.gMutely eurefi la Canada. Cure guarante-.. iioId ly ail drugglsts. 27 .re su Sweu lqs;.uo q£@" il; i 'uî5JOP4ail? eMO0eq £îuletàeo 11;M matis 5oQ1DU oq4m elotjq 5ncj 'slmvi 11119pue 'SOOAJOS loxoqa eqq e&4 e2 peepui Let otUos *naifeOsjo i esneuq s,.etqv£ l o uIIM flLtqwsjanox IîeaqMeds ;o 5uwM ici Selaas 100 qu @ [eISLnq o05siSi 5501sequoaâ 2Qq$ tng [ sîeld sun cq eouoaJejjpui pale poo 01 jouoqs1p ssaoqs Lqeouqq en *PoE j siýxnoo stil soaî2atu oq Çlînjlllm joie stifne Guo cm qQuaiepwpui JO ;Ioonpoid e pase SSIDUPOle n u5jle uqGq S 51 O40'pesoeîe siPO pof joesnoq 0t4 c5oqM -eue $uesweld put, elq4qoid Çai e pue Lgnp 1e s qI I.qquq eLSjonu 5ou si 2uioâ qoinqo Cataerhal Deaffles. Tise last stage developinent of 'Nasal C'a- terris. japanese Catarrli Cure gees aasay paSt tise points wisere even speciaiists on thse disease have licou able te reacis. It's' a pene- traiog, eotigiealing andi strengthenlng omonalaying tise Inflammation an& isealbing witisout leaving tise slightest hati aftr-resuits. Tise onîy guaranteed Catars cure.,SO0e t ail druggists. 119 Their First meeting. He was a big, uncouuis looking cisap, wisoi penisaps labor edinl a foundry. This wbeel was on thse ortier of a locomotive. At leest, it was iswkward-luokiug and heavy, like iüsimasf, He was ridliag aloag, pushing tise pedals, down witi tise bol-, leos of bis test. 'I4is atided to bis awlt- ward appearanos, Ske was a delicate youmg girl, perhasap a stenographar, wiib a reflueti face andi ehestant hait' drawu straigisi baok fromn a well-formad brow. Han wiseel suiteti ber, for 15 had thse appearance of ligbt- suess and grace and iclkusas. Thse girl wore giasses. lIaw fate sflould douros tisat these twe, shenulcamne togatisen, hi isard te say. They wene going lu oppositedirctins near tise middile of one of tise osi evowd- ici aroii I heit .td vbled, anti tbey met. Tisons was a crash, andi sis was on tise ground. Tise front wissel of, ber machine was turnoti baok apon itsf anti was a useless mass of tWisted spokes. Uier giessas bati talion to thse pavement and broken. His wboel was anisant. H. looukat as if be meant t Wbou ho oiam- meri,1:"'m Sorry, miss. I thongist you w'.6eagoiu' Ina otier'way" Sisa booked angry for a moment, tiss aa luooÊ dteterminaion'carne aver ber face anti sha ailletias 5h. sai inlatise pleas- anteet naa.ncn imaginable: "Oh, nover miud, l'inglati noisody's isurt." Thse Crsi,% o Thse hope of thee unbelie3ver la lîke a owlde's wob-lise irvon of üoti'o judg- mon1t wil skpoeduiy Irnsà h from lts, moonings andi bring h te nangisi. It ls 1k. thse dew of nmornlang-iise sun dries hi up, andi baves tise parciset plant dry anti wlisorstl as brafons. 15 lelii.e tise ideo of winten, tisai adora tise trees and imake tisem glisten withtransiorpl heauiy -tse sun shisnes upoià thomn andi they sasît. Thse Chrînlstýan'a hope la ilie tise rock axainsi wLisih tise Waves of tise ses, dash la tisein fury, but it stands un- moe,. It is lika thse aucisor of a vessel, Which, tisongi driven anti tossed ' stili bsoldo Its position, because it Is iltid fst ta is safety anti salvailon. IL is likeaa bouse bnilt nîton a rocth-tise nains nsaay desoend andtihie flootis niay comae anti beat upon tise bouse, but it talla flot, bse causeît is fountietiupon a rock. tauesiulyhai tse iess in tisa onld. Il reteis tie dîeei oodtonteelong in tise be ~in prtlnes ilionsacas, torpîit elotit HÂTES FRDM 3I 5G. PER ýMONTII according to age anti moil insuired, $600, $1000, 1500 cîn $2000.' MombersMlp over 30000 Surplus Reserve May. '98, $614, 149.85 Pull information furaished to in.- quinera by aay of tise Officers or Mem.- bers of tise Onden, on atidres R. ELLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, Hl. C. R., Ingereolt. Higis Soc'y, Brantford ERNST GARTUNG, S.O., Batod Bîsrarck as ail £scOrt. A Stockhîolm nowspapen tells a steny about Bismrack, tor wisicis lan agat Swedisis lady iissaheautbonàcitY. oarIly sixty yearsacgo, wiseaeir,, ise went te Berlin, where se expa)ctetitae mt a cousin, thon studying et tise nniversity tisane. This cousin alppeereti, anti proveti to be a fascinating voutb. For several quire a, continuons run oi ï:),Uufiooo ot 1 io r -1 -0 r 1-4

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