bave givenii their wlinlo lite In the is k iorrcow shûald' be srudclnly brokýe, np 1 'Ile, Candiail statesifian.hA ' f[ ~ talter~t cal force am enthnmia1mfor Chriîst. fountains and pati, up ,and i o v 7, ic __________________JAN.__4_,_1899._into tL hie anda roFked the go,% and la 1835 the Frsnch rsolndthai trwigoi the ôdosrt anid roppeilat fast 0hent thay W(,uld ha,ýve a 1k n wcfomia oMi artyrs' gra ves Waiti g for the d m ntatcr ha a e onbeheard1" TRE NIý-GH1T CLERK'SSTORI. Dr. Talmage Proposes a New W ay of Measur- Iesurrecton of the just. Th:y nsansiled of. It 1yuàidbï)'3 .1up Gfe '0chirno: in" Earhl Exiten the garmonts they put upon naked. expariimant wais a perfect scas.wlat A FACE LIKE CHALK. ng E thy E itne ness, by the miles %bey travelled te &Ill*- wth the rirging of the belle ani the. viaté overy kind of suffering. They fait report of the ordnance, the city trembled,_________ AvrbaatakoteGrpe00in the tbrill of every rierve, In the and the his sîhook with the, trlumpbal o chr ,te ota h year ago hast winter left my system in a The Best Mode of Estimnating Life is by the Good One May ACCom-. motion of every mutscle. in evory throb marcb that w9a tag shwso ntigbte ota h very weak state and my nervous systern a ssruea tws1nzgo oriioini After ettingover lish...Mere leasues No eaof their hart, in eïery respiratioa of overwhelnmiig. Wih a inost glorious ihgeyurhraad compietely unstrung. A rgtigoerpih-VeeWorldly PesrsBring N ea'their lunga s t agnxlceit trUtb, l"No ac"pahetwill 3ds dr oidren lng.It is better than wet the dangerous stage of the disease 1 man llvath aunie bmsol." They went go i ueir Ligb resldtrnc wben the fret teo causea bronchitis and naturally expected te gain strength, but, Joy--A New Year's Greeting. 1hog eî n brubbat oStrmesshHsud m h li uumoia. Only keep it unfortunately, did not do se. On the blisterod, ceek semitten, back sourged, bas comae. At the signal given, the bele up long enough and you contrary, my blood became weaker. 1 Washington, Jan. .-Appropriai.t. teJofImpertinence and pounded et mister* teinpe8t iashed, to do tbsir whole eluty. if the icwers, and o! the lightbonses, wll succeed in reducingyou, claily lest strengýth anti vitality, and my the exit of one ytar aud the strance oftfue. The -brigbtest litesimust bave i', That isthe wîy ihey Measured lif@-by and of the cities will strilco their sws welbt, listing yeur appetite, nervous systern became se weak that it anotlier year arae paiîsgetio s sadows ani th@ sincethesi paib is the aut etgd meali hîeia bIl ring- tbrning e n a slow tever and was a constant source of suffering botb ivhicih Dr. Tairnage Pulis in tilla dis- thoras. On the. happias. brocd the hawk Do yen wan't ta know bow old Luther Into the heavens and float off upon the xnakîng everything exactiy dayad niglit. 1 lest appetite, the sightcore whicb propose a different moalde Dourices. No escape fremirouble et morne0 was; how eld Rihard Baxter waoe; baw Bea, joineil by the boom oftburotlng mine right for the germs of con- ofday cours e, th eksaeo fmauii iefenta riaiy kind. Whhle gloricus John Milien won old Phllip Docldridge was? Wby, yen and magazine, augmented by ail the suniptlofl. cfy footi aused me, te eks t f at of ploes;inte tr om thali or, dail losiug bis eyemiigLt ho heàrd uhat caunot calculais the longth of ibeir livus cathodral towers et heaven-the barmen- Stop~ coughing and you and stecatusedatiohorthene fbmath enîeethI, aassxli, ,Il Salmasins was glad et I. While short- by any huinan arithmint Add te their ici et earth and the. symphonies et hewili£e~t Weil. andluntrandactiolnet thepitato, san d atbudan's comedy was bainsgenaetsd ha Drury lhves l10000 unes 10,000 yiars and yen 'celestial rosirn makîug up ons grat tnyface 'was ike chaik, 1 was in this Tb*Hgyptiaa espital was tho ec OUS et Lane Theatre, Lendon, hs nmy Bat have net expreîsed t-.. baiihy have ru hamrc, ite eertei. conitî cnsaoty gttigshak r e eLd's eahb. uub aip rin m ia, sgoln ihl iestg oWbliIlv or wlll live. Oh, whai a standard acent et th rodeemed te. whers they ishen 1 began taking D3r. Ward's Bhood seebdhi ruh oh rnidaBisbop Cooper, was surreundsd hy the thibt IF;te measur, a man's lits by! Thom, shiallaine as the stars torever and @ver. and Nerve Pis. 1 had read the bocks fsýu eeoO nd ciaualzo udmi iOry tavr roet larined min, bis wl!. teck bis Iare thoenlu iis bouse wbo think thoy M.. ath -o Ensiess. they distributed and their advertisemeuts ad dimonds; frei the norti, mariale lexicon manuscript, the rosuli ot a long have onhy llved 30 years. They wiil bave M.yl in the papers, and thought, IlWeili, sud Iran; frein Syria, purple and silk; lif.e anxiety ane ite", and tbraw 't lhved l,6OO-tbey have livod 1,000. Te "A number o! years ega I made a trip have taken se much ruedicine without train Ores"s, soine o! the inest herses oete stbe lire. Mriortns, trial, vemotion aeths wothn be red ear th ureugi i e"sl the lgh-- benefit it is useless te spend'any more the worhd, and sins.!f the most brilli- for aime"i overyne. Poep, apautei agi the Wo havenkt eeneare 0 nea bau oftor e "n as thnet wbt ye meny.HoevrI inalymae et h ri ousld freiplaml the esar ndhta tewrhs io uti bud thir iatancy, tor eue muet boeue a habe May oeil a startiing fiuncial saieso, t mind. Ihla aforlorn hope; Icao but try. wlhcudba li.tioeadthnt anubys hlm se Mace ihat ho bas a la Christ bgîn etai,,. but 1I managea te nmach ouibrm Cali-i If I am neot bénefited I1çWdlhinet b. hurt. chetin the Sar and gratify iithe ts, tunnel dug se that ho xnay go lobiiv,4 a bferrâa e lor.iâ 1wa.strsadîed, Se 1 bought one box aud received great -rae ~Were t*MPle. alame wlth rté fr<in Bardom te grotte andi frein grotte te A i5richt View ef!Elfe. "'I was thel, tbat I îuddeaiy aweka and to-day am a wehl man iu cencequence; wsre guarled hi pillars bewildering wiih is disgusted wltb the crucifix that the agas or disadvautages are; I, de net 'wa my enire capital, with tie meuxt my biood is streug, my face bas the ruddy kieroglyphios and wound witb brazon prisai bolds hefore hlm isecause lt laSaroh know wbat your tiact or taleni 19; I deisowu a good meny miles aiead et me. buecf eaih, y apeitebasretrue, erpntsid dcred'whh wage cns-a puer specimen cf sculpture. Aid go, net kuow wbat may Le the fasination "Tiser. was but eue ting te do, and 1 sleep well, I have net the slightest in- tures-tbeir syesiand heaks and piuleus soinetimea throgie learnod mensace and of your manuers or ithe repulsivencsof tual was ta waîIk, as I î ie th i tti.cures congis of every kind. dications cf uervousness or heart trouble, glittOriag iitiprCjous atones. Thon. sometimes thnougi physîcal dîsires- tien; but I know iis-tiore la feryau, muoney I bas woold Le need !Lhn n ordinary couigh disap-- and froin a sick, weak, nervous man Dr. were manle colusnibioomîn utme j ys, in 10,000 wsys-trou îlescoisite mylearer, 'a fieId teculture, a barrait arnîresi for ueceqssary expensos, sud 1 pears lu a single nigbot. The X Jard's Bloo d and Nerve Pills have white flower bedo. Tioe were osille barmes and annoy. te reap, a tuer ta wlpe away, a soul te coulin'î afford te waiste it on car fanis.ekngceuighs of brenohitis tranafermed me in six weeks tefuhllheahth piliars, aitithe tp Lrsting inte thi And yei i lasunfaite meainre a Bave. If Yeu have wonhdlyMen,, Con- "It was'i as bad a proposition isI are sooen coinpletely mas- ,and strength." I arn yours very truiy, ihape of theO lotus wi*i in rail hbooom. man's 1h!. by hie misforiuuou, Lacaune secrate thein te Christ. If lon have Lad coked on tic face, thernodsi were ha tered. And, if net tee far (Signed> WILLIAM WILLARD, Along tie avenues, lifled witi sp hinx wberq tier s laee talk o! nighsuade oloqusuos0, use i on the Bide iliat Paeul goed shape, and the air cool and cnîsfp, aloing, the, cougis cf con- Night Clerk Grand Central Hotel, sud tane and ,Jilisk. thora wesePrinces tiers are 60 manigolde ad Lamalleh; lsud Wilberforo used thelns. If ycu bave and it was in, îhe.midetoth e sorange- surRprien are completely Poterborowi.e samnilu gorgeeusly upholstened wisre tiera iaueClod thuionde1change ilearfllng, pot I Il mlutme tii puer box et picklng season. eured. Dr. Ward's Bltaod and Nerve Pillsamar palanquins, carnied by servants lut acarlet tiehaehnrd uisr~ara ieii world'i îuffîning. But if yen bave tietoubadad'heu etn Ask your druggist for one spId at 5oe. per box, 5 boxes for $z.oo at or lewbmne dnawu hy robicles, thea snew iesvens, tic glory of landi sud sky amsXee 1 lnseOfthtise-neltier weaith, mer Ie- Iýmigit have cnjoyod tha tramnp, but as of çfruggist ,o. mailsd on reçipt ofPt e white herses, golden htted sud six lu thehr boscin. Because dea mi e and 1 queuce, tien learulng-yOet ai ay rate, it was, I fcund myseit gnewlng tiresi, ond  bLTHEDOCT R b W., ubatea. obreaii. damiing ai fulrua. on t e ok yonr oihld away, diiyen lmi i bave a aille wth wblcb yen eau enceun- I otopped ton a naît wbene an Old man Dr. Ayer s V"or-Street, Toronto. Dooek ofi Gaurs eofmuiiaio the glanaes e! Pharcaleasytrgtalle lv tns rîe on aga tic disieaniousd; a trowu wli wsenadlupengbseaecn. wore Spelîss eut inla ltteof ?pbyry yearî, or ibm 15 years, lu wuicb sleu nce 'wici yen may bled Injustice; a velas "He waca esociable cld obap, and eri- -Cherry Pectoral _______________andi biryl and fdame. Tisere woe iorna- eveny night fer a kiss, a1 i t ies of wthiwhhch yen may ocil tic wadoeir deutly iheugit I was iookiug arounid for meni ilstd tam bm oede! am-yor isani peeliug forth ai îîi Sound e ockteGc."Ob," Yen say, «that bla Aaunnrage crchard, and 1 did'î stampi lstr k, rabîuel wih ilurbeakag ue arvoice or the soft itouai cf lierndm? veny isutIlMOnieus riew cf lite!" ùhi teundicalve isi, for I found Lbis orangeas teain. Tiar* wone ootatools madieout et Becas in saine dus ucial Eureelyden Dt-ici. he i I cY Lnlgbt vliW Otflit, delleleus, aau U ltwasSgrowlug rnesmr t ill aid the action of the a a sngle pracieuastsone. Tiare were Letis voun fotenwenttjute the broakins, îdsudi tle tihe ely bigit vtew ef des'sh. nelun edbiuhee is h her Pcoro f1boodoietaccuhd linN yen forget ail tien yoarns lu wbe î Contrait ibm deati scene et a man Whe migit ask me te dine whtlefilm. ne irei bronze. Tiers wero chairs sieiiod with luxunies and extravagances of lite bas measured i 1f. by the werldly stand- re@akn ht hr a ouyl ohîv ayerpinh- tic lecit bides et leesards. Tiore wsre showered on yeur patiway AIase, usai las md witb tic death saine cf a inuWho oranges, and 1 I flally coticluded 'te havi oc e i siî bOa ' sofa foeti wii tisedliWe t wll issp Q~<i'5osofas eoote*il with the cown eft ld Ai e a i js ij nau u ngratoful mai, an bas measured lite Ly theChristilanstand- n lth. spertni wîhlm. wie sfreeîy. ~wî eev esunfair mn, anu uphilosophicmu umd on L atr uIi li nmiis Pluu y saie nemaiulnoe gald ;Amp reii t,11 o fgr 20 YEARS -INDETROmyen stand on the loyal bach ofthu ea met of ail, an un-Chitian nan, wîe sid, 'I boe iis traglo icone willl sea nplace I reached for au Orange sud ilowly Dt .<. ,LwO as ? on a sommer day sud look aitber way, mloa i f n st ygeu nibe crer, and I hope te keep my dhgnuty cut it lu haires wlth ny kuife. 'ihai 250000ÇUED.sdtaeaamlse raes ht tsars sud dyspeptio lit sud abuse aad te uhe last." Malesherbes said luhis lait exclamation e! surprise, I pretended te wiuius coanfean, cmsbng sore ard ccru sud terrer sud nouraîglo tirusi. momnits te the confesser: "Bold yOun poil thse coin frein the orange, whille the WE CURE E lSS@ot se lîemes Ifitâe Bsoa cf the wcaa tîedYsr.i nge! Your eiscrable style puis me odmuseo anh u. u tbs Comedy Trae, 5' tih Trazsy Nothing eau be smore demaralziiog î pomp sud Walth i teEgyptiancptasu e eak ht hr re n ut ofconosit wltb bearon." Lord îsad as I dld @o. Theodore Hock, Vs velIi1g by Coach, qiYoung ormiddte aged men than thepre- for miles sud miles dung itigol!up jute Aop lIe makt t 9rt@hGne ar muyChesterfieldil-bis last Mments, Whou "Me ramohei ton use coin, bit i, rang once met a man ot snob a dospondent once ot thesa "nighthy lozes' Thc, white breakens ef marihe temple, ulauso- "'J westmiihril.ucai produce weakuess, uervousness, aufeesý lu u eai v the amouni t o mnousy îîey bave hi cugit te bave hein praying ferhis h, sud tue dropped tha coin lu iis pee- behavien that aftm two heursetfbis coin- 'of dsgustandawholetmino eh, obrdhlsl buttepopi-lema melt aiqiiewyh Thy nft mc o bîii~. ariu wî e bI cpia ad uspaacsacoumulaied. Tîsy soy, "The ysan 1866,subtemdhnafaot i rpi-kbt, îayiag amilhidid se, pauy S a xph, eiqiewyi They udsit a rbiusos. Le ma.,lter t Pharehtiascptadt heii alacoh or 1870, or 1898, waî wasted." W y? tics oetihesihckroom sud sald, "Giva " WUI, by gun! 1 always îahd uiei was go0 ilicable. "Sir," eaid tîles un, wlpe ands bylevil Mits lu mai.. ofhroà itJao, th flits 0hp "Made ne moey." New, îî la ail can, Dayboles a chair." tledfrey Kueller spani iban wnz moey in oranges, an' new 1 "I had beugitat itiry *qeks ilsud my n-aursi neakuess or sexuai excesse8, oui anaiede acibainu ceh, boau isintneytetaia k ns mney nbi Isiheus u ani iiaraslg di- mproeouv'ole ec hiswy iim s, I yhg ua ij ew Method Treatment will peiitively Lad boeme prime minister lu the royal hogih i iead ne value.i May nepreseni rine'bseIlenmnt îgave a gasp wben I saw My hast Iscl e aul u n~ce w cure Yeu. apantîment. Phareai and Jacob met, refinemeni sud education sud 10,000 Compara tic slly sud horrible depan- cent go lutte bocd Man's pookot, and and sbî salit lu, sud ji bas uow turcd UR"' F 't P y'lgiuymd ntcthe icgracetuluemse of Ilssed surruodIngi. itla the spreading tiee ua1nuwthu eahl w Itried te explain tue situation te hlm, eut a prîze ot £10,000.", "Weil, upon my --NO PA" he court sud the plain mianners of sI !tc theulfod bmcidrn on the tac. et Edward Payton, as io sad siying iwss euly a joleelt, 'l ok Ildon'i Wonder ai Reader, youneedhelp. Ealyabuseoi field. The king, ivantïug te Malretahe .lu bis lait moment. "The broeeofos et d' e tbakvet i laien excesses may bave weake Ild I bnngsr, hîte eligiting of the furnace bae Bue Iteti SSflr- h t uSe eld d in s i edu t ha mi yu1r on cbes euItsiMY inyo i xipesore may bave dseased You. ou tceoutrynanu arai t lasekisud st wehng dhon' boive ma arenotsafetllteured. OurNewMethod white bis isard hlaud bow fechî s ii h t en ic you m ielutial, n atn Or we f aul me, I ot lu s s sa icr."inbCoinfaein heande, iat thme rae ipae hnd acoim ho cu Yeu orunuorisk. selokî !amhlany !rie ils face sda ubd obischye eslfan a s ii wîiPeuric amoîtewbo sdy lucoi ri ieoagtiiii rag JitWn is t Ihd, ad ih insu p wilicurendu. -xr itepIt-itheiccarylugofyen las heduran te"i arn of Myrsady tue bheonged te hlm, banco aoyihiug tha ica en is ekxob n.iw 50,0 O ~~ sys te the aged aiu, H±sw Id art eut tliait te accent îoputohsr sud the fse p niti isc ydpnoeMay Le tound lunhi veasibis, tee.cctix Youg Wan.vY ar pleufebl Qputting np of îles sibon wîîcîhi aietbaud. I bave teugit tie geed figit, "Es Nvas a higger man than 1, sund sea sud hgganervous, iribe.sud x- Ways of Meamurng Tîme chihsoled the itery cf your ChristianuLhe. I have kepi tie faîti, Henceftot ibère hi wouln~'î hlen te reason, sud I had w te Cane for Gemas. ,itable. Yoeubecome !orgetful, morose, Lait night tie gaise o toeiyopcned Ihis im iply iypecnuey, ibis tirade lu pul- je laid up for ne a craen et rîgiteaus. te paoneBaidly on. Ceral inay lhewasied velu eoîp and sud doîpoudent; blotches sud pimples. eiilaii ra hego e-pisdlcuehl gms ea. nais wn'h he.Lord, the igiteeni "I 1 inod oui ai the nexi ranci -taplitk aunken eyee, wrnukled face. stoopiugJug teusd onas ontcue eoi partedcnuhs i su tt dig Bul whhaile ib tis la se, haenWho usas wl mem. O opr tfruitutil I coold got meuey seugi te Wuter. Le nby aneans o! jew-- dcetraâ h'suoftedyn wt heCrsta eahe Ïa ouJt'utli irdh masofj K-the bight otyour existence. u yeun. Unden htiieofli sirota eorithe money or tiiots et inoy as asyîîmng viiCeCrshndaiî htynpsy my tare haine.",t' eei - brazen haminer of usthefty dlock the but a means te an end wihl tind cut hilvetnessed un yeur eve n seiohd. Oh, li cen. 'thaw tedad WL NECURE, panlrc flidsdsu sar e C i îltake Whsu the glihierhng Caîlusmy trieuds, ibis wonid ha a taIse god. hi ALo, , steTurquoises inuitnehe baed su b anhow longye my av as t e tueraI torchai. Itis mi usehis nervilasi grwsp sd ho consume ye eu wti tbe blaze ln arelhable te change culer. býomqter owsIO Yu cs a ý otslip ouno'i adieWio eu bmemînn otbiauiîi, Professer Poarlisbehuld nover be dampcued. Tbay O NIW 1) TRATMENT will fonlunala uiat on tCils maile!ofllgc hera Igoeaieut cf iIrendwuhn hl ig bici ihllacepa oLaific ee, ile tiiiAltmn, etGlasgowe,n'as a omalby e bould Le expoed te air as Mach as Pas- cre it.-Tise"wermy veus" rtura te are se many milestoujes, on weilci w.e au cf nonoy on a cenîlficate cf stock, He iionssa ohedb eLnatn ad the pressent fa silver biti, veereuoasisl. udrnoralcondition sud henca the, reasijusi boy fait n'î ara geing towa bims t ottetboa ben Cisetin pr- eniebracesudvqbsetittoons oxual organs ec 'vs propq or ois- np n.Irelta tl i mgtbte aebbuaCrsinpr ave talleand ths monuments barv bsmtonea ewene 'tbqeîos Ivory nay h.ceasied and sxp)osed te mInt 0'i orans ccome vitalb.edl, ahi tLe JOuna' ni elta ti et tt'tsi encd bis gate on ths bsgrimm'emde r n ulgt ako t o h ýunnatural drans or iceuca cesse and' an ineeproprîis equestioen tisi I atneka eeli ii evc sca rmldadta das penîbad ai wai h"a sh, euld ail veit t la scai u snigtteke h tge m suauly owers return. Na temponm to-day. esu1Iloot mbt yoom faces sud !iteo ils coler. Bonds sud menigages sud tbsy ihaîl banquet wiib the conquireas Tea îit' svsltoe umn pl ni ekp ri iesdh>t eeft, o a. ermaneut cure sssc. have th tisinhs fuse butOalemuehbcyep. akin s TNO cRE Y. NO OPERIA- *say, as Phureai did te Jacob, tic Patin- lameseteaihahatcviearisethovn. saît mduoysepecobeiieta ahui emsmîos enor ia la TINNECESSARY. NO DETItN- b raL, "Hon' eid art tien?" pooZ yardstic t- hli n'hbte ason ogie To-day. aiteadbu pnce."rt o Lasa i ipîi pe sud aî reinusutlng é5ThON FROM BUSINESS. People Weho are trutiful on @vr' o than lita. IlThay that Loart tlieujsaleI l d u eeidyl ta beain Dontestatnnbs tildsu CU ESGU RA TE D subjeci île'aientt bhr ages, se ubat I do weati aid inustit hte multitude or a noe style c! nessuremeut. Hove Old demonded oft he chenisi: "Mr. ilioti, nai solcît frein Yeu sny literai response tbeir ichas, noue cf thera can, by any ami ticu? Yen sec the Christiaun vey of, plasma guveina sixpence Worî thWu Snks fofatveUo We treat and cure SYPHILIS, te the question 1 bave asked. I would mes, nedee bils brother or givo te 1mousurung lIts aud tic worldly wsy cf patience." A captive hie, siriving te escape, hug GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCYi ïTRICIURE , VAIICOCELE, SEMI' Put ne Oes nder iemptatleu; but I Gad s nanson forn hlmtiat ho ebould net moasuring it. 'I loa t a u euente say Mm. Eliioti, taklng lu use situation ai beau made te record as Lûauy as 15 54ç NA 1bsSSJLAD DUR AND KID- shimpiy waui ibis moreing te sec hy wbat soc corruption." wbich is Cie wieit ai Lest n'ay. Theagacsl:"sthny î ewn ees 'mni uarcriiwït. NEY diseases. CONSULTATIONt rod ha ves are mesuuriug oun eartbly But I remark, tismeare anc ny-I îvlsh veheel o! tisue bas tummd vany switt.iy, tbars-s a chair. Jusi sit doven sud n'at 'ROE F1¶ ER. .iODIIRATE. 1! ucable te coI. write ý,exis 1tence. Tien@is a igit waysud a tiare wye moes-vebaestimais tisir lite and ibas hurhed ns on. Thae ld year tîli yo e gi h." ms.i Wlnîbo's sotU1ingsyri- asbcs aeh to USINBLANK ton 1HO3E wrcng way of measoning oaai îlyby iheir moral sud spiritual derelepinant. bas gens. Tic neve year bas coma. For Professur Aitman'sa ndeavon ta pur-.stlllona et4nouers for th. 0cihdren whill TREATMENT. ~~existence. Tioesisa rgtva a hitiit is net sinful egthîn for a Chisltian 1Wi u y n ad 1hbave beau launchodchipaeneviagrt cc.h eehu.fdhureatuusdboenf wre wa e mosonnga derors vsîl me t sa, I a pueruseI ued te upon t Ged ouly kuees. Noe let ne ask, bas neyer beau fergotten Ly atier hun- youn naît by a shet eild suffi îug and Urlu on an sncb, or a ioeor, sud ga tiare is i ho. I ana more consccraied te Christtian ynsbv e nd n rprt oif l!or bis friands. with tcpan elowii'd once a KEit.,ýNEDY K RG N , iat-a sd- vr ofvey tMansur- 1 usaditee h. I have got C'eraa gnou for tic future? Yen hava made pnipara- for Cihidren Teething. itwill reletie poon ; 1483 SH,'ELBY Ss îÎ ng cOnreanîiîy existence. h ith b any o etli d Ladbitelin hici I usod tien for tine, mydean brother; have yen Bimarcka Noyer Dseourteous. lihte sufferen ai once. Depeiid uon imothers, DETROIT. MICHraerence te ibis bigher maaniug tuat I te hudulga. I amna greai demi. bottarmnumade aniy pneparatien for sierniy? Deo tugeo nyapenl tiMn rglîc ise jaoit.dbwesT cre Wf centrent yen ibis morning wlhithe than I usefi te L." Tiare is ne sintul you n'onder taui n ha ve anuo i !Bdsdmontheara c oldntCehotîsthgurdcsinlmai, stupendous question o! the texi, sud ast, ,egetion mu thai. It is net bLe, goîin snRvrmuIdgatotm pL icuten epoi-huhcasand gives toue and cncrgy te isebchole yslamn. _______________b________________te____ "Hon'hoouart thon? __________rt_______ora_______ta_____'l_____morabo tichetract whici n'as hsnded ta blm n sd were te hlna. Prof. Lenbacb, 'tian vehon Mm. Winslowî' Soething Sy'm,-up for ebliren ilfor a solderrtelsayd"Inkbisecmare about teeuîing ls pleassst te tise îasîc d su iLe pre- Tioe.aie muny wbo estimata thein mihiay imotios ihai Iued te bofors Il u odlue nbsceîev-penhups neiody oxcept Prof.. Sci'wanl nger secnptien et eue of the oldest sud het femnalc lite by mars worldiy gratification. Wien teck a nuskttIl my baud and lsamnc'l th. miii of the tract hLng piicied mte tne'w Bimarcka se intimatoly. once tcld nisysicians sud nurses tui the Viiited gtqtüs. Lord Dundas waî n'isied s happy new te 'prisant arms,' aid when In'as an te rl'v?-ibaat ns Word aranau iim:"uaiCi en akenUscdLSIre 25e a boCle. Sold by ail druggista thro'gh- yoan ho sid, "ht ivhl havé e e s a ap. pest te tia drhileffîcen," II basa eul? X a îolueor, eing, 50 Prince Bsmarct I euly emembarhun sr.on'& Seethinie Syrtle. 2 vcier yeer thon ,i pusi, for I hadn't oeecgatîsiu for a saslr te ssy, "I tee-w bei- brossi, se hlgh, se dasp-"eterniy!" A ,peaking Lastily on oesioîitary occasion. happ mmen n ual the 12 mentis tiut Cen bon' te clan' dawn the mizasu tGpaiuidying n'ouniin bar lest mments sald, A minuserrant bad osintihe dean n'iih a. agyard.'s Yellow 011 cures ail pain he gens."But ibai bas ici beau tie tian I used-tLeaeI bad eernseauia "CallI muiat. " They saisi, "Wbaidt e ag imnc agoblsdn'in msaio s asfrscins, etuia- Wnthoou sn~,bok Tcet xpéîecs t ou f s.We ar teudebi.' .Ad ies l n sifo agulinYemu? "Tna"ng.slfBi"slmarocpkeme, rang ls mthe arlyhalltheandmatouant nuragi l tiens si nteifuidontsL anfibofliatents tic meunialu aide! Jey 1I'Joy 1 JajI! If t giory etrncctvision-roshhng aotnestr Ihlforn'ard Critinai.- senl free. 01 051 agency for sedorng patents.teLGentcolemanee Fbot nes'gCirstsuina-hgazineima P entatsIlmuglb aun & C. eceiete.teayo.n'cbeanlh te JOY f I)oinuG ood, tang the potbeosry shaps oethiis Shotb nula a'aicleaspadea a^ ' speceiss ofiewitbsut c arge, in thse eujoyments ofthi.enleàIt his ustheteri- I ramant agaîn, mibré are »seny-ansi vonid, 'urndering If thiq lugoodi for spade." A la the iiendsernost Panne naga z !ne Sd #lfýtilsu, fan Qed has gIron hlm a leas et Ofy1 ibethre yare moe-veho are eetimai- rhoumatism, and thaite Sgeesi for neural- Serrsni-"Weel, sir, te tell uthemutihhaAtrc $dntfc lîe 0 ,i* er.ryting in the. promise, "Ahi arel ng lits LY th~ ees0i they Cam do. gis, ands smeîhing ils. te gaoo% fer e a " 1 ceulfina soy Iî er board hm lm ie dted aouhahn iaes po nitus ,. el lr nd u A handsoemclyilustrated wekly. la ertoir- ro." etnauhms ltesaa'o onnieu aehed 1i iwt mkhsec u ciatsion of any ,cieilg, bornaI, Ta=in ~ynJhnrstmald h .kenîsi lai 000gb, ls haoitiddenly u ciii b uto' thas i 'i'thé 'ae btT iinu A Ci iiespensible vhiEton te every taim lhreai4 y ear: four moihab., g$1 , Sidbyii Zsolens -TheMei.snn. of Lifo. -dy-jhlgaia i '1,9 ahaint, a ]andio! verlasting boaltb n'vharsthe liko ta mentiounvebat ha n'lyles Ca'% tiihsociesu eeei .1JN &C,3îBau wayN ' Agaiu, I rea atit thoeeare iny ypao sagé oaseégn.i~ ahaneyri s Iain sudt." hanmon'er." teAar e -cydoa mmci sis, iaP g.. w tee Wvho estimais uislr lite on srti by tboj nî eis ngs sae a bymnf wbai tooIS wa ahi ae ta preothie Epnso f apwdr ellot ,a ea ti. ï_-_Ce_____sa___ Theachn eat eu btnsiuatly OorroWs and tistentuuieo. Tirotigi a icanrs i. aiay n'ipe avay, bey miaxy Sur- creuruferosiee te thé ceniér I Wbat a BA he oaha uIshs% Ttkainuye oualvsîe lveir di i myif, o' nî cpan adreadful thiug in'ould Lé if w. shoblci hi has béai aaieuiated iat edinany Bohr aa n ihihig o liAsvet by taiIg one of MÏLten' Sie.ajhau goes ery dsi., urng up er-mycpmfont. hew mmny cuicasls 110lie suddeuhy ushered freai ibis 'iutr-y îguipavder, on exploding, expandi aboutMabtnBudig dashePawde-s. iiî.wlé r <1 Li fum oul en bor becsbetraé i nyyewoTiahv iarneld tu tie tcMay tilmé oncbrds o! 9,000 tulms, on È1145 a spaca tis nueSACicge l'on1c 10 for 2inbe»raot ?u4st3Qaa141nuw ý um asihtca ea, lb » e eIgo n a<a tsmons. h Who *ra.A au t Ià M uf uy,*d ferfu*r=s .nadlge a stznwe aieâ om