Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1898, p. 6

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spoken of by a dylng In-,dian ctn the star that polnted lie the odsrl -4il Calldiai baO lal ~T ~ ~ '~le hitan oemsioays Christmas gift and i the sanie Irne _____________________________ -q I~II~IulI ohlm,"Youhav bee a wrrr an I akened Hurod'a, apprehensions.Crn BO MAYIL, EC 8,188 T II Lk A AN*' U IIA Suppose have 00e in may11),utli omaiiI hitm~ ~l i e .@f n-,< ;ut iru st be at peacu with ail your those Who have boWed ai toe,, neIn _________________________________s ne inl order ta die pah. The Whatever ,yerldyu, o l -dyiný_ chieftain repiied: 'Th.at's easy Part of theý hoIt have croged the flood, fiMirn~-I ,o th1riWre.- -eogi arn at, peao6 with al my efle- And part are cr-,1-î 2 now, For Dre Talmag En m rlsthaag r ies, for 1 bave kîiedt ail of thoiem." Dr. alm ge E urn raje th Dalger Tha t was the style of peace on etarth Yea, coMne t.nu neî ai ziis Christmas STRNGIIFo th Pyscal orkr.Th t est te oI B be carne, but the. spirit of anbi- table, ail heaven. 'Archangel zt that endo Fo,~~~~l théan theia tomb.-'t eHovBa e of tetable, and ail the angeisl under andChidren.this contury and coronet the brow of the hlm adjoluing. Corne down! Corne in! colrng century, la coasequent ripo the And-take your places at tils Christnmas Ch>rist's Crad le'Had No Roc-kers- -Thie Character cf Herod- -Buýt fl" l fght anthern above Beiihm w banquet. The table la spread, and the Notap wotya teton barsta hetmuao, he lratof ivie King wha wiIl preside is about te enter. "tot- yau Say. ehp yo ýOne Irreproachable! Man--What Christianity asoription, and the second of earthly H oe-i fB lhrhr ~ bv a tfrwes pacification, "IGlary to God and peace te daivary, hlm of Olivet, humt of the . It's annoying because you Has Done for t1he World. 'non." 11, ais rnanhood Christprononce bhoe ieadgetî.Fl~lyu ave a cntn eiet the saine doctrine--"Bessed are th$ chainces wvith the vrille pressed framr ti. Ttgh a nnoya you also i~g ax nd kioita'klUJ and (3ermany rrmriu. heavenly Escol and drink et ibis Christ- beý( 1aus'e yon rernember thet REA.D THE PRO IF! Washington, Dec. 25. -In a metînrenuitl it steppeil across the. sa andc The P1eace of Christ. mias banquet tu the xnemery of the baba's weaklug is a family failing. GENLEEN-I av fr a 1long finie final way a &aene connected -It teponucdlsbedtinn lorGs. tkanhe fradlahoigremous fren Irodie pursilit, and the At 'urt i is a slight cough. neeedsomthng 0 akebiod nd ilativity is einphasized by Dr. Tarnage Whfy, ve neyer gai over our chi";oa 1 inoiior anofe thoi', fatcofwlxrr in tiie ea At lasi it is a hemorrhege. bu 1ild up rny systoe. Myblood was watery ln ti hitnsdsore e, himne, ahrrdmte ondthe narrow escape you andi 1 had and the whe defeated the. malice and sarcoem and At firsi fi is easy.to cure. and thin, lacking strcngth and vitality. Matthew il, 13. "Herol wlli soek t'le lu', tihern. T forgot their rheiatsu birdhac. lru t. Haoisecrino hitivs irnandr' manfesta "ho Atd aearchrmlydifcu Last January a friend said:-",Wby not Young cbuld ta dsstroy hirn'l and Sborineas of brsath, and fo MaiIem ead iii club writhe whicb dotactve alouldge o tryDr Wrds lod ndNevePus? The cradle of the iafaat1kesus hall io tbrow off tho sorrows of a lifetiïii@ v;hil. haveýff daii7 tii bae' lle'>hn lietl e yugcidadwe They willupplsupeplyrothe, ooxygen yourt bebloode brockersrngIeo wti- saasInet tas b. shavetashe thebybehe]if our eggled@ ave hunusitasbtan rue osboulin necsadgve you health andi strengîli." oscillleting motion, as are the cradies of brstî la the. mrarnîng abouit the "'Mrry yiht it u thel letatbgnvoau .haefuldhm rigneWodaan s-otiier Drue.It lian cacopiy, for it Chitns"Then there wrr ah nh Givet luBtihî i.wndwud at na ce ace. warsd h Elela. I told him I was very skeptical as ta any nlcs heihave bail no illurninated deathiecs.Gieati.plc. roteGea. benefit fiat could bc derived fromn any, ws flot f0 bie hovered, aven by' anythlng innocýLnt allurerrnts as ta wlio lirouglit Bfr i.treo hitgo epeNWYÂ SBLS proprietary medicine and lied no faith in 0 exquislte. It haci no embroldared the prasenta, and ile wond.rmeatrl as tu efeth i o CrsgndpplNE YARSBL . tilem. Tiiere the matter resed outil four pulluw, for the. young heaci wae not te how sleighs drawu hy' reind,ser could closed their eartiily hivea la peace while months ago, wlien reading sa much about have sncb luxunious eanifort. Thaugh a coins dawu the p rpendicie.r, and~ after- ~~îguo ieCrs acae u wliat Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pis iieei-rinrl i.nai rai nt adtedsapitnn a on Ie wer, antefihinvia saints, and Assyrien- saints, and, Egyptîsu sainte, igiite e va it ides have doue for so many people wifi i- seemiuglY ungovernable of ail skyoy ap- brother or sîster, withi ail tbe prk1e of ad Oeiusitad Jrslr igotteodwt er poverished biood, 1. conciuded ta give pearancev-iiadbeen sent te designate the, discevary, trieci ta persýuade us that tiia saints hngbfr h lue aoeTer' lasafeigo an then a triai. 1 have taken four boxes and Placeu whera tiiat cradie stood and a choir chunrny badl mfloae tha ohautiel of Betilongem beame ah baloy ilabo itb As w ites th fean of adyer, rny unrbeiilef sa far as Dr. Ward's Biood had been sent tram tha heavauly temnis gecnerous, descenit. Cli, what limes5 ther Pthehe niugurs e a waony id hae wtiisyweiteà h e t f e and Nerve Pis are concernied lias been tg sarenadeilis illustrions eccupant wluih were, the Coitee f aur b07hioociteds noso oh hr te ers wfnisfetn entirely removed. Tbey are a s.plendid au epic, yet that craie was tiie target and girhood daysi W. stili teol fx aur i i~btIcna edta e.Aers wf nisfetn' biood builder and strengfli restorer, and fer ail eartiily andi diabolicel hostilitie.plssmeftaaxbrc wih was anythiug more tien e quieting gnose ihsrosewthisls or an invaluable medicine for weak, ener.. Indeed 1 give yon si iy opinion tbat it then unwittîngly itoieci up for future that caia, ta those before Christ death- Then give the new oue greeting' vafed people. This lias been rny experi. wes the nerroweat and Most Wouderful. tumes, wvben the eye miight lose soÉï10e or iii. confident, but it was inixed up witls i>ntebls nCc tel n ectliey liavinp- given me strengtii of 1escape ef the agea tuit the cild'was neot ifs loufer and the foot aine)' of its îqinng ba s.a JobSai ctingrs brenn wol Fr te bisi th tel quickly conquers your little ence, s ator~~- y of "ii ors ht al oe iackingF caugh. bodry and strong healtiy blood. si bafor, be lied tqlcen ils lirst step or andtii. heern om@ of ifs_ re-boadt.~ Hlow ddstroy his body. Abraham sud Jacob À~ sigh for fie year thaf l ing' Tbexe ia 'no doubi about (Signeý,d), PE-,fËR LAWFReNCE WHlYTF, a3poken hie firet word. Heroti ceuld, net hollyý and rosernary and ivy and màitletoe nlad-a littis ligit on thei dYing Piilow, tecr o.Dutcre 9.88 Queen Si. WVest, Toronto, Ont. aff Ord ta have hint bora. The Casseans looked interwoven! The Puritans inaul but, conîpareci witb th.et afer Christ A tear wliere the irnernorY dwelis, fthe, cueaw ob onegls Ai good druggists cari supply you. If col" net afford ta have hlm bhern. Tl,, flot hava likeci tlie dey, aud John Calvin deailibêde, it Ws lika the diîm talîaw Then banish the past with ifs sigbino-ýé Fnor neeci. cntr tiey won't, we wiii bv mail. Price 5ac. gigamîfie oppressions andi abominationis of May ,have prauouuced it sulpersi4tious cantile of aid beside the modern cluster And 11sf for fie voice of the belîs Ayer's Cherry Pectoral bas ne'box; 5 boxes f0lr$ý2.oo THEF DOCTOP. tue wonld could net afford ta have huai and feared if would briug iufo reMglous 1or 1lights electic. I kuow Elljaii weat up h agc însiigadpesr been curing coids and couglis WMtD COMfPANY, Lirnited, Torontj, Ont, bara,. Was tiere ever plirmed a more observanci(e the saiurnaiia ef the heeticai lu nieorabl. nianner, but it wae a ter Thaf wecoeonebif of thnsiigan hoeur anndprvt consurniption. systernatizad or appalling humnbarlmrent thaile .coratins et lvy inapýprepriate il e eg- hrwa ftiela tcrsCnupinas iT, sutew-dga sbonadethcuaiy idbe elae muet have beau splendidta look ai by The soul stirring vibrafing measure, if~ tlu untrne. ~ off le',craie? accinssud inklato fnpprpnita hoe wio staond ou the. batiks o et Thaf rolîs ouf fromu ecd steeple and The Heroci who led the attaekc was because, iaîsilefoo hlti issu Saociatz5d I tr,.aciisry, vengeance andi seusuality fi- witli Dm~dclrites, but w.O testify fiat reqnds, bute h wae a ty fasan Ithat tower.IepeolP. CSCtU iesnae.Asasoto psim oslwChitia ie-rdici u3 auy herni andr.uedmeneetiny s Ier psnsnatd. s ssor otpasumeb, lew Cliisinasneyr hd, ta, ha a placici occupant of a chariot Afar o'er the nighf shadowed cify p p PlS#eFSn E-I? gupI tyc hule graudfafii.r oi is wife. fie only abjection we aven rese rawnb nhawi ui h num h ugs0 în al Tlien h. slow Mariamnne, hie wlf,. Then that i was go long a tule train Christ- phiant deatibede, as fen as I know, wene JaT hem u nluipfhamn o - ditfyo' AJ0 Bokfr YOung and cid lie butcîeradi ber tfwo sans, Alexander nias ta Christmnas. tu souaer Christ deatiibeds. Whst a pro-Inate rirphtordty anuiAristolinlus. Tlhan hia slew, Autipater, Can tlia augel which St. John saW ceso t hoanshv aca hyigfnfes oigsoul, b. au WC sen Ye ar . hie oldest son. Thah rosibre ihmaulgrdmeuighae iog i yp on fthe sli tA vaice from each-counfry and nation ý1OUP VE CURE avj-e 40 people Who hîai puilld down tue or batha any seraýphie Iatelligence faculty uels 9cnuis htiiVl~ f Rsod otejbln om@~Nd. NaLDE RECR~ agl 0fbisautionty.Ho rdeec fi euugbta aleiat ti. mgnuicn nounfaed haîrelulahe bas galled tireukh If.. yon havn, oey c0mplalpi w4hi. nobeswi hciatenedupn iedyiug effect which 1,898 Chniirneam omîg b yu iinsessls ,0 sr And joins in the wild exultation eer adegie tba beet tce6ieal hed ta s lioo ht thor xnîiit bean O,89flfl iflsacu an 1,898, in tobt !~~~~~~~~78~~~~sv a100tae haat! uîana on sd1~ ~ îa Peacetul deathileds lu thd yeers 0ftfli bells in each steeple an oe.the ki&cter!*ee v. Yoe-twltrscsiva - univerbiel mnouruling, af tam hie decease. Cirlstrnas nights have lied on aur paor BO!Tnu nst de-athheds, for the A thouglit for fie dead, calimîy sleeping 1MoD.J .A7R FJýýR î jroni C et saea deatibeti hi ordsred the olci planai? Let us tiank Gpd fiat ,ve Moat pari, reservled ton the. yeare A.D Meass. ELemisdrayloi ppd t ' lauglitor ot ai! h iii.eldren la Bethlehemi live ta ses this Christmnas, the. belle et Behoîd iii. deatibeds et tii. Wesieys, ofutwinerh rer lo pp.VAT uner yams0f gafelin sus tstii ring-el ouf somea, S insplnlg, bol the Doddridges, of the Legl i Bchrnd. No sang of tlianksgiving or weepîng ~~~~~~~~i ha assacreci the anire infantile popula- juiathlso anuyruin ql f fhe Edward Paysans, et Vara; the cou- Can plerce their duli ears in the fomb f1ln thiat wuld inclinde fie destruction ot cimurch jubiles, belle ef nationialvrtihehncheai, ryg lhîBuabeweealhaeneoce oUEl f the chid wioee bir-tipîe sstronomy victory.ý But haI either lelchiev or lest moments: -TecnsI l thie Bua t abve SOBITHIN WORTI HAYINGeoi ~ Whî wre ie lauhted bbesta lm,0f is eut Wbobac pu dou ie scksg,0s. I havesa goond pilot to guide -me. They greef wth sweet welcoîe thi sacias mauy frenzid andi bemefi motiers? of armîtie trankincense or image et alink-M ued ma edmy nsd vies TeC aia Hoe oralth C4, ~~~If ha hati been Wall enwugli te beave is ing golci hy tia hans tast of ti nfantt diiffeor. Lgt the. oae rot f111 the trumtriitTeCnd oeJunl h Havee lo ine oia wiold bavfmuggl seingep then Lrce wlmers tas tods le e mhîldfi shaîl sounti. but l nmy soul winghan, Tiaf ring outfrtra, cach steeple and Christmas number, lias been enlag-ed YOtIG aaina naure habea, andi holding fiai a tgmtly limai swiftuhanses otexacutuonere wôuild bava -a atatrn fJss"C yn oe' to86 pagea, and confainsmrany exceil- ïbe- ignoran nef Lhe terribled crimelth youe eaht ht aai ar' John Fletclier, wbo eutemedi hie pulpit te -Boston Globe. ent, inferesfing sud profitable literary fie faseinating olueef a : flaevl womd tso act fTllvsatn toa he One Pure man. and tien descentird ta ithe coimaunioncotiuon hait W'noaatfaavidih er- at hnnurat chlld, bunlati Qtill tonner remarîiag uiponus ue5r. falsayîng, o,1 arn going ta tbmow my- , jknown Canadian wrifers. The illustra- rible resffîts, were your c' peud ta 'rol rof fbue note tetutlrwecpewi'-uad1hdan i efudi ,,ur poril? Did you tater eu iu Wa- ,o e, os n ser, n o saewic o ni~~g efune in igs of ths èierubîmi t ions are many and goat. Tliaf popu- Io cntca- ,1tV leB3L0oD tief village Of bor4ýsale shape Ou fil tlie world haci in fiai babel's ascape, let baf ore the mrnr snat, " Éhousantis ot pao- ..-U -I'EI a cndthesaamairn -yYtmi ToVA Eaoac awt uoitssoeetlfaoaisac taslf lar sang lI fhe Shiaddow of fie Pinles" diseie Wereyoucnred? Doyenne hillslde hecaimo oua great hutolmer' siop. me say that lied liai Herodia plotý beAu pIe s tsw tiys aftar tolawing bina ta fithenseli e o i DsTe YOU mer ry 0n ou uresent ou- grava asgîg creadanam tbi o-i alone worfi fellcns h prc ofte dition? Yonno,"ICEAThE, !uia mssdauam iiscm perfect ciaraeter woultl nýeyer have ',îsan Nvt baavenly- wpos ho bias fougit Jaaeecfrb nsddfrMs ae.Eaci issue contains a popular LIUSN. f îrre, r ynco- menti, aftemiptlauh, iac i nfn uodd Iewnliht noei1i 7i hi ufila ord A Jaf t af B ah Cre, n. i&t pfyor song piiatnpurradr, h tatylvnladedlaariga Jsudoos tiare seni aniy ehanje for is oia f iaysp)lendid nian halons CtKïs miii -h,, bi prpadkp h at cas pcait D rfn i1uroiteiOor 1antfy e-k asecap6?~ Tien fiat f1igit seu7tiwanel tonr uht e nshdiscus nikp i at clans anU a erý or C aryl raci- wanf to kep u a 'stock of m~~rcnry? Thuabookletwiilpoujmtontto b~andits andi wilti bsta (rny friand, tshenoase Ifs Hdod.u aman ilaonn, a grai ýfe raspplrsng i sbsnb o i c-oe? faayo emdmgedwth s îan ila, coa dsnt nt iiHphloaiau is Miimdte n heNsesiyetCrit.tilt t o.Sc ase get ufeerJura i.o eranui Aog i ye'mtherntotsereadof laie missioser antiJ -ool m aa ifs Pidtias smang. sculptors, Ifs Hn!tuen Avre ou eay wf ai te thought fiai r ai tusi spefrssln fe.nde diagnustingate bLETirlipbitvcy ur yn.il inwia iook fhe smains jourrny, âald li aniang poets, uts Aoparnong fabuliSte vnoeealoie huisl mot-dsaefryas ail the piinful ac- mhowbthousands hava baan avcdby , wes anougi tu kili bath tie -Madonn If ec-utrmts t ne ant grandeur? Pray fiai you may cmaieî fde-eîdCtriCiita rm o hlrn yMr car -VE TREATMENT. If prosý dtuCil),adpôrrs(uc asl Delotere inog hatos meady.ul If as far exceetis asythiug I wer-e bers; lin htidwa totope i Ff ibn utbefo lude bm oenGIAII N TEE TO CUE ni isChli) udpômmsflec A Doosine mnngoafn, fsAsMli aa atiasal h.gldmneffoar-fitsh cutint rate iouihe AhYVi CTJHALE CASE OR NO PAY. Cairo, Egypi. Yen kaow how tliiEult if pins sînoug physiciens, yet ael toghea ri,(eaoe n neeoeecsi otis he bea was th olsp all parties adetranei,.Sn e We itf and cure-EMISS1ONS, let tolitesu nrdinamy chilti iuccesstufly conianipôrams of those amea îlmere ya4amsostn anoe hreeacn-cnsfrSmjlýclvo yu usr JR.COEE, IYPOTILIS. G S1, iM tlimaugi tia qlsorders liat, are aura ta two opinions, s aow Iliums are twoe ori, devalpef anti ualpt Wi, xoe in snlbrbat a h olsae ate o nefi et.Sn e CUTDANS NAURLDl- assail it aveu iai corntoniable homes sand opinion ocmigesymîs-~l I148 e, Catifornia miner brouàht fromn a tinual dropyping ln fie tiroaf, but fram iont twr ulsigCmay CAR E1kDNEý endc BLADDEr 'with ail d@licete ininires, andtihoin ian. Theme weng plenhy tarias ho '- dys ah ac udpt pnli.daketdt e irai appitio exe0fci tu rpeat Tn tewrlsin oiay diss.sses. thin k ofthe exposons et that fautous bah. who ssid of flera, "Hoeaniepa, urpnst aiaii urm gue liaI, antin lua veny short while after in villages anti oss hre ahaltsm tHheniaig"o H cna i nsmmow tscapel wilch yoti snd I sud co;mnendIn- t usa if she 10usd ber FI VRFIT EIS ~~r'Ir'1laws won put eit deflance, is lirai bouna oEsphir.,", un "Hie nliitsry cia me( Ili wolinsi e n a iiht shaicert p i aa asgsMr.iao' ôtuSp lia ai, n iius cd by vi"-eWaes et Sin" mentinc on eati spent in eaom ibuiayws mr ecçet, r HeahslHooil ad niatroma h.Bue-alhelti h befa ueforwet ilinso iohr frtii hitrn1bl mnloin Se m1 ONULT IO dors aniawlaawpib hle bs pan ilsr ocent'l prpt, h - emw khan be a succeestful rid on had sud nof a pain aft lu bier heati; fis ail teeihing. If tiaturbed at nib hi ' ani raken af -RtE f n o oeil, write for dois n ftmssetb hle i ebsmdclneyer 1 IfL'STION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ theN forl HOM nigit hamds;e longeisware utnadasrvtifiee ptue gien" olvincsmacali akn Iv i.cstt infii appnei on auugcaa t cuvnc yomrsteiasgi hdisndcing atieiu tAMET laitt witihnatrarsrdn eevilteapa'egioi" itcn tic pain of eutting teai h 1eta on ce ani muany (laye tmntier hot tropical suaà, anti cenlog thi.s full grown Christ, wioae b îoward Cairo b7nea fand he abr a ie, ura as effer on gai ea bottie ofMrs. Wtnslows' SattgSyrup vhs oIdave Imeen ta us an eiemna imposai- got nial niaerjîe te~ for Cildran Tcathtng-ý. If l raIav tic paon 11 ato ay bhs et.1li ýa -ýueý*ltre ealsbfr capiug, as aie calîs if, tram. a living littie sufferea tQnca caduoî tmtca 4, R NuL ovanieke the fugitive befon. bs coulti ho that lirai Chnîts, thii. oan ot caMtals b jt.WItb aur fall en inture unchauigut, daah.19 fealn itk aott.I ee iar 5fl~~MI ilideon la antotiar lanti! andtihfe biet ,f shasu andtihfe iow ofungnnft nacntutt hog Witb every package et Japasese Ca- regulatas tia stomach anti bowls, cra Winti ~C~~ohianAeanShebyS~1;1ThoBabhno et hrit. af îe iuagociwiih tia balia's first dry, Jesus Christ, he bu man race woult ho ter-uefeai nls tie Colic,softens th gun,. reducas nflmation, P~DETROlTMIC Tsahedn Baieao wof aChrot., twi cateinde eiglt wn reoa i e more ft for heaven tsan a noîsonie guranfea. If la fie ouîy gueranf(et sigvatn ni nrytiawoadsa h report i otf lso seru afriveai f wîîh ý,music,, anti star paintîa- *dOw n wged la fît. ton, a quean's,'garland,' ne cure. pursinti a cehenm icds anti t ieethin lr a W lns Sathg e i Èsro for piîron ý,ý Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i patient- ïla-aaid ligit taehin lesn the testat ant isi fieerou priare-mratanasatrdbs il altt erehalh aio .5 cîît fa mgî psf i cnvnioai.wiispemsti ta star,"i, tiare heo hais a!te îatmt aavill i e barei al, na rwna scriptiou opne of the aldasi anti basf faciale, _______________________________________ Thi Christ. f sunt inh a DuRseltiant musical juuie. if ccufa'-af ail Drugglsts on hy mail. physiin an nurses uia Ush e tin, States: fies andtilrea tan the timoll. of 1h. nation. T ,Crsiafen fie dtAýctivas of Pnci ie aiadlsee ahl nrceea baffle. Solti by ai mgit ro gi w-eac ndPiaeentiueOi hie CRIFFITUS A MACPHERSON 00., TORONTO oui fie worlti. Be sure andi asýk for Mlrs. ,s tî- LLUIajAJ!B~I!kU5h- tan If o ai a nd hl o," elt and olea hl bydyat wfîhui i righhbaud te freudoni ot Ifaly, andi Sows' Soothing Syîup. andi ecdiaslastical power. Christ an a nigif yesm effar yeam, was reporfeti j lno- Wabatussaie n ie1 et eua clnof fe boeela je n- Hagyard's YoiIow 01 cunas ait pain reratwenolyafe issotg, ibcent. It wss founti ont f lat whon ha tu làs nigi, bsand Amenican lntiepeui- cessryheaffra'u hAOtotn. LAXA-LIVEÉR PILLS9 in man on beasi; for sprnains, ente, F or XMAS nd Neiw Ye r alfla pnltone ni tilia anitieit fie vegrea wofa lue th len n c,, anti Manian Luer saeemta 1hai are the baf ocasionai cethmar tic foir bmuises, eailous lunmps, swelin gs, lnla .11 the reiaos an Wian tuas gandti ae it a th a 11brate "oiamnt n a th la i birght handtheli emnacipion of famtly Or generet use. Pr tee 250. mation, rheuîsation andi neuiralgia i ITOLIDAYS, 1898-99 uews cae tiat Ileroti wae deati anà thea mue," and fbat if b.e poks'wluh thouscirl t<oifralntons aAydnge.jseetfe Wlll issue Ratura Tickets baliveau1 Madonna was packing up sud iaking bier Q&nin -hiA Il was tepoie ian at B llere stane fied infant boa tan'litin fohn recov large l eksblr- tuai et nw 1e h elifoksero fan RTCE NSOTADTAE lianwanf(ic so. Any reou wi eigtaI nfre- tbthis fâè hd -taliet ta fatd! ,Snp- roW 'wecapa wiaici yeu anti1an t& at lis he anti et yeur Chistas tabla te <,,riýc il eo seiliteett vr iean nrei o h wvardati. Aernua W. Aims, Tyrona. 51,Bwm tia ietsai r or 40 years age i. seatela K'.' Tss rilsvi lves aemrantend ou0 averi suurgt.cby i Poie t aeng QM tih iltirenldý'ü werlti .' a i he diversion af fie persýecî- ace an pains aIl gene Bahoît fuiey Jfla t*p lovesA ativeuture aCti uitou spr £1T~~ ~' ~ TO LEND frein the Bethlehoan hanse tops or sapear- fans tram the place ot Pl@llys im asil own la fuieexhiliraoe Ep LSA IERA RTCWYAIR tD a) Vj'jjj~ o n goati mari- ate y as orl e ie enai !osam-syul idia aaiari pn~hg yo.uti' Cerna irofhes anti sister ART OF FLY-FISIIING TWOitOOTED FIGURE-SKATING gags usecunht'y ai, moderato rates of Jniare8t. r uu a elit swaddlfng claties beau sucu th e ho' uset te roture wt us early on By E KsiB . G. vAN T. SuTPHE.Ný McÂuacrsSoldtrowsavhfaOu.'ià-q Beauty af Christmuas. world would nover have knawn fis vahh wT 16 .~~~~~~~~ ~Christmas @va sefa i ytre f ~ ~ - TREE-TOP CJ.UB-H'OUSES BICYCLE POLO Tien,^ to bogin ou ýtii enterwoHls nia ot e nighteous pesose. Mnchbas beauM Betwtgfeiglieksp erta ' y DNBA yA.H osa ANRE, OSL.EeyBird OÉ "'y 'luhîet Chiama fotllio mai 0fVvtctla h wnhoss~ t ruse wif h us esrly on Christmas T'EEIO' AL u AEACU c ttd a i ri-icyraloedatI weeid nover have beaui 3b»Yslvod Christ-, poes-e whea Chtist camje. Yos. But wia uewat we bIh revé1aled. TH 92RS AL H Aý, UZE Pnafroi 1 p.ovinelarai,,ý Mock-, mngv nira neue W41% STAMPS ANDi COINS POLM 5 UZE lag iSrds ai eau h isti1 £10yu bob.e Pawnîes'a gamxas Deyer werse than War. Ml wai ies eao-~~ Barbr Sepowmnvile . if. 1plived. Ciwltlhnaai heFlI nover ruaf. graveyar&L The. Bêrnan saRlen ha 10 anti, aihot days whebcipict usetl le aa Au uuree ttnincainni ntcRONrAL What an awlul subtweton fri the. pînoket ont the werld .'a Qysuiglt and pen in tewardth le close eft fl1s day let Cn e Cp SifpiS 1(0aY.t AuIn oîand Dr. Loi,'. Worm weorld', brighuss wouI4 hav bee th plne *hl bek thrIuii thuer s a ment-y finie. Cois ail tho Mty lo Sarl Atdress HARPER &BROTHEBRS, Pubîlhers, Ne* Yorkt, N.. ,S rsujs them bel rieile tîoie rxel ealu obog lmf Clmst wbo have 4n pulpifu

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