Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1898, p. 5

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Haif Price We have a few li nos o! Xmas geeds werth from $2 te $5 that we are' clearing eut at hall priee. We have a nice lineofe littie presents frem,10e te 25c, %Il goiug at 10e or 2 for 15e. We bave another lot werth '0c to 15e, al going at 5c, very pretty littie9 keepsakes. BUY YOUR PRESENTS NOW FOR NEXT YEAR.... Stott &Jury. See our Hair Brushes, special prices. J.F so yOU should have your eyesight exam- inied. We give you the service of the only Post Graduate Optic- ian in the county free of charge. If you require glass- es, we have the larg- est stock lu the coun.ty and as we buy direct from the best manu- facturers we can give yoU the lowest prices utott & ilury. GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. Bow-msvri STATioiî. GOINusEAST. GOIeG WEST. Ey press...i.8 31 a. m. * EXpress..,. 5 28 a. m *Expres.... - 9a m oal.81 Pagsnger S 4 p.x. I aoseger.. 1 35 p. r Local....6 51 p.m. t Express ... 4.31 p. M. bExpres... 1103 - j Exprems., . 7 39 - Dalrt Sondays olv. STOTT & JURY, Town Agents î auadýiau 3tttonu BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 28, 18 98, TUlE CARRIER BOY. TnE STATEsmAN Carrier Boy w ll eall on his patrons NewYear's morning and we ask for him a kindly greeting and a generous response. Mr. Archie Tait spent Xmas in' Tor- onto. Mr. W. J. Goard spent Xmas in To- ronto. Curtaîn Foies in great variety at L. Mlorris'. ',r. John and Miss Ethel Foster spent .mas in Ingersoli. Miss McClellan is visting hier sister, Mrs. B. Briftain, Ingersoli. 7Mr. W. T.Dale attendedl the wedding o! bis sister at Brookhin, Tuesday. Mr. aind Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham and famnily spent Xmas at Whitby. Mi sses Jean Tod and Edna King are visiting- Rev. S H. Edwards, Markham. Mr. and Mirs. Jos. La Belle spent Xmas a, Mr. W. T. Greenaway's, Port Mrs. -Moy'Nse recently visited bier sis- ter, Mrs. Le'onard, in Toronto, who is very iii. M. A. iames is agent for the Christian Guardliant, Christian Herald andLadies' Hlome Journal. Mr, W. J. Braggr and daughteî, Miss Lanra, P'rovidence, have been vis iting Mr C. W. Hughan, Lindsay. Dr. J. A. Mowbray and Mr. A.Cham- bers, druggists, Oshawa, su)ent Sunday at Mr. Jas. Leask's, Ryland Farm, Taunton. Ladies, if vour winter hat or bonnet wants refreshing a bit take it to Mrs Dingman. Trimmings and everything going very cheap now. Black Dress Goods--a beautiful range in ail qualities up to the finest goods imported just received at Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's. The Mason Co,, acivertise this week the balance of their ladies' and misses' eoats at exactly half price. This is cer tainly a wonderful chance as the assort- ment is good. The Port Perry Standard, says: "The anniversary services o! St. John's Presbyterian church on the llth'înst., came off very suceessfully, Rev. J. H. Turabuli, M. A.. the young pastor' of 'St. Paul's church, Bowmeanville, con- ducted divine worship. BHis sermons were exceedlingly. acceptable, being well reasoned and epigrammi-atic, and delivered with good elocutionary clear geas and style, i~*~ , I No change in markets. Tun STATESMAN is a day late again this we.-k, Fur Caperines, Ruifs, Gauntiets, Coats, etc.. at M. Mayer's. Mr. Byron Osborne, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. ]I. Woth. Mr. Donad Guthrie, Guelph, Inspeet- or o! Registry Offices, was in town ast week. Capt. Crawford offers the Hosken Foundry and a 108 acre farin for sale. See advt. Darlington Council will meet Satur- day next at 1Oanu. to close up this year's bu7siness. .Those who appreciate artistie print- ing should send their orders to -THE STATESMAN. Misses Mattie and Nellie ColvilIle, Clarke, have been guests at Mr. Thos. Mr. Ed. Trenouth, wife and'son. Tor- onto, bave been guesîs at Mr. Rd.» Tre- nouth's, Queen St. Bring lu your furs and bave tiser re- paired and made intu latest styles at M. Mayer's, the Furrier., Men's Bats in the latest English and American styles jnst received at Couch, Johuston & Cýryderman's. ý Mr. and Mr. Edward Wright, Lind- say, are guests o! bier sister. Mrs. W. J. Todgbam and other friends. Mr. Wm. Robbins, Secretary Under writer's Association, Toronto, inspected tbe Rubber Factory onThursday. 1 Buy your furs from a furrier wbha un- derstands bis business, Mayer is that man lu Bowmaniville. Se bis advt. Miss Carlvla, Government Factory Female Inspector, was in town Thurs- day, inspecting the Rubber Factory. Cail at Conch, Johnbton and Cryder- man's for the best pair o! Bankets at 82.50 shown by any bouse in Canada. Our tisanks are due the manager o! tbe Ontario Banxi for a very pretty ilins- trated set o! blotters- for ouir office desk. Coucis, Jobuston & Cryderman are shoin some beautiful goods lu Lad. lerBoas, Capes, and Fur Lined 'Capes. We direct the attôntion of our reader te the Mason Co's starting advertise- ment, ln their regahar column. I adies' and Misses' ceats at half priceA We omitted hast week the naine o! Mr. E.- Morley Cawker as one o! the suc- cessful candidates at the junior examk. nations o! Ontario Scisool of Pbarmacy. Mrs. W. Tamishyn, Zion, was recent- 'y surprised by bier Sunday scbool class and presented with a nicely worded ad.ý dress and a handsome easy chair and cup and saucer. A. L. Ncol thanks bis many friends and'dustomers for their iberah patronage' durtug the past season, 'and wishes thera one and alh, a prosperous and happv New Ycar. We would advise ail our lady friends contemplating tise.purchase o! a coat to attend the great sacrifice sale o! manties at thse Mason Co's. Every coat at exact- ly hahf price to stocktaking. Mr, Rhsys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, bas been home for a fortnight laid up with an injured ankhe, the result o! an upset witis bis trunks nea rHamilton. BMis I ~ .. I~.... f Concis, J oisstor1 &Crydfermnblave openled out a big stock'of îneni's atud boys' overcoats lu frezsandbevr lu ail sizes and quaiities. Tisese coats- are well made and speciaîly geod value. TisenowV lveected offilcers o! FireCo No. 1, are:'Capt.-Geo, Downey, ist Lieut-J. W. Knigbt, 2nd, Lieut -W. Walker, Sec.-C. Ricti, Treas-J. Me- Intyre. Brancismen-A. Grant, J. Me Brien, N. Taylor, W. Edger. Tise Statesman-Press, MarsbaltowD, la., sav.-: Jack MePiserson, Siseriff o! Marsisall Connty, was bonored by bis nurnerous friends on Christinas'Day and presented witis a bandsome gohd watch and cisain, and entertaîned te a1 sumptuens lunciseon afterwards. Gentlemen neeaîing a new suit or an Overeoat sisould read Concis, Joisuston & Cryderman's advertiseraent ln tiss paper. This firm bas always been noted for making np first-class Clotis- ing-sncis as would cost 25 % more if ordered frein the city clotbing establishs- mnents. Tise Bigis Scisool Board bus arranged for a course o! lectures for tise coming winter, commencing on Jan. 1tti. Tise first lecturj o! tise sories is te be deliver- ed hy Dr. N. Bnrwasb, President o! Victoria College. Subject-Books, their use and abuse. Ail cordiallv lu- vitod. Silver collection. Tise Christmas and promotion service given by tise Methodist Sundar Scisool on Sunday afterne n was quite interes ting. Tise scisool asserabled lu tise cisurcis and after tise list o! promotions wore read by Dr, W. E. Tille > , tise sup erintendent, Rev. J. J. Rae. tise pastor, gave a short practical address,' that greatly pleased tise audience. Recita- tiens were vcry nicely given by Misses Ethel Y. King and Boa Joness. 'Tise ittie folks- -as usual-did their part spieudidly. Choruses îvere sung by tise normarv and Miss Aiken's chasses. Recitations by Mýisses Nellie Rae, Rhsea Manning and other lttie cnes. The trio by ittie Misses Ida Gouhd, Rettie Flioeg and Rota Roenigk and tise duet by iVfsters Ahex. Lyle and Mfarius Roenigk were especially gcod. Sinz. ing was furnisbed by tise scisool under tise leadership cf Mi. H. J. Knigbt with Mr. A. B. Cornisis as organist. 1' St. Paul's Sunday Scisool gave an- etiser interesting Christinas service on Friday evening. Every foot o! roin was occupied isy tise large audience that assembled and tise p rograra wa quite interesting throughont. Tise little folks dîd splendidly and te Mrs.G 13. Ball. Miss Fielding and others 16 due tise credit e! training tisein. Choruses, were given by tisesciscol,p)rima-ry class, MissGlbr^ith's cia ss and Miss Bassett's clas's, recitatieus by Mary Downey,F lor- once Aluin. Russel Hughes.!Rilda Aluin, %Villie Bollenbeck, Eldan HughesLeais Roblin, James Iilman ; soies. byBaroid Meatis, Gladys Fielding, inoutis ergan solos by James Kilman ; vocal and lu strurnental duets by William and Frankie Galbraiths. trio by MissesEdna, Eva and Kathleen McGili and chorus by a number o!flboys and girls. Two tr ees stood near tise platfori laden witb glts wbicis Sauta Chaus generonsly dus- tribnted ameag tise littie ones. The superinteudent, Dr. M,ýcLamagbîin, wiso presided, and tise officers aind teachers are te hoý congratulated on the success of tise evening's eutrtaiument, Miss Allie Hîaggith is visitinglber sis- ter ln Toronto, Mr. Williamý Worden is visitinig bis parents, Division St, Miss Shaw spent the bo]idays witb relatives lu Montreal, Que. Mr. .Ed. Worden bas, returned fromn Rosseau and is spendingXmas vacation at borne. Miss Mabel Borland is home freom St. Georze and Branttord wbere she bas spentthree moniths with friends. Hughi Brown bas been . sentenced to four montbs lu jaih for stealîng $1200 from the bedv o! William Lunness at the Murrav Hihi wreck. Mr. Ernest G. Hart received biis Christmas plum pudding frem bis native home in London, England, and be and bis friends did enjoy it for a truth. Miss Hehen Masonf grand-daugbter of Mrs. Thos. Sherin ofthi8 town. was brides maid at the fashionable weddinig o! Kav nagh-Shorthy whicb took plae lu Petiboro last Tbursday. Rev; R. D. Fraser, M. A., late o! Bowmanville, now editor o! the Presb- terian S.S. publications, preached at Newcastle «and Newtonville - Sunda'y week. Mr. Fraser's maniv friends were pieased te mee hlm agalu. The Grand Division, Sons of Temnper- ance whieh met at Orihlia recently gave Mr. E. Carsweîl, P. M., W. A, Ohaa $175 as an acknewhedgment o! leyah.I ser- vice rendered te the Sons o! Temnper- ance over tise continent. The W. C. T. U. wihl bold an open meeting in the prrary class reoino!, tbe Mthedîst Church Tuesday Jan. 8rdi at 2 p.m.Alter evotional exercises Mrs. Sc ott Port Ho p e1wihhgive a eport o thýe W. CT.U Provincial Convetin bield at Ottawa. Public cordially invit- ed to attend. The Peterboro E.xaminer speaing!, o! the death of the hate M in. McKowan, says : "Those who workedunder Mr.1 McKowan speak of hlm as an excellent printer, o! a kind hearted and &enial di sposition, and a numbero! bis friends who well remember hlm lu Peterborol will regret te hear of bi s deatb. 1 After Christmas Day the letter p est- age !rom Canada te England, Ireland and, Scotlandc wilh he two cents. Lord Minto -will use the first new stamp on a, letter te the Queen, and the first etter te be received in this country u inder a penny stainp will be frein Ber Mlajesty te bis excel ency thé Governor G enerah. The cantata Dolliken's Fiat given by the Disciples Sunday Scisool on Tues. day nîgist was a pleasing diversion for the little folk th-, festive season. h juvenihe drana was fine.y preseiited te an appreciative audience, presided over by Principal Gilillan. Mr. George Gihfillanmade a good SantaChauis.Lýitthe Eýate Perey recited prettily andlMs MinnîeOhcott sang "Thse RaggedDol. The greeting se ng by a ciass of!lte boys wasa nice feature. At tise last the well laden tree was relieved of it, load eacis scisolar receiving a lovehy present; A surprise party awaited Bro,' Gilfillan, the superintendentwhen Rev. E. 0. Irwiu advanced on tise platforin and presented hlm ulti a handsomlel Persian amb overcoat and safid somje kind things about bis inval >nable ser>- vices' Mr. Giltillan made a suiitable reply after lie bad recovered bis breat , Mr-=7. Bnrke, e-Mayor o! port jArtir, and a very prin-e ôo! ghad-a- ers, 18 at tise Rossin Blouse. Tee uori7 est te speak o!blis, own b,ýig bIneî, M Burke banded a reporteràa htter !rom( Dominion Colonization Agent R.BFurrlf s st4ting that tise Couintess Schiishm. Imnn who, it will be remembered, yisited Toronto lu ber yacht last sur-- mer, is preparing te bring ont la ln o! Danes te Lake Superior district next year." "He's a splendid agent bssi tisis Burriss,'I remarked Mr. ]Bnrýe. "He brought 110 familes-te tise Rainyv River district this year, and soine 20 residents lu tise Olo and adjoining- sta - tes have given phedges te move ever next' vear." It max' not be genera,y knowntbat Agent BEurribs is a Baptîst minister Wisern ese ,Cetx hbs special "vull"idn tise Unitedl States is that hie can get free advertising in every Bap tist publicationi across tise une. A btg St. Louis paper, with a dailyciulto of bal! a million, bas a free columun at bis disposai at any turne. Mr. Buirrýiss, beaves for Ohio at tise beginnîng e!fise- year and bas enongisstereopticon v]i eWS o! tise Lake Superior district te kcep hlm iecturing for tbree mnontb s -Tor- ente Worhd. Tise World is ii lurrer Mr. Burriss is a minister o! tise Disciples cf Christ. The littie god of love tutus away ,vfrointa sickly, sallow, nervous, head.acbey, a. scbey, lifeless woman. Every woihn ihould have the beauty, vivscity, aiud vîgor j> of perfect healthi. brigbt glow of beaÎt1i, red lips are miore aïtrc tive than any inere,.~ ularity ôf featt-e.A womàan can't changetýie shape of beC fatre but any womainirnay have the brauity of health. No blihiy womnucan'be ugly. No sickly woiman eau be beautiful. 'Regularity of the functions, of theditc- ly feminine organisinis the first essentiai-to weinanly bappincas, comfort and beatX Miss Laura Brooks , of Ciinch, Hiancock , Co., Tenu., writes: "I thank God fo)r such rt- èPdies as Dr. Pieres Favorite Prescription sand 'Golden Medicai Discoveryý,' for myiseif and1 friends honestiy believe that had it neot been for these wonderfiil medicines 1 would te day v bc in müy grave. 1 arn sure that 1 coffid uot have iived many days in the condition 1 was in lat the time 1 first consited you. I, was oniy praying to die and be e from, pain. 1 was sîmiply a shadow and we had tried airnest everythtng', when, through a frien , 1 wa advised te write to vo %which I did, thinking ii l the while that it wa ny foolishuesse to thiuk that snc a case as mine could becured. But 1 do flot thinle se to-day-. After the first week's et- ment Sust as yen prescribed, 1l feit like another womiat, auld; I hardly heicved that sncb. could bc, wheu the flrst pe- riod was passed withouitpain. 1 continuefi the treatment tin.. tii 1 bad used about seveni'1 botties of the 'Favorite Pre. 'l 5cription' sud some of the' Discovery,'1 and now I arnia~ . weil womsu. I woid have çseanyamount if Ihait ato Ve- ba i is atready given me-reet from Pain. I neyer kuow when the ïriods are cômiuà on now, as 1 ama efrori pain, aiu duriuig the timue I f(el just as wvel as at aiIv tirne, sud ar nuever coiifled te my roosu as1in-eewas. 1 eau est amything1 i wsut sd eau work aiat ny klnd of wrk1oct4u Icuid nleyer dcfi.tl it wonderfsll that 1 arni net sick asy nlucre. 1 tbalik God for tisfrienld 0f womiau, tbiiiblesse(] Favrit Prscrptin,'The very' narneiouids swee toelme. I aill causing iman'y of mfIeýýs to lise it sud auzare ina lroving. Ic1 n~ql yosi-how I Uxansk you. iidar Doýctür or ecu4 i -eM. OUTR INSIDE PAGES. This journal differs frora most loca papers ia the fac-t thiat its inside pages coritain local n'ews. This week, two im- portant financiah reports-Town of Bow- manqîvllec and Townsbip o! Darington -are noulisbed. Dr. Talmage's Christ. mas sermon will well repay perusal. PUBLIMIIER'S COLUMN. We wishi to cati thse attention o! ahi STATESMAN correspondents te a few points: 1. Newýýs of the nature of advertise- im(nts, suchi as notices for concerts, en- tertainments, lectures, etc:, must be paiçl for and we bold the sender liable for pavmenit-10c per ine. 11. '2, Comphainit is sometimes mnade to ns thiat corrspondents purosey oit to n'otice sLune fmies inf tmr=çr_,inn news, wbhile otisers get frequent-atten- tion. Wýe hope our correspendents wilh net ahhow any personai animosities wisatever te corne htween tiseraand dt te us, for lu tise colurans o! TEE STAESMN, we desire that ail shall bave In l writing tise news always sys- teinatiyo rmattrs-for instance,write al persona l tgether, giving tiseinfirst Place and tise' more o! tiserathe oetter. Use iseshort ferra cf rpting person- ais, tbusý:-Recent visies Mrs. A. B. Joues. Smitbville, gnest cf ber aunt .Mr. C. D). Brewn, Rosedale Villa; Mr. F~. G. Black, Toronto, at home, Willow-_ banUk Farrai, etc. 4. Be very particular te give correet infitiaIs, residence and instead cf saying .Mr T. Smniths o! Jenesville, simply say: Mr, T. Siniti, Jonosvilo. Don't use'a superifueus Word. 5. Den't be scrimp cf paper, usel a soft p-encil, eave piev,.y--ef- roin between ilnos, mako a separate pttragrapis for every item, and send ail tise news you eaas early lu tise week as yen can and alw-ays send news wbile fresis. 6). Wo want a corres pondent n every scisool section lu West Durhsam. We 1 upplV stamps, paper, envelepes and fre ori coy f TuB STATESMAN and fur- risis al ether papers or magazines at tvhoiesale prices te orrespondents. 7. Public scisohl teachers siseuld teacb composition hI' reqniring their senior pupils te write news hettors every Mon- dayv te Tnt STATESMIAI. It is a Most valiusbio excercise. Try it. (kir col- ur nis are at your service. OSHAWA. Mrs. A.ý 0. Gýeiger, and cbildren, spent Christmnas witis ber motiser. Mrs Roe Bnck, Cebeurg. .. .Tise Xrnias festival o! tise Medcahf St. Metbodist Sunday Scisool wa s a grand succoss. Snnday alternoon tise attendance was large. Revs. White and Bodge$ were tise speakers Tuesday evening tise exorcis- es wore resuraed, tise popular superin- tendent, Mr. A. J. Bickel lu tise chair. T'h scsolrsacquitted theraselves wel and refiected great crodit on the teacis i ers. Tise scisool is ranch indebted to Mr. Durrent for tise pains ise took ln train- ing tise ciidren lu tise sinuing. Tise by'brigade sisowed exceTent disci- pli n ner Capt. Grose....Tise Pres- hyterians e ,cet sa, c ,.-.,..hii.. n sprngcot 80,00.The Buildling- Fund 010W amounlts to 6,00 The foYowingi eçopose the. Bullding Comniiitte:- J. DE. storie, 1WVJ. Hare ,RML ghiD Keith, J. A.Gbsn J. S.LiF Braithwaite and Thos. Morriss.,Sun- day lmorn-iîîg flire destroyed the old Dearborn homýlestead on the base line about a m11ile west of the G, T. R. sta- tion, occuapied by Spencer L. Dearhorn. The fi-ýe startedfrom the stove pipe and the flames bad made great beadway before noticed. Mr. Dearborn is iii and w ýas confined to his bed and had to be remnoved to Mr. J, E Hinkson's. Mr Dearborn's mother, a very aged lady, hadl great difficulty in getting ont of the hlouse in trne to save her life. Insuriance lu the Maphe Leaf Insurance Co. for Hlolidav Gifts-J. Higzinbotham & Son are showing sorne of the nicest good(s in towniluthisline. While the goods are of ahigh quality the prices are extremiely low. Notiees of Blrths, lWarrlages and Deatha, 30 c ents; when marriage litenses are ob;ta ined or founerai notices printed at this offiee. insertion free. BORN. CÂsrnEL. u Ohaw, Dc. 2,the wife of Mr-. M J.ý Campbell, of a son. McLAGHLLJ. l OsbwaDec. 19, the wife 0ýf' Mr. R. S, McLaughiin, of a daughter. MARRIHO. BITRii Hua. In Bowmanvile, Dec. 28 at thereideceoxthe brides parýents, by RevË 0. IrtM.Hiram W. Bnrk, of Indian Hlead, N. W. T., siunc son of R. W. Burk, Esq.,ex-M.P. for West Durbam.and Jessie R.. third daughier1 of S. F. 1h11I, Esq., Bowmanviile. WRITMARGREN. A CetraichnchTo- ron,)I. by Rev. Dr. MeTavisb, Dec. 21_ Rev. R. W'htemiran,B A,,pastor of St. John's ýhurch, P'ortl Perry,sud Miss Myra L. Grec y, Toronto. BRAnPBUR VATTEN .-By Rev.E.E .Howai-d, at lhe Methodist par$onagel3ackstock, Dec*21, Mr. J. W. Bradburn and8Mi. ME. Watten, both of Cartwright. GoonwuuI-McFEEES -1s11 BOWManviiie, De.2,by 1ev, J. J. Ese, Mr. Harold T. Good- ,inI Nld Miss Susan MeFeeters. FOaisTsaýp-TiiomAs.-At Peterboro Dec. 20,hy Rev. 1). O. Crossiey, Etta S., seeonà daugbter of Mr. W. C. Thornas and Mr. J.Herbert Forster of North Monaghan. Tiiompsoa-McLÂsienr.îN.-At the residence of the bridels father, byl11ev. R. M. Phaien, ,M. A., Mr. James Thosupson, and Ida Ella eld- est daughtcr of Mr. John X7cLaug-hlir, both 0of Darlington DIED. 1ER.I Reacb, Dec. 19, Annie Alberta B'eli, heioved wife of John E. Heard, sud elaughtLer of1the late W. Il. Hayesaged 30 years 10 Elmonths. A iLLiN. -At HartAhorne,Indiau Territory,U.,,. Dec.* 17, Charles Allun, youngest son of Mr. John Aïlibi, Whithy, aged 23 years. Iuterred at Whttby. S .NE-In Orono, Dec.15,Ierbert Spencer, WVALER.-IflOrono, Dec. 6, echecea Wood, bei1oveýd wife of Wm. Walter, agoeý4 years., SQAE-nClarke, Dec. 23. Francis Squair, aged î'x years. E1 WAUGI, L. D. S.,9 D. D si, Dental Office in the Rooms above ID. WIUAMS 8 SOK' uIIlr 80n SWill 1be at OrGno [romn 9 a.,im. to 2_ p In, and at INeweastle fromn 2 3 ) un- tii 7 p. lm,, on the seCond and fourth Mondays of eacb Miýonth. Gjoldj plates, Crown D and Bridg:e -work alld panessextractiGu are speci91t!es-. >Tîs Not The Hen That Cacktes the most that Iays the largest Egg. HAPPY NEW YEAB TO ALLR GOOID THINGS. S The many gooà tbings we bave ln store for you- are more nui-verous than we have space te enumerate. 'We are filled up with everything that goes to make your home happy at this festive season, and the prices we are askincg cannot faau to tempt. Below are a verxr few of the things lu store. SELECTED Royal B. Clusters 25e lb. P Bevaus Extra Dessert 20e lb. Ca Counoisseur Clusters 15e lb. Ca Fine SeleetedVal.Raisins Slbs fer 25. D. Cisoice Sel. Currants 3 lbs. for 25e. TE Griffin & Son 4 Crown LMescatells. M (S 3 cc tgT( Almonds. Walnuts. Pecans. Brazil. Gi SFRUITS. 'anuts. Filberts. Undies. Pickles. atsup. Oysters. muner Sets. lea Sets. Ianging Lamps. lnilet Sets. xlass Sets. rtney Cups and Saueers. Cash paid for any quantity cf dressed or undrcssed Poultry. BowMiýANVILLE. eawker&Tit S'4bNÂP FVOR YOU LADY, ONLY 350 We have only 32 Ladies' Coats and 3 Ladies' ~1J~~ VIbu . mý n T7 sy U nv. 1i.LLes 2to 42 77e (don't carry any coats troml on-e scsnto a9he.Thi- lot rmustbe sold th,-is. v ~ month. If y N want thie cheapest acarl . S5 ONLY,WERE $5.00 FOR $3.75 4 6.00 " 4.25 ~4 6.50 " 4.50 67.75 " .75 8 " 8.00 " 5.7s 5 2 " 10.00 " 7.50 i îé ~~10.00"7.5 .We wish you aIl a Merry Xmias, andtheHappiest New Ya nyour experienice. ~ Popular Dry'Goods House.' BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Ba'nk. Watche, JewlrRings, Plated:.~ 4mq ipi, i i i SivrNveteEvrt-g e n STTOnY.Sal a- hc lie fSttoaywhc -l e"u n.- sotd n ba.A :!rd( n.-A T .-l wokdn tcpaal n..- i 4aladsehm er E~T 2WT A~ ~fluiiÀ.UÂÀÀflÀÂAUAÀÂÀiÂflAÀÂÂÀlÀ7iÀYÂT'YlYilThyhTFI1Âi iiIu C' ________________________________ S~ -- J -.---~-----.------ --.----------------.---.-,- L'ile jauliv 1 iiing , am's. ruing -L i-JA --L --L- -.3

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