i WIS14 Rùh ýT14EIR ~Fr edsand atrons theOon P limenits of the season and thank tjhem for their generousi holiday patronage, which sur- passed our mos4t tsanguine exp ectations. COUCH, JOHNSTON&CY oyou want , 0*1ýz Something for ý- Presents... And the St,ý les Right, Everything it, Even 'the Prices are Rigit, and now is the Right tinte to buy. We are going to give a special 10%.~ discount front now until New Years. Sce our goods, get dur prices and compare tient with orliers, We are selling cheap and if you d on't behieve it eall and we will convince you. MoMNIL. o 1L1M s 8N BOWMNVILE.Undertaking aiways receit-Sronpt and nersonal attention. ta....................' HOrIidpay ok, aocods os gms whc e hl Ih e ang Bldsouknt, oa,4assrt ment of Faucy Bound Books by'Meyer, Moody, Murray, 4 Gordon, and others. We have allich Poets, bonnd in leati-4 4er front $1 upwards. Call and inspeet our display, you wil 4 be wecome.4 W. T. Aý".LeL-EýN. SBic, 20, BOWMAiNVIuLn. NEW HAVEN. TLe, O-ristmas tree entertainmenf in conectonwith. fIe Sunday School Friday cve]2ing wlas qui te a suiccess. à lOper cent'Dsc-ouni * ou al!puha CROCKE.i-'Y IE *$1 and upiwa,-,rds - . YOUNG &00 , m J L est stock and slow roonts -î'IÏr-his secti( j IYoung & Co. lave pa~y~ouls y * oiutside of thc largercii Y oung & CJo. mark ail gpods in p' at close prie3s, undier su our com, * Unes, making wit h flic l0ý cashdiscôi * wortli looking after. * The folowing are a fon sam"ple It sec tIent. * Clina Cups and Snicc-rs f ront 10c * 10 piece ColDred Toil4tà esfront * 13 piece Crystal BeryStsfront * Lamps froint20c up. , * Special Line Lanlps, oruirlry$3 * $2.25, and ntany ofir.-Il1W Remember if yon pur, base one d over you are entitlcd te lP' discounit *Good Things to Eat r' t1he Holi Ncw Raislins, Curra fs', Peels, O1 Figs, Nuts, Grapes, Craueries, &c, *Caned. Vegefales, FxuýÀ,ý ets, S kinds. * ~ ConfcctIonry iin gre- yrity * Wc give yen, bof h que ity mind vt duce taken, *WANTED.--Good Dry *Rougl D rcssed Poutltry. YOUNG u u G tfor( es in on of flic ou caurnol plain figui 1petifion il tint an ad, lies. C, Up, $2 Up, 50e up, .50 andS (lolnar's w tfor Cash Idays. )ranges, sand Fls ahue. Fai .d, Dram 37ash our 11e !are- procure res and in many * vantage ~all and Do vorfh or h.O eV e rn pro- wvn antd HA LL LLLýtliýIý--fl nkilýIà l wI A FINE BIG STORE. TUE LATE TIIOMAS F. JAMES. Ma. J. B. MARTYN'S NEw DEPA.RTMENT. I "One by one or ioved unes slowly AL STORE VISrrED B n T ,ONGs Pasbeyond the bounds of time, tabýý' ý171A5ý ttljllý tnwý tffMýý effýý5ý ïEý5ý5 ïfpï, effïor PEOPLEM., zO/ý T3ràýýjie; mormf f i niho -1, 1 ::Z LeiftProstrate 'Weak and, Run Down, With Heart and KIdneys in Bad Condition - Restored by H00d's Sarsaparilia. IlI was' very much run down, having been slck for several months. I had been trylng different remedies whioh dïd me Do good. I would have sever.e pelis of 0oughing thàt would leave me prostrate. Il was told that my lunge were affected, and my heart and kldneys were in a bad condition. In f act, it seemed ne though every organ was out of order, 1 toit that something must be done and my brother advised me to try Hoold'a Saragparilla. 1 prcnred a bottie and began taking lt. Befopre It wsâbgl! gone 1 felt that it wua heiping me. 1 continued iti use and It bae made me a new womao. I cannot praise It too hlghly.1" MRS. SUantnm- *iLLu, 217 Osslngton Avenue, Troronto, Ont&rlo.ý Get only H'ood's, becanse Hood's Sarsaparilla1 le tbe best-in tfact the Oua True Blood PirLqer. Sold hy ail druggists. $1, six for f-5. MISIS ETMEL MORRIS, oiliggil o m naturL.I LN on prem t, ire jig at usuai privea. 1 >WW999e --i- TEIRMS :-81.50 PER .ANNUM. OUIR TOWN AND OOUNTY IItST; THBE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SERiES, .BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNIUSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 52, ~l'eAýcj t =0 culsa gooq pogram ofreauîîî-nos recitatib ,4and -Inggby the schoci assste~Rc. J S.1,. Wilson and Mis Litljo»s .C, W. Siemon , 1ay dont, , dgar W. Min and others Proce, si $17.. M ýr. Luhe Bnttery hai retulrW homle Iaving spent 6imontà in fIe, est....,M&W Clir Langmai homne, ýr holiOavs ..... M1r. Will. Coreý spent ýims a Morfl... . Mr. W' W. camleft for lis, home af U-x * bidg foilwedbytIce kind regardi and 0bet wishes of lis pupils. $JW S S4IOOL HOUSE. 1Misý' 4ua Biekhie and Ipupils gave cn iii fIe slo-hueThursda3 J ftr~puwhici aswellatene ic uprogrammieinchudrced choruses b3 thesc)odf, redifti!ons byOlive, Laurâ and !ZhosRickard, Katleen Trewin, Lues and âm Gaîbrtli;idialogue "TIc Harvard Graduiates" bY Missetý Bertn,,, EthelMblLhiMuer and wlo Riikard, 'Lizzie Bragg and Pe'ýari Ç»bbl&Iick; song 's by -jean and 1Luey GaibraithI, Edua Rielkard and diao el owaý,rd Rickard, Rose Refun~Tusse! $ragg and ilobart Kniiî~~ mo~hOrga-n 1trio, E'd and Blakqý- îs mnons ",antil WJ3i C!kle,WebV 1c 0,n f' club nowinlngby is MauldBie 14APLE GROVE M1r Gýeo. Trimble iost bis poc ket boolk contalnng qmute an amounàt of si ilver, a $10 bih.1, nd sonsevaluables, lHe aftr- wad oulid a few' fragmilents in t le pîg poi 'Ill tfrii fo pieces. IIhd~vîsito'rs:---5&r. and Mrs. D). Il Coat'lsiaùd soni Lyn,' Brantford; Mýr. W Geo ,an~nBrautford; Mr. and MIrs Joh-, Mandy, Brhgdeu; Mr W. C. Frank Teorofito, Nù. eand M'isi; Nehlie Axtord, Torofoo Miss Annie Crumb, Týoroo Mr. 'JfilinCrumb, Tanuton; MNr. and Airs Fred Fhintifi ani famnily, ,r. and Mrl ow'ardi Flintfif, Taunltoný Miss Kato Mcil, Toronto, at AMr 1E. Moore's LmEýr rioden- Miss Melissa Stevýens, îec;Mss EstellaClarke, Newastle -Mr. Fratnk antd Miss Ethel P'ower visit cd tricnd(s af t THope. Miss Miniei 'Spr~io10 as bqen Iie popular teace.lýr iere toi' fi te pac tf4 years was present- édA with an appropriate fare'wveil add1res nue heut Ml od uynto <hainhurs, " Tic h eosý ovt- val, on ' an . aNî.A- " e4gtimeexýpectd. Address;w e g7 ,i o by Rlev. J. J. ae and 11ev. J. S3. .1, Wilson and Music wilh be- pro vided ky th.e bcst available taient S ave the dato, Pull part iculars nexf week. We lave oftcn f oit proud of Bowman- iville because of ticeinany fine stores, but tic latest addition to tic immense departmental establishments lias beeti made by our enferprising and succcssfnl East End merdhant, Mr. J. B.-Martyn, swho insieninrged tic store for several Vyears used as a groccry and meat siop f0 accommodate lis hardware store as weli. Tie present departmental store is 90 'by 86 foot, splcndidly lighted and miost couveniently arranged for ex-ped~it- ions inndling of business. The benuty ofý t ic siop is bcst seen at nigît wlen tic rows of acoetylene gas liglifs brilliaut- ly illumine tic establshment, giving to ait a citified appearance, Tic Grocery yBranci is on tic ef t side ; in tic rear of it is- thc meat staland refrigerator. On ythc west side is found tic Hardware Branici. Thrce large cellars underneati and ,-pacious storelouses in tic rear give abundant stornge(,aih being ligited witl acefylene gas. Tic business office is centrally locafed in tic rear affording a full vicw of eve.ry pairt of thc store. Tic 1systematic arranigement gives tuis fine 1 large comblned store a very lient and 1ordcrly appearance. Tic staff is com- poscd as follows: Grocery branci: Mr. Johni T. Hoopçr, mnanager, Messrs. T.H. tKilif, Fred Martyti, Arthur Allun. 1Fresi Met branci: Mr. Wm. White. Hiardware Deparfnf: Mr. J. B. Mur- *tyni, Mr..Frank Souci, Buinej.iss Office: Mr. William -Mart 'yn. A well equipped ini siop also ajoinis tlic premises wiere 1awb ordercd eeyhn from a fin plat-e tou -Uiî, r. M. Nookes, Ti àtoei a gi-rn crit if0Mr . Mar- fyn' dierprsmind tic faci1ities for amlpily cmpnsae lm for ti oulyi fittiýg up tlls mgiietbsns gmoia.Tccod int tioîged King street Sttu1rd( i; gitfound lgreat inirfin viewing f1ils br-illiantly ligit- cd. ic of bus1-iness The( stuident of luman nture vwing i multitude swtiere tic sumioýf hlumanexperience ain amircs. Tic bo tonof tic towu l uivelicle-S and on footSfop-ped f0 amr.Tic vivad;ýionis yonng , ldes so1 scen wappedin wýarm fus lwn fresi rosy cehsanid ticliif of younigi 1'cyes whîcli( lsccm flot 1f0 know thecae and w( voirles of busnossl fis age of' keenmpettion)i. Tliere,, toi, was1fi fosiyoung thini makin1g fyswt cand !ýur ber siy ts)treef, reac-iîntg fie front of Mv. Mry t tractive soestood admffýiirinig tiiý o'vcly sceene prese-i(d !by a buisy crowd oin)g1 ticir Cirîsfmias sho-pping. Tice people, wio arc feelinfic pangs of ý(Wa tf lin pocket-book wcre t i er, rubbing elbowse witi fie wealfiy nuýud pressing tîjeir way ftic hewindlows wlti a N'istf ni look. Many cllrcîtowrmkiîîg tumnit- nous noise as tiey dodged througi flic moving throîîg of obscrvîng and admir- lng pedesfýrians-all as ticy passed on to mak-e way for ic ýýiunidrcds f int pressed to, taie(,flicir placewre icard remark- ing "wlnt a beautifu-l store". Mr. Mar- tyn las been tic redipient of very many ri cily dcscrved compliments on is inndsome establishment. THE PRHNTING PATRONAGE. In the treasureri'sQ statement for 1808 it wil le seen filat THint STAT£smAN office las been boycotted tuis year s0 far as tic ftown priuhing la concerned, ( Some yar g,() i1898 3or 1894 it was ag'ce, i councitat tIc town print ing1 should be divýided,, as evenhy as p'os sib5e ,Ptween the N sand T&% A STrATES sNr\,offices. Yesterday an edc tor inforned us that the exculse offered S Wh-y THE SVATE5MAN lad not receivedi aniv patronage this year was becanse itC lad, the biggest amount hast year. L[ere is, a statement taken from ici treasurer's hast four annual statements as puibl'sihed,givingdistribution of print ing patronlage,,: YEAR, 'TUE NEws. TiE SrÂissmAN. S 1895 $î184 25 $ 5190 1896 151 25 z5 2l 189e 131 50 116 20 1898 187 76 20 15 $653876 $ 246 50 Comment is uunecessarv C Just as the suu was at its meridian on Saturday Dec. 17th the deatËh angel en- tered a home in this town and the spirit of Thomas l'rancis James, yoanigest son of Mr. John James, Oshawa, and brother of the editor of this journal, passed peacefully to rest. Deceased had been ailing for some tîme but through ail lis sickness hoelias mani- fested a patient, cheerful and buoyant spirit. Ris kindly and lovable disposi- tion made for him.rnany warm friends who have proved to him th(, sficerîty of their friendship in manyprcca ways. Since coming to town about two years ago lie lias been unable to work but was around and drove 'out when tbe weatlier was favorable as long as pos- sible, onl *y taking to lis bed about a week beforehîs deatli. 11e leavesa most devoted wife, with whom lie spent uearly ten years of happy married life, and two littile chîld- ren aged six and one year respectiveiy, to mourn the loss of a kind hus band and loving father, Court Pride of Ontario No. 60,An- dient Ordor of Foresters, and severai from Oshawa turned out in large nium- bers at tlie futnerai ou Tuesday which took place from the M ethodist' durci, Ris pastor, 11ev. J, J.' Rae, tconducted the ser'vice takine- for lis text the words chosen by deceased "Set thinG house in order" (Isa. 38, 1) "For in such aumihoýu as ve think not the Son of MaUpn cometh7' (Matt. 24t, 41) Kind. loving and sym- pathetic worI,s were spok(enItýo the sor- dark and stormiy river" and "On tlie happy golden slhore"and thel00dbl were aillchosen y bed1awedbrother and were snng and red t the service.- The words of the text were bta x pression of lis life forlhenfot ouly at ' tended to these minor mattersý while awaitingf the cali et lthe Master.but was ready to enter into the lite of eternal glory that is prepared for ail who are faitliful. A long concourse of sorrowýing rela- tives and othqrs foliowed the remains to the grave where alter the ursual burial service was over, the siemuand impressive service of the Foresters was conducted by Chief Rýang er, Lecwis Jol- Iow and other oflicers ahid breýthren. The comfortinig alIssdlvee y 11ev. Mr.Re and the wlioie service3 was eryimpessve nd illnot soonI, 1eforotnb those wlio feit miost T ýa14-p'rrs,, V-rcJ. 'I Ilo cn1.S-ze&W, ox nilT, 0~,1P nd L.T, courtof t he 1co,,È Templars, dcaedbiga me 04,o The(, following appropriate verses by iMargaret E. Sangster were found enciose(d in ýthe book and pinned to the ceaf witi lis dhosen hymns: Going ilome. Out of the chili and the shadow In to the thrill and the shine, Out oif the dearth and the famine Into rhe fuiness divine. Jpfroýathc strif e and the battie (0f1t with the shameful defeat), iJp to the palm and the laurel, Oh! but the rest wiill be sweet Leaving thc cloud and tic tempest, Reaching the balm and the dheer, Finding the end of our sorrow, inigthe ced of our feýar. Secing the face of Our Master Yearneil for in "'distance and drceam" 3h! for the rapture of gladness! Oh, for that vision, supremne! 'lcin te dear onesdertd Kniowïinig thcm, capn theirliands;, AIl the belov.ed and true- lieartcdî, Thiere lu the fairest of lands! lin evermore loft bebind uis, Pain nevermorev to dsrs Changing thie moian for thcmuee Living the Svorto Ibless, Why slioul we care for the dying' That L bbut springîng- to lite, Vhy should we slirink fromn the struggle Pale at thIc swiftcelosing strife, lince it is only b)eyond Us, Scarcely a step aüd a. breath, All that dear home of the living,1 Guarded by wlia wccaîl de>ati! Pliere we shahl learn the swetet-niiug Hidden to-da 'y fromn our eyes; Pliere we shahl wakenl like dhiîdren Joyous at gifts and surprise.. Come, tIen, dear Lord,in the gloamaing, 1Or wlen the dawning is gray! Take us to dwell' in their presence- Only thyseif lead the way. )ut of thi %hill and the sorrow Into thc thrill and the shine! Out of thc dearth and tlie famine into the fulness divine, Out ofthI sigli and the silence Into the deep swelling song! Out of the exile and bondage Into the home-gathered tîrong. E. E. H. NEW TELEP1O.NEBý'. i6 W.VC. Kingrsdne 1- 1.