Mrs. Gheslk as been in osh e pubiec crdially invited. SHAW'S SCHOOL BOUSE. ToteEecoso Division So.* 4, To 'unty ofur[m . r - ~ r - -' - Nomination Mee- Fifth CountyCouncil Division.j ArcerL . F. i15Do0mng-5 new Clém-ence spentSunda-yin Bo w1nan - Osborne lias returneçl front lis trip to OSHAWA.Manitoa. 11ethinks there isno place like home tog.. Dr. TilIey visited thle sehlool last week and reports the MrRobertcLnhnlisctrut work donle Ib teacher and pupils as ed $2000 trdsý theý building fuand of 1 being- most satisfactory-. . Prepjara- th....yerane The :an~ tin-re bUi- îmae fimi art eïtei taini- offering of th-e Ch'ristian chw1rch Nov, menit at thuelosgng of schiool. lith amïoUnted [tu nonrlv 1075 v..n Parks was ,the -,rpeipient of a compli- xnentary add1ross aînd a nandsome silver tea set. on ttise ove of severing bhis con- nection> with the MeLaughlin Carniage Co. o travel for the Canada Paint Co. of Montreal .. . * The duty collected at Port Oshawa for October was $2,984.97. Miss Eva Herm is visiting relatives in Toronto. ..Mr. E. E. Cooper and daugliter apent 'Thanksgiving i.ith bis mother, ai Almonte, Michigan .. . .Mr. and Mrs. IL. J. Craig, Midland, spent Ttsanksgiving day with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Craig. . .. Mr.JohnWhate- Iy and' d ghter of Thornbur.y spent Thanksgiving holidays at W. J. Colos Celina street ...Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Batty and Mrs Wm. Lander have reç- turned from visiting relatives in Mýieh. igýan and Clnton. SOLINA. COLURBUS. Master Fred. Nancekivel lias been, visiting at hom.... Mr. David Ashton is doing well iii his new store .... Mr, Moses Doolittie had a sand bee Monday week. ... Mr. Jetbro Wotton'has secur- od two large contracts for stone work for next summr .... Metbodist annua 1 s=pr Decomber 25tb and 28th .... On '%ndy evening Mn. and Mrs. Stephen Hugo who have livod here 42 years were presented with an addness and ,a purse as a token of; respect by the peoplo of the village and neigbborhood on their removal to thieir new hiome in Toronto. After the ,presentation, spieechles were made by Hlivs, E. A. Tonkin, and J. B.. Meaeand Messrs. Kvl Gu,T1ink anid E. I, Rowse. TO CUB.E A-COLD IN ONE DAY. Mr. -W, Baker doos not improve Talea Laxative tfiromo Quinine TablaIs. Ail much . ... Eîght initiations at Division Drnggists refond the money if it fails 10 cure. las t week with an attendance of Ïinety Prk e 25 cents. is t ke record of Solina Division.._.. Miss Lîzzie Doidge of Woodstock is visiting . TYRONE. lier aunt' Mrs. A. Washington.,.,.. Mr. and, Mrs. Robinson have moved into A Woman's Missionary society was Mr. T. Baker's bouse and Mr. Nelson organized here on Wednesday last by Hudson bas been engaged as foreman MIss Tourjee and Mns. R. Moment, or- with Mr. Edwin Annis . .. .Several from ono, the officers being: Pres.-Mrs. here attended tho ýDistrict Division at (Rev.) R. N. Adams; lst Vice Prs.- Enfield Tuesday.. .. Mr. WilI. Rosier Mrs. W. H. Hicks; 2nd VicePes. whohasbee o,ployed with Reeve ýMiss C. Scott; Cor. Sec,-Miss Benta 'X. Paseoe left on Suuday to spend the Win - Brent, Treas-Mns. 'Ihos.Cree,. ter ln England.... Rtlr. Chas. Rogers' The funenal of Mr. Fred.Spuewa wood sale was well attended., Pnices largely attended. Disease oft0 ug ruled high some quarter acres selhing J ias the immediate cause of deatli, lis1 as high as $40. ý.. .14ev. J.- S. 1I. Wilson, long painful illness being borne wt Countice, is expected to preach at Eldad remankablo fortitude in one se young. on Dec. 18th .. .. Mr. L. T. Pascoe at- Iîev. I1. Snell (throngh whose celunsels. tends the GIdid ïDïvinlahj GrOlijia this and prayersthe young brother was led. week ... . Mrs. W. Blewitt of Leskard to trust in bis Redeemen) eonducted tbe and Mr. and Mrs., W. Gerro wof Port funeral ceremoniesý. . .. Mr. W. H. Man- PIerry visitod frionds bere necently. ning occupie: the late J. Davey wresi- ___dence, King St. West .... We welcomne Mr. and Mns. W. Farrel,>ssr., to the cit- Perfectly Cured ieshpc TAUNTON. Weak and Low Spirted - Nervous Prostration Apptte Poor and Could Not Rest. 61I take great pleasure la recommending Hood's Saréapanilia to othiers. It kas been themeas f rstrinry wiUe to'good- healt.h, She was stnieken dewn iwith an attack of narvons, prostration., She suf- fareS with headaches and har narves wers undar savane strain. She became very 10w spiriteS and se waak she couid only do a litt le work without resting.. Hler appetîte was poor, anS belng se weak she could flot get the prorar rest at niglit. She dacided te try Hood's Sarsaparilla, as we liaS heard It highiy praised, and I am giad to state that Hood's Sarsaparilla has perfectly cureS al lier afiments."l G. BELLÂMT, 321 Hannali St., West, Hamil-~ ton, Ontario. Remember Ils tibetI lu fct tisa One True Blond Puri- Inon. AU drgiss 1, six for $5. Ga% HocoS's. Hood's P I i rgs.~o Mr. Wîll Adain bas returned from Rochester. ... Miss Nellie MeKenzie was r.est.'of Miss Lizzie Thomas during 1Ihall sgving..Miss, Lucy Lander visitcd f riends at Hampton recently.... Miss FlossieArmstrong and Miss Flossie Gruse, Us[lawa, visîted triencis flene,.. Missý Dodge. Woodstock, bas been vîsit ing ber aunt. Mns. AIheri Washington, ...Messrs. George Cornaish and Wilfred Thomas bave returned from the Northi West .. .. The lecture and social under the auspices cf the choir held at Z ion, Nov. 28rd, was a decided success. Mr. Rae is cetainly a successful lecturer. His address on "Doors Opened and Closed," delighted bis bearens. Se well was lie received that ail would gladly weleome huîn again. Mr. C. E. Browvn, Hampton, sang la bis usual pleasing manner. The choir added greatly te the prognam by rendering some choice antbems. Al were glaS to have Rev. E. E. and MnsIHoward present and on- joyed a pleasant social evening togetis- en. Hagy)ard'"s ejllow 01 cures sprains, bri es, srsiolds, unts, frostbites, ehilblalns,stings of inseets,burns,scald contusions, etc. Price 25C, inlflnnee And hope to m,£eetman of you in Orono on Nomnination D)ay. Wishing you ail a Merry Christmas and a very Happy Newv Year, I remain, Your obedient servant, Ilaving-,bougbit out Mr. F. R. Clarke('s bakzery bjusiness, I wou'ld ask' a coin- uanee of ýsupport from bis many customers. From long -ex-periene I feel confident ofsupyg a good art- icle to ail who may favoGr me withi their patronïage. A trial solicited. ALXLUTTRELL, TheFamily Baker and Confectioner, PROTOS FOIR CHRIST.RAS. What is nicer or more acc(-(pttqble to a friend than a 1fI«;ely eeuted photo of yourself? Tait & Co., Bjowmanville, turn out such and they would advise every one contemplatingl iin tei Photos for Xa reoXto (c'Il earlyv and they ,1Iwi honhave a chane to get your work ont ini good timo, Thev h1ave some pretty framo noivelties that they eau reconoendf at 2.)e each. Caîl and see them. 17 tf. Llnded IO eol WInf d A 7757 T.,N. RICKARD, Bowmanville, bas the finest and well bought stock cf Watches in this fair land cf ourst waitine- for voJl] Ail lie asks in return for one is a surprisingly small amnount of your monoy. AUl bis Watches are guar- anteed. No wbere in Canada eau you do botter-prove it for yoursolf. Same time wben in', look about for Christmas. Thene are bore as maîîy pretty tbings as in a city store, ail yours for a trîfle. No where will ygur eyes receive, better attention, nor Iless bc taken f rom your Pocket for spectacles, and the Rings, well yen will need te see them, words ' cati fot convey to you their beatyý. C,,laicl ud eothens. Grocer ueb fkns cash, T. N. RIOKARD, 1Jeweller adOteaBowmianville. lis Bread, Buns, Cakes, etc., are equal to the best and prices are right. Try John Bull MILalt Bread. Angel Cake, Short Bread, Crullers, (fresh every day) ai-d horne-made llumbugis and Taffy. We will1 serve you promptly, treat, you civilly and charge you modestly. BOWMANVILLE. T-iýhos. Tod, Baker anS Confectioner, -Vif ï -r: Wf IVsem Housekeeper Makes it a point to. keep her kitchen well equipped. She knows how important it is to do so, Well cooked mealls do much to make home life happy and they can't be had without good cooking utensils and a good Kitéhen Rangie. You cau find thousands ofhouse- keepers who woulcl rather part- with the piano than their "HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE." It works like a charm and it burns day and night, it is no trouble to look after, and you would'hardly miss the 11scuttie a day" of coal that it uses. -Make it a point to cal].oni us the first time you're down town, and we'll be pleased to show you the many superior advantages of-the "IIAPPY TIIOLTGIIT." Dustan I-ilr Phone 74, BowmANVIILLEu Guessing or knoWkng shoes. FAi The difference between huying a pair of " Siater Shoca" and a pai o cpmon shoes, is just -7 the diffareuce nepresented 'in a with a responsible signature. Trhe seuleS lettar may contain r a lange cheque, or aiTâiliffs notice. The opened latter-well you know jtsst -what it is. Trhe common shoes ni =7e good ones nuder 'he finish but how do you know? i " Siater Shoes " hear a pedigree tag whiclittlls exactly the leathen tliey'ne of, is wenr, pecularities or faults. Goodyear Welted. $, $4.oe and $5.oo pen pair. LOGUE "THE .SLATER .SHOE." JOHN.,HELLYAR,, Sole Local Agent. morulur util. ive O'clock iii thaefanc n~o longer. DateS the 251h day of Novamnbar, 18«, 48.2wCoitxFELIu OBRNNoiatn Nomination Meéfir Sixth County Couacil Divisiosi,CoL of D U ýH AM Noieis bierabhy iven that a meetinig w1 baeld proaato theMn lpiAct, 18! Burke,"ton lu ing's otel on the flieieult of Daemiber 1895 btw(,an thebhots of eou two o'*clock Iin th ie iternu(oni, for tfilepui-r nlomiuatiug candidates for thýefinuceof Co CouueIiorýfcr the sixtb Couuty CouniciiDiv of Lie Cnty of Durhami, If a greatar mnev-çCaddte r nated than ara raqnuirad to ha alac4tead tihe will ha opanefi atthe poling placeus for aslt the polling sub-Sivisjous ,withiu tfle saiS dl on Monday the second dayv of JauuariiY 18sOý là4 to continua open f rom inie o'clock i o-ruiingunutil fiva 'clýck Onfis e aftarnor no longer. Dated the 28tb day of Nîovembjer198 4S.2wý JûHN HuGHlEs, Nomrlnatlng Of DIGS FOR SALE-Clioice .. Taworths ; also bree Yorksblr AI] bred from regiStered sptock. Big prices titis month.J. CorE, Bown' TpAMWORTTHicePOPSAI wortlî sows andi boarB, two mnoulthis old' prcergbî. 1. J. GmBSOa, ilowmnanyli Caelot 34, Con 3. BOARS FOR SERVICE.-Th, signed bas for servî>' Ice o0lot8, Co lington, a thoro'bredaYorkshire W îhIte strain imlproved iatr fromn famions lImported Show Tes.'1 T. WOODLEY, Tyrone, 40 sure stock getter. WilI he sold cheap. also for service a' Young YorýkshlireC Promise. Thauks fo" past paitronlage. Wv, iioselauldvale Stock Farm, Solina. 130OARS FOR' SERVIC.-Ber hoar, Dandy IL., sire and dtamt GeoI. Gýreen, Fairview,thesuccessful , .f swiu e at Toronto Industrial. Dandy mdl hg wsnoeaenasyers 'under 6 s.h l nf his erh st pr nze .. l afne Yorkiieha ou lot _1,co zDrlin ton Trs 1 SNwaN r., Bowmauvil e,P.. UOARS FOR SERVICE.-Ti B" proved long "Berkshir-e Prlnc No. 302, Sire and Dam ip rtei y Mr 8ui. lo a yoling Blerlir rlc NO. 5622, of extra length and qnaliity-t won flrst il is class at Ontario anà Exhibition, Whitby, and lieàdefi tbe l won the Dipioma for best hoar and two 1 an ae.t An improved Y~orkshirea 1 gr~~No' 30, -,Sir - -oly - lE a imuported by Mr. 3J. E. Brethour. Also beaten Young Yorkshire "Oak g~ dore 4th"l No. al04, this hog ha.wrv5 to ha the hast six months boar in the fou ships. Terms$i1 Stock for sale. T. Maple Grova, Lot 10. Con. 2, Darlingtit mnville. P. 0,4 jPIG AST RAY-Strav( roun formation leading to recovcry w111 bc f uiiy racelvad. THos. PAscoE, SoIlna, c' ATTLE ASTRAY.-Fron C.J Co8, Darlington, about Juin, heifars,risiug two years ohUi lfon lug te their rc ir will b)e si JAMES Gît. RJT; Enield. S ýTRAYED.-F-rom ot15o¶ ber, threa two-year 0oli stars-two-o iyellowý. Informnationl leaSinlg týe k)Coui 5, Darlin1)gton, RaJbout11 er, ouae Vwa.Owareau blaye vig rop-rtyanSpaying. LODHmpon I tii. j 1 !"%A à a YY a, j l'là j;ý, o 'É ïy ý lu . u -1- T