~.T14FE FIlST - ShoulcL remind you that the best thing to 3 1do isto get a bottle of cp- Itcures 3ronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Asthm;a, -1 H-loarseness and allThroat andLung troubles. --w We have a complete Une of Atomizers, Hot Water Botties and Chamois. Chemsts, JOHN HIGGINBOTRIIMI SON. CeitBOWMANVILLE, duto-s oeilg According to resoIution passed by Town Council the Collector înüst re- turn bis Roli by thek l5tli of Deceinr '98. Rate-payer -vill please take notice that ail Taxes must be paid before that date JAS. MeLEAN, Bowmanville, Nov. 8. 1898. 45.3w D)ARLINGTON AE 1 wxiii be t the following places from 10 a. mn. ti 4 p. m . on thse dates mentioned te collect taxes: Eniiskillen, Wednesday, iNOV. 30, Ilampton, Friday, Dec. 2, Bowmanville, at Mr. Johnl Hellyar's Shoe store,evcry Sattir-' day. Two per cetw= ositively ie added in ail eumns reinin upid o0 1 4th December. S. Pollàrd, Collecter. Tyrone, Nov. 'ï4, 18L8. TENDERS for SUPPLIES, 1899, The undersigned mll receive tend ersfor sup- puies upto1non-o MONDAI, DEC., 5, 1898, for the suppy ,cf >botc!het 1'net, btter. dairy and creamery, givi, i, of.c teaels, foeur, ocimeal, notatees. cor-d,,,o-d , t., foefllowinginsti- tutilozs during -the year 16,viz Attlie.Asla for the IInsane-ftrToouL- don, ingetn, Hmilton, Mimîco, roekvt l ani Orllia t e Central Prison and Mercer Re- formatory. Toronto i the Refornatôry forfloys Penetanguisli., e; thr Institution for Deaf und Dmeieile. ani, ,le Blnd t Brantford Two sunsceent seenîieýis wll ne requireil for the due.f ulihnent c f ecliý cotract, Stceeifleations ced forme c f tender eau ouibcli had by making applieaàtion to tleBnrsaýrsOf h respective insitutiono. NB. Tenders are nef required for the supply cfrmeatt te tsylm in Toronto, London, Kingston, Haiilton an Mimiro nor te the Cen- Vral Prisoý ndi Mercer Reformatery, Toronto. The lowest or any tender net necessarily ac- reted. ý Newsnanters insertngthis cdvertisement with ont authority f ronm the deprtmnent will not lie paid fer jr. , (Signed.) R. Christie, T. F. Chamberlain, James Nexon, Iiipcctûrs of Prisons and Public Clicrities, Plarliasuont Buildings, Toronto. Nov. 21,1898. A nmeting o5 the Patronsof the HamPton Cheese Factory will be hld in the Town Baln, Hampton,on SATURDAY, DEC., lOth, et 2 o'clock, p. m. for the purnose of receivýLrg the report and closing up the sast season's buSines.. Fz LISeCretojey. Hampton, NoY. 28th, 1189. A NNUA L MEETING. The aniaal GeneralMeeting of the Sharehold- ers of Ramp ton Butter & CheeseýMàlnfaturiug Company of Darlington, Limited, will lie held iu the Town Élali IHampton, on Satuirday. lth day of eenber, 18.,18, et 8 o'clock, p.m., for the purpos cfeetig .a1Board of Direetors tQserve' frthe ensngya and the transaction of such other business as rnay properly torne be- fore fthe meetinig. F. L. ELLis, Secrets.ry. Dated et Hampton, Nov. 28,18D8. When travelling tcko the Grandt Trunk Rail- way Systen-it recehes ail points East, West, Northi and South,. Get e eopy of tht, leteet time-table. Sestheb splendid train service to- KINGSTON,, BROCKVILLE, -MONTREAL, QUEBEC, -PORTLAND9 MONCTON, '-51';JOHN, HALIFAX,ýN. S. And al pints on the Alanic Coast. Fu Information fron tise Agents of tise Great systera. Stol & Jury, Agents, Bowmanî le. Nomination Meeting.> A 7757 Fiftia Cou nty Coun<cii Division,Cou nty T.'N. RICKARD, Bowmanville, -or Vurham. lias the finest and well bouglit stock of Watches ln this fair land of Notice le herehy given thet e meeting wll bc helS prsuent te the Municipal Actt. 1896, et ours waiting for-you. Town Hall, Is Bewmneviile on the ltis day of Ail lie asks in return for one is a Deeembsûr. 1898, betweeu the bouts cf one andl two o'cleck su tht afteruoon, for thtesurp se cf- surprisingly small amount of your nominting candidates for tht office cf Couinty Conuillor for tihe fifth County Counil Division money. Ail his Watehes are gttar- of the County of Durhams. .1 anteed. No where in Canada can If a -rester number of candidates are nom!- nateil than aie reqnîred lo bce deteS, the panls you do better-prove it for yourself. wlll le openeil at tht polling paes for eech of Same time wlie-n ini, look about tht poliiîg euh divisions vithintisesaiS district ou Monday the s"end day cf January, is9, the for Christmas. There are here as polis te cootinsa' _ tsi rons nine o'clock in thc morning until ii - dock lu tise aftes-noon anil many pretty thiugs as in a eity ne longer, store, ail y ours for a trifle,ý DatI tt 2rh -y f Ns ehcr 188.No where will your, eyes receive, Nomination Meeting!1 Sixtis County Council Divison,County of DUJRHAM, Notice le hereh i, zven tisat a meeting will be bell sa. t Maisicipal Att, 1896 t Bukton su1IKi ire 'tcl on tht iinetee'sth ilav oi Decemulsr.]-s hi n en tht heure of eue and two c 1i'cl.e c- ,t-wou.for rh-o purposa of ncminating ctsiilatps for tie isfice of Couty Couueiiso--fos- the sixth Conty Couniltlivislon cf lie Couty cf Dorlisu. If a gýýates nrsmbtr of Caudidates arce nmi- nated then are requireil to be electeti, the polis will lie opened aet ,te polliug piace for each of the pollng euh iv i -l wihstht selS district On MonaY tht leolday cf Jenuury 1899, tise Poils toe c ntlessc open frorns Oset o'clock iu tht mnorsing untïl ive 'tloek le tht afttrucon anS 10 longe,. Dteil tht 2th day cf Noe mlicr 18,1. 482w* JoiïN Hsioisz, NeminatingOfficer. bruisas, sore, worinds, culs, frostbtes, 'chiibiains,stings of Insects,bu .nS, 0.l1 contusions, etc. Prica 25c. botter attention, nor less be taken from your poekef. for speetacles, aud the Rings, well you will need to sec tlieîn, words can not eonvey to you their beauty. Caîl and see theni. Grocers dite buils tak en as cash. 1T. N. RIDRARD, Jeweller anti Opticien, Bowmanviile. B _OARS FOR SERIVICE.-Tise ina- _JYproveS long "Berkshire "Prince Lee" No. 4302, Sire cul Dam importeS uy Mn. J. G. Snell Alto a young Berkshire-Pî-ince Royal" Ne. 56,12, of extr-alessgth cul qulity ; this bog won firtin hise lase et Ontario anS Durisam Exhibition, WThitby, cul beaedilt1he peu tisai won tiseDiplome fer litiboar anS twc. sows cf nny sge. ais imprevedi,-ksire 0,,.k ALrdge Emigrani" N.10>Sr RlyelEmaureut" ýimportei,, y MrJ.- E. Brethour. lec itgsun beattîs young Yorkshire "Oak Lodge Commo- dore lili"No. 104, this boy bas proveS himsecf î letiv 1h- m'tGaroth boc: lu th, four towu- slp.Terme stý Stock for sale. T. J. COLE, apeGrove, Lot 1, Coun 2, Darlingicu, Bow- muilP. , - Utf. Ciciago Wheat »oolined a Gent Pei B.sliel, aud Liv,,îpooi Was ase on Saturday-The rrlces. 5aturdlay Dveni.ng, Nov. -Y'. Liv erpool wlieat futureswreeirt. day cosng'1da tu 1/d lper centa.1lulweî ttc.n yesterdcy. Paris whect elosuf stecdy te 10 centimeLs lowcr for the dy.An- tw erp was unclianged.1 Chicago whect was weak on heaivy sJl- iug te day. - Reports were aÈfied cf ehess er Itussian wheat and large Agetîe f- ferings. ' !,ext menthe ,deîixe.Y deeuda cent s. bushel, and the, May ote e Leadtng Wlceat Marketa,. FOlloxviug are the lesing price to-daty at Important contres: Cash. Nov. De,. May. Chicago . ...$0 Wel2$0 iA~0b Nev York ..................O 7 71' J MIewvcnkee ..0O67y,.. 0 .. St. Lo>uis ... O70 O09 jf O69's Od0 Tôledo.......0 701/1, .O 7; 0e 070 Dt,tri . 0 691/ 0 OSI/2 O 691/s Dulunth ,Na. Nortlerit ..O 9... O63 O 61 Dulth, Ne. 1 sard ... ......O 70....... lt.gnsaplt........ 14 O 62Yfý O.7 ToreQnto, No. i 'liard (new).. 0OSI- Twr(nto, red.. 0 70 .. Toronxto St. Lawrence M~arket. lteceipts of farus preduce were light -ta day oîiug to tht storm 1900 bushels i grain, prices for vhch were generall1y ensier, 10 loads of hey and 1 cf siraw. Wheat ecsier; 6000 hushels sold nes-fol- lows: White 72e ta 73e, red 71e, ta 72c, goose 69cetb 7@-, Barley esier, 800 bushels selling et 4Uc ta mec. Ots casier; 400 bushels .old et 32P te 32Vsle. Peas stecýdy; 100 busels sel t 68c. Bey steady; tîmothy $8 tb $950 pet ton, and lovar $550 te $7per p. Strttw Ont bcad cf ryestawsolS at $8 per ton. Dressed Hlog.s-Prices unche'sged et $o5.4(î ,.$J5.60 9cr cwK ijhter.-P'lc S , sy 18ie ta 20e per ib. Eg&@--Strictly nevw-laid lggs seld. tet .c to 309r 4aoï811, Jliýscthat have been gaîlsereilthrec or fouri eeheare worth oly 20e te 22c. Pouitry-Price for poultry were tcirlY thoin ce f ollows: Cileeene qtb 60 pet p,fr, ducks 50e ta 8)-cpeu pair, geese Ç512 te 6/e per lb., turkeys Se te lic pet lb., the bulk gong et 90 anS 10ce per lb, rotatots firmer .et 60e fi, OeC per bae, Buffalo, Nov. 26. Reeelpts cf sale and tilrengli cattie duriuig the 24 bouta endeti et noon te-day were .Cattie, 52 cars; îh1p and lcmbs, 15 cars; liegs, 33 cars. Sip mpent,,. Catt1e 52~ cars; seep andi lajubs, S cars; hoge, 271 cars Cattle-1Noneonusale atsl asep ply, good demandi andti dem. Chofce, extra, Slieep and Ltînbs-Tlwenty loatis offcning. Mcdrhýet in gooti position. Native îlambs hisgner. Ba&ts cf blit cf sales was$J6 for ciolce lcmbs bt there were a fe-w sales et $5.70îo&$5L75. Chocee tae ettra, $560 te $5.75, gotil teo hoet $5.25 to 5ý530; fair te gondi, $& t*$$.25. Sheep, cabde tot extra,$25ta $4.40;- gond taeUç e.ce, $d te $425; common ta fair, $250 tea$.5C ap- aal ambe in fir demand, and scld et $5.31 Cheeme, Markets. London, Ont., Nov. -9O.-Slxteen faetorles ùffered 4408 boxe% fat cheese. Sales-ý 181 ut 9c, 1085 et 9 116c.2M3 et 911e. MaçLke4 fair. The lcst mark-et cf the seafon wil]Il e ield next Satnrdisy. M-'aterto-,u, N.Y., Nov. 26.-.Tle Beard cf Tracte closeil te-day for tht season. (kee'o ait solS in Jefferson Coisstv., Suas sOnay 2250 large at ii¾c ta 9%c, bulk ýat O!/2(, 8maai! chee-se, 9-~c te 9fl/e. Brttish Markets. Liverpael, 'Nor. 26.-(1a-30.)--No. i Gel., 6seiledto 6e lO01/d; reti winter, 0Os; 1, Noriheru, sprling, 6q 2i,5il et, : Se l~; peas, 6s 952dc; petitk, 50s; lsrd. 27S '35; tallo, 20s 3d; b ' cons, heavy, 1le., 28s:liç; l rgç,67 6di; short eut, 29s OS; cheese, wh1ite, 44eï 6d; colored, 4Us 6d. -Liverpool Close-Spo)t whLatdi, wittiî No. 1 Norten at s 2/d; ted wi t u - tur, s 60cfor Dec. ai i !(" fs.r Mardi. Spot manize quiet et 3se l11/2; fil- tures -quit îat 3F, 9/1 fer-Dec., -3eT/d for 'Match adl 3s* 7%d for May. Flour, 19s 3d. ELECTION PROTESTS DISSfLSSED. .%Mr. Justice Osier Agalir Scores the Dlanagers cf the Political Parties. Te rente, Nov. 26.-At Osgoode Haill yesterday' Ms. Justice 081er gave the political parties eaitovere lecture on thei dis8gracefuîl nature of tise proceed2ings talten in couretien viti the late On- tario elecîlon imettes. A nuuner cf pro- teste were siettîcil, with tise reenîlt -hat thora now semnaine thse lwo Rlins, Wbîish will bi ttied ou Monday andi Tues- day of next Week et St, Tconias. Tisa1) respoildents are higis Couseivcttvsss, andi it lochs as if tise figist will ha cairriedta t the bittas end.1 The nases cf Noth Esx andti MU.knea viere bts dismisseti, lîy .ustfica Osier, as noeovidance wais ofFereti. Bnis sides are te pay their own cosis. Tise Breckville elVction case will ha transferreti te Toronto and tri-d on Dec. The casa cf James Coumaea, -member- elect' for West Algaosua, inay hocirotglht te Toronto for trial. It la sati, iowever, tisaitishe Tories will drop ,thiai protest againet biniaeni ll ii nake knewd tise fact shortly. FPOLITICAL POINTERIS. Mr. S. T. Bastedo. secretary cf theisq i- asies Depaîtmeni, bas genie on a trip cf tinspection te tise soîtis. Col. Koîns Ias acepted tise nomnina,- itieo f lalten Couserv a-tives. Ms. John R. Thrlar le his opnent. SMajor Pinanît, M.P.P. for Matane, Que., is te ho appointed JJeputy M iiýiser of Milîtia in uialcofethlie lata Col. Panet. Mr. Justice Falcnbliga anti Mr. Justice Street presideet itise elect!Qn case ai Centra Siaucea in Osgoode Hall ci. Setttriay. lt teckz thaina xactly 58' seconds ta setilo it, witi tise aeant that Ms. A. B. Thonapsen, tise Con servative anember, reteins bis seat in tise Hanse. The-' ptition wes disaiqedaiwitheut costs. Ms. Justice, Falconîritige fdllowe theis Joad ocf Mr. Justice Osler in scoring ptîl- tioners wlao de net erne te tise scratch. - Bridge Builder RIlII.. Paris, Ont., Nov. 28.-John- Frisis. who Was working en tise Grand Truni Railway Iritige.about t-ire miles eest ef bora, ivas struck liy e tru-in, sustaiuing injuries from WhIiishacdied a.efw isoure laies. Doaeased wes cliont 45 yeune of ega anti leaves a widoxv- anti oua son. Soutis Berwick, M-n, Nov. 28--Harlay flatos ant i Fed. Hial-lway, engînear anti fireman ou thse Bostoen & Maine liailroa(t, wero killeti by île heevy enoxv pleW tp- ping ovaron tisa cab. Tbey were cruehed against tise boiler SecS. Is Goiseez Deati? Havane, Nov. -2.-Tisera was a rejRcrè ln circlation hebre lest evenlt tiWcrd làh~ beau racelveti of tisa diatis cf tee. IeaùoGoinez on Frilday inlgist, but it le net cieilitat ln Culian iscea. Salina, Mass., Nov. 28-Tise tril, nort 0-t eIiOW torm lconseild~ etjo1 Ois ei tisheIlnqg ~et tq go Big Fortune Not ToucheS. Iu this bandsonie rift to relatives Lord Meôuntstephen did net toueShbis splendid fortune, whicb bis acqualut- ancee hase place ail the way fiom $10,- 000,000' te $15,000,0O. Thay tate tbat Lord StTaatbouna andi Moun.t Royal andi Lord Mountsteplaeu have heen "ey heavy speouAtors of late lu tise London stock marklet, andi those noble lords bava coma oui of tisaisfortunate depls wlth proflff ainouuiniita betwëen fi va and~ six igil- lioûns. ThiS, therefore, isligy,~ these sala- tives of Jorcl Moýntstanpsuhav, se îuiàdenly cernm-êie o 0sssson of t"]iasumà cf $2,800,000. The. ibre trustees bave tise power te say who shal «et this harn . a lump suan andi wio shall enjoy tisa interoat only, bis lorlp t.sking uts for grantati the', soeaof his relatives nlight ho lEâ pXudent than otisers. Opens ai Brantford on Nov. 30-Tise Programmre cof Sp.akers. Toronto, Nov. 25-:lon, Sidney Fisher bas noti.aod tise MistietefAjgL- culture tisat ha wild hoe present et thoý Ontario Livo Stock Show et Brantf*ord, which opes on aiNov. li0ita DDa & He will bo accompanied by Heu-. F. G. M4. »eceiea, Goamssîonar of Agriculture, autid Hon. IL.'l. Dufy, CSnissioer of Publie Woaks5 Quobec. A publie meeting will ho held inthe Opera Honue, Brantford, on the evenin'9 et thea openliig day, et which nion, A S Hardy wil ha chairnien anti Hon. John I»ryden, Ron. Sidney Fisher -and Unr. Hoilees, Hamilton, will etidress tise meeing. Tis annual uiae*ikg of tisa -axieieicasi(haford Down neçord &ssocit-- tien w»I behielti in tise G.T.R. ý,read.iig roern, Brantford, on Nov. 30, et 2 p-pr., andi the, AmareaenLeoeastar Brasers' 4ssocioîlleneneg Dec. >1 ut 7.30 p.m" Thle Domnuica SwIue Broeease'Associa- tibismoots Dec. 3 et 7.30. BOYS WENT GUINNLNG. Fred: McLeams Was Eatally Stiot by George M-ale.tt's Oun.ý Osisawa, Ont., Nov. 2.-A fatal shoot- ing accident occurred et Guy's Point, just wesi of thb barber, on Saiurdey mernîug, resulting in tise deetis cf Fred. MoLoean. It saeres tisat George Mallt [and, MoLeen Weît rabisit shooting. Oua Askcsd the otiser, te tuin round, when tiai guna struok and Malle-ts gpaï dis- gharget andth ie charge stru.ok MoLean on tise laft ijilgia, Uc1Lan was xeoeil to a farsia liuse owaesl hy Mr. Sohenilt ,andi Dr. Cohuru wwu sumiusoetl, but coulil do no gond. MeLean dieti a few hours later. Au inquestisl deemeil un- nocassh.sy. F. $.Lltlsburn flead. Dasesoulo, Nov. 28.-M. raieroieS. Rathisun, generalacocon litattcf àtisalIaiS- isti Company hare, dieri enddenly while. taking bis usuel imonlng bath eat hs residitce eciiSatnsday froni hear fallure, Tise deceaseti getleman was about 45 years cf age. Mr. Rathisun marrieti a tiaugister of tis etlcte Hon. John* MoMur- rics, -iris survives hlm. Ha ienves two daugisters anti Oua soli. Oua dauag,,ter is i Leipsie, Gernjany, andtie, tis 5r is et home, wisile tise sona te a studeut et Tsinity Cllege Scisool, Port Bo1pa. Mr'. E. W. Rathbun, le uow th.e euly surviv- ing con cf tisa laie 1H. B. R&t.îbRo, foundes of-tise Rathispu Ce. ai Deserenloe. Brightion, Ont., Nov.. 28-Anuthar fatal accident bapýianed lu this viclnity yesterlay,' by wbicl John '£orrance, e brak-eman cf York, lest hie 1ife. \Vhile nsaking e coupliug ha Istood anu tis nonsh sida of thea irack, naXt te tise plat. fermn l front cf tise fruit bsouses. and i me muacceuntable Way rsas sqtteee.l htwetoA alargo sfrigerater cas andt tie platforni. )ý.hen founat, a minutei or se eftarwards, lira was extînci, tise ribscbey- îug beau Ireken andi force i,uaguinsis tise heart. H1e leaves a vifeandu tour chlldrenl. 1McGoWaWas ,aled. Eria, Pc.,- Nov. 28-Wheu ex-Mayor Magewan cf' Trentea' bou t hais (top- erores Bstings baS granieti a retjuïsition BOW éJMANVI LLE. - - ýTO RELATIVES. Deeds >o LeT ac&8,2,80,000 te Three Trustees to Keep His Relatives iu Fitting Style. Moutroal, Nov. 28-l j annouil208 that Lord Mountstephen bas hauded over to tbree trustees, James W. Stirling of New Yorkc, John Turub-il an d Robert Meigbeu cf Montreal, thse sum of $2,800,- 000 f*r the benefit of bis lordship's rea- tives. The following kindred res-dInl Mont- rai: M'. BFrank Stephen and bis four daugblsers, Mrs. Ro~bert Meighen and lber three, obilren, Mr. Frank ,Migisen, Miss Margpret Smithî Mighen, Mrs. R. W. Redford, Mss. James A. Cantlae and ber eilidren, Mr. George S. Cantlie, Mr. James A, Gantlie, jr.,' Lieut. W. North- cote ail. Mr. Francis P. Cantlie, Mss. Adamni, Ms. William Stephien, Mr. George Staphen and bis.four sisters, lie- Ing thtebhidren cf thse late James Ste- phoei; Mrs, 0. S. Pelton and six chil- dran, Mrt. J. C. Cnvington and lire chul dieu, Mrs. Stephenson, baside.s other rela- tives in Élifgland. Hie lordship's desiro la appareutly te give bis relativeA hat assistance wnieh in .ften soeqnirad by wortisy heirs bof osa a test.ator's daath. LADIES' & OHILDREN'S UNDERWEAIR. Have you seen our Immense stotk rangig in prices from 10e to $.~ We believe the public reeognize our leadership in- this line and thi., seasoil we a re showifig a larger stock and better value than ever before. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Men's and Boys' bow -ties, light or dark, ehades, silk- lined,. regular 25 cents, 2 for 25 cents. Men's Silk Puff Tics, handsome coorilgs, silk lined special, at 25c. Men's Faney 1Random Fleeeed Shirts and Drawers, soft as dowi, sizes 36 fo 42, regular $2.00 set for 81 75 a pair.~ Men's Fleece lined Aretie IJnderwear, the kiînds that will not tielile good wearing, speeial at 5Oc-and 75.lo Men's extra heavy ribbed ail wool Sox, regular 35e for 25e. Y Men's home made woolen Sax, special 3 pairs for 1.00. -~ Men's Driving Gloves warranted Buekskin, ]lrge size, reg. $150, $1. Boys' heavy school Mitts, leather faeed for 30c a pair. Men's Driving Gauntiet Mitts, Black Persian Lamb (nîiin ae with Dogskin 81.25. Men' extra heavy Driving Mitts, eovering of Muleskin, sperial 65c. Men's and Boys' Fur Caps from $2.50 up. TMILORING.. . . We are making to order a gentlemen's suit of pure black worsted (clay twill) handsomnely trimmed for 817,.00 a suit. 100 bushels'Oats wanted. Highest cash rrýb ice. Tr o Four Significant Fanctsa returni.g nm te uie n amna.H oear awecy erta i jump hie bail antiesecape te aia IL oe"HIAP>PY TIIOUGHTS" aemd vr erta l weas arrestoti and taken laera Jutige others combinied., MsyengwflKnt Mire. e Barue anti Mss. More "HAPPY- THOUGHTS" are in use to-day than of auy Wian's 'bail bas iaeon -cntinuedti l other stove or range the eountry ever say. noxt Fritiaty. -Miq. Winu la Ia Tcrento. No t one user of a "'HAPPY1 THOUGHT" but is pleased Wvitb Tisa Edilli Bryl B1ýhes kidna1ppingcase ___________________________________ W, 1lnuwwlho iriedti l bvlauti. i by ù , ___________Not a single buyer of a, "HAPPY TIIOLGHT" lias ever re- Banque du PeupleWsiu Up. gretted his choice. Montreai, Que., Nov. 2.-At'a meet- 'Tis. said "There is a best in everythiug." lu view of above are lng of tisa deposiiors of tise Banque duiE Peuple on FSalamday iti wag agree tî ela1iming too uch in stating tisai the "H1APPY TE1OUGHT"' RANG grant tise directote an extension of tire thec best on eartli. yeare te xind up tise alfairs ef tisa hank, on condition tisat ,iisy sheuld inuite a wI deposit of 819â,000 anti dispoe of tisàe ol as possible. Tise dapositere' d&ùM.Os.le Phone 74, BoWMAN-VUR subjqct to ýthe rAtification ef Parliamn.;nt. Ca.nadissu Bazaar in Lesdssn. TA WOTS FO AL.A IR Î~WORK- Ladies wishing- bair Lonlon No. 2.-iseMiichinae T number cf cholce Thoroughhred Tam- Egat and Cor 0f Ontario St,Bowmanvile 4. t Lauedovvne, Wfe of tise - Ser2tz*lY tif wortl saows anS bass, two mouths olti, for sale* -As - 9 eute for Waýr andi formasGovesoe pricesright. D. J.CIGîNa, Bowmanville. Vruara.l o2 canada, wl i 1the Clarke, lot 34, Con 3. - >OARS FOR SRIE-O-SI bm'aer, wisicis is ta iitiheldS t the_____________________B boar, Dandy IL, sire anti(1dam11 l'(ireS Geo. Green, I3airview, the SIuessfui exiiitor resideý4n(! of Lord Bliasscy onts-5tlef swiue at Torouto Idsre. Ii 11 .st. Lt)a. ect of tIse intrar ile o w BOAR FOR SAL.-LargeYorksisire modal log. wae not beattu lebst year-3ownas iise.eleray onioment fuud .of iiha Dty- Boar, 2years old, a splendid bog eand a rOo.bo"c iii vaiewon i cees f QuAp~ele5 l iSe ortlweetsur-e stock getter. \Villhle solil eleap. Have ici prizes. AIse a tlueYrkieharleSb alsoforsericea yuugYorsisre f geatD. MeClelian, Barriston. Bot-bs epit for service Tegrioris. romnise. Tisanke for pcst patronage. W.Wmnm<Rv ot M12, Cou 2,Darlingtou. Terme: *-,1ý. samaai - --- ----'--- --- - Ioselantivale Stock Fera, Solica. 46.3w8 SNowsaacs, jr., BoWman-Vfieýp. O, e4 . 4w. :ICI le TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES Of Cloth ing Bought at A Snap... ULSTERS, Pea Jackets, Double Breasted ýSuifs, Single Breated Suits, &c., a large lot of suiperior elothing, made by one of the most reliable houses in Canada. e ' bouglit themn at a price that will give ou r customers Suits andi Overcoats at less thani regular wholesale prices. We have bought travellers' samples often but neyer have we had a better bargain than in these zoods the price is flot s0 very Io w but the quality is very superior. The clever- est man in the town has bouglit a suit form this lot and ean be seen any fine day wearing the sanie,. Rememiber in ail this big lot no- two suits are exactly alike ah býeing sarnples- We wish to montion that we always find cloth- ing samples fuliy as good if not better thau, the ordînary stock although generall v sold for less. See our saniples. Bilying and selling OIothilg IS 110 experîffent wîtfl 1s. We know good goods when we see them and we buy only frtomwveilI known reli.able makers and even our low-priced goods are selé' --ed for durability and are guaranteed good to wear. A BARGAIN IN SHAKER ELANNEL. We have plaoed on sale 500 yards hoavy wide Shaker Flaniie4 worth 7r, and 8e a yard. Our apeoial price this week 16 yards for $1.00, CORSETS. Only a few dôûteli regular 75p, Corsets in drab and pink, well-made,. pg'ood-fitting, strong and durable, ail sizes this week 50c. CHENILLE OUR TAINS AOND TABLE COVERS. We have î'eeeived a large shipnient of these goeds direct from a large faetory in Philadeiphia the goods are superior in quallty yet the prie5 are low. -t -t b