Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1898, p. 1

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z r ~ ~:tV TERMS :-$el.50 FERi AINUM. OUR1 TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TH11 WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editoad Proprietr NEw SERIEs. BOWMIANVILLE, ONTAIO,. WEDNIESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. NO. 46. ~444444U * Overcwo CGOUCH, JOHNSTON & RYDI Are showing a big stock of Men's and Boy ail kinds. Men's Frieze Ulsters from valuLe. Also MLýen's Beaver Overcoats in se maae up inl the latest styles. No better re and no0 better value anywhere. le * We have neyer sold so many Ladies' J in the seasoli, but we still have a big stock fect-fltting coâtts to choose from. Of coui corne early will have the best choice. In Dress Goods we are showing a po * stock in both Black and Colors, frorn the the finest goods irnportecl.Joistl& Bow~iANviLLE. I V~ l IL LA UmmDI ER We have other values equally, as good. Gali and see them. *M4 D. WILLIAMSe& SON, BOWMÀVILLE Uudertakiug always recelyee prompt and personal attention. "The Juvenile." A boy's shoe. BIlIt to protect growing fcet against distortion- Most feot-ilîs areacquired by wearing illhshaped shoes in youth. Laced and Oxfords; in shapes "Foot-form" and "Dandy"; widths,D &E. Boys' Slizes, 3 to 5Y,; Youths,' 3 to 2 34 ; Little Men'S, 8 to12ý; Goodyear welted; St&xnped on the soles $z.o and ,t2.5o per pair. CATLOUC "The .1-Mater Shoe."ý ,LL Y AI, Sole Local A"NAtI ES F~OR SALE-Every ird 1UT TElIS OUT and senld tonus with C warraujted a s)'ger or rmoney fN ded; .J iecensl sileadynwl yr dir ect frm Gemaiy,, Il'au 'urthil siug. tom ail a'Mlen box of goodo thiab willbring Prices froeus 1;1u,. Love birds arot$ Mek- yeuin niremoney iJ nemn7sisuav lng birils eteceau be isad aiF. C. pETiIXC['S dGlie lla Ameica. A W. il ÇEy, . S Barber Siop,Iiwlmanvie. 41. if. EY, B. CI. S. ~.o&.~w its. ERMAN IY s' Overcoats of ,$5 up-special ;veral qualities, ýady-rnade coat, )ats, Jackets so early k of st ylish, per- irse those who )articularly, fine cheapest up to Crydermfali. TU.E RAINY NIGMT. 1 amn listening to the rain Patterinug on the window pane, 4On the -brow,ýn and w iithered leaves,- Drenechingg ah the rneadows, jgray, Dren.clbiingahl the sodden way; 4Down'ward frorn sorne unnkaowa height, SFalling, fallinig, throngh thie night. Listenin1g to the falling ra,- Mernory takes me back again; 4Back a(ros's the buried years, Màoistenied with the ram 0of tears. Cloud y day s aad pleasant hours, 4Sunlsbine glisteinig through the showers - Mîng- in a a mystie fligbt, Naunt i e ttirough the rainy night. SMernoiy fluttering through'the ramn, Makes me seern a child'again; Wth a sister's sunny head, 4haring~ both rny thouglit and bed- Listening to the raindrop's tread 4 O n the 1low roof overhead, Hlearing but the soft refrain,, Jnst the imusie of the rain. 40f the gently falilng ramn, Tappiig at the window pane, Tinkliug hlil-ltl.v on the roof,, 4 Wind a d raja that beat aloof, 4 Sunds of ieonfliit or of w'oe, Corne to lis in echoes 10,W. Slianting roof and loving arrns, 4 Kept us safe frorn outsiçle storrns. Years of rain and shine have fld,- Lowly lies that sister's head; 4Mine is erowaed with lock's of white, 4And 1'.mi thinking through the night, Listering- to the falliDg ramR, Thinkiag we we'1l meet again; W~ igfor the morning light,- Waitîig throughi the rainy night. (MRS,) P. A. HrENRY. Bowrnaniville, Ont. The Witness. B0OYM[1N VILLE FIllE ENQINE 4EDIn'roitN-ws :--My attention was drawn ton two Iengthy articles which * apptaiett in the W est Durisarn News rue;prlng iSteam FreEngines. We - r, oly tyok tirne to wadethrough one,'I Foderated Bulsiness CoIIeges. HAMILTON Business Coltege, lt Y. M.C,A., BIdg., Ham i ton,Ont. wý C. R. McCu 1lough,Pri ncipal. r GALT Business College, ' Cait, Ont., W W. Brooks,Principal. b( Initercolleglate Business Practice betwoen thse Siol.Enter elîher and ,njoy the bestInl businiebssnd sborthand Instruction. This isan excellent time te begin. Circulars free. C Address, C.R.McCullough, Principal. f' Hamilton,. 1 b I practically and thoroughly Etaught by expert teachers at the BRITISH'AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE -~Y 1W..A. Buildinsg, Toronto. methds rti romthe t sit sWite fr "",fr0ýp"rospec. BEST JOB15al iuvariably gees tD the'one with thse best braln 1lis -one wlio bas education.-.-special training. ~ Why not qualify for the best places going. YQU(In have tise chance. Thse 'hti -C[NIRRLIIII81N[3S8 CL S[I' TORONTO 1,0 opens thse door te saccess for Inany young n a Sc and women eachyear. It off ors splendid eqnjip 1 ment, thorongis work, a strong staff and god resuits. You can entar any time. Write for prospectus. W. H. SHAW, Principal to longe & Gerrard Ste.. C( Toronto. ,c2 t Price i Munisont47 O Vonge S' Toronto. S SUN DRI1E«ç 3is. or thos4e famniliar with Steam ,u Engluies would uniderstan.d one , h part of thse effusion. Ouir atten- i was invited somewhat to that part îaïd effusion where it was claimed roio Engine Cylinder head vas iVn ont at both ends," etc., and was a "constant state of repair." It îii funny, to say thse least, that we lt heair of titis iu our own iowu, and ,rouid appear misleading to those ciwý,ere u-nfortunate to wade through nrneh horizontal, vertical, perpen- i4ar, duplex rnachinery. It is, not intention to inIflict your readers h~ anythhing lengthy fat merely to ýw thse attention of tise Bowmaaville sto the fact that if they think they oaaything in the shape of a Fire inl that town that excels Orono çiewe'Ili reettisern at Lockhart's kbotis Cornpanies to leave their halls at a stated time, any day,raia ýhine, cold or but, sick or wel; no- ponrnent on account of weather, nything else ; and if we don't get stearn qaieker and throw water ler than tise Bowrnanviile Engine,. Il set up the oysters, wine, or any, îg dhe boys have an inclination for. Nec, Levi, Prank, Dave, Master, or ,-0f thse rest have any conceit this ýr stands for twelve montts ; and "l chance ht that Bowmanville won't us uniiprepared, a id will ailow them privilege to cati us ont whea they k our engine ough t ndeg airs. OSE Of THE OnoNo FiuE Coý EI TRURSDÂY THE , EÂR ROUND. amore thân haîf a million bornes E You'iT['s COMPANION cornies tevery kthe wlbegetof %-nungc and -edwith e aiý interest by every nber of the househeold. Tise best of ýonpr, sketches of, travel in- Ictiv' articl'es, comment on carvrent aist nd sëlected miscellauy and edotes; filil is columas from week to kand from year to year. The pub-1 ers promdise that the volume for 199 surpass al former ones, in variety rest and value. Arnong the two dred dîsiniguished contribuitors al- Ly ngge are Hon. James D.Long retary of the Navy, Edward Everett eHayM. Stanley, Sarahs Orne lett, W. 1). Howells, Poultaey Bige 1, erbert E. lamiblea, iIon. Ca'-i urz. Et. Hpn. Jamnes Bryce, John "Iugh, Ebert Ba,ýrr, Thornas Nel- Page Brt HateWilliam ]Black, r'ea Asin, Adrew Laag and Dr. .iarn A. Hammiiond. Al subseribers heW 199Volume Mwill receive. TUEn IAI'snew Calendar, exqaisitely ,red, with a border of stampin-gold. epaper iviil be giv-en free also fromr tirnie 4ubscription is received until iuary. 1, 1899, thea a fulli year to iuary I 1900. A handsome illustra- anniuineent and sample copies 1 s sent f ree to anyv one addresstng E~ YOUTI'S .COMnANION, 21i Columbus en cry for OUR TOWN ON TOP. THIIFE RAILWAY ACCIDEINTS. L o w uYI G -I IGH ELL NG . T he first w reck occurred on the In conidriath a ,ntre fCanadian Pacifie near Ilavelock at Bowrnanville weé have often referred with pride to the high standing of our business honses. We thijik f ew towns can equal Bowrnanville ini this respect, and even in the large cities while sorne few larger stocks ma ' be seen, we con- scientiously behieve that for general purchaqs!ing the average custorner will get better satisfaction and rnore re- taras for the rnoney spent right here la some of Our own town stores. We are led toarnake these rernarks frorn obser- vation while doing business at The Mason Corapany's Departrnenîal Stores. Whatever the reasoni this firm seerns to have a big share of the trade and are alrnost always busy serviag their nam- erous custorners. Ia conversation with. Mr. Mason we were inforrned that the' aim of this store is to give customers as mach value for their rnoney as they can -et anywhere. To be able to do this they buy goods at the very .vfouataia head, importing direct frorn the au facturers in Europe andl buying from the factories la Canadlian madezoods. 0f course this mneans thlat the y have to buy lai large quantities, but with their large sales gooda do nlot acccmulate. Another important feature of thii store is thai yon can have *youir ironey back if you are not suited with your pur- chase, This Shows how confident the firm are. that the value they giye right and that the goods will bearin- spection. We were also struck with the veryv Large choice of goods showa b.Y thislirrn. It is reasonable to thinkthat buytngitn e arequantities they' woýuld be abiu Li) at lower prices than stores dola - one half or one, third the businîess. We believe that if people were jadges and really cornpared the values showa byv The Mason Co. la the diff erent lines of goods they sel ,with out-of-tow baying, there would be very fer, who wold go away to bay. AIsQ the advantaze and convenience of selling farrn produce to ibis firr is ab -, vious. 'Tniey keep almosit everythiag for the household and ail under one roof, That Bowrnanville is a good town for selling ta we are told that poultry is selling for rnore than la To- ronto and look at the price of Barley- .52c.-a higher price ihan is paid by any town alonz the lune. Ih will pay al West Durharn people ta stick to Bow- mnanville and ta buy front The Mason Co. Help tobhuildu.ip and keep up yOur to-wn andit Mwlllpay youl te o n g rua. We're sure of it. took place at thse residence of NeilMc Corvie, Esq., Midlnd, ntNov. fird, whea bi hs oldest daugh-iter, Mary, was united in rnatrîrnony to Mr. Mati. Ken- nedy, Owen Sound.' At higit noon Miss Grigg, a special coilege frIiiend from Bowmanyille, who was' very preitily at- tired la pink satin, took her place at the piano. Shortly afier, to tise sweet strains of Mendelssohn's wedding rnarch the bride who looked very sweet, attir- ed in mouseiine de soi over white silk, eatered the room leaniag on the arrn of ber father. She was accornparnied by her sisier, Miss Alice McCorvie, who wore iwhite muslila over pale bine. Both ladies carried handsome bouquets of bridai roses. The groom was ably assisted by his brother, Mr. D . J. Ken- nedy. Re-Y. J. J. Elliott offlciated, Afier a brief Perîod for congratulation the party retfred to the dining roorn where a surnptaous weclding breakfast was served. At 3.20 Mr. and Mrs. Kýenniedy, amid showers of rice anid good wishes, left for their future homie at OWen Sound. The presonts were a most hiaadsome contribution being narl'nerous- and costly. Mrs. Kennedy's Bowmanviile friends juin la best wishies for a happy rnarried life. MiRKET JOTTNGS. Canadian hay lias advanced sorne in England., Butter shows downward tendency in the Britîsh rmarket. Potatoes are being* shipped fromn Quebtec Provinice to Ontario., 1 Brik drnad cntiuesinthe EnZ- lish rna'ket for Canadian eogs. Exports of butter from the United States are decreasing annuaîly. Laft Prostrate Weak and Run Down, WIth Heart and Kidneys In Bad Condition - Restored by Hood's Sarsaparigla. IlI wae ver-y much rua clown, havlng been slck for several monthe. I had beon trying differeat remedies which ,dcl me ino good. I wouid have sevore spolie of couighlng that wouid beave- me ýprostrate. 1 was told that my lange were affected, and rny heart and kIdneye were la, a bad condition. In fact, h eseemed as though every organ wae ont0f order.I feit that somethtng muet se clone and rny brother advi'sed me te txY'Hoocl's Sarseparilla. 1 procirred a bottle and began taklng IL. Bef ere it was hait gono I f elt that it wae heiping me. I coatinned its useand'it ias macle me e new wornan. 1 eannot, praise it toc> highly." ME&. StÎMIER- *1'mUS, 217, Oslngton Aveénue>, Toronto, osit&fio. Get only Rood'e, because Hfood's Sarsaparilla Is tise bestilu act tise One True Blood Puriller. eold sy ail drngiaýits. $1, six for 8b, 4.25* Monday 'afternoon, whea the "Klondike Express" dashed into a closed frooe and the coaches were ditcbed. Pive persons were injured. A fatal accident Tuesdav rnoraîng between three and four o'clock on the Grand Trunk railway at Murray 11i1l, a srnail station at the end of the. double track, about five miles east of Brighton, Thle west bound throagh express collid- ed with a dowa freight. lt is reported, that nine persona were killed and sorne thirty or forty injured. The cause ot the accident is said to be an open switch., The Montreal Express due at 'Bow- rnanvilleat 7.39 pm, MYoaday dashed into the rear end of a freig' ht train near the crossing of the wharf road, smash- ing th van and two other cars and bad- ly injuria g the engîne of the express. Fred W. Warren, driver, and Mr. T. Casey, fireman, seeing, that a collision was imminent jumped for their lives Both were injure.d but it is thonght no seriously.- They weat on to Tloronto, the engine of the freight train being sabstituted for the damaged oan. The freight train was running ahead of the express and had not tme to get on the siding clear of the main, track before the express camne along. This was the cause of the accidenti. No blamne is at- tached to anybody at this station. The p assengers on the express were badly frighteaed by the shock and several larnps were smashied and a g-eaeral stanmpede occurred from the coaches,bat aue of the passea.gers were h art mruch. 1XPORTAjNT TO OUR REAB-ERS. Wéare cendiag ont an acccunt to& each subseriber' who. is la arrears, and must request a prornpt settlernent. Be- ginig ith the asw year webhave pos- tage to pay un T-E ,STATESMAN. 'We have worked bad and gone to great expense to make 6ar - paper the best la the district, and our constantlv increas- ing ist and advertising patronage con- vince as thtat we are succesding. But a subqiit)tion in arrears is a very poor asset-we cati do rnch rnoe wîth a dollar la hand than tea owi,,ng us. Ia m-any c1ases t1is s merely the result of negeeton he absribrs'part. and year whîci ourprc when not paid in adlvange. Buit every ttiha-CouUt païi withiin 10(-)days f romn titis date wiJl1 be receipted in ful at theaine rate of oas dollar a year,,if one dollar for 1899 is also paîd ai the saine time, This istise besi and lastchance ibis year for settling on sach hliberal tsrms. SUBSCRlPTION RATES FOR 1899., STATEsmANto sud of 1899 (new) si 00 STATESMA-, ,and Weekly Globle 1 75 STArESMAN and Weekly Mail 1 50 STATESMAN and Family Herald 1 90 STrATESMAN and Farm and Firosido 1 50 STATESMANII and Farming (weokly) 1, 90 STATESMAN and Farmer's Advocate 1 90, STATESMAN and Guardian 200 S3TATEsMAN and Montreal Witnoss 1 75 STATESMAN and MontreaillHerald 1 75 STATESMAN and Western Adveriiserl 75 ?TÂTESMAN and Broeder's Gazette 2 50 STATESMAN anId Lesiio's Weekly 3 50 STATESMAN and Toronto World 3 50 ST-.TEsxAN and Daily Globe 4 75 STATESMAN and Toronto Daily $tar 3 0O STATESMAN and Evening Globe 3 501 STATESMAN and Daily Witness 3 GO STATESMAN and: Dsmorost 1 80 AIl otisor publications at proportion- ate rate. Ail orders mast be sent to, M. A. JAMS, Bowrnanville, Ont. F~ARNERI S'INSTITUTE. A meeting of tise Directors , ( West. Durham Farmers' Instîtute wili be held la the Coancil Chamber, Buw rnanville, on Satnrday, Nov. l9ih at 3 o'clock, p., m., sharp. JAS. GALE, President. Bowmanville, Nov. 8, 1898. C. -'Jnt, Secretary.. Durliam District Division, Thse nexi session of Durhsam Districtý Division will bc heid at Enfield on Tuesdav, Nov. 29, 1898, at 10 u'elock a. mn., for transaction of business. A piatform meeting will be hold la the e% eaing when a. choice program will be given by moembers of tise ordor at 7 13t) o'c'ock. The Uý rand Scribe or somtie ther- pruminont momber is expected to be- pres andau addrsss tise meeting. Sul- ver collection. Tiios. CREEPER,, A. L. PAscoE. 46-2w. D. W. P. D. S& J. B Mry Iatoadçs to move bis ha;-rdware stock across tlise streot as soon as hoe eau have, his store cbanged to accoinodate his- stock. Ia the meantime lie is prepared tu offer special inducemeats la iiew and qecond-baud stoves Several hoaters and parlor cooks ai losÉlan actual value, Caîl quick. 39 . ifl. Buildings are being- erected in al paits of tise city of Winipeg. Work- fien are jubilant over the G-boom lun business. 1ayr' ellomw ii Cures sprIamIs, brisssres, ons usfotie, olîiibialnsstingsofscsbunoi VQ RI1At,î 's.ii 9U . -IVUUI;ages Un Me #001 and ýround thk-. An. v eq- mil -e Uf il, c

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