T'acre al'e manv Icinds et Sewing Macinos, but where puroliasing a new machine yenu should by ail means geltihe very bet-This is tire kind I seli. ,>rý For Tailors' and Dresamuikors' use, oui' Machines have no oquai. Prices reasonable, ternis mtade 10 suit lire purchaser. Full guarantee wilh every machine. lntending purcirasers sirould cr11 and investigate, or sont pestai card anti agent wil ho arounti. Best machine oul for sale. Bny ne othor. Machine parts and repaira suppiied. 1Imhve a beautilui Sîx-Otave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gaini.-New supplies et Boots and Siroos, Wall Papor, Pure Paris Greon, en ry Elliott Jr., H[AMPTON. '710 '7lt- 31. nUmi youi befo1 stoci11- Ca largE Colla on h. Boýv ge, NY, M/ý NIP e&-4,t1P e1.p4"Pt, 4z 1 gP 1.411. oX" k%,44f-Nl),p li ïie gw:x1 77 70'10'1 70'1 70'77 77 77 77 'l'*~7 70'h .111.(w 4e àý 41.1.Nf 11 '1 71 1 4141.11 !t i,41 4 à t 1141.4f-41 MAYER would call the attenti *f'7us lé reAth R b oily ean thmentetos. i its, the latest, cheapest and iargest ii k ailvay"s kept on hand. iPs oi ail kinds, Men's and Boys. A ( stock of 'Gents' Furnishings, in Tics, d l ars, Braces, Shirts, Socks, etc., always atnd. Give us a cali. M. MAV1ER, WMAINVILLE. Practical Furrier. i C:uMïlýif 01 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M 4& 4 .'& .' .u-.r.- .. Are, Now- Attracting Public Attention, But, t1ýe most important bill-is the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we are ro-w pae to give the public bettor value than ovefre For- Ordorod Ciothing wo carry a tasty- and up-to-dlate lino 9f ül Twe-eds, Serges and Wiýorsted-s, at prices just exactiy even with quality. We have 1jst received a ilew shipmont of Dress Goods, Prints, Ladtýies' Blouses, and StrawN Goods for overy dlay.and Sunday wear, and the pricos willi seli them. lin (roccries vwo carry offly the best goods and will aiways ho found wit, a, fil assortment of ail uines in public demand-all pi'icod bargain- We also carry Crockory, Machine 011, Paint Oil, Paints,Axle Grease, Penceý Wire, Nails, Bindor Twine, Field and Gardon Seeds, and Patent Medicînes ln fuill une. Wc don't ask you to believe, but ask you to invostigate. HIAM PTON. Newfiuuiauîd l'Carib>ri ho caribou, cmr reinteer, of Nesfunt- Tona iqovel' au area of sema 25,000 as cf irroken -taiternose. Tirey are ,niicenit cratures, senme nitire largor sF weighing frein 500 te 600 peunds. nhghit Le oxpecteti, venheon ha prtty itifui luý St. John's maîltat and hau 2 È301CI fOr ns little as fIVO Cent$e à RED OF PALPITATION OF THE EART AND SMPTHERINC SPELLS BY MILBURN'ES HIEART AND NERVE eP'ILS. Kirti. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunnn' e, Onit., wbose irusiand kieepsaa elrystore, anti a enae ftire besi -Lu known and most progressive citizens of Dunnville, Ont., gives the following de- scription of ber recent experience in the use of iV'%burn's Heart and Nerve Pis: "1 .took Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for weak nerves, dizziness, palpita- tion of the heart, smotbering spelis at it and sleeplessness. i3etore I used tbemin1 could flot get restful sleep, and ~my nerves were often se unstrung that 1 tvot(,-art in aiarm at the least noise, andl ri - ily vworried. "Làst February I commenced taking this valuiable medicine, and it proved the rigbt emd for nmy weak, and sbattered nervo-IusI system. Miiburn's Heart and ïere ills restored n'y nerves te a lar andl normiai action 4,Sfthe beart. "Islee p well now, anid arn better in e,,cvry way, and 1 recQi-iimend tl'em hieartiiy tlo ail 7who s-uffer a Idid." ia bxo orr-,i- 2 iU at!!ai drggists. T. MLUN&C ootOnt. p I guaraP.teed peeci,z, and ta werk with- qo'i a îTipe or pain. Price 25e., ail druwçrLtS. GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior qualities and nu- tritive propertios. Spec- ially grateful and comfor- tiiig 10 the nervous and dyspeptie. Soid onily n ~lb tins, labelled JAMES EPPS& CO., Ltd., Hom- oeopathic chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SPE "I have been for years more or less subject to e.ruptions on my skin. The left side of my face from the top of my ear to half way down rny jaw was in a very bad state-being almost raw, makîng shaving very painful. 1 was advised to try, Burdock Blond Bitters. One bottie perfectly cured me. 1 can bonçstly re- commend B.B.B. to al vbo suifer from any skin disease.'" G. WHITE, -Car-ie- vale, N.W.T. B. B.B. cures Sait Rheumn, Eczemna, Tetter, Shingies, Boils, PimpieS, Sores, Ulters, and ail forms of Skin Diseases and Eruptions, fromi the smnaiiest pimple to n jthe worst scrofulous sore. It's se pleasant to take that Coblidren ciyfor I; but its death to worMsof al is. Dr. LOw's Wormn yrap. 'Price 250-.,.I4ios BOWMANVILLE. OCT.-26, 1898. CIJLTIVATING & TÂSI'E FOit TH1E BEAUTIES OF NATURIE. Ais EssAvIRE AD DY Miss MINutE ,Ht)W- souX, SALEM, BEFORE TEiE DURHlAM CouJŽITY TEACHERSý', ssocIATIoN' AT PORT.HOE1, Before boginning this subjeet lot us aski ourselves the question--"Wly we Wben yen tak e Hood's Pills. Tbe big, oid-iash- «Výisdsuar-ceated pis, whicb tear yen ail te ffiece- are not in it witb lleod's. Fa sy to taire md asyto perte. isn~ ofIod' Pis, whîci ' up toas x every respect. aecranand sure. AI! Tire only Pllis ta taire wth Hood's Sarsaparilia. From a shoair'of ichlest rubles. "xý!, -.0u . . -.- 1 ...UttýU ý lUr LUU olcttuittusl (CARING FOR HATS. %Vhat tr Xena bn' now Whoa To the dainty wcîa~n, who wishef; te keep ber bîats up to the standard withnut a great Outlay of money or constant re- oourse te Madame Milliner, the practîcai hints -given ber clpsses by a first-cls tceneber of iilinery may prove wcruhy of ýcensidGration. The hast'eivateen, say-, thiS wonian Nwho knows, Pq better than SPIC valvet, so far as durability and L-eep- iing le order are concerned, for making or ti~m ming bats. ilaia wiii fnot soil a gond qaliity of Lveteen, as a littia ateaming will mnaire t as gond as new, while a f tw drops of water on silir velvet unaies litile indentatàons, bard te ra- monea. For black bats. cbip or straW, be- ginning- te grpw rasty, liquid shce pliieh 1 Caus of h~u1atîffi 110W TiHE DISE ASE IS DEVELOPED, AND CAN BE AVOIDED, IFor 37ears this trouble baffiedIPnysîc:'ans' skill-Now understood and eaýsily cured-The resuit of scicutiflo re- -r- of nature?" Becausp, sueli a siutiy cruls fortir our bote1r unalities, it givos risc te tiroughts tirai are onobling anti elevat- ing. Sirakespeare says:- "Anti thmis oui lite exempt frein public Fintis tongues in trocs, bocks in un- ning brooks, Serinons lu atones, anti goot inlu vory tlîing." The love et nature is a great gift, anti if it la frozen or crusheti eut tire char- acter eau hardly tail te suife r frein the loss. Yet how few, of ns really approciate the beantitul worlt inl which wo live. We are lu il but not et il. We have eyea but wo sec not. Now to iook ia mucir bas easy tran te overiook, andtiat ire able te roaily 5slaia we de sec is a great gift. Wo quete frein Ruskin :- "'The groateat tiring a lina soni over dees ln thia worlti l aesee auything and tell whlat it saw lu a plain way." We 'muaIthilioniok- carefully before we eaI! pet.e"eiieae. Te Ihe ýattentive oye oaci moment 0f tire voar iras its osan beauti anti in the saine fielti il behoItis every heur a pic- turc that was nover seen before anti shahl -nover ire seeui again. Iu eue ot Emerson's NTorks we roati -"Tiio ireavens change every moment anti me- fleci -tirir g'iery or gloom on the plains Thon lu ortier ta see tire beauties et nature we muai come lu contact wiiir lier andti s our duty as toachers mot ouly te cullivate a tasto for sucl i ail ourselvea but aise ta cultivaie h luntire pupils wiro are uqdter ouriru'idauce. To tire teacliors lunlire rural tire op- portunitios et coming contact wîth nat- uire are numorous. FirstVwe eau mako a slutiy of flowers. Wirat la more couduci ve te tire ieaithy condition et a achool rem tiran ta have tire windows flli wiir pilat? By even live minutas spont oach dry lu conversa- lien about tiroir naines, tiroir native ceuuiry, iîf wiid flowýeîs 'thon, thoeir flow- ors, shapeý, color, 'tinoet of migtire Soil moest suitablIe fer thei'&c., until the pupils weuld soon become friliar with ail tire commeon flewers witirout golng int the details et Belany. One writor says.-"Flowers seeni intendeti for thie solace et ordinary-hiruanity. Cirîltren love thein. Tirey are tire cottager's friend ant in the crowdedti esn mark, as witli a lithoe breken fragment et raiu- bow, tire siradowa efthtie workers lu whiose heari rosis tle covenant et peace. Se tiraI we sec tley are not mereiy deligiris te tire oye but are fuillet mys- toryv anti theug-ht. We eau tins agree wltir Wordsworth wheuie saya: "To me tire meanesi flowor 'tint gross eau give Tho'ie tuaitido not often lie ton deep for tera." Closely connecteti wilh ithe cIndy of fiowera l a taI eaves. Many usetul anti iuteresting conversations coulti be lad about tire celor, shape, size, &c,, et tire bat, Everv celer anti every forin iras saine purpose anti explanatien. Frein a consideration et tire laves we weuiti pasa te the rounieti forma of tire tullfoliageti trocs. Very beneficial seasons may hoc spontin a talk on tire tilifereut kintis of Irees of oui own Can- adian for.ésts, their butis, lime etfiower- ing. flowers, fruit. &c. Thia wili givo theo pupils a thrst for kuesabetige anti as they pris aioug te and frein scirool lirey wili ire founti ex- amining the tutifeent lices anti making invesigation fer tireiselvea. Ciriltiren are aise atiracitid by lire sweet sang efthlie bird as it l fs le anti fie ameng lice beavos. Honce tirey couiti ir inteiostoti by tire stutiy et birtis. lireir homes, habits, plumage, &c. Very young chiltiren gîasp lire itica couvoyeti by tle linos, "The woetis wero fflleti se full witir sonm', There seemeti no reooin for sense et wrong." We shahl now turu oui attention te the beanlios et suuîsot. This sironglît was suggesletiby lIe linos which von wll readily recegnize frein lire Fonîtir reatier. -i . 1' an,,ý --est varielles oi i urnip ý)eeGL. 1 should eultivate a taste for the beauties 1 Breaks the morning clear and cool, And t he angoeI of the village spire, Frost touched is bright as gold. In order te f ully appreciate the boauty of those linos it is necessary te watch the riigsun. But the wonders and beauties of nat- uro are flot limited to tho sun, louds, and bine sky for think of the millions of lieaveniy bodies whoe radiant liglits give us sncb perfect niglits as we have been having of late. As we watch those stars that seem se stili and motiouless we eau liardiy roalize that ail the time th"e are rushing on witli a velocity far excooding auy that man lias over ac- complisliod. Tlioy cortainiy command Our attention and voneration. Again there is the raiubow, or as we road God's ýbow intfixe ciouds, wiouid it be possiblo to find a child who wouid net ho eager to iearn about this wonder- ful phenemienon. Tho beau(ty of nature is flot seeni alono in lier poacoful moments fer we have lier -wiid spiendor during the flashing ligbtning cf the thuntier storm. Thero is too the awful grandeur of active voicano and opposed to this that of tho mnaýssveglacier in its course down the miounitain side. Thon, teo, wvo would mention the mnajesýtic grandeur of the miglity river, eîtlier ilu its oager rush or calmer-mo 1m- ents. The dlesert, the prairie, the son are all rîcli witli ideas for the young minds. And by studying nature wo are not straining the memory ut cultivating. the mind. If wo suecceed in gîving a love of learning, the learning itself is sure te felow. We shouidthon endeav- or te educate tlie childron so that their lives wili bo brightened and enuobled by beautties around thema and thon gradually ,we may hope tirai the love of nature wýili become to more and more, asared it is to many, a faitirful and sacredt element iii the humnaneing And senriouîsLOSSE8 -froffithe lised of 001111101 alld adulterated dyes, D 1A MOu" N D DY ES Are used by ail wise anad *Economical Women.- The enly pure, harmless and success- fui package dyos for home dyoing are the Diamnond Dyves. The imitation package d es and the common soap groase mixtures are so adulterated witli foreigu substances that tliey are positively dangerous te use and handie. No lady wvlo vaiues lier garments aund materials will care to risk the coloring powers of these aduiterated dyestnffs. Suffice it to say, the colors are dulI, iifeiess, and canneot stand tire most ordinary washiug. The Diamond Dyes have a long re- cord eoftiumhs and weil-done work tirat lias nevhr been equaied lu the bis- tory of homo dyes lu overy part of the world they givo deliglit and satisfaction and are liaiied as truc money savers. Easy, pleasant and profitable homo dyeing is only possible with the tcsted and popular DiamndtiDyes. 1As there are stili store. keepers wlie soul inferior package and soap grease dres for the sake ef long profits, sec te it that your dealer gives you thre Dia- moud 1)yes wlieu yen ask for theun. Everv gennine package lias the niaie "Dliamond." It i6 poor jutigomnt to pay ton cents for adulterateti dyes wben.von cau buy thre guaranteed Diamond Dyes fer the saine price. Seud te Wells & Richardson Co.. Montreai, for book et directions anti samnie card of 48 colors , free te auy address. may bn usoci te god ativantaga. Bats sircuit be>brusheti every day heforej lay- ing aside te k-eep tbe duest rcýuu grindinig In. Artificial flowers draoping anti crusieti may ire irigirteneti and fresheneti by shnking for ton minutes fbroue htie steain frnm thea irclieg teakattle. Ostriui featirers respend te the same treaimeni. .a gect qaa1iüy cGf ribbon imakes tira innt durable, andi consequentiy cheapest, of ail bat irimminga. s.aiiding tire moistura of tire sen or tflying tuai ef, business ai1reets or coury driving botter tran flowers, ieaiLéiý or lace. Steel ernamnts may hoe made as gooti as new by scrubbing ln bot soapsilds, using a naul brusir terach thfe inter- stices. thon poh.slslng witir a cbamois or drYlng ln sawdusst. To roneovate oit black thread or Frenchr laces dlp iet a solution of wai green ta,then spreati eut upon, sevaral ticirnsses cf newapaper laid upen tire ironing board or ethar fiab sur- face. With a pin pick out eacir lit1e peint or scallop, cover the lace wiur shooets of nesaspap.ers, and1 put a wciglit on, tire palier, ailowlng it te- remain twanty-fenr heurs. Finle wit lainia, delicate riirbcna anti silks , may irefre-si- enati anti obsanei thrposadaratimag- nesia, o%~ If net tee badly waieti, wiùi bot flour-talklng care tirai it is net brewned In thb bating. Sprink-la tire- magnosia, or fleur upon a smcet-;h shoot of wrappîng ipper, lay tira surl or lace3 upon tire paper, andi sprlnkle miore mnag- nosia over itt. Cover witi anotirer shreet of paper, place a beook or soieallght weigirton tira paperý , leiîitng rest thare seerai tinys. Tietire fabrin up, sbalko well and'brusu witih a sel i brusi. For laces that r ciestïffening rinse in a pînt of wabur, un saiicir gum arable tire si7a of a pa e dlseved, roll abota boutlea anu pull or pait whth a soit towel until dry, YOUTH AND BEAUTY Goud Enougir In Their Way, But Chas'm Outlives Them Botir. Yonth anti baty are ielgbtful, but tiray do not endure threugir the saven human ages. Cirarin tees. 1 not long ago hearti a phhlosophrer excliahu, "Many woman are beauthîni, few araerbarmhing."i Ha told atrutirwiih hhsiory corrobor- atles. Tire Iaschnain women of tire world hava net beau tire mes>,' banuLiful. Thay iivo swayed the othor sax iry cirarmnag it. They bava faiscinatt hy a sylnpritheýtie parsonaliy, anid quick-witted intelli- gence. Sncb womnnaruhnvýarhably gondi feflews in tib, bùst sense o f tha trun. Tha7 never bore. Womeon wire do-trace Wahoonie oa frhitfulliSsi of deitahl about tiroir werries m;.Sh iho coe1k, or tr turieing ai thehr ai year's gesan moto soaiewonderful and ledescribable gar- ment-or tire paiiy, trivial Incidents of tireir irouseboid affàlrs-are Indeed tire botes noires afaur existence. We fly train tiroanaitirae stroot corners, tiotge miet stores anti bostow, fer -tire nonce, aill ur attention on iranirrupi stocksand bar- gains, anythig, mrater tran fane tira creatueawio bas notiring irigirer ta talir of -than lier alments and waes. Our draîsmaker, aemet 'wiii an appalling bill, wouid ibe more welccme ta semaeto us tran elhrr tire femnale bore or lier sister flant, tira gessip.-Observer Ia Suntay Worlt Th. silor' lIeve..ge. Tire unfaling gond hmeo of tirs Brit- ih bue jacket was sbnwn tire other day when a boýai's lead ti fA. B.'s from a man-af-war wore landed for airea bave in a Cern isir village. As tbey joumnoyet up tiera radway te tira satont pub a gentIernanýs wagon- aiSe pas5ai, drivon by a surly-loekiing coacirman, andone o0f tir a rs jumpoti an tire stop bahint, "Oit nrf thera!'ehueute th ie ceacirman, anti being a cirurlisir sert of follow, ire lasired ire sailer viciuuly ncos tire face wilth bis wip. Tiraivas aneugir! In iu Instant tira other il blues had closed round and stoppodthtir rap, *lre bo'sun's maie in ceummand. "'Tontioni" criad ire, and 'tenSion tirera wns. "Dis. meunt tire gun!" ira aheutot, anti hi sesmot as if every bine jacket carrhed a saholo carpontsr's outfli.lIn tirree min- nies they lied takan tire vanennotteiet 172 planos, and ti aS sut se muni as scratciring ene bit cf palet or ieeing oe solivary serosa. Tiry, laid 'thein ail out neaily on tire steny rend, anti tire bo- suiÀ's mata, ai tom inspectieg tira job, crieti, "Good-Dismiss!" 31atrimuony in Greece. Fosa persans bave any conception o.f tire lufe af a Grock maiden. Ie Greeo girls are irbetrotdwile tiray are mare in- fants, anti are tringiritirai hiis a tixgrace te ire anuoitmalt, Marringes for love are unirxwn, but a Greair falirer is very stern in regard te a yeung man iravumg ample provision 1,te support a wife. A girl's dewry convs ci ietrausoirold furni- tur and linon matir than monoy. Aibougir incstGreoir girls ara natur aliy very pretty, tirey begin to nmaint anti powder frein a very early aga-tre obeke birr-yt rad, eyebrows anti aires deepesi blackr, anti vains delicately bine. Tire rasuit is tiraitirey ara wiihered ecit woînan ai 40, andti tis nowirore are uglier femaies taoire fouedthan 'boneatir Frointire Advrince, Kemptviile, Ont. Tireois apopurridea that rireuma. t'.sin1la '-auseti by exposure to cold andi tiret Soule locriities are infecteti with it more than others. Scientists say tirai sucli condftions frequenly premiote dis- case, but frein tho fret that this ail- ment us in certain faimilles, il1 is shewu te bhiereditary,anti'censcquent. ly a discase cf tire blood. Frequently an.iniidividual lu wliose fainiiy rlioumatism lias net occurei, de- velope tire disease, and xvieu a diog- nosis efthtie case la made, it is geuorally due to a tierangement of tire bleýti One sncb sufforer has been curet inl Capt. 1D. W. Beewir ivea lutire tewshi ofOxfrdGrevile cunlty. anti1 lives lu-a1au<ýitifl ta rin hmoon tire bak0 ieRda.su thrue m1iles frelin Komtylîe, 0add tot b-eingz- a thiftariner, M'- Beeket lias taken an enitlusiasýtic interestin luru voluintýer terce, andiras grïaduated frein the military scirool, Torouto, witli a iraýt class cortificate, which 'entitles hlmr 10 tire rank et Major. -To a4 reporter ofthtie Kompi-ville Ad- vauce Capt. Beckiet matie tire following statmemt: "Our years cge JI was takon suidenly -uvth rleunmatism lu botli my elbeows anti thiglijoints. ,Tire pin a i im es was smetirug terrible. I 1peV micine and ti iotoreti for over six menitira, butenîtiul od egrow worse antiworse. à!y a-rmasfromn tireelhow jointste tiretipa0f my fingers became numirantilatia prickly sensation, aLti I was unable te de auy wrk; lu tact I coulti net litft my handti 1 my, heati, The painIi suffereti innmy 1lips was alIso aimost unbearable and ny legs were neariy as useiesa as my arma. JIrhat froquentlyrérer testimonials wherçn Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla irati curedti i dis- ease and ti i ast 1 thoughit I weuidtry tirem jjist as an expeimens. PBetore I hati ompiteeirai box J feu ttir"y ýývero irelpirg miie, anti after I had take tbe pilla a utlemoetrn onth, the pain la:d eiiy leA îf t ,me, anti I toit au aitogetirer ditte-rentf in an I teel' salis- lied ne other me3dicine couiti have wrought se speetir a cure, anti I crin truiy say I met tire enenmy anti tioeateti hlm ilirougli the aid et Dr. iWilliamis' Pink Pilla. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis are a specifle for aldiseases arisin- firein au impev.. erisheti condition of tire blooti or a shat- terdd condition efthtie nervous forces sncbi as St., Vitua' Dance, locounotor ataxir, rheumatism, paralysis, sciatica, tire after effecta of la grippe, losa et ap- petite, ireriicire, dizzieess, circonie er-ysipeias, scrofula, etc. 'Tiey are aise a specifle for the troubles peculiar te tire female systein, correciing irregularities suppressions anti ail forma et female werikness, building auew tire bioti anti restorinig the giew etfirealtir to paie anti sallow cheeks, lu tire cse 0 f mon they eticcet a radic al cure in ail ca!es rising fro ei montai worrv, over wor] orexceas- os et any nature. Proteci ourseit againat iituations by insisting tiraI eveîy box you purcirase bears tire f il naine Dr. Wýillianîs' Piuk Pilla for Pale Peo pie. 1831 T Ki 9 IN\DISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNJTRY RESIDENTS WHO NVISH TO KEEF UP WITH THE TIMES ,-l -iý Single Subseriptions $2; Two Subseriptions $3.5o; Four Subscriptions $6. Speciai inducements 10 raisera of largr clbs.Write forrpartie-- Lars col tbis point., F:ree tb Ian, 1to;' ew subsoribers lu wullira sean in trediffereuce hctween lire st efthtie Country Geuuvlanl andt vit of cuber agrleuitural saceki1,tes, uieoIif w1bicire aat- sunPvte rover tiue agricý,!1 ul ni en-s of ceday, may réadhly leue eere i akhig up a smai clui, te Less than a cent a week!1 -Des i ~eh a diiferaiuea as that justify ytiuih ronm'entîng yoýursel if tticeeotiier paper ha- steet of Èiravth ie beit ? SEN,1D FRSLCM COPIES, Wic-iuwili h urhîc, r -ni npare iluei wit iany once er h waaki twill noS taire long te sec thea dil!erenu.i dd. s Aibany, N. YÏ