Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1898, p. 3

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I M'P4&-A LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST iklosT FRAI-R NT MOST REFR, HING ANO ENDURING OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ILL DRUGGISTS, ib GENERAL .DEALERS. Kidne-Y Pains Ail Gone. d-~nt e ~s aiee cf t e ;in .uch as Leznee, oce. DOwtues, Dstresqafater \ o"g, ~ ne te Sie.&c.Whie hir Most uarkeble UCCCa ha bee ahonLb urie g ar be in Constipation, curing tuannoyingcomplalnt. whie -et ail disorders of thm stomnach, te olver andi regulate tic bowels. E ry cured Ache th bwol e &1M08t priceeim etô tiios& Il-,. , ;r.ot'S distreaing complaint but fr aey th, ir goodn"c. dons net enti htýr,, 3 fhz.e wo once try thern will floti thesa 1" -b 11 v lhe n sa mnn.-ays that tboywil oc bewiling to do without thom. tg the h7_ 0 n anylle tathr lawhere vie make or g ý-reat boai.Ou pilla cure it xvhile cthera do n.t. C.&REats LDTIr ER îv1mrPLff are icry amal andi very casy ta take. Orne ortwe ý,pila mrne a doe. TbLey are srei vgîbeandido net gripe or purge, but by t!), geti action Seaae ail vWho um ein. vialset t25 Cents. Ve fors$1. Sod every wh,., or sen', by mnaiL. CA11M 4ý È ii Te- Delicate childrenf! What PWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION' _________________________a source of anxiety they are! ('ontinued from last weeki) BOW ANVILE.OCT 2, 198 Th wsh thjern Ther was a large attendance et the _________ ________ __and____ _______b utparent afternoon session. A fter D r. Tu 3-ker of heart and tron , btthe Qrono, hed thanked the delegates for the A IIBIRALOFER.keep thin and pale.1 honor done him by electing him to the To il hes deicae cu-.Presidency, Rev. J.- S. 1. Vilgon spoke On and after January the first t1899. at som lengthon the orvierdErange publishers will be required to pay pos- de ct' nuso jfa on egho h owr vne taeothinesars Tis il Cod-liver O11 with Hypo- ism and showed how this feature of. il mnean a large annual outlav on our part "e consw hte originatel and vihat it vies destined to ,i1 la consequence, but after careful con-P copih sidiration we have decided to keep the best of news. >cûpih MJr. Johin Joblin, Oshawae, weil known price of our wel at8 1.00 per annum It brings rich blood, here as an enthusiastic Leaguer, gave hie and to request payment strictlv ia ad-srn boi, elh re- views of what a Leagtier may do in a C vance. As -we regard Tan, STATESMAN adsuddgsin tj Revival. Hia address1 was splendidly ?, readers as arnong the most intelligent adsuddgsin ti rereived. Mise Nellie Watte, Newiton- citizens lu the province, this deci'sion growth 'and prosperity to ville, sanz "Gloria in Exeelsis" to the CI must immediately wia their approvalf siceiti olyfiraa js. t ii thern. intense delight of ber heerere. Dr. cost us much more to produce the paper No natter 0oW elicate cereoe n e aî1 s butwebelev.i ou sbscibrswiil the cid it is1raiytkn ionery Zeal upon Spiritual L 'fe." Hiae remit promptly at the bcginnlng of cîi, raiytkn remarke were to the point and elicited each year that it wilresult la economy 5oc. a4fid$.oo, ail druggists. favorable comment. Dr. F. 0. Stephen- to us and greater satisfaction ail round, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. Toronto. son, Toronto, addresèed the Convention The reader 'will get bis paper at the old on "Forward Misionary Movement," price and we will save the expeases of farther than tea miles from land. The edvencing some good thoughts. Mr. colecting. first day we made littie progress on R. E. Osborne, Ebenezer, read a vieil account of head win dsbut made a good erranged paper on the Leeguer and the TJrua the second day, one boat getting to )press which eshowed how- helpful the Hay River but the other was delayed 1press can be made in promoting religions by hewin'cangng I asin heorganizetions. Mr. E. T. Siemon, B. A.,, " a vey siffwin, te wvesrose tro a zao ANTHR NERSTN LTTRmonstrous size so that wave after wave and Books, which wes declared to be one ANOTHE INTERSTING ETTERdashed across the boat. Not being n t ebs etrs'ftemeig FBOM DR. J. E. BRoWN. dep1tr h1vr tthssaeo Owing to stormy weather Miese Campbell, the game and knowing the worst thing toftheydnvioa reetedifrm oing e The Beauties of~ the Midnight Sun- that could occur was getting somie of t h ovninatrds sn e Thieves areFon even in the the stuff wet we carried aIl from thie shool, hence the Leegurers missed bier Nortî-iis Serv ices as a Doctor boat to a sand bar, tied the boat, lit a paper on "plane for Literary Eveninge." lu Great Demandtt-lTragic Fate of fire and got breakfast and went to bed, We know it would have been good. Rev. tI, Coo-Trials of a Missionary's stayed tili next day and went to Ha1,y A. 0. Crevis, generel Secretary of Ep. Life-Overland R oute is Absolute- River where we fouud our other buoat îorth Leegues and Sebbath Schools, ly Ipsil except by thte peel la a fine barbor. Toronto, introduced The Reeding Circle River. iMEET OLD FRIENDS. and certainly made a strong plea for its North Ple Arctic Regions', July 22- We were compelled to remain here for general adoption. We reachcd flot quite the North Poie, a few days, ou account of the high sea The hieavy down pour of rein frighten. b ut have 1-one as, close to it as we ever and head winds. IIay River was re- eid mauy into going home before the expect to. Bý travelling 275 m1,iles northi ported as being a gold beariag streamn, evenaing session, 8o that the attendance west lnat>the arctie circle we reached Fortwhea we were far away, but whea ive was considerably roduced. Severel citi. McPhersoa on July 7th, after pulling get here we find that gold was Inever zens turned out however, and there was our boats up stream about 25 miles knowa to be found on it. I had theý- a very good meeting. Rer. J. S. I. Wil- * à% %gaiast a, good stiff cairrent. We were pleasare of meeting the Rev. Mr,Mairshi sonl, Vice-President, preside\l The very tired and longed for night to corne anild wife,, Miss Marsh, M~iss 5 Veitch, choiir gave several selections an"d led the la order that we might 1have a good rest,1 Timas and Mrs. Veigile,all white peopleprie. MsWatCrkeaa but were doomed to disappointment,',as iii charge of the Church of EngiaudthgtuîperoMeiinjeSoet * - there isno night hereat present. I anm ission here. We invited Mr. Marsh it wes truîy most iatereetio g and sug sure I have experienced a pleasure that and bis friends to take dinner wîih us, very few lu this worid have, la viewiug aad Mrs. M. thea iavited us tu take ta-gestive.£ the land of Ithe midaiglit sua. It is a with them as itwas hier husband'sblirth- Dr. F. G. Stephenson spoke et somle sig-ht ever, to be remembered. a most day I caa scarceiy describe the pleas- length on Foreign Miosioneies et Home.* magnificent sight to watch the sun shini- ure we-fhad at receiving them at dinner Hie is an earneet and devoted mîssionar; l ing bright al uight as well as ail day, and taking tea lu their home. lu con]- worker and though not e fluent spRaker flrst directly in thèenst, about six hoars versation I found that Mrs. M. vas a the metter of bise ddress is excell ent. later la the sonth, and six bours stili school mate of my owa,when I atteýnded- Miss M. E. Joness reed a very interest- later ln the west. Then comes the the high school at Lindsay,Ont,tholigh'ý ing letier from Re'v. F. G. Stevens, the* climax whea about one o'ciock a. in. it she was in a junior formi at that time. mîeàÎsionery et Oxford Hloues, Keewaetin, shines iu aIl its spiendor straight north Miss Veitch aiso came from iadsay 111who is supported by thie District League.: of us. For the last mnonth or sothe sun,ý and knew ail the friends whlom Ii k -v j M! r. S- nsdeecribes in terms thet cari. - Castoria. Castoria. (I'a't0r-fais an exeletnedicine for , Castoriý is se vieil adaptet te ebjdreni Ireni. Mothers have repeatedly tolid me that I recornmeud Lt as superior te anly pre- 's good effect upon theýir eidren." scription kuovin to me."' Da CG. C. OsGooD, Lowe fi, Mam. I. A. ARCHER, M. D. BrooklynNI. Y. THE -FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. YHE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7- MURAS' ynYE. NEW YORK 0177. ~1 oul Until further notice SPOT CASHI wilI buy fresh mined, well'screcned Coal at the following pricts: ,-eranton Coal, alsizes, at harbor $4.75 per ton; delivereti to any part of town, $5.25. llaviag handled this Coal for 24 cou- secutive years and almost ail other kinds at times we can recommeud it as both best and cbeapest. Our shed capacity being sufficient for the supplv of this section the publieceau depcad on aiways -etting dlean, dry coal. As la the past we are prepared to puy the very highest market price for ail kindfs of GRAIN AND SEEDS delivercd at our Jatria is Dr. Samuel Piteher's -necrpio or nfants -int Chidien. Lt contains neitlicr Opium , Morphi!ne uer other Narcoii substance. Lt is a liarmiess ýsubstitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups aud Castor 011. it is i"ieasant. Its guaràAee 15 tlilrty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms andi alinys Feverishness. Castoria p revents voniiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea, and Windl Colle. Oastoila relievesý, leething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castorla assimilates the Footi, regulates the -'Uoniachi andi Bowels, givig healthy antI ný-atural sleep. atra is thse Children's Panacea-the Mo,,ither's Prienti. ] g

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