Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1898, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 . PEË ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD ÂFTERWARDS. M.4 A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SEIRIES. BOWMANVILLE, -ONTARIO, WEDNIESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1898. VoLumE XLIV. No. 43. GOUGH, JOHNSTQN 8RYDFMN.. The Ladies' of West Durham, To- Cail At Theitr Store, And inspeet thie fluest collection of Ladies' Coats, German and Canadian, and the flnest display of' Dress Goods in Black and Colours ever shown by them or any other house in Bowmau- ville. Weleomne and, Farewell. Ontaro Liadies, Gollege, Wbitby, holloired by a visit from Ltord andi Ltadly berc0eeo. Their Exceliencies received il 1 Booming Cannon Coliegiate In- S stitute Cadets lu Unitorî-Publie Sehool Seholars 500 strone- Ir-eetiligS to Governor General and 'Counwtess of Aberdeen--Ad- dresses to Tlieir Excellencies and S Their Relies-Banquet, Reception jani Concert at the '0. L. C.-A Gay Assemblage. Canadai bas been honored by Iler Gracions Majesty Queen Victoria with a noble succession of rep)resantatives of the Crown, but neyer bas a Governor- tenieral and bis wife been more popu- lar wvith lier loyal and patriotic Canad- iani subjects than Lord and Lady Aber- deen. liencelis no empty compliment te say that sincere and heartfelt regret is feu ah over this broad Daminionbo- cause of the early departure of' Their Excellencies from ibis countrv. fI is a source of 'peculiar satisfaction, tbere- fore, liat sevorai chies and towns are being lionored by a visit from tbem on r le eve of tlieir vacation of Govern- inent House, Ottawa, to sali for their homfie across the sea. It bas been tlie afin and desire of Lord Aberdeen 'ever sincýe lie assumed the office of lier Maj- esty's chiot representative in Canada to !,,ecome acqnainted with tlie interests of every.Province lu ibis important part Sof lier Empire. This is why lie bas o een so ofien found travelling from one end of tlie Dominion to tlie otber, liav lng crossed tweive- times during lis 7do-jouruI in Canada, besides making ý [spci'al visits to cities -and towns ac- qumîghimseit witl the industries j and resýources and meeting -anid ex- lianîng reetngs itli the people. stituencv' , we deemn it ftting lu recog. nition of their Excellencies' kindness lu honoring this district witli their pres- once that we should devote a fair pro- portion of our space this week to a de- scription of th e visit made to our sister town and tlie noble educational institu- tion for ladies lu wliîch they were bon ored guesis during their brief stay. Sev eral of our citizens were lionored with invitations to tlie important functiQn in the evoning, but owing to the incon- venlent raiiway arrangements since the change lu the time table, mnany did not accept. The town was represented by Miss Addie McDowell, elocutioniet, Miss Nellie Williams, teaclier lu the musical department, Misses. Ena Treli- ilcock and May Vanstone, studeuts, Miss M. Mosetta James, graduate lu vocal Department, Miss E. Sophia James and the editor of this journal, ail of whom were presented to Lord and Lady Aberdeen and tbeir elover daughter, Lady Marjorie Gordon, wlio atccompanied the vice-regal party. Citizeus of Wliitby were dellglited when it was made known to them tbat Their Excellencies desired to see the town, ils educational institutions and mecet ts people on thc occasion of their promised visit le tlie Ontario .Ladies' Coilege on Wednesdav October l9th. The pleasing intimation wus late lu reacliing tbem, but they set to work1 with enthusiasm and organized the people into committees wliidl must ha e worked faithrully 10 gel things into such complote order lu sucli a briet spuce oft ime., as the seque1 will show. The town's reception was, indeed, a credit te its p)eople and was, we feel sure, miost satisfaciory 10 Ileir disting- Ladies' Colee, WhitbY. ejoice ln this pleasing eppýorrunit%- of tendering to .Aierdeeîî a heéartY weicomue to Our college and of our high appreciation of the great honor conferred upoi al identified witli the coileg-e 1w this grac- ious visi-t. We also welcoîne Von as the officiai representative of onie whom we ail delight to hionor. our gracions and mnch-loved Queen Victoria. The deep interest that yonr Exellen- dies have alwa vs talken in the course of highe, education. since your arrivai in Cndonly serves to intensif v the entlansiasi of the present occasion. Ail Canadian studenats and teachersas welI as those directly or indirectlv interested ln the training of the young, mnst feel that they have, in yonr Excellencies flot onl'y the highest cnlture and reinement befi tting your exalted station, but the deepest "sym"pathy, with everv struggling soul seking a broade.' scholarship and a nobler character. Yonr Exellenicies' well known inter- est iri' ail Christian and phianthropic projects, s0 well and practically ex- pressed frorn time to time, has drawn to you, wittu bands stronger than human ties of affection, the confidence anid love of ahl Christian people, and it is witli a deep sense of personal as well as national loss that we consîder to-day your early departure from onr country. This college was formallv Opened in' September, 1874, by Their Excellencies the Earl and Conntess of Dufferin. These illustrions personages evinced a deep interest in edncation and in wbat- ever co ncerned the welfare of the Canadian people, and it is a matter for congratulation that their noble example lias been so highlv followed by their worthy successors. The main building, before its use for collegiate ptirposes, when known as Trafalgar Castle, was hon-ored by the presence of his Royal Eighness Prince Arthur accompanied by his Excelleney LodLisgar. Since the opening of the college ini 1874 it has been three times enlarged and împroved, until it is to-day the largest, and, we humbly think, the best equipped college for womnen in this country. It lias been the aim of the directors to establish a college of a higher literary grade than the ordinary ladies' coilege or sehool, capable of do- ing the most substantial work and at the same time carrying studQn ts througli at least two years of a , regular Unriver- sitv cours, an' id we are thiankfull to be, able to record that our eýfforts have been, BowmAN viLLE. Prices for One Monfn,. Bedroom Suite, liglit or dark finish.:............. ýj0.00 SSideboard Nwith Glass, liglit or'dark finish......... 7.50 Extention Table, ligbt or dark finish............. 4.50 Dining Chairs, hall dozen....................... 3.00 Coueh, very serviceabie.........................4.50 Sp,,rings, woven wire............ ............... 2:00 St'ufted Mattrasses.............................. 2.00 TV iso bave a Iew Cobbler Rockers, that we are cleàr.........................................2.25 See our fancv hon Beds in White Enamel with Brass trimmings. Tis7 is a special list for Fail trade to induce our customers to cali and see these gods.you'~Il find ail our lines marked at price. StatVon willl ind riýglit.ýo 1. D. WILLIAM4S& SON. BOWM-àANVILLE. lJndertaking always receives our prompt and person attention. Ï. F Every day a bargain, dày. Buy Shoes when youn eed them. No-need for -watingtfill a 1'bargain" day to bny the= at a fa ir price -if you wear " Siater ' Shoes."i Alvays sae prca'- proportion of leather, workinanship and profit, ui.. formn year ini, year ont. No enimtpa-octarest Are those who best understand t] Sscion"e uf agriculture, and who transa i bsiniessilua business-like manner. TI Sagricultural college teaches thiceune, tl '1business collegethe other. Eacb winter intelligent youg farme attend this institution, aud it pays the Srichly. Send for catalogue to th;eprini pal, '51 C.R.MCullough, flaiilton Business Colle Hamilton, Ont. Is practically and thoroughly e-taught by expert teachers at Sthe BRITISH AMERICAN SBUSINESS COLLE ' ~Y.M.CA. Building, Toronto. ZReplortiuF methods, used from the M-- start to finish and graduates asgisted d-to positions. Write for free prospect 0- tuts. DAVID HOSKINS, 0- Charteref Acec"t,Principal ' Telegraph3 :Sliorthand, Typewriting, Boo keeping and ail Commercial gu jects are properly taught in the CENTR:AL BUSINESS COLLEý of Toronto th ci wh ÙîQ ers ge, îentjs and île great empire ever wbhich Fier sceptre sways, whIile ai îlte samne llile -tegderîng a most kindly teel- nig and'Jlov-e for hslt ' as lier repre- ~cnatie, ow hathois retirinig rro he higlh and exuctiing office et 3oore-Genieral, the,: affection tlat îascotiue te glrew daiiy stronger hetweu île ruier and ruied- will ouly cceaso te exisi when this generaticu cassoff the stage of action. The ofuanse students andi sdbool chiid- euwehave been favored by his futh-, l-ycone will cherish bis mnemory te l-o ir dybu !g day, and their best wishes vii fli whlm and bis illustrious ipUOte their Scttisl homo. -Jatve bave written about the j Gveno-Gnealmay aimosi as ap- ~ preriutiv le said efthte Countess et s2 _wiento oe r piatbop lae s-o Abledleendeeforaithog haser mi more especiaily dirocteti te the Cauad- i,,inwemen, hier aim aud energies have Sbeen i frected towards beuefitting al ~ clsse etthe people and particnlurly hýulas cie striven te premete the interests etofaPdi tebameliorate the suferings of 1îe ee 1ad untortunate. Her excel- -G ln.tftalents as a speaker and writer biave been lu i incessant actis ity and the B god sIc las accomplisbed lu these al -à tee rie five years wiil neyer be xuown uintil the Judge etf ail snms up tle lite- ~ ofe theoPeople. We conid net belp b-ut thînk as we listenedt blier wos-ds et mlotherly counsel addressed te the - young ladies et the Ontario Ladies'i T k- ili- GI Coliege Wednesday niglit and te ber naraion et the aims sud ebjeets oethile enterprises ie v hicli aie las dnriug these five busy years ihrown ber _great en ieand given the benefit et 1er finie executive abilities, whut a cumula- tive- p-ier for geod they coulti exert if, tbev co)nIt catch îhe Countescf Abcr- d C nthusiasm anti beuti theit- ener- gin l ike mannes- for the accomplish- jMent et the philanthtropie werk thxit dooýs stil anid wiib continue te exist se ateý Car, tule "Vctoria", was muiilp to theclieg gate wh1ere tliey were %Yel- (0icometh îe booiug (of ca n, the tacuity and île fuir students, who ere ,groupod lu front oe thîe college oet- trance. Atter joiniîîg the gronp andi liebug plotog-raphedliy Messrs. O'Brien1 &; Haro1t, île vice-reg&al party was driv-1 en te, île musichll, and just before auig htiug Lady Aberdeen, caught a beautiful, bouquet whidh Mrs. J. R. PhUp tossed from an up-stair window. As the paritv was oscorted to.the plat- tenu the xvhoi.e scbool population eft WVhitbv, some,500 streng, under comn- manti of their respective touchers, atoüse and waved small union jacks, cheered lustilY, andi finaliy joiîîed île, vast aud- ience in sin.-ing (le-d Sare the Qncen. Nia niï, ul-btledge reud an address on be- hall1 of ïle citizens et Wbutb y and War- cdCrîei of ePort Perrv one on be- iaifot1 tut ceuty,-te which île Gever- uer Generai replied. Dais 'y Joues pro sented Lady Aberdeen witl a beautitul bouquet on behlf cf IHenry Street school, ad Bombie Meldrum presented another to Lady Marjorie 'Gordon on bebaut of the Modtel schooi. Atter wit, nessing the club swin ging1 and dunl bell practice cf the Collegiate giris,and holding a short receptin uthe hall, an adjourrimfent was nýade te tle Coliegi- aie Inistitute gvnAsium, where a simn lias- pregram was tnacted lu the pros- one ofe a guard ot houer et Colegiate Institute cadets cemmauded by Cýapt. Henderson, of the 34th Battalion. Mr.' John Fergusen, chairman et the Board cf Educatien,. rend an address, and Lord Aberdeen again replied. By speciai reques' île Countess et Aber- deen,too, uddressed the children lu lier very pieasing mannes-. The seholars highiy uppi-eciateti being g>iv-en this epneortunity tos500aud lieur Te x celiencies. (W thc reins-n of Their Ecieco te tle Ladies' Coliege, the recoption, accos-ded t1cm wus of the beartiest possible descriritin. Tho greinnds1 wore prettil «y iiluminated, and thlui-' terior et thea building wus no esslOt Ltt s-active. -Tbe prettily îîtlis-cd yourg ladies lined up on either side cf the ha] 1, and as Lor-d and Lady Aberdeen andi LadY Marjorie Gordon entored andi passed aiong their runks thoy sang the National Autheut. Higli tea was par taken etofithe spacieus ,-,diuiug hall t which, about 150 zuests anti studÀents sut down. 1i ord and Lad.v Ab;erdeen aftcýrwards helti a re-eptbeî nii the drawingr roorn, Dr. Lare and Mr-. L. ile fine t art rten as t[he ad- vantage of -not only t wo clever resident teachers, but o)f the inspîiration and iu- struction et Prot. L. R 1rewho devotes lis time and talent principalv to outdoor skotching an-d painting, thereby eîîdeavoring to bridge the gulf between ordinary studio woik and the. mýore exciting, artistic work of the open air . The- elocution, commercial and do- mestie science depaîlments are ýequalîr efficient. As one of the most successful colieges lu this countr-y, having a large number of hriglit, promising yenng ladies under onr care, we teel il to lie our dutv not only to provide a varied and soinded- ucation under influences of refinement of thoughit and speech, but so to mould tlîe charactet- of eau students that they iray go ont from our college halls tc> hiess the world liv their iniluence and exainple. luI saying adieu toiYour Exceilencies and Lady Slarjorie Gordon, whom wo are pleased te sec with us te dav, we wîsh ' \ou Godspeed and pray' that Heave a'b riceet lilessings may rest uapon yon. GereA. Cox, President of Board of Directbrs. J. J. IHare, Gos eruor and Principal. J. S. Barnard, SecretarY oet tue Board, Lord Ab2rdeen graciousiv replied. Miss Edith Hill', A. <0» C. M..'of Toronto nexi contributed a son'-. ÀA address te Lady Aberdeeni froîn the students was next pesnt t was read bv Miss lioss aîd b,!nýdcd te the Conîes by Miss liati. The Countess gracelul ly ac'kmnowledged the addr-ess and at the cnluinof lier remarlis was the recip!i lîtoftwe bouquets of roses, a third being presented te Lady Marjorie Gordon. The overture to Stradella wasIent nerfarmed. Miss M. Mosettu James of Bowmanville sang a solo, andi the singing ef the National Antbem brought a memoruble eveniing te a close. The distingnished visitos left for Ottawa at half-past toit. NICE Rcut.NOTES. Lord ilos-scîtli wus gucst cf their Excellencies Lord and Lady Aberdeen ai Government lieuse, Ottawa, last weekanti a banquet was.given ai Rideau HaIllFriday evering in, houer ot bis v isit. Their Excellencie, Lord aud Lady Aberdeen -iililou-eve Ottawa ton Tues- day, Novemnler Srd, andti iii spend a few davs iu Toi-ente and Mentreal where banqunets tvill lie tendereti them, bef<r tegoing te IoQu(ýein.wlere a tare- w'eli bail 'wiil bv given in houer of Coacl,Joito&Cydra. i - - 1 0 0 er eIý lei ep %WL %.F ý& IL & Ie J-.d,& IL£ 1 IL X &.JL IL 0 0

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