The Campaign Againýt Worms, Bugs, Bight, Has Qommenced. WE FnEEP T14E BEST -'- PARIS GRF-E.N,' EBLUE STONE, INSECT POWDER, 1--{ELLEBORE-, FLY POISON, MOTH 1CAMPH-OR, ETC.. ETC., 5Rre soici At~ The liowest Ptrees. J.iIIGGINBOTHAII& SON, BOWMANVIbLE. C h.- tan Druggists. THE MASON Go. BOWMANVI LLE. CADMIJS. Rev. R. P. Bowles paster of the Metrapolitan churcli, Toronto, accom- panied bv his wif e and farlilY are visiting at Mr. James Devitt s. Mr. Bowles occupied the Methodist pulpit Sunday evening to the great deliglit of his hearers ..Hayîng is done and Fal wheat harvest bigun - The crop is extra good. THE WHEELMAN's FRiEND.-NO bicy- clist should be without a bottie of Hag- yard's Yellow Ol. It takes out aIl stiff - ness and soreness of the joints and mus- cles. Relieves pain and takes down swelling in an instant. 25c. ENF1EILD. Recent visitors : Ms W. Hyslop Bowmanville ; Mrs. L. N. Hogarth, Detroit, Miss L. Hogarth,ý Solina ; Miss Reynolds, Oshawa .. . .Mr.A Ormiston's son feul through the barn floor break- ing his le .. Mr. Jas. Moorey has another new traction engine ... Mr. J. Dyer had a very successful barn raising FridaY night . ... Mr. E. Hezzlewood who h as taught Union School five years bas got a better position iu Fergus, Minnesota. To CURE A CoRN-There is no laciz of so. called cures for the common aili- ment known as corns, The vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked for cures. It is a simple matter te remove corns without pain for if you will go to any druggist, or medicine dealer and buy a bottie of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor and apply it as directed and the thing is doue. Get 'Putnam's' and no other. COURTICE. Visitors: Mrs. Yelland, TPoronto, at Mrs. Brooks'; Miss Wilson, Brighto n, at Rev. J S I. Wilson's, Parsonage; Mrs. B. Hall, Chicago, Miss Hall and Mrs. Mowat, Orono. at Mr. S. S. Brooks.... Miss Bessie Adair, town, at Mrs. C. W. Osborne's; Miss and Master Patterson, Toronto, at Mr. Eli Osborne's; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Storie, Oshawa, and Miss Flo. Clemens, Tyrone, at Mr. L. M. Courtice's, HAMPTON. Mrs. W. L. Ward continues quite iii ...Mr. C. Johns and family spent Sun- day at Oshawa .... The balance of June cheese was shipped from the factory to Montreal Tuesday. .... Election of Sun- day School officers has been postponed tili December '.,. .Mr. F. W. Allin re- cently sold 8 Yorkshire hogs a few days over six months' old averaging 220 lbs. ...Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliott returned Saturýday from a holiday tour through Western Ontario. TYRONE. Visitors: Miss Jean Tod, Miss Lily Penfound, Bowmanville-, Mrs. Grant, Miss B. Scott, Toronto; Mr. Geo. Jamie- son,- Victoria, British Columbia; Master Harry Clemens, Drayton. . .. Farmers lamnent sorely over the failure of a most proinising crop of alsike clover seed owing to dry weather ..,.. Miss Jessie Bingham is guest at Uncle Tom's Cab- la, Port Bowmanville. . .. Mrs. S. Bond has been f ailing lu health during the week .. ..llarvest Home festival is now iinder discussion. (10w does the chick- en pie cr0 p promise ?-Editor) .... Our new church fence promises to be both durable and ornamental .. .. The Miss- es Henry, Bowmanville, visited their brother, Mr. S. J. Henry, recently. Mr. l4nrx, talluq S ivÇnS n lnfarmnp ... . .. . .. . . . . . got telln.. ny wite we t to cseo in &O0iwo s r11898rrte ~-±O~, aSt o n sueh Ute uTel n jUt U.d n W'ta c E d Rtun, afte et-i fluet ap& ,although she had JA E O R I eneflNWC'SEau tr,65 an wt1 to oated t TO E lue l2tliîday of JuIy, IS98 B0W3MAINVILLEan euï, of cuirc,,PA (ointment) and one cake of 1 BiVVcorecLchngefo CuTicu-RA SOAT' alecwa,,,- asofztely ceu-ed, and -Registraxi of thie Court of Appeal. Passengers wlslïing to rernain oer iu, _______and________ ut uxyà , r en ofisuefeo tcet le wll nd cauty o.dy. ilbrn'sterflufledaeoPoder cdforone or two weeks by payin 2e SiiEtYCe, Ta-rrsao TaU u. lus-A CHO ICE ASSO RIMENT 0F Frfrhrifrainapr esueHusees Wi n osORni-Wsse iiih ii ure the iworsst ilearlache jin fronifivoe uite ifuato ppyt CURcAeIaOSUf.wih CUICiS-'P., STAPLE GOODS and NOVELTIES. UîLutmnue ndeïe oada' n'AfN o. X à or~,raest of biosudpsu tes ad hu o., urs. ereffeets. i poweier e, 3Pomdei!s 10e Agent, DB)wm..nvjie.-M ~cd heuhosiie otdPOTo D rn ~ ea'. EPIIN G A S'"'" """ 10 powders 25ce. 19-4rn. -1---- 1 Wo Com1- mence10 This Week AI SMM[R OOD Must be cleared at any Sacrifice. Dress Goods Dept. This department will contribute a pile of fa ncyWool and Wool lYixed Dress Goodis, sold regularly at 35c, 40e and 500 a yard for 25c a yard. Also two vy special cýhances iii Dress Muslins.(1[)A;jý e of 15 different patterns were 15e a yard1, no.W 734e a yard. (2) A pile of 22 differ- ent patternls were sold ,from 15c to 35-- a yard, flow 10e a yard. Parasols. Your choice of 70 Parasols, neat handies, steel tubes, ranging in price frorn $1.25 to $2.00 for 75c. Prints.