5 AMicine ot Wl tscf. ottTissCanadIa'sopomniy erve andi muscle. But it l ciîi't do no monev, the pru, a5fctnîo A IMIed SafoanS uIckCure or iis unl&s t is rie"l antipure.TuatIý h aving done a grent service 10 one u sipe *dIARRHOcACure fer 5wbat vo-u want to cure That Tired tefeeti 1 ngity cnie- napt - CRAMPS'DA'ào>, _1 , il,-peureicb loi Hotis a- ward for - is troubleý. If voii wî-it o J COLDS, RHEUMATISM, aui à, panilia will helpy ou. "gem restel." t Mr.Graad you eau rteuoî eeiii a uxîlîl ivo von puîre, icb blooti von cuetiat ln bouese.c'a NEURALSIA. viorwed il. adan brce s 25 and 50 cent Boutles. O - hlrn uo ni îaivat rc o p5 BEWAE 0 IMTATONS ~ ,comin~ suinulîor, If von have ne'. ci antirefer tO the TTEMN No atteiiO BOY DLV NE "".' ~ '~ ~ trieti Hooti'-ilîî-apal'ila, doso nitw. lion bowevorwillite .tl"en te Ibrý itewr FERRY DAVIS' '. 4h aîtsieo't nrieanivti.~.iî utof mrÉcroiv hr-o JlPT~'Yl'..li R1)E acur whole s.taî state tbat you real neeti ac- J TRAL ~ ua4in~ ~i~ttiu~W Delicate children! What FoEatrPentgoo UARITERS ~~~Enamelene, Enamnelene! 5c at Nichi-7,7 'Mg 1 a source of anxiety they are! oils'. î OMAVlîL ,MY ï,188 he arnt wsh them Headquarters for Rogers 1847 Goods ____________ MAY11__198_Thparets_____atRickard's. at i For Watch Chains go to Rickard's. hearty and strong, but they AiknsofewgMahnNeis Nichois' annual bargain day, Mav 23. keep thin and pale. Gttard ad field seed-fresh-at NICIOLL sels Bock' Bid Sed ]Co aIl these delicate cdii- Cawker and Tait's. For Modemn Spectacles go to iRiel- oevr odScn adSwn e r'.dren Scott'ý mlin o Machines at Riekard 's, Lade's bbi ]and and dairy sait at Cdivr01wt fwmr orsodnswa-hted to Sicl 'Telincho and reliive aul thetroublesiner Cawker & Tait. wiefrTnSAEMN d2nt te - blijous state off the, syterr. such as Se ouiuns ofSeretris ad Bnhîes Mthth Lizziness, ase.Drow,ýsinesot, Dstres', after Sook DhOSnecornescrWindow Shadesk ahosdhticture Framesth eating. Pain in thee, s .W l hiins aes at ail prices.' L. Morris. ridwSae ndPcueFae remarkiable succes.3 as been showa in curing Steamer llamilton now runs weekîy best of news. in great variety at L. Morris'. f trps romllaiitn t Motrel, aiing ~.If you want a bargain in Furniture at Port Dariington Monday nights. It brings rich bodeunM.D Williams & Son. N Animmense Stock o New rns stronoe bones, heaithy rvs When in town don't fail to see M. D. liadabe, yct CÀras r-I Livrat Piaas Ano Prts, b flVS Williams & Son's furniture stock. Castoria îs Dr. Samuel Piteher's prescription for InfantS are equally .iu¾i ,)Cns&ption.1 curirg Muslin, Silver Silks and FancyCto iliey alan correct Il d r lfftstonach, & Cr"erman . ' rwe have the best, Cawker& ,,tlulate the livcr sand reguîlaoto u & Cbowels. . growth and p rosperitv o emme other Narcotic substance. It is a barmiess substitut~e Even iý they c,ýly oured iFor a Watch that wiii put more in Tait.i yaur pocket than it will take out you ten.A cose of MILLER'S, WORM POW- frPrgre rpSohn yusadCso u jusv go whereyoIur niho'<wýas suited mttrDR cainll iike h hi- It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by 50wei-ha p~~ne~horNo mte how delic9.te ren healthy. .&che n-y7ol S lms pricelevi to ti a& If yo have not the spare time to the child, it is readily taken. Creamery Cans, MiIk Pans. Dairy Mlin fMtes atradsry om n ivh sui, . Lrteto ourfrind sed tem HE5oc sa$î.oaildrugiss.Pails, and ever'.thing eise in tinware, allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents voniiting Sour liereA.1 ' t' hoonr ho thm rel indST tho$rat wll c a wecod asaTAocandMi.o, It duwills cbep tascholeicomd, urasa cheap nd inat Nichoils'.releve these 1:ticp.î'"lo 11 1 11SO rI'Iy WftaY that letter and, contain ail the local news. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chenits. Toi.nto. We again remind correspondients that CrcrsDaroaadWidCle jsoi.rlee they Nviil nthV wiog to do iwithotat then. _________________________ )iut alter a]l sicýk ead old sol nvanwSring ,1te1rnams ust accompany any Tcething troubles, cures Constipation and Flattilency. -7MDress or Cape before. seein-- the large For WaTch Guards go to Riekard's. article Éenit us for publication. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomaeb. and eeatSoko e od o For Wcdding Presents go to Rick- If your chlld is pale, peevish, and kl L1 'Mshowing at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- ard's. does flot thrive, a dose cf MILLER'S adBwlgvn elh n aua le.Csoi Io the bane c om ,an7lilveS that lhera !swhera man's. Miss Nellie Pollard,Orono, was guest WORM POWDERS occasionaliy wiii is the Childrcn's Panacca-the Mother's Friend. we make our K.ret boast. Our pillacueiS hre .Laircnrbte ote*fMss Lottie Brimacombe last week. cure. whiie ctheri do not. CalsD aircnrbtst h fM C.IRTE's LIT'TLE Lîvmaa PiLLS are very-small Review of Reviews a brief but appreci- Thin people shouid take Miler's Coin- For next 80 davs with every Suit sold Castoria. Castoria. andvereytti. One or two pila tIeaie sketch of the late Anton Seîdl, the pound Iron Pils, Sold by ahl drug- a t $5.00 or over The Mason Co. wiloive n The ar rpre, bt b theirgnte actdon great Wagnerian conductor, whose un- gists. I 'IEs a handy and strong Carrnage and ICastoria is an excellent medicine for IlCastoria as so weil adapted to chiidretu ne rpoprg$Sodee, ii yb..'.oir gentl actinowmscl rd~ Orpie eycmeiin si agnJe.cbildren. Mothers have repeatedly toid me that I recommend it as superior to any pro'. lve for ail ho usetern.wik t25cntiîmeylssteshi isCohs'So of its good effect upon their children." scription known to me." M .o sn ynal o mournn. proved by our rapidly increasing sales. Stove rusaaes, CohsBrushes, DRG SoO eelMas 1 .ACHRMI ru y,..Y SRead what Couch, Johnston & Cry- L. Morris. Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, ~ ~a11 ~ derman have to say about Carpets and We do upholstere and Carpet lay- Serub Brush es or any other brush, cheapT E FA -I LE SG TU E 0 Curtains,, we know this firm carry a ing in first-class styl at reasonable at Nichoils', the leader in low pnices. T E F C SM L IN T R F very large stock of these goods, and prîces. L. Morris. M.AJames, Bowmanville, is Govern- as thev buy them direct fromthe mfanu- In the East York election Mr. Moyes' ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses for f acturers n honse can seIl them cheap- expenses were $316.23, and in South the Counutv of'Durham, during business er. .Toronto Mr. Rogers' $2051.28. hours at offce, at bis residence Centre- I In the Review of Reviews Mr. W.T., st., at night. _________________ taAtls h daaie'fBhstrI Peo pein-West Durham who don t Sted tllsth drmatc lfehisorvofread THE STATESMAN miss far more thani Buy y our Furniture and House f ur- George Muller, found er of the Bristol e e nohrlclples nishings fromn L. Morris and you wiii orphanages, who never asked anybody theysei te lclppr.be happy. Should anything hie seils for money. but bas received and ex Miss McMurtry attended the annual y ou not" be eutirely satisfactory as hie e dA millions in direct answer, as hie conference of the Woman's Foreigu 'as ersne i i.ilbcpesd 1Tbeiieved, t prayer. Missionary Soitm n oot a ke it ight. Dou't lorget the place. P E R à*N J E Y W lAP £ ' _________________ W.ý-om-ing, Apnil 28-The 15 Year oldA avwoe4Mcnr bdstpTHCEYU soui of James Whitehead ,of Enuiskiiien, A very fine and choice stock of Ladies' ped singing- and I tried varlons remed- FLO IP WA ER was kiiled by faliing beneath a land- Sping Coats and Capes; ail new goods, tes but none succeeded until at last I rouler. 11e hadl been cautioned not to just received at Coudlh, Johnston, & gave it a cake -of Bird Treat and it soon ride, but to walk. H1e disobeved lis Cryderman's. ' began to singagain", A cake of 13ird TH~~~ instructions, was jo]ted ýoff the seat, and Lîahtniing r9d a-ents are said to be1 Treat in eaeéi packet of ilrock's Bird f If TEwas f ouud dcad with the roller on bis ûperating amolig tue farmers and it is $ced. Ail grocers and drugg ists. eow. 'Ti T 1i MSWl' FAGRT chest. reported that tlîev have succeeded in eqeto fee oe eihflUiE U f.l 1111 iIIIrr U U ThMbtSaTt bRig hewartoa icimzig an.jsîvenile concert was e-er given in the , ANDU ENOURING'- OP'. ALL speedy terminatioîî is for us to take the The Mail and Empire have entered Town Rail than is to given by tbe_______________________ PERFUMES FOR THE Philippine Islands front Spahi anîd then into an arrangement wvith the London Primarv Class of the M1ethodist cihurch HANDKERCHIEF, trade them back for Cuba. This would Times and New York Heraid to secure on1 Fnidav niôght May 6th. The pro- eatnCaa] iea abr ---$.5prtn TOILET OR ~~satisfy Spanish hoîjor, as Cuba lu, that the iatest and most reliabie war news. gramn is really novel anîd interestin. Srno ol l..ea abr ---$.5prtn BATH. case wouid oniy bc given Up for full People should be very careful about Admission 115e or 2 for a quarter. Clîild- Scranton Coal, e4 deiivered to any value, and, as Cuba is the bone of con- signing any document in the hands of ren 5e- tention witlî us. honors would be easy. srnesutite aeasrdte The Dominion Compaus-, Chicago, is pr ftw----------.5prtn urMrThe Toronto Globe duing the Spain- selves as to the chîtracter cf its cou- forging aheadt as the leading western The People's or Bernice Coal, at harbor, - 4.50 prtn _____________________ iIT-meica 'ar,&salwys wiipinttets.u iish ng liouse ma ing a specialtY odelivered, 5.00 per ton. ail the news every day. They will give SH HA.J .Vntn a of finle subscription' books. Having GENERAI DEAIERS.ail the despatches of the Associated for sale Pt-BowmanvilleRoller Milîs one salespeople lu neariy everv îtook of the Srno olfr2 osctv GN RK MAER.Press, a splendid news agency. and will HaighnldScatnCa or2 osetv car load of choice Mat.itoba Whcat, country, tbe comîîany enjox's a large ÂX~11 IdUe aidd the best special corresdond once extra weii cleaned for seed. Also One and growing trade. As this company years and aimost ail other kinds at times, we caTli recom- thatcanbe otaiîedhaving entcar load of Corn for, feeci. 12-tf. bas a kriowfln reptitation for libei'ality d .t joui ~ Lan u ie clie of ranMî.M D. Williams & o are sendino towards itsaets and fain treatment Men ~ a ii Lt dI-£i u The Stoqlz market hereafter wlillflue- out 'large numbers of bed-roornutý f hm an agency !il this cornmunity market. The publie can aiways depend on getting dry, orrtunesyoweek. The quals wtylppuee1considerabie profit to the one fortunate weii-s creened Coal, aswe have, sufficient shed capacîty The onlyfo* prcsdwa-ir. w IL l P'4 uset e ail rihtjding tfrom tbe enoughto0secure it. Interested readers for the suppIy of this section. ta iy fooîd b rfliidbv ctoples swiitsadvanebsns hyaedon hsSrn uld rtah op~yrfBprtie- WTe are as in the past prepared to pay the very Dahe tha wil bîikthmcanolucuains--i ee fo artfoay. YksoutMaywslCompainarTheMethodist Magazine ad Reviewhi es market rc for aul kinds of Coarse Gralu and SB b upacacos:Oporators must keepa sharp. eye on fo a stohn.O speelal highrest prc a tîtution gradu-,thwaronj i fecttflem time to lime, ort f dsour ~e M abile coni a tfor is 10Jhan. S0f usitredst ddeiivered atour Storehouse, corner King and 0George projectile guns. -c hrstne' Wy U, b~ steRv .C emu' luta Ch ai-c- aly ut urcy is Awarpoem byRuthedKininwî'îs. Ar rst nes £ y , article on "Fine and Sword in the Streets, or at Port Dariington. C lia ce aly bt suely : A ar poe by thdvrdscrip Cii rs MrartE.at 's one Soudan." Prof.lIlovey wites a clever * es pea apite toth re'setcazsnefof h eis f'tne o ubrscieîîtiflc article, velil iiustrated, on JS ohn ag Upyo atcasfn n wilapcrinMCur' Mgznefrandi wii be publisheti in the issue of finamoeîCa .aAnid M artinfls May, Tt is descibed as treating, with May 12th. -Tuthescnibs, thCt"-'AsLte of dairy, ïn bags and barrels, IRetsof IRock Salt for Cattie l lofKipiing's wouiderfuil sweep and rstecie itpeueter C rd aIFo d subtiety,of the torpedo,withits"strengl t h as beebtfogotten by markable stor-v of George Muller. and ilorses,' also fresh ground Grey Piaster in barreis wnttaarraheinacl u Te olrilnsrtei %pa, which we are prepared to seli cheap for cash, Bradley's . The doom-boit in the darkness freed- warticlerphicommclemorates therill a simple, scientific and hghy. The mine that spits the main" Bean" for The Youth's Companion of semi-jubilee of the Canadian Methodist Fertilizer. a speciaity. Lumber, Lath, Shingyles, Sash, ntiiepreparation for infants, Wodasusbenreid of the week of May lth,owes bis rescue Mission lu that country. The Editor, n lae ciWornrndivais. thtasin tnee weid and g from stanvatioiâ lu Ithe Aretc t 1Coinm. ina paper oii"'Suuda.vScboouiixtensiou "Do , etc., alwaysi stock. Inspection inviteci and satis- eutiteive Madinaid. thta n n etou, 100 ndeve. nn W.l. ntdStatesy win m adn e nin s toe a o a fDepar m one- fcio___at KERHY WATSON & Co., 0pIc .. tbousands of dollars tb the ton bas been UntedScatesynw comadng h ae toglafrafow oe ato urned satru i No.2,heepawafooiti m.Th Teladies of Bowmajivilie and vicin- onto. William Brig9s. $2.00 a vear; $1si mine is lu charge of Mn F. W. Gueru- ity are respectfuily iuvited to eall at for six monlbs. " sey, jr., C. E., son of Major Guernsey of MisMrt'sFnvoosSoewbe Sparkiing and bright is Vick's Maga BOWMAN'VILLE.ML E Port H-ope, and the sttike is said to be a comipiete stock of ail material for zine for May. Native wild violets comn-_____________________________________ *the bigg"est yet made i n North-western fancy work is kejtt. ladies' readvmrade menced in' April, is coneluded this Old ~~Ontario, Mr. Guernsey is a brother 10 wvrappers anti cbiidren's aprons. Staînp- month. 'lue illustrations cf eleven 1IW Mrs A MeielanofBowanili. in- doue in the latest designs, Dress- fifferent vaniies f bs awe aetla*~- A clrgymn wo isfon of ogsmaking a speialtv. In QuicksBOci, best anti most accurate ever publled * . B eR n 1'~ a ai lÎeft tbem witb a dog fancier to The folowîno' words can be sung by anti loyers of wiid flowers. The 50, iv k train. On returning home one day, he those to whom it applies 10 the popular eti Boston fern is described anti a hand robe. founti bis wife abetteti by lier mother, lune whicbievery schooi boy can wbistle: some illustration of it given, showing < j Lm,~ abut1 qitbs oseaniapivfr We dont want 10 buy at vNour p1a.,e, it to be a noble ln frteaos-ad0 o ~ iu S i e Had abrouho teermot hbe gfnin bc on bnyuseu on sm a iilutratifors îepln o the bos a dO f cap.an Se n-3 bakaheto divorce, on the hasis of the folowing we dont trade there any more; you'il be the conservatory. A short account witb olti folks to move ht on o i e or eoe other store. You ean't seil us any stale iciflanother excellent anti ornamen .i i abot cnstnt The littie darlings are doing weil anti goods, we bave openeti wide our eyes; 'taI bouse plant. This low priceti but t-t boîhe ie ioigley eti nne orI eir don't want t10 matie atyour store, excellent journal sbould bhein the bantis_______________________ I he dyîrne- board. cause vou don't ativertise." of everyone *rho loves plants or, culil- errnry w hn'ite dsîurh teirW-aerciet rmteGad4. e okLtie a e t vates a garden. Vick Publishing Co, We have solti piles ofjBoo1's the inst fixe or six weeks and have lots retat nmg-hi. Trunk Railway a v'ery neat folder showý traction. Withottebcancing ils char- Rochester, N. Y. 10 dispose of yet, aud very cheap-finst-class gootis at very small prices. $ ing th.e beauies of Muskoka. Tl'le acter as'a slory, papen àAn famil.v week- ,SP stci n-o fi-adwfn urhev rwe. ".~'VDKEY PULLS reading matter anti the views are ne- 1v, it bas atideti large ful page i llustra- A BELIABLE OFFER. W ew' l t moenngokis an-aemo t otatveiti our sieles hraed.y Ste ethn Kldneys anS production of- an article ln July '97 lions of co tem porary events anti char- Htigodowh . Strcngthen ~"Outing" that weii. known Journal of actens. A recent, numben hada fine 01 sTIIELP FREE TO MES1, tig1 owt l