Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1898, p. 2

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1Nervous, Weak,E Men ai R.PEATE, AILOR Geun.lemen'sClothes muade to Order. D.,U BV1KESIMPSON, B &R~itSTBR, SOLICITOR, etc. MOERIS BLOCK,, ap-tairs, Klng'Street. Bowran ,1lle. Soicitor fer tho Ontario Balk rIvate uoneys loaae4 ai lowest rates, TIMERSINSEiTED. 1 Mth 3îths 6Mthe 1 Yr. Que Coumn-------$20 00 $40 $6 10 T eri!t Ctia----138(X)26 40 60 lie Gr at bprin: ý ~terColumu . 5100 16 26 40 g.t......-- -- 5 00 10 16 26 weuiy-fivo Lino. 4 50 9 12 18 wny Linoes......400 6 8 13 Fifteeu Lines....... 3a 50 5 7 50 12 Vive Linos...... -....1253W'6 1 Teabovo are couti act rates, andl apply oly to regular business ad vertis.3rs. Changos of contraet advertiseomntesi i handed la not lator that nue o'cbock on sturdayEmie t P o sso a -thls robe wl ho strtctiy enforced. ros - E ie t P oeso a Faragrapl iadver4isements among news items lac 4 ino ac insertion. Bîrilis, 25; Marriages anti Deailis, 50e. Displayeti atvertisements are moaureti by a P o le Delares tlia sca-le of sohhd noupareil andi so chargei. Ordere for tisconinuing advertlsemonts muet bailn writing, oherwise the pubisher will ni b. resionible. No paper wll lie stopped until ail arrearages WELLS & RICHARDSON &O., are ad, excepi t the option of the publisher. A- posi office notice to discontinue is not suffient. DEMi Sins..-I take Ibis opportunîty Double regular raies-~are chargod durîng to express my gratitude for the gooti aeh, April antiMay anti Otober, November Ihat 1 anti my fientis have recpiveti adD4eemlier for dispiay advortising not con- from your vahuable discovery, Paiue's tracieti for by the year, &Rîkinde o! Joli Printing doue wth neainess Celery Compounti. and despateli and on reasonablo terme. The For years I have cuffereti from con- glaice ilsesuppmit hia great variety o!fithe san*ick headache: aI times I bave latesi and mosi 'tefashionabFe styles of type. ben ual 1 lepsihor ngi Buiesnoticesu lullocalsoreuowschlumn afirsi i n8s10 cnspr0n" paei cnsprfor weeks. li or ahsbeuniIsrinlotcso.et I have trieti many medicines anti harei o a olecio Isakn usbopuc fr.doctoreti a great deal, but nover re- Ail communicatons shoultibho atidressed, ceiveti a hundredîli part o! the value from them that I have obtaineti froni M. A. JAMES, . Paine'S Celery Compound. Aftor ueîng BowmauvIlle.Ont three bottios I can leep weil, my heati- aches have ceaseti. anti I feel healîhier -anti fresher Ihan I have tionc for years. Beinff oneofo the ourîjest setlers in nntna plce, 1 ai known to ail the sur- ER SIS "#%OC A, runding country. I feel il a duty to lot others know about the modicine that ENGLISH lias doue me so mucli gooti. I senti BREAKFAST COOOA this testimonial without soicitation. Possesses the following Yours witli gratitude, Distinctive Merits MES. E. WILCOX, Creemoro, Ont. DELIGAQY 0F FLAVOR. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUPERTORITY IN QUALITY. GRATEFUL and COMORTING M 10 the NER VOUS or DYSPEPTIC. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED Lu Quartor-Pounti Tins onhy. Prepareib AMES EPPS & Ce., Lîmiteti, thoepi. Chemts, Lodon, Eugland. _________ ______ 1 'Iis je a BONA FIDE offer mnde Â. E MoLtI<flLU, m which we guaranted tO please Yo Barrister, Solicior andi Cen voyaneer. Offce- Bleakley Block, King sireet , lowinanvlle. Miouey to lban ai reasonable rates. 4-yr, r.G.rPATTfflON,- aun Royal Coegé Dental Surgeons. Speeiaites Arilicial Dentures $8.00; Amalgam Filings 50. -is lnwr tvery moderate priesa. Office .., Orono. 6B. J. C. MITCHELL, M IEMBER OF COLLEGEOF PIIYSICIANS -> t 1..andi Surgeons, Oniario,Coroner, oic, Residence, Ennîskilben. 74 7- Po ibiitis coupon ln CUT OUT andi SFR~E E sent to us ?ith an order for 12 paekets we ~~~~~ wll nlue1 aket New anCilinSigoi- 0 FFICS nW WEST DURHAM NITWe Blek, wlere himself or bils adistant 'wl!! ~f~dn.~5.rntê9 m.Niglt eau.ah riame, drs.tly oppoei& Dru io<lShb. Cal- ~xr~TE-TRSTW P.TY AND 'yaiv galonnor ladies te traveI fer Ler ie Meailb e esaillshedihonse la Otario. Mnti in the Wlatest a ir Z-5 aut4expeuses. PosliIon teady. Reference. ode in use li Euco slof addremeod slamped enveloiîe. Tic Seamstreeses, andi familles shotild worîci WnîtE Dom;inion CeMpvny, Dept. T. Chicsago. ne e 13W ________________________procure the best and simplest oppoxtuilylt inethod o! euîling, 'viz; kg ao! Mai M USIC.-Aniyone con hern 10 play 9Toronto theo orÂgan or piano lu two weeks by using uonida1 lhe Magie Musie Ciart. XItteaches everythilu, DM and eosflrmîîm tilr pinn ilianpleit and ti non> oxureheusîve yei inventedý. Buligli[I raniumiii fJj41b . nt cty p P.1.e 5 cents in the me nu! Ageiswan .l. Waa, ulhairLoh i t o date and will spve fully the emith-shL> Draw. T, ewmavill. 42if. alf your time, andi git-e your work hlumiers Pow tgnp amet dg TTTNTE-TRJSWORHY NDthe elegance o! French Style 'semnbly and, WVactive gentlemen ýor lade ho travel for c urv e s. everythijg wm responeihle esta.bllahed isuse inOn2tario--Xonth- tbld me thatt t6anti expensee Position teady. Reference Ti yimréie is-ls i! 4 lse-H qfsoief addreFf'edisamped envelope. Tic Ti 3SO eeieifrtcaeDii a ae, ooeuî~a csnpayDop.T.Jhiag39s-18vw. oaseaIToronto anti Motreal Exposi-1 nid il le tiau lions, 1897. systemn and wliether ahi tE APPlY 10'W. SPAULDING, -278 Eucid Ave., Toronto, eea a1oic ONTROBANKa Agent, or 10 ýMiss J. MARTIN, Bow' - sîi The ala'u E à cotiue t 10 cI0~&manvile, (at Mr Davis',JBe eeh 0AvTn)> at the annual meeting O! ct as an5Intenor- l 1 .ý 80 -1 yr. fictu.ral aoi t nt ando erly inil t h e er aia i MaOIT 1y, papers wvilf be presented on the ( I Rte do us burin when really no burin le receved In Savings Bank Departrment and au uIvtn<4qadoA pretty good mat Trust not toyour own under- interest silowed st carrent rates. Notice of stret0i of iùagilation je r'equired to standing. A good man's stops are ordered *ltlsdr&wfll nece&sry AiUdepoais payabi SURE ALI.TOUR Plm ils aae >r o e subjeci l>y the Lord. If we sufer wlth Hlm w. ondnin.for the considé3ration of I{orticdlturistg. shall also reigu withh Him. o eadE.XCHFANGE D g < l .~ Tobaecoi t l tr'ue lias a. "boiiupt,' but 1MnRs. THo's. MCCANN, MooresVille, Boyght and noldaiidDrafts lssued upon Europe *- i *~ l e it is flot cultivated foýr the ornayrnlt or1 Ont., writes: " was troubled with Don and knowing. Unto tg e adCaadaloGod Sle M.len say that whon they know they willl Uaied taes roebaks ougt nd oldA sd11..~hat u Iasf. n ayoe'sg~ren Onseond thought bil-iousness, headache, and lost ap- do- Jesus says that when they do thoy Unte LLesGECb a ogtInsold lss. ad qîe cg, hweethe hortiC1lurist may not beQtt aClLprtsTIONSS j Sc)OEA'50 vr.y f ar out of the way, for the indi- e.iludntrsta ihwî know. He doos nlot promise to niani- Prmplymae tcuret ats u p aUrtsaiosae htaix satda1o and was very weak, but after using fest Himnself to the man who dreanis or of reat Brit~an the Unitd States and the Do- day tUATS ,bac il er at m u t o od three botties of B. B. B. my appetite debates, but to hlmu who keep s His con- j u R d e n fr u it. T h o s e w h o h a v e g o fle ju t o h a s r e tu r n e d , a n d I an b e tte r th a n m a n d m nen ts. T h e s ud o f tr nt it h p ro u t in miinof Canada. CLS HUAI» ar ilba ataiuto od T e e g a p i r a s f r sU K r A L-A th e b u sin e ss vih . c a re a d in te lli len c e h a v e b e e n fo r y e a rs . I w o u ld n o t In th e m in d o 1 a d isob edie nt m an are no , Made for large or smai! sums on ail parts of 28a&Onti &ô cent ctio have been well satisfied with the finani- rokBodBtes oevtlta ha ntew~~i Canada. This i13peially advantageous to per RISOttise.1ý ý be without Burdc lodBtes ur ýtItaweti h r-ïPlg sons liigi ttba or tIýe, North-West, it 1 fIWAftE VIF I17~IATIONS. iai resuits, and this spring are enlarg- imalesthe fuads av@Àlable ai oeaithe place MUY ONLYvTM! GUiN£. ing their operationse. Auythling to It is such a safe and good remnedy of a mummy. To know the divinlty of 0f payment. make one, sm to be the cry. The that I arn giving it to my childien." Jeute intewmetton orldobeHi w Fo te arc er ail atthe bank. P --------IVbeful effcts don't count whinthere'slth'iiteinda1tnq tteon. Morl ioiec GE.MeGTLL, l etl inosbtt ebi u Manager. --money i t wil in loyahty to h1m Lawis to open Our mincis te the light of His truili. Au iglit Page, Forty-Eight ColuinNeispapr, 1e pubtilhefi EVERY WEDNESDAY MOIININCi, AT.THEEOFFICE 26 STATESIIAN ,BLOCK, KING STREET, 1BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY FL.ORIDA WATER AL RUIPERFUME S AM SENERAL DEAERS. ~uIscr~4ion$.pr axýnprq, pf Ifpaîd qtritlv in avae1 ADVERTISING RATESl Trausiont Advertialng. Ten Cenie POT Lme, gilstinortioTr- ive Cents per Lino IIfl (ltitl TIrnïnn n rn 1t lil .g MeÈ Oth RVeni, at Paine) WIELLS & I DEAR Srns: that I testifyi medicine, Pi For nearly Af ter try« ingk not effeet àa bCompound. low in healt 1sleep. J cou] pain in my bi on mv e1bowf to obtain a sl fore I had ful medicine I bE now taken in grand resuits now working refer to mei mente, or t arounci Shef known I w worth of Pali Youre y' GIMoi e to Introduce îOu, or the am, WOMANIS Püli UT OP MAN. AI>atirongi d o zk crl CILthe Art f U S~ SOY of p1eashný. W o p l e a ýe i n e o nQ D à t h i n g , a n d t a b o lw s 1 e rdec e t M pîeaing p wixientirel 1a or. It tg a ?f8hWase sw goý do4j e or to peas the average mpthaiaj t j to be lasing to hlm. WanenTA sed te malte tFiemustake of triy- Tm* orercrÉs dties iliat feu * lf, ing to pieuse mon; now l le the fashion ob mure*, the worry, 19ars,osf ta miialte opesoîf pieaeing tg, theni. Our lrr.gularliy0f metals soo0 111s graninsothers and even our ' nmothers neirvoux aobmys An sd underias h,,tu have wasted no end of time ln thlnklng gro. K. Xi. Monzie., a professional a ~ick and B r okenj-dow n LL hr acua nacewen ~temt. he e tretp fitor, nt elot a d W o m e n . ilo gd y.O eofhmpU frV1bet in lit~ eat b topieuse me, bqttai malc ___________________ erso.It pheaslng ta ilien. She lias learnlec that the man to whom ah. lias madehlir- self pieaslng doos not forget lier as soon as she soparates herself froin, hlm; that h. wantulto study lier; to know lier bot- Auon, Suleflu on 11 Gmne. ter,. &bve Il, lho wanis ta do something 9 "The minute a man çants tu doý somelf- thing for you, my dear," said anài i - encod matron to a young womnax, 'YeuX may bo sure that you are ploacing te clicine that Cures 'W hen aU11 ii this point this matroù âught sfortfxmw.kosshr ~e s F i.and to woman,too. Tegirl to man si olw PFOr thePI lhr r àers Fail. ~~~~~~~typical young womaz o! the prod, in-ifeq, rmwekoz he91 pendent, impulsive andalso introig, VO. bftsàth and palpitâtion or 1ha Lsd "NoW, when a man wants toaoo aly Th e zoistecement wonl4 mak* 7e l1111e thing for vo," ilie matron went jutter, and At ni ght 1 eveD founnd ilb4 o n , " l et h lm d o it, ev e n if lie l g a s o lci t e sl # 0p . Â lte r I g o t 1 za e h s l h n M un. t at i s l e v pi i e i lu ra's e People Of Wealth, and the VrinaiUy the very thing you want him to do; that nde o tbnigteir use tl0. i o nobody aise couhd have dons hiliai! 1fsQ menthie be~n â rksd until no 0 h well, and thatlfe would flot be worth aymptomus axe <on. and 1 a=r o0V1t s C ley oiin nnu Ra 10 qn i. living if ho had nelt done ihat very thil un; d s Ceery oMp nnd as o Eq al. for yen. Nine young women out o! ton Mlbnrn's Heart and Neirve P»11 Cu# nowadays, whon a man oallors ta do soma* Âna.mia, lq.rvousness, Wsahnes d$. trifling service for theni, proteet. This la lessasus, Palpitation, Throbbing, '7A â1 a greet mistalte. The protesting womnan Speihs, Dixxinee or a vconahila 4il Eu{ARDSN Co., nus & ICSARDSN co.,may plons. a man occasionally, but sh r Ipvrigisd alood, soduS :-ItSO CeO.,gea lesr GELEMENRCHADNO.igmota au annover malte herseif eiernalhy plas- Xervés or Woràk Huart. 10-I the valeato! v urreî.imge, te tErr Nivueinga ota canlng ta hlm . Suppose a man offiera ta take , t th vaueof ourgrat nrigie te trrblesuferngsthà 1a lbiter 1a the box on the corner for you, 'Lax&.-Uver PlUsoIoanCoatud TOY49U9 aine's Celery Compo'und. endured for four years, owiug 10 iver ta buy sainie medicine iliaât ha thinks two years I suffered froni trouble, headache aud sore back. 1 wouîci do your coîci goond, ta stop arounid kidnev and iver troubles. may gay that in addition 10 the danger- t0 the iibrary ta got somne book that you severai medicines'that did aliments just mentioned, 1 wae continu, are wishung for; don'i, protosi. Your ii- cure I decided to îry your #Ily sick ai my stomacli, with a sour. pulse andi the Impulse of the average RIIelllatiSI & Dyspepsuia OUned9 Before using il I was go tasîte and mouth ail furred and coateci. w-ean of! to-day la 10 eay, ratlier Im- [h that I could not eaî or 11 trîed many patent medîeînes anti wae patîinîîy: 'Oh, I wouldn't trouble ýyoiz ldnot lie lu bed ow-ing 10 trnder the treaiment o! doctQrs, but re- fer the world. I can mail >my own lbiter,' 571 ST. PATRICK STRtEET, ack ; it was onhy by resting ceîved no benefit. I thank' God for or I nover take medi ineo- for a colci, 1or TAA uySt 86 Ps andi knees I waseneabled having heard of your wonderfuh Paiue's II have somnthlng elso I can read ta. TAA UY 1t 86 liglit degree o! ease. Be- Celery Compoundi. I procured a supply night. ' In your heurt you appreciate the To the Plirenoline Medicine Co, Lim. .ly taken one bottie o! vour and used il, anti experienceti a great man', off or, but you obey your firsti m- ited, Ottawa, Ont. egan 10 improve.- I have change, No, other remedy ever gave pulse, andi that tg ta proiesi. Now, 1 GENTLEMEMl,-OII the ativice o! a ni ail fourteen botties with me such wonderfuh recuIts lu so short ltnow mon well, andi they areu't hlI frienti I trieti one bottle o! Your famous s. 1 ami a fanmer and amn a lime.- I now finti mvself a ne<w w0- baci. They are creaturos who nover do rheumatic remedy, Phreuoiline, and to, g every day. Anyone may, man, and can sleep well andi enjoy 1113 anything thai thoy dont want to do, or my surprise it cured me of rheumi-atism, in regard 10 these state- food. No soul should desp)air wheu rallier, when ihey do a ihing il la sohely from which I have suffereti for many t0 any o! My7 neighbors they cau procure Paine's Celery Coin- because they want ta do it, andi it pro- years. i-fieli,_ where I arn Weil pounti, the surest aud best o! all medi- voltes thom, boyond polite expression te Il also cured me o! dyspepsia, from amn a living witnesc 10 the des.eg have a woman show that she liad raiher which 1 was suffeing at the time, go .ne's Celery Comrpound. Yours truly, do thungs for hersel!. Every woman loves ihat 1 feel now like a new man. Pry truîy, 280 elaren< Avenue, w plmoasînhego eadthowoma aln I have trieti several remediea for rliet- îGE J. SmYE, Shefflelti. Ont. Toronto, Ont. whs o alts hu wh l ys under ail ci- matismn,corne o! which diti me, a certain -cumstances, alhowa mon ta do things for e amonto g,bu higatIhv lier. Every woman shoulti 500 1tail iiat takeha done so much for me as your cie cruches down andi chokes ont the im- Phrenoline, anti I have much pleasure pulse ln lier ta proteai. in recommending il to other sufferers. "Phîlqsophers tell us that that whlch Yours very trulye help s r hind rs flhowship maltes the S g e) J M S C R O L Y' E I S0~ good andi baci of manners. Proteting ouS'e)JME AIOL K e0iL he pari o! women crtainly hinders fol- Foreman o! Works. Rideau canal, lowship betwoen thini andi mon. Perhkps y".«i . F FI it Ile puttinÏ it too, strongh!Y ta ay' àt -eorVegetable and Flower Seeds te new custerners, and men tu serve youi. 'rry the adxlce> o! a.FCteorteain r aianrJiD~W o' non adrefunded and the seeds given as a present. woman o! the world andi de flot 1rotest ff ~ ~ y 0 They are Bennie's Seede. Few If you would malte yourself pleasing taeR A W Y THEY e are equal-none botter. Standard lieoa that wo owe our being te an expres- P i Ni Paçkets, fllsize, àlno tsgnrsty htI mnhdp SELLL. At these pnices w aONLY nt grantoti a spare i'ib liai ho àaol wecnhlm we nover would have been tail.ahi. -f. r- ther varieties nameti belo By ail, means leti every inin living do-V r SOrder by number. Buy what you ,very hile thing on, ourilifor yon that Want.- They are sent by mail post paiti. Select froni the follow- h. wanis ta do. Youll finti that you gel TrHE MOSTr PROMPT, îng licI : a greai deah more out o! life. liat, you Plea4a x audPoe.c ure VEGETABLES. 16 Water Melon, Early Canada. twilte atord hum enhemiiti oprnnd fr o'h, ods 4t 17. Onion, large red Wethersfield. e..pa me!onlebcatiliHornm, oax TaME,18. Onlon, Yellow Globe Danvers. yeu will net ouîy malte yoursehf pleesing rnits o se s, ORE YNME.19. Parsnip, Hollow Crown. te hM, but t1vtl you wilh mnaaehlm Sort Throat, Croup, Whoop- i. Beet, Eclipse. round. 20, Iladîcli, Frencli Breakfast. ph----' witli hfime,2f, which la the salon- ýgcuhQIzPaila 2. Beet, Egypin fa9oud 1. Radish, Hs Gem, white tippeti. lg s. Cabliage, Wunngstadt. 22 Squash. mbbard. icuisoscesInscty"~ a,~-J 4Canliage, Potter's Brunswick. 23.Touato, extra earhy Alantic. York Sun. WCetad&Tho , 5. Carrot, half-long Danver's scarlet 24. Tomate, Dwari Chamipion, ruhalidLn 6, Do. Oxhartor Guerande scarlet. Boci. n ugDsau 7: Cucuniher, Chicago Pickling. FLOWERS. Evon Wifth Her CGroa-XxanIner. 8. Cuelner onggSel-nlg. 2. ser, uedNow." suidt he lawyer wlio was con- Th olg 9. eley, oldn sif-lanhin. 2. Ater, Mxed dtiing 1h. cross -examinaîlon, "wiîî yoi of the Norwa.y Plue are cotmbin.d p1. Heris, Savr. 28. MPannsy, mixee 12. Herbe. MarJorain. 28. Petuia, Miýýd. ti uin"aè te atrdHruadDU i. Lettuee, NonPatell (Cabiagre). 29. Xaturtiim, tall mixedt. heia"anotrpcoalN bsum - 14 etueDnvrirkîLurhed] 30. Sweet Peau, fine mixed. "1 thin k," eaîd thelady with the harp mamu %tmake ratruo spociûfur x&aU 1. Musk Meln ,extra earlY iteken- 31. Wild Plower. gardon mixeti. noce, "thatitI was-" forma of diabaseoiginainz froz adi sack fxutmÜeg.] "Noyer pilati wlat Yeu thlnlt," inteo- We wll NOT ACKIPT AN OBDER ai ihese prieee where lie pack. xuptedt A lawysr. "w5lt facts liero. PrIie,* 25r.and 500.. ete are NOT slecteti fromn the ahove list. Acdrosa ail orders te 1e 4edon'%àar* whtt YOuIi t lt,, sd wo. =a~' y lime ta waste un iseng te, _______________ 'UJITITIII ~~~~whal yeu t&lak. Now. please tell ____________ jIi41t1 RENIE, iU1Untoi Ont. " e: o ndwhen i4 was that yen is met thig »"." Tewitnoss moýde ne nply.pe un& ra Cerne, co," -urgodthelb.lawyr. *11 fl Worth sei2g. It is funnly that s ea tr e or 4eus tia Wo s r;,e - tutter e w hen le attem pt e 16 wîer . Il Your hon r " o 1 theîu y etion. Il A wormemn irks the olivelopes to ing t4 the court, "T lthidi am. entitlti y t « nmotIml roveti ma-h. 4 SSlflp. -The wltrisau 'wil1 pbüzse tîertii. 'p it, Evry famIIy 1 7ml- distrust upen all thoir actiope, and, 1 4-

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