An Elght Page, Forty-Elght Ccà lNe.wspape, isepnbllshed AT TEE OFFICE P .es f~~ 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, ROWMINVILLE, ONTÜ..BY Afe o Subscrîpt!Qni >. 0 ) r inaw11 . 1!GO r 'ait strictIS in advanece. JRA 1 l; The lai's Lîmbs W81E Tranient Advertisine Te Cents Der Line A aequet hTa Jl L! G it CONTRACT RATES. . gt0eL m.........t iou u 1 f' Teyfvu ýiu...... 4 W5'9 12 18 iJ1 iMr. Deschamnc' Says FieL s . ........1- ~ -tins L1uleO. k 'iC>ie 1i'-i ~fl~~lA7~1 uvrl -luu1,utsa1 xnewýs items aoce 'ipp Orders for discontinung ad-vert"enmelits mus" fie in wrtin, otlerwise the pubilher will nOt No paper wîi b tpe ui i r .g. are pid, e.xeeýýpt aet theoo of tiYe publisher. Ares"eda'i post oweece notice to i dsontIllrn' 15 net sil"i" At t i taemn Double regular rates are 'httrged during _î in CttiueA~~ a an' Mareh, Aprliland May anad o ber, Nov enatt ithd- u asd i;Caad and Deýe. Ler for display advektsiignt cuIwhoaesfeigIiUhLuSICE tracted for bv the yer,.*~r twater Av- AIt_ 1ote1 oance d ounhe' o ,'itb a i, ietv off t1ihehulsufferers mo- o-w rest assurec B ..n hestow the insertion 10 ocents pler Ihue Nonpareil; à cents per sm t elht tes Cne eaeh subseq(uent Insertion. Notices of meet- siegftgoodhai-t hes gs 0f anykliied twhieh an admission fee Is Mr. Deschamps' m-rveluscreb harged or a çlctinn is taker insuine pad for. thic use of Paines UXr, ComDounld Al communieations should be addressed, after lailures of doetoî s ai hospitals is SI. A. JAIMES, already wefl known to înany hundreds Bowninvill.ont in St. GUabriel ward. Mortreal, for the ENGLISH BREAKFAST -Gî:OiA Possesses the following Distinctive Mccits: bELICAUY 0F FLAVOR. GRATEFUL and COMORTING to the NERVOUS or [PYSPEPTIC. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES 1VNRIVALLEYI In Qîturter-lPoup,îad;, ns ent. Preparefi e!.AMES FPP S %<Ce., LinitteiS. Hïonmeoî,itthw -Chemiet8e1, ton. Eînziatuid Barister, S Bieakley 1 Mofneuy te i 48-y. Dr. C . lit. P A T '"5SSOIN Dentitet.Il rixuat T iii, UiîversItt and Royal t1 e'pcIîtqI Sic- ns. Speeialt!e, Artificial T1), e -c ou; AitrnFIl.îe5- First lase e - t viry 111(41;te prices. 0>5<-s Orono. M IEMEl'ti><F COLLEtS). îq" PHiYSICIANS .VLand S -eîî, Juv uer, elr, Rl-.aIienee. Ennigs n m. 74 R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen'sClothes made toOrder- 1 RRSTRSOLICITOPTt. MORRIS' BLbK, ur-stairs, Kingi-11-eet, Bowmaii ville. Solictor for the Ontario Rank. Private neonnys loaned et Iowest rates, ]ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. OFFICE IN WEST DURRIAM NEWS 01Block, wlsere hlmself or hie assistant wlll befoundfro»Ba.m.to9p. m. Night ealls at residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Cails by teleg-a ph or telephone will receive prompt at- tentioa. 171- yr. W ANTED-TRUSTWOJITHY AND active genitlemen or ladies to travel for responsibie ýstablished bouse in Ontario. Month iK y an1sd expeuses. Position steady. Referenee. E nclose self addressed stamiped enivelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago. 39 -13w jI USJC.--Anyone canla earn to play organ or piano Ill two weeks9 by using th ge Musie Chart. It teaches everything, simpicesi and most comprebeusive yet lnvented. Pl ce 50 cents Agents 3waiited. R. L. WEaEî, Publilher, Lock Drawe r 7, Bowmanville, 49 - f. WANTED-TIIUST WOItTIY AND J active gentlemen or ladies to travl o resîrr ible establisbcd bousein tao-on- Ivt d ipeuses Position steady. Referene -c elf addre f edstamped envelope. The Doi uColmpany.Dept.Y,Chieago. 39- 13w. IUi fia 1%4 -' Ke. 4, Cabbage, Iotters Brunsm I FR EE se titeu i tos treror1 Iwill inelude 1I îacket New Giant ChilI ian i ce 2c EE OF CH ARGE TO CONTARIO ~BANlKBS a Bot A eny lBnig aiesn SfbllYm10 ______________________ recel" .,SvinalgeBaik Deparîment sud ai% ite> ,qo-aed at crrect rates. Note of iritirun ecesary. Ail depûsits pay abi onsiSl t EXCHANGE Beo- .t icsld 'DUrafts isanued upceEnioe, r' -i 5 1 diC, anao i s0G0 . ,, , -le ci, iar ai Uniu- > rG > -iboughlt aîi'd eeold COLLECTIONS' Fier ptli aen e caret rateupc> ail partte of C3-'at-Btîtn; - lthe Uniraed States a id tise Do- of na c aliada - Teleg rapli Iransférs Mari1 r ini r irlaC uith s ion >11 parte of Ceeu . icts seialIy advaaiecous te per- s,005,'la s, cnMasi'..isu r tise North- West, it nichai l"iisels at oncse t tise place of pu.ineil' Foe otiser partieffl>ars <al et the banli, &BO. McGILL, ING AND MREOSCURE, uQ y fOWMANVILýLE. . 30, 1898 THE MASON COIS STORE. ry Compound Sî,a'ves,,a Life Im isrel wTthHaEisB tU R DE Nar after dark to see the new illumination.TH U ZN t ors and Ilospitals Fail. This largestore is now lighted byace - ~adte hdwo t , lene gas, mnfcue ntepe-'fScns n h hdwo issby one of the Guephi Acet vlene Gas ry hig Generator Co's machines, Mr. A. IlGrvr nig Deike of Guelph, well known liere.i, ~ îî m~ OIiIlia ~iiA ~Jf~w e uîxderstand, the inventer of the gen- B E ING L IF T ED B ~ L I eless a d, Useles and He uC u l N St n îcator, and manager of the companY. ____ I~IIII-'N f lii IIr.oe.%~The store is ifluminated e-serv night fi <$~lTt~Y~1 D + ~ n nnA DI11A1A and is visited by a large number of Fromn Thousands of Hosmes ical Case'Ut I#eIUUb [IUProstrat i lUand Â1Ex J.IIe townspeople anuxious to sec thse ne-w il- in Canada. luminant. It i pronouneed a decided success, and Messrs Mason are delight- Mr. W. J. Offen, brakéman on tle GrandT -Had Littie, Hope of Boîng Ciiredg edwithit. Itgivesaligitroreneal yl.L'v nu11e.inav Tornt si "My llng et 2 eince lisbeen most,,satlafaeto - î iwaq ina and color values are the camne hy ce- terrible condition wheu T coes iredMue tylene light asby davlight i romiss y en1 aa dein aiTevci- < -r]t)ý -be the light 1of the future, being the laetndbetter. he tpa1i lu nuy hectàtir drove me wlld, andiwaq T% np]ledte o > - te o a eS heapest k-nown, costing legs than haif the floor for lieur~ ii iSr'aeý>-a "After the Use of Six Boteio ane'saemucli as the ordiniary gas ligbî. bady nd y tems h ws wglc More than that, the labor of attendîng feréd the greatesiton T îîlïui>t ,.ompound 1 Arn a Cured Man." agenerator is of the simplest lindand gre %lîs<e te, jng teopon çoal oH l amp z-zithlng ad fee(l no hml i r S ____________________________m no0W In spleiId hraltb 1',!! ii AMARCH WEDDING. eefindg ti.e wu'~" de RING MEDICINE MAKES' PEOPLE WELL. GîlN-RU.c>Pie s 25 re pstt'Veý uresa On Wednesday, March l6th, a very fe>iis>of flgeincue siomleel tareubs pretty wedding took place at the resi- liuyon's Cold Cure Preveflis puiaiimoula aiisý dence of MnrlHenry Argue, "Maple flrunyo' otgh Cur l~ e stoP% 'j ureéi man has neyer ceased to sing the were numb and useléep, and 'for a Ion- Lane Farse", Soliua,being the, mcrniaoe hinieulyg>ele adse.îa~1 ipraîses o h eeyta etoe ie1wsntable to stand atone, 1 of his eldest daugliten. Miss Lizzie Mav Munyou*s EKiçuep Cure epeedlr curfe0S psin [j1 ht etrdhî ieIa jotthe o.mn4r groins. sn4 a811 forn helh M.Deschamsps -writes a a ne h cane of se eral doctors to Mr. A W. Gibbons of Boivmanvil]e kldney disesse. PrI te 25e. a411 foiiows: ~in Ottawa city, but their tneatment did The ceremony was penformed b lils upthe1systeni Crce sop l5ft5ee ,Haviiig- been a grent sufferen for not better my condition. Af ter comîng RevdE i Miînyon's l'îedOleCetos Ivcbly 1 four years fromu nen'-ousness and weak- to Montreal I was a patient in thi ev.E oward of Hiampton, at 3 3o lIres inutes. Puice 25C.uess ness, and riaving been completets cured Western Hlospital. but after three o'clock, p. m. While the weddinz 1 faims of piles. Price25e. by Paine's Celeny, Comùpound' after fail- months' treatment I lef t thene no better. march was being plaved by Mrs. Scott, ci , <idBlod rie ec.iee i mirt unes with ail othen means, I desire to 1 thank Heaven that J was advîsed 10 the groom t00k his 'stand beneath an MenusFml eeisaealoat vmkth olwD-statement use Paine's Celery Compound. This e aes sien.l make following great medicine commenced tb do isachta hdbencntructed in the Muflynfl'5 Catarce Itereie le 1.'T -I betcesysiern. md fieinatatrb Tapres--prici Ibcaesbdfomnrosp ogond wonk frntm the time I used the pretty dnawing room for the occasi o ui ytrrCr-e 5. teraCathTetspiet7a tration that JI-was unable 10 sleep or first botte. and now, after having ubed and haneoev decorated witii lever- Munyou's Athma Itemedles relleve In tIres, eassist m y self in any wavy. MY timbs1 six bottes, I am a cured man." eoc lwr.adonmns inutes andi cure permaeetlY. Priee s$i. greenseoc lW .S n rnmns Munyou'se ViteOser, e grenanteand rn' -Next came the groomsman. Mr. B G, $"r'f ial itegt c weak people. $1. 71 A eparte cre fr eab d1sense., At ain drugý 7-7, ~~~~tevenq, cousin 10 tise bridebeanirnogits nistv 5Aent.e-Ial the bridesmaid, Miss Nellie Oram cf etreet Ysoronto. ont., aseenitizl free uwedl' Toronto. haif sister of the groom. who £ai Ï115 tor auydl$se seu also took, their places beneatis the arch, V0R I IIeL followed the bridegziven away b v THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL la9 J her father. -aro placed ber heside, ths credit f0 that enterprîing publication, roo; te lttl mad c brmer Irneand thse Aprit numben in nowise belieg 5 F Argue.siter'of the brnide, foliowed ils avowed intention of making eaehl de to introduce our Vegetable and Flower Seeds to new customers, and bearnngthe ring upon a siîve.r sait-en, scedng number better than the last. 'ou, or the amount paid refunded and the seeds given as a present. and toX- the usual plafce. Rev. E,.RN erson Young, Jr , tells an. W % TH LI They are ennie*,s Seeds Few The bride was prettils' attired in interesting tale of a summer in an lI- 1H Ey0 are eqîtat-none better. Standard cream cashmeîe înimmed witîi sjlir lace - n ilage, and the, usual muaic and 0 Packets, fuit size and satin nihison and w'ore a jewel set othier depantments are complete. S L LIAt tisese prices xve can -ONLY- brocch. a present fncm the g room adMcKinnon Building, Toronto, offer the varieties named below. a bouquet cf eut flon-ers on the ieft Onder Ihy numbe.r. Bus vhat you shoitldt'r.cnsistin cf carnnaticlli.daff 'nelfatsf 'ypesaCie vvii - Th% re sen yail post pai - ecoe o0 -dit- cri kan ream ros ie esent&%ypesa a g~0 the bridesmaid, and piuk alihlum VECIETABLES, 16 Water Melon, Early Cenada., violets lu her hair, 17. Onion, larige rdethersfleld.-rienl ORE 13Y nvaNUMEIL .18 Outon, Yellow Globe Danvers.Th ndsadwshnaml '719. Pais uip, Hullow Crownl. desr ugenstn rme]w 571 ST, PATRICK STREET, 1. licet, Fcliu e-,roud. 20. Ralis, Freîîc B nea1fast. i.Le.Eyltiaru, fl-ct rounîd. 21. Ttsdsis, RE-sy Gem, white tippefi. cream lace, aud nibison, aud wonecOT A uy8lt 88 5. tîbiag, Wuuunr ar 232Souash. eutrard , - bouquet -imilar fte h ide's. on thse 7Tothe hcnlne Medicine Co.,,Lim- 4. Ceuibage, Pilier's Irunewîck. 2 oao xr ai Atiantie.e hno 5. Carrnai, hait lug Datîver-'s s let 2-1. Tomate,. Dwar Cilipton. teft st cuider 6, Do Oxhart or Gueraîude scarlet. 7. Cuunmber, Chlcage Picklîig. FLOWERS. T ittie mmgd cf honor vras dresseui lu ited, Ottawa, Ont. S. ('neumber, LonîgGreen. 9. Celery, Golden Self-Blanching. 25. Asters, mixed. white tirne ihlcear ibn GzsTLmnMEs,--On thse advice of a 1BeihsSalze. 26. Mignociitte. sweet, and cuivnier] a bouquet qimilar t'a thefin ne u e fyu fapius Il. tierbs Savory, - 27: Pavisy, mixefi. remtcrmatrneIadt 12. Herbe. Merjoram. 28. Petunia. mixed.bnresrhuaire dy-heniendt 1 3 Lcltur-e, N, îuareii (Cabbege). 29. Nasturtiumstall mixed, ysrrs tcre eo huaim 14 Lettuce. Denver Market. [eunled.] 30. Sweet Peas, fite mixed. The litIle companv bainmitassumer] from which 1 have suffered for many 15. Musk Melon ,extra early Hackeîî- 31, Wild Floirer. garden mixed, their places and thse weddinc- marcis years. wAck. sack [Nnýtmeg.] -eidd Pso oad fiinb ,_4 % _,t We will ?40T ACCFPT AN ORDER ait tsse puices where the pack-d] atrIowr fiinI>- also cui1ed me cf dyspepsia, front vU U m t r O elceilo h bv se.Akre i rest performer] theeremnouy. Afl-en te which I was suffeing a tthe time, sOt 12 plckets we us'l hsdq«laX-ing accompanied biv that 1 feel now tike a neiv mani. Sp"l"sl NADI f h'I c al rvtiu er] l tune I have tnied ceveral remedies for rheu-- WILLIA14 RENNE , oJ1Ji1J. OiL 'd' î V od-niug n nodandaprto k o0f a sum pt un matism, some of which did me a certain repa'ut cf nicis viandg and delicacies amouxit of good,but nothing tisat 1 have At the conluqin of the repa st.Rev E taken has done, se much for me as yolur E. owsd popsedtis isalis f tsePhrenilài, and I have much pleasure nnm grPoo e pla fifulv th#,. inrecommendîng ilte oother sufferer,, ftiser nf thse bride, Mr, D. Tai ion. Mn Yours very truly, q tevens, Mn. Geo. Argue, Mr, (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, R TaOn1r and others made happ-v Foreman of Works. Rideau canal, speeehAs An enjoyable evenigen-_________________ sued spent li music, recitations and parler amusements. - - Tisé presents te the bride were a P R. choice seleetion.,both ornamental and ~ y-~v ..~ utueful. Amen- them were:-A dozpn t l W0 CjD1 - Silver Tea Knives and Forks, Damask Table Cloth anid Napkins, ,Swing "NORWVAY PLDINE:l MPChi andOnmblned China Dînner groom spent their honeYmoon among frie-ds andi relatives near home. That hot, dry eczematous condition of the eX-l willl dica ppcar by the use of Miller's Pompounîl Iron Pilla. 50 doses 25e ' o1d by ail draggists. "IWhat is to be donc with the tramp?" 15 one of the most important questionis of the dav, low the Gernian nation ise cc'ii'it je toid in a scholarlv manîner tA. F. Weber ini the March C1aut rut quan 1 te writes with autlîorit'v, and thse wermen's shelters, labor exchan- e-', aiini farm colonies lie describes are wel w orth studv if flot imitation. Ad- dreis: 1The Chautauquan, Meadville, Pa.