ot tue ~L 45. - thebe o,. w-au 'lily S 22 642p.în. 1 1035 I Farm for sale or to rent-see advt. Read what S. Burden says in another Column. Mrchants congratulate, us on the at- Aractive style we set their advts. The shortest overland route to the Klondike is tbrough the West End advt ln this paper. The MeClellan homestead advertised underAuction Sales affords a fine chance to buy a home cheap. New subscriptions are received almost daily. THE, STATEsmAN is winning fa- vor in many new homes. Messrs. A. Mitchel, Grand Marshal, and Rich.Allen are attending the Grand Council of Chosen Friends at Toronto. Messrs. L. A. W. Tole and Andrew Pollard showed great bravery lu seiz Jngo a runaway, team on King st., yes- terday.. Advertisers al vant te get into THz S NvuM next week-21500 copies will bes printed aid f .opy sent to evterv bo8250 in the dlàtricl. M.JC.Vanstonejr1oprietor of the Bowmnvile ellr dilsvistedTor- onto, OÇttawa and MGntreal last Week on buiness Whlle ab Ottava hewith pseel other millers formed a deput- aente vait on the Government and aêvocate the passing of a bill brought ln by Mr. Richardson te compel the C. P.Ï o ailow farmers in Manitoba to load their own wheat on the cars with- out~ putting- it in the esevators. Watch the. result. If its Tinware. go to Nicholis'. You wse Scap, !Big_,_- " sa r, _Ni cholis'. ~NIcholls' ig 5c. bar of Soap 6 for 25c. We receive two, weekly shipments of ,,tors which you can 'rely on being Ceh at ail times.-Cawker 4 Tait. Ask Tosece the New Prints at 10 cents 4Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. You .»er saw anything as good for the A Couch is convenient in the sitting- m70T where you cau lie dowu and rest. eéýTire's a certain soothing coxfort and e ceful rest on one )if our$8 00 couches at commends them for haif-sick folks' e. Pll and see thern at L. Morris'. .AIl Csns wishinx to become mem- si ()É he West Duiham Farmers' In- teftte or the West Durham Agricultur- t1iSociety for 1898 may rocure tickets 'om theDirectors or Tms STATBfSMAN 10-tf Merchants wishing to order pure 1aple syrup aud sugar from a relhable anshould write at once to Mr. James Stuart, Henrysburg, Que., Who bias one Iî the finest ,xnaple orchards in tat -ovince. Mention THEm STATES'MAN ýe visited bis farm last Aligust anil rn vouch fnr the high qualityo!bi M Pl* Ptod*wAts. Albert Encainpmeut, tiowmanville. Alter the lodge adjonrned the Oshawa boys were enitertained to a splendid sup- per at the Bennett flouse, The even -' ing vas most plensantiy sp eut. The jourrievwas made over the G. TIK in a private car. The party arrived in Oshawa in time for breakfast. 1ev. Geo. IV. McColi, M. A, B D., Oshawa, Dreached lu the Methodist church hefe Suuday Vo large congrega- tions, the evening one being verv Jar e considering, thatmaiiy country peoîe wbo regularly attend were absent'owing Vo the very bad roads. Ris theme in the rnornin-g was based on the words, "Master, wbere dwellest Thou ?" It was a thoughtful discourse. At uight the sermon was on the words "X our young men shall see visions" and the discourse was truly an inspiration Vo voung mon Vo live Godly and useful lives. The preacher's voice lacked its usuai vigor owing to a violent, bilions attsck on Saturdav th;itprostratedhim for >a time. Mr. McColl hai many ad-. mîrers here and ean always depenÏd on receiving a cordial welcome t,) Bow- mauvilie. The 'sang service was as MiLznu's WoaM PowDnu's mnake the children healthy. If, it's soap go to Nicholîs'. The Store we ail know, NICHOLLS'. Wire Lamp Shade Frames 10 cents Niceoils'. Ailan and Dominion Line, ocean tickets for sale at STATEsxAN office. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman have just received a fine stock of Men's Hats and Caps, direct fromn the makers iu En- gland. Those in want of a perfect-fittiug,. well-made suit o! ciothes, shônld le,ýve their orders niow at Couch, Jolinston& Cryderman 's. T a k e y o u p u r e ' th y o u w h e u y o u goZ VoL ori'o carry home the money yuhv saved by buying your furniture froin him. Sof your life is apent lu bed. then geV a Spriug or Stuffed Mattress from -L Morris and you wiii sleep weli and rise refreshed, (at your own price.) We notice -that Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman are daiiy openin-ou ot new goods, and we are informed i a mcm- ber o! the firm, that thoir stock this sprlng wili eclipse anvthing ever shewn bthem in former seasons- Can any of our readers in Canada or the U S send us samples of the common herb called Fire Weed, a medicinal lant ? We 1vauùt a smail quantity of the real gýenuine article. Where does it grow?-M. A. JAMES. A weli known canary bird fancier wrote recently *"I find that vour seed Brock's Bird 8ced} it the best andsend me some more Bird Treat."',Ail grocers ansd druggists Mark the name "Brock's". A cake o! tird Treat in eachî packet. Oow. body we!come. Collection for expenses.j Mr and Mrs. Frank Hamly and daughter May, Chicago, Ill., are guests o! Mrs. W. Gi. Borland... Miss Annme Ewart has accepted a position as milli ner in Bobcaygeon - Sie viii be great- iy missed.at the S.W. Tabernacle Sab- bath School. The Coliec'e news in Toronto World savs : "W '. Tamblyn, B. A., '95, the brainiest man ýof his ýyear, is meeting with 'great success il is scndies at Col- umbia Universitv. 1He gets his Ph. D., this sumnmer. " Mr. Tamblyn is a son of Mr W. W. Tamblyn, M Aof Bow-i manville lligh School. Rev.Edward Barî'ass died a poor man The viii bas been probated. He left $974 o! which $500 's in life insurance and $350 iu househoid effects. Iu bis wiii Mr. Barrass directed that al bis sermons and manuscripts be burned and this wish will be carricd ont by bis widow aid daughter who are the exe- cutrices o! the estate. Mr. E. C. Sontbe v returned last week from England and bas since bougbit the fine brick residenee bitlit and until ~recentlyoccupied by Ex-Mayor W. M. Hoôrsey. This us onle o! the best bulît and finest residences in Bowmanville, beatttifully situated in one of the most healthv parts of the town. Mr.Southey pa-s $8.500 cash for this eligible proper ty, iess than haîf its cost a few years a"o when erected. 1e wilbuild a ew stabl1e, put up new fences and otherwise improve it. I)on't Fay TwQ' Proflts. T. N. Rickard, jeweller, is fnlly es- abisbed in Bowmanviiie and Nicinity. Ail know that lu the years he has beenl in business, every dollar's -wýorth o! goods bouigbt from l im bas given per- fcct satisfaction The sensation creat- cd when he began business, by bis bringing- the price of first ciass goods dowu Vo sncb low figures that tbey were within the reach o! the people and, which made iV simply absurd for auyone Vo go Vo Toronto for anvthinglu inte lines be carnies. The public bas staved 1'ight with hlm, the rea son bcing that1 .e bas nover raised the price of a single ,article and be now desires Vo tbank von for your verY liberai patronage and Vo prove Vo you in a tangible form'hin, ap- preciation of te same., .1e asks ns Vo inform ail far and near that he is just about hrongh stock-taking and bas been grinding dô,wn prices in cvcrx line a iittle lowor for the coimiug year 0f course iV is flot nocessarY Vo inform vou that wheu you purchase at this bouse) ou &) not'pav two profits. Sncb entorprise, honest vaicne and thorong- IN, good vork (for al pbat Rickard does iwoil donc) deserves patronage andi -e tbink our people are wise in giving Ten per cent of te folks do te thinkin.- o! ninety per cent. a a.nLJAM, 18goDur of Residence : Centre 8treet. wrage 5..eeuses. flOUSE TO LET.-That commodious dwelling house on Centre St., Bowman- ville, now occu %dbâ Miss MeDongaiL.Pos- sessin giv nbot May lst. Apply ta J. K. GÂLBRÂITH, Barrister, BowmanviLle. 9-4w. VO RENT.-In the 8rd 'concession, -L Darlington, 10 acres 0f land with brick dwelling, good barns, and good oung orchard. For particolars apply to J. 160GINBOTHAM, Bowmnvllee lo -t. WIANTED-Farmers' sons or other yyindustrions persans of fair education to Whom*60 a montb wou1dbe an indutement. 1 couldaslso engagea few ladies at their own borne. T. 1-1. LINSCOTT, Toronto. 0I ATS FOR SALE-A quantity of White Siberian Oats sultable for seed. Best yielding oats ili the Province, as testedithe past six years. Only 35 cents per bushil. Et. E. OsBoRNe, lot 28, B. Y. Darlington, Box 53 Bow- manvill. 10-3w*. Agents : "Glimpses of the Unseen," fas- chiating book. Sweeps the entire field of bor- derland subjects. Everybody orders. Marvel- ans illustrations. Prospectus free to canvassers BRÂDLFEY-GÂËRRET5ON COmnpanY, Limited, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE OR- RENT-81 F acres, belng part of lot 17, Con. 1, Darln - ton, hall maile West of Bowananville, on whlc are a barn and other outbuildings. Landl al plawed ready for crop. Immediate possession. Apply to C. OsBOEtN E, Jorii or Tiros. WoitDRi Exeeutors,or ta J. K.GÂLBIIrH,solcitor. 12-t A GENS WNTED-InDurham Company. Only rellable, hastling mnen need afply. Choice af territory secnired by early ap- pli cation. oe orierght man. Agents are akin $75 a month. Address MANAGER, care Lock9Drawer 7, Bowmanville. 8-tf. A GENTS: "WVoman"is the titie of our great new book. Dise usses ail phases of the subjeci., Contains "the life and work of Miss Williard." the mosi wonderful woman of the century. Over a hundred beautiful portraits of the greatesi wameiiknown, with biog raphi- cal sketches. Snap for canvassers. LINScoTT Company, Toronto. R JOAR FOR SERVICE-A Thoro', _" bred Tanuwrth Boar-a model hog-is, ken for servîce'ýsn Lot 22, B.F., Dariington. TPRMS : 50,as o 75e if charged. ARTHUR BuRGEFss, Proprietor. 12 - 4w, B13ULLSeFOR SALE.-Two voung Aysebus regiqtered lu the Dominion Ayrshire Herd Book. Bath are very promis. îng aniimais and will bc soid at reasanable prîces, P.T. Guy, Darliugton Station, Bow- manvlie. P. C. 12 - if. AGTENTS seiil "Kiandylte Gold Fieids'lilte a whirlwtnd. Experlenced eanva ssers reaiiieng the richest harvýesioftheir lves; new begin- ners daing wondýes. Nearly everybody sub- neries. One yon- feliow on a tarm at S12 a monih ls making ý7J5. A lady' typewriter on ý-3 a week 15 eeriug $1]1. A mechanie who bail earned $1.50 a day 1s clearing $,5 a day. We Wftot more agents. Cani ating outtît 25 cen'ts, Worth el. BRÂDLEY-GARREWON Company" Limited, Toronto. fu-A '~> 03~ 'P.appl Lack of competition is no excuse lfor Poi 4 laek o! energy. STA1PE DRY (4OODS. If J AL- .ý 1-.UJ Our reput ation in hs department iç c d. We say without fear of contradie tic th.is departmcnt the best values in the tr2 ORDERED OLOTHING. Our stock iunttis departunent is ail n, SfirsV class workmen, lowest prices. A n fit you any botter than one o! our made-l SGENT'S FURNISHINGS. Inl this department we load. Our]1 (our Ties the nevest, our Collars the most the nattiest, and every other article tee teGrocers' Due Bflis and Butter and Eî One door East, of Standard Bank, Bowma. is already establish- or. that we show in -de, ew and up-to-date, new skin would':not -o-order Suits. Hats are the:ltest, t Ylisit, our' Shiris eleapest. Eggs taken as cash. &Sonle TITL@ 'l nave aivea, a tVI.VI dL<o 'ou need ? Is your kitchen lack- ing un any useftil article ? When you go to niake bread, cakes or cook other thiu)gs, do you sigk xor some certain utensils which would iighten your Iabor - If so, rejoice. We are selling Housefurnish- ing Goods at astouishîxg-1ow prices- TJESTAN iTO 1 BOWMAN VILLE. Houa Furnishing Things lin-fl n..,..-... Mm==MM=