Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1898, p. 5

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~ye% Althoughl constantly used, the limnan eyeu is understood bv cery f .ew except those who haveý %ah~ speeaial study of its rare poweril and capability of adapt- ing itself to severe conditions of labor. It is capable of perlorm- ing feats of muscular strain that no other organ of the body can even approach, and, because it cau do so, people force it to do them until the strain tells upon the muscles and they hecome unable to do their work without belp. A p erfect eye should be able clearly to sce a wel1-formed letter three-eighthe of an inch in height at the distance of 20 feet, and it should also be able to read ordinary print au six inchies. Each e3e shouid be examined siîngly. If the eyeý is not able to see the far letter at twenty feet tiiere is apparent myopia, or nearsightedness. If the near point of vision is over eight inchýes there is hypermetropia, or farsig-htedness. There is an abnlormnal condition frequently Ëound called astigmatism-the Unes ruwnning in one direction are miore distinctly seen than t'hose running at right angles. Nodefect of the eve is more aneof the niervous svstem than astigxnatisml. To correct it lenses muast be ground on p1roefor the individual, tavi,g a greater curvature in oe direction than in the other, and they must be accurately Iitted into1 the frames. We make Scientific Ese cTests fre-e of chiar. Stott & J ury, Thle Druggist and Opticians. DON'T FOOL... Use a remnedy that relies-s from the start. Excelsior COLug-h Syrup, is a certain remed'y based on a lear ký nowle tdge of the disoasos it was crealted to cure. It soothes anid heis the infiamed tissues of the bronchial tubes, prevents the formation of dibease germs .and graduially r estoies to a heaithy condCition. It is sold lu larde botties,, at 25 cts. and no hdinse should be without it. Stott & J ury. BUY A BIKE. Every one caui afford to ride Bicycles this year. Call at our store and see the- Jwjiiements we are offering-. We have E'patent appliance that everyone want. S-tott &Jury. GRAND FRUNK RAILWAYo- BOWMANVILLE STATIN. Goxtta EAST. GOINe WEST. Express.ï,1i,'a.M.:Express ... 5 23 a. mn 5Eprs .101 a n.Local. S.. 818 1, 3 sner..529 p.m. Passenger.. 2 os P. ni Local ... 642 p.m. *Express.. . 5 22 5Exprem ..10355 Dsliy. BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 16, 1898 Bowmnanvillians are truly a church- going people. No town in Canada has finer sehools than Bowmanvllle. Rev. -FIJ. McDiarmid. Kemptville, W eached in the Presbvterian ch.urch 8unday. Mr. Johin Chaplin has 175 bushels oif onions stored; no local demand for thetu last Faîl. Rev. J. J. Rae wiil preach next Sun- day eveni ng in the Methodist church on "The young people in the home." Mr, Chaplin im introducing some very rare specimens of apples from Missouri. If the real fruit come up to the painted ifgipres they are beauties, truly, Over~ 500 bushels toinatoes grown lu Bowrganville lasÏ year were hauled to Port Hlo pe and sold to the canning fac- tory. Whata grand industry acauning faetory hivre wotild be. Mr. J. Chaplin showed us avery small heart of a birdt or other little creature that hie fouind lu the crotch of a small fruit tree iu his garden. The query is hm- it got there ? and why it was- lef t thmre? Buy 3'our Sewing- Machines from Rickard. Read th e West End Ilouse advt. in tl4s issue-lt will pay you. os' Cats ellkc sffaaIf price 'ýtCuch, Johniston & Cryderman's. Winter goods of ail kinds selling off ,tgreatlv rodueed prices at Couch, »Jhiston & Crydermau's. Y our trade is what we want. If you Iea with us once you will again and weare going to cut ail prices on our 4ge stock of furnituire this month and ntcaîl and see our goods. M. D. Wllilams & Son. A Couch is econveient in the sitting- mntwhere you canilie down and 1rest. here's a certaini soothing conifort anid peiaqful rest on one )f our$8 00 couches ht\-o.mmends the-m for haif sick folks' >aladsece hem at L, Morris'. AIagreeable surprise. We'di likze to 'hte you see the dining tables i we seli tr 85.00 and have . oit guess the price; u will snul sa a4-mat deal more anwe ask. iu tr Is fil of them. Btter corne and gtetsupie at L, f<orris'. Buv -your Fiurniture and VHouse f tir- ahlngs frm L. Morris- and you wl bchappy, Should anYthing lhe sellsI nta not be entirýely satisfactorY as he hs represented it hie will Ibe pleased to iuakoit right. Io' ogttepae A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge opens lu Toronto to day. Port Perry Choral Club wîll gîve the sacred cantata "Rutth" Feb. 25. 1 People are moving into this town be- cause of its fine educational facilities. Mr Wmn, Jones of the firm of Joues & ce., Port Perry intends goiug to Manitoba. The oui y instituition lu ,town that does a rushiug business withont adver- tisiug is the P. 0. Mr. Andrcw Bruce, Cosarea, has purchased the residence of Mrs. (Major) Hodgson, Port Pcrry. Ail frieuds of Dr. Mitchell are cordial- ly welcomc to the Lîberal Committee roomsu over Biugham's office, Miss Francis Fletcher, daughter of Rcv. Mr. Fletcher, Port Perry, has gone to California as a private nurse. Roads rnnniug east and west lu the couutry are full of snow whiic north and sonth roads have little sieighing. Merchants lu Bowmanvîlle are run- ning off balance of winter stocks now- You can buy almost anything at your own price. You should not fail to read very care-' fully Dr. Talmage's sermon this week. It contains encouragement for ail class- es of workers. Thnrsdav week,Mr. Wm.McLanngh- lin, lot 16, cou. 6, Cartwright, while running a cutting box completely scv- ered the littie finger and partially mut- ilated the third finger of his right hand. At the last meetine of Excelsior Council, No. 48, a spelhing match was held in which ail the, members took part. Bro. Wm. Morrison was declared campion after ten minutes hard speli- ing. Difforeuce of opinion may exist on the great political issues; but ail agree that recent great issues of this popular local journal are very iuteresting aud newsy. SAt the Whitby regitration court 78 namnes wero registeed,3 were rejected, 6 refnsed to take the oath, 8 are appeal ed airainst by the Liberals and 8 by the Conàérvatives. Ten notices were given for the supplcmentary sittings to put on absentees. Re-Y. W. G. Clarke, Belleville, who hias beon supplying Charlotte St. Meth- odist ehltrch Ptrnosince October last, for Res-. D. O. Crossley, who has been i11, was prescnted with an address expessng the appreciation of his ser- vie ythe offiiai board. Mr-. R. Beith, M. P , ha's been elected a director of the Clydesdale Horse Breeders' Association. M~essrs. Jno. V"pond, Brooklil. J no. Davidsoni, Ash burn, and Ueo. Cockburn, Baltimore, are also directors Messrs. Beith and Vipona have also been suggestcd as judges at Provincial exhibitions. The field which thé Waveriey Maga- zine, the Woekls- Story Paper, cos-ers 18 fiction by the best American and Eug- lish anthors. The four Fcb'rv weekly parts will contain forty-fis-e Shiort Stor- les of Love, Mystery and Ads-enturo. The Was-erlev is for sale bv ail nows- dealers. Price 10 cents a copy. 'rhe Was-eley Magazine,15 Wavorley Block, Boston, Mass. Wise advice !S given.on "The Mother- ini-Law lu th(- Home" l the February Ladies Hiome Journal. Thie writer detaîls thie proper causes for the mother lu- law to pursue in order to mako bier presence lu the homeý of hier son a de- light. and directs the danghtor-in-aw as 10 hier dutios ln thelcase. Theaice carefallî' foliowed will make t.hemother10' in-law a weicomo' aquisition to the fam- iiy. The article will commenîd itself for its common-sense. le buys 200 plus at Nicholl's. le buvys 8 Siate Pencils at Nicholis' jle buys Bunch of Tape at-Nichols'. le buys Paper offlNeedles at Nichoils' le buys two Lead Penis atNichoils'. le bnys 100-page Scribbler at Nicholîs'. le buys Skein Linon thread at Nicholîs. The latest thing lu Stick Pins at Rick- ard 's. Ailan and' Dominion Lino ocoan tickets for sale at STATESMAN office. Broaches are the styleand at Rick ard's you will have a vory fine choice. Have you seon those fancy rockers and chairs at M. D. Williams& Son's ? For the biggost stock and the best value in Overcoats cali at Conch John- ston & Cryderman 's A fine stock of Ladies' and Children's Underciothin in ail sizes at Couch, Johuston & CIryderman's. M. Mayer bas some fur robes, coats and caps which must ho sold and wlll go at remarkabîx- low prices. Ail winter gent's furnishing, caps, ruifs and ail fur goods wili ho sold ai cieaning ont prices at M. Mayer's. We receive two woekly shipments of oysters which you can rely on being fresh ai ail times.-Cawker, & Tait. It is the general opinion and h is a fact that M. D. Williams &.qou are offeriug somo great bargains lu furni turc Get yonr watches put lu order now while' von have time to go 10 Town : Riekard is the man who wiil do it thoroughly for you. Take you puse w ith you w he u you go to T- Morris',t carry homo the monev yo, have 'saved by bnying yonr furnlinre from hlm. Gentlemen who are particular about havinZ a perfect fittiug suit of clothos shonld leave their ordexs ai Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. j of your life is spent ln bcd. thon gel a Spring or Stnffed Mattress from L Morris and yon will sleep weii and risc refreshed, (ai yonr own price.) The employées of the R. S. Wliliams &Sous Co., Oshaw", wili hold their Aunual Bail on the evening of Feb 18- The famous Gleorina, Marsicano itailan Orchestra. 12 pieces, will furnish the music and no pains are beiug spar - ed t0 make this the es-eut of the season. Tickets, admit lady and genitlemeni $15.Lady's ticket SOc. Whal is your evesight worth t0 you? Truly more than the price of a pair of spectacles. If you have the leasi trouble with your oYcs lisen to7tason and have rour eyes tested and fitted bv T. N. Rickardl. Scientificaliv no onie is more capable of testing- thornhvta o for his Diploma covers as as sbet as that of ans- one lu Canada Ail, thinIlg ho undertakes ho dies it wel] andl bis charges for what he selîls tre withoul a dloubt far below the as-rage price. Report of District Division next week. Special evaugelistie serveces are beiug held lu Triuity chiurch this week. 7 Miss Svbil Clarkoeutertained a uum- ber of her littie frieuds one eveniug last -week. Tweuty- five hundred copies weekly was the numbor of STATzsMMts printed iu January. Mrs. John Varcoe and mother Mrs. Stanton, and Mrs. W. Reynolds, Osha wa, were recent gucsts -of Mr. Ueo. Varcoe. > Wheu yon sec it lu this paper it is correct so far as we know. _We aim to make our columus strictly reliable at ail times Mr. T, E. Higginbotham has been re-appointed agent for the C. P. R. See hlm f or a il particulars conceruing the lino. The Epworth League Convention, Bav of Quinte Conference, Xiii be heid lu the George Street Methodist Church, Peterboro, on Feb. 23rd and 24th. Hlave yon noticed that advertisement of the "Gentleman Farmer Magazine" on an ins,.de page? It 18 the finest agricultural magazine we ever saw. Daily Mail and Empire, 8 mouths for $1;, Satn.rday Mail and Empire one vear $1; Weekly'Mail andEmpire aud Farm, audFireside onecyear for $1. M.A.JAMns, agent. 1A second reception service was held in the Methodist church Sunday even- ing when 85 persons united with the church This makes 123 new members as a result of the evangelistic services. Mr. Levi Morris is representing Bowmanville Lodge, No. 99, at the Grand Lodge, A. 0. U. W., iu Toronto this wcek. Messrs. L Jollow, R. Trou- outh and Thos. Jewell are ais6 attend- iug the meetings. The address of Rev. Ueo. B. McLeod, B. A., Newcastle, Wednesdav evenino' ln the Asscmbly Room of the Hligs School, on "Browning as a Poet 'was exceedingly good aud was much enjoy- cd by those present. The members of the Young Meu's Class of the Methodist Sabbath Sehool me yinvitation and snrprised their teceMr. T. C Jewell, at his rosi- dence on Weduesday cvening, it bcing his birthday. A very tenipting supper was enjoyed and ail had a royal good Mr. W. Alexander spent Suniday ini Pick ering. Mr. F. A. Parker, 'Napanee, has been visiting friends in town. Miss Florenee Saunders, Oshawa, has been visiting friends in town. Miss Woolhouse, Lindsay, was recent guest of Miss Veal, Liberty St. Miss Sophie Cherry, Lindsay, is visit- ing hier mother, Mrs, R, Cherry. Capt. W. C. and Mrs. King are visiting in and aronnd the city of Kingston. Mrs. Geo. and Miss May Biekeil are visiting Mr. Fred. Bickell, Oshawa. Mr. H. Benpett, Toronto, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs, F. J. Mann- ing. Miss R. Mavnard Toronto, has been visiting her briother Mr. Geo. E. May- nard. Mrs. W. U. Tîlley and Mr. L, Van- ~stone are x isiting friends in Toronto and Brantford. Mrs W. Tamblyn and Miss Lillie Tamblyn, Zion, have been visiting relatives in town. Misi Ida Gilbert and Miss Annie Treinouth have been visiting Mrs. T.J. Sheridan, Oshawa. SMr. James Goard sang at a concert at Kinsale Monday evening. Miss Edith Goard accompanied him. Dr. Julia Thomas was one of the speakers at the annual meeting of the Nursing-at-llome Mission in Toronto Feb. il. Miss Hewton. Kingston, and Mr.L.ll. Bowerman, lawyer of Toronto, were recent guests of their cousin Capt.W.C. King, Beech Ave. S Rev. M. P. Tallin;z, B. A., an old Bowrmanville boy, who is now taking pos t graduate work at Toronto Univer- sity, h as preached la the Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, four Sunda, s during the vacancy, The local paper sav Mr.j Talling is a man of more than ordinary ability and the Oshawa congregation has enjoyed his sermons very mu ch. AN AUED LADY. Few persons are privileged to enjoy so many years of life as our venerable but lively and genial citizen, Mrs. William Windatt, Ontario St. Last Friday, Feb. il, 1898,she celebrated hier 9hbirthday and bîds fair for celebrat- lng hier centennial. Mrs. Windatt was born Feb. il, 1803, ini Roxburyshire,i Scotland, and came to Canada in 1888.1 Uer first husband wsJohn Jardine, who wnA killéd ly a Iimb of a tree fall ing on him on the farm now owned bv Mr. lloskin,lotll,con.5,Darlineton. Shé afterwards married the late Win. Win-i datt, brother of our esteemed ex-Town1 Clerk. with whom she lived for 50 vears.1 Since his death she has been living inj Bowmanville She is certainly one of the oldest residents of Darlington. BORN. McDouOÂALL.-In BOWManVIle , Feb. 9, the wlfe of Mr. Alex. Moflougali, of a son. DILLON.-In.Bowmanville, Feb. 14, the wife ofe Mr. Andrew Dillon of a son. WÂNN. -In Clarke,Feb.5, the wife of Mr. J. Wannarî, ofa mon. BLÂMEFY.-In Southi Oshawa, Feb. 4th, the wife of Rtobert Blamney, of a danîghter. MARRIED. MASON-WÀ.t the home of lite bride's father,' Feh.!,th, by Rev. WV. Perc 'y Flether. B. A., Aon Wrliy and Williami Masoù,both of Éast Whitby. WRIGHT-BPROWN.- In Bowmanville on Eeb 9thby Rev. J1. H. Barriett, Mr. Samuel Wrighi aiÏà Miss Ida S. Brown, both of DarhingtGn. t GOUn.At ,9Voge street, 'Toronto,' Feb.i 13, George I-.(Gonld, inhis 52nd year. Interredï at Oshawa on Tousday. EDW ART)P.-At Coutite,-çFeb.lltb, Eliz-abeth 1Chapmnan, wife of Isaae Edwards,aged 72years. Scac-nOshawva, Feh. 'tb,,Emmin WaIk- er, beloved wife of Aexàader Scor gie, aged14 years. BriXo'.At BIirfordoFeh. 4th, Matilda Biingareirtof tc it lI-eE(1811 nrlitgs, aged 74 y eaî s. ' SAti-nToronto, on Frday, Feb. 4th, Rou'en1it harpe, elest sou of the Ltte John Sharpe, aged 6yas MAR5HÂL.-InM"erS, Feb. ,71_11.'Jargaret Litiep,bevd wifoe of J;ames, Marshll aged C5 years. Krox-Kflu t leeil, e.lcaged 215 gs 5,Cartles R.IQa. SUNDAY SOHOOLS. Tirs WiýST Duna klAu ssociATION ROLD SUCCESSFUL MEIG AT HÂMPTON,1. Though the weather was somewbat unfavorable on Wednesday last, i titi not pros-ont a fairly good- representa- tion of the Sunday Sehool workers of ibis county from assembliug at Hamp- ton, The lentS annual convention of West Durham Suuday Sc, .J ssocla- lion openi with Mdr. John Davey, ekatPresitient, lu the chair. After singing and prayen by Bey. E. E. How- ard anti Mn. Ueo. Power, the scripture lesson was read by Bey. J. J. Rae. The- nominating committoe appointod wras couiposed of Messrs. Jas. M cLean, C. N. use, W. J. Boy, Ueo. Argue and Ueo. Power. The minutes of last meeting wene readi and adoptod. Reports were gis-en froin bbc follow- ing- sehools: Bowmanviiie Methodisi and Conguregational, Hlampton, Base Lino U' nion and Oroîîo Methodist. The uew officers elected for ensuing xear are: Presitient, James MeLean, Iomanviile; Vice Prosideuts, Mrs. R. Freelanti, Bowmaville ; W. IR. Cour- 1 ice, Darhington; Isalah B. Barcay, Cartwigt: Ueo, L. Waddell, Carke. Sýecretanies, P.Tre bilcoec,Bowmanville, W.ý J. Boy, Tyrone. Treasurer, C. A. J obuston. Executive Cominitbee, Cari- wvrighnt. W. C. Ferguson, Jos. Santier- soui, G. Swain and Robt. Philp. Dar- lington : W., Cleriens, W. C. Black- ihu, R1. E. Osborne, A. B. Crytierman, H. CHIoar anti J.McLanghiin. Carke: R. Moment, Jno. Stewart, W.J. Bob- inson, R. Knox, J. W.Bradley and Miss Thomson. Newcastle: Miss Drum- moud, T. Ellison. Bowmanville : A.E. McLaubliuanti Mns. R. D. Fraser. Bev. J. J. Bae led a coufereuce ou "Normal Methotis" îayiug that while gooti work mrty be donc withont any sucb methoi, yot beiter and more effec- tive work wiil be doue wheu ail teaching 15 basetion aplan. The groat Teacher, Jesus Chbrist, was aur besi example antie hobricfiy onîlinetifils methoti cIaimjing this 1 oea normal methoti. Mnr. Rae succeedet inl making plain ihat bbce normal methoti was not some- ti above the ordinarv teacher's pwrbut one wlîicb ail could use and would certainly make our teaching more effective0. Mr. . MoentSecretary, gave a report of Clarke Township Association, statig thiat their lasi convention had been well attended -bocause they had madie special effort te make it known. Thev have made 'a thorongb eanvass of the town'Iship and wherever the work wasý neglecied or net ln aood working order they had endeavoroed to bring it mbt lino.lu nthis Township therc are 14 sebools, 1275 scholars and 155 teach- Lcrs. Mr , H. C. Hoar, Secretary, reported Darlington Townshîpas folows: One sehool extinct and one school not re- ported. Teachers 289, an increase of 9; seholars 2366, an increase of 84, 778 arc moembers of the chureh, 88 haviug joined this yoar. ArTERENOON SEssION. The afternoon session opened ai 2 p. m. witb devotionial exorcises, prayer beiug offered by M1esïîrs. R.Moment and John McIlaugliii. dr.Davey thanked' the Association for the honor conferreti on hlm and spoke of the biessing hoe had receis-ed while occnpyiug the position of preidei. Mr. MqeLean, the uewly eleceti pro3sidoni, was thon introduced anti briefiy spoko of the pleasure ht af- forde i hm t10 ho in Hampton and te meet old f riends anti roalizing the im portance of bhis position hopet hat the Mýasier's blessng might rosi upon themn aIl. Rev E. E. Howard, pastor of Hamnp- ton chureh, in lits own genial and, in-, imitable manuer offcred words of greet- ing They bad nover appledte 10bo lu- eorporated as a iown, tberefore there was xno Mavor te greet them, and hoe belies-ed aI preseni no Clerk, so itll 10 hlm 1t0 offer the welcome of Hamipton peopie 10 this Association. If they could not boasi of largo manufactnning concorus lho conid hoast of the largeness of Seant of, its people. fie beiieved this te be the mosi important work because ît was a spiritual work and they expoci- ed to denive spocial benefit from thoir vsit. Afler singing, Dr. W. E. Tiliey, M. A., led a conference on "Classifica- tien, Promotion andi Discipline." Rev, W. H. Adams, Orono, whotook Mn. VeKeen's place on the programn, spoele on "The Book wo Teach." fils criticismi of the general make np of the bible though sotnewhat sovero contaiued a great deal of good comînon sonse and we are sure ail will welcome the day wben the stnipture 15 presenteti inà more readable torni. Because it is se preclious we need besi version wo can get. Rev. J. J. Rao sait ieh was much pleaised with what Mr Adams bad said ani spokýe of Prof. Mouiton's, books as being a very great heip in nnderstand- ing the scrîptures. Mr. Trebiicock. thoughIt that the church anti not the peoople wai,,te blame bocause it hati not a dopted 1the rovîseti version. Hev. S.G. Ronko gave an address on tha "S. SS. Teacher's Aim" showing the three things necossary te carry the truth to the beart of tne chilti. Mr. R'. Moment, Orono, gave a splen- did address ou the"Home Depariment." statin g that the demand of the age was for entertainment, whether lu puipit, political platform or othen places. If ontortalament was not affordod people would not go Hie negretted that the pulpit wasadmitting- sensationalism lu- stead of truih. The best way te os-en- corne ibis was to gel the truth lu the hieart and the homo 'ciass department was a partial remedy for Chis. Hie su- gested thiat ihoy gel mosi enthusiastic mn possiblefr supeintendent, secre tary and'teachers and bhey wouid bie surÎe 1 mnak-e ibis work a success. Mr. E. Carsýwell, the veteran temrper- ance worker, gave a bnief liumoiirons addr01ess staýtiig b is great love for the wýork they wev(re engaged in and be- lie%eti if they wero going te be suclcess- funi in temperantce, or religion they nst bgnwith thiech)ildlren. The oen,1ing sessýion opoued witlt inig, andi pr1ayer bv Rev. M. E. Wiison .anti Mýr.i iC. ibar. Mr. John Dse presented a report of the roincalConvention. 1-oy.V T. R. 1CDomald, Bjalcs1k ablysupii i e place f e 1. 'M.1 Phýalen, anigavea -ery practica! ti- Stock Takinfg Closod, IF, CAWKER & TAIT are entering on a new year of business, and wouid first thank you ail for the very liberal pat- ronage extended to us in the last year. Each year our- trade lias steadilv in- creased, last year lias been the record breaker, far exceeding our expectations, Bear, in mmnd that this store possesses special opportunities in buying that make for the advantage of the shopper. With its enormous oUt- guing of goods cverything is bouglit in large quantitieu, for spot cash., The undisputed, naine that the store lias for reliable and high-class goods will more thane-ver be maintained in the incomiug season. Toilet Soap Sale ail we,. Ail new, bought direct froin the manufacturer There in price as well as quality of goods. Elderberry Soap, regular 8c cake for 5c. Palmetto t Palm c fleliotrope t Cocoa Oatmeal Turkish Bath t Witch Hazel t Gl-ycerine 9 Unele Samn Soap lOc, Cash paid for ail farin produce. BowmANviLLE. E is a magne% cae or5c. w.awker d& tTait GCoal, Grain, Wood, LuQmbj tc. Scranton Coal, ail sizes, at harbor, --$5.25 per ton., Scranton Coal," delivered to any part of town - -- - -- -- 5.75 per ton. The People's or Bernice Coal, at harbor, - it (& ti delivered,,- 4.50 per ton. 5.00 per ton. Having handled Scranton Coal -for 23 consecutivýe years and almost ail other kinds at tn.,w can recoin- mend the Scranton as the BEST andi ÇT- 'PEST in the market. The publie can always depeudi on getting dry, well-screened Coal, as we have sufficient shed capacity ýfor the supply of this section. We are as in the past prepared .-.. pxy the very highest mark et price for ail kinds of Coarse Graitu and See-ds delivered at our Storehouse,corn er King and George Streets, or at Port Darlington. SJust to hand a large supply of Saît-coarse, fine and dairy, in bags and barrels. Retsof Rock Sait for Cattie and ilorses, also fresh ground Grey Piaster in barrels which we are pi-epared to seil cheap for Bradley's Fertilizer a specialty.' Lumber, Lath, Shingiles, Sash, Doors, etc., always in stock. Inspection invited and satis.. faction guaranteed. McVIeLBL L O"AkN &ee0 dress on "lDefiuite Teaching", emphas- izing the importance of teachers having directkowee and direct experience lu order to be definite teachers. He e ave severai examples proving this to le truc and said if we were definite there would be a continuai gathering into the church withont the aid of revi- val services. This was Mr. McDonald's introduction to the County Convention and he made a very fa, orable impres sion. 'Rev. M. E. Wilson, Newtonviile,read alengthy paper ou the "Teacher's Qualifications". While it was an able and well preparcd essay, it was to far beyond the comprehension of the ordin- ary teacher to be very helpful. Mr. C, E. Brown sang in good voice "fie shahl give his Augels charge over Thec", which was much appreciated. Mrs. R. Freeland opened the subject "'Responsibility of Parents" with a f ew very good commoîî sense remarks urg ing upon parents to uphold the honor of the school and teacher and to remem ber lu prayer the school during the session. Mr ,Trebicock drew two word pictureis of thie suecessful and unsnccess- fui use c f. the haif hour lu S. S. and nedupon parents the dnty of helping the cildren prepare their lesson. Dr. Mitchell s3uggested that one way to create interest lu the lesson was to read it at the family devotions. Dr. McLaughlin,Bowmanville, handi- cd the Question Drawer splendidly., We have seldom heard tne questions, answered in a more rational or satis- I4,Ato i anne" A f-7 -,foolish questos were asked as usual. but on tihe hoe thcy werc of a practical char- acter calculated to be helpful and stim- nia ting. Motions were passed for the encour- agement of greater effort in missionary work, and votes of thanks for use of church, to the friends of Hampton for generons entertalument, to Miss Elliott as organist, and to those who assisted in the silgingr. Aftersingin-e Saviour thy àying love" Rev. E. E. Howard closed the meeting with'the benediction. ON THE (MARKET) SQUARE Besit Work. Lowest Prices. O1~Rs F flUINES-2 ÂANDS ON caocas iuii 3 ON WATCaES. e hoice assortmneut of STÂPLE GOODS and NOVîîa'IFS. IfEPAIRING A SI'ECIALITY. M ARRIAGE LICENSES.-M. A. JAE ,l"4, îMarriage Licenses. Residence , Centre street. WAN1IED.-At o:nce a middle-agied W Ywomrta t .., , ', lservant,.MRn. (DR.) EDICa, Bowknauville. 7 1w. IQ) UBBER STAiMPS.-F or fine Rubber, .ÀLStamps, Palis, Ink, etc., write to Gitol CuRRY Co., 84 86 Kingst.,East,Toronîto,Ont. 7-if, JLTY AIR WORK.-Laidie,4 wishin, bai East,and unruofutario. Sr,13owmanvilie. 4â-tf 1?RSALE -Young bull, thoro'-bred A! Short florD Durham, (registered). Applee~ E. N. VARNcJM, lot 26, con. 6, Danlington, So «e P. 0.* ï-aw" W HEAT FOR SALE.-200 Bushela of FIFE WHEAT for seed. Finîterne finît served. RiCnÂttn OsBoRNE, Towvn Line, Box 75, Bowmanville. . TTJEIFER STRAYED.-A red Durhlam .k.heiferrisig two years. Strayed albûmt Nov. 13. Information ieadiug to ber recovery will be suitably rewarded. Wi<. SxOWvDE,, ië 22, Con 3, Darjngton, nowmanvlille P. Ç). 48 - tf 1'RM F-DR SALE CIIEAP-1-12 aýcs.Being the South p art of Lot-6, iiu tise 8th Concession of East Whitby, ail eleared. Oppsit AlxanerMcKenzie's. Fron ONB tri TWENTYEARwil be gis-en for pazyrnent ait a low rate of interest. If not soid wi.libe reit.. ed For ferais apply to the owner. Oshawa. S-4w. ALM FOR SALE -Sitnated on Let .J4aud 25, Con. 6, Darlilurtoni, jmît nnt oSi village of Solina, 1 acre orchard, 3 acres wood, 25 acres seeded. Plowyiug doue ready for cro,- buildings and fences lu good repiair,grdtn stables fIonsora and c atte, g-o,,d weiland ~î terni. Amlly to W .A.LARMNIMAN 03n the prernuses I3OWMANVILLE MARKETS Correctedby J-Mo1Murtry eaeh Tneîiday FLOURaVI 100 lbs ........ $2 40 to R2G< VHBAT,' Faîl, bush... 0 00 "lOd.-, Sprinoe O 00 il 83 Red Pife 0Ote 0 90 Il Goosp, .... 00CG "l0 75 BARLET, e bush, No. 1 . 0 34 35 2 ..026 30 S 3.._ O 50 O2g 'rTwo rowed O2-1' 27 OATs, white il.... O O O2â BUOKWEAT Il..........00nO3 P@As, Blaceyee, b ,.05 "O6 ilCanadian Beanties.. 4nQ0 i mnmmey Or 5< ilSmall', r O ' 50 il Blue, '1J'r07 BUTTER, best table, P lb.1O13 r' 1 EGos, 'P doz,............000 0(; POTATOBS. «bush...,.....i(O 0 Hlayperton....... Tait& Co. arestlmkn ale Photos at. $1 90) perdze.Cieal in the day, ram r ide cola 0- I&t -L -U -b b-t

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