Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1898, p. 3

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t THE SAME OLD WAY. aeue"si e Hwaete sai A-dacin,a-i;ancinig, Baldy stared ito Diek's ipntal Thes unbeanis out of heaven Jancisng, eyes. "A dliatoni," said hie inspres sively, ITfE OWMANVILLE. FEB. 16, 189 8 Tihe tîde bc-neath gre-en shaidow trancing "i';sl-qqP(sýd to b"- WItr wet eia.-Les alk about diaznonds, " saîd Miss Viidl voi,,ca thi ongh the ferest falling, Bre Thse wood thrush te the wood thrush calling Lru, "tby 're much more interesting, The Growth of Temperance. The sarne old way.dcityutit" 1Ijpresuru ii e thcy are more exponsive," A correspondent asks the New York A-ficoving, a-blowing, Uick l- ïied, "unlcss I amn iistaken in Sun ho ugh tohavethecreit or Its showers of dew each 1ow bougli tbro nsg supposing that diatonîs are eateni and neot 8un ho, ughtto bve te crdit or istormns of fragrance round you gong l wrn."vnii bu legetdces n Wt osadsa.UII ý o ml.H lasto in the onsumpton of .iurmnr of bees in biossomn switiging, Biyddntsie i lasto BlkedC Uen Rel E ie ailns i the traunuanottdrukenesf And children's cries more sweet than singing, life soriously, as do ail men wbo appraise 810nt taa biu ae a f ll7 ath sytrefndasa itxct liqtiors, in social if e and The same old way. thcimselves highiy and are cocksure of a Piz1ns, Nausea. Drawsiness, Distresa after i h uuele tlgain in the Side, &.c 'l helernost omuiy A-iinsbing, a-gnsbing, "A diaton"- he began, ciearinig bis 10aî b. ucceua bas boeen show fia osrngI The credit is due cliefly te the grow- The roses on their red stemns bliishirig Ibroat. iug refinement and nicer mensibilities Before they close, with soit airs hushing "h Mr. BeardP" intermupted Miss Thse dying day.-Bro,"ob Q eogttll e of the community, as manifested also in And al the woivdy ways disco~ver Bro,"ob odeogit elm Iteaeob ye CÂr~aa LTrL Lrut ~g he icresedsenitienea o th pulicDown glimmering depths a iass and lover thbcn arneof that bi rd."agne Miare e t C alua LnCsitin n: r P toe nail eiii-ns fth ule Thre saine old w ay 1 itwas drunmiîc. oniithe to gis aare ulvelgtisn onstiataln, culeg o l suffering, huiman and brute. -Harper's Bazar. whieh Dicir was J.,ýý ing. lie glanced at tbey also correct al disarder:s or tine stomach, Coarse indulgence of ahl kinds ofends iftand said: stimulate the lbver and reaulate the bowol& Teseeho ocey H K EV I Ai Tat's a woodpecker." ]>~eu if they ony cured modern taste. Tesec ofoity H N W I A . Baldî e (y(od hlm cornpassionately., lias grown more reflned. Swearing is -"That, i, Barrow","saîd be, "Is a going ont of vogue in ail its under Ib w as said of Dr. Whewell by tbe wiser bjird wbichbcbelngs te the fainlly paridee, îobe they wouhd be aimait pricelesg so liom formis. The ripping oaths which inter- and wittier Sidney Smjith that ho made tO Z 'th sbfhanitl cain and hthe es who sifer from Ibistrsst cmaînt arded the sec of etma in fermn- a ', fible of omniscience." îta'Ii he',acaelnn-s,11ti buztfortunarptely thiro am! peeh enleaularnt,1 kow n as tihewhite< brenoted bore, and those ïwho, once try bhem wîîî fid er days, and even withiu the remen- Just so of my talented yoting friend, iutbatch, though 1 amr give o n ur- t)seze iiit b 'ilhiubl n t a o wyth el banc of the preseat generation, have Baldwin Beard of Chestnnt Hill, il, n-tanid that ignorant people designate lt as tfe ai slc bea<i heen iscarddoas svoringof vuîarity arong us aI thse club as "Baldy." -1 have tbe sapsueiker or'bairy woodpecker.' A lut it__au__ Ailm b e xhiins de fa v i n ofem pe r ith h eard that Raiph W aldo #M rton, et the grave errer, because the nu hatcb dos net C H -i -,hbtosofvoettme'wt ageof 2, was severely crittlsed for bis de- fe nsp the explosive anguage, the objurgat- ficiencres iu reading and, if I remeiuber Dick nad been !D~'ig at the bird. la the baneof so myay Ivetathbore lawbemu ions, the curses, and the revilings agtnLtigrnir.I's a wood peeký,er ail the salue, " said Ve make oui great boaui, Ont pil cure Io which acmad them, have falle n No sncb painful duty, I arn sure, could be. "-'il ber $10,,o'rt. «wisSe others do not.ac pne ' ever have been lmposed upon any of Ili s remark was ignored. . arW sII y v egLoaeez ak: mail nne erochas offensive te good Baldy's relatives. t is autbentlo that at "jow nice itîmust bc, "said Miss Bar- net gripe or purge, but by their gentieatiOn control and nice regard for the sensibil expressi ng certin doubtle At 3 he kncw il-lew in bbe world did you do nt, ir. lleas. afl who use them. In vis at 25 ceîts- bhe Doclarabîin of Independence by beart ead You're s0 very yeung. " ive for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent bymu hies of other people. Excessive indul- and recltcd lbte much parental appiause. i realized at an carly age, " said Baldy GAUTI IRD C o., ROV e, sl geace in drinking produces resuits At 4 he was erudite and mnade bis fatber eeny "the lmuth of the renrark made .Min 1. M&U intolerable la social intercourse. A feel tlrod, Re knew tbings se incb by b iegenes Laertius. 'Perbaps you m'ry te- ___ __ ______ drnkad mkesa nisapceof imslf eart tiraI he cenld give ne bbongbt te bis eauidi'? 'There le one oîîly goed-niaruely, b11in society,and suffer from its'ban accord wén, owevr, i ayn ha oba oignorac.' ed aorese Qniyeii-anriyk, Giive The only food This more exacting- social reflnement sltac, hLe was always Iionghful of hlm. "Wat's bis namne mustîbave beon a tre- he.i hlias been a powerlul influence in furti- self, as on thie--ccion wbcn the boat cap- mendous ass. 'Ignorance' of w] tat? No zthat will buihd slzed and hro got as-bore by aid of thse twOo ne man oaa know it ail What's the use 1 ering lhe growti of lie temnperance paddies and isad thre forethought te $mibe rylnig?" Baby up a weak cons- whicî distinguisies this period The b is younger brother with one oflthem. -Baldy gave Dick a very superior sae a titution gradu- ",three botte" men of the l da>s Oh wsyen ses, ho ô ae been TLh tnrned t as n ad Wl butsurly s wuldoutagethedccncyof dinerdragged and drowned te bis decath. TIsere yen bake a lmrni witir me about the C lanCe ally bu ll s wudotag h eec fadn ei no doubt about l. -Baidy could thinli, grourrds?" and "You'li excuse ns, won't oh f tic present lime with their swinish and tbink for hlmnscîf, That trlfliag event yen?" 1te Dick. I * iauieece. The dinners cf theisa at eccnrred wben he was 8. He was thea "Wlth great nicasure." said Dick. 'Ress ade~Gnan ete Opiurferrimlnefor CMintira WTorms ,Convulsions,Feverisli- mess ' -NEW YORIK. SXAÇT COPY OF WRAPPER. OF EVERIY BOTTlE 01" Oastorla lu put np lu eue-size botules omdy. It sionet îGM '- " k. ' alhn n t e sl 'o anything else ou thre plea or promise that it la "3nst as good" asusd IWill answer every pear. ase." -Q- eo that you Set JA8TOIU The hao- a a a u. W whci sedte nd ilhhal th mun deep inithre bigliezr calculus andi was pes- Theire to wiked away, andi Bahdy at < whih. ued t endwithhalfthe en tringhisathe to uy bi. a ule..p. ncctnally the acua mudthe atdantan Ca rd ina I Food:+ under the table, would be impossibeMr Beard, Srlidbenain àidy iot Ignrat man holding apparent pro -_________________________________ Cardl.n-â-ýl Fo *d new, oubside of the vihest cirches. At 12 Baldy supersedeti bis parentsaI ta- teiisions te gcntility Ibatl "- asimple, scientific and highiyé 'W lac if partaken of sparing'iy;- and lias bie. They wcre afrali te makze any stabe- "Oh, but ho is a gentleman, " cried Miss GEHNv 3d 87 aurtve *aato r nat becaîne a mere incident of thre feast. ments, aven concerning the weatber, lest Barrow-inr tho coîrviscedt one of one who TESONMDCN . uiH o.23d 87 nutritve prearatie for ifants* dinnr is mre decr-ihamîgbr openily disclose tiseir Ignorance a tuall îiW. hleiadloei TESONMDCN J delicate chihdren and inval.ids. In ahi respects the dne sm'edcr before the ether cblidren. 0f course "bc "Raly? And Bitdyhleaiokd *KCRRY WATSON là,to.,'. o us andi less of a mere feeding and other chîlldren" amounteti te nolhing. wltb surprie-inte Miss Barrow's blusbing HAMILTON. driaking occasion. The lime of ils Baldy owned tbc bouse.fae _______ _______________ cntîuane las eeadeceasd ;la- At 16, unsoliciteti andi of bis own good "I didnlt know you were so well ne- -cotinanchasbee dereaedinwili, ho favored tIse W. C. T. A. witb a qnaiîrted withbhini, " said ho. 'I beg bis' DEAR SIRS AR I O B A N K slead of a comDaay speniding two or carefully prepareti atdress on tire "Suin and yonr pardon. You sec, I spoke frein a FryasIwetobe ihproia ikhaahs BANK îbree or even four heurs aI lie meal, and Total of Human Knowledge."I Big first unfertunate irrîpression. is miis. eîitis tlî, , General t3viklîg Business at as formerly, an heur frequcatly suffices as the subjact was haeirandiad -il like a bake about tiîat bird"-1 beine- afecled uulyeeySnaadue l h eeiSta man. IlTbere was ne mistake. Il was a wooti- Brn1V'1 Axtc for an elaborate dinner There is far It was tran made plain tiraIIse knew il pecer."d -I d b ioîerdoorl 1E'ST more moderalion in boti eating and ail. Baldy gaspeti. Then aflar a bni but were advertised, as cures, and wastsreated y alms eeY otri irevt alý,ell:ite Bretprtes.Noeelb d n igt nthere uscd le be. That saine year Baldy went te coilege, deecp silence ire said: IlMiss Barrovi I fuelGwthu Oa' bl Ab " iterabal, e, ar.Al epo rtespNotice o rnigl n"andi bo wenîtirhrougb bbc course witb fly- it inyduty te bellyou tisaI ou arc mi,.-Guelph but wt tany relief.One ctor tldme î was caused by .a on demnatlîl - Wc de net deny, howevcr, that lie sng colors andi was gradîiated witlr honore lakan. Thal was not a"- eksoahantrsadî.wshrdiry ndncab.Iws EXCHANGE ~~agitation in bebaf of temperance, 80 anti great applause. Moreover, hre was 'a "JtLxas a woodpecker,"I said she flrml Y.waksoahaohesadiwshrdtayadncabe Iws ,n Europeearnestly cnutdfrfift3ï ear w as îtetino lima in tiraclubs. "vdnty"sait ieh, "you know theira cdb niho o r la sT d SSi- i ser n elatitiuigcue fo n a COL ECTONSqucstionably tire palpable advantage s deipisia. Ha, was nlow grown i enouigb iras woni your confidence"- 1dds.Afwdss-gv meit eif n n oteadahl Prmpl~i ,uîî arsof temperance, carricti evea te lie te know thl4tha kaew it ail, anti bis tîiti "O, no, nol that!" saiti Miss Barrow Made a compiete cure. of Grerýuid the Du- extreme of total abstinence as a malter prnsraiei iefc.at isaii-e~ty Million i fpr railhv un~e ng friands agreati with birem. "Lutttmebell yen now that 1 amn quite This was three years ago andi the headaches have neyer relurneti. of pue panpipe,",hve sfeisersa Ail, sove one-Dick Casper. fruiirwitb bis type. - lis"- Mae o- i prs fpractical demnonssration of lie ativan- 'Tbat is, tire. was pcriraps yel anolirer "le is mny- Dic,"IIsire caiied, l'coma 1 was aise troubled with asbhma and-nolhing helped me like your Sloan's Maîadaf v;s8,niltofe ae fprdnei b seo iorh who-but we'hi sec. herel"IIThen, wtrea hae came, IlDick-, tell Canadatvl. .,u et stole-tia ts wruenic h sed ofk ape irsnt eflgan crr-M.Ber wa ynar e e"Indian Tonie. I eau heartiiy retioxmend ilt toail andi will be glad t makus< lie plce ee mar a geer as Baliy. le bad begun ieasao EeyhnIhp, at iksîpy of paymî ite induce lemperance Drunkencss bas regular Infant, anti by way of tire publie "W'li see about thut," she said. "But gîve auv particulars te any one afffiieted as I was. Fe r oth ' 'rk, been made d isrepnîable, or il is regard- schois i eti ataineti a certain prominenca Dick, you aren't cvii enougir te put on tira i Lt aa elrbedsaerqi inin tIse law-not knowing it ail, but ua little goe? W. C. KEOGII. 155sgr. cdasa eporbl dsesereuîun îi-ng or. two. IlYee, I 8m." restraint anti specîfic i-ed !cal trealment. Se we bava Baliy at lengi advanced te "Anti play football?" Price $1.00 per bottie; 6 bottles for $5.00. For sale by STOTT & thie dignity of manhooti, se ta speak. lnu"1es. M. A» k'Luî Agent, Unsolicited Testimony. celabration of bis bwenîy-first year Ibere1 "Anti row? .Yen waran'I strok, a,î JURY, Bowmanvilhe, Ontariç. Bowina the fo l'i- was a garden party, .wbcreat Mrs. Boardi bave boardtiIn bb"- lewing i sis Messrs. H. A. Lezier & Ce., manufact- looketi prend ai dMr. Beerti looketi like a 111 wa." eurers ef Clevelandi Bicycles write THE repentent criminal confreatati witbtrra- IlDick, you don'Itiare te bell me tirat ALLA, ce STATESMAN under date of J'aa. 20, 1898, futable evîience of bis guilt. you own a yacht, anti oaa walk 4Y2 iiles Miasfoliows: "DearS!r,-Tbeadvcrîising Casper was tirer.. anuihour, anti jump 21. feet, and leap 5Y2 b ^'t gJdfl Mo " bih cdi a EESATSMNlaî Tirere aisewa Daisy Barrow, In a plain inches, anti bave biceps 15 incires antiai 1 Mi1i4),*tl scasea preveti cminently,,salisfaery, dres of ni rtbJing white with yaiiow nb- tricep"- N J uno t n ho a e B i' "-C'Sbould yeu tiesire te rcnew ceatracl fer bons, antisire quite obliterati tire etbar "Yes, yesl" cried Dick. "Yen mak NR Pli..i ~ . -"rie further adverîising ibis season wc gi rls anti madlelire preîly landscape Inook me tireti, Daisy."I AL LA shoulti ir pleascd te de se."l We iad tanne. 0f course B~sy betag omniscient, Tiren yeung Mr. Bearti hnc'* il ail. Hie Ne 5i-ic. considerable difficultv la makiag a con, knew -a good bbilng Mwhea ha saw it. Se iati realiy conmne btoge, apd ieb wallzed DMNtract ast ycar, but after, ene season's Miss Ëbarow was iris "ioibia" fortiraI away. Fer the Next Month 1 have decided te makui reem for Snrîtig Mou i i î'-vic, trial thcv wish te repeat Ibe order, This day, Not for ail tire day, hewevcr. Tbe 1Daisy grippeti Dick's bandi. '"He's in a BEAV I,..uaseiicitcd tcstimony is certaialygratify. range of Casper's kuowledge was not 80 bat xay, sait she. "He's afihicteti witb Stocks. L, i'er te do so we must clear eut ul 0e . 'c. ing teous. broati as a hemn deer or se deep as a well- wisdlim bleyon.i lus years. Hlow arc Yeu, AMERJ l~~~~~~~e wes oniy a big, ireaitby anti vcry bandi- Dei? 2 O ~ O O . f ý;(,some cisap who went in for lie anti got a ,1 anaficiteti witb you," sait h.- Nec' ,- - -"tour service. SUBSCRLPTION RATES, 1898. great deal crf il, skimming tire surface, Lbb clMevi!le Pirilips in Piiaticphia Press. Tsi oaieSlntgosbuh o i upscmposed of in'i ilia i.1 1 1l cic. reani, as lb wera, anti netcaring iueîî orThsia o fdeSlntgd bu tfrteproe c RE Ï) S"'ý ,E STATESMAN te cati ef 1898 (new) $1.00 thbc im stuif baneath. He Wear* Oniy One sae. shody. First-class Geods right out et stock, guaranteeti whole stock, No, 'unj-,'t~ n,' ,rvice. STATESMAN anti Wcckiy Giebe 1.75 nta ivtai es i bt The oe e gged nan bîrys bis sboes pro- ne shedy insole uer stifniers. We invite inspection and wil show P s i.u- ît"psrce STATESMAN aati Weecliy Mail 1.50 gartien party. He siînpiy wahketi in anti eiseiy like the lwe iegged manl. g-d ihpesr.Tegoswl emr npanfgrs JIAMB X lE ~ H ~ STATESMAN anti Family Heralti 1.80 matie biilîncf at homne. Aferliechad gazeti At tbc big shops they break a pair te g~d ih pesr.Tegoswl emredinpanfgr. STATESMAN anti Farm anti Fireside 1.50 about a bit hie asked of a sturdy but suilen osel tbe single shoe that the one legged Drop in and 'we wiII be pleased te show you through. This sale will. Mo ii-oi ti Àrî",..STAThsýmAN- anti Farmiang (weeklv) 1,90 iooking yonth wbo was lcaning agalîrst a'a eurs witironb bbe siigbtest iresita- be fer cash orîi. ANCll('~ - î-,E, .,TATESMAN ,and Farmers' Atvocate 1.90 trce, andt who was none other Iban bbhioaniircan gel any kind ti fsboe ire Nc ' e Gl w T TEîN ani Gu r inf.0oorer b ot e ao btnin ss d wais The single soc reiaining is sent W e quote you P rices of a F ew L ines. SasliuHui'aeisi STTESlýýMAN anti Mentreal'Heralti 1,75 "Who is tiret fellow wvalklng witis Miss Ibis is due witir perfect accur-acy. FEve-ry I s'he iiY caneYouwl av o rchs is- nasgosa STATE5MAN anti Wesýtern Atvertîser 1,75, Barrow, do you kîîo)w?" pair of shoos s leumnbereti, anti il could Iess thati cosn. SASANanti Leshic 's IWVe el 3.50j then saiti, witb considlerable bilterîîess_ cs tockroui w-iichir i is mrade. There$10 id TAESIts atiTorn~ Wmrhi " by ir i lie cin~ilcescwbce iririsneoueswokaboultil. T1lire shce1 re- Glove Grain ButtI. reaular $1.45 for -1.00 Odanti Toronto Daily Star 8.0() we aim eebratîng. Hie bas conteciof ge quirein atch bbc sboo remnaining nuay Kid Butt., plain and tip, speciai for- 1. 5 3 STATESMAN anti Daily Globe 475 today, formally speaking. As a usatter of ntbu mnade on tire ietcal 1met upon ~ Tan Oxfords, special, for - - $1,00 and. 1.25 ~ST.ATESMAN anti Eveaing Globe 3.50 tact, he was neyer immîlature. lie was a \whici tire originral choc w-as matie, bot il ( I LIJpeopl All otier publicationsataIproportion. - tnusstshlraechwrpns is mati poîr a lest of inatlîeralieally bbthe xods eua 135fr- - -10 aIe rates, Al erdcrs must iesn be o rebonanlaggsbesea ampootisnibbpirhsr- MISSES' Tee Slippers, sizes Ille o2. regular $1.90 for - $.5 Troibls. M A. JAMES. Bowmnaaville, ont. beoe bsteh u aehad Soei, is as erfcctôy niatet as the orig- (C utue," "" -l ~r-. ~ - Thp Mardi TANDARD DESGNER is a bai en bh ecbh aI bbeIlîne. I inifer Tlirelole legged man w-obe îys in Ibis ~E' adSwdCi atirlrg 30 o Th ac TNADDSCE 8atiraI sometising cisc rnigbb bave been et." a a sinîgle choc pays siigbbly lmore tîr ESRand SwedCal Bl, rls rg.$30four -2.50 liard for lie mest pheasasit feature biglil anti inter- "So tiret is M~r. Baldwin Bekird?" half the price of a pair. Ore Ieggeti mon 4 af c l dl -- o 25 old folks tomove esting witli clever pîctures, four liand- "Yes, but w-e w-ho tion't love him oelsire iiu the îery largest sirochops 1111014g "" size 9 4.00 for - 3.00 about - constant coeneceler plates, aine artistic half.- mm Baidy for short. Al l'vu gel te say bbc regtlar outtenlers, anti there tircy areBOS BifBmoasre.$45nwfr-$10 bckcreb oeanti soenty cglit ehr t lis, that if yen baven't met hii yeu'rcut nuet se unuisussi as te be rffiuarkabie. BOS uf alolsre.$45nwfr$16 bothar therni i ithistrabiins(of garmieatd suitable'anti1 privilegeti charcrr.1 envy anti ad.nire One iegged mren, how-ever, arceIret lb.e " Caif " " 2.50 -- 2.00 bisae - aytimue - seasenable for ladies', misses' anti little Yen.">'1 eniy mon wbo buy single chocs. There are CIIILD'S Dengelia Kid, Butt., reg. $I.25,-now- - 0 urinary weakness to disturis their folks' w-ar. Se me of the lilerary "Yeu seem tl how Beard w-cl." wlggdmo whiemîi.90bu nl rest et nigisî. articles deserve especial mention: "Ever eincce ow-ui a ripe savant et tira 000 shoee-ferexanîpie, a mn witb bbce Tan aud'Red Oxfords; reg.. .75, Dow '5 .0 "TPhe Arts df Beautv,"la bbtheSick agenot 4 cedlidiot enongir leenter the -guut. B a fh 'sss nih ei-IF~' ut i uurg ~,nw-- . D DN'SV;DEY ILL Rom,""Fo lie BsinssWemaa," sneanily. I'ns bis martyreti brother. tiiîues oes, btiy a ingle choc. The me- i Steglea"eKdesad andthte suggestions ant i nIs on Fane'Goued tîttetlmoors" ininig choc is paireti off in jusîtirhe saine " Bitt, Buif, revîtted, id 90c, new.5 Setomthee lday nd Work-, Floriculture Bicvchiag. Etiqu- Suîotly afîerwarti Dick, w-ban Daisy for,, îunancr iasthe reînaiîîlng choc frein ire Iea ta inf te eleîing tte anti The Householti. A Coatiaucti a momentw-cc alone, w-cnt te ber, ani liy pair bo fur bbc one leggeti man.- yeai-scnmfarable.Story, a Cometiy Two Short Stories taîketi anti laugbed together, andti bbc StraiMgzIe Mr. W. G. Mugford, Chastul anti Two PenaIferdplenv of reàit younger brother tbdungbt il rather cool of Street, Cbariotftown, P. E. I., iag imater fer aitil mesofthfin-hm. Tiraistis esre'of tire day retturnietii Sot.______________________________________ S wribes: ily. Standard Fasiion Ce,32 Wcst anti whea matie acquainteti witib Dick lia) Mv. Bnc aEe n bace)-à.nt s ~'For thre pas'tt1w- e.ters I have 141h. St.,, New York. nilent bis back just'as an erdinary ina.n yen ce a burgiar w-ile here anti nupro- Ihe kid'L, roublenci non-retentienof FRVE VAS, m1i-lt anti wns higbiy condeseending. rsteYoli are a clever luttle w-onan. lie andli,,1-e-tntiliof ()RVER FIFTYYEAS. Dtck seernoti grateful. Tire tclk ranib iis iiat buca!caî t biîru? urine, ,-as iioP i ti s ife da freat deai wîtlirpi bu my back. MrWtse' SnIinSrphbeen usediby way: 9îs BiksTe trr ugîicare ~hv ba Lgcai oited by Irutniltio et others fer their ciiltiren wiiic ',You have a vcry prltty place ibere,"L;111 off. F .aue dChildreii teuise f 1),ie.iis If disu (ý t uigisanî 1rlen o h tire Kidney ~ yootî rest by a stck otilitisu 'erlîîg and cervior Da' -ug sureia at 'ee aid Dick. Mr. 1BînksI--Wbicb other burglar? ~~ ilibI h tise painocttungtaeetissend ai once ana, "ye-s, yes. Il's faim. Iprpsaakig Mrs, in Thune I aimet at-Lea- & ARISN be CilienTeîtsu. l viii relievettire poo>r y ' 1ral.,, THE N IMO littie sufierar ai elîce. FIdepnupen ilmioîherýs, ne et eoaey C 'anti iee'teiolre eue eteste n euesDif~unartion.>eate go aýr c-pýbcRs hyr tir t5j"îit t u~:sc~{suiîsrc s' hhig yruil for lrtenDaisy Bothface weeca [li. saem(-ni yaarc. Ne I w-n te having cea w-r. tes ae Ssithic v er-rc'3d1fr0. ti a efesayw sertent.rep m e . 5' t r 00 .e u i î e e n t o îe d et a ti h st fuý î " ro o e x c i l i g , e i y in 4 P lphyicloie at isuret a s niteilaes. iramis7llyiBt 1I lanvccertalin originatl She--Tbat lbaves e aot24yar fsick headache I coultihear of for Ic 88 e-Anu--a.Wr eS r t. E. D N F ..S JIlrrso, rac e aeie . oiyairugissisogwi i!c 1iicirI isb te l'est with the unicr- 1age, w-becene otakes inrto ceidaio past pasl fitteair venrs, but Carl"-" Prlsilal Uulrsraosa t o reteont tise werld. lt uu at1s erMc i- cp.Iarn eryfend (of tiitonîs>." yor falingofsendobe-aiap itlLirPlsttim mreoti.FRY&CWisoO. - 3 Usîvesut auti , ii P. sows Sebisurgsyup.Dîok leaneti against the trea- ."Neve ilsJournallien ail tiwr cl. I5L~ LIe..Ât>uutnaîki1$~UIa- 3ioia&~hs andBowels of FAC-SIME SI GNATURE 1 s ol ýr T'F F 1

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