Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1897, p. 1

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i i Il TERMS :-$1.50 PER ÂNNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; VIE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. -JAMES, Editor anld P -roprietor. ,jNEW SEPLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1897. VOLUME XLIII.. 49. Ovércoats. COIJCH, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN are now showin a big stock of NewOvercoats in sizes to fit the smalie, boy or the biggest man and at prices to suit everybody pocket. We believe these to be the finest lot of Coats w have ever shown and we conTidentiy recommend themt any one needing a new Overcoat. 1We are also showing a big stock of New Tweeds an 3 New Overcoatings which we are prepared to make in ou * usual well known first-class style and at moderate price A big assortment of ail kinds both for Ladies an( *Gentlemen, also Children's' in al i-s e LADIES' COATS.-We have already done a big trad e in Ladies' and Misses Coats,but we are stili showing a finý range of new and perfect fitting Coats in ail qualities. Grocers' due bis taken as cash. BoMAVI'E Suuxcv FO Dscusio, c yur pa per was sen t meý, r ihL h ftmno:ClvrCujlure, Col. Mc- lt ai:rkýed Iart(ile und1er îthe cpin" (Sra~ AMorila n nlihDairy, , Viefic e ver"ritteu bY mvl)' it j ~i'ilRose, folo ed bv ee ras-liie 1 flr i au, JOve lu Ru , 1 0Wa r Ps eung Uam iR amu Ilaith : î; 1 11 - ihî lthor inhiihe Townl(Fretch jr'ri wil -bc X1X i 'hleit 18 truc1that il n or re(eimt If A emoîe Msicl uegrîn vii 6 coîît elctinuwehad scie 022 tickets 1, \DoIdEd PCAL I. in the feld3, it is, aise truc that we had j LDiE SPCIALY NVIED. but th ree distinc (t sets cf candidates for i wiic , oet Bowrnanville and farmers' the county offices, aîid but two oppos, wî is ad duhtr arc, specialiy invit- ,ingf candidates fer the Suprerne Beach. j cd litis a iiew foulure having~ a ladyTh Australian Ballet-election~ law of oniý fý the delgatien ai the ladies cf the this state is couceded te bu somewhat1 di trioa ccrdiall 'y asked te give Miss faulty lu scie cf its provisions, an dit1 Ro)se a hèýarty eiome toesit Durhamî. is whoiiy answcrable for this nultipli- CLARKtE ANDI CAuRTWRliuîr. cify cf tickets, it wili doubtiess be iPîýýrogrs for Clarke (Dec. 16), and amended where ueeded, ait the next Ca;trtw riglît kDcc. 20) wil be a nionced sessioncfcrLisar. n- ý_, ,ex wek. But how îy friead is able te infer Mebrse theWestDrharFariers' frona the nuuber cf tickets in the field Iniitute arecurgently requestcd toaita more couuity election, that the atte1id and brin- as many others as people cf the whole country are dissat- possible. sfled wvith the geucral, goverameuit, or Cl.bA, .E.PLAD that "geverniejit ef the people and byC HL . 11A, W .PLA the people," is a nayth,- is nat se plain. Secretary. President. As a. mule we have but threc partiýes, cften but two, wlieu ut coies to a itit YOIJ'NÇ LIBERALS CLUB. or national election, the samne as in8 - , - Canada. At the electicru te which myt Tl'ec meeting cf the Darlin-iton Young friend refered, there were euly twxvc LJiheral Club, held lu the q'own Hall, parties thait put up a tteicket for l liapton, on Mondav evening, was ',upreme Judge, RepuhiieanadPo- 11cilattondcd and very enthusiastic. lisit. The recenit agitation and world- Pruesidenit E. G, Parcoe occupied the wide discussion ever the sentiment. chiair. Several, new members wcre that "Municipal goverment is busi- placed on the r'oll, and everything ness net poiitics," has te some extenit augurs well for very successfui meetings caused new parity aliguments lu local «ingiil- the winter months. Constitution elections, and accounts for the piethera and By-laws were adoptod anîd cther of counity tickets. But hcw my friend bnusiness cf importance transacted. 15 able te sec anything dangerous or Oigte the lateness of the heur in aiarming lu ail thîs, is surcly more than gettiug thrcuglî with the business, the auything bc disclosos lunLis article. topie arrangcd for the evcnîng was Aftor a residence ln this country ef 27 not taken up, huit wil bc put on thc years, and having passcd throngh porifor the nexit meeting te becnîany' election conitesits. soie quite hieldiin the saineball on Mondav even- acrimonieus, I have aiways obsrved îuDecomber 18. *'The Duity of a thait as soon as the resuits have Vot er " shouid provc an intercsýting sub- been announced, there the jcct, and ne doubt it will bc abiy baud- fighit has ended, and normal. conditions lcd by Messrs F. J. Great and 11. J. have invaniably been ait once restorod. Werry. A cordial invitation is extcnd- BnV while I was boem lu Durham el te ail Lîberals- lu the tewnship te county and passed my oarly days amîd attend theso meetings of the club, which its scenes, and stili love my native land, arc e hoheldevev tw wees. 1 yet sec much te admire in hs gioni- ous and froc counitry. 1 cannoit under- WeII1 Dressed Children Where stand fipon whait my friend based his bodstatement, "1I thiîîk it is the wvorst a Diamiond Dyes Are Used. kînd et siavery (referring te this coun- try) whcre every man is allewed te de ri as hie plcases."' That assertion is net p truc lu any scuse here any more than it A Metohers who wiVh te save money,and would beiftapplied teCanada. Liberty Ir îvoare economical lu home manage- hoee s ne more a license te do a wrengfil niient, arc net obliged te buy clothing or te infringe upen the niglîts cfcthers T for. tthîcir ciothing as frequeutly as seine than it is lu bis and my native land. The e mothe,ýrs do, This saving cf meney us laws are respected and obeved here, as p dete the facit that the ecenemicai elsnýyott.î feol.A are eguar uersof te wn-menîcans are pre-emuuetly a iaav-abmd- cc deflDîamond Dyes thait aivays make ing people,and thev stand above ail oth- su ohdi tinýigs ook as good as ncw. crs as haviug the best amnd the mnest hu- th t' The Diamond Dyes show sncb a vani- mane Iaws in the world. The adoption by th o~ f standard'colons that mothers can En-land and Canada aimusit bodily cf il now dyc- any et tho fashienabie colons nmany cf cur laws, proves the assertion dr adsades seon lu the new autumu to ho truc. Now I trust that my ever Pr dlreýss gcds. At the very siail cesit cf zealous and super-,patriotic friead will or tên cnts an old dress can ho made have reasolu te chage ls mind soine- si srylish 4ookiîîg- and serviceable for a vhat, when hie gains a littie ilonger mes 1 ià ie idence lu thisceuntry, and removesah If moüthers avould have snccess with littie cf thepre judice thait secîs te he- wr hoe Yeinig tiîey musttluse the Diamcond cloud his vision and disenables hlim Vo Pi Dyc,ýs ait ail tues. Ail imitations and sec the truc situation, au ixtures cf soap and cling matter CHAS. M. Bîca. e shouid be avcided with came, as they Denver, Colo,, Nov. 16, 1897. WC a ie ruiions ýte good materiais. Dia.. 17,NuE 50EXCLLEN;T.-'I have been nodDyes are the bestin l the world; tronhled with sick headache for over a a they. are purce, strong, brillilant and lasit year. Lateiy I have used Laxa Liver a, f4reerPiîîs, and fimîd that the, help me more yi than any ether medicluie I have ever pa taken. Te are au excellent pin, Se ini~ ~ i ~a causing ne pain or griping,and leaving of i~gaius ve7l7 ne after iii effects. " MISS MARY ELLEN Di M ~~ IliuçK South Bay, Ont.N riails 1, ,;e. .~. .~a a5'e. -Sa ce, ,eu www wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWW~~~ ~ Yuuëc.O BOWMANVILLE. New Raisins, Currants, Peels, Extracts, etc. Quality1 not the test, of eheapness. Good goods give satisfaction. We buy the best we' eau procure and take pride in the- quality of the above goods. Prices low quality considered Stock complete with everything in the Grocery line. C il4 4RL S aUisfta ctio Niýi 'Wc are satisfied with our trado, as t has mere than deubied our cx- poctatieus, and wo arc pleased to hear from ail quaritors, and kue i Crockery, Gýlassware, etc. We have the largest stock, 1ffiat our eustomors are equally sat- the most room for display andi the best value. Head. quarters for Kincora Ceylon Tea, black and mixed, the best of Package Teas at 25c, 46c and 50c. Produce taken. YOUING &COu he Grocers. iNezw and Stylshr New Goods Are Open for- Inspection.. Hîoliday GQoods. You can save money by seeing our lines. ,Eyery ine is splendid value so ail who see them say.- isfied with the quality and price cf our Goeds, the neatncss and cen- venienceofe our store, and tho court- courn treatmcnt thoy at ail timos reoeive from ourselves and employ- ces, Our afim wiil ever be te givo the public the newesit and hesit te hhad in the markets, offered ait Ipricos that preclude the possibility cf dissatisfacition. New This Week. We will make a- spocial sale of Overcoats hs weok heoth for Mou,. and Boys. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIEM. Only 23 cf ouir popular Ladies' Coats îeft. Any lady- noeding a Coat will consulit ber cwn lutterosits Wait until you have seen them before order- by calling onusthis week. ing elsewhere.- BOWANILE. M. D. WILLIAMS & SON. BOWMANVILLE.F-aU--niture Deai er anld Undortaker. Unde«taking always receives prompt and persenal attention day or nig-ht. Grocers' duebis or Butteýr aud Eg taken as ca-shi. S. W. M on & Son. One door East of Standard Bankc, ffl $ 1 8, 7 : W m V o IiJl'ü. 0 .: C h a s .... $9 8; Ch . A xFord $8 T. J. ol $1.67; Samullel Jeiferv 81t Geo. Ailin $2I9700p; Jas. PRutdie, 'jr $i5 84, John Sharp $9 34; Win Wood $6,()0; John W lght $.67; A lex. W ight $ .67; Joseph wight $22 C7; Eh UOsborne $8.81 ;.Georgeý Pearce $4 00. L. M, Courtice $5.8 î; Ira Pearce $16.00; James pearce $16 3,1ï:J11o. Oke $30 67; W. R, (Siemens $8.00; 1Wmi. I-bar $8.00; John Mete-alf $18 34; Edwin AnLis $167; John Jewell $6 66; John Clemnell$ 10-00; Geo. -Riekard $5.34; R. H. Souch $6.67; Aibert Crago $4 67t Jas. MeMillan $7.67; T. G. Langmaid $8 00. For gravel Jas. Thompson $4 80- Jas, Trevail $16 20- John Balson $6.50; 'ýhoa, Mountjry $5,380. John Byers, work on 9th con, $10.00; C. J. Montjoy, 4 cedars., $6.00; F. G> B yam. nails,' 80c; Richard Woodey, lar1, 410-.91, JohnPotter takring patient to Kingston Asy hu4 $18.80; Wmn. Trewin,' work -on road be' tweeu lots 16 and 17, con. 8,' $1.50. In-, digents: Mrs. Wilson, R.'Skeen, Mrs. .. Staples 85.00 eachf James Campbell, Mr.Hige $4.00 eaeh; Mrs. Lane $33 Thos. Wilcox and Mrs Campbell $2,00; Kerr re committai $1.00. Couiejil ad- journed to Dec. 15, at usual heur. R. WINDATT, To wnshipClerk. When they read about the Peas- ant - women of:: Europe Who lâ-: 9' bor in the fields, Americans 'i rone to con-: emu the politi_: cal conditionsiý that cause thisý ...state of affair,; - and'to lavjsh a': great deal of pity: on tbse poor: abosecO women. Our condemnation of sore ILuropean institutions is doubtless aill right, but we had better save a lItlef pity and lavisb it ligbt here at home. é tuterican wife and inother Who labors: murling, noon and night, in the close con-. finement of the home is iu sonie respects worse off than the abusefi Peasant-w oman.: The latter enloys fresh, air, sun-light and: 'ut door eoreise and retains that most precious endownient, ber healtb. Anerican womien, ever busy in the close: confines of the home, get delicate and soon ý suffer fromi weakness and deraligemet of, the delicate feininine organs. Confinement: t the bouse runs down their health and: tey suifer' froni internai ulceration and iflanrnation'. ng rise to debilitating drains on thesyteu Dr. Pîerce's Favorifte i Pres.cription niaesibhe important feminine: rgans, tbatarth cradia of the race, trong, bealthy aad vigurous. It is invalu- able to nursiruý mothers and overworkedý ousewives. Ail niccicinc dealers seli It ! "! look Dr. Pierce's Fav.orite Prescription,": writes Airs. G. J. Pen. ic. of No. 6 Luogan Street, ! ittbrg.1_1,Pa,' u p u iitil the day baby was bor4 cd it biped me souche'. 1 bad a very easU, lue w s _ji i,,lab a sort im e sud snffered! ýry ul e. Baby a l ovely big girl, and your onderul tueî' diee bas mnade me well, of ail my m'n a e trouble .", N-otbing su--maniy tumes pays for iteîf as geod meicial book. Th'e very hest one .Dr. Piercees Common Senlse Medical Ad- [sur. Now for a linutefi time, an udition, )aper-covered, will bu distribuited FREE, 3nd 31 One-cent stamnPs (to pay the cost )f custonis and mailing or.ly), to World's ispenisary Medical Association, Buffalo, :.Y. ; cloth-covered 5o stamps. t 0 tCures taik "ilufave s f Hood'ns arnaparilla anF for no other medi- t ine. lisgreat cures recordedin truthful, '~ ~nvlninglanguage of grateful mnn ad w omn, ontitute its Mont effective ad- ve1oug, They bave wen the. confidence of tepeople; have given Hood'n Sarnapa- rilla the. urgest sales In the. worid, and have -mado necessary for fta manufacture ýb. greaftest iaboratory on earth. Hood's Earsaiparills li known by tho cures it han m adGe -curs o1 srotula, sait nheum sand * nozemna, cures lot rheumatism, neuraigia edweak nerve, curesof dyspepsia, liver L ou blen, catarnh-"cures which piove r' S arsaparilla YS I t-b n fact the, One Tru Blood Purifir. 'eers;eantop to mo*IIod'a PUIS l , s 2 id% lur B PLACE MAND DATE. Wedesdy,' Council Chamber, -~ Dec. 15, at 2 aad 7.30 p.m. * OaoNcTown Hall,Thursday,Dec. 16, -d a2 anad 7.30 p. nî. ( GOVERIMENT DELEGATION, 1 LIEUT COL DAVID McfCRAE, * 0 nlh n MISS LAURA ROSE, Ass- de ,Lî 'ns-tructor iii Dairy Department c, ý t1i irio Agricultural Coilege, TIIE STATESMÂN CANVASSER. In order to meet the convenience of many West Durham patrons -of THE STATESMAN, we have engaged as eau- vasser Mr. R. L. Werry, late cf the Lon.don Daily News and St. Thomas Daily Times,who is also a west Du.rhaîn hoy well and favorahlykuown te our readers 1e will visit subseriliers at their homes to receive their reuewals for TuE STATESMAN and orders for such other newspapers and periodicals as they înay require. 1He has our ful authority to receive money on oui* ac- count and to grant receipts for saine We bespeak a favorable reception from al.. Any assistance that can be reuder cd te hlmi on our behaif will he higll appreciated by us. Ie will be in a position to give prices for clubbing witlî ail Canadian, American and Britislî publications. It will be a great assist- ance if the subseribers have the money ready when lie cails se that he will flot have to makze two journeys.1He is working at Solinia, Eufleld, Taunton and vicinity this vweek. SUBSCRIPTION BÂTES, 1898S. STATESEAN to end of 1898 (new) $1.00 STATESMAN and Weekly Gloh-e 1.75 (Balance of 1897 free) STATESMAN and Weetkly Mail 1i,50 STATESMAN and F amiiyý Herald 1.80 STAT-ES31AN and Farm and Fireside 1 50 STATES24AN and Farming (weekly) 1 99 STATE SMAN and Fuiers' Advocate 1.90 STATESMAN and Guardian 2.00 STATESMAN and Montreal Witness 1.75 STATESMAN and Montreal llcraid 1.75 STATE SMAN and Western Ad vertiscr 1 75 STATESMAN and Breeders Gazette 2 .50 STATESMAN and Lesiie's Weekiy 8 50) STATESMAN and Toronto World 3.50 STAT.ESMAN and Toronto Daiiv Sta r 8.00 STATESMAN and Daily Globe 4t 75 STATESMAN and Evenling Globe 8.50 STATESMAN, Daily Witness, North- cru Messenger- and Peopie's Cattie, Shcep and Sw me Doc- ter ($l1)8.00 Ail other publications at proportion- ate ra.tes. Ail orders mnust be se nt to M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ont. MR. JUSEIS LETTER CiRITIC1SED. 1 A TINELY IIINT. At this season cf the year many per 1- sons are planning for winter comforts and eue of the main factors is a gcod fur coat, cape, ruf, cap, pair of mitts, gautlets or a warm robe, etc. No more reliabie dealer in fur goods can be found lun Canada thaîî Markus Maycr, the Furrier, Bowmanvilie. You eau ai- ways depcnd on lis word in the fur hune. 111e is a thorough judge and bas now in stock somne very handsome up- to-date styles. H1e wili be glad to show yeu his goods and quote his pnies wliich are exccediîîg moderate this season. DARLINGTON COTJNOIL. Tomii.Hall, IiamDtoîî. Nov. 27, 1897. Regular meeting, members ail pres- ent, minutes cf last meeting read and coufirmned, Communications were pre- seuted fromt Goold, Shapley & Co, i lag Staff &c., Ma nufacturing Co. Busi- niess Circular. Rcceived and f yled; F, S. Spence, Secretary et Dominion Alli- anîce, enciusing form cf petition te the Legisiature to se amend the License Act providino that no0 license shahl be issued in a poiing snb-division in wieh a majoritY cf the electors petition. against the grantiag cf such liceuse; also te give powcr te a niajority cf the electors te further lhnit the heutrs dur- ing wiihliquor liîay o sold. Adoptcd and the Reeve anîd ' lerkz instructed te sigu the saine on behaîf, cf the Council1 and forward it for presentatien. A petition m-as presented frem Mr. David Clarke, ant 6 others praying- that an ad- dition cf $2 be added te Mrs. Jamnes Stapies'ffmenthiy allowance. Granted, An account was presented from Dr. Mitchell (Peor Relief acceount.) Laid ever tili next meeting. Tenders wer-e pesented from Thomas Brimacombe, Williami Brishia and Geo. A. Sitephens te funish the Rlemlock Plank tenderedi for. That cf Thomas Brimacembe was acceptod at $9.50 per tlîousand. A ten. der was aise presentcd (rom George A- Stephens te supply the Cedar required. Ris tender w7as accecpted ait the foliew- ing rate: P6 feet ln and 10 inch at smailend,$1i.00(: l6feet long and,12 iuch at sînaîliend $I2;16fet long and6 inch at sml en180cCiek was in- structed re g'et an orde bockfor- 'the i 4 e v e a n d fo . r F s t r. T h e C le r k wa istu t o WieaB attath- e r z i g h e s h o i n c ào r d g f o u ul d 40 rds fom oine wirheiît h in tilt

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