Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1897, p. 8

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If vuwn A Tooth Brush, A Haïr Brush, A Fine Joilet Sponge, that wili wear and give you satisfac- tion, we have them. No 301 for Ooughs andà.Colds. Try our' Cream Witch Hazel for. the Face, Hands and Complexion. J1fflgginbotham & Song BOWMÂN VILLE. Chemists and iiruggists.1 The Nobbiest Styles The Finest Finish The Best Values in Furniture.. H . are to be fouud anld are offered at our warerooms, and Sas it is impossible te deseribe the different lhues, we would respectfully invite the publie generally to visit H our store and see the new and pretty desgns in ai~ lines of Furniture. We will convince ycu we lead lu variety, stiyle, Smake, finish and price and you will be delighted that z Syou have ealled on us. lrzL. foris0 Q BowmAN ViLLE, Funeral Director, Purniture Dealer. ~- 1 q. -* Pâlinnn: Be. . . îp, Canton, peached In theb M£Ma'thodisi cbumpch Sunday. 1ev, R. TaylorJ preacbed annlvesry sermons atCantou.. Resolied * "That theaPrpss bas oc greater pow- WWMANVUMNOV. 2i, 1897. er for. good than ýthe Pulpit"i to ble disenssad I BOW AN ILEai tbe League Mond-Y evenng Nov. 28. Every-t body weicome. On Tbusdlay evenlng about 150 relatives and TYRONE. friends of Mm. enid Mrs. William Pîciserd getb cred t theîr msidene, Bes.ver St., to nulle in ceiebrating the lth emnvemsamy of thair mer- Miss M. Welch pur ses meking hiem home on niage. Ataribe companybd pataken of the the sunny heights oEn ilen for the winîar. good tings f Or wlcb th aiesInbisviclnlty Mr.Rieme, grdute ofOttwaNa are famous, the pety was called tÔ order and Mm. Reem tpbc rincipdaa of OttaeshormnetB BRTaylor edeabeautifully worded ad- tcernisob rnia f yoeaho etdress end Mr. and Ms. PIclard ware pesetad temm.wltb a beautiful silvar tee, se, cake basket and bims. R. Faills, Toronto, was suddeuiy cailed glass fruit disb set in milver. Messrs. J. and J. home by the seions iliness of ber moiber, Mrs. Pickard, Cleveland, senti doz.silvam tea-spoons Byems. -_Ldoz. fruit kulves, frit spoon and butter cooler. Bey. T. R.'McDouald, Blackstock, gave an Mr,.Pickard lu a few words expressed his grati- apropriete mlssionemy address and also favor. fication-et the lnlnidly'regard manifested by bis f eus Witb proof of bis vocal ability on Sabbatb I friands lu ncb a iprecticalW9y hraecs avening. "" rinby Messrs. T.J. Care Hampton, Along withth ride of Jennie MeNeil, andçthier. Abouit midnlgtthe part broke up Phil Sherideu's ride and several more, and thbose peet wlll not 80 nYfrget the You may rank tae ride of Col. Hughes, pleasat Prevenigpetetie oe"u Mm By the Ioud applanse, as hie bot steada pause Ms. Pickerd. TUbe Sabbtb moru ai Tyrone cburcb door. 1 sae en ofre ypp And trly thee galent Colonel deserved credit " sae en ofre ypp for getting be minister to bis appointment et tic by titkiug Ayer's Pis iu time aht after twounfortunete break dtowns at the This is the experieuce of many. Ayer'sl atart. The wld spirit of thearide was not witb Pills whether as an after-dinuer pl1 or1 oui isâ due effeci in enthuoinq botb gentlemen, for seldoniif ever,bas a Tyrone congregation as a remedy for liver cemplaint, indi- listened to a better missionamy sermon than tbet gestion, flatuiency, Water brash, and1 dellvered by Bey. M. E. Wilson, Newtonville, aftar bestiiy brushing away the marks of hie nausea, are invaluabà'. swlft career %long the M envers Roed wbare every behoidea l interpretad tbeim mission as oua oflilfe or deatb, SOLINA. A "Pic and Creain" social is to bebeldiluTy- roue on Thanksgvigevening, Nov.26 under the auspices of the membars of T rone ihpworth M. Robert Scot visited Toronto lest week. t League. "An evanlng witb Janad" is the Mim. L. VanNeasicf Bowmauviile is vlsitlng style lu wblcb an lterasttng program wili ha bereebouts. rendered. The progmam is to be atirely Cana- dieu lu chamecterand selections. Patriotic e-me:Miss S. A. Olford of Welcomne visitad friands citations and chorusas wili ha endered by mem- beme recantly. bers of tbe Leagua. Afier the pogremi a very Mr. W. Ashton bad a very succesefui bunsklng pleesant refreshment of pie and cearn wll be ba lest week. emvad, Proceeds are to lha used lu supping M.adMs di enlshv envs a ymnals fr use of Suuday Scbooi and Leagne. Mm. fredMsn edwcastleyandold bv be vs b dinission 15 an d 10c. Everybody comneaend tiM r ands lu aNesila end mno.i tm A va a gond time uext Tbusday evening. 1m. nd herocksaanwos ofIs skodig ist BETTER TIIAN KLONDYKE GOLD-IS M. and Ms. Walter Vice attendad the funer- heaith and strength gaiued by taking ai of their uncle lu Oshawa Sunday lest. Rood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood Mr. J. W. Brooks pald over $60 for a mlcb purifier. t fortifies the whole system cow ai the Dempstar sale. Good stock still pays.i and gives you such streugtb that, uer- IlMrs. Chas. Mackey of Rinsele visitad friands4 vous troubles cease, and work which bor and Mr. and Mim. H. L. Pascoe of Taunton. seemed wearing and laboricus, becomes Mr. S.J.Wllilams wbo bas beau ili for soma weeks witb typhold doas not gain much in easy and is cheerfuiiy perfermed. It stengtb. bas doue this for others, it wilh for you M. M. W. Pascoa of Trlnlty Medical Collage, Hood's PilUs are the best family Catb_ Toot,iitad lit home end attended bis aunt's arti andlivr to!C.GeUte, ëlialeweddlng. arti audlivr toie.Geute, eliale, Mr. and Mrs. John VanNest, S., and Miss sure. _______ VanNest are eotamplating movlng to Bow- NBMWCASTLE. Thanksgivlng service will ha beld et Eldad on Thiusday at 2 p. m., helng a union meeting of Mr. as.A. Wrry Ditric Wothythe circuit ; large atteudance aexpactad. Mr. as.A. Wrry Ditric Wothy Messrs. W. Leasktook the rad ticket lu the Patriarch, Soina, and Mr. J .M,Walton boys' class and W. Jackson 2ud, and lM. Geo' Granld Worthy Patriarch, cf Ontario S. Wilson ird in sod t tha plowiug match on Mont- cf< T., Kettleby, Mrs. T. Baker and son, gomery's farîn. Solina, recently visited at Mr. wW. R' Messrs. Westlake and Boskiu hae.a nealy -complted iheir seaso's threshinçr bevingun Pearce's. wth scacely a losi day snca the commence- Miss Georgine Orchard la iii ment. Tbey have purchased a uew grindar and Mm. hanes rigt'stwo lita bys avewll have t lu opeation soon. Mm..W.hA.lTomWwbohbas cammlad on toysbhave diphtharia.r W . si uinsTor th as ai eu thyemsblas mirs PbiipTyla, twnspen Sudayai m so busont oessMfrWheod cf Oron, oa s pos- Robart Clarke's. session next waek. M, Tom and bis family miss Pearl Riekard, Shaw's, spent Sunday et wlll ha mucb missed lu the village. 1 Mr. John Riekamd's. The open Division on Thumsday night lest was Mrs. Mr.iug, Bowmanvilie, visiteS Mrs. e hugae succes; the alb ing filleS to the doom Wmn. Rlckamd, racently. Rey. E. E. Howard who 1launeble tam manca MissHarrs Clrkereeetly Iiem ie expouent acteS as chaimmen. M. J. M.Walton cousi MissAiiieMiddlton.G.W. P., a prasant aid made n good haîf cousn,. Mi AlianMd dler leelnd aeboum's speech wbicb dellrhted the audience. mirs J.Piekrd nS augbem~Cievlan ae Mssrs. . J. Luke and B. Ph. Wrry sang nice- guesîs of Mr. William Plekard. ly two solo s, euS Misses Stalle Reynolds, Edue Miss Fannie Elleanor and Mr. B. Miulson, BossandLlle Branton Iraciied suitabla selec- Newtoavilla, speni Suuday ai Bowmenvilae. tions. The Loy al Cusders gave vemy craSt..' Mrs. R. Bannait, Bowmenvifle, anS datightem, able selections undeed. The lGI lub and the- Mm. James Cook, Renfrew, visitad Ms.C.Ciau! Heatle f amly also edded to the occasion., denning, racently. 'The diseases cured by Hood's Sarsa- unR. Low's WORM SYBUF is a safe, uarilla are many,because nîost ailments glaro and raliieble worm expoelier. Acte,-Z pera ona tebodi nih iquaiiy woli on ehildron or adulte. Doe lapa sso stebodi nib guru rou get "oW',@@cd and purified by it. T HAMPTON. CANÂDA'S GOLDEN HEIITAGE-Does not cousist in mines alone. Putnam's Pain- Miss Ethel Cryderînan bas returned less Corn Extractor is a boon. t goes from Sutton .... The, firt sleigbing ef rigbt te the root of the trouble and acts tbe season came on Friday ... . Messrs. quidkly and painhessly. Beware cf4 Jas. Burns and W. Doidge are lu Man- substitutes. vers bunting rabbits. . . .. Messrs. J. T. You eau buy a very nobb y Parler Cole, R. Taylor and C. Johns have been Suite at M. D. Williams & Son's for elected members cf the church trustee thirty dollars. They are selhing Parier board . ... The annual thank offering is Suites away down, Now is the time te te be taken Dec.- 19 .. . .E. L. C. E. con- buy. cert sud social Thanksgiving Day he market for Canadian eggs con- at 7.30 p.m. tinues gcod in England; 136,190 cases We had a grand meeting Wcdnes- have been sbipped from Montreal this day nigbt. W ereaIl yfelt proud cf Dur season. As bîgh as 9s. per long 100 bas coming member, Dr. Mitchell. Ris been received. speech on the benefits cf a young Lib- There are many ferms of nervous de- eral Cub gave all preseut a most favor bit um able opinion cf bis fitness for the Le0o blis- i mn that yleld to the use cf latiehais. LwyerHuyc e f'B'o Carter's Iron Pilîs. Those who -are l ihs. a leer an fucentospeaker.troubled witb nerveus weakness, uight bourg saceeanfletsekr sweats, etc., should try them. yea,be is a boru orator. Ris history cf Liberalism and review cf Federal pelit- The Eugiisb appie market is bcoming les was ait address that every elector 110w gnod winter fruit is being placed in West Durham shculd bave heard. on the market in fine condition. Fromn We hope te be favored with bis pres. S4.50 te $7.92 per bbl. was paid last ence again. But say, Mr. Editor, did month for Kings. yo bvr ear your own townsman, Mr. The danger is in the neglect-that's I : .Smsnbritr speak on pol- why so many colds lead te a fatal dis- itc ehaehdmnYintutv aeRnsm H Syrup and Tolu speeches lu the towu hall here, but f or la made for tbrcat and lung. t acta a fact we neyer listeued te a more lu- like magie. Sold by Stott & Jury, drug- structive address than Mr. Simpson's. gists. t la ne exaggcration te say tbat no eue Fifteen car-loads cf dead turkeys, could have any doubt about the Ontario el=kn, etc., for Christmas market in finauciai position or the Government'sEnad are te be sipped lu cold stor- timber pclicy after bis explanation of ag e on the Beaver Line steamer matters. t is -doubtfui if there is a "Gala" frcmn St. John, N. B., Dec, 8, man in the United Counties who eqan de- and 75 tons, cbieflyi turkeys, ou thie liver a more convincîng poitical speech Allan Line steamerjI"lParisian" from than Mr. Simpson.Tb e young Liber- Portland, Dec. 8. ais bave asked hlm te address tbem SNAP AND VIGOR WANTED.-Modern life again at the earliest opportunity. demanda snap and vigor from al, The Scaly eruptions on the head, cbapped race for existence is botter than every bands and Jips, enta, bruises, scalds and Keep your blood pure by using Bunocu burna are quickly eured by Trask'a BLooD Brrrsixs, and you will be bealthr Magnetie Ointment. t is at present vigorous and strong. Miss Jennie A. the article most useS for pilies, anS it Gleason, Centreton, Ont., says: "For aiways cures them .Sold by Stotti & two years 1 suffered from poor, thin Jury, tbe driiggists. blood. 1 grew weaker every day untîl My whfe is hiaving' the 1 est of beaitb 1 tricd B, B. B. t ccmpietely cured me now, Milher's Compound Iron Pilla did by enriching my blood, making me a it. Sold by ail druggists. rtrong- and vigorous again." A very Interesting affair transplred at th e me- sidenee of Mr.Eli G. Pascoe on Wedniesdi y Nov. L7, whon is sister, Miss Eliza J. Pascoe was rultedin marriage to Mr. Jas. T. Rundile, The bride was given away by M?.E. G. IPaisce . Miss Ediih Run le sister of the groom acted as brides oom throughout the cememony. Ie\. E. E. Ioward tied ihenuptial kuot. Missý Eva Pas- coe niece of the bri de acted as ma id of honor carrying lu the ring on a siver tra-. 'Th'e large and spacious parlors were decorated for tihe occasion and every guesi preseni wore a bouquet of chrysanthemums. About fqty of their friends wituessed the event. The happy couple have tc good wishes0f the entire communîty for a long and pleasant life. he bride was the re- cîplentof a large number 0f useful and vaînable presents. They will occupy the East End Villa. Oh. my! bow your complexion bas mroved; yes, Miller's'Compound. Iron Pullsr did ît. Sold by ail druggists. The length of life may, be increascd by lessening its dangers. Theimajority of people die from, lung troubles These may be averted by promptly using Ransom's Hive S57rup and Tolu. Stott & Jury, druggists. COURTICE. Visi tors. Mr. and Mrs. A. Li. Clemens, Tyrone, at Mr. L. M. Courtice's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Down, Wbitby, at Mr. Gaeo. Morrow's Mrs. White, son and Iaughter, Toronto, visiting friends... Trustees of S. S. No. 8 have procureda new chart to assist the teacher in !i- pressing the lessons in different sub- jeots. INSTANT IRELI13P PROM PAIN.-The great pain caused by a burn, scald or wound is instantly relieved by an ap-' plication of "Quiekeure." Its bealing ciualities are marvellous, as it destroys the microbes which usually enter where the skin is broken and cause inflamma- tion and retard healing. HAYDON. League at home Thurstýay night, a good program. . .. Mr. John Tabb bas become a resident of the bouse cwned Jsy Thos. Cowlino- Mr. Thos. Good- man has improveý' is bouse and Mr.W. Hl. Creeper bas clap-boarded the front of his shop ...Dr. Mitchell addressed lte League Sunday night on the sub- jeet:'Aim in Life" .. .. Mr.Arcbie Camp- bell visited bis mother and sister Sunday after two years'absence, The proprietors cf Miller "s Compound [ron Pilîs are desirous tbat every per- son who needs building up sbould try their GREAT REMEDY. Full boxes free at ahl druggists. To cure old sores, to, beal an indolent "lcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need sîxnply apply Trask's Magnetie Dintment accoirding to directions. Uts magic-like action will surprise yeu. Sold by Stott & Jury, Bowmanville. MAPLE GROVE. Sheep slaugbter by dogs is still going on. FiV, flocks were visited last week aud badly torn .... Mr. Sweetman of Essex bas been visiting at Mr. M. Mun- day's .. . .Miss Esther Bebee, Port Hope, is guest at Mr. Geo, Powers ... . Large attendance and a very interesting meet- ing meeting at League Thursday evon- ing' ibject: Medical Missions. ... Mr. S. é. Rundle assisted in the missiouary services at the Long Sault Sunday afteruoon. Shortness cf breath--a sensation of dryneas and heat in the throat. Neg- hect is dangerous. Rausom's Hive zyrp nd Tolu aets like a charmn on the thoat'and bronchial tubes. Use it before it is too bite. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggisbs. The pimples have disappeared, Mil- ler's Çomnpound iron Pills dîd it. Sold by ail druggists. MOUNT VERNON. Visitors :-Mr. B. Souch, town, at home; Messrs- Morley Cawker and Will. Tole at Mr- Geo. Argue's. . .. Mrs. Alex. Ross bas returned from visitinghle daugb. ter, Mrs. Jos. Garfat, Wood4tock.. Miss Sara Abraham spent a month visitlng friends in Toronto.... .Miss Eva and Mr. C. W . Soucb have returned from Port Perry .. .. Mr. Geo. Gibson moved on Thurstlay. . .. The whooping icoughhbas reathodthbis section .... Every- body attended open Division and enjoy- ad G. W. P. Walton's address on Thurs- day evenîng. . ,.Mr. Jas. Garfat is im- proviilg slowly. Backacbe is almost inimediately re- lieved by wearing one cf Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backacbe Plast- ers. Try one and, be free from pain. Price 25 cents. VARSITY CLUB COMING. The Varsity Glee Club, Banjo, Man- dolîn and Guitar Club of Toronto will appear iu the Town Hall, Bowmauvilhe, on Tuesday, Dec. 21, under the auspices of the Base Bail Club. Tickets 25e and 35e, seats reserved at Big 20. New Jewelry Establishmnent. James Goard is opening bis store next te Tait & Co's. and will be ready for business by Monday 29th Nov. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Spees. repaired romuptly ,and 'satisfactorily guarantee . Orders for Silverware, Clocks and Watcbes promptly attended te. Union Thanksglving~ Service. At a meeting of the ministers of the towîî held ln the Epworth League room cf the Methodist churcli Nov. '19, 11ev, R. D. Fraser lu the chair, Reverends R. A. Burris, J. R. Baruett and J. J. Rlae pesent, it was moved by Mr. Rae, seconded by Mr. Barnett, and agreed to that, inasmuch as circumstances have arisen which have served in some meas- ure te disturb the mutual confidence of tise churches in the towu that have for seme years joined in a Union Thanks- ~ vng Service, be il therefore resohved teat we re-affirm our desire for contîned barmony ani united effort on the basis of agreement in Christian principle and fraternal policy, and therefore agree to hold the usual service on Thanksgîving Day. R. DOUGLAS FRAsEIt, Chairman. COMING FAUMERLS' MEETINGS. A new departure in connection witb the ccming Farmers' Institute meetings in West Durham is that a lad y lecturer from the Ontario Agrictural College is one cf the delegation, This talented lady is Miss Rose, Assistant Instructor iu the Dairy Department. She speaks on several subjects, but the cnes selected by the Executive for tbe Bowmauville meeting on Decl. 15 is : "A Morning lu an English Dairy" for the afternoon meeting and l'One Eye lu the Field the Other lu the Town" (French proverb)fqw the evening meeting. The ladies in town and ceuntry are expected to- at- tend these sessions which are open to everybody whether members or not. Lieut-Col. David McCrae,Guelph, is the other member cf the delegation and il would net be easyte send a better man to this District. IRis subjeet will be :(1) Clover Culture and (2) Farm Life and Healtfiy Romes. The Orono meetings will be beld on Thursday, Dec. 16, of wbich due notice will be given. MARKET JOTTINGS. Canadian hay in England is a very sick market. The market for petatoes bas an up- ward teudency. Cangdian cheese bas advanced 6d to Io. lu the English mnarket. Canada's cheese output this season is 33 per cent. over last year., The season's output of, Canadian Cheese is about 2,500,000 boxes. Newfoundlaud requires 400,000 bbls. four annually and is importing from Canada chiefly. As bigli as 40s, nearly $10, a bbl. was p aid in London for Newtown apples frcm Nova Scotia. Creamery butter bas not f ound as brisk demand lately. Montreal quota- tiens are 17 te 18c. cnly. Shipments of live stock fromn Montreal to Nov. 6, 1897, are: Cattie 111,033, sheep 55,921, herses 9,267. India shipped 272,000 bushels wheat last week te Great Britain and Russia sent 6,288,000 iu two weeks. Cheese expert is beavy lu spite of the big decline lu price, 73,360 boxes being shipped last week from Montreal. Up to Oct. 27 cnly 72,370 bbls. apples bad been received at Liverpool compar- ed with 475,616 bbls. to same date last year. PEOPLE PRAISFI It.-Dear Sirs,- have often bad ccugbs and colds as well asi broncbitis. Norway Pine Syrup cures me every time. I recommend it as'a perfect eure for ail tbroat and lung troubles. Lizzim H-ARDY,MÂ'trrrLr-,Out. A better feeling prevailed ast week lu the London market for Canadian stock, prices for cattle and sbeep ad- vanced. ,1 liow Table Linons, Tovelus, Towoê11ig.-This is oeeof our leadiing Departments, we are sure ne one cati give better value thaa cur regular prices, but this week as a special 'attraction we offer solýe extraoidinary bargains. i piece heavy, hait bleached check table linen 56 inches wide fer z5c a yd., this would be considered goco4 value anywhere at 35 a yd. Another piece 70 inches wide veiy beavy and fine, a nîce white damask, we put this at 45c a Yd. We also offer some snaps in -towells and towelling, we haveent roeba te quote prices but cal and see them. SOw ManDtle loth.-We have in stock ail the newest things in Twee s Nap Cloîh, Freize, Curl, Beiver,. Melton, Golf Cloaking etc. l Black, Green, Fawn, Brown and mixed colors. 1Tow Groco4eaucl .Plovision.-Another five barrels cf the celeixatA Pan dried Roiled Oats, also fifty barrels Sugar, granulated aiý bright yellow extra vatue, -we have aise received over fifty casés new Raisins and Currants bought before the recent advance. Ou greceries are up te date. Highest price paid for Preduce. The - MASON THE LIVING 'AGIs Founded by E. LITTELL in 1844. Reproduces without abridgment the ablest-articles f rom ha 18O4.4 leading British reviews,magazines and -weekly Iiterary anr.So. lit ical journals in every-de part me rrt of Literature also,tra.is. lations from Ieading Continental sources. o ~ by thseadditi.. of a Monthly LIterar F E4n to- Enlared ment, eontalning readinge from Aierican g- 8ans dng fromnew Bookse IWUatheflso h iit Encyclopedie in Scope,tharacter, Oomleteness, Vomprehen8sDiven, "AN EPOPCH-'MK'AKIN G STORYD" "WITH A LL H ER H EA RT."From the French of M. Rene Bazi Arranigements have beon made for Serial Publication of a translation. made oX. pressly for the Living Age, of thlefamous novel. Thse firstinstalment appeaýruil Nov. 6, and it wtlI be eontlnued woekly for sovoral menthe untIl compietod. This novel lu Its recent presentation ln the is llteraryand ethîlenquallil.es art go uniu4à Revue Dea Duex Mondes, aronsed the greatesi that Les Annales Lîtteraires et Politiques des. lnterest attractlng the attention of litterateurs bribed lias "An EpocW-Maklng Story2'1 bot In France and England. A vlvýd partraya The London Athencburn characterîses it a"% of Ille lu a French industrial town, . 1jer.nt!rsi work of fine and searching analysils,fnilofel~ l"' alike s scal Study, and as a realistic,yet and redo]lent of perfurne whlch le xqlute deliate toryof mdem l~e.possesses no disypiieiing element." DURINQ TitIS YËEfother translations fron thebest wrlters wiUl appear from Urnme to wlth serlal or short storles by the leadlng British Authore. FREE To ail NIEW SUI3SCRIBERS te TheELvi.ng Age for 1898 wlll bcesent P FtRE e F1E g bes f1897 conting the first ent.lments of"*WITU ALL (Jholoest Llterature at Club prîces. For $9.00 The Living Âge and any t400 Maga7zr Harper's Weekly or Bazar) sent for one year ; or,,for $8 The Living Aga and Sûrlbnler's Mag Published Weekly aiS6 ayear, postpald. Sngle Cop4es 5c. THE LIVING AGE (CO., P. 0., Box 5206, Boston, TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1898 The undersignad will recalve tenders for ný- a me. , fn rieoreacbfleur, osi ad poitas odwoecohe olw InstituiOs urngtheyem 89, iz A'tihe.Asylunï-iomtlhe,Innein TOroo, Lon- Son KI.gton. Ha..it.n Muico Bocvil anS Oil a; b eta io anS Mercer Be- finmaioryTomu R;ie'Beformatomy for Boys Venetauguisbena; the Institutes for the Deaf anS Dumb, Belleville, euS the Blind et Brant- ford. Two sufficient sumtia5 wlll be required for the due fuliment of eeb cotrect. Specificetions anS forma e f tender eau oui y ha Mt by making application te the Bursers of the respecieistttos N. B.-Tenders are not required for tbe supply of meaite the Asyium lu Toronto,London,King- sten, Bamilton anS Mimico, nom te tbe Centrai Prisn aud Mercer Refommatory, Toronto. The loweBt or any tender net necassarily ac-' capteS. Newspapems lusemting ibis advertisement witb- ont autbenlty f rom the Deparimeut will net ha paiS for it. j(SigneS) B. CHRtISTIE, T. F. CHÂmI3ERLk&N', JÂMES NoxoN Inspectors of Prisons and Public Chenutes, Perliament Buildings, Toronto, Nov. 15,18w. 47 - 2w. IXTOICE CULTUR1E-Miss Glover la V prepared te give lassons lu Velce Culture te a limiteS nrumbar of pupIls, et her home King treet, East. k 0- if OF TRE UNITED COUNT NOTHUIIBERLAND D In the matter Of teU8Ic est /0e fIl McKA Y, fate Of tile 1 IV; %manille, in the United C Northjmber1and and Du CNotice isbemeby gîven, pursuentit Cap. 11, Sectio n sd Amenu hail roshvlga a.en the6th dayi0f Otoe, .D., 1897, i7 to sanS by oiprpl, 'rt qSiv 'ministratrx, hitn iKy 0f t of Bowmanville, or to Ointe, Macndo tosb & MCcrimmon, Boomi400,MeKj 'nToronto' Ontario, Solicitos fo'r ay 'oisgtrrx, of the asiate of the saiS December27,AD. their nemes, addressas anS descripi full statement of i athc, rs0 euS the nature 0fthe "ecuy<fa thniSly certifieS, anS th.i fite the aàiminstratrix 10l roa d essais of the deasý.e eong tba e themto,baviug regard only to tb whlch she shaîl then bave niotice. DateS the iatb day of November,. CLUE, ÂcoNÂnMcnyoAd& Dr. 0. B. PATT: TheMaso.1%MGom Trade is Boomg. Were you a' our big Nine Day's Sale; it was a corktr. Some lines sold out completely, but lots more coming ta, take their place. These arc among the new goods just te hand. 9 Cases of New Uubbers, &C.-We are showing some special values in Rubbers, Overshoes and ail goods in that Ine. Thesý goods are first quality, and were bought under regular -f-cýt auction sale. Do flot fail to see them. New Ulstelrs and Overeoats.-Some of cur best selling lines of Top Coats were out in some sizes and as we mean to keep up the assortment until Xmas, we have ordered them on again and now have a full assortment in stock. nle 's and IMoy's' Fleeey Line4 de we v-î are very scarce goods, but we have a very nice stock on hand; several qualities and several sizes in Men's and Boy's from i to 6. Also a nice range of Men's Caps for this season. JŽTEW JIy- GOO3DS ILadies' INew 13ashionable CoatS.-A new stock of Ladies Coats in Curl and Heavy Nap Cloth just, received. These are very handsome garments, sortie cf them are Si1k Lined and ail are the very newest styles. We have purchased these direct fror the manufacturers at close prices and are selling them at froi1 $8. tO$12. 1 1 P l'W ý»::el 1 iý-ýgm4444444444tý4444444444444444444444446444464444664toite4etter, Eidler Coats, Fur' Trimmed.-Children'si. Eider Coats Ï Cream, Pale Blue and Garniet with White Angol a-Fur Triraming, very handsome. AIse full range Qf colors cf the Eider Clotli, double and single Fold.

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