Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 8

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A, Tooth Brush, A Hair Brush, A. Fine Toilet Sponge that wiII wear and give you satisfac- tion, we have them. --NQo 301 for Goughs and Oolds. Try our Cream Witch1 Hazel for the Face, Hands and Complexion. il1"Higginbotha1n!& 80on. BowmAxnVILE. Chmits and Druggists. The Nobbiest Styles The Finest Finish The Best Values In Furniture... are to be fouud and are offered at our warerooms, and as it is impossible to describe the different lUnes, -we would respectfully invite the publie generally to visit our store and see the new. and pretty designs in al Unes of Furniture. We wil convince you we lead in variety, style, makce, finish and price and you will be delighted that you have called on us. 1 torrIse KENDALL. Mr. A. Jackson las son teo bave tor Man- vers, The concert in connectiou wtth L. 0. L., No. 915, was only a partial success, inanclally. The qrogramnm'as good, the following taklng part: Messrg.Bert,.farvey, who sustained bis reputa- îionâý an entertainer; O. A. Gamsby, 0. G. Arm$tronlg, j, nell, and A. Jackaway, Cofling- Woôd, eoctitionist. gr. W.H. Reid, M. P, P, oceupiled the chair. Rey. R. Taylor, N;ewcastle, preached two ex- t cellent discourses Sabbath week in the Method- ist church. Snch sermons are always In dem- and-plain, forcibie, gospel truth. The speeiai singing on Sabbath evenling wag excellent. The choir was ably assted by Mrs. James Me- Lean, Port Hope. A good tea was served on Monday night. Addresses were gven by Beys. J. A. MKeen B -A, Orono, and lVesley Down PlainvIlle; rec1taionýs by Messrs. J. Snell and A Jakaway, whose recital of "The Charlot Race" was mnch apprecited. The choir was agsatn assisteà by gr.McîLean whose solo sng- ing was much appreciated. When your business becomes irksome and distasteful you are flot well, Miller's Compound Jron Pis will inake it a pleasure to attend to business and greater profit will resuit. Sold by al druggists. __ ____ week, Mr. Edward Poilard bas returned from Man. Itoba. Mr. Will Reat, Black River, N, Y.% was home recently. Mr. J. G. Honey recentiy vîsïted bis tar-m in cotborite. Mrs. Wm. Salisbury, Peterboro, Io visiting at Mr. C. Thompson'B. Bey. Dr. MarvIn preached In the Methodist church Sunday morning. Messrs. B. Moment and Ed. Long are deer humting in the north country. Mrs. Sisson and Mrs. Davis, Little York, visit. ed at Mr. J. P. Williamson's yecentiy. Mr. Elonzo Wood, blacksmlth, bas gone te Petrolia, where he has secured a situation, Miss Mary B. Thorne, Malden, Essex Co and Mrs. Harris, Canton, Yisited Mras, Win. iln. Miss Olga eldest daughter of Mr. Harry Hooprhad ýer fae tomn just below the rlght eyeSeaÎnrday week whIle playing wlth a hound. Women with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged, will reeive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pis, whîch are mnade for the blood, nerves andcomplexion. ___oônorIloll for Tyrone -Püblic echool for Ot- ober: Sr. 51b Clas-Maximoum 1386; honora, 1014, -E. Sknner 1164; Slh-Maximum 2663' honors, 199,-F. Fraser 2269, C. Scott 2102, ù.. Byamý 2091, A. reeper 2031; Sr. 4th-Maxlmum 2487; honora 156- . Sanders 1947; Sr. rd-MaXImum 2326; honors 1744-A. Cllacutt 1772j Jr. rd- Zillat e MLanghlin 1519; Sr. 2ud-Mtnnie Lind- say 1180- Sr. Pt. Il-Clarence Rahul 745; Jr. Pt. I-Pea;i âSklnner 908. A. L. MowBRa.Y, Prin- cipal. Mfr. Win. Moore is gettlng bis resdence and outbldn sKing St., East, ieelyr remodelled. Mrs. R. GoSiaot, sr.,' Mrs. Levi Skinner and Master Harold have been visltlng Mariposa friends. Mrs. Jas. Byers has been very 111 since mov- ing back to Tyrone. Mis% Susaonah MeFeeters bas ai zo been on the sîck list. M A vainable horse belonging to Mr. Samuel Pollard was on ,,,d byhierole measures froin choingb dathwith a carrot. The Senior League expects another enoal evening with lan McLaren through th knd- nessof Mr. W. J. Boy. A good attendan ce ia requested for Friday eventng. You think I look so much bette; yes, and 1 feel better-Miller's Compound Iron Pilla did it., Sold bY ail druggist s. THE store Crowdltîe Sth >ew Goods, Npecfrs5 Prices F innlette 3UnderWeay.-We have just received a large shipesent (direct from factory) of the very newest and nicest goods and the way we bought thern enables us to offer the following special value. LADIES' NIGET GOWNS-Heavy, fast color, Flannnelette, with Mother Hubbard Yoke, frîll tciîn- ning, well made, regular price 75c for 50c. Another line made of Heavy Twill Flannelette, a very fine article, usually sold for 8i.oo to $1.25 for 75c. Also a number of very fancy kinds which we will mun off at $i.oo to $i.5o, worth nearly double. In this lot and at corresponding low prices, we have Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, &c; also a fulli une of Children's Wear. House Furnishings. - ASON cou Grand Pal! Show WiII 00W Open,ý 9 Big Batgain 1 Monda y, Nouember l5th, to Days tThankagiving Day, Nouember 2Sth Our Stocks are now Complegte { Dry Goods, Grocriés, Gen's Furnishings, Our Objeot ini Hauing Special A duan tages ail Who Atà 1We Have Two Big Stores. This S9ig SaIe{ To boom trade, to aduerti8ge our business, to inin a lot of new oustomers. to i(You get the Choice of the New Goods. to J You get our Special Prices. See ist. tend This Sale You get your horgesfeadand rîgg cared WVVe have Six Leading DepV9s., Lot Table Mats and Spiashers, oil finish, reg. price 8 for 5oc,; this sale 3 for ioc - - Fine quality Machine Oil worth 'Oc bottie, for this sale Sc Easy bright and Gem Stove Polish reg. x oc for thie. sale Sc Eclipse Soap reg. price Sc a Bar, for this sale 6 for 25c. Lot Syrup Jugs, Pickle Dishes, Spoon Holders, Sugar Bowls etc., to clear at i oc. for choice- Our Stock of new Groceries is very complete for this sale. - - - - Men's Heavy, Ribbed, Union Shirts for zoc each. Men's Heavy, Ribbed AII-wool Shirts, Flesh and Grey for 40C each. Men's Fine, Striped, Ribbed Cuff, Shirt and Drawers, Special at 75. a Suit. 'W. V have, a Mlost of <lever Salespeople. Wre want you to se Ou Im umense Stock Ofr New Goods.

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