Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 5

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Fail See the new stock of extra fine Tooth' Brushes at STOTT & JIJRY'S, 5c, 10e, 12c, 15c, 25c, 35c. OUR BAKING POWDER, ,,at 15e a pound is the best in the market. STOTT & JURY. Sale vo-f We have been fortunate in seeuring a line of hand mirrors that are a marvel for cheapness and in order to turn them over quiekly Weare off ering them at priees that wil surprise you. Stott & Jury. We are stili selling the best Baldng Powder at 15e -a pound. nazot1s That Arte Guiatanteedl We have just receiveci an- other stock of rozors that are worthy of the attention of those who enjoy a nice clean .have. We will gladly return your,,money if you are not pleased. Priees 25e, 50e, 75c, Borax And Arnmon la. These are two articles that are liot'used as largely as they should be by the general public. Those who have flot used them have no idea as to their value in the evory day work of the household. We are makin.g a spocia]ty of these two linos and will give full directions for using te every custom- er. _ STOTI & JURY. See tise foreigu postage stumps li Stott & Jury's wiudew. bave you bied thut new Frenchs por- fume ut Stett & Jury's ? Bisk trade was donc Saturday, many sountry people being lu town. âec or n4 fer 10c. Sec tise sponges ut tisose prices ut Stott & Jury's. Postage stampli from foroigu ceun- tries given away ut Stott & Jury's. Iu chamois skins for winter use wc are offering special value ut 5c te $1,50. Odds and eiids-We have a box tul et soaps, enly two er threcofe a kind and we ave cleaning out tise lot ut 6c eacis. Pegular price 5, 8 and lOc. Stott & Jury. Messrs. C C. Field, M. P. P., and Sam Clark are back trem two weeýks' bip te Manitoba. Mr.Clamke was dewu lu sentis west Manitoba wherc hoe is lu- terested lu land. Botis gire resy reports of Manitoba, tise abundunt harvest baving Lade tise country boom and tise people teed happy. Foeign Stamps Froc. For tise past twe years mucis interesb bas been created lu iewn by tise attrac- tive "Frog lu yeur Thoat"' windew dis- plays et Messrs. Stett & Jury, wbose windows have on severul occasions been literally filied witis these geeods and many fancy novelties adVertising tise emedies. By tisese dispiays this flnm bas sold orer 3000 pazAages et "Frog lu youm Tismoat" remedies and now they have anither attractive teatume te unnounce. Thu manufacturons et "Fmeg ilu37our Throut" have business connections wltis1 ail partL oethtie world and have collected a largo amunt et Foreign Postage stamps whicýh tisey have promised Stotti & Jury and tiiese stamps will ho on ex-î hibition lu theiv window trom Ngv. 13 te Nov. 27. Tise week telloieng evcry custoer wbo bnys geods ut tiseir store will bo giron trem on te five stax-ips accomding te ize et purchuso unt fal etamps are giron away. BOWM&ANVILLE. NOV. 17, 1897. Rer. J. W. Rue, Toronto Junction, will deliver his ý,epular lecture, "Our Cousins in Caip?,' under tise auspices et tise Ladies' Aid and Epwon th League, lu tise Methedist churci onùMonday or- euing, Nov. 22, at 8 o'clock. A cheice musical pnognamn will also ho reudered. Tickets 15 cents. Christmas comles on Saturday. Tise new postage stamp is eut. Finst snow stermn this season Nov. 9. Tise lake rolled meunitains high last weelp. Impure water is tise chiot cause et typbeid forer. Tise Grand Trunk Railway was open- ed 61 years ago Nov. 12. Mn. W. b. bellyar was ut Mudoc, visiting M ns. (Rer,) S. T. Bantlett. Pcv. J. J. Rae preaches on "Woman, hem placeilutise World," next Sunday night. Mns. G. bowell, Dante, Ont., says: I fiud MiLLER's WORM PowDERs a geod medicine. lu a railway smash up near Kingston a carlead et eggs came te grief. Thons. ands et dozens were broken. Mr, Win. booper, Cartwright, took a load et turnips te Pont Penny, some et them tippiug tise scales at sixteen pouuds. Tise Ladies et St. John's chuncis will gieatea for bonefit efthtie Poor Fuud on Wednesday, Decemben 8. Particu- lans laten. Rev.Caleb Parker,Napanee,delighted a large audience ln his chuncis with his famous lecture on tise Nortis-West Pc- bellion, Nov. 8. Tise Ropal Tempiar Rally Night wus pestponed te Tnesday, Nov. 8Oth. Al members are reqnested te be presont ton a Jubilce time. Tise Y. P. S. C. E. et St. Puul's churcis have eu-aged Mmr. Churles Kelly and Mis ely, Guelphs, for a concert on Dec. 17. Coîborne is eueetoftise best apple markets lu Ontario. Upwards et 80,000 bamnels et applos wero bnougbt .into that village this eseason. Miss Lily Mebanrv, daugister et Mr. J. W. Mehanry, Port Penny, won a scbolarship attse Conservutory et Mus- ic, Toronto, where sise is a pupil. Rcy. D. O. Crossley, Petenhoro. usked his congregatien for $100 on Sunday week te pay for church fuel. They mespendedby placing $115 on tise plates. The second efthtie senies et Parler Socials by Trnity Ladies' Aid will ho iseld at tise Octugon Parsonuge ou Friduy, Nov. 19, at 7:80 p. m. Admis- sion loc and upwands. E. MILLER & Ce., Dnesdon. DA SiRs,-Please send me two boxes MIL- LER'S WORM POWDERS. I find them tise best Medicine tom citdren. MRs.(PEv.) JoHNbHoLmFs, Pankisili. Tise Singer thneshing machine made by Mn. John E. Bail, Cartwright, bas preved a great success. H1e bas onders for two sîmilur machines. John was a pupil efthtie Editor in Cavan. Mn. W.Lout, M. P., fer Centre Toronto havini- nesigned bis seat Mn. W. R. Brecis s naine is meutîoued as Conserva- tire candidate. Mr. Geo. Bertram la tise cisosen Libenal candidate., Mn. Richard Cullis, Cumborne, Sas sold fifty acres et bis furm te Albert Lacev, and rented the nemainder te John Lane. Mn. Cullis is uew ihl charge ef tise post office at Camborne. Secretanies efthtie secicties lu town 'and country are requested te baud in any items ef interest coucerniiig their lodges. Attend te titis and it will be et very groat intenost te tise membenship.' We have just seen that sweot picture entitled "lIt Foîl Fnem theNest," this ycur's pnomium with tise Family Ilerald and Weekly Star et Montreal, bew sucb a pupen and sucis a picture cun be given ton tise smaii sum cbarged is a mystery uttenly beyoud corupreheusion. Many a great publishen bas tried te explain bow it is doue, but bas had te give it up. Tisose who are regular neaders efthtie Famity Herald and Weekly Star are te ho congratulated We bean tise Family Ilerald Office is beseiged by people suibscribing for lb. Asis Sitters 12c at Nicholîs', 15 bars Lauudny seap for 25c this week at Nicholis'. Read tise West End bouse udvt. in this issue-lt vill pay yen. L. Morris is rusbing trade in Parler Suits. bis big varioty and low pnices will tell. Dress Geods et aIl kiuds-tbe latest wcaves and tise newest celens-new shewing ut Ceuch, Jeisusten & Cryder- man's. If yen bave any furs that anc net up te date, brng tbem te M. Mayer and ho wiil make tbem ever into tise latest slls, and dooes it net stand te reason, t Bisat as bis expeuses is less iu Bowman- i ý-file than that et they lu tise cities. ho can sou yen goods bought authebcveny t same mankot for boss mene^. Ho doos le lb. Yen lose money by dcaling else .wbere. Now is the time te bring lu yeur funs to be repaired If ý ou can'teme dur- ng thse dayv. my doon is open until a er o 0dcock as I have tù) work. M. Mayer, tho Fumrier, Bewmnanville. A dose et MILLEi5,'S WORMPOWDERS >ccasionally will kcop the childreu hoalth.v. For the higgost stock and the bes value in Overcoats cail [at Couch John ston & Cryderman's. We want the address of Wm. Gain mage formerly of Danfortýi, Ont. Mr. R. H:. Allun, Leskard, has a tur nip measuring 42 inches around. __-Mr. W. Ellison's letter to the Camp beillf ord Gazette will be- found -o n an -in side page. The page announcemen' of The Mason Co. or 8th page is a Kion dyke gold mine. See ? If you have a dollar the very greatesi satisfaction to be had from it is got b3 paying the Editor his due. I used te beý continually tired, now1 am strong and well-MilIcr's Compound Iron Pis did it. Soll by ail druggists. Parties who contemplate renting thei farms or who are in search of f arms tc rent, would do well te advertise in Tin STATESMAN. Many persons consider the sermon ou Scriptural Giving dcliverod by Rev. J. J. Rae last Sunday morning as one of the best they ever heard. Farmers will find ready sale for thei common ap pies in Bowmanville au Mr, J. R. Finkie is running the evaporatoi again at lloskin's Foundry. Road and Bridge Committee of Coun- ties Coucil met in Camphellford, i connection with the repairs on the bridge; $2000 will be cxpenllcd. Excellent reports of the Provinciçal Sabbath School convention held ai Hamilton were given at the Methodist church Thursdav and Friday cveningE by Rev. J. J. Rae, Misses Veale, Young and Fleming. The Ladies' Aid of -St. Paul's church will hold an Apron, Sale and St.' And- rew's tea ln the sehool room. of thE church on Tuesday atternoon, Nov. 303, The sale will begin at 8 o'clock, tea ai 5.80. Admission froc; tea 25 cents; children under 12, 15 cents. The demand for Ayer's Hair Vigor lu such widely.soparated regins as South America, Spain, Australia, and India bas kept Pace with the home consump. tien, which gees te show that these peo. pie know a good thing when they try it, We are glad te hear that the threat- ening Storm botween Chief Hoar and Mayor Loscombe has blown over and nobody was hurt. It was only eue of those misunderstandiugs that do arise and which a personal interview usually sets right, Mr. Hoar will withdraw his resignation as Chief et the Fire Brigade and harmony, will again prevail. Epworth Leaguers please take notice that the District Executive find it ima- practica hie te commence the Forward Evangelîstie work on Nov. 21st as auggested at the Hampton convention. It wilI therefore begin'Jan. 2nd, and iu the meantime every Meague on the Dis- trict will receive an officiai visit in the interest ef the Forward Evangelîstic Movemeut and the Forward Movemeut for Missions. Chief Jarvis cauglit another alleged herse thief Monday, his suspicions hav- ing been aroused by his conduct. The herse and carniage wene sold te Jue. McRoberts for $10. Shortly after an a.dvt offering $20 for the necovery of property and" apprehiension of thiet was seen iu the Toronto World. The ewn- or lives at Jordan, Lincoln Ce. This is the third ho rse thief Chief Jarvis has nabbed in a few months. 11e gives his naine as Geo. Hawkins.1 The Methodist Epworth League Mon- day night was another succoss lu uum- bers and value of prou-ram Mr. L. T. Courtice presided. e'n. Chas. Cox read the scripture lesson. The ladies choral club's selections wene appropriate and well rendered. Cerne again. Miss Gould gave a well-pnepared paper and Mr. Edgar W. Aluin gave a splendid talk on Temptation. Miss L. Brima- combe's reading was well uiven An instrumental ýduet by Missea'Fiioey and Young kept up the excellent toue, of tihe program.- SRzMBAs.s DÂsiGE,-Because if unchecked it maxr lead direct- ly te ceusumption. Catarnh is caused by impure blood. Tiis tact is fully established. Thenefore, it is useless te try te cure catarrh by eutward applications or inhalants. The true way te cure cat- arrh is te purif y the blood. Hoed's Sarsaparilla, the great biood purifier, cures catarrh by its pewen te drive eut ail impunities from thec blood. Thons- ands et people testify that they have been pentectly and permaneutly cured et catarnh by Heod's Sarsa*parilla. Cern popper 10e at Nicholîs'. Tea Ketties cheap at Nicholl's. Buttermilk Toilet soap at Nichoils'. Read the Wîtuess cluhbirig off or on inside page. De you read the West End bouse advt. ? Look at it this week. Allan and Dominion Lineoecean tickets fer sale at STATESMAX Office. Wewill seud Toronto Weekly Glýnoe FORE I -]RÂwne.-A Morris, E. Couibh'.MGaud, K. Edgai; W. Buxton î%ui BE Pattinson equal; W. Powe E ti WVOrden eqn%]; P. Vanstone and C Meath e quai, L. Giford, M Raid- A Lvle and M. "rehiicock equai: E. Blackburn, hl. Mason; tv (. WVipbt and E. Msxwell equai; G aý Glover and G Cawker equai; G. Bilkey, A. ti Beitb and L, Bragg equa]; H. Tyler, A. IV \ihtand E . Dunham equal; M. Oryder. mati aud N. Henry Cqual; E. scobel; H. C Pea-rn snd NM Gigg eqnai; T. Seobeil, M. SI A1lin, J.,ilutchinson, A. 1111], P. Riokard. it COMING EVENTS. Young Liberals, Hampton...Nov. 17. -Local option vote, Pickering.. 17. Triuity social at Otagon Par.." 19. -,District Division, Newcastle...." 19. *Dempster's stock sale, Frida... 19. -Rev.J ' -W.ae's lecture-Met. h7,,h 22.- W. W. Crawtord's stock sale.... 23. bt Thanksgiving Day ............" 25. -Short's wood sale, Thursday.... 25, VanNest's wood sale, Friday.. " 26. Temperance Sunday ..........." 28. 51Methodist ciurch Thankeffering.Dec. 5. ISt. John's Church Tea...........8 . 1 Prov.Fat Stock Show,Brantford Il 7-9 Fat Stock Sisow,Guelpis........ ..9-10. Chas. Kelly ceming............" 17. SFarmers' Institute mctings-Bow- manville, 2 and 7:80 p. m ...". 15. Onono at 2 and 7:30 p. m. 16. Payment et subscriptiens at TuiE STATES- -MAN o ffice-every lawful day. PEItSONAL. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferrîs, Cobourg, visited friends in town last week. Miss Burns, Belleville, is viiting bier sister, Mrs. F. R. Clarke., Miss Rickaby, Kirby, was gueat of tbe Misses -Fielding Sanday. Mrs. P. McCal1nm, Cobourg, bas bain guest of Mrs. P. Murdoch. Misa Gîrtie Pearce, Newcastle, visited ber sisier Miss Pearl Pearce, rîcînti *Mr. Frank Brown, Buffalo, . ,has bien visitlng bis motber, Mrs. J. Brown wbo le ill. Mr. and Mra. John Haner and child of Min- gnîsota are visitiug bis mofhir Mrs. H. Haney~. Mr. W. R. Brock and Mr. R. D). Fairbairu, To- ronto wera guesta of Mr. J. B. Fairbairni .M. over ýunday.PM. Miss veaue,hIlinels, Miss Hayes and Mr. C. W. Souch, Enniskilien, wîre guesta of Mr. John Glbert Sunday. Miss Helm Beith waa Fuest ai tbe reception ai the Goveromeut Houai, roronto,Saturday aftir- noongîvan by the Govirnor-Generai and Lady Abîrece. Miss M. Mosetta James sang ai a recitai Mon. day iast ai Ontario Ladies' Collage, Wbitby, wbare she la purauing a poat-graduate course in voici culture. The Offiiai Board of the Methodist Chur'cb bas appointîdl Messrs. Dr. Brimacombe, Thos. Sberin, Chas. Cox, John Grigg and W. J. Todg. b ain ou the Board of Management of tbe Sont h Ward Sabhatb Scbool; and Messrs. C. M. Caw. ker, J. C. vanstone, John Helyar, M. A.James an~d LeviMorris on the Cburch St.Board. Messrs. J. M. Jonesa, P. Tribilcock, J. Helyar, T. E. Hlgginbotbam, R. H. Hamiay, Ge. C. Haines and Dr. W, E. Tiliey ware eetîd Stewards. Dr. Tiiuey bas bain re-appointed Racordtng Steward. A Afew friends et Mr. and Mns. John L. Perkin surprised them Monday even- ing it being the. twentieth auniversary ef their weddiug day. Atter tea and a social time tegether the visiters depart- cd leaving tiseir best wishes and sevenal gifts as tokens ef goed-will on this in- teresting occasion. Mr. John Lyle has been appeinted town clerk instead et Mr. R . Windatt, resig'ncd. bis leng experience as a business man and ceuncillor sheuld serve him weil in his new position. Two vacancies now lu the Council. A new fire committe has been appointed and the resolutien nesciuded about buying a new englue. New Jcwolry Establishment. James Goard begs te iuform his friends that he is about to open a watcb, dlock and jewelry rcpairing1 establish- ment next te Tait & osPhotegnaph Gallerv. Ail work will be attended te, promptly and in a satistactory manner. CÀPRI) OF THANKS. To the Oficers ami Membei-s of Bote- iianville Council No. 17, C. 0. C Friends. DEÂR SSîRs.-I beg te acknowledge the prompt payment lu full,ot cortificate bcld by my deseased husband lu your Society. Please accept tbanks and allow me te wisb von a largely increas- cd membcrship. - Respectfully yeurs, CmunINA MOKAT. Bewmanville, Nev. 15, 1897. M.ARKET JOTTINGS. Canadian bacon and hams find a tain expnrt demaud. Canadian eggs command a paying pnico in England. Canada short cut mess ponk has, de- cliied $2 per bb). Cheice apples are selliug in New York at $8,50 to $5 pen bbl. Canadian butter is rising lu favor as well as pnice lu Englaud. BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. Correetedby J.F[cMurtry eaeh Tszesday e 100 Ibs .........82 40Oto $2 80 WHEAT, Faîl, bush...O 01300 0O75 " Sprnig ..O01300 0O75 RedFife .... 000 0 80 " Goospu .... 000 ' 0 65 BAnLEY, P bush, No. i1..0O34 't O35 t2 .0 26 0 27 3 ' .... 025 t0 26 'Two rowedo0 25 '0 27 OATS, white il' ......O 0130't0O20 BoWMANVILLE, The Grocers. RUBBERS &OVERSHOES ""'VERDICT Ail the leadlng dealers ini the principal towns of the Dominion agree that "TrHE CANADIAN RUBBER Comys RUBBERS ARE THE BEST IN THE MARKET." Anl Delrer., o.. Ikgep hm BORN. HEALE-In Bowmanviiie, Nov. 11, the wife of Mr. Sam. Heariejr. of a son. H013ES.-In Dariington, Nov..3,tbe wif e of Mr. Ricb. Hobbs, of a son. 9TÂPE-At Whitehall,Long Sanit, Nov. 8th,the wife of Mr. W. J. Tape, of a son. IRs.-In Oshawa, Oet. 30, the wife of Mr. J. B. Hare, o'f a son. HOLLAND-I0 Osbawa, Oct. 26tb, wif e of Mr W. J. Hoiiand, of a son. DIEOM BrÂAIusn-At Port Hope, Nov.i, alter a lin- garîug ilîness, Sarali Alîce Beamial. HIILLIS.-In Ho p e.Nov. i, Isabella Hlorner, wifî of Mr. Thoa ililia, aged 33 yeara. SHORT.-In Toronto, Nov, 14, Jane Bowdîn beiovcd wifî of Mr. Thos. Short, Bowïnanviiii, aged 65 yeara. HENRY.-In Clarke, Nov. 4, Mary Glass, ne- lici of theilate Alexander Henry, aged 39 years, DEMILL.-At St. Catharines, Nov. iâ, Vrg Dinh]t, îWifî of Rev. A. B3. Demili, Prisident of Demili Lad!eM' Coliege, aged 60 yîars. WILSON -Iu Toronto, Nov. luIh, William H-1 Wilson. interred at Boqmauvilii, Nov. 15. DonioN-At Waterviiie. Que., Nov. 13, Julia M. Dobson, aged 23 yaars. Formneriy of Bow- manvilie ; intîrred lu Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. HOuN.-At Durham, Ont., Nov. 6th, Richard Walter Hori, ageýd 60 yeara. Brother of Mr. Nathan iirm, Bowmanville. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1898 The undersigued will receive tenders for sup- plies up to noon ou Monday, Nov. 2 9, 1S9 7, for the supply of butchers' meat, butter, dairy and creamery, giving price of eacb, fdour, oat- meai, potatoas, cordwood,' etc., for the following institutions during the year 1898, riz. : At the Asylum for the Insane in Tor*oiito.Loui don, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brockviiie and Oriiia ; île Central Prison and Mercîr iRe- formatory, Toronto ; the Reformatory for Boys Venetanguishene; the Institutes for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brant- ford. Two sufficient sureties wili lie required for the due fulfilment of each coutraci. Secîdceationsaaud forma of tender eau oniy bc had hymaking application bt fiBursars of the respective ilisitutions. N.B-idr are not required for the snppiy of nseat to the Aayiumin Toronto,Lon don,Kn g Ston, tfl en aud' Mimico, nor to the Cintrai Prison andMelrcer Raformaeottory,tToouto. The iowest or any tender not necessaniiy ac- capted. Newspapers inserting this advertisement with- oui anihority f romtflc Department wiil not ba paid for it. (Signed) R. CHRISTlui, T. F. CiIA3,11BLAIN, JAMES NOXON, huSPictors of Prisons and Publie Charities, Parliameut Buildings, Toronto, Nov. 15, 1897. 47 - 2w. In The Sui'ouol Coul OF TUE UNITED COUNTIES OF N4OTHUMiBERLAND >DURHAMv In the nîatterof the estette of WVILLIAMI _mCEKÂy, tate of the Town of Bow- manville, in the United Ceunties of Ne7rthîtïnberlaru.d and Durhuam, de- ceased. Notice iahereby given, pmrsut 10 R. S. O., Ghap. 110, Section 36. and Amending Acta, lIat al pensons hiaviup chiims againsi île Estate nf thaid Willia 3i, c Kay, who died on or about the6tht day of October, A. D)., 1$97, are required to send by post pprepaid, or to deltrer te id- ninistratrix, Christina McKay of the sald Town, f Bowmanviile, or toCli, Macdonald, Stacin losi & MeCrimmnon, Roons 40,MeKinnon Build. Ing, Torotnto, Ontario, Solicitors for the admin- Istratrix, of flec estîte of the said William Mc- Kay, on or before December27,A.D., I1897 heii- mnimesddre ses and descriptons snd a uil at timtcîIn urticulars of their ctia ind the nature of thi security (if aur) blid by hem, duly ceîtified, ind that afttr ie saud day .h administratrix oili proceed te distribute the isets of the deeeased among the Parties e1itiîd ýhereto,baving regard oîîiy 60 th, ciaims of ýhicb h 5h11 althen have notice. Dated the 13h iday Of November, A. D., 1897, LUTE, MACDONÂLD,MISITOSIR & MCaneuoz. ýolleitoré for ChristiuiMcKsy, Admistîttia 47 - 4W STANDARD NEYER LOWERED. JES, se f araeLicenses. SERVANT WANTED.-Middle-aged Swoman rreferred. Mas. HERBERT MCMUR- TRY, Bowmanvilie, 42 - tf. UTAIR WORK.-Laidies wishing'hair Âdonc over, call at MRs. DiOKiNsox s,King Street, West, Bowmanville. 43 - tf URICK ROUSE TO LET.-On Elgin JLPStreet, a rsetocuidb Mr. Peter I(OLD RING FOUND.-A Gent's IAGoid Ring was found ln Bowrnauviile Nov. !8th. The owneris5reque8tod base M. A. JÂMEé. 46 - 6w. Th R ASTflAY.-Carne on Ille I k7 pemieslot 8i5, con 8, Clarke, a yearling. The 1 0v~l srequested to provepretypy eenses and talle hlm fwy OLNSÂaS, 0OW ASTR AY.-Came on Lot 4, Con, "J5, Darington, a braod sow. The owner is requested to prove proerty, payý expenses and take her away. T. .CLE, Tyrone. 47 - tf. .cE ., tJornish's Block, bas a new knittlng mach!ne and la rep)ared to do ail kinds of fam. ily knitting. Ai I sizes ribbed and Dlain aise atoekinga and socks refooted. Give ber a ealu. cATTLE ASTRAY.-Camie on lot 7~ &Cou., 6, Dariington, two young catteý- steer and beifer-2 years old. Owner la request- ed te prove property pay expenses and take tbemn away. ROBERT MÂARTNt,(opposite Betbesda cburcb.) TUyrone P. O. 46 - w, AND Lehigli ValleyR. R.System JETWEEN TORONTO, IIAMTON, NEW YOR.K,PHIILA-DEL.. PHIA, WASHINGTON, BALITIORE. THE BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS --Vestibuled Train to Buffalo, --Finest in theWorld. . Leaves Toronto 9 a.iim., daiiy (except Sunday) Hamilton 9.55 a. m., arrivjng In Buffalo 12 noon, No. là express (daily) f rom Toronto at 5.3o p. m. solid train wi th vestibule parlor car to ýBuffalo. Tiirough Pullman buffet vestibule car, Toronto to New York. Tickets, Bertbs reserved etc, Fulli particulars and from W. WOODS, agent Bowmanviile er write M C. DICKSON. Dist. Pass. Agent Toronto I l ÀM If you ' intend papering this fali WC ean seli you paper eheaper than yuu can buy in the eity. We have some very nie patterns at 4c and Se,-worth 10e and 12e, with nine inch borders to m-atch. W. Te-Al/ simle tu. m signture a 0,05 is-the kinïd you eau plaëe confid-ence in-feel like- you are being, well treated and get pure good goods every time you trade there. Thià is the way we want you to feel about This Store and we'll merit your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is not en- tirely satisfatory-speak right out, and we'll make it right. We keep fulll ines of the very best groceries the markets afford and none seil cheaper. We d busi- ness on business prineipiles and the public like'our methods. Every day is a bargain day at our store and'we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and sce us and bring your produce. We will give you the best prices going. e;awkezrg& lTait

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