Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 8

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This is the season -when you wvant Spices,.such as Pepper, Ginger, Mace, Cloves, Mustard, Tu£ merie, AI]spice, CeleryI Seeci, etc. Ours are pure and reliable. There are Soaps and Soaps and ail look pretty rnuch 3like, but there are great differences. We have a pure1 Soa, niceiy perfumed that we are seliing, at 5c per cake worth 10c. Use it and save money. e.eaFLY PAPERS. 0el This is the time when files corne into the house and are more annoying than at amy other timle. Keep thern down by using RED FLY PAPER (double strength), also Fly Pads, Tanglefoot and Jnsect Powder. J.l HÎoggillbotliam & Soilg BOWMANVILLE. Chemists and Druggists.1 St ovs! !!! Duchess of Oxford Ranlges For Coal or Wood. In these Ranges are combined ail the improvements known to modern Range construction. The Countess of Oxford Base i3urner with this stove we can assure the highest resuits combined with the Iargcst measure of economy. Fitted with the celebrated system of HIOT AIR CJRCULATING FLUES wliîch draw the cold air from the iloor of the room into the stove,mak ing every stove a double heater. Cail and examine these stoves every one of which is guaranteed. We also carry a f ulli une of Stove Pipes, Elbows, Zinc, Stove Boards, Scutties, etc. Estimates for Furnace Work pre- pared. Stoves put up. BowmANVILLE,. EdsaII & Cou Quick's Block Sole agent for Bowmnanvîlle, JOHN HELLY ARý Sloan's Indian Ton i CIpe amly peçmuneli By its Direct Action upon the Digestive Organs Cures Dyspcpsia ani maltes life worth living. ali ue. SLOAN'S INDIA'N TONIO nakes yau eat tlirec inca1, a day andrenjoy natural rest at night. An OxfordCounty Officiai Cured, Woodstock, Ont., May 2nd, 1896. This is to ccrtify that I, James Ross, Tollgate keeper of the town of Wood- stock, Ont., have been a sufferer from Indigestion and a very weak stomach for a number of years, and have tried a great mnany medicines of different kinds, but couid only obtain temporary relief for a short time, but aftcr using one bottie of S]oan's Indian Tonic I couid perceive a great difference. My indi- gestion was better and my stomiach was much stronger than bof ore, and I found I had o-ained several pounds iu flesh, wherc f was weak and thin lu flesh be- fore. I think I used nine or ton botties in all, and I arn now a heaithy man, but stili I do not want to be without the medicine in the house, and I procure one or two boties every y car, and I eau truthfuliy recommcnd Sloan's Indian Tonie to others suffering from the saine complaints. JA~MES ROSS, Tollgate keeper. TRADE MARK. PRICE $1, 6 for 85- Ail druggists or fromin abratory. P. 0. DRAWEI3 33 Hamilton,Canada. Send for printed proof of cures,free The SLOAN IEDICINE COIIANY, of Hamilton, Limited Successors to Burtch Brothers & Company. W A NIEDAGENTS iAm iZZg forE edrpurposes ail kinds of sound apples BOTH 11EN AND WOI'lEN. if you arele or sma il, sweet or sour-I eau wlling to work, we can give you employinent ak use of them ail. I wîll also pay with GOOD PAY aid you eau workauo part cash for farmers' dried apples, delivercd tinte, at home or traveling. Thýe work is Light at the Fvprtr doiio oki' ande as.Write at once for terras etc., t ~anarr donn'Hsi' THiE IAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, Foundry, north of BaimorallÙotel,Bow- ROCHIESTER, N. Y. 38 -4m inanville. J. R. FINKLE. 37 - 2m. gtQU?4naiau $ atomaù~u BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 29, 1897. CLARKENEWS (Condenscd from the News.) CiAnKa Ua, Ore.-Mrs. John Parker is visiting lierdangliter, is J Diey, Maford.Bev.J. P.Berry lias returned homeromnisinr campaigo ilirougli the Bay of Quinte district.... Mr.has. Souch las losi hie valuable lirood mare *...Mr. W . L. Cohbledick bouglta rood w-ork- liorse froma Mr. R. Rowe, Oro ... Mr. .D Souchidpicking apples with Mr. A. R. Gamshy .Mrs. Josephi Fox lias retnrned from visiting M.Chas. Welsh, Salemn. SEVERE HEADACHE CURED.-D.EAR Siuts.-Being troubled with a severe headache 1 was advised by a friend to to try Laxa Liver Pis. I only used half a bottle, aud have nlot since, suifer- cd fromn the complaînt.. They scem to be a perfect cure. " O.RoNo.-Mr. A. Ho kins, Nccpawa, Man.,was minest of Mr. H . Odelf,..Mr. Jolin Thiornson, hlawa, visiied Mr. H. Hooper.... Miss Edithý Orchard, Newcastle, was recent quest of Miss Alice Best . .. .Mr. John Bawks, Mîdland, je vis- iting friands liera ...John Moment, B. A.,lias resnmed stuidy at Princeton colle ge, New Jersey Mrs. C. B. Sturgees, son and daughter, Syr ,u se, N. Y. te visiting lier fathier, Mr. N.A.J- .me.... Miss Galbraith, Port Hope, le vieiting lier sister, Mrs. Win. Jonces ... Mr. and Mr. Rid- dcli, Cobourg, were recent guests of tha Misses Linton. . .. Mr. WillLong is visiting in Cleveland Ohio, Mr. Joe }Jall,Toronto, vigitealateoe.. .Mr. Gen. Gilfillan. visjted relatives liere.. Mes. C. B. Borland, West Toronto, lias heen vis- iting f riende liore. . .. Miss Bertha Walker, Port Hope, las been guest of Miss Nellie Rutlierford Ir.Me H.Mou]tou was at Cobourg last week on thae jury ... Mr. and Mrs.Frank Batten,Toronto, visited hie father, Mr. Wm. Batteii.., Miss Cas- well, Toronto, Mies Henry, Newcastle and Miss Annie Thompeon, Newtonivtlle, visited at Mr. Joe Hanr-y's . .Mrs. W. W. Troul and Miss Marion TFrui attanded ihe Coleman-Corbett wedding at Port Hope last week. ... Samuel WIl- mot,Esq., Superintendent of Fisheries, Ottawa,- attended our fai.... Mr. Wm.Jewall aud- dangli ""r lava, N. Y., wiio have been viSiting re- latives liera have retnrnied home ..Miss Jeifery Toronto, le rest of lier sister,Mrs.Jas.liicide Mrs. Hili, Brooks, Missouri, and Mes Capt. Giheon, Newcastle, vieiied Mrs. MePherson, last week. . .. Mr. H. Moulton lias purcliased the nid engine bouse for $25 .... Miss Ethel Foster, Bow- PeanviL visited lier anr. Mrs. H. Bear .... .Mr. PeeBCnell leit a valuahle cow.. Me. Bruce Bell, Dunfor dl, le visiting in town . ... Miss Lena Doncaser, Bowmanville, 18 vieitng relatives bore.. . .Mr. Thos. Vinson, Toronto wae home.. -..Me. Rlobert lKnox lias a new Massey. Ffareis bicycle. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Best and Mrs. Wni. Aillin have been guesis of Mes. R. R.Scott, Port Hope. AWAY DOWN EAST.--From cast to west people have hcart trouble. This causes violent headaches, neuralgia, nerve trouble and prostration. Says. Mrs. Somers, of Moncton, N. B.; I tried many remedies but neyer fouind auything to give me such prompt relief as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pis have donc. 1 suffercd from the above symptoms, but now giadiy testify to the cure these wondcrfui pis have made lu my case, and I hope all sufferers wil try them." TYRONE. Mies Iewln, elsier of oni janior pastol, was recentnest of Mre. W. R. Clamene ... Ise L. R.. ..ud, Chicago, lias heen vieiting Mrs. W. H. Clemens. Several from liere expecitot atedtecken Pie Sopper ai Ebenezer,next Moiiday, Oct. 4. Norway Pine Svrup is a prompt, pleasant and perfect cure for couglis, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarsencss, sore throat, pain in the chest, croup, whooping congh, quînsy, influcuieza and ail throat and iung trouffcs. 25ýc. and b0c. at ali drug stores. MOUNT VERNON. At the concert here ou Oct, 11, the following will take part. Mise Willianison, elucutionist, graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Elocution; Mt-.,Rieliardson, Whitliy,soloiet, wlio possesees a deep, ricli baratone; also Mise Smitli,Oslawa, instrumentalist, wliolies won many favors witli lier playing and Mr. Peachi, vlolinist, who liae ou every occasion pleased hie audiduces and won great applanse. Perticulare next waek. PROviDENcE THANZu.-It is with pleasure that I recommend B. B. B. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. 1 had tricd many medicines but received no benefit until, 1 thank Prov- idence, I was advised to use B. B. B., and it was witli perfect success. ME. W. LocKE, Oshawa, KIRBY. Apples packers are besy In ibis section.... Mr. Wm. Sheppard lias re -leased the farma recently pnrcliasedhby T. J. T. Cole for a terni of years.. ..Mr. T. H. Clemence, of Shaws, will work the farm, now occupiedhby Mr. T. C. Brngg... RIe- cent visiiors: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence Mrs. W. E. Jewell and Miss Clemence, Shaws, ai Mr T.C.Bragg's; Mrs. J. Riobertson, An tioch, ai lier daughter'à, Mrs. W. T. Little ..Mr. Joe Cooncy lias gone to Klondyke. PAIN IN THE BACK.-Mr.M. P. Halpin, Brockville, Ont., makes astatement as as folcws: "For two years I suffered from, kidncy trouble, causing severe pain across my back, dizziucss, head- ache, sieepiessness, etc. I had cftcn to lean on the counter when scrving.a customer, so intense was the pain in back. On- taking Doan 's Kidney Pis Diamond Dyes have a long record of trîumphs lu home dyeing work; they have been used and tested lu evcry 1land, and have becoîne frieuds and sfamily, necessities. Happy women ievervwhcrc dye with Diamond Dyes. ThLe fac. lile , l e 09 signature er Sr BLADDER'J TROUBLE S are incouvenicut during the day aud destroy rest at uight. Thev nîake life a misery instead of a blessing. They affect many persons aftcr they reach the age of 40, and are usuaiiy accom- panied by a decay of vital power. Thcycan bc CURED 1 receivcd the sample box cf Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pis, At the timel had on hand au old patient sixty- seven ycars old who had becu troubied with prostratitis, irritable bladder, and urethia for years. I put hlm down ou the use of the pis, whîch have workcd lîke a charm. lie now suffers no pain, and iustead of haviug to get up to urinate three te six times during the night,he now rcsts.al uight. The pis are not all gone yct, but ho is much reiieved. I speak cf what I know, for I arn the doctor, J. R. DuNOAN, M. D., Crawfordsvilic, Imd. Sparagus Kidney PUIS. R01B5 REM EDY CO.. PXOPBIETORS. CCAGÂO. Dr. Holbes Pille For Sae in BOWMANVILLE, ONT., by STOLL & JURY. SHAW'S SCIIOOL IIOUSE. Farmars are hosy cntiing hir abondant, amp of corn ... Mr. H. W. Jewell and W. J. Clemnn wo 'ries for aîîimels ait e couniy f air. ..Miss A. M. Bîckle,ieechber, waerecent gîîest of the Misses Ballagli, Newcastle .. . .Miss Allierta Rie- kard lias abscese on lier liaud. . ., Our ho ys play. ed a gamne of basehaîl wiili Bowmanville hoye Saturday 7eek, Sscore 21 to 5 iu our lavor. Mise Pearl Peealcée vsted Miss Flose Rickard Sonda y Firet pnze for bantain chiekens wes award- d to Masters Hobiert and Ezzle Kiglit.. . .Miss Belle Galbraith is very ill... Mr. and Mes. T. Clenience recenily visiied friends lu Clarke. UNDOUBTEDLYTHE BEs.-Gentlemcn. -I wish to say that Dr. Fowier's Ex. tract of Wiid strawbcrry bas.proven a wondcrful remcdy in my famîly. We wouid not be without it for twice its price. 1 say it is THE BEST (not merely eue cf the best-but the bestý medicine ever breught before the public for surn- mer complaint or diarrhoea, cither in chidren or adults, JOHIN UNDERIIJLL, License Commissioner, Strathclair, Ont. MAPLE GROVE, There lis tall l about the corn crop liere, l0 to14 feet is common. Me. 1Hill is rnuuing a Coru binder... Me. J. D. Stevens liad a fine draught Colt dia ofy~eurIsy..Messes. S. Snowdan, jr., and Thos. . Cole carried off a nuniher of stock prîzes ai the fair... While Mr. R. D. Suowden was leedinga Colto the fair itstruck him in ihe foreliaad making a lied gasli which required niedie il aid and several stitelies... Me. Norman Gay, Oshewa, was home Sunida.y .,. Miss Emma Cliambers, Linîdsay, was receni guesi of Mrs. Geo. Glberti.. .. Chieken Pie supper ai Ehenazer October 4il. We shah ah lietilere.Will you? Do come! Sac Eheîîeze news_.. .and Mes. W. H. Peerca and Miss Gertie Pearec, New- castle, speni Sunday ai Mr. Samuel.Baekeres, Mapla Grove. ACCIDENTS TOCHILDPEN.-Chiidrcn,iu their play, arc apt te get sprains, bruisps or cuts, and 'the pains these littie ocnes sufer before relief is brought te thcm shouid convînce unothers that it is necessary to be aiways prepared for accidents. 'Quickc-urc" is a healer, that acts quickiy and removes pain at NEW HAVEN. Visitors: Me. John R. Wecoit, Toronto, et Me, S. woods; Me-S. Griffin, Whutliy, ai Mr. T. vancam tus; Mr. H.Maetyn and isie,welcoine, ai Mr. T. Powee s; Mr. Levi aîîd Mies Jolie Barileit, CSesrea, et Me, %V, Woods; Mrs. A. Manîuing au d son, Clarke, et Me. S. Burges.. Miss Ne lie T. Goode 1s vîsiting lier heother ai Godericli...Mrs. D. VanCamp wio lias been visiting friands lu ihis viciniiy lias reiuned to lier home et Woodsiock. ...-MissBella MeMillen lies been îquite 111i..MisI. Lewîie lias lied measele ... Me. A. Menunlied one sheep killed end a liomber of others liadly toerri b doge lest Sunday afiernoon. Mr. Mtcafs sieap were also attacked and driven eway freini home. HERE'S A LITTLE NUT TO CRACK.- Just a grain cf cern! The principle upon which Putnam's Painiess Ccrn Extractor nets is entireiy new. It re- moves the cern layer by layer, without any pain whatcver. It neyer fails either. Try it. NEWCASTLE. Mies Mary Powers, Kieliy,is vlsiiing lier sisier Mes. John Riekard.,-. . Me. Fletcher Chapman, Kirhy, spent Soîîday at Mr. Rd. Warren 's._ Mes. Grey, Orono, is 'visiting Mre. w. King... Rav. Franîcis Jolinsion, Weleome, will preaeliIn the Mtliodlst cliorcli next Sonday DrE.and Mes. Allin, Los Angles Cal, and Miiss Celena Ashiton raccntly vîsîted ktrJ*osepli Laugmýaid's,' Ehenezer, .. . Misses Florence Taylor.,Gerirude Paece and Blancli Parsons reccnily vieiîed Darlingtin friands .,.. Me. Albeart Piekerd lias porcheged a new whael .. .Misses Cerne sund Annia Grose will attend Ottawa Nornial Scheel .Mr. Lord, Nawionville, spant Sondey ai Mr. George Greys... Me. Harold end Miss Tlira Mertin, Weleome, weee recent vistrs lier.... Mr. Will Law, Port Hope Model, spant Snnday ai home .... Sehool Commeoced in ilie naw echool this week. ALWAYS PELrT TimEi.-"1 suffcrcd with severe headache and ioss cf appet- it n lasfittrd ocue It is a simple inexpenlsive cintment- a curative iubricant- a valued rcmedv that thousands cf people wouidn 't bk without for a day-a scothiug heaier for ail inflammatory aches or pains lu your bodv---a sure cure for frost bites, rheu- rnatism, Piles or any kinds of ache, It is werth thousands cf dollars lu its effeets, but seils for 25 and 40 cents a botule and is calied Trask's Magîsetie Oiutment. Fer sale by Stott & Jury, druggists. The Mason Oo. Do log Ihay Ceai 011. By the I3arrel, if so get the Mason Co's price for either CaDadian or high grade Amreican; lowest pricý- ýriglit 4 car on Wedmesday or Thuirsday, Sept. 28th and 29th and for 10 days or before Oct. lOth we wiil seli saînple lots to intro- duce what is claimed to be a particulanly fine grade of American Oil in 4 or 5 gail lots at 20c pr. gail and stili lower by the barrel. We do mot expeet to seli at this pi ice agaýxu this season. Butter & Eggs Wanted - - We aie receiving large quantities and we are pleased to gay that our customers bring us a better cis cf produce than the average store gets. So well is this known even to ou r busines.s opponents, that they occasicnally, when making shipmneuts send around an agent to get some cf ours to toue up their interior lots. We will pay 14e for stricLly new laid eggs this weck. 0f Ulsters and overcoats have arrived, the endless profusion la almost perplexing; there is now showing the best values we have ever had. A good heavy ulster with storm collar, haif belt &c., only $4. At good brown or fawn overcoat with or without velvet collar, only $5. Other uines at prices up te $11 and ail extra value. We will flot allow our clothing values te be anything but first. Gent ss Furnishinga Wonderful value in underwear. from the Niagara iNeckwear Co. some Pants made te order can't be equalled ed Suitings are taking Well. - 1A new lot of ties just received nobby new things. Our $390C at the puice. Our new import- oots & Shoes--- A very large new stock to choose from, bouglit principally froui Messrs Jas. McCready & Co., the largest shoe factory in Canada, and we have yet to learn that any other Maker can give better value, t1hey guarantee their goodd and refund the money in case any do not give -satisfaction. Try them. Orocer tes --- Our stock in this line is very complete and from the constant praise we are rcceiving for our values iu Teas we feel assured that our valucw are extraordinary, Japari Teas havve advanced but we had a large stock on hand anud wilI seli at the same prices as before. Try our Teas. T he M A SO'N Ce~ A Good Up=-to=date Groceryi and Provision Store-Igc is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being well treated and get pure good goods every time you trade there. This is tho way we want you to feel about This Store and we'11 merît your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is not en- tirely satisfactory-spbeak right out, and we'l1 make it right. We keep full limes of the very best groceries the markets afford and none seil cheaper. We do busi- ness on business principies and the publie like our methods.' Every'day is a bargain day at our store and we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see as and bring your produce. We will give you the best prices going. (2awmker &ÎTait BoWMANVIIJLE. The Grocers THIl BEST As our iBoot and Shoe Stock has becen the talk of the public as being the best in West - Durham, we are bound to sustain, our reputation. We have placed in stock for Faîl trade a complete assori ment of best goods from best manufacturers andc our best endeavor will be to give every custom- er the best value obtainable in ail kinds of IFootwear, Trunks, Telescopes, Bags, etc., and the best makes of, Shoe Poiish and the verv best of everything kept in the best equipped and best conducted shoe stores, Caîl and inspect. Grocers due bis and checks taken as cash. BoWMANVILLE. The Palace Shoe Store.' "Ea=ideal" Shape -makes the foot look siender. Straight sidcd sole-full box toc, ridged at top, in latcst mode. Roomny but uarrow looking. Laced, Buttoned, Congress, or Oxford. Black, Tan, Seal Brown, Carmine, Winecocler, 13~ leathers - 13 half sizs.- 5 widths. -G oodyear Wclt. -$3.00, $4.00, $ 5.00. Stamped on sole. CATLOur «IThe Siater Shoe."

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