Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 7

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cmrn~Ai~ -~ ~ godtidingýs." One of tbhe a eGn-7 ~~ ~SUi 1) Aï' Su L i L.era1iykzuwn as cdracesas,, tiioglithe ~il4i r ', emüip is flot applfred tue baem 'n the. r I . New Testamrent. ,Abod.e witùhbina. ihos Il~I IN 15 LLO IflNAI, LESSON, OCT'. did tlie early diciplos open their bouses J i incaUres Magazine for October w ii fi~ a ud. ieart-ste opanother. iCntain an articla by M1r. Bernard. P.1 Y I ~ ~ "Paul coraîey 9411 ocse c as*1,1: , 9. Folu daughbtrs. The; Gospel benors G(renteli, one of the Lvno disover,-rg of 5 ýE ~and boJ1ûews the anusîîrelatio. The, the new liaings of Christ ILf the £RiVTICA 1NO.KS.ter,, adl rnrri p frjtam ailles Tc,,at discovi.ry, iithe e gyptian LI ~ Verse 1. Ater we were gotten £roma igins.- Noi as nu.ns, Libt living at esrt oi wa n las proved ta be the thhecae ri h llr oiaauJ cc,-ispng their tiuse in nret c >lst by atieast 1.50yearg of al ex- e1 usefu1l!ee. ProýUecY. Lods gifîstin, ,- sý_ec 1r' of chris lite. This ar- Ephesus, who bailmet Paui receîved bis e l proifibaenoec bren coutinail tje]p nu. -L be fulyilluhistrted fromi (r f~parting counscis in lliletus. Reail the tea -4-- x. Luiei nil Debesais in ph~er.s taken by the auther precediug chapter. Launoheil. "ec ut ItsaetAnaai lis ioaf uleAeee h iseur fotir maidl,nusin tLeheN e appear in thtery ssii." Cees. Ceýs, a littie îslaud. nar "goodiy f ellor. -i, of il cý preplets " - M Nilecus, The day foleiiewiug. The jîre-i 10. Agabus. 'Vfwunt)ry yars befr Ut1e net ceeue possible that the i. islon et thenarrative je verïied byfiisbaha cpdieted afuii. 1 1for igit ipeopieecau lic prend-! 11.ilGirdlo-. A gaeuilnt varin aroil cd Pr te. c l' ase:, eek. But Mrs. Ytbe distances of tlie 15sudsERhodes. tbh)ý k sL cbmi nlwmnluioci ema ceu eUic Amer. i ~ ~ ~ FIft miles frein Cees. It 'cas famens l et, made co' 'gatbcr or of linei al tcnb'dn..i a re Sfer itsiîeauty. Here bad stod tbe c3 t je icy embroidered. anud faStened ifa k]cnews. - li . pinteslier case in W7econemibt Closu, auven abse~ fOr bya mietau. rlasp. Bouinýi) Ib Ldi-e' Rine JL.-rual fer Octolier.1 Knock ia cail batee cnd ret, Sîcli etan i elas teny-oe n neccovering 's eo outstrefcbed legs, sbiiis, if ais said, en- wevîre thLe drapiatip sctime cr flic pro- a ajea's neas, and giýves full, practi-1 SEve3ry iotherould welcome into n f aread the barber, but if nail been ever- plietsî moreimepressiveahl eWerTds. cl irctions by 4,icch aiîy woman eau ~; tt h. usbol ~ithrowu liyan carîliquake anl new isy 'iUSWL kb îg 0 nieas attractive i.ec ce ý3Mrc. Rorer 4on ifs bronze back in thse wataî. Patars. 35-12; so Isaiali walke naked sud bare- expiains fer this cm ailsein of ten foot; Lis,ý 20. 3; se Ezekiel deUlvreil doilere. Tht Ladies'HoeJunl A. towan luAsa Miner, capital of thse raany predict$ioIts libu 's stb tbee lhtladeiphilsRui ounl province cf Lycia. llEply G,b4cest I Thba Old Testament £ 2. Fiuding a ship. Toctinil a sbip may prep4I-ts were woit teaunanca Charlas F. Lumneis ceutrihutec a fae alngUne u uietas their warrant. 'Tbus saîfli atory cf unusuaiiy tbriiiing iuterest to bave tkna"on ie n nin ie Lord." Bei. . , delivar, Fui- Barîer'c 1Roundl Table cf Septamber 21, days tibae mx are ne -1hues " of navi- flaedin l sprit, tbougb nef pîecisaiy in under thet une of f li lver Omelef. If ~ Lkebay hncif toug sal~ gation. Bacli shipinastar ewned hbis vec- letter. flic arst unie liy Jewc, but gi v e, aovivid suggestion of semas of 4 prsbcas ti e val, or a group oft mercbants cwua)d alwadlvedtolnR asu-te characterla.tics of silver smltiug ,-ï)bringa aprîs cca l1 Oder compulsion ef the autberitias. 5f Geanajuato, lu Mexico, one of the Sgocil f«r babys siin, and makes hlm if, andi i was, saiiad g4 wbatevar turne 12. We. Pauls companions lu tha -dst sud largest siliver mines iu the ce frein -h and ric. aud f0 wbafaver Place siteil the iu- jouriiay. They ef tbst piaca. The Chris- worid. Iu thsesaienmbrrnku £ a YSomS AP smade frein 1terecýte of ifs exvuers Every man tinsefCearswhoLaVkew e Mtchawfs wrltes et the ;" citizen-soil- BAR Y'S OV~M SOAP T ~ PalI by report, snd lu tbeir brief ac- dier" lu an article ettclTeSv purat egtîba ils laduicaul ~tafthe mercy of luercliaut marinars; qualutanc aal airady learnail te leva eut's Ifegimneuai Fil day, wisich is scentecal with Ilower exîracta, and is 1 aven kings hai f0 waif their couvain- blin, ilesired te preserve se precieus a ýliberaiiy ildntrated fren phetegrapbs Sp ruenîerf nîly 'THE nursery soap of l ance. UritoPhenicirt. The cesst 'Of S'y- 1 e lccasBsegi in 5_) u iut ln . DJerrolil Keliey Canadin. 7 inri fPletntecntyoff au bard te deçide wben we engbt ýcontinuels Rs discussiou ef uavali ad- *r~iTc~l'k4tO ~.~a~h~ aruni Tye ail ide, W :wetoti face dangers sud wbeuýte fie fr in mistration Tibere is aie anothar in- Whud ye were Sieon. PaulwLukathsam; wbeu to yield te persussien sud, stajmaut 0f tîeaf excellent sbort sar- shrosd. Wà ee"e"PuLkwben tei resîst it. Tihbe disciples fait if ii, 'The Washingtou Vaine, as well as Timothy, Sepater, Aristsrcbus, Secun-. ther duty te dissuade Paul fronmbis a budget of încerecsting facteshebut Al- tonruaýpy; is ewu conscience sud Ged's I saka, sud aneflier cf Sandbeys' fuuuy ~dus, Gains, Tychicus, sud Troplhimus. csîl bada.e hlmn go ferward. yarnis by John Kendrick Bauge. 1-?LTieir ship probabiy carritoite yre sili- 13. 'fe weep and te break mine hert.e N-lDS ESOUN a wstncheil by their, tears; but bis i ,pAlncMntyfo Otbe itnants, tressures of cielore sud ty i." Nt the icross for the sake etf ïliets heantie othiy for of tbea cnitosriansaineil firm. Resdy. . ail) wlâucb wac tisa tireit tu depend ciassie art, te brîuig back frinmPbeni- tha crossl, but the cross for the caL2ke daiuitely upon tise centributions Of C rsGuaânteed or No Pt i cia, s few weeics later, Tyricu purpia, of thea Lord." Aeieuwiters, anà wbieli at once YOTSGo M1DLEAGE ME , 'Arabian spica, sud the amber lof the! 14. Tht wcME of the Lord ha doua. Tbay tata e heaxpoent of American lit- fray bs-va beentble virtira of Sei£ Aî, Hyperbereaus. Ofscdiwealtb ifs en- breneegne thatoire pestla jid, nut eratîcra.This numbar, in thea varlaty ",be yc.»neg. liter Exconces or e ( e .rriin arhat aby chsil hi cialotuerLprdandmption, bufliy etfitsi )-ntents, shows a wldasyrnpathy te ctooÊ i seoay have cemplei rm . trrsu mrhn u ogisi-tecuslo lcLrsdta ii cdafinmgrsp on centemporsneous work. lieu fol the syuptome s-l ors bail soea knowledge; but, littla at once, lIte. 1Tli domnanust note in If, fine te cicr ycizî. Yenuni-ead the future r iiilîé ra h!to hlrsýuhýn 1.Criae.Tewr asleais _ýJ Ykil kucuar en fltaomac netaul , illtiydb to larsnhru 1.Crae.Tewr a aeisiifs trad -iins,fs thue liteasry noe. The sexuali, a'ýVyLct teecrme in e i onsa erslfb hs ias- k_014 maauiug efof «eniiete ha carriail, Opeag article jesunepinilng place of aveid tbthyaoaariort'eerianca treaoflinagr.w r ta Jeinsam. 'A Jour- ltrr nl theyt3 ledeieiec ifohe rnggago e." 1. stliteOayhanalsis sud criticieinby Mr. of iths- dRevers.COr NEW MRI ile sure of ceming centurie,-, tflincain-nyfenatecaitt hblle of'dci- Jameas Lana Allen, who le undoubtediy YCl AT -MENT ,ILL CURE YOU At JItien et Gospel auterpriise, "s PearltJaaofnguslytîc tnhul i e o.sfpromi gand imeet promin- tL ~EFLS.gefprice." feet. eut wr f ffiction fluet wa new bave. ave liaIiflic a 1 'c-ýj Prt bat Mi.Ulisu bahes t fli, ar ssy Emisioni Varoooe lifhl ~ 3. Wban ave baildiscovered. "xvien 1nati efi frfitrr sa Cured w Lýdslgbted." . Cyprus avas th LII f~J aitepcei lc eot, ecnfi i Sypiilîes of-oe a f Pauîl's esîîiast Cliris Ii.iNiliteraîY crcad, if is etmnieathain usual w. N . NELE . m NRL tiin tium hs. t w e noabl te anyinterét. Ha makes a raviaw f tha as ten iîfplac e Banabs. eic T HsIE iFAR7 TnIEASURE Ol F PER-. thaf lhave govaînaed car fiction, whîch. w. ur. StLLF. W. ~tion! trhemli. Onthesnothalet.Se ay-iopraino i w gefpicp c - rBALH ha calis feminine principla, that ba inlto Syria. 'Unto Syria" wblcli lera ie sdlcc n eieet n stnds for Plienicia, fhec aseteru coast , .c,-~~~tiesaSculina printiewhicli las given et Syris.'hA Dr-'sus tiength, ifsontmsceiea. ofh ri.Laude.ai t Tyre. Centuries %ViMalm, S, 'îî,ic s-usasPrîiees BSîninta ii llnmkssu tie oan pesso E ~before thls Tyra hail beau the great i 'rMr. nneAlle tt nn f tes an two pricplea fo mart of ftic Meditrraunean. Onu of fithe haAnirt N. afnl. cmojl~ V D e li i e s Ezek~decipinsl il liter-iThefrugged and the trong do net He, man~y people wotiîd b6wilig Airer Tîratmint bv flic propliefzkilc appreciateta tfs fuail exteuf flic hless- to davecia part of aacL day ta a con- fore reatmnt Afe Tmifs imercantile giory, chapter 27. But "Af the age of 15 1 cemmencad te ruin n fprethat.I aol hse1si ous fraigi hyal u eath. Later on as "ONE OF Tiîý. lnPalsdyTyeh 1 tis rmiwlio bava passail thîcugh. a tryiug i 1 nwio ectseti! The re- )OYS" 1 contrected a serions bleod dse- ýe prestige, theaughi emll a large cif y.pae, who feal that heait h is a fressure solis to te off cmidscipafadin c a hope- SYPHILIS. 1 aras weak and cria' ne '.d.sedent, pirrapies, sunken eyes, b)rm1i , Tbaeathe slip was te unlade liai bar- foalie prize mrea fan silver or gol. lse inicL(ýsiounas te o f hitsubjeof te paies. nlcars, bair Lace, sera teeigiie an;d' "isoetflir ai c ,n , aAmi utfose who ,have expenienceil salet; Orif Ht is Pint la settflad, thare nocrhdra*o luurlua, varjrooeloi-1 waa f tTnh"esu'sein enisedth ru tthis is Miss Sabra Rec-, cornes ise tnîfber peplexif y, wlst a arek. i'aras iluthelilst stages aie wlFidn, isipe. h1RvselttetofWest Rivai, Hebaîf, N.S. TiLh is: ot atse heetereidl. lin a 'end rocommeudad Drs e.lnre ly & isVersion, ' baviuig teunil the disciples," 1lady liaý passaI fhrougb a fry ing sud mwordtutu i ftOfatithfe neail et s ît'rgan. A done obier dociers badljidi ijwstaaehat fhey had te 1ook for i fein hie lcnig me, Dra. Kenedy &RreulnI ht ,Christiaus lu thlaf cif y were cvi- relief was fanilthiuglithfia eilumiscuee ed sdrcminlfe reetme lu a few weaks liy acorhefir Nendreomed h oehd Tiaetmaut. I wouldwaîn scýi i o ~dnl evsdne rnlat an f a mediclue thaf bas broughf heath bok<. Ts problemh as beau soiveil by s, eeanmen toe waea c ts a(il tbîcre cavas laye. Te proeactiun thbe'andstrength te fleusainis ot others, co-nepr t uon fViss Louise Stecitt, in Madirai ~asd wiosa rnadicinai virfuas wil work Ha 1pr'-Bzar oet Saptenaiber'25, de physiclins." W M. IMILLL5.1 Isiugu te Spirit. Thea assiet ex- iequaaîy goal rasults lu al cases whIere scribe,,esrfiscegin aud avrkiug" etThe CONSULTATION FREE. plaustion et this islDr. Jacobcon's; îLe tiflegiven a Lair trial. Mis Recfor1Round liRobin Reading fInI, avicielisl 'Oe treat and cure V r-,rrknwedae cu'snis ivufr sys "l feeait ile y, daty f0 re'oml- 1au assrmiatiorifor niuifualiy supplylag e e e, eyphiieEmiseien i n t Jrusicingw'as iucpircd ; the adivca 1menti Dr. Williams, Pink Pille, as tbay 1tise assistance a 0long neadeil. Sinc Èfee, Mtricture. Ner-vous Di -if asel po ti, naha i shoulil net ge b ava donc wendars for ne. About twe ifs forrnation,, ire January, 1894, ncsniy bttity, Unnatural nischaiint, tithler, was a liaman isterence'. years ago I becarna very 11 ith ser beuadpre fri i at lýdny na Baaer1)i - 5. Went eur way. "Wcra goîng ceinpicatiou ef aislanes. 1 was suffar- Iof tisel country have applit(inl- 17 YERSIN IC IG on our joarnei; started for th 1a ing aith indigestion, billousnessud' rnaftLin, sud thirty diffarant courses- YIJ1~ N VhIMIJFl dock. 'fhey ail. . . witli w'ves fha rasalflng nerarous diserders, sucs have beau tri u pon demanil." The 200,000 OURED sd chasn. ta a ec u sei khiadacha, lose et appetite, sud roll of incine. V cýn sl n ebers incicides tise naines et No cure, Wo Pay. wrIte fer ;Imaginatin thi nine leaders 4ecrted flashes oet lest sud eold, I leagan dec- iighiy educatel wornon, collage grati- !uetis i lank for 1Fissn by ail tise Chrstsane et Tyre-e>nW tong, andth îiongis 1 îsîththaist eflnatals, ministens, Sreiguars, selset 'Pr eatment, floOks Xi ree woinnantd ciitinen-wLe sniled asnd cane 1 seemal te grow wersa aveiy taaeursr, younrmegnen sud metisrs. As o ntain ree. weptL at onlce as tsey sceenspanslad day. I siept but littieansd wiseu iyiug tise avifer saye, "Thuis stafarnu shows e. Lier visitors teiflic ship. The inantion Jdawn weuld grew' seahet andl suffer hexy universealwas flic na"d fer speeil a£t-wives, andi cieltrn'shows is al a-1 frein a sensation efst sering thaf I studiss, anti indicates 10mw faw wera ~. NED et * ready thse itavaerOf the Civiliza tien Of would Slnd if noessany te arisa. Tien'fha avateue thioughie isicfeel.d le DETOIT - iLcvehad begun tewenk. Iteeeunarene- tisa ether extrema weald caensd I ebtaiuad. As wc ail kuew, parants Lava cid iosfility. Thera wae harlly- a va- wouid ehiver witli oel. Tume wore ofttan neitimer ftha inclinatlin uer nea- - ~ ~ ~ n 'r e ~gary conceivahle, fiat lad neftias- 5n ierawa n iprv nnutlucessary li iv o e u1 ervise asudlin- prevai of ssonie oet fln maus1y rahigmons rnmy condition. 1 was nef abla ýte l:;e ct tise r-aidie',, oFttintchiudîcu; tes- of antitrufybut an u erefleixing pure any werk abent the houseansd aveu charne are îzoo croneil imt h echof- leva which bomnd,,togefisar mca andl wo-tisa exenfien et neviug aboat would axont te ive fhnacfer pet-graduafa, messu cîlirn f ilcises astire ne ouf. If I atteritd f icio.wsl tht largec classes aaith- sinch as lovait y as te, gef altioseetnui- walk any distance or hunid in ftaeout ie ar-m~ii' e coin- veorsail disfavor. TUi wae wcre omt et leastl1 woulil gasp for breafie andîceuli l pute ilie 't guidarnelt ~E C U R E D t f. iliena. w0, ava rnsy se, Iscarcely speak ied. aisvcry poer sp -_______ PflflMPT awid~~~f tespcbawe lciidalhuspeiesu waffeIstddpofs tewansd fhe "port"' er enark- san te agiewifl me or fuxnili nel- OU TIE GET SRICE IUICKLY. Write to-day for ing9 plac e. Wckuacleildeîevn On th.e adi uai.shniept, andl I alse saffarail onr beautifulilnstraed Beekon Patentes d short,.In tbelr fermai prayars Jeuws l wif h a cavera pain lun my aide sud bacit. Miss Fie. Courtice anti Miss Millie theefascluating stery of a poor Inventer who estemavlly sto, but ftsc ttitude et; During fLic finie I triait nany rerne- Evec'sou spaut Sunday aith. friands iu made " 000 00. Seul us a ronghi sketch fie heaif lin prayer il fan motre imp0i- lies, but thay gave nme ne relief what- Pckiu..MisEA.C rtelai- or mode f yeur invéntien and we will tan fla flat e fiL hMyisTanE.venAI ld bconi se vestvsds- pronuptly tell yen FREZ if i lenew sud Zrn onPnon a 1%,lyaonba wonld ha sen i ecitanpy on the partu systeni was sa ru down that lita was iigbrbela M.WL ori Mohnimbug, Honest Service. Specialty: et evieun (some 1legdng inienlers ef inoti- s bunden te ine. Af this stage my at- Pceig..M.Jh efui a ?ouigh nsces re.iected lunailier bandesud cru cliurdlies éteo naetfthe busier ftention avas dunecteil to Dr. Williams' .1500 bushals ef wiseaf fhic est.,... Mn. foreign appications. Rteferences: Honor- docrks lu a gnrlft cif y andl aitis pnyegr Pink Pis andi 1 determineil te give A. S. Tooley is enacting a uaw lbarnuail- Heable . hA, e, io La Preadig and sa sng te ljId fareweýI te friands tbam s trial. Ater seing tour boxes jacaut te h§icill . .. . Rey. Dr. Manvin la p apaers, Banks, Express Cempanias & clients abotte o sali; sud bLase whe sawl sucb I faIt se mul baffer fIat lepe andl preachiug a series et ser mous ou "Thse li auy locality. Al Patents scured through a£ gatheriug avomld i ssume fisat file ws, encouragement cae a tmne once uoe. thiugsl; wae u"isl net ce do".. Mr. oua' ageucy are brenglif leoe the public by atier a "Salvatom Amy meeting" er, t centinueil the astetffte Pink Pille Blakeý, Counfuce accempauleti by Mr. a spueial ntice lu ovor 300 newspspers. a ev misslnunanry baud, cxeptienai su- ad foanil myscît sfseadily gaýining Walton Anuis le makin' oro h ZezARON a«RlOrn, atntEperts, a .nIw'pao- I ý a tour et-tise wInAftA'.-'-', "~"~"' " ce o f tfitret Gent ile conversion te DAIID5TURBED SLEEP, DOîW.3-Cbttstia.nity; aft thai turne the recul- -- NES, ORGETFULNESS. COLD CH-SLLS, au c eofthflicRomuu kovennenr; ceeu iNErFqousNESS, ETC., ARE OPTEN CAUSED af fer tha place ef Paul's iniprisen- '.,, --Aiu' BF ,sýDISORDSKIONEYS. meut for 3 yeams nov e s ertail min,-. r' Cit âP'kUPrlEt0lýY I DEPCTWR kown s K[isriyeh. hii. Hi wb B îL AT AS-tt fi VE IFFOR IlEiOR IlSEEC id nbe sKisadryi. fpShiË, . Ha in-STFOR-.i O U S IO U L O A L O A S R E T E I'I R T H A T B c %cyen I r v r p i h c l e t l I t i I R A sU S E fi DOAN5 PLS CURE ALL KIDNE'? TROU. Jernîusailein lyESaul the paýstcuîonr,, uKexv "The reason why se few marriages ~ sr~es.c B L ES. ?'1D V ERF OSE H LPS ' i i s i l d elt s tw Êlr ei s a5 t e his hoem i nl'r are h appy is eca nse ay u ug ladies spe nid I ~~~ AF ~Cesara,, as a ýbeoveed hrbifuer' Pai'tll heý their finit in making nets, nef ,i.1 A(50 ATSSCAIOCI 7OOT -SO LOATALL DRUGSTORES,. a0sIeEvaugmsiiet. "A ýeeg01É i msking cagee.,-Swift. i apestile. Obi Idren 0 yfor P-- as~ra 'fO iun,Mrphinea Iiu. l S ON -T1, 0F YEh~ IBOTTTlE 0F Aperfect lRemedy for ConStipa- tdon, Sour S GahUiihea~ Liess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Sinite Signature of ~1W YE~K~ astoria îs put Unp111 one-se bott1es oniy. It la mot sold in bu1ký flopnt allow anyone to sou you antbing es u on th plea or promise that t l just as good su "will answer every pv- pose." Ae- ee that von get OÂSTORIA EXAOT COPY Of~ WRAPPF- jipatirs EBOWVMPzNVILWF, ONT. E. R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of and dealer in Fine Monumental Work of every de- Sscription, and aill kinds of Cemetery Work. Ail orders promïptly filled in a satisfactory manneraiud at reasonable prices. bomts an mue QuieR Suie Suer illees. 0 0 Having, secnred the services of W. JENNINOS, as salesman, we have begun selling ont the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Eall Importations. This is a great opportnnity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stock must be rednced we shall offer at once $3000 worth of thes-e goods at sacrifice prices. Ail ontstanding accounts must. be settled in fuli by Aug. l5th or costs will be incnrred, as the present books must be squared np. D. DAIS BOWMA-NVILLE. LIEAVER BLiôcxi, Now is the time to look aronnd and see if your f ur garment is in proper order aud style. if not, M. Mayer, the Furrier, i the man who, can do your work properly, che--, anauJguarantced. The latest styles in Hats and Gents' Fnrnishings alwalys on hand. Bring your furs early befor)ïe the rush commence";. U Practical Furrier.

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