Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 5

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J ~ dfl r * g t e... - t - i - A Test $5.00 N .RR LZES. A good cliance for Boys and Girls -that can read. The habi of reading aloud to others shoukll be practised to a greater extent by boys and girls, as it not only giv-es them a more cor- rect pronuneiation and a better idea regarding the formation of words axp sentences , but it strengthens .f lnngs and give confidence and ease to those vho practice it. Wc desire to know the relative value of the advertising mediums we use and wîll give a handsome Camera to the boy who reads this entire columu to the largest number of persons before Oct. lst. We will giv-e another Camera to the girl who r-eads it to the largest number of per-sons during the same e.me, Each compe titor must bring a list of the signatu. re of those to whom. they have reaud the coluran. For further particulars pend 3c stamp or cau et store. Stott & Jury. Boirax And Arn morn ia. These are two articles that are not used as largely as they should be by the geieral publie. Those who have not used them have no idea as to their value in the every day work of tile household. We are m=aking a specialty of these two lincs and will give full directions for using to every custom- r . ST~OT T & JU RY. Sces. 4here are spices that are spices id there arespices that should not te called spices. _We keep none but'the best and oar prices are as low as the lowest. We would like you to try us next time you require spices, Cream Tarter or Baking Soda. Stott & Jury. Import Bulbs: M Those wishing to save money on Winter or Spring flowering. Hol- land Bulbs should place there orders NOW. We have already ordered a large eupply and will be placing the last order for this season the first of September. Orders at import prices must be plaeed before t date. Catalogue Price. Our Price eyacinths, (named)lOc to 20e. Scto 10c. Tlips 85c. 20C. Crocus 15c. 10c. Faicshias 40c. 25C. 'toman Hyacinths 6c. 3c. Ihinese Lilies 15c. 10c. Easter Lilies 15C. 10c. Others at proportionate prices. Order At Once. Stott & Jury. N. B -We are still selling the best Saking Powder in the market at 15 ets. per pound. WhisltsI1 ýMY SkE 1 1*1L- Whisks I I aving secured an immense of Whisks direct from Manu- fueturers at a, big discount from regular prices we are offering. 10c Whisks for 5c. 18e Whisks for 8e 15e Whisks for 10c. 20e Whisks for 15c. 25e Whisks for 18e 35e Whisks for 25c. 50e Whisks for lSc. If you want a good article at less that regular wholesale prices call early. Stotj4t & Jury. N. B.-There are still a few who have not tried our best quality Baking Powd- er. You can save exactly 85e on every pound by using it. :a c" S rnsa. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GoING EAST. GoING WEST. Express.......8 81,a.m. *Express... 5 23 a. m B:xpress .... 10 18.m L . 1 Passenger . S 29 p.m Paseneger.. 2 O5 P. m Local...... 6 42 p.m. *Expres... 5 22 *Exgm e. . 10 35 iwh_ (4ataÙaman Ptatmaau BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 29, 1897 Local and Otherwise. Lanterns from 20e up at NICHOLLS. Say! Nicholls has Lanterns that burn. Mr R. A. Bragg, was a petit juror at Cobourg last week. Attend the Chicken Pie Supper at Ebenezer Monday night. Live in the light, buy your lantern at NICHOLLS' and be happy. A good horse is impounded at Mr. S Shortridge's, Solina. Sec ad. See advt. of desirable Bowmanville home and 12 acres land for sale. Mr. Thos. Jackson sold 6 pigs, 5 months eld, weighing 215 lbs. each. Do you need a pair of corsets? See S. W. Mason & Son's special this week. If you want to get up early in the morning, buy an alarnm clock from Rie- kard. L. Morris is rushing trade in Parlor Suits.IRis big variety and low prices will tell. Dean's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., play- ed to a large audience on Thursday evening in the Town Hall. Flannelettes-an immense stocks in all qualities just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. R. Beith, M. P., has been p point ed judge on Clydesdales at the Chicago Horse Show to be held in November. Allen Bros., Newcastle,L.M.Courtice, Courtice, and Levi Skinner, Tyrone, were successful exhibitors at Peterboro fair. Dress Goods of all kinds-the latest weavcs und the newest colors-now showing at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. The Horticultural Society's floral show will be held in the Town Hall this evening and Thursday afternoon and evening. It will spruce up your ideas of furni- ture to sec the Quartered Oak Writing- desks Hall-racks and Centre Tables that are selling at L. Morris', Few Idea Patterns are sold at the West End House for 12e cach. Regis- ter your name and get the magazine, "Woman's Wear" free. Ladies' and Misses' Coats the finest assortment of new and perfect fitting garments ever seen in town now show- ing at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Annual excursion of the Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Bow- manville, to Toronto, will be held dur- ing the week of the W. C. T. U. con- vention lu that city. The boats are calling at Port Bow- manville regularly twice a week and are oarrymng a large amount of fruit and other freight, also more passengers than usual at this season of the .ear. The Trinity church was comfortably filled Friday evening and the audience enjoyed the interesting address of Rev. J. R. Barnett on "A stay-at-home ramble through some ancient cities of the bible." Ladies wanting a nice button boot should not buy until they sec J.D.King goods at the West End House. They are the best fitting goods made in Canî- ada, quite equal to the best American makes. The responsive service for Children's Day will be given by, the Sunday School Seholuns of St. Puul's churchon Sunduy evening next. Collections morning and evening on behalf of the Sabbath School fund. Rev. H. T. Lewis, B. A., tas been appointed to fill the pulpit of Cobourg Methodist church during the remainder of Conference y ear under the Supern- tendence of the chairman of the district, Rev. W. R. Young. No Bicycle Road race on Friday next unless twenty or more entries are made. To-day is the last chance to en- ter. Route-to Muple Grove and ne- turu and 10forks of therroad west of Newcastle to Town Hall corner. Rev. J. H. Barnett will commence a series of Sunday evening sermons, on the "Evidences of the Authenticity of the Scriptures." Subject next Sunday evening "The Creation and fall of man" The Biblical statement will be corrobor- ated by pictures and a reading from the Tie Books of Chaldia. The new Presbyterian Book of Praise will be used for the first time in St. Paul's church next Sunday morning. It has been in course of preparation for several years and is held to be a very flen collection. The typographical work is wondenfully beautiful uukl complete. Tu!e choir wîll also reuider saune uppro- priate selections from the new book. The International Evangel is truly a great paper for Sunday School workers Every month it covers a very large field of Sunday School work besides giving vuluable assistance to teachers of Prnimary, Home and other depart- ments. Articles frnom the pens of some of the best writers appear on its pages. Send for a copy ta the International Evangel, con. Eighth and Olive Sts., St. Louis, Mo• Robent Jotnston, B. A.; London, will address a meeting of the C. E. Uniou of Bowmanville..lu St Paul'schancE on Chureat and te toung" T he choir of St. Paul's chancE will furnish music and Miss lMcLaughlin will sing a solo. Mn. Jotnston is the pastor of St Andrew's church,London. Ris success lu Lindsay is widely known and tis addresses before such Conventions rs that of the Provincial C. E. Convention lu Ottawa hast Fall and the great Sun Francisco gatherimg this summer have given hunm a continental fume as one of tEe rising onators whose gifts une consecrated to the work among the younîg. There are a good many of the 45th Battalion who remember Mn. Johnston's distinguished services as chapluin. Ris sermons and talks to tte men lu camp were greatly rtelished There willweare screhe no disappointment ta tthose who heur him. Admissiofirfree, with collection during the meeting for the funds of the C. E. ILocal UnIon., Have you read Mayer's new advt? See those Lanterns at Nicholls' before buying. If you want knives and forks go to Rickard's. Send us the names and addresses of ail your visitors.a Send this paper to two friends till New Years for 25 cents. If you want good luck buy your wed-. ding ring at Rickard's. D. Davis is gîving great bargains ln boots and shoes-see advt. See the Ladies' Coats opened up this weekat S. W. Mason & Son's. You will find the best assortment in Hats and Shirts at M. Mayer's We want a correspondent in everv school section in WestDurham. s Address of H. J. Lamb is wanted at STATESMAN office, Bowmanville. We will send Toronto Weekly Globe to end of 1898 to new subs for $1.00. Allan and Dominion Line ocean tickets for sale at STATEsMAN office. A one cent stamp will carry THEu STATESMAN to any part of the world. I Bounsall's Marble Works are turning out some han<some monuments. Sec advt. Just in at the West End House, new shapes in ladies' collars and cuffs. Sec them. See those lovely Quarter Oak Side- boards at L. Morris', the newest and very cheap. Messrs. McClellan & Co., are payingf the highest prices for grain delivered at ut the Hlarbor. A fine range of new Dress Braids, Gimps and trimmings of al kinds at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Some iron and brass bedsteads also a very pretty line of rattan chairs are sold very cheap at L.Morris' furuiture store. Of all the Lanterns you ever lit you never lit any lantern that will give more li-ht than the Lantern you buy at NICHO'LLS'. Gentlemen who are particular about having a perfect fitting suit of clothes should leave their orders at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. If you wunt tobe lu style just eat u M. Mayer's, and suit yourself with a1 Fedora or Christy stiff hat. Full line ofr gents' furnishings as usual. You can buy a marriage license, steamship ticket to any part of the hab- itable world,order any newspaper,mag- azine or book published from M. A. JAMES, STATESMAN office, Bowmanville. If you need a sewing machine anda want one that will do any kind of work run easy, wear a life time and all this for a reasonable price and easy pay- ments, go to Riekards, jeweller, Bow- manv1lle. The station hotel and sheds occupied by Mrs. J. Ruebottom were burned early Monday evening. The fire start- ed in the sheds-cause unknown-and being quite a distance from town ther fire briade were unable to save the buildings which were owned by Mr. W.9 R. Goodwin. The furnture was most-1 lv saved. Both parties will lose a goods deal as we understand the insurancer is light. The G. T. R. sheds narrowly escaped. Mr. R. Beith, M. P., met with remark- able success at the Canada Central Ex - hibition at Ottawa taking the following prizes on his horses: 2nd on 'Miranda in High Stepping Class; ist on Carriage team; Gold Medal for best Carriage team, any size; Diploma for best Car- riage mare any age ; 1st on Hackney1 mare and foal; lst on 2 yr-old Hackney filly; lst on 1 N r-old Hackney filly ; 1st on Pony in Harness ; lst on yearling Hackney Stallion; 2nd on "Banquo;" Diploma for best Hackney mare, any age. Complaints against the prize list in order to receive attention must be made to Mn. Windatt, Secretary,in witing, not later than Wednesday, Sept. 29th. The Directors will meet at the Council Chamber on Thursdgy, Sept. 80th., at 21 p. m. ,without further notice,to hear and determine such complaints as shall have been made, and to receive the report of the Managing Committee on the late Exhibition. TheTreasurerW.F.Allen, Esq., will be present at the Police Office ou Friday and Saturday, Oct. lst and 2nd, to pay the prizes. BORN. SaaA o-a Oronh Sept. 16th, the wife of Ehi Sharmnan, ai a daug'hler. CARVETH.-In Leskard, Sept. 16th, the wife o A. W. Carveth, Esq., of a son. Asîaazv.-In Oshawa, Sept. 181h, tEe wifu af Mr. J. H.Ashleyofa son. MARRIED. DENIKE-JOLLIFFE.-At the Methodist Parson- age, Coborne, on Thursday. Se2t. i3rd by Rev. F: W. Jallîffe, faiber of the bride, Albert Car- man Denike, Phm. B., Haveloek,and Minnie E. Jollifre, Colborne. LEAsK-MoRsRIsoN.-Near Brooklin,Sestember 22nd, by Rev. J. B. McLaren, at the resi ence o the bride's parents, Miss Elizabeth Morrison and Mr. Alex. P. Leask, of the Township of scotl FERRIs-MCCAL um.-At Cobourg. September 22, 1897, at theresidence aI tEe bride s matEr, b1e.John avs Elzbeth Ms ecd doght- DIED. BLANCuARD.-At Raglan, au Sept. 141h. Claras Charlotte, daughter aI Cokell sud Ellen Blanch- ard, aged 26 years, 6 montEs sud 22 days. RARR1s-lu Clarke ou Sept. 19, Elizabeth Ma ruitascott, beloved wifeol soînoan Harris, Jhers 40t yehawa, sept. l6th, Pearl, daught- er ai R. H. James, i year. CoMMEaRoRD.-In Cedar Dale, sept. 17tE, Daisy Waleh. heioved wife aI Jas. Commerfard, aged 24 years. Cuu1m.-Atbis laie mesidenee Bowmanville, an Monday, se pt. 27th, Freduric Cobitt, yougest sou aI tha laie wVoolmer Richard Cubitt M. D., aI Erpiîîgham, Norfolk, England. BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. Correctedby J.McMurtry eacht Tuesday FLoua, V 100 lbs.........2 60 to $8 00 WIHEAT, Eall, bush. O . 0 00 O 90 n Sprina ... O 00 t' o R ed ilfe ... O 00 n, O 95 n Goosu ....0 00o 0 75 BARLEY, bush, No. 1 .. O 84" O 85 't n ' 2 .. 026 0 27 n a a 8....0 25"o 026 t' " Two rowedo0 21 't 028 OATs, white '0.... 00 O 22 RYE0 .... 000" 046 BUCKWEAT ' ..........O O00 0 30 PEAs, Blackeye, ebush.. 0 55 ' 0 56 ' Canadian Beauties.. 55 0 O 56 Mummey 0 0 00 0 0 O45 t Small, 040" 045 1 Bile 040 0 BUTTER, best table, V lb.. O 10 t 0 18 Foos, P doz...........0 00 0 18 PoTAToBs, tush......... 0 00 0 30 Hay per ton.......,....000 a 9 00 PERSONAL. Miss Maud Emmerson is home from Rochester N. Y. Miss Bussie Hicks, Toronto, spent Sunday aI home. Ma.tBlake McMurtry, Toronto, spent Sunday aI home. Major Rich. Howden, Port Hope, was in town Thumsday. MissEthelPeterkin,Toronto,is visiting atMr- R. Mllons. Miss Ida OshartuGananoque, was home for Buwmanvlle Faim. Mis Lizie Res, Oshawa, bas been guest ai Mrs.W. S Saders. t . J. J. Sllivan, Toronto bas been guest of gman. Mm. Harry Gale, aI the Caibamue Entarprise, was Iu town last week Miss M. Mara bas taken a position in a leading dry gouds store in Woodstock Mrs. D. M sPherson bas been visiting ber amatur Mrs. S- V anstuna, Wiihy. Mrs. Dawson and Master Harry, Fraserville, are guests f Mr. John Hellyar. Miss Pters and Miss Lily McLean,Port Hope, spnt Suanday wlth relatives huere. Mrs. David Forbes, London, visited lier sister, Mrs. M. Mayers and other friends. Miss Gertrude Haines of Alima Sanatarium,Al ma, Mich., is visiting her pareits. Rev. W. Limbert of Selby bas a sunflower 9 ft hîigh witl over 100 blossoms on it. Miss Annie Cryderman ls visiting her brother Mr. A. B. Cryderman, Blackstock. Master Hugh and Miss Mary McDougail are visiting relatives ai Abingdon, Ont. Rev. A. J. G. Carsedden reently visited bis cousin, Mr. Hilliard Gardener, Carmel. irs. Fred Veale, Nestleton, Cartwright, was reent guest of Mrs. Harry Zealand, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey attended the Corr bett-Coleman wedding at Port Hope last week. Miss Hattie Jolliffe, Lindsay, bas returned home after a pleasant visit with Darlington friands. Mrs. (Dr.) Andarsou of New York eity, is vislting lbergrandmuther, ira. W. Renwick, Centre St. Hon. W. s. Fielding, Minister of Finance, left on Saturday for England by the Allan LineS. S Parisian. Mr.Seward Somers bas returned from Lindsay snd is visitong bis parents bere before going to Callega in Toranto. Mr. W. Roenigkand Mr. Chas. Keithjr., were ai Lindsay last week assisting on the musical program at the fair. Dm. J. C. Mitcell, Enniakullen, bias aegted a lectureship on"The diskies aichildrun 'n Toronto Medicalsehool. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Davis, missionaries, visit- inClarke relatives, will return to their work lu Jodla about Oclohar 13. Mr F. AldsworthOshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Aldsworth and son Charles of Courtice, visit- ad Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Haliacru. Mr.d Ms. Wmn.Stephenson, Oshawa and Dr. and Mrs. Mason and son, Chicagowere recentguests of Mr. Wm. Trewin. Mr. J. W. Hickson, 373 Markham St., Toronto, bas beanappnaied Truasururio the Royal Arcanum Grand Counil uf Outario. Miss Clara A. A. Nichols, Enfield bas return- ed home after a pleasant visit of three weeks with hercousin, Miss Gertrude Halfacre. Mr. andMrs. P. Murdoch and Miss Murdoch attended thei nptials o, Miss Bessie McCallam and Dr. Ferris of Cobourg Iast Wednîesday. Mr. Tom Brown left for Bowmanville Satur- day uveoiog aller spending a very enjoyablu camp with te 45tb Batt baud. Lindsay Poat. Miss Stein who bas been spanding a few weeks in Buffalo, N. Y., was suddenly called home through the serions illness of her mother. Capt. James Wight has returned from a visit' witin friends aI Carp, Lanark County. He speaksvery highly of thatpartof the country and people. Rev. M. P. Talling fare welled last Sunday as pastor ofst:James Presbyterian church,London, Ont. He gous ta Toronto to take a post gradu- ate course. Mr. and Mrs. W R. Pearue, Misses Gertie PearceFlorence Taylor, Atkinson and Par sons, Newcastile, visited at Mr. Ira Pearce's recently. Misses Mamie and Katie Taylor gave a mas- querade party ta a numb aIT ethir young îrieuds oau i$idaýy uveuimg.Tha youug flks had a pleassltlime., Recent vistors at Mr. W. L. Law's: Mr. and Mrs. I. Homuli, Tllsonburg; Mr. Cowan, Tor onto; M. RuHle,Ramilton ; Misses Bertie Law, Lottie Mitchell nd Ettie Gifford, Bowmanville. Mr.and Mr .Moore and three children of North Stmrd Ne Hamhp ie, have been visit ber moE r . H. rper. Mr. Moomte uifi ed the opening of the new arch bridge at Niagara Falls. Mr.Eben James,259 Commissiors St.,Montreal Que., Canadian agent for Messr-s.Wodall & Co. Liverpoou, sud album Engish firms wbo bandie apples avored THE ssTEsMAN with s call Wednesday. The congregation of St. Paul's Presbyterian ehurch, Hamilton, ave a reception to Rev.Neil McPherson and briJe on Thursday evening last. The Ladies' Association presented Mrs.M¯Pher- son with a silver dinner and dessert set of knives lu a beautilul luaiher case. Dr. Mitchell, tEe estimable candidate for the Provincial Lgîislature in West Durha attend- ed court this week. The doctor is agenial good fellow and poîular wherever he is known. The est wishsa fh World attend himon bis coin- iugcomîtuat for Lugisiativu honora.-Cabaorg waorld. Mr. H. L. Simpson, local manager of the Bel Telephone Company, bas accepted the position of manager for the Trenton ad Picto district. There will bE universal regret over bis departure as he has been a most careful and obliging man. agr adleaves wth ie good will and conf dence ai ail the patrons. A number of friends went to the G. T. Rdepot Tbumsday ailumnoon lu muet Mm.aud Mrs.Danîke ai Caîborne, who werepassing throug a their wedding tour. Mrs. Denike was Mils Minie Jolhiff e, yaunigusi daughter of 11ev. T.W.Jolhiffe formerly o ibis town. Her numerous friends here wish her happinessand prosperity in huer mmuw apEre. Editor and Mrs. James attended the ceremon- ies aI Niagara Falls in conneetion with the apaulng ofîthe nuw Grand Trumk Single Ai-cb Bridge describede ane STATEsMN Sept. 1. The were accoînpanied from Thoromito by Mrs. RWickett of 471 Queen St. W. These opening cremanus w ema very suasful heing largely stlundad by Amaricaus snd Canadusus. ATCTION SALES. FRIDAY, October 8-Mr. John Luxon, lot 8, con. 2, Darlington, in the town of Bowmanville, will sell his farm stock, implements, etc. Saletut 1 SATUDAY Oct. 9.-The r ibbent resi dence and grounds, Kino St., E., will be sold. Sec ad. and bilîs. L. A. W, TOuE, auctioneer. The New Preshyterian Book of Praise. is now ready and can be seen at the BIG 20, a good assortment to select from. We Have a large, well selected stock of School Supplies ready for the School Opening. ' 14 T.,Allen. tei of Business au entl tains ils ppu mercantile establis nouncement now r Principal, O. R. M Y. M. C. A. Building Amri TH1E HAMILTON 81NE Brr.tB. MLAUGHLXN O Barrister,solicitor and Conveyaneer. o fee:-- Bleailn Block, Ring street, Bowmanville, COLLIGE Money ta ban ai reasanable rates. 48-lyr, sud ShothandInstitute, by Dr. G. R. PATTERSON, meaus oai cupgted l Dunia SSliorthn d eractice e Detst.Ho or Graduate Toronto Universty ýla for positions lu timt-cîs.ansd Royal Collage Dental Surguons. Spacisities hments. 15th Annual an- Artificial Dentures $8.00; Amalgam Fillings 50c. eady. Send for it to the First class work at very moderate prices. Office Orono. cOU L LOUGH NOTICE.-I will be here fora few g, Ramilton, Ont. 38-tf w daystareivpaymenta fBo accout, ïg, amitonOnt 38-f. illparties lindubîed p lusse bu prompt iu sut.ý p P ing. Wm. ELLisoN. Office in Old Stand. tsmîi.d, spring, nearly new. i Ta» Buggy, lump i Cuuidraion Susi. i Top Buggy, MoLaughlîn Gear. 1 Open Lue Building. Phon. i fsckarouud Buggy. Apply to JOHN zan PERCY.Bowmanville shorthand ~Buls.iness Comercial Courses. Col ieoe Owned and controlled by ~ Torntooronto bus - ,,oronto ornt Fred Wyld E. R C. Clarkso, Esq., F. C. A.E Trout,Esq. Wm.McCabe,Esq . IF C. A. and S. F. MeKinnon, Esq. Affil- iated with the Institute of Chartered Ac- countants. 110 Students assistedtopositions last year. Send for free prospectus to DAVID HOSKINS C A I. Principal ALMA COLLEGIE For Young Women. Aresidentialschool. Collegiate nd Pre- psratory Sîndies. sMc, Fine Art, Elocutiou,Businffss. Moral sud /Esthetic Advaniages. Affili- ated with Victoria Unlversity. College stands i an eight acre park. Low taies, Forillustratedcataloguendparticulars,address: Rev. R. Werner. M. A., Principal. StThomas. Ont Darlillgtoll' s Voters' List Notice ia hureby given that Courts will be held pursuant ta tEe Votera' Liai Aet by His Ronor tie Judge aI the Couty Court of the United Counties ai Northumberland and Durham to hear and determine the several complaints of errons or omissions in the Votera' LiaI ai tha cipality for the year 1897 ai the TOWN,RHALL, HAMPTON on tEe FOURTEENTH DAY of OCTOBER,189 7 At the hour of 10 O'CLOCK in the forenoon. Sa far as relates to Polling Sub-divisions Nos. 2, 4 5 and 7 of the said Township and at the COUNCIL CHAMBER BOWXANVILLE on the SIXTEENTI DAY of OCT OBER 1897, at the hour of 10 O'CLOCK in the foremoon So far as relates to Poliin sub-division Nos. 1, a and 6 of the said Townsiu. Ail persons having business at the said Courts are required to attend at the said times and places. Dated the twenty-seventh day of Sept. 1897. 40 - 1w. R. )VîNDÂTT, Clark ai Mouielpality. Wake up! The dawn of a brighter day is now visible. Buy yourself a Wateh while it may be obtained for little money. Bowmanville Fair is September 17th. Come and make it a success. But do lot go home without pur- chasing a Watch from Rickard. Watches have gone up in price. Hold on, not at Rickand's. Oh, no; lie laid lu a stock before the prices went up and y ou purchase at the same old figure. Quality Unquestionable. 'ulIy Guaranteed....... Also Headquarters for Sewing Machines, three kinds to choose from. Beautiful Rings, "Good Luck" Wedding Rings, Spectacles, in fact, lots of Goods. Great value in any you may buy. Groe'ers' Due Bills taken as Cash. T. N. RICHARD, Wtchmaker Jeweller and Optician Bov'ii ni l le. MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAMES, ISSuer Of Marriage Licenses, Residence: Centre Street. lOLSTEINS FOR SALE.-A Thoro- bred Holatein beifer eauf for sale aI a bar- gain if taken a once n.°. Grnsoa, Bowmss.m ville, Box 38. HEIFER ASTRAY.-Strayed from lot 26, Con 8. Darlhngton, between July 10 and iStb a yearliug red heifer. Information leading to her recovery will be thankfully re- ceived by L. J. REATTOIRE, Enfield. t5 - If, ARM TO RENT-.Harnden estate 120 acres, Imore or less, south part of lot 20 lu Broken Front Concession of Darlington-to be rented for s term f 4 r 5 years. First-las faim, good buildings and tenues, good locaitye. Apply tofD. B. SiMPso,Barrister,Bowmanvil el 32-tf. II ORSE IN POUND.-There is im- - pounded in Lot 26, Con 6, Darlington, a bay horse, 4 years old,wîth black points. Lamt lu right fore foot, the shue being off. If ucu claimed within thirty days will be sold as the law directs on Oct. ilat prox., at 2 p.,m. at tbe gound. S. SHoRuncE, Pound-Keper, Solina, ,1897. 39- 3w. (OW STRAYED:-From Lot 85 Con. . 6, Clarke, about August 21st a large red cow with some white on feet an legs; borna swal and to inwards. Cow in good condition about 5years old. Information of ber wberu- abouts will be thankfully received. Anyone found nlawfully detanîng or encioslng the same will be deait wilb as tbe law directs. JOUXS SANrnacoCx, Orouo, Ont. 38 - tf. ASTON'S CORNERS FOR SALE.- 5, n tor ,sbouse and ulan for sale or rent,Con. 5, nortb east quarter of Lot 19 Dsrliugtoîî, two and one-half acres. Frame house bthree bed- rooma, diuiug room, kituben, summer kitehen, aso a store and office, two bed-rooms upatairs, and a large store room, stable for three or four horses sud a large driving shed with yay loft above, will bold from 14 lu 20 tons of bay ; s large roomy cellar ; cistern ; hard water Bump, wood and coal shed. Possession Novem- ber 10, 1897. One bail mile from Hampton, P.O. daily mail. Five milci from Bowmanville Good place for pedlar. Apply on the premises or at this office for further particulars. B. Asu. [TON, Hampton, P.O. 35 - if, AUCTION SALE Of Valuable HOUSE and LAND lu Bowmanville. Under instructions from the owners,there will be offered for sale by publie auction Dy the un- dersigned auctioneer at the Bennett House,Bow. tnanville, on Saturday Oct. 9th, I897 at 1:30 p. m., the beautiful residence of Mrs. Hibbert, deceas- ed, King St., east, Bowmanville, known as Ley- ton Cottage, with about 12 acres attached. On the premises are a frame stable and woodshed aiso a large orchard sud large auantity of small Iruita, a large lawu in front and besutîfully laid out grounds adjoîn the residence. Terma of sale. Ten per cent of purchase money lu bu paid at lime of sale; balance withiu one muonthfromdayofsale, witbou itereat, Pos- session given within a month after sale. The rpert willbe offered subject to a reservu bid. or f'arther particulars and conditions apply to JOHN K. GALBRAITH, Vendors' So- lictor, Bowmanville; or L. A. W. TouE Auct- ioneer, Bowmanville. 39 - 3w. E XCtUR SIO0N SEPT.30 OCT. 1,2, FR011 BOWMANYILLE TO PORT HURON or...... DETROIT, Mich ........$ CLEVELAND, Ohio.8.25 SAGINAW, Mich....... BAY CITY, Mich....... GRAND RAPI DS, Mich.. 5 CINCINNATI, Ohio CHICAGO, Iiil75 ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS accord- ing to route, Proportionate rates from other stations. Tickets validtoreturnuntiliMonday Oct. 1stb, 1897. Tickets and ail information. from G. T. R1 agents. M C. DICKSON. Dist. Paso. Agent Toronto This Range ha, HIC s ... ..won universal ad miration. This k, onot to be wonder- EEP5 S WAr ed at, as it is the Noniy range that gives entire sais faction. Over 50,000 Row lu Use. Tnere is no other range like D the Happy Thought. neither can there be, as every part is either patented or registered. FOR SALE BY BOWMANVILLE. 1 Range

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