Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 4

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Couicb-Any-Range-î be in sueli groat demand without possessing moreo thanordinarymerit. Souvenirs are the only Ranges made with Aerated Ovens. Thoy arc always evenly lieated, re- quiriug but lit fie fuel. We have also a fulhl lino of McClary Famous Active Ranges. Quality And Price Guaranteed. Repairs for ail makes o! Stoves promtply tsupplied. BowmANVILLE. A Verdict Said a Clistomer: 'II had thought of getting my school supplies in the city, but 1 sec your value is just as good," and he bouglit. The Jubilee Picture of the Qileen for Schools. BOW.MANVIILLE. Opposite Ontario Battk. IWÂTH 0F COL. CUBITT. Early Monday morning Col. Frederie Cubitt dted in his 78th year Decoased has been a continuous resident of the town for about 65 years, during whtch timee h as been more or less associated with public matters, having been a momber of the municipal council for flfteen years, leven of which lie occu- pied the Mayor's chair. He had taken a very active intorest lu educafional matters, having bad a place on the Board of Eduacation for about 40 years, and for many yoars ad af flic time of his deafh was Chairman of the High Sehool Board. Perhaps f0 the efforts of Col Cubîtt more than to any other in- dividual did the present magnîficont schiool building become au accomplisli- cd fact. For several years ho was a member of the Examining Board for Public Scitool teachers' certificates. Deceased was also a very active politi- (ian, being a close personal friead of the lafo Sir John A. Macdonald, and in the early political career of Hou. Ed- ivard Blake in WVest Durham, Coi. Cubitt was the Conservafive candidate a gainst hlm. Col Cubif t took a special interost in milifary affairs, and when the 41th Battalion was formed ln 1866 be xvas appointed Lieut -Colonel a position which lie beld until 1894, wlten ho was succeeded by Lieut.-Col. John Hughes, who has been transferred f0 the command of the 46th Battalion bv rearrano'ement of the miitary boun- daries, êol, Cubitt havîng resignd the comm'aad owing to the infirmýities of ago. For several vears ho had filled the 'position of Division Court Clerk of the united counfies of Northumberland and Durham with great ability and sat- isfaction f0 aIl coaca-raed. Col. Cubitt's family came from Norfolk, England. Ris father,;the late Woolmner Richard Cublît, M. D., a graduato of Edinburgh University, settied la Darlingfon in 1838, iavesting la 400 aurcs of iaad on part of whlch the town of Bowmanville1 now stands. Dr. Cubitt was one of the commissieners of the Court of Bequesfs and was an influeutial man lu the com- munityla those early days. Col. Cubift took up arms lanflic defence o! lis coun- try duriag the rebellion of 1887-38, serv-t ing under command of flic laf e Col. Reid. In 1866,at the time of thc Fenian raid, lie commanded a provisional bat- talion on active duty between Toronto and Kingston, whicli afterwa:ds weat lato camp at Tliorold. Deceased lias licou failiag in health for some time and his death ma y be said f0 have resulted SEPTEIWBER WEDDING. -----HANCOCëklý-NLEY. - About 75 relatives and friends as- sembled at the residence of Mr Richard Sonley, fourth concession of Whitby, oni Wodnesday Sept. 22nd, to witness the marriage of his daughter Martha E. and Mr. Francis A. llancock of Pickering. The ceremon y was performod by Rev. N. A. McDiarmid, Whitby, at 4.80ý p. m. undor an evergreen arch on theý lawn having as a backg.round a choie array of flowers. Mr. ffichard Sonley, brother of the bride, supported the groom, while Miss Julia Cooper. with Miss Bertha Allun, ieceo f the bride, as maid of honor, assisted the bride. The parents of the contracting parties sat on either side. A better assortment and wider range of presents is seldomi seen at a gathering of the kind. The 1 bill of farc was such as would tempt' evea the most fastidious pet-son. The happy couple, followed by the well wishes of thoir many friends, lef t for a tour*through Reach, Brockz and Fenelon,, Thursday morning, front whience tjhey, intend to their new home on a farm near Whitchurch. D ARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, ilampton, Sept, 25th. Rogular meeting, niombers ail pros- ent, minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications were pro-, sented from the Township Clerk of1 Cartwright ln reference to contributing' to the expease of a wire fence on the boundary line between the two muni- cîpalities. Received and fyled From- J. W. Trullint response to notice to move his fence off the - i ad saying he was willing to move h6 i ci' assoon as l),chard Mitchell and \, ;.. Allmani were required to move theirs. Not en- tertained. The Reeve stated thiat ho had seen Mr. Murton in roforence to samo matter and ho says he is willing to move lis feace at any timte. AnÏ account fromi Mr. Worthi was presented and referred to the Reeve for examina- tion and report at next meeting.' Messrs. Brown, Courtice and Foster, were appointed to select gravel pits for south part of No. 1 division and for north east part of No. 3 division.' Jonathan Couch made application for assistance fromt the Council, the Council declined to furnisli him any money but authorized theoj eve to procure hlmt some uuderclothing and recommended that ho be committed as a vagrant. A By law was passed t0 impose a percent- age of 3 per ceton ail taxes remainîng uapaid on the l4th day of December. Reove was instructed to grant orders on the Trpasurer for the following sums: William Farrell, jr., sheep damages, $8.00; Edwin Annis, sheep damages, $6.00; David Br-unt, sheep damages, $8.84; R. H. Hamlev, tiles, $1.62; Rich- ar arch, spîkes,$3.32; John Webber, gravel and rent of road, $7 5; James Stainton, gravel, $5.00; W. Broad, nails, 69c; Edmuud Moon,gravel,$2.85; A. Tom, spikoes, .60c; Eber Milîson, gravel. $1o00. Indigents: Jai.et Wýilson, Thos. Ward aad R. SkeaS$5.0()! each ; James Camp bell and Mrs. Hoidge 8400 each ; Mrs .Lanc and Mrs.Staples $8.00 each; Thos. Wilcox and Mrs. Campbell $2.00 each. On motion ad- journed f0 Oct. 30th, at 10 a. m. R. WINDATT,Tfp. Clerk. The sense of security against suddeni emergencies front croup and bronchiti,, felt by those who are provided wi1th i bottie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, would i be cheaply purchased at ton timtes thie cost of the remedy, lu ail lung comi- I plaints, ift is prompt to act and sure fo cure. Cures Ilade By Painle' s celery Compoulnd are Permfanent, Recent Testimony of a Lady Cured Years ago. Some years ago Mrs, D. O'Connor, o! Guelphi, Ont., suffered f rom the tol-tures of indigestion, neuralgia, heart trouble, noise in the lioad, sleeplessness, despon- deacy and weakness. Her case was arn exceptionally serions one, as her troubles had been dragging ber dowu for aver twenfy five years. At the fime ber case quite bafled the skill of the best doctors. Getting wearied witlt medical treaf ment thaf gave no promising resulf s, she was fortunafely directed to that life saver, Paine's Celery Compound, and 11k-o thousands before ber, site tounnaa uew life. Mrs. O'Connor was recently asked the question, 'lWhaf is your pro- sent opli nion of Paine's Ceiery Com- Pound ? See aaswered as foliows: "Iu replv to --our communication regarding 1?aine'ii Ce]ery Compound, would say that 1. cheerfully rocommend if to aay one aflictod as I was. If did for me al fOut was requit-Qd. My advice f0 every one 1 come la contact with is, 'Aiways keep a bottie of Paine's Celery Compouud in the house', Several peo- pie have used if on my recommendation and have been benefitted. You eau use these linos lu aay way you desire." CLARKE FAIR. (Continucd from' -First Page. FRUIT. Collection Winter App les. Richard Osborne, Farncomb Bros. Five Northi- era S pY, Mr Jas Pollard, A A Rolle. Ben Davis, H C Bowen, A A Rolle. Rhode Island Greenino- J Cuttie, Il C Boweu. Buldwins, 'Y C Bowen, Mrs Jas Polurd. Golden Russott, Mrs Jas ,Pollard, Farncomb Bros. Ribstori Pip- pon, Frank Osborne, idi Osborne. Stark, R C Bowen, Geo Beer. Spitzon- burg, Ricit Osborne, Farncomb Bros, Secis, idi Osborne, H C Bowen. Canada Reds, John Wuddell. Falla- wuter, Ridli Osborne, H C Bowen. King of Tompkia Couat.y, Rich Os- borne, H C Bowen. Snows, Robt Mor- ton, H C Bowen. St. Lawrence, Geo Beer. Farneomb Bros, Bien Pippin, Farncomb Bros, H C Bowea. Crabs Red, Geo Beer, J Cuttie. Crabs White, Rich Osborne. Collection of Pears, Farncomb Bros, 'Five Bartletf, Farn- comb Bros, A A Rolfe, Fiemisli Beauty, R Morton, J Cuttle. Sheldon, A Tamb- 1 n. Dnchess d'Angoulene, Geo Beer, ROsborne. Wiater Nous, Furncomb Bros. Plnms, yeilow, Robt Morton, jr., A A Rolle. Plums, red, W S Gamsby, A A Rolle. Pinms. bine. W H Gibson, Farncomb Bros Plums, greenW H Gibson, A A Rolfe. Collection'plum's, Robf Morton. A A Rolfe. Grapes, red, WV S Gumsby, Farncomb Bt-os. Grapes, blcJohn Waddell, Farncomb Bros. Grapes, green, Mrs M Burk, Mrs Jas Pollard. MANUrAtrFRnE. Set Farm llarness, Wm Armstrong, Set horso shoos, carniage, James Mor- row. Specimen of cabinet work, W Hl Tonkin, Flannel, cotton warp: Miss Y YgWm Cooney, Fiannel Blauket, Miss =ong Wm Coonoy. Rag Car- pet, Mrs A AÀ Gamsby, Rag Mat Mrs A A Gamsby, D Noble. Woolen ôover- lot, Mrs Geo Pollard, Wm Cooney, Co0unterpane, Mrs D J Gibson, Thos Liftle. One pair of woolen shoots, Wm Cooney, Miss Young. Wooleu stock- igMrs A A Gamsbv, Thos Little. Woole9s;1nsock,ç, John S Robertson, Ilios Liffle. Mittens, Mrs A A Gamasby, Jno S Robertson. Three. skeins- woolen West--Enci --House-, BOWMANVI LLE. Lacdies-* and Cbildtren'%s Flaonelette' U ndlrencr. We have just placed into stock a complete new stock of the above goods. They are well made and fit well and t he prices are riglit. Ladies' Night Robes 50c, 75e, $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies'- Drawers 35c. Child's Night Gowns 25, 40e and 50c. Child's Drawers _'c" We have also something nice in DJressing Jackets and Dress Skirts. Cali and see them $lew Idlea Paýzttetins, 12c. 1We are introducing theso first class patterns to our customers.- We do flot carry them in stock but forward your order to New York and thie patterns are sent by return mail. That is the roason we can seli at the, price-12c. for any pattern.' We also give free a monthly sheet with latest patterns and we also distribute free of charge the monthly magazine "Woman's Wear." The magazine will be given to any lady who régisters lier name with us. The magazines seli at 10e each and is a first-.elass ladies' magazine. All you have to do to getI one from us is to register your name. Flannelette. We are giving great value in Flannelette this season-better than ever. Good heavv Shirting Flannelette worth 15c. for 12-ie. Good heavy Shirting Flannelette worth 12ýe for 10e. lleavy Twill Flannelette 32 inch wide worth 10e, for Sle. Heavy Plain Flannelette 32 ineh wide wortli 8e for 7e. lleavy Twill Flannelette 27 incli wide, worth 8c for 6e. Plain Flannelette, 30 incli wide worth 7c for 5e. A splendid quality White Flannel Sheeting, 2 yards wide, for 60e per yard. liadies' New, Nobby, and Cheap. j(~ Nico Black Boucle Cloth Jacket, new Il sîceve and warm for $3 .00. ~. , Nice Black Boucle ýClotli, braid J trimming, star collar velvet trimumod, 1"I new siceve $4.50. ià -Our Frieze Coats at $5.00 are going fast. Thoy are thie .!.est value in) the ' 'k\ -trade. I l 1 1

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