Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 2

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.' t q j * ~ a * - Il f - p SWo, - r a ek iteadachat f eieaaI .ai ube oc St te a biliosstr c rIiseien, such as isszines, >Nana DiOS2L istrais after ealîog, Painl t__id, e -lua h-r- os gemrkals uceas as oteshwn la ill sadache, yet GC ra' t a iraPtas ar1qalyvlaba ) C~~iaccrn su.d p"rtngr 1flU fg ewant hl thsy aise c-rrec i ecdr ftua stcmach, s lats th- ie a egaethe bowels. j va11n if thtey cri At tliay weuld lha alinost pri eaeaate les. Who sufer froiniibis it trceîng cmplelut, but fortunately tlisir goofiness drus net end biore, andt those wbe oce try them i vlUl ied thugse utile p5illa auoinal e se nraey ways tbat theoy vl lt wil, te do wvitiout thsm. Bu. t ,aloe il siciba Ilsthre tant semany lives that litresle velers w. maire our reat toast. Our pilla cure il utile oth"rs do nt. CÂana'IS LiTras Limra PILLa are very sIiial d very easy te taire. Ce r w illa mairm *ds.Tbey are strlctly vegetabia and do net gripe or purge, but b>' their gentie action p a ail whe use them. In vials aet 25csnts4 y*e for $i. Sld everywhere, or sent b>' mail, ONTARIO BANKE continues te do a Generat Banitng Buines Bowrnanvilie Âgency. DEPOSITS ecelvefi linsSavinga Biang Depari ment and on an interest allewed aicurrent rates No tiloewithdra wal necaseitry,&il dopostîs yatile on dernanit EXCHALNGE tughtundasold aud Draftslsaued upen Europe unted States andt Canadta, aise Gold, Silverand Uutedftatos CGern backsbouzht andtsel COLLECTIONS Pr'mpîîy mafie et curre7it rares upeal ail part f Great Brî' tain, tbe Unitedit ares andl the Domnion 0oICaneda, Telegraph Transfers Madea fer large or smal turne on ail part of Canada. Tis is eepeiaiiy advantîgeeus tao persenslilvingie Vnileba ortba Northwest, iiakes the finuis availabie ai once ab thc place of paymenî. 011r particulars eal i the banciz.j E. t. FORTT, UEO. MoUILUt .Accoutant.,,,anager, BOWffMANILLE BICYCLE -AND-, Gene ral REPAIR SHOR. W. F1SHLEIGH, Plrnctieal Maohlnist, Tool flaker, Leck and Gansîith, Spe'ij-3, hieryfer lbandling Bicycle , Re- pairing hin il its brancýhas, end alil lue Macin ery. CYC LISTIS.-Rave ycnr wbeeis put !in irini hy a thorcugbiy p racrîcal maetifiuisr. Bicycles, Lawn mewers, Sewing msachinîes, lceka, Typewriters, Rifles, Ctlary, tecks, Riectrie Balla, DantRI aund Surgicai Instrumeants. Safe tecks, Iren, Sieelcuit Brase wvork cf, ail kinde. MARKEET BUILDING, Iowmanville LooJ% %k I.HereI Before buying or putting np any iiFenei see the Gem Wire Pence, the eheapest and mostdurabletenee on the market. Farmers can easily build it. Farmers should see the fence at Thos. Paseoe's near Eldad or R. fi. Callaeott's, tli Con. Jos. Wight's, Darlington, andi at PETER MUTRDOCH'S, Bowmanville, agent for Durham. RELICS FROM BENIN CITY. Scieneiiets Piszzled - Articles ef Ciriosity llroîglit te BrîtalIs. Whatevera ethor rosulte ntay accrue front th6 lofe Benin war, it je quite cer- tain tlxat gscientiste have beon turnish- ed by if. with niatter which Le cana- ing tirenm uetthenglit.--- -- ai tts alho bas appointait a epecial cmise the Frechc Chiot Magistrate "There teatprevnide fer the introduction jute Lie," asait, Mno living functicnary Ru.sia et a systum 'cf uirraland - 'iheocciis amr itbepst W VpNBSDAY, SEPT, 29, 1897. cempulsery eduation. With niearthaýn a Frenchi Fresitlant. The oitdou on id f the rond thinge, such as these, with the Franco-Kinga e fErgno reignad anit govern- Russian alliance, wîtb the axtnnie,ncf . d.The constitutional King, acccriting NOTES AND COMMENTS. Itussian pewer lu Eastern Asia, wtt .Tixn ega u cs net gev- --the T 'ans-Siberran railreait, wit;h thexirn. IThe Fresîdent et the -Unitedt it ilsau intoxesting circuntatance that g'rewth cf Itussian initustriosý,cn Statesgeverne., but, tees net raign. elprhr lit amifutbtrv i siern the prescu t Czar cf R ussia as- morte anit shipping great itdent lsi ath bas bnutWreservnd. fer the Presidentet bae a pot oet"Quiclccu"as lu yilt ad it wiilCUre tendoi thtiL irone about three .,ear ago advanceofet usela lu our tintes.' the French Rapublo nither te raigu îhiug likaîthe way itwilI bsa aet or a braise cf aà- harly a word of complaint bas bu 'n . nr govti."nadfrsritad ta«ltL i %i hlearit front the large Jewish population Oua et the 'gastronomiemaigazies p et tht empire. Net iithin the ment-!bas an article giving soet comprube n- lit iLe aie trun, and paerbaps the trntb HENRT InvEns, L.D.SO, Quebec, writes:0t erv cf the genration bas thare beau alane irections rearting thaecreof was unpressat . upon M. Faure at St On fI hlrnsrîe e nl,'hc en thas paTio t cf tinte xhan man- siaepiarsnass. it Ita sensible in ami-Patersburg thut if the Frnch Chief bcm uhsoinndsoord oeQikue I iait weio nuiît a-Led tu aympthizawitb ting thecunpluxity cf a case e l-Magistraten are chosa'x by tha pao ,'ole nddsoluec ce-uckue tht Jawîvish millions living imita tha somnnia and ef the doubte oftencut n itwr brbyasriof bis place } as spread on inen, and appied; the pain ceased at onice, the sua; o the Czars. ihare hava bean tdri.iitisergin. A mat may app Zly, for suven yeaurs, the, allies et France, swelling vas goe the next day, and on thre fourth day shQ vikeit changestot thaîr adi autaga untar Niot- 1ail bis own hnouvlnige und:it hto is woulfuel mauch more certain that; a ta sohool as ufuai. I bave aise proved It te be a vonrfl remiedy olas Il. The, spatial laws to whict tha;mey bladvýisar atd gar be unab)la fe r treaarynwcuit he arrit out tbanj thay1e have luaya beet snjct, baariug up- a tintn te ovurceme thetetntnnc-y et tht 1W do. As thinge ara now the Cbum-fecusadbles on their places ot ahoite, thair indus- mind te itriftalnginlepescn ber et Deplutias ntlght rnfuse teý mate trias in wbich they mnay engage, thel sleusuets thitingli the icng hersetthe apprepriationeteedait for tua fnul- taxation to which thoy ara hiable, the tha night. But thora mnuat bo a cauiisa filment cf a treaty, gat tha Fred--' priviiegos ef traval, ani tChose- of tht for this puervarsýeuess ant a rnmaity ý,fer dent wo uid hal practically po arms lu higber aitucati n ay get ha lu axils- iL, tbeugh the) curentay not ha3fonit dthn promnises, heing efrait aven te use tenon; but the application of these laws witteut a persevnring quest. Te ie in the limitet motus etf pressure which f lu practice bas heen te greatly ntctitiad bet with the whadls et theught ruuuinîig the existing constitution gives hlm. I Z" >0Z that they are nuit fuît atu'ntarly tbey en waste material ta, a eort cf terture Aittnugh ho bas no veto upon laws, u were. as wll as a danger et bealth. Npo-ho cen requira the Chambar tc recen- p .te .t .i 'a ji een's faculty cf geing to e laap n tht iee ibtaat h rsn t #eï ~ Teih: policycfth oe oCzea toandisinstant aias eue of the, greut ýtai- tinte 'nePresident bac vnnturedtote There are many kinis of Sewilig Machines, bau tttjurhsg Jevibsujot e n e elrtinuntvantages ha hait ever the commandera extroise the rlght. In theeory ha cati a new machine you shouit by ail means get the very lm-,r--i bi-s î the ionicýncy; ha bas grauttit net a feu- cf en tire ether site., toerce a rafnýactony Chamben f et Dp Ise the concessions asked fer by thnir ne- atls provideit ha bas the assaunt cf kiidI el put aenitte amnn her et teirgrilv- 1 Accriing te tht magazine authenrity tht, Soenate, hy dieaelving Parliamnunt For Tailors' anti Dressînakers' ase, oar Machines but rn equal. utt a hond ta smegf ht e ascartin the wOrat enentiasesîenscp ara wenory- u nitappnaling to the peuple; but this Prices acasonable, termis matie tosait the purchaser. Fuilgurte afces; andlebssotti a s mtiig, evverorir, oernatngindigestiblýe igbt also la lu daniger et extinction with every machine. Irtentiing parehasers shoudaki eau cmllîrivestigate, the causas et théir complaintes. Large suppers and the habituai1 use etsieii lu-tbreugb nen-usur; not baving beau ox- or sent postal carti anti agent wîll tec aroanit. Best macinle oil for, sale.- bodies of thent have beon enoueuagait lants unit iruga. !The, cure inclu,,Itas encisad since President 'MccMuhent Buy no other. Machine parts anti repairs sapplieti. te, louve the unsatisfacteny quarters to strict attention toetRot a u-eî-vnnlî- uade recourse te t lu 1877. (We chcalit'I 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for s île, a big bar- thiea 'hettos", be u-hi ed mu ebsatot sleeping reenti, soealigbrxecieadit that wbu the' Presienw ith the gi.Nwsple fBosadSos 21Ppr uePrsGea ths,"gptes fwic omuhhslikea u-lk, an heur atter the avaning enae'a assent, dissolves Parliamunt, an. ew svapies of TBootps at eeWl Fpr Pi aisGen been heurt; their rlgbts in traite unit I anti test varieties of Tarnip Saut. lu prepcrtyhave beau aulargeit, their milaunit traeon, etcourse, front u-er- ucniiriataaitn iitn ry. Napoînon hiaius ntany cures uni t at poles the confidenceofe the freaent te travtjlias beau exteuitet, tepoiiaa h etmtbta-Chambar cf Deputies, eut appoint their etumatienul privilegehave baenu ditei, h a s bitrenily abat thantoff. lt is net wll Ministastiter im wcea-mt HAMPTON. uenruei ema roticalar tanprsbaiote go te bat hunagry. ape btmuAoreetinpupsa iltt rof ___________________________________________ bea rntoetfrot ien, nitprvisonor a ligtt sandwich le advisent xvhlientous leveraeasuppliait hy the axecu1ive bas tran mate for the btter assertion I hat sensation le toit, Yet it le ne,- patronage et an lutouse.iy otutralizait barîcin tas enly recently asarted tha ttieig more thanl the immuediate prlza et their lau-fnl rights in the courts, lu cessary te rantembar tîsat inonaState. isueritgetOna1lii, b sk!ndipt. s tuhJaa as Ilu truh L nayha alt, ha th Jwîe nhitan eveiieaiteit storaach une close- ing ParliaLment for a miitarg creittstrattit rentlantino ne eWil1sou- aubjacts et the Czar are new in ibos- l'y acquintet. Stimulants undit nar-ms. ewif a Fresitieni w ontchosen In ludorito emeirlthut suzeralty say Mll s 'net a valeuhîn aily lu wur, session ot vnry naarly ail th& sabstun- tics lu thteutn arc leap destroyers. iiretly by the Trench'peoplo, who love lu tha Transvaal, and bg ratusing ar- fer aven ltht ea ost peu-rfnlI et nation's. iai franchises that helonatuthe oreer conditioln tbeg intact Is nuftre- te ha pensonullg governeit, ha weulit bitration ,on the grounit hat a suzar- The hait but vigerunau ofutthe ]Bos- favereit cf hic other sabjacta. lthera frnahing sleep. Sleepî,ness is au initicu- have an almeest nushukable toit upen, ulla nation neyer unirates disputes perus hec l likoi manuen gainlet pros- hav bonchage e a teirblochr-tien et tht eettee p tutant ust net thent, ut ah avents a boit fan stnong- 1witt a vassal stata, the issue is thus tigetlas a tighiurl!i, lsi off tire invalbç acter for tht Jnavs et Russia; since tht ehacembatei t tee ta. eo wnuho ieleop anthen tees a mae eappointenetfthe clecnig raiset. As te the vutlidity' et Ilet, ait dihul stcmvuthat he uast lad accession et tho prectut Czar. btltî tatnth prittt ttltv hamabans; unitpublic cpm lEnPeident Kruger's claire it ils iiffi- rakceduith in affaira that concerni - isturh thoen uhe, are titfenontig con- !Oti Weliitpnobublg net sustain the cuit te jndgn, witbeut tha fuail toxt ot hni Thia le a, mater tan mont, in- The Oza's more liberul policg tewarit stitateit. Chanther et Deputies lu ýsubjocting thet ttnonton couvention, the authonities pertaînt te tint thant tht netgicution bis Jou-isb cubjeots iras breugatt int .poepie's nepnsentative te suté a accessble, itiffening as te its meaning, etfhic'TheessaWni frentien.l a full nueasure et gratitude. The rab- Whntcuhi uje ewihtdeaaitck as tercet M. Gnovy te resigu. heagh in the, main favonlng the Frit- ________ ba luetset tt c untg aa ea 1or-tht main remeditLesieno te hog(ýootO, h etag pbidpne elttteueo.ENGLAND'S WHEAT IN WAR TINtE. mea luthir ranf lihverancees, Ihbt ni rnai ui.Seu -ebe likely te arnay itsaîf Bse aanestly en IAt thp tinte et tha Czun'c conontien1haisndatnql n.Qým wo' has ger tt eu-ob xpessensetloy reola t dicet uerr cntiun htthe Pnaiiet'c site as te encounage Acconting te, the StetiantansYaan las yer te Jwis exresion ofloy reà1v tollioar wery ci hl hmte use. or aven strein ail bic latent Book, whIct gives; thtenitishr vinw, tht NaYewr iqvorît i 5ecus'.elihe Sujpi>' and alLy te Nicholas II. weneofettht meet habit ever insomnua. Theur muet(,ba oe I oalpwrs n teSn tnoraty et 1881 raset. sif govenu- Êi Dteltes phlespticul ever that as Wiwol s al nln l tpJê ii -tnna murkeit chaiactai; eut the gracions 'Dttho eratualu. woulit, oubtîns, he ole tar, sueit tement as respects internal affairet tr ngitl tpeuouth cntnta marnier lunu-hich tirheveriguecelv teise. -Dntke uusl tira b n is support as te authorize an uppeal Tasva, nhei coînl etextarnal ut- jEurope; but Bht lslearnnuing by tht edti seexprecsions gava preof et thetrtying te get to e tp "i he n-tetht electors. 0f course, it le danenr_ arirneal, rvdtlirm l as tallantetfhan nsal Fustan unitIndian siuoaritg et hie purpoe. We de net tien, it mout dbefar bettor te ovent wot hw hewu tn kno- hu-tanth batemntet hate sente mUt abstraction, such, ton lu- eus 'n France te give a President tht suzenain, Cwbilla uttu thtesate th- e iyet et, hwarire unr, it an cniion etfaxthe Ju-ih pper i lufu stneushtm yfle thngetatmenai pou-en that recguits front un entgtht cenveptionet1884 "nriet-i h oate i agt1uawt conitonoftheJeis popec u- havcaensute a iet ýi 'g h TrlenhFble, gave e ntsiecondo-de terititssnçaInityptoiteCgole tausia ane outie a on santea sia is te ho attributeit te ung eliehvuna iiienleep. Think ofet Laigh ao owhtat.ideednc oldbo Aeia intheo eta ofontof tht CzarsCeint-etit; asthat time s,!ihen ht. lii.t I ai as tht, usurpation practicet by eliopadia for 188f. htu<even, exprecciyi mittetetofMlnistens, ttc Precaraton- the rmysteina ý;ritgoens peu-n za 1 u.î , c1,, tf\ heBrtihsueri lor In tire tbate 'thie House et Cont- Clueaie tt ilog yntPbyto-airg round; c t~et aîigi tas Nepoleon. Nehedg belio* ,sae htttBiihszr~t vne rens elation ina peting, th ssGe esteff uheo forfrtgygeiss, hue- .een' a captive nover wishing te te Jfretp: et hie-ven, that,3M. Faune bas in tintthte'nTaeva a evktb ia L oti- ofm ehsltApn ireting te passage regrdd ýyallRu_,ia JersasthirScett's uvice teltep lunpouce:untu et a tiotuton, btacites mbi th,! ton.conventiou, tndt theoffw in ecument -te ceusisr the qujstlon of' pro- tenit rencir pooplo ut thie moment--cane: gean mention tirat lalffl fo th f r n d M ab i n d r ap n t e s n a a iv e s a n g s w a i e i n j e , m ri o t n o l e s a iil l u v e lv, 1 , e s FB n itri a n t s o p i t l u t htâa v a ntte tnx v a n , Bg reasen etfiris exltait office teuht- geet healti att a geoit ccusinco; et mari oareabout niveting tht ai ýthe latter Inatrument articlsassigu- Britisg peoquentefothesuppliesofowrL ba gnae e i aets, ire exer- Bniwnr'a .tribaLe te "thýe happleeýt et ancen witb Fursanthan atout tht' fort mIng te Great, Bnitain certain specifi c onte impressivo tacts went hreugbt ciseitlurelàigo ions taters ote-en bos "o itnndigu-of thein governîmant. if autneWChaint-ipoe-rs mitirespect to 'the internat ecmteie attui lu e hîng inlnceuon tt met actrtoertht ly it;"ou-Miet sonp, eu et nt- ber or liepatios Ivant to eh.choentute- goearumunt aûd foneigu nrelationls et eut. lTe lUitet Kîngdoem'sannuel ,rttheTranavaut u-ofnsemittea.d ofnount teofn 224.000d000 uhai. 0 ICzars u-ho precaetitNictelus Il.; ui ro buittat'Sephnasaimnru ntnqeto cnstitu-weuiitsaemtcsstiaPrfesidant Kru- jtins total, 152,000,000, une furnisirot lay ire it is u-bo, te his oeunsatisfaction, our litetimu about Oun eges, us rmght io m rvo t et rbabmaenty fgn'aamlinttce ten e 1884 i:0tgu ceu.tnies Of tis anornteus tas alu-uga beautaelit respensible for bevers ail day in the beughas o' et pol ol eun aoiy ofrinspiy nodnr er . tht lissuance oet tiose ani-Jewieirde- tirtr-et." 'Tire lght ftrame fet i ep tht Pavrasietetthet e t fgneatlg motiltlet tht snztnityIgcon- sacunhts4,0000bees-r makig te, Pesienta tinnct nepro- ,enittitte [Engiaut lag thaePratoria geutina 30,000,000,unit tire United States cites u-iici re ntse long cemplinet et body iletht cure for lusomnia. sontativeo f tht voters. troaitg et 1881; thcugh Articln IV. etfimitishos tLira blanca, laes the con- hg Isaeel in Funsia. 1lea is get in office; --- -- - Crefermeranreement.imiting thetriiBnti posesisu-icb uggnanda te but thmcrgis excellent noasen tonrt, It is, te sag the leaat, artna blet-natg ntuking ppvcenei lt1ithtTrans- gaLesk lleving t-bat his influence u-ltirNiche- c-incitdonce thut n ne en oeesP1ro- Felutiens hotu-eau Great Bnituin vaîi iLeincomjatlblet wlthi,,isassert ion ABOUT 24,000,000 EUSflELS las ILi ire net mieL it was uith tu-e pre- itent Taure rotarnufront St. Ptr-ant tht Transvaal are net ikelgttbe tirat tireriel ita Went lu ite heuar- This goan Fussa iJl sent litie Or viens Czars unitd-t iris Je-ieh pelicy bung hun e heur that amevemnuprt auprovet ba tht speech cf PrasitentIl ngpnecisnig upou thM tpeint. On tha noue et han maat te Britishr ponts, his irèeivat tht conitemnution et the la on feeot fer such n nevision oet tht Knuger teteme tht Veikeraut, itenging ethlen hadtit ie;vofetthe preiteruin- anithce Tian Lqeai wh e at olt Cnou-n. it-tans beau reversait, ut al Constitution et tht T rench Fpbica trs szringe Fgat in thea unt lntnrets et Great Fnitain lun happen lu case ef aErnopean u-an, miti avants lag the tighest authqnitg witir- shah permit the election et tira Cirief Seti Atnicun rnpuhhic. Tht prtai- Sentir Atnicu, an4 et hon econqýeeýsien etf uselaaunitEnglunt antugenistically lu tht paît threegears. lTae Jeu-s et MagistraLe bg the peephe. lile onr t ents contention la that altircugh i lu entfgoeinnnt, it Ile asl te untan- invelveit, Fu-sela une new lu t-hen jogment cfu-hila e tocoisde u- wht sncba tireconvention et 1881 betwean the tu-e stand 'he t-htTransvaal might admit eWun hsseever, wo a h ilthis atte mort privilagas than ever betoeala-change moitit moun. At 'preeontt, n-ceuntnies tht, suzeraiuty et GreatEnglautc n igiat et appreval cf net enlg loto hon Faissan aÇnc at sup- honge t to thent.. der tira Censttutien tramait in 1875, the Bitain was ackouldget, ne receg- treatile enthotui;t aitt icletihough pîg, but ste eait ule se every siiploat nitien et it is mute, lu procise tenta, whethor Il] tetg se flnitîsb suzerain- et Anrericun mircut uhicb tiracent- Preasitont et tht Fronch Fepublic melsnc-itstnoging cruiserso erantent- Tîhéee as heen a lange tecîine in chosen hg the ennate unit Chuinter oetinthe lLonten convention et 1884. tg mas aise acknou-in4geit Le a ques- îb u-ranbule -te finit oursideterarange Fmusiu-Ju-ehimmigration duning the Dersuties, colvektnlujoint soss-in at wirich nowm rogulutes their reletiens. tLu.Mn. Cauatn aip nit the Bnit-et pretecýtinig Britist guns. lrief ponea ttiepren zrs og;Versaillis. Hoe is chiesen fer seven vgoure ArticlneIV. et tire iatter agreement ir nation' as mal],, milcatail lu- Ipoitstetiepiepuaingawi upe Par ant uit suppcse t-hie iteclîno le prtîy tut Le re-aligible. Fn is netraspenesile tees, irowevar, reatraîi tht Transvaal sirt ViraLif wao, tire iutppendencet etLainent hast sipiung te create neu-, in lue t-o tht btter conditiens thut ex- fer his officiai centact, excaptinlu ase fret ceuciuting a "tmoutg et engage- thtSentir Alfnl e rpahic net eulg tite ot pouce, a grain nesorva eaqual laC fer telnt in thirlrnative lant. îireg et high trelasunit al bis officI"ilai actemeut witb eng estuteorcmnation otet ia akîng imipeoln tht tfuturet tnteruî teoneuegam'c unig et ofthe British aýre îesiteireus t-irantmg mare fer- te bc valut, muet ho signetdlag ont cf Ïthan the, Orange FraetStata, or vitb unoione' ;lnSenth Afilcun state.s, but tveu.lt ceat, ut $1per luchai, atout mltrlg, tif leaviug Fusait; thtg cannet tht iil trwhe oOn unir part ara ang uutiie triitle te tire ast,wand er making pesseireWaliac iir tfoeigu $224,000,000 te create sach a grain ra- te inturcot te go te the JemIsircolonies! ceiinctivelg raspensitîn to tire "Chain- octu-ari cf tht napuhle, until tht states fatal te Britishr uprentacg lunserve. t iL migtthenirmr * *il thteccaaetfPras!lent Grcvy. it ma,, ant eay t oprat, ~ne doaht, tht, Grovy incitent, ceupiet Of Hoed's PIl, vhiel are m'S P, itir tht, varionis censtitutienai contri- up te data lu every respect. vunces, fer tging tire hante of, tho, Pr,.- Ba, cartaIeuands ura . Allt itent, that causait Sm irclnngMaintü dreggista. 25c. C. I. HeolI &Ce., LoealMass. te maire maýri-g e anthtetensibig cxý- The only Pilla te taire antis HGod' Sarsaperifla. alLait office undi tatliack io! pou-en et i seuit ategea t mlitrg miiuni lire, Av'ueeo-Britget, tire parler min- epoeoair apdly mobLiizing treepe itou-eare se ding 1 ca't seathtirreugi icir put iror aMog tire, poees ue- Chant. fui, if <net tasisable, as allias. Tira nua- ,Bitgt-Wull, mut, I etuhg jiet came tiîa tiet e ratgte tan upforItsfron ttirefront teer, und it yant tht( Liontliàý isreay tostaad upfor faces et Mise Fasirlon unit hem geung-i cit, acto thet battlieiti,, unitsuccesa- Iman in the, hag'.-lntg ppeite tlirn' tullg ntareftuitns it ttnrhei,'geLsson j notlimu' atcrocetire u-aguort lukin ut, 0Ch 1 Idre n Cry foi Pitcher's Castoria, 'i k

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