Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1897, p. 7

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Anoemia means 41want of 111E SUNDAY SCIOOL. onzdmný ahut h otheoe: an CAPTAIN AND SENTRY. * blood," a deficiency in the ae the high.; a hunmble mimd, no«t swan nieto1 hiaabl a- gering about Our own wisdome ' uIcdn fteMtbl a-h red corpuscles of the bkood. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. il oannot agree in ail opinions; (;ad never SentI7's Threat Had The The The 1 is cause is found in want -of "Cr5îalvlug," non', 1,2, 9-21- GO1den in Our mental po-wers; eacb of us is ex- a bâstory of the Matabele War, whoh I Te R om 1221, pecte by God tao caxxy as muchl of? suffcien fod, dspesiadiv truti a ourfitie sulswU tenids te show that the severest discip-&' suffcien fod, dspepiaPXLbC~TIAL OTES ~ ~ ~ ut Oo., The Rýevised Ver- lUne is mot always niaintained in out-t C S . lack of exercise or breathing Verso 9. Let love ho witléut dis- siýosi substtutes the word "tlings" for lying provinces, and bliat class distinc- J * i m i l t & ÇIon .O T S h d , b t ti e nsl a rte to t m e a n i n g .n W 8r e O n o n impure air. vvîti ît Îs a Siuato.Revised Version, "h'ypo- tne iii .tb : s en ctae, bunig thttWe ae~tfogte b ~O crisy ;" u<ot forn3ýal, merely, but sincere; m a~cnod te ourselves to ail t'he occasion he found bus wîay back to camp natural repugnance to ail fat flkýt humpma co'urtesy, mo-rely, but di- conditions of lifs. One can bardly read by the pipe-light of a -Baer seatry. Ho x-ivine authbrity. The paËior pretenses this voerse without thinking of aniother owns that "at home" it migbt seem There are tWO kinds of sarsaparilla: lite best-andte 2ods cot E ulin swritten by the saine apoatle, "The strange to talk, of a "sen try's pipe, but rest. The trouble is they look alike. An hn the s an easy food to get fat from Istanding. i Pot1er 1. 22ý; i Jlon 3. 18. hearts overf!Iowing with love we Shail ing la not a serions offence, Thus, li dress like the best who's to tell themn apart? pWell, 1"the troc Abhor that whichi is evil. "Ye tht find it easýy ta hurnionize with others, illustrates one phase of the quhestion: ~ ukn byisfut" Ta' nodts n aeoe and he asist ay f taîng lav th Lod, hie vil" Geav tafind no, né- below oui' sympathY, and Af colonial volunteer officer, hrig ndthe taller the tree the deeper the root. That's another fa t. It makes the blood rich thatî which is gc)od. Lite1ra1lY, cohere, dolu. Hvlf' vl."noesubject, thouglit ho would fresheri up~~ts.Wa' h ot tercr fteesraaiis h elue yaurselves ta thse good. You caùý k7,,nifo vL"A oy for ami his ownl men a bit. So finding one n ihtedootro s.yrs h n ihtercot__ iii just those elements neces- mot find wordo whibbh express loaith- eye, a tpotIs for a' tooth " Providu of the niglit Sentries Snoking, hie order w'ru tha ttoo iepst Aer's Ayer's. Thesop e ria bas e recrdef sary to robust he.-'th, by seine revulsion andi energotib loyalty thÎn'gs hanust in the sight of ail mon, ed hini ta cousider himef a prio- supyn twt e oeforcibly than "abhor" and "cleave Nhý,ticthýB thonglit brou ght out by or. son haîf a centuriy of cures ; a record of muany medals and awards - the ch ngl the Revise Version. Paul ,Whiat 1', Said the 1flafl "not sînoke culminating in the modal of the Chicago World's Fuir, which, 'ta."~~~ k ý Ilwman. fitis nota sign of gooduesta onu Bnt yI Thon wher r aamtigAe' asprlua h et.su t or is puscles. 10. Bie kindly ageoptibateý one ta an- be inattentive ta' public opinion, but we auoke t' @ Oitn yrsSraailaa h etsu t or agais othier with brotherly love. The true inattentive ta public opinion, but w.e "0f course it's not aUlowed," repeat- the res htwsgetrhnrta h eat eteo are net ta allcow public opinion ta sway eci thse captain, "and I shall maire you Sasparilla admitted as an exhiibit ut the World's Fuir. If you Forsak at o entsand $s.oo by all drtigga. children cf God are brotiier and ais- us f rom aur duty. a risouer." et.TawsgrtrhootanhemdltaetIenyo SCT OWNE. Beeville, Oit. tors. The love of home which. fills 18 I~f it ho, possible, asmucb, as, lioth esntyochîpiefmbswa tgttebs arprlaofoudugshrlan thse hearis of chilciren of one household in y'ou. Two, conditions which remind miouth and tapped the captain's arm n infallible rule : Ask for thse blesi and yeu '1l get Ayer's, Ask la a good f igure of thse mutual love of us of aur lMvlster's tender words, "Not with, the stemi of it. The captain, hoe for Ayer's and youl'1 get thse besi, thbs wh tru! lvd üd- a hnorevery one can receive ibis sayÎng." it reniembered, was, in timo, of peace, thasBlut see Marks 9. 30; 2 Coit1, 13 ; 1* th eutry's butcher. l e r preferrihg one alnother. -Liieraily, Thesa. 5. 12, 13. Live peaceably. with "New look bore, Brown," said thse 0OG 0 ®O~ ".anticipaiing eaph other," Not rival-- ail men. If you.r lifeià right; it, wiîî smoker, "dou't go and muke a fool of(CM 'qart *ing pach, other as candidates for pos,- ho a rebuko, ta mauy, but t twWi not yourseif. If Zou do, l'il go olsewhere thon 4nd dignity. butî eech seçking the needlessly provoke any.ý om mea. ___________________________________________t 9 p ts ohe.19. Deariy beloveci. There was noili b rsme wlat Broened ne t h se a Stronn 11~I. Net eJethful ini business. "'Shoil- pauring of the apostie's affection. Av- I utmr ~O hv yupapiaiothobig rful ii business- is a contradiction of enge not yourseives. Thi istefrtà______ tregr e oapt atiin, shrortbreth o rifsbh tla cnrdtonht clause of verse 17 expressed iu dmffer- G r ý regla batngdizies, hor beahtemS bot t s , ontadctonthtont verbiage. Thse punisbments of civil OISEASE CONQUEREO sm;rotbering or cboking sensation, pain in~ cormes ver front the Greek, which bas laWc are not vengeance; the discipline - thhrato er.i a orhati een literally truashateci thuý, "In your of tbe Churcb has lun it no spirit of re- The undersigned desire to th ank the f armers of West Durham th beat r eat.i s, ou hur pked ho not indolent." GTive youir venge, andi even lu privute lifo a man DtR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS GAIN for the liberal patronage extendod to us during the paet seas4u, affected and will in turn affect your whoîe heurt, minci, and strengtb ta may he compeiled by Justice ta do ANOTHER GREAT VICTOIIY. eeus asn nroses leepless- the swletts. "htbvr t bings or ta suy tigs to vindîcate also to remind them that we are stiUl in the market and morvs, uusng ervusususmulesttas. "hatbevr tY rigbteousness. A persan who bas heen mess, miorbid auxiaus feeling, debility. aud findeth ta -do, do it witb tby wronged lu naturally inclineci ta ho A Reporter's Searclaig InvesîlgaUeaol Iato prepared ta pay th e r, ggEmight." flrt-remenidou. ueveryýtbing. bis own avenger; but give place uinto a Case at Orangeville - The ('Ialms Çwruth. For ht la wrltten. DenL 32. Made on flebttif of This Me'dicine Fily H IG H E"TMA RK ET PR I CE cFervent lu spirit. "»oîhing lu spirt." 35., lisalco 94. 1. Vengeance is mine. Blorne Out-The Greate,t Healing iledi- H iG H ý M ulhuru s I pAndi now notice the climiax ta wbicb W wrong God and ourselvea wli:: lu F of th Age. FiSe 0re A LKRS F(D RS IE U ner rethe apoetle ila steadily xvorking. in we, try ta wrest itfrm b anda. codut eamt b eere lu;i 20. TJierefore. DcueGoci bas po rmteOrangevilleSu msitarepay, andi hecause God nover Iu a dO0y ilithieliueri ,gtA L IN 'O C, RS G-R N 1% the siriit that loads ta that coudUci we doleiguies ta any creuture the righi Street, ini ibis towa, livea Mr. Jabuc%)-0 sare ta o e eething hoi; but thse pur- te requcre thse wronigdoer. If ibine Gurriiy, bis wlfe andi f amiiy. Tbey deîivered at oui' sto'rehouse cor. King and George streetss., or Mt Por reuaigpose of al ibis "bustný-ss" or conduct, enemy hýunger. See Prov. 25. 21, 22. are indoed a happy fumily, altboaugha Cu(re ail these complaints by reuaig and of ibis spirit, te serviug the Lard; Foed hlm. Difficuli perbaps for you few years ago a sucider bouseholci Darlington. We have also on hand P. large stock, ffcýer' tinadbuilding op the ta foed býim, mot noarly sa difficuhi as would be hoIard tQ finci. Their bapýpi- te ertsatnan tapretbusy for the Lord; fervent for the for him ta bo fed. This is the milan- nesa was not occasLonoci by ihe, suciden nervos andmuscuar '~st'~mLord; sorving the Lord. We are ta inig of lu sO dolng thon shalt beapcoahs Obtaining of afortune, but by saie- N W A IDF E H beulth and strength. Price 6oc. per box ho ready for every "chance" ta glori- of bis fire on bis beaci. The mosi se- tbing murh more precious-tbe resta" of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. iRock Salt foc cattle or 6 besfor $2.5o. At ail druggists. fy God. verýe and overivhehi*ing puaishineni &tien ta health of a wife andi moiberý ___________________ 12. Rejoicinýg lu hope. TIse sunabine that a wrongdaer c an redoive cames when everoe wbispered that she a.nd horses, and Freali Groand Grey Plaster in Barrels of beaven ligbiing oui' forebeacis, lu acts of kinciness andi love fram ibe musi die, Our reporter hourd of Mrs. he eaepeae as, FOR TWýENTY-,SEVEN YEARS. w aring aur heurts, and brighteuing Person bie bas wronged. But if such Garriiy's ilînees andi cure, and for tIsewhc weaepeadtos oui' minda. The Christian's hope can acis are doue for the suke, of beuping ebuefit of Our readers luvesiigated tIse nover ho disappoinied. It is an unchor coals of fire on tIse wrongdoer's beaci case; what hoe leurneci is welh wortb re- _= " A.-% -- -- sure and steadfast. A Christian shoulci they are just as wroag as if literai kp aiig Ael f wn ear teg M' Grrity - O bh joyfuh. Well sing the Sunday coals of f ire were used. kp vi nw oe tCet~ schools, "How eau 1 keep, froma siug- 21. Be not avercame of evil, but hum sud was known fui' andi wide for ÂII kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SOREENED COAL iug?" Patient in tribulation. Remem- overcome evhl witb goad. Tbis bus ta bis kindness and hospýit,iy; bis wife,, in stok. B A K IN Q% ber tbe origin of aur word "iribula- do primarily, probably, wiib, the hast tao, was noieci for bier amiability. How-insok RJn.- I is niad icsp froin the, name phrase, tbe retaliation of wrong. ever, se was siricken witb a pecullai' We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. of the three-pronged threshinig sledge But it also applies ta oui' entire moi'- sickness, ber heuhýth faileci rapidhy and bised by the Romnan farmers. hi meaus ah lives. Life la a si'ugghe, a batile. froin one bundreci ani foriy-seven P OD R not mnerohy badihy pain, or domestic Ia i somne one muet ho overcame, euth- panebr egibeaeieocdt THEC OI( BET FIE disr's or the behpless inactivity of or Myself or tbe Evil One. i is posai- ninetY-five pound. Faîntingspells ho-M C LLA N& G TH CD K*,BST RIND dieaebu iclde al heaflitinsbl t oerore he-ÉilOn ad e-caeneeuetaanudcotcamepini LARGEST. SALE INt CANADA. ihai pr'ess ciown the human seul, audci ure a triumphi for God sud gooduess. the back of bier headalmost drove ber __________________________whieh rightly useci are the means of franio. Physicianus were ia aiton- dance, btthe doctors ail saici ibere riding the îi'ui grain, oh God of the btH a Im pnton S o e - caff wblch bas hncideutally grown THE GREAr AIJK'S EGGS. was-no hope. Mrs. Garriiy savy deatb 1Ih~A up wiih 1h. The sorrows ibat siaring bier lu the face, andi the (c t 11coule ta us lu hife are ta Net go 11%k la Price as They Former1y ibongbi of leuving bier lîtile chilciren be enuredwith atiece beausec u.sed bier mucb saduess. Sho was ho enuxedwith patince ecaue Wue. avised ta ty Dr. milau ir tbey work outb for us afterward tIseWlim'P -rp fruits of rigbteausness. Cant-lauing - -Eggs1--oft--ge auk appear-te- 136 - bu~t thvàbi. Lb0--oll o stint ha prayer. The ihought of Jeans: fahhing lu the etimation Of colociors nisîins doc falc aaoit er New Goods ate tht il sons esPNew Spring God tprices thtwl soihyou minute, nait even every boni', eau a fr16,tsîweî eeyso sufferinga. Hoping, bowever, almost rCepesadQ aiy mn dfn i, eiin by wi'ihOs ria agisti doe he:::d whcu e a sph: rp av h agetadm st$. retVle i~dneteroi'Lr nrhi potemariy yeurs. Oniy seveniy great au beent vadraltueateeba.o ilW o wedSi t re louChes thai we are te neglecit anýy knw o eL xsecaddedul symptoms fle lns e e u 25 at oodr duties for prayer; butq us bas beau, ofi-eg r nw ah inn exsene suds deadf sn oe ihe s- Se ou$2 Patto rdr en saisi, praygr iu ita* hast analysha 1i We hav tthe arees andd muEgodstepcr a elh vmnb attractive-soko m A, attitude of soul; "Praygr i he soul's Tho haiesi solc isl a unique speie ago Mi'. Garrity andi family removeci sincere desirq, uttered or unoxprossoci." hound la llcelnnd. IL was brought freim ta Orangeville, and la conversation pore and Domestie Woolens ever shown in the County, 'The prayerf ah seul la the receptive soul, br yiefldr hpani f~ wiih aur represeututive Mrs. Garrity i aand he, who ha, in condition aîways ta auid, abùý 18h0 canna finde word taix bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. redoive suggestions andi LIiep f rom heav- lamo uoi13,anipentdyb Press my tbankfulness for wbat Dr. on, la realhy s'coutisnuiug in.stantinh ta Comte Raoul de Beraco. Inisieuc of Williams' Pink PIl bave doue for me.WecryfuilnsoStpeDy od, R dymd prayer." Thse saui la% a cap which may having thse red and bhack markings usu- Wby ih is almosi miraculous. 1 wisb ecryfl ie fSal r odRaymd be turuiec battora up,, to rejeei thse ýgrce thteeroewh ssufrn ah God, but wibhch, usoci as Lt was miccie ~~ahlhy characteiistic ocf the eggs of b tIs evroewoiMufeiga lthn' £n ree was~~Côtig Fine her h bs emd. e i Clothing a specialty. te hie used, reoivea divinie biessings retakhibspigensosdepways keep a box oh the' Pink' Plis laO u G roc ery DJe par-t m e n t "ýbrimhuh aud ruunnlig aver." Prayer in the aboli, which kg dull in calei' andi the bouse."u -~~ blas a very he"pipu nunce on ail ur deeply grained. The egg measures 4 1-2 ________ talrjiie Iope mJrdadeurt e wil bai lches long and isl 3 luches in diameter SUN-SPOTS AND) TH~E WEATHER, Is well equipped wih Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as te ~&.~39 ~ hiEe n ibis hope and make i immeasflrably ai thea larger end. UpaIs the deatb oh Tho iateresiing question whether cheapesi and as good as the besi. We bave special values in TEAS, And aïs ~ Are weter sbd pating sud bationul, Caiit Ry aon d Beacole, i d wa es s ni' moasurable influence ex- Fulli une in Patent Medicines ai popular pr'ices. Sulphur in 'quantities t,. ' 'LhihhT ~lrayer wiîî sustaigiu, ibis paience., ht 'n '---'" 'ereu upon the eai'ili's atmoapbero, andi Qi i"ci ~'~ wllfit us for, every experience, ohfe iimately faunci ias way ta Enýghand. particulariy upon wlhat we cai "the at 3c. per pound. ~ --' .1. Dltributing ta thse necessities oh Ina saine of ils jcsrueyiags hi lias re- weaiher," by tIse black spots an the sun the aint. Wehaveahrady tudici civec iwor tree rach an ne ide s agamn under discussion. Sun-spots lu- n the sansm aearaysui- ie wo he rca n n ie creuse and decrease in size and aunihor ~ t o maning af the word "saints,," as vrwiuhc may bave s1igbtiy loasenoc iIts It was user]. by Cbrisigus ta describa value, Thea sale was made by J. C. maximum oh spots to janother being k r u .~ f owCqustiasus, sud meaus the bohy Steveis, oh King sireet, Covent Gardon, about elevea yeurs. Ah preseut tIse HAMPTON. onea, or those tIsai have been set spart, Londou, aud tIse purchaser was Mr. spots are becoming leus numeraus, andi the ýonscrýwed oes. lButeventheir minimum perod is approaching.10 tIs cnscrtei ne ~Bu eenthe Middlebrook. Althisugs thora *ers a At a recent meeting of the Roya ai thorougbl'yv consecrated Christiau gtets 1,4. Bless thom thai persocute you. helpîug the unfrortunate to regain iheir weîgat. an Suuday ahtornooft, RalpIs Moare, -a INDARUAct in yeur dahly 11f o accordiag ta h ealth andi happiuess, I promise you Thea worid's deficits are estimaeci as young man, fired a abat gun intQ a INI LBBER PAVEMENT. tee Sermon ou tIse Moaunt. Remember prfect seoreçv. Address wiih siamp flosRy,132,00bbî;br-gupofurmna oovile i n- luchs ruher s apavement for wbai Jeans saîd, as repoflted by Luse, ý *, s.T Ml'UÏbD, Agonis' Supplies, P. loy, 106,400,000; oata, 162,400,000; aud stauiiy kiiîing bis seventy.fivo..year.oic t< troots was tieci oua a bridge in RHan- "~Love yo your onemies, and do gooci 'dO ox5,.ani,Qu.con, 165,200,000. TIse repart staies graudhather, Rîneben Seguer andi soi'- -oveS, Germny, a àle moi'e tIssu a sud lenc, nover despairing.' lIn Panl's "nrttbtmayepilgcaresscba iolyw udgVca'Ser, bis urç.. ago an pove sosaisfotoy ah l Cbrisiians woro persecuteci; not O r t OE FFNAD lrpa uky gp, utaice n hre n ejmnMoe wt eprimaL>si'~ ambii aei ai?' are naw. Tthe world hae a'ý very E' to~ 0pTewoe f Fland . aruxrope tht any Treyri Egypi, Aucsr ia. 1 e, udiorls anc Beni Mo B>rlia sud Hambousrg witbs h for ordi- bigb opinion of Chrisian vlirtu, SO Are featuros peculiar ta Hood's PRIS. s1naîl in TIanmnohFnac rerpdysd 'Ansra-Rungary, will eitbr ho Thero was a dispute amoug the hivo oe.ry ruadways. Itisl said ha ho perfec- long as it does nai criticizo, tIse world's sîze, tastolesu, efficient, tbarough, As one ma boconisng seif-supporting. Tllaee thons- unabie tu exponi grain or will ho comf- ymonuinfroontý boh i l ieer' bous su thly ioiselless, unaffoteci hy bout Ircod, faults. t sud bave enheroci upon business careers. pohled ta import, whilo others. inclui- Mo b ati lasa sli'ppery andi more durable 15., ngjoice wî,tI tbem, that do ne6- ..-y-w yonngs roe acrea Supeer-i ruaIs-shInia thai sport olesuwepwistosiil Fft-w EmihwmuarSpe-ig risbIda Argontiua andi eci ia tIse bouse wlhh the ibreat that Dr.û Currylt e nd or ibs ias, wiLaug tiWt9 8p ntendo(Lnts of poor bouses. There, are Chili, will have ihoir whoai expori awudsotbsopoetsbaiof Dr.O AK.wt Curr laughiug ais psoe , witb te 200 o e compieing tlhuix4 stuidios at considerahly roduceci.' ewudsoth pontsha f. PliWtce TiLirougIs wtht sarawi ghi g W andoi sor t h aIs tbe University oh HéIhsingfors. ,One TIse favoreci coi.mtrieà are Canada A moment lnter ho appeareti ai au up Yoa sympate. he tbol ekt cre housatut Finaîsh womeu ana employeci sud tha United staies, tIse former of stuirs windlow and hireti direcily miao meang doautinkcian ba lho y my wha in oy&h te aemic'oaa- rsid: IlYau ever know you pum n railroad,. telegraplit post Offices; which wili soaon ho onue ohthe most tIse g roup. Hr, made bis escape but was, ,iewa ofaratIe pope h eucaiu wardanobe. *h'bs verse muai ho, etu bave hilton à puli til t leu ail I90ara, touchiers sud tIse daties ar imortant of thse expoi'ing countries, Vsera ta My thonios t dieci ail togoiher. Iu es ah its ibhree over.1' 25c. C. 1. Hood & Ca., r'IU i mnaged exaiusivly hy -thea -wo n iaexcess a Jt ya productio on hrwdacpre.Caissu Old-timer-WIsata t%-~ matter with. àlauffs siome horn oh thse word rendered Proprietors, Lawell, Mass. Fus'anish womea bave orgnized two boirug 7,000,000 buishelu of wheat andi Benjamin bloore, are not relateëd te your Iatf t ~'ici ~ ,f j "ic"ocr Wa are tlahave a. on- Tlie ony plis to tak wi HoodsB~ j ZUw larg auci folSbulmng clubs. 20,000,000 of oais. lIts ouitpui oh ail hlm Othlldren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria,

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