Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1897, p. 6

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A- - - -'r'- ~ itkRa ah and rleeai h rouble, mt "" etea 1. 0usstt n e ytem such as Di en s- N nha. D r .sn e -, D itr i fto r laU am n.heSide, &. Wbheir moiS L k _ab . . u c re t b e n s h o w tD c ui . .deyth!.o corr_ t _11 disrders . th to sh g lJyul te tii, b lr and reglteti bw U?~U y only curo làr,. . ot wh oceWry thm1il 1n thee l te hi- r -da le u o m nwt. ha "fbl ho b nc c m aa n lv aS hah ert u 1whe tel mareO I' etci.OrpU ue Etf à othre do, coi.lan Cs3vzn's rr" .0 rm il aevr ml a-doge. Tiley are stintgo vegetable and d ..t; e bailwhô use d î*uthe.l il i~ e=ts '115ieau forsi. ScIdevewherore antbmai Vamieourezatîrnstoe c., pilcrei .1-70acTrs rr hs, ia roeves adie poiatcesC. ha ct largs assorimen ad eblpoy te ltestandomt improvefi mthods for propogating. Ail stock is carefniiy fa.ck- el undeo'urroai suPervision, and al new .aretiets es.t our rlai farms'before bcbg cataloguefi These are the onil festin g orcha.rds, conecfeed th any nlsr nfi oiin Agents wantd orereet ns. Spc iai atten- fiam given f0 park, cemeferboevrores Edtimates furnished for Suppiy i re or chaards. Why uy.of forigo concerns or of miidiemn h oucn purchase as ce1jeaply from us and gei beffer vie u tc sCn adian grown and aclimafed. Caaogue (E. or F.) ftee on ap iatio. SOE ELIG1O Téronto, Dt. FonthIli Nurseries, the1leadinig canadian iree men. ONTARIO BANK tvYtiRuest13 do a General Banktng Business Eovwmanville Agency. DEPOSITS eelved lu Savlngs Bank Department and on au lnterest allowed atourrent rates, No t~efwthdrawai nccesary. AIl depoits yabe oWn demand EXCHIANGE JO rngjtand sold and Drafies sued upon Europe Un~dtates and Canada,also Goid,Slverand UnfiedStates Green backribou&,ht and sold COLLECTIONS Prwnptly made ai; current rates upon al part f dkeat Brittain, the United States and the Domnion o fCanada. Telegraph Transfers Madie for large or smaîl scons on ait part 0f Canada. This is espeially advantageous te Iersoas living in Maniloha or the Northwest, atmakes the funds available at once ab the Piae of paymcnt. Oth aticulars cali at the bank. E, LF RTT, GEO. M.GILL, Accountant.Mngr BOWIIANILLE BICYCLE General REPAIR SHOP. W. FISJ-IWIGH, Practicailfahinist, Tool lVaker, Look and Gunsmith, Special Machlnery for handling Bicycle Re- pairîng In ail ifs branches, and ail Fine Machin- ery. CYCLISTS.- Have yonr wheels put in trim by a f horonghly pracfical machinist. Bicyc les, Lawn mowers, Sewing machines, Clocirs, Typewriters, Rifles, Cuflery, Locks, Electrie Bell,, Dent ai and Surgical Instrumnof, Safe Locks, Iron, Stfeel andi Brass work of ail kinds. MARKET BUILDING, Bowmariville Rochester Route Str"NORTH KING" Commenciag Mlay 3rd. SOUTH BOUND Lv, Port H-op, Ont. "North King" ..... 2.30p.. Lv, Cobourg, Ont. ' 'l..,i15 Ar. Charlotte, N. Y. ":3.10 Lv. " NY.C. and N.RIi 7.14 Ai- Rocuester, do 7.40 NORTH BOUND. Lv.Roeeter,N.Y.,N.Y.C.,aad N.RR,-. 8.15 amn Ar. Charlotte do -..8 38 amI Lv. "North King' . .840 arn Ar. Cbourg, Ont .....1.010 p.m Ar: Port Hope .... 1.45 p.mn SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOIJT NOTICE Fer Futher particulars appui' te, STOTT I& JURY, Agente, Bcwrnaanvilia. Gonerat Manager, iKingston Before huying or putting up any "Pecea" Fsec flic Gem Wîrc Pence, flic chcapcst and most durable tence on flic mar-ket. Permers cen easîly build if. Parmners should sec fthc fence et 1Thos. Pascoc's ucar Eldati or Il 1. Cllacott's, 5th Con. Jos. Wi'tsDarlingfon, anti at PETMER MUIIDOCII'S, Bowmanivillc, ,a-gent for Durhem. f-he ti-&fnimg word, "Lt ila more Th'ý a<" Sakblcissed t, give fbnte ecivt. ,WE-IYNffl)AY , SEPn.8, 1897. FMIDNG YOUNG CHILD-REN. Tt is well te remember fIf at im'nd- sunMer ae ilgbf- breakfast is pref arable fo a beavy one, but if muai ha sappla- rnanted by eam.eial amou.nt cf cciii' assiilated food, givea midway ba- twean meais; as foi- instance, a chid cf five miglit hava for breakfast a saucai-- fui et soma weil ccoked summaer terel, servad wifh cream and accopanied by aiW plcof toast-to le bttai-ad wlen thse butter wili nof malt on flic toast- and a glass of mille, bis mcci fo ha atippiamental, sey et. 10.30 e. m. by a catai cl f beet brofli and a biscuit, or hi' sonne easonasble fruit, witli a place Of 90od bomemade hi-ed wall buffai-- cd. This wili not intentai-e wifis a one o'ciock dinnar, 'wiseaa smalier amona o! food tisan- usuel may bie given; bat nef anless tels ncailibc aise auppla- nmanted et tii-ce p. m. by sema liglit food, sur-b as-a cup et junkatt4 a cap cUstard, a-n orange anti a f ew lady fingcri, or a ganai-ous suice cf tii-cd, baffer andi lomemade or Dundee a jn, WhiCh must li e rgarded as a iuxuriy nof- a dciii' food, ainiese observation Shows fliaf if agi-ceswitb fl ic cbin f question. Six ocîccl suppei- time wiil tind the chilti reedy for bis simple meac cf hi-ccdand milk, ste-n-d fie-at rani' cf tf-ho ods usualy ai- 10wbeia et tiis meai fer e cùild of this aea Tise principla invoival in this niafli- od cf feeding s flic sae as fliat in feeling c convalescent. Thre digestion of a growreg, activa chilti shoaldtin- la aýnduiy oexed ani'- moi-c than ,shoaid tisatf u an eduit lnvciid, anti flua li escpecially tfiutc ila sanier, wben the catira systam needs extra tar, la Inthe way of facding ati hy- glane, te make if rasistant te flic an- ervat.iag influences of intonseli' but weat ber. BrOfbie zwieback, rice and mille, tý.apic je u',cp custard, etc.. are al eclnt suppiementeri' foods. Des- serts in suhimon mai' traqucaffi' b P-appiamanfari' foods, Bi' tis 1 mcci f-bat agga, iin, tapioca, milli, etc., may ho useti fieau' indesserts aliowehla for nursery use, anai tels portion cf tIhe meal mai' li made te confain a large ubaraeofthf-icnouriihelmnt raqair- cd fo'r f-lic ctira meai. LIflic propai- form, fliese ingi-ediants ara casl' digestad, and flic ether part of the Mena conteining onaet these des- serts ne-ad nef- bc an lear'y lan col wcafhar, flus rciicving digestion et a finie wlien relicf La reqairad. ,WÀSING DAY, An effective mefhod, proved liy mani' hOuseawives cf long axpanrience, is f0 ieoap flici-cghli' flicdirtlesf porficas cf fis ccoflies, told tbesc tugather fowartis tisa centre, i-oll the whoic tighlty anti soakL n coid watar, Tise wafar sliould just cover f-licarticles. In flue way flic seep f5 kept wiserc if-s mostf-needeti and nof -asshcd away befora if lias donc ifs wcrk. WTen flic clctbcs arc uni-olàed fi trfay ha waslietiouf wif-h lacs ralihing. Tee long saking wban a sti-on(. soap f5 tisaI, wh'ili bas. mucl fi-e aikali, would waakon f-be fabrie. Judg- ment,' trained hi' axperiance, masf guide la sucb cases, se, that affective cleening depends upon tare-fui manipu- lation. Wbethcr te hoil- or no'f.te beill fli cioflies dapenîs largeli' upun f-ha purifi' cf the maferiais used andthfli degrea ut care exancised. fleur versona ted f-bat f-be atidifional disinfecticu wbhich boil- ing inaures is an lamant cf clecniiness nor.te lie disnegarded; ofliere fhink if annacessari' undi- ordlncry cndifions; whia othors initet flaf hoiling ycilows flic ciothas, Thea causes of tee yalcvi ness secm te lia: Impure mateals in flic soap uscd; flic daposifion, afttr a fime, ot i-on fi-cmfho watan or flic bolier;' the imperfet washing cf flic clthes- thaf la, the ci-gaule maffer s nef fliorougli- ly rcmoved- Tira safeet process seama f-c lc fo paftflic clothes intc coid water wlth hf-fia or ne soap, let flic temiperaftire risc graduali' tote hoboiiing pcoinf-and remein thorea efaw minutes. Soep la more readily lissolval lii'hof wafer flien hi'coid, bence flic boiliing shetidhclpipnlafliccomplaf i-ennoyai eofflic soap and may well proceda flic insing. "ýSceldhng," or neacpenring cf boiiing wafcr over the cloflies f5 acf soecff ac- tuel for thoir dsinfectien as ioiiing, boueuse flic femprature lese oquickly ioeci'o. Bei-ex. a tebicapoontul te avery gallosn cf water, added toecd boilent ti, serves as a bleacher, andi an aid la disinfectien. Tise addition cf flic bei-ex toe iclat rinsing water is preferrcd hy meny. In this case f-be ciothes ahoid bcho bng eut quitea ire so f-bat fisc lleaching mai' le thor- ougi., LIARVING ElINTS. Although dinner authorifies an- nounce fisat carvl.ng la going ouf of fashlon, the joint on the board is nof likeiy soon, if ever, to e h ioiy banish- isha.d. A lectuirar inaa domestic science course givas sonne raies for tise piopai- placing of te neat to li c aved on the piaf fer, Ronsfs of beef, i-Lb, and ai-loin shotid have flic back boneaet the right ha-nd of the piaffer. A' filetJ of beef shouildha placed wifh flic thickeaf end et rightf lind sida of piaf- fer; caif's-haad wlfli face ett fiscriglf; roat pig wif h liad f0 ilie laf t; roasf or lioiied hem with fhickest part on furthar aida of flie piaffer; large hlrds, as goose or f arkey, witli haads f0 flic lef t. Small bu-ds arc placed cross-wise with heatis on faxrfa-side of the piaffer. A lag of ia.mb, mLitton, or veai is piaced witli tise hiokaut part on thle fuirtiser ieide of thse piaffer. rrhe piaffer eliould be large enough to ra- celve flic meat as if lsasliced,, or extra dislies shouid ho provided for flie pur- HOW TO FIND OUT A DÂMP ROQM. To ascertaln wbother or' Bof a roomt la deap, a kilogramme of l!rech Ilmxe slhoud be placed therein, after herm- etically closing doors and windows. lu fwenty-fonr houra Lt slhould i e we'tglcd5 and ifA(tie kilogram=e lias absorbcd more tîlia Ifest grammes of wafar <fliaf is, more tban oee per cent.), flic room s1w-uid be considcred dasup and classeti as Unbtealtliy. Tise question of 'lice damýpness of dwellisigs is a fraquent causa uf disputa bctween landiord and tenant, andil is nafiraliy soived in f-le nagafiva by ftsc former. Thea question a be seftied in flie future by fli, test of flic bydration of limeý, whicli wiiI give irrefufable proof offisce validify cf suihconipiaiet. SOIE ENULISIII1 N3 AWELL KNOWN PALMVIST FLNDS FINE QIJALITIES IN THEM, No3 'Trace o-ls,a ti'îu' re Nos Siai'p Unceeso t Iiii'ClIit,55 uirlWeClasi5ses, As In Franeand lialy-tisî&edsIi F'e-doilliaant. Mme. Tisebes, fLe weil Inowxn palmn- it, re-nf toe Lgiand recentlyitflitise intention eo f tudiDý mthse ande of cer- tain promainent Englisis peuple, iser ul- timata, objeut heing fo ascertain, by mnaaýs of sucli sfucly tise causes of Gi-caf Brifain's greafnýess. She ias now returnad to Paris, and lias given a carlous'account cf ber experiencas in Engiand. "Tisa average Englisb lianýd,' she says "clearly denotes happincus. Ail tise hennis ara, f im and l sigisfiy -ad, and tisa fingers ara sýquare, rynicl i atfli foie-a cf punctuaiity, good sense oaci-gi and activity. Honesfy is aiso dcnofad, and flue wiii not surprise f-buse whO linow - 1w uprigisf Englishman are. Tlie Englisli women have ,long flambe, whuih is a sign of sfrnng will anlasi contrai-y iines lu flic-band nmodifi' flua 'eAndency. Now, al tlese qualifies, whicis I havemuie dare good,, tond fhGssn iviso possesthem e r.natiiitl,:y liappy aud for funate. 'TurLai-mure, I examinoc eai-3l, a ' thoxisand Lande amuong al] casssu &O-i.iafjcour-fers as x-eoit as .ukn peuple-aed in alI found une iy cliaracfaritic sign, naaeiy, fise senti- ment of tise uniti' of tise Anglo-Sax- on race,. Mais aigu is not te hoe founil lu Frenchi Lands. According te a per- son's rank andi social position li rance wil his or li-rbaud ho. By mneans of tise ha.nd I eualaiys in i-rance, ds tiniguisis tie aristocuiat ire-m fitphe e NO TRACE OR DI1SEASE.« 'In Englieli bauds ibare are ne trac- as cf c-gai'.diseases. inaftho tbu- sands wiiul1 ixaminýeil 1f ound lYl oaa case cf typisoid fever, anct in Ifisis instance the <Ilsease w as contrai-fad ahi-ced. INooe i e knowstiepo gresof lhygioelu in LgianÈ aienho ~surpi-iseaU LàÎus abson-a f dsae Neithi- di i find in fise hanis ef m'em- bers cf flic Englisis court any prestiges of accidents, sunli as I bava fouail lu Frenchli snde. nor cf revelutien sucb as 1 have fouati aItise court (of ýIfely. "Ia wliat r espects fise, Engliali hands diffeai-f rom tise Freaic and Italian hauds 1 cannot sai', but I intead f-c refui-n to Engianil and Itlfay, and te stuili' thse.subject fiseroughlyI wl i so go te GeSmaay enil f0Russie, and I expect fis make corne ctaius discor- aites. -Thse usefula-ces of sucb work is man- if est, fisaugli et tire sanie time if la cer- taIn tisaf many cff-he, casualties fore- sliadow-ed lii fha bande cennof-, as a ru-le, blaevoided. A person wlio .us lafi bol',an c ed htall thet is ne- csa-Y t mkeall visible te li nakel oYe. .teput flicphufoýgra plis thi-ouli caiesout deveiopmainfs tun- hc-lc""ry YOUNG FOLK<S-- MONKEYS AT OIIURCH. T2at Monlceys, and wild ones at that, ShOud be able tf0set an xamplc of decorouS coroduef at a religions service seems an exfracrudaiary thing, but that fheY once <did s0 is atfcstcd by tlie R8v. Jacob Chamaberlain in bis bookt, -l, the Tiger jungle"' SThe missionary was liolding a sericVtO intIthe treet of a fown ontflicTelugui Coast., The prea,.her stood on a litile raised pic tform on one sida of the Street against th, honse-walls. on the op- Posite5 suIe of the narroxv' Street was a long rorw of fi-ces, the branches of whiCh stretcbed ouat over the fiat roofs into thseStreet. "«One of oui- native assistants," says thse missionary, -read a portion f rom the gospels, and another preached' wiul I watched thec audience of natives. f0 study thse counfenances of fthc peo- pie among whom I was to work for rnany years 1 «'bancing to raise m3 y cycu.1Inoticed rnany branches of the trees beginning fo bezd downward toward the roofs, &Md saw the faces of some old jack- monkeys peering out through the fol- iage. Soon some of them jumped do-ir and came forward fo ses whaf their 'big brotisers' in the Street were about. "Springing upon fhe. parapet of the seated fhemsèives, with their hind feef hanging over in front, and gazing f ix- edly at the préacher, as they saw the people in the streef doing. "0f ler monlicys fotiowad, until thora wvas a long i-o of theni on the parapet. The late corners I coult see waiking aiong behind the. parapet, looking for spaces bof-n con the monkeys alrcady sea ed; they wonld put up thair hands. and, pnching another monkey sidewise, wouild ceci.i fo Say, «'it along, pleasel, and give a fellow a cliance' unfîl the «bemeh' was crowded, "I hadid ofi-cd that many mother- monlicys lied bronglit their babies fo clin.ch with them. The hby..monkey wouid cit upon the, thigli of the, mother, whtsse armn was twicned aroumd if in a very hunnan fashuiosu "But the Sermon was evidenfly too high for the little f oiks's coniprehan- sion. I saw one of thesa littie mon- keys cautiously reach bis iand around, "eIin another monlcev's tail, gi-e it apl.Thse other struck bacli; where- upon thie mother-monkcys, eviidenfly dIsappxoving sucli levity ta churcli, caeis gave lier child a box on fthe car, as mncrh as fo say: "'Sif Stili!1 flon't you know you must behavein cha-ch ' "Tise Littie monlicys, thus reprimand- e<, tuirned fise mof soiema faces f0- ward tlie racher, andi seemed f0 ho listcning onteatly te wisaf lie was Saying. "Witli fli excepition of aow and than ai moakey's yursuit of a f lea that was biting hlm in a tcntleo place, tliay al tii-ies st demurely until c preachar finis(hed bis sermon aind unt il we had dIsfributed gospels and tracts amoag tha audience and lrd starfed for our fonts. Ž-ot untiltlthn did fthc mon- kcys walk batik and spraug up Lnto fthe troes. "fLoe. er o numonkey capers' as they ne thcy were ce, serious as any conregarioýn leaving a chut-eh; and theýy set a whlooun the branches as thogitb*Lnkîng over wha flic pi-acher hia.d saad TELE, BOY AND) THE MAN. Coeridge Patferson-a ucholar .at Eton, one of -England's famous>historio sch'oos--was a high-spirîf cd lad, and a gi-cat favorite in.the cricket eleven of tise s- l for hoe, was an uncornmonly good playar. At fthc club suppors 'i2oiey,'" as flic boys celle-ilhlm, w as disturhad by tlie questionable jests and stories of some of thec members, andl af cngth declared publiriy that ha5 shoulil protesf against anyfhing like unuecncy in the conversa- tion or la the song s that vwere Sung. Notwitlisfandîng this. at the next meeting one off ho boys beg-an to sing a salacions d.îffy, and Cole)y rose iný- dgnantly lu bis feet. "if tics sortof etfhing goes on 1 shall leave flic, îooniL,' linsaid. Tihe singer continiud, and Coiey marched <ut. 'lb' nexf day lho wrofe f0 fli, capt t'a utofthe doyen, andI as- sourad. bIt thai, unlcý,ss ha reeoved an apoogy ha 'sLotuld quit thie club. litb was f oo important a man to lose. atflic Bàcpoiogy was sýnt. The triai of feeling to the youiig felinw wliu made, if, Gouldi ava becît no greafer than the trial of dern'tnding if and risking a re- fuSai; for, likea ail enituasiasric cricket- playars, Coloy -,as passionafoly fond ut fthe game. Bu-t ho loveci chai-acter bet- Purest and Best frTable and Dalry No adulteration. Neyer cakes, -I ~ 5- - As (iood as Oold WORT 13thie frienti that stands Dy us ia an ffS WEIGHTemcergency. -"QUIC&cuF. iE"l The GIreat Emergency Remedy Many of thse best knowii people in tise land testify to its efllciency. It promptiy cures Toothache snd ail pain. Quickly ailays infinin mnation. Wherever the skia lu eut, hruiscd, burned, inflammaed or diseased le acy form "Qulckcure 1 will do, its 'woderful work. SDr. IL B. Ibliotson, Major Rc7al Scta, Montreal, and Com- mandant of Bisley Team iu 1894, vrites -."1Qulckcure' lu a treasure, and does just wb.at you say for t ; when t la ktKnm every household will have Lt. B i w1rt ils weighl iM rold to parents, who should keep it lu the boniS for exeergencleainch as toothache, bns, cuts, etc, There are many kinds of Sewing Machines, but where purchini-,i a new machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is theý kind I seli. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines ha ve no equal, Prices reasonahie. terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guilrantee with every machine. Intending purchasers ýshould cail and investigate, or sent postal card and agent will be around, Best machine oll for sale. Buy no other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. I have a heautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ forsale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, 'Wall aePr'PrsGea and best varieties of Turnip Seed. I aePr ai r, Ir-ler it r HAMPTON. Sloan,' Naturc's Reamady, centains ne Minera Poisons. CURES Rheumafis,Gut,C Ne1-lura g aparalysls Asfhma,Ecea aiai kî lsegses. TRADE MARK. A ST. THOMASOCONTRACTOR'SWI FE OURED, She says corne four or tire years cge 1 was troubled witb a complication cf dis- cses cul was treateil hY severel et oui- hesf uit Y loctors, ald filed ail kials cf patent ncieicnes, but receivel ne benefif aufil 1 tried SLOANýS INDlAN-TONIC ald 1 et once begauî lu umprove. My' lefttside a e tefiniewas paralyzed ald 1 was scarcelY eble tl niove.,anlid u liebassisel la dressinîg. Before I haU used<1 onue ottle imv hecîlhimprved and tlie nidicitie ettectel tr'týniplet, c re. 1 enu ii-hly, recomnîeîilSLO AN'S IN'D [AN TON IC for ail nervous disorlers, If le au ileal blool purifier ani-ýý,il leoah fluaI is clainiel for it. i wiil bepleasel. t? give ana'y information I ca 10aay one similierl ' affectel. Siace using fthc mcli- ciao Ibea-e lied ne retura ufthfeic isease. I bave lacroasol dcilin aweight anti uoîv enjoy perfect bealtil. . ..- _ - Prico $1, 6 for $5. Ail Drllggists or from La r r ,P Box S3& Seud for printed proof of cures. Free by mail. The SLOAN 1JEDICINE CO1VPANY, of ilamîlton, Limilted Successors to Burtcli Brothers & Conpany., THIE DAINTY PARIS WOMAN. Paris lias ifs share of ramn and wef 1ï! pavement, but thec Parisienne neyerM U NI 0 wears rulihers, neyer seemns to wef lier feet, and certainiy never- bedragglna lier skrt.Neterdossh ask for any S S patent lifters-ingenuity, a twist of tee hips an on figerareenougli. Skirts, rain or shine. are made to be lifted, and jupons are so constructed fliat the skirt nay lie properýy and becomingly Is OnIv, What Ou h a raised. There f5 no question at ail ofj modesfy to be considcred, for the juo Be Expected Fralm ýs quite a proper an item of street apparel, as the jupe ý.nd more conspie- uous. The real Parisienne lifts ber H I S IVE 1 " " skirË high-as higli as rnay ho comnfort-H able to carryî-cn6 then she gives lier- self e littie aliake fto nisie sure the deinfi' lace-algeti p.--ticoat is liaagîng avenir about lier ankies. If showýs'self- censciousnessad tatk utfalifl to look dewa t e c if tire pofficuef is there, but if loubt exîsts, .,' le acter u do go. Tisan she apparanfli' tiptees acrosa flic st-cet, tire gaif befug suffucianfli' rua- aiag, anti eLcs a tritie high, 50 f-bat sire lerlly totiches tire mal, Fashions change in lifting flic jupe. Last year, a cluster ot wbet li-esenrekers ccii "go- detfs 'Iwerclieltin ecclihand. ant a âdictful suporfluity- of mai-criai was liffethlgI oneccisite. Nowtflictii-cs- maehrs arc putting fliose godets ia an- oflici place, andthei ski-t f5 liff cd f nom fisck u.The epprovati wai' seame tie ha f0 pause a moment whie une banti is abstracoedy ii'fgering tfli ola eat f-li back o! the skirf. Thea, witir a quicle eutwerl movcmenf-a suggestion of tise fii-sffigure ila cski-f lance- tise drapari- l ftal anti brouglitabout f0 oneasida se thse ati mai' iest on flic hp. This gives e long, ciinging affect, axtremel i ai f tise weaeri- asacpi-o- per figure. A GOOD LIZASON. Sunset Sire-If yer i-cal name le John Smithi, wbi' on't yer goe hi t? NVWoary Wiily-'Causa if I diI, folis wculd t'unk Lt donc sunthia' fer ho ashameti cf, anti wuz fi-avouan' unler an alias. A KING'S OUTING. Everi s.un'oner fie Ki-of .Sp1ain tees te f-ho seaside, andi is f dieuoufte h atha iu a splendid ma-ii contIacteI ie e miniatuire pala, ýi. île iî tîtenIddhi a admiraian , l lu f-li iittiofethre bafblcug place a nunýIhar of aad,,rs are eaeiocel ldina a oat la case etfai' accident. Upaight lu Everythlng-Always Keop'. ing Faith wiih thse Peuple, and Aboya Ail, Curing Them of tiseZ- Ille -Wisy Wouidn't Succes Follow? Mns. Wmn. Shaw, 15 Montagne place, To- rotOuftaio, Canada, say s . "I have getcounftdence lu Munyon's teinedies, having used theor witb v.onderful succes hofli for myseif, bushanfi and chid. i1 wes subjeet to sucereatatacks ut headache eech week, and sicknasc of the stomnacli accom- panieti the came. Since uslng MuIniens I-leadache Cure I have nou beau trouhieti wlfli an attack. Ia the case of mi' littie boy flihi-aisus ave been tru- remaîkabia, Thrcugh teefhing the hOute fellon' was comn- piafely rua dowa, had loat bis appefife anti was restiessancd irritable ail the turne. We gave hlm the Blond andi Debilifi' Cures, anti ln a shunttflres the change for the bet- ter was marvellous. IHa ls uow cujoyiug splendid healfb. I use nofbiug bof Muni- yon's Remedtes now anti have gîet faith lu theni." Mnnyon's ihheunmattc Cure ecdouraill e f0e. fiaitlluoee te-thîco beurs and cures lunma few tiers. Price 25e. Muni-n'. Dyspèkpsia Cure positIveli- curce ait forise gfIndigestion andi Stomach trouibles. l'rlce 25e. Munyon'5 Cold Cure prevents pneumontaamne breaks up a cold la a few heurs. Prlce 25P. Munyon-S Cough cure stops congues, nlght soets alallai-s sos-eaeand speedily helssthe Ilange. Plice 25e. Monyon's Kîinci-Curespeeduii- curet paln4 la thc hack, Joins digroins, ant ilauferme et lddney diseuse. Prîe'25e.- Munyoq'e Nerve Came stops nervousnes n tilids up the systen. Pritre 2c. Mnonteas Ileahache Cure Slope licadacsht-Ii ti-rea mrinutes. Price 25C. ,tenyon'a l'île (untmatut positîveli- cures ai fe rma of piles. Price 25e. mulnyonos Blond Cure c.radIlcale-e ail Imtiprîties (if thc blond. PuIce 25C. Mini-ena Femie Itemnettes ore a booe to ail Muayen's Caiarrh Itemetiles neyer ratil. Thé. Cntarrli Cur-price 25e.-eradicates thciea f i-ai the s'ifern, andthte CataîrhTaet-lc 2ctta-ceas nacsd boilthOicparte. Munyan'a Atioan temadies, relieve l tîn minutes anti ca-e permsnenfl-. Pulea ý lin.voens VitDIlzer, a gre!t Iole anti nel' stontai'-f vital. streartiL .0weut eule.$1 A. aapar.i cucrevfourcarb.dnaseUt Ildiag aists Moti.y 25 cet a viii l'arsenal ltters f0 Prof.Muinl îer Street. Toirento. cnt., annWc oeilwlifi-sue. i a styetfor' un- dl!ecit, F r

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