Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1897, p. 4

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Are Acknowledged Leaders!I a a a a a It has long been admitted t hat E-CONI-OMY WFýFRM FUR FURNFýCES, manufactured by the Pease Furnace Go., Toronto, are the best in the market. The-y give unequalied resuits, are regulated quickly and easily, and are specially economical in their consumption of fuel. We shall be pleased to furnish you with estimates. Harness Special.... Great reductions in ail kinds of Harness. BowmANVILLE. Opposite Ontario Balik. A Verdict Saîd a Customer: III had thought of getting rny. school supplies in the city, but 1 sec your value is just as good," and bce bouglit. The Jubilee Pictuire of the Queen for Sehools. BOWMANVJLLE. SEPT. 8. 1897. Any iSTATE5Vt4ýAN reider eaua obtain a cop Y of tie Forestry report by sending his name and address to Mr. T'lios. Southworth. Bureau of Forestrv. Par- liameat Buildings, Toronto. it is a valuable book to-farmers. POINTERS FOR FARMERS. Does Launier's freer trade suit vou? Use your first returas for paying your debts. Have yon a son who caa attend the agricultural college? Write Principal Mitîs, Guelph, Ont., for a college pro- spectus. Ealu plowing shouici le donc aow. FARiMERS' POL1TICS. No duty on an article wliere the ex- port exceeds the import lias or caa have aay influenceexccpt restriction. for a better pice because ot the=tri on it and no one ever bouglit more grain because of those duties-tliey are obstacles to trade. Great Britain slionid raise barriers against United States produots while the United States raises tariff walis agaiast the products of Great Britain and lber colonies Fair play is a jewei, but seemingly a very rare one witli our big neiglibor to the Southlinl matters of commercial intercourse. United States farmers have sold this year already $35,000,000 wortli of bread stuifs more than la 1895, which makes a "lbetter feeling" in country districts. CANADIANS WELCOM~E HIM. We __ar e -very sure -West- Durham- unites with other parts oftheDom inion lan acco na eartywe comehoet oaurdstnihd.A age in. Bîtaiu as -Lanler, and -certainh' noz4 other man coulci have gained the publie car on the other side of the water as has Laurier. -Whie- La-ie laq-alw&vs7 been populi'ar,- the la -san.otlier thing he lias impressed more deeply on the publie mmnd and that- is that lie is a statesman. Everyone recogaized fai Laurier a nolished Frenchi gentleman. ----a-leader-of men and a--maa of tiepeo- - iustce t~hi farseestateianship, ~ owver. arrcrszariugien s I realize thec have lu their prosoat first' mini.ster tLema who is te iead this country te iacreased progress and pros- pemity. Great thiags are expected alo ng trade linos as a resuit ef the dloser relations coasequent on his visit te Europe. He has donc Canada inestimable service. We hope West Durhiam may be favorcd wltli a visit from Sir Wilfrid bof ore very long as is anticipated. STOCK NOTES. Few farmers la Canada kaow wliat a valuable weekly farm journal the Breeder's Gazette is. -It is made up of original matter and is a ieadiag author- ity on stock lu tlie U. S. By mention- in1g Tire STATESMAN you can get a free sampie copy if yen will send vour ad- dress te Sanders Pubtishing&Co., 358 Dearbora St., Chicago, 111. The price is$2 a yoar. ClabbedwitliaE STATES-' 31AN at $2.50 for botli. Send for a copy. All kinds of farm stock is paying botter than for years, and prospects are bright. Breed ail yen can, farmers. MildI cows continue in good demaad and are tikely to witli clîese selling well, good butter la demand and wiater feeci abundant. Old Country buyers are la Toronto looking for drauglit herses, weighing 1600 Ilis., for tbe Old Country market $300 per pair will ho paid. Some 85 zeneral purpose herses wero sold fromn $70 te $90 ecdi. A few drivers were sold at $85 te $120. OUR II11 BSCROOL. Tl!c people, of this district scarcelyap- preciate thc advantages they possos ever many others la the matter of facili- tics for acquiing a higlier education for their chuîdrea. There are few other schooîs perbaps doing as thorougl werk but there are very few indeed, if any, hiercabouts that possess the modernirn- provemnents and thorougli equipinent for teacbing the sciences, for licaltli andJ com fort of the pupils. These are very weighty considerations in connectien with the growing peniec inl youag people. Many a biglit dlolar lias1 been physicallix' mmcd by badly venti-1 lated and- equipped sdîqel budildings, often more like prisons thian hoiees for the virtueus. T-ehe moral atmosphere of a bdtcul is anutiier verv important matter. Our, oard has'eveér kept thisý coasideration la vicw la their appoint monts and with a gentleman of Mr. Gilfillan's well known Christian char- acter at the head of thc school,snp'ported by others whose 1f e and success are wortliy of imitation, parents may con- fideaitly entrust their dhildren te their cane. Add te this the hîgl moral chi acter this town enjoys compared witli others of similar size and the resuit is alwa.ys mosi favorable te Bowmanville. Ia common witli ail other citizens who take an interest lu our Hligli Sdhool, TriE STATESMAN lias great expectations1 for its future success under the presont excellent teadhing staff. THE F ARMERS' COLLEGE. Tory journals are tnying te belittle the grand worh- being donc by lion. la particular and by thc Agicultural College and Experimental Farm la general. This is thc only purely farm- ors' college lu the Country and when tbousands upon theusands of dollars are bcing anully spenýt te maintain colleges te educate mîmisters, doctors, lawyors, surveyers, engineers, and almost every other proessional class, why would' these political humbugs depnrive the farmers ef oquai pivileges? Tlic trutli is the Tories are eut of power and they are tuking advantage et every mean device andi expedient te breed discontent la the Country, Thc Ontario Agicultaral Colleo'e is the farmers'profossional training s'lxool. Is tliere neeci for it ? Most ccrtainlv. Any body could bo a farmen la thc eanly liistory--of titis--country-when it _was oal-y neccëssaryte o-tIcile theë- sou -wi tl a peice stick. tbrow in thc secd and the crop w as sure.------- ----- - ---- - tow ot heiprposes 10 produce; and what lie purposes te produce shoutd be -of-ail-tîle iading conditions imcluded,- for certain, being the natunal cliaracter et thesoil and of the market -to e i 8p-] piied. Can aaybedy be a farmer aasweriag [te this acceun - P-Thbe -question is ans- 'werediin en tcasig Nwhere lucre Ltb ---'- th - 4-b's fr îu i g a e t î k n Vg'OjX c.i - -- Afl.hh thh -ve ry -t -un ir com mea snc-senee is re qu ir ed;- and the ma ngaged lu it who gets la a rut and proceeds accerdiag te the stereotyped and the fixed is ou the way te failure. These scieutific instructions and practical expcimeating 18 thc great work of the farmers' co lege ut Guelpli. Compare TnuE SrÂrESMAî witli other country weeklies and give us your order for 189--one dollar a year lu udvaace. Balance et 1897 free te new suliscribgrs. FARMIING IN QUE BEC. Duriag our rec ent visit to thc Prov- ince of Quebec we readlied the conclus- ion that the ordiaary Ontario farmer could make far more money down there than the Frenchi farmers do. Thc prices of land la the couaty of Napierville where we visited is oaly about two- thirds of what the samne class scîls for la this section of Ontario. That is thc saine distance from Montreal as Durham countyv is from Toronto.. Thc laad is good but less uadulatiag than lu this district, thorefore the easiest system of farmiag obtains--growing liay, raising stock and mnaking butter and cheese. Oats is the only grain grown extensive-, ly, thougli peas, corn, buckwheat andi some sping wleat were seen. 1furnips, carrots and maagolds were scarcely noticed, but.tobacco is bccoming quite common. One great advantage that the Qiieboc Province enjoys over the ontanlo farmer is contiguity to a butter market. For the sake of comparison we quote T or- onto and Motreal prices for~ Sept. 2. Toronto Montroal. Oats 2212 to 23 29 tu 29î. Peas 41 to 43 59 to 60. Hay $7.50 to$95 $9.0 to $12 Eggs . 10 12 to 13. Butter, lb.ý rolls 15 to 16 122, to 13. do. creamery 18 to 19 1%~ to 20k. Clicese 9 to 9à 9q to 91-. Thus it will ne noticed tliat la al articles named exceptiag butter, the prices are higlier by the cost of freiglit or more. Country iiierdliants informed us that they refuse to take butter in cx- change for goods because there is so little roally good butter made ln that section. TÉhis mayt exp!iia why the quotation is se low for aIl c 'eept cream- ery butter. We saw a splendid farm closle to the village of Napierville,-120 acres- offered for $30 an acre and were told that many coutd be got for less mnoney. As we stated last year after a visit to p arts of New York, we believe thc Province of Quebcc would be immense- ly beaefitted were there to be a gencral navigation of Ontario farmers into it. MR. HOAR'S LETTER. No. 20. The locality ou whidli the clty of New Westminster now stands, was fouîîded by Colonel Maody c'uing the gold ex citemeat la 1858 Like many other British Columbia Cities it has thousaads of inliabitants. It fronts along the Fraser River, Ia the back grounid the elevation is very stcep andi the streets arc ail terraced witli maay fine buildings thereon The lumber business and sa[- mon trade is a great boom to the city. Of thc latter tiiere are from 30 to 40 Ileau- nenies withia reach of the city, emnploy- iag over elght thousaad mn, wlio are mostly Chinese and Indians. T£ie Provincial Penitentiary and Asyiuma are located liere. Thc system of water- wonks cannot be sunpassed. At the tire station hydraut the pressure is 185 pounds and they have the water mains undor control so as to let througli any preasure thc emorgency may require 'Tli cite owns its own Etectnic Liglit plant. Thc sou la and around the city is of a sandy, gravcily loam ; neventhie- less it is very productive 1 do not kaow that 1 ever saw so imany,, props put under the trocs for fear of theiir breakino- dowa witli tIc eiglit lpf tijie, fruit.-X'gtbe fai id r od In leaving New Westminster thene are tbree routes-Boat, C. P. R. and Elect- rie Cars.' I took tlie latter and after a mun of twelve miles, stepped off the car lu Vancouver. This city is mnakinz- great headway and soon it wvil bceca lted tbe great metropolis of the west. Its advaatages'are great, backed up by thc terminus of the C. P. R., and the port of entrv of foreiga trade from Japan, ladia, China and Australia It is sur- rounded by mines of every description and iumberiag is carried on on a large scale. Thie Hastings Saw Milîs was really like a town la itself cmplo-ying 300 to 400 men. Circular and upriglit saws were going la cvcry direction. Tlie large saw iogs for whidli B. C. is fanions wouudbedrawu lu to the miii and passed on from saw to saw aud roller to roller, until landed ln the holds of large slips waitiag to lie loaded for foreiga lands. The B. Ç. Ironi Works, Sugar refinary, Cernent Works and many other industries are going on for the biuilding up of the city. Electnic cars are inlaahtle pnincipa1 streets. -Tlire aeéucis0 lieoiain fiveelarge sdliool buildings, oneo Higli Sdlioot and four Common Sdliools. Thrce of the latter are bciag ealaroeed to accomidate the risiag 'generatioa. Itreaity must bo a prosperous lard lbore fordhlîdren. A father would requiine to look twice to be sure of lis own dhild, as tlieyare se aumerous here. No'tbiiag can kecp the city from progressîag The wise /doctor w heun pain - tortnred 2wouxau. knows V me that she could avoid the ag- ony that she Iendures by taking proper care of lier wo- Imanly-self. No woman can long retain lier general health who neglects the health of the organis that constitute lier womanliood. She aMay suifer ouly locally for a time. eventually the nerves are runed by the constant wear and tear of pain. They cease to impart tlie necessary niervous activity te the varions organs of the bodyý A general sud serions break-down follows. A wonderful medicine for weak, nervous women, who tlirongh local troubles are threatened with a general break-down la Dir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the delicate organs that are dis- tiactly féminine. It restores them to vigor and healtli. Il allays inflammation sud seothes pain. It gives the tortureci nerves areneansd permits them to resume their natural fuinction of directing a healtliy ac- tivity of ail the organs. It prepares a wo- man for wifehood and motherhood. It inakes baby's acivent easy sud alniost pain- les sud insures the child's healîli. Itisathe best woman 's medicine sud more thaîn qo,ooo women have said se over tlieir signa- tures. Drnggists sell it. "I cannot say too much for Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription," writes Miss Clara Baird, of Bridgeport, Montgomnery Co., P'a. 1' 1 feel il my duty to aay te ail womeu who suay be suferiug from any weak.ness or disease of the distiuctiy fnuie orgau.sm that it is the best inedicine on earth for the ni to use. 1 cannot praise it ioo hieghl for the good it didnme. If auyone doubts this gîve them my naine sud address."1 Dt"Lices-1-amt elletsare asure, safe, speedy sud permanent cure for con- stipation. They neyer gripe. One isaa geutle laxative, sud two a il d cathartic. Éimile e i of Z ý- ze;V-wrappoI. v Cigarettes ~ -s.- I. -s- I z:: ts _ -s- -s- -s- -s- whlle the increase is so large. 1 was in' ormed that the enta rging of the sehoolI buildings would cost about $60,-, 000. There are many places of interestý and for pleasure. Stanlev Park is a great resort for Carniage driviiig and Bicycle riding. The road around the Park is seven miles long and shaded bv the statety Fir and Cedaàr trees, some of which are from 10 to 14 feet in thickness. Thiere are also a Zoo and Gardens and many other places of recreation. The next resort is calied English Bay, a bathing place witli cottages and tents of every description situated along the water front. What makes the situation so romaatic is the coverinoe of shrub tree and wild flowers, so tha~t every cot- t ee and tout has its own private abode. Thi place is reacbed by Electric Cars for 5 cents. The question miglit arise bas Vancouver ever had any boom or depression ? Yes, it lias; tens of thon- sands of dollars have been speat in buildings, stores and resideaces were built regardless of locality, and are now paying taxes and waiting until the city expands before being utilized. T. HOAR. Vancouver, B. C. Aagnst 16, 1897. SMR WILFRED AT MONTItEAT. At the demonstration given in lis bonor at Montreal. on Monday niglit, Sir Wilfred Laurier was flot at lis best as an orator, and lie spoke very briefly. Ho said, however, some things that are Worthi preserving. The essential parts of bis address are contained in the fol- lowing extracts: Gentlemen, whien I left Canada on the invitation of the British Govera- ment, I had la my heart the pride of my native land. 1 made a voyage that was in oyery wa 'y prosperous and hap- py ; but the happiest part of my voyage isto rotura home ai the preseïit mo1- mont. 1 loveci my country before; 1 love it a hundred times as mucli on my retura as at my departure. 1 was proud of my country when 1 left; 1 arn a liundred times more proud of lier aow. I thiak I bing you back somethiag fromn my voyage besides what you mntion in this address-in addition to the crosses and decorations bestowed by lier Majesty the Qneen of Eng-land, conferred bv Hus Excetlency the Pýresi- dont of tlic Frenchi Repubufo. Those decorations were flot for myseif; thev were for the representative of Canada, of the colony that is the fil-bt and bri-ght- est jewel ia the Imperial crown of lier Majesty. WiESI i i i u ni h 7¶ BOWMANVILLE. established 60 years ago and has' tuRning continuously ever since.- are more vigorous than ever and position than ever to serve our patros es -oOUR UNIES ... Dres od and Jackets, Corsets and Hosiery Linens and Cottons, Fannels and Blankets, Coths and Tweeds, Hats, Caps,I Men's Furnishings, SOvercoats and Pants, Ladies' Fine Shoes and Rubbers, «è: Fine Groceries and Teas, Crockery and Glas sware, SM en's Fine Boots, as welI as the best heavy Boots in the Country. S We seli reliable Boots and Shoos of ail kinds and very cheap. Sonie specially good lines of Top Boots just in. Our aimi is to give thc very best satisfaction in ail our *dealings and value every time. * We always pay the higimst'prico going for ail kinds of Farm Produce, Grain, Seeds, etc. Give us a cati and ex- amine our new Fali purchases. We are aiways pleased to *show our goods whether you buy or not. Deal at the West End House. JONIIMUTY -4-À *Jaj4tPoj pajooDJO 3il j3e3l, 10 ÂJ012 pur ZjIi 2141. *oDuvmJiq ItUOTý)JJ isouoiq So e etfr own inviçI±YL1 LA Seasn...., Is frequently short, but the year round the hunters for bar- gains are active. We know this from experience. We are glad to-knïw too, that-caur -efforts-to- Lel4ihve-eelsucess---ý fui. Let us do you good also. WC carry a ful l inR in IlTlarne-ss- and parts, eall and examine same prices-are-right. JoWMA.1'qIvfljLlr. before buyinçr as our - - ____- --- ----Plnne74. FALL FAIRS. West Durham. Bewmaaville.Sept. 16-17 Clarle Orono.............ept. 20-21 Central, Peterborough ...Sept. 21-23 Central, Lindsay .......... Sept. 24-25 Ontario & Durham, Whithy.. Sept. 27-29 North Ontario & Uxbridge. . Sept. 28-29 East Durham, Millbrook. Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Markhum ............... .... Oct. 6-8 Cartwright .................. Oct. 5-6 Sold by A. N;CaeîrLs,Bo an l I 've _lut, -'uU liw -su, IWI IWI B-%USINESS This Eall we in a better OM m rê ýL m /3 'e- 1 .>s 1 1 &

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