Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1897, p. 6

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*et te e b tatecof thie svstem, sucli as i ýruacl i_ i.Don eeDistresss fter taiuugi .~bite Side, é&c. W 'letheirmost Nfmarki.5tl'j osstlis hen shown in curing are (,q i , luabIe in Constipation, curing în r~'ri, -tiiannoyii.geornplaint.,while --iy ii, ' .et aldisorderscf tneestomail, d~nueei ver and regulate the boweLm. Zven If tOraly cured ,&Che CLby wtul be ameet priceTeos te lb... who sutier f rom titis iistressing complant, bt fortuns '[y their goodmese dosnt end hao,.andUîi -.e whboece trytem will lIed, thieviw n li willing te do witluout them. 8. attr W j ick heaFd jg the bainb o emany ilvas that herelis whort Iwo makeau great boast. Our PISlaCure il wlile oth~re not. CXÂlit 5" 2IITLC LtVm PILlaretSvet ima ..nd very c" -ctetake. One or tweilis makt a dose. Tb'îy are strictly vegetaitNe and dO mot griaî or purge, but by their gentie action &lease ail wlio use tem. In vials ait 2 cents. Ove for Zi. Sold every'where, or sent by maii GC132 XEDICnIXCO., 11v OîCL. F RUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES -V -V0a 'r ,, hrubs, ucas, vines nsced petatoeas. ebaveo the largasi a'ssort ment and etaplox lt n 'i ,ýrtjnd incaimproved methr'ds for pretîegateg AdI 'oclçî,I c'refully pack- cd oider co r ersenal supervision, andi al]i aw va!jel irs iscta or trial fartas bafoua bhig catalognî-1 ' jasea are tli ely testinýorouli.qrds (,ýou i , mi .h u ersery in the Domninioe. Ag, s ,,i lereprcseit us. Smchi atieîj. lic o~ 'e' rk,1i'eoîcr,bouevad rders. E~, -iej iidseu j miy gcure or cl, is. W j boy (i0[cc Lu, te res or ot mi, dirjen ceyou cciipuriia s eý, heaply iret tbcluvieOur stockiCari- adiaîj gt utnnd aclimatad. Catalogue .E. or Fý fiee j t1011jîoj. SiONE & WahI.iaarcN. Tee'o C) rFonthili iNireries,thie lcadhuig Cej ia h îjiumin. ONTARIO BANK contineato do a General l3aeking Business Bowmanvilie .gency. DEPOSITS ecusNý ,,ivIngs Binkjetapartmeîut sud on anji y, r,îtellowed eatcurrent ratas No tic tfirawelntecassecy. AiU deposits EXCHANGE t ~ Adl and ijuettoetad uvon Europe a end Ganada, al seoG ld, Sllver an d 1.1 '. Pr îbeksbuehand kold COULLECTIONS r 7 ce dent Clîrenrte naiart skV.,ba h - ~ ~ ,.,.' e'w 1101, "cel l u c;c b . ancaa T 'rthTi'ans-fers f,ic tu for gaor sînail ares ou ahi Pari of CîLe1rd I ' s la pcially advait'gaou>i te pa ci i Maloiba orthe Northîveai, itskr ."Iunds axailahie ai once at the Pliý ceci p-jenu Otj .'lrcallatie Cnk. k. ~ ~ ~ ~ LO 1. Ot 110 IGILL, ai 'i i t, tManager. BO [1~NYILEBICYCLE, -AND- General REPAIR SHOP. WV. Ft$HWIGH, L ock and Gunsînith, Speci.î i 'hinîry fou handling Bicycle Re- pairiniu l its branchbes, andt ail Fuie Machinu- ery. CYCLS'IS. avayeuî' wbehs put ilurm by a lircti. lly practîralmîacliiit. uic1 ci r, Lawn late-ri, Sewhîug machines, Chocks ',. 'h i'nrisrs, Rifles, Cutlery, Loeri, Elecerir' i !i, Dental anti Surgirai Instrumnents. Saes b ah>' ron, Steel aed Brasi werk et al krirjd', MARKET BUILDING, J3ownme nville Roonc1-ester Route, S-r ".'ORTH KING" Cqimenemng May 3rd. SOUTH BOUND Lv. Port il ',e, Ont. "ISortit Rin" .... 2.30p.riu. Lv . ont. ....1., Au. Charlotte., N. Y. ... .7.11t Lv. X .Y.C. antiN.R.R 7.14 Ai'. Rochester, do 7.40 NORTH BOUND. Ar". Ci e do ..831 axe 1,,. ' "Ncrtb Ring'... 8.40e cci Xi., C ,,,c Ont. ' .... .00 .O in Ar. 1fî I a 'I ........ 1.45 pin SUaBJil-Ti""0 CHANGE W ITHOUT NOTICE For Fariii) 0srticuiars apply m, STOTT & JURY, Agents, Bownauvilie, Genaral Manager, Kiniigto i IIEVOIJRED BY SHARKS. 'h uta I,, c hale uuio f n Slip-reeked c, aw. A iap tisfrora bondcn says -lDe- spat-ches vhicS have beau raceivat haro cf the feci dexnag of tise Intiau piigrins itteamer Sulta100 mileseacstet tise fIlant c. Socalma, tisa tiraI nana et nisichn brougst ce Colomnbe by tise Peanin,uair cuit Oriental Com.plany 'a steanscu 'j leaeon Jane 15 last, shson lSdt the tiret boat oiserait fmom tisa Sultanu aw"ssmcshad te pieces. and cli ils occuc'>uls nieraeantan by'siscrks un siglisucf tisose remaimalug ou boardtheis Valatta. Tn nty otisars nise nera rascuet succulmbedti t ieir injurias mwisili' cm the axay tb Coombo. 2îad di beig cl-sppumimgtbay ara the av.htagreateal, grain exportera. la short, Englaut la the exception te a. gane.ral rmie, anit mot qet isar. foot comaes over ocean 'renies tisousanda et miles' long. This, tee, is n modern de- velopmaait. Ia 1812, wben Englant xxvas aI wax wils tise UnitedtatIesad France simultaneously, ise waa self- aupporting, impertiug ne niheet or, tieur, aitisough is w omtb noing that prices et breadalutta roýse tisen, and tiseraavare breacil nots in largetenus Even ia 1840, il appears, oui et c popu- lation etf 17,500,000 ail but 1,000,000 niera tait on home growunisheat, Iralanit ha-n ing then saht-snpportlag. Tismea years lati'r Cobdean eaaimataedtisaItont et 21,- 000,000 quartiers consumait, only 1,- 000,000 ivelce imporft. la 1844 ha pre- iictet tisaItfree traite lu cern nieuli net throw ianuis ont et cultivalion, but avonlitincreasa the rproduction et corn at home; anditfethIis predictien M1r. Setoa-Kaýr aay s chat il la utaniy fal- sifiait: "En.kgiant's nieat creaac ttlS lime waa oe-r 4,000,000 acres. Il la non uniter 2000,000 acremancuilasteaaiily decreasiug lu inversa yratio te tise gronth of bar population. Wbiataver ciýsc Cobdentau m have heun, il is clear tisaIas a propiset ha nas ana aisolata taîhure. la tact n are heaclive noix-,fha woulit ha logicnily hounnitby bisoena arguments, eut la vl'aw et tise total tailure et bis prephecias, te cityccate tise raimposîîion ofthtis coma bulleps ns sîrannously as f itty years ago hcadai- vonti t tiir abolition. Suis Iban la Englaat's conittion, nitis 15,000,000 usiraPepla te feat lu tise British Tlesasbn se hait hait a century nue. Tisa- nexl point lu note ist tbathIe rivais et Great Brilain ara airaino ila Ibsir ntax-las te attack tiha oceanLbeunit commerce cf Great Prit- amn. Thus '-N. dic Kenjegu eniarges on tise tamptîug vunnianility efthtie Brit- lis mercant marine. Net only la Ébat marine tIsait reeokonel i untraits tisaI (marina itseoif rabdkonat lu hoindrats ûet iliilious cf dollars, but thea Importait foot isnppiy la nlie recoeet ilu hunitreita cf millions aunaually, aot te speak of otfe han m maeiailuiportait. And sinca thia article ouniswicis n ow ern- muent axas n mrilIeuthfisa o thIis par- ticular pointbhas een graatiy stranglis- cnet by tise acc cf tise Trea-bN'aval Cemmnrittaa luin iugiuig lu aprogam cf nrmcus axpeintiturea for aaîv nar vessais, tise nicle of il going te cruis- aras insteat cf te bettiasis. Iushort, "Engiant witis ber ismeat larder abrocit ia bayenti cennparisen more vuinarable ne iin Iblis respect tison any country everprevîon sly kunm 10 'isistry." And wila hem nc-y nouldi ba soeaprotec- e1obe. avemy fean 25-kioeumerce de- ch~id ren Cry fût The Canadian Statesman MwTF1NýEff»Y, JIJIY 14, 1897. X 0TL 8 A A~D COMMJfYTS. In April oethais ya tisa Pritishi Lieuýse et Commens unenimously edopl- ait a msolution declcmiug that the Gev- armumeut'a serions attention sisould Se givan te " tsa itpandence ofthtie Unit- ed Kiagiteaiou foeigu importa for tise naceasanies et litancittisa eunsaqueucas tt:inigist arise thaerei in lise av- ent etfnier." Tis amanIsr oStsis nase- lutien, 11f. H. Sabon-Kcmr, expicins in tisa Norths Amarican Rex-ian, hon mach the rasolution raiy means, cuithtis tacts ha sets forth bave an intarast for our country as niai1 as his onin. Mn. Balfoux, iu speaking upon tisa nesolu- tien, tuait intîmaeetâtI tise solution et tise food probleinieas t e ha tuud in lise bevy, se lsd " if ne 'bave a uavy edequea te protect our ceasîs. lisougis tisa pbica etbreait might nise te au leïrlng axtaul, andtihie pincis et niant migit be fait, nia neati bava ne f eau tisaI ne shah ha stanvel jute subrsaissis y continential nations." But M1r. Saten-Kcnr dees net think tisaI tbe meeau cehaqu!ite se suie- maril y daspesati et. Tise Brillish lilas imeport five-sixths eftIhair' nheai and fleur, Sasidas greal qucutitias oetmala, builer, eaggs,eiisase, vegetahias, mnuS,ata, hcrley, eut se ou, tisa value efthtie focit importa ha- ing put et $600,000,000 a yeam. But teS- ing tiesa ingle article et Sreaeistutts, iont ofthtie 28,000,000. quartera, cf 480, peunda, ennually ,consumait, 19,000,000 quartýera couic from tereigu ceuntrias, cisietly tise bUniteditatIes, Russie cuit Argentins. Aitting 3,000,000 te 4,000,000 suppliaithy -Brillish possessions, nelah- ly Initie, Aarata nt Cactda, eudt ubera is e balencaetofcaout 5,000,- 000 quartars proitu'eat t home, net counuing about 2.000,000 quartera fer seat auit faîrm purpoes. Tisa iome prebuct ateatiiy itecreasea Thua "tuva ont ofet e-y six of tisa people ofthtie Britisi:sles ara fat vun importait bread- stuf fs, anitfour eut oet tisea five on importa, axciusix-aijy toreigu," Tisa ne- serve of breabstuffa, tee, prebabiy ne- er exceeta ibrea m.enths' suppiy, cuit on Jan. 1, 1897, tisera appearait by tise alatistics te be leas Iban tis.raa neka' supply. Tis lest is e tact et ira- portance as rciliag te tisa risc of pricas cauýsaitby c daclaralion etfnier. On tisa other haut, France la sait- aupporting in grainas; nhile Garmaur, Ausnma, aut Itaiy pretu'ecýe echabout three-teumtss of nihat is ueiddcf foed supplues lin me et pearancitdeu.bilasjs coulit support tisamselx'ea nibely lu lima et niar, if nccesaary. Germeuy, tise laat productive efthtie fo)ur, in ratio et popu- lation increaseit hem n ieat ccraage by 30)0,000 acres trami 1883 ina 1893. As for 1~~~~~~~~~~ UU'Usk andjf 31Cr LlU4e jaes beoidesuI~ 1' ijUtA,1-"tmý4 gnp ,I et occupation. Iu Algeria tisturbancas haae aity eccummret suit varieni, incidenti-avanare- portai, absowlng tistaI eneni propagait- te bas beau ,caretuily prapareit hy tise sultan eut tisai Isiamie purty, haset on excggemeteil accounts oethlieTurkiah successas. No doubt the sutitan up- isiig et tisa Waziris, a tanatical Mo- harmmaitan triha ou tisa nortisnastaru borter of Inia, againsîtisae British, cen be acceunteti for by locali causes, but the coincitenca lunlima hetniaeu it andthetisastîr in Mcca endit Norli At n stroyars in an enauzy's baudsaeli causa vat troubla for rmillion, of 1Prit- tis homes, aven xith Britannia1,unii- versally ruli;ng tisa waves. What, then, ta tisa remeady,,,- r Seten-Karr suggasts first thse abandon- ment ut strict frea trade la foot sup- plies for a preteclive policy. 'This "weuld ln a year or two largaly increasa our whemat arac; and when il la rernamber- Pdti het about quadruple our preseut wiseat ecreaga, say 8,000,000 acres, or about one-sixtis ef the wbola cultivable aren cf tiha kiugdom wnonld .upjpiy us niith all thse breat wa neait,,Iis sol utien ot tise ditficumlty doas net appeaur alto- getisar impossible." The tiext suggestion la tte fster "coloniali commercial ted- eratien." se, tha.thtie colonies nay eya encouraged te supply Engiand wîth surplus agricultural proituca. Fijnaliy,, tharessouid bc aa rasarve eofnibeat in national granaries at honte. Tisis last solution hua beau previously suggestad., but ta subject te seminitrawbacJlca,sucbl as tiiet tise supplies nioulu have te, be distritAuteti hy sale, andti itn, renewed tura l ime te tima, tises net enly heing costiy, but interteriîng nuls ordincry trade. Iloniver,, this reanedy would help until nie Britisb wheat is grown at home., Evileunce accumulates Ibat jIba2 Tur- ktaýh success in a niar wîtisna Christian statetais aving a market afEHt tar beyend tiseliutitaetftise Ottomnan caste. Tise emrgy ant spinits uZthIat caste bave boeause ravivet by x-,iclory ex-ar tisa Lnfils that i n ist isat tise sultan must continua lu a cus s plainly apprevet et God, maI reýstoe tise pewer ot Islam, andt muaI off er de- terminait. rasistance te cny inlterfer- ance ou the part et Europe. Il n -ilinet censidar the surrandar et Tisassiy., and da'clamaaIhat as a caiipb tavo(ýreit hy iAlla h wilis a viclery, thesutýaan e not giva ih up andtbha a rue Mussul- man ; a teclaration wniý,ici la1the, know- ledaile hat tisaca.oteari'malu ta ilani exeeutix a, must pon arfuliy influence bis action. But tisaexil resuits eoftheb wam, teo net stop isara, but are fait al oear the Mehammetan norlit, lu Asia anit in AtrUca, Wisare tisa Otoman tri- umph bas awakane thlie taneticisie et tisa taMtful, and alimulateil hope hat tisa fermer glory etf Islam may ha ne- aboret. Net oui'ly are tise imams la Thasaaly reating thse Keran in tisa mes- quai with swlrt lis anitas a igu et a naîv sely war, but lu Constantinople tisa taclaration is openiy made bisaI Gob bhas permaittai Islam te revive, cuit tisaI Musaulmaus are te ha>prestoeai toeier tulll igis o ver Chrisîlna.Tisa Afnican Mealama have hacu poîvrfulir stirrat, anuit i tareportai thIal tbe cisifs et tise ikghiig bribes et Araba la thisiinterlnd et Aigeria cuit Tuais hava, arrivaditniuConstantineple te asis tisa suitun's iselp in driving eut the Traneh. Sucb an alliancewenlit, et course, prove a serions embarra a,ýSsmeunt le Fraiýa, efer xxila the tric ýs culb -nyfaix signa -weuIi ha a bller -guet-- anatsntise atira cimprcisensien cf tise fuli 1100 pointasSet toîvu lu tisaliaI on scala, gix-an eut by tisa, experts. Thare arne a few pnlts IbsI aréa a cepleil hy ail as cardinal, anuinlathe opinion- et tie writem a bnif-itozen Paigus n-al fixaditnl tisainn àmmd anipplaedinlutiseselactien et a cewwinl coxer about ail luise thera. i. e-, if thase fan signa ara prominaut, tise otiars wil lun so ematgmea ha taimly hn Larmoniy n ilt taetaw. Givea tisa premmss at tiesetant that tisa dairy on la a pattamn of famiinity lu loeks, le contrast te marenlinity, ne tiseunl finit that -about tive prlo'inaflt peints Or aigus convey un tiseir asscmblîng a pret- f v correct ioemnrofni '.nx xr11,. Theî son-mje previeus 'Occupant haut net set il at loat with the extraret oettobacco. Thse youug peoplea avio haut ne, normnalde- sire te expacterata, acquired tha fisabit trom cepelsant exanýpffl, and ti nas ex- ercWdseuiwlhout tise lgistest censcieus- nesa t in l the nature (of things it la offensive te goodti tste and (geed breed- ing, and ta an invasioun ethtie rights ef others. Sut a San Franci~sco millionaire is net reaidy te beurrelndnr, tltisInmem- erial privilege pyt expectoratiug on tise tIrer. Onçp e ieavae <warnad.hy >thse cion4uetqr et a stxieet car ýIisat hae had viol.ated thse ity erdinancae ne' taesub- jeet. iA ew days lter ha repeated the offnse, no doubt ctliberateiy. nFe ies jbeau isesteneu te s1paned o,a duy lu jail, but is trying, te esKiaipe thse pen- alty by aîffpeais te higb1er courts. Hie nciitçnd.a tiaI thWa ]îaW ista ,n assarIît upon the perspgsaa liberty ot the Aimer- jen citizen, aviso las baen an accom- plislhed expector1atir ever since tàhacce ias owddkNd îte bis eýq-sant f]thbis tLo ber et a vohilOle ia puddled, il is bha- cause tis eaxpectorator cannot savallow tohace(-o jica, and te, this extent tise comntorb anut leaajigss of twanty mustIbh bltiaeonidasry te thapleesura Asa matter ef ta4t, exipatoratiug- is a habit easily restrained. More Iban halt the oomnunitY, bisaI is te, say,wnie- men and, piildirenu, do nt' luga lan il. Wheu a boy q-iegins tweiexpactorata peo- pie smille and isay hae ta trylnjg, to look like a man. Diceans toucteti up thia Amelca f nîtagain and again. Once, whbite looeg eut cf a car 'n midcxx near ±'ittabrg iahutte imipression Ibat.oey passangeýr la Iront was gcat- Iering featisera te the xind, but aI leghdiscovered tisaI ihat ha., saw glanc-ing la thgelghl nja. ue Ip e x- pectoration. lan'"Martin Cisuzzaien h" it is C,.olop IWho aýits smoi-ng, cuand "ap- parenty lehcuiug undeër tisa net, un- cmm on delmgipn Ibat fer a tiýreË snd enligbtenaul citizen of thse United S tatas te oux art aniotiser mans bouse liet a spittoon for tsvp er Ihree hours te- gether was a deaiecgte attention, full of iuaereast ",rd peliteness, oet isni noiody peuld exer tira." But àa dif tar- ant eenIimeant la ýrowing up. Thse pluie- ed bat at tise tiýactra kas yielded tot the demandae ijustice, &anil the, expac- torator is goîrg tb jail, thougis n mil- lienaire. ýX, habit of unquestionable nastinss wxM ine ioagý_b% ealowed ire- muuity lu public. UTCAL A\I. SIGNS OitF AIRA FOR3M Wliio ewxvif anytiaputLe the cor- rectne'ss ot ibaîr bLeng ami ha thing as dairy fore and tmeanttandlail bave soeasigna îbay basa jndgmcnttin sealcting a datry cow, 1I,,,m inclîua2d te ha beLuefthtia for the avera,,.La ma, says a wir r in, Ceîntrv Gentle aa c tablishin m ees md, eut lu iung- oaipI efully eta cinidcel ýng ceis va voSe bisterv cnt quelities test( ' ffnac. are unknoxn, tisheu an iso isoits te ,G-rocers' due bills taka-n as cash,î. tiasa few points -nl haequippail iitis îlea prirme esseatials etfcxv inyinc'. Tihet the breatis make auy ctittaraýn, about thisea signa baos net appear. T1he ,R big cow Chat giveýs payaug usasses and ~ RI RA D for ongperodý, ad des ot ake Watcbmakem, Jenialler cuit Opticien, au fat, carnies tise sae essenî1aî si-na Bonînauville. atise lisile cow tisaI gives ber aveiglîl Eyesigist Testait Free. un milS aveny month or aven lu less uima. Haee la s a malter tisaI; ex-ry mam ntan put te thse lest in bis Ownu Y iu erit, aeuthan eng4p'are notesailis a neigihor, and tise resuit null ha, I think, that e great ailveucu iveulit ba soon mae.alin onjubgrnaand aigus. MANIJRING FRUtIT TR'EES. àto g ica initicates tbe sameiu tmn nc eulug iU-c ,ý"Oaa etthe co l ;t ~anud w orsl m'a- both cass. The mplortai ýnd ds- makeup, of hcf keardfruitelaroiversheottanesmfrit la brsai- Or mhaves yenapalpitation, Papihatio, nglor hoh ass Te mprane ni is-ls pretty fatrm eyiitsce tisaI Ibousautsoflc fruit tracs te go eacr attar year icregular beating, dizziness, shorýt breatil, regardl et rigist cuitjustice by tisa great itainmen regagetc cow as aooa c nd eu vnt - hman touT iles suotbein'g or choking ~~stopaieniii powars hava heneiathIe solltan te trust bar toeluw'iaî they n cnt, et ongsanndeay00 r erouitltae zeal suit fana ctîmnetaclouseve seLta ikge nalfrnJosepish '.lehcn. Persapsa c 1111e ils the buca or heaut. If se, your hecart ta of heOttman, bt o thirco-reiig- avenca s xen t at miS gees tlu ailfora.gix-an lcm nhea tiraI pianteandcuiacfectait and will ine loinaffect yo)ur ets isa al Ottomeans, but et toeer;nbusta it is ai grfitae imeaO'-htisIis ail. Quite an iutellig -ut neuves, causing nervui'05uess, leaplasi- io11 lni coitieet ier- oses;e buti- ilfedhila a poncrotiteblaaxios eem-asdeilety sella, wisatavar tiey mcy bha, nlio'ries mil tlint la ivautet, eut for 300 patriiedtnttc i na ne have to eha acet. 31e=cun b'ýi l isapeaceiaya et thsa yean cui thlie, metter oet Sket me my opinion on tisa progres nas mubIr eiu elig cii negotatios ar (,Ir,,ggii,-onbis tracs wnan a .iug. 'le me tise 1 , negliaion ai taggug n, x-iisth eetas vl ftisat entera inte the pro- lever propectof beiný e4c s,,ýi ýely ro- ram.1 Fo proigrow xtis "hnssayanythingh asbutthaelibt afactortor, taey prosectoeteing axcesix-tano gan. oaroinox-ay:dbsbe utI se express td myscif, aiting that tracetcntet aingbrogis teauensilageaend grain ougb't le malte se byapaeoel-ttct I n- eAI eut only hy an application et force, muli milS of enîb a par cent, cf fat." hyapae e akfc as Ib'ougb reports ara contlictn utt iutii nsea lsatutma aul'eticu vaedttaIhe thoumabt net. as tiese .c' Tnus uelnrchiy pouil, "eut bmarcas,' sa sultan imay suttauly giva ney.Tise lsntrlý o adb,ýdses emibassaters hava subitit te asul- luit c con tailswlanni ; itfilisIthe, ha, "tisa 'n uttrees t is the reala "et tan iheir achama fer tisa tiý1mîtatien larges.aipossibleincs et goeil uzilk îrom 1n aue n e o Itrv "Cuealteecnpansb eui,;l oftý- reoT'rihwhc omuchfe o il sgs wl Ihî[ibils tanShe e my fripinsmace aunie- the heaut'a action anit buildinguptbc gieýtIe, Grete mklhfonîmar nisielp us? TirSa agoot promýinant eye taka, cnt I toit ihim se. Ex cml f al tm nres e usuarssa epefc gbxtce le nt alrke ter tiamunlin ocrassny alps or yil u tlahI renunintisa femeast tacoverail n 'us fal- becîth cnd sizungth. Puic 6oc. peu box burt ofte e al a ie etlic e fy brein cntiniteligana". Tisaeyelanlaeettea ii ea pat t ia heslin lin, but tise aisouit net b etdunitua prenanuxe. uts enl.y rapiy te il Ibuis fer ias beau au rccd nb eacîa e omne cl t-salforcea mentetrcm wnicistisa or 6 boxes fou $2.5o. Aitcl dru,2giýsts. ine itcz7,-raa raslg tis aermy n er trom theadbtsilpoiettracs terîva great hanauî. i'bTat Ihesa ïmpal beny700,0aimen 1bt atli pomnet acying ievas are et grat bauctit enu planta et ail kiruis, but n hile tes fopotn e 700,000beaumad'e cptelenough le gîve tisabouny ieat a d'is- ha sean lu the changat appeanance et plants neat goci feodt, Iacm net aha- tenu te Garmeuy cud it ulsala, to suppert ing face. Tise brain bas net ae utile te manny oeds wi.h have l'eaumate îa- haver iu overteebing raspisamniesý, hîco hu.ozi ~ ~ ~ ~ d innbs daent or lisasaiybasfi livus Tiera ra muy urisforî î barries, carrants or gccosebmrias. It is -hi inhisdeandforThesay bs acowneds o hve iks ad dýrka,Ie tan est heare. Anysuc ih very nal te atarI theah 'eut goot. but apparautly tea n iaisuenaffect, but 1e fecc vïneedfa te.As abave ltiris.egwel ecuitshetï(alSrch tise alagonisais et intaresl haîneen cuit brain lpower anougis te have sam- lecases feu they are altait up cnt feating resulîs lu greta gmowlb cuit,ýn sem etti,' enaranu tat e tep n .na and a full cecesura et symp)athietia tlzrxýïv a axay. la a fan' yeamu thaneot maris trait. Andinlutisecasa etf tansperament; for te to eb hst se tracs ceas the leacs s, andt liey do1t h.e blacltlxemiry iltai a rauSgrn' withevey wek' deay.gnon as ibnitty as hefore. la 50a1e0 anyx-cay, andl gels large en'ugh , rs iviisasey ee a aly.néAeds tohe ba s esîng isome akug nt' large places thet I clni naine aab(t but litIle feeiing. ln the iight 'aý Quie nmba e cunt-Ieltis neuafor hem attentant as n cli. Tha elsacisve tiet, cntsolely, as 1 behieva, et soutlemu Nais-ý Jeraely il sccm1s'il tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o IiuttiBaeshv psat aaeten tisacmea te ha tht. sînongeat ia trom lacS cf feood. Iu a tan such iu1 upac.'iegiiai e ie y5I theUnied tats hve assd lws fchair arbacimanta ta thair enx iron- ih'esnsere prectical mcn a ne e licouilfruits abundntly. Besites tisade-. laie againat axpeterelng on tisev j in change,ceanume bhas baca sureai vautaga te Irees cuit busSes ilatha flomaniaofmatbliclcaîlantsnare aasbaimuma our buedcal uniar tise tras lu earlY xxay et receivino' food xxhicb maurng f bes 0 puliccenayaceacat huhit hasI cens, a uneeeofthliehast argu- iinter, cndtt lesas ieacontnuel inathb, feu gix-es,lisera is aIse tisaIt o ings. Dy ema igbteeuS incitatomantsfr ie ootrntatra îL tefiouniash as etf oe. This lasîhat sinter preoctenwiich the cevering acclnthteastatutas egainst ts tts d c themIrr î bi ee uaI ha, do)n-in au orcar. Young tires des '[is l e latIconiter et svacringet bigl isatthe place et au- ra-a ai in nai manume gronebvasI hleuctit te c trac or bush, cape- tjaainusoft iseatad t pdaant Ibat-etftisa ,transafar ofthelismaîcmaiaftoc-xx li gre xx n al enegh for acx, 1'cielly le nicwly plantaiteudes. I cm tprainiýet Lae ld t a dman th-tlion totehisaeu e ixhemilka bie',tisveugb but te'tis mle cuje eaibn lb eesal-sfiîlethtisIthesîsanils cf trees î-euld tise floors shelli n e pudtlail 'P "Y'tisa att etmaking; cnt if Sînt- ma but lutle more food lelfI, andb haalive to-day n ic.is bava succumnbat the lialaaaho ecapellaut tise top nassancuitother lubtie ebligatieus uiaahh I-nteIieu- rejtengru v.eaSatago iurs Sauts le came ten. Tl-isis itarlaratae iou ieccxaiegve aS uaililengutis. lu earhy iiaer a ceaI- iag otfranura beenau pplil te thcm te a aotigr ataur ant. a sppoaIre benaficec ilsI oulgva bau rin! etmainure sheuit ha spreat unuerilun he, cuminîn. tobeanthrmaterwa_ýssuý)osdth, enfiecetht oudhae e ha, tracs exbauding as tam ont as thae by sema te juveolve a fnemaa'a ýrigis. givan te tisae caît; btance a baller eilk branches do. Tii footdiii h acrnit' BORN FOR A PR. 'iK-EMAN. Witb meny Americena cexpctorationuils floiw, cndttacprcmpîing frem tisetenr byraia ait eliug nresgreti seut ndnature. Tl bair cileat ncollec- coxxaa intelingence. n1tieaxî the os. libnef il n iîî iae hat yen are mcapacctatti ffcm fnrtier ieuons are cf foeatbisrs Whül'coud sent Tise bacisisea cf tisa oîx is lise nxt reatily sean. Whea itilis net practi- service; but accidentasxiii ppnye a brownu nu fromu thiaidipa Lu cuy di- indication et valua, tiese tmong premni- ceble te apply lise maura lutise feu, Sei-. Do yeu noe v ef a geet meýn for recionaviis rea eperuas, cd et antben prca.ae, tse sar rigait mey ha acpreat iu the spring, huit your place?ý rcn, iish coult ebi mrisy adohict bgis roercsi tii n Ibis case i. is better'le to x- itun- Reilmoat Brakeman, Nirise bas ouiy bis bugiboys lnclhtamarkb tl n ihpali-le al el o tmong in, lisacase il is batter ho pion il un-' thumbs iell-Yaa, air, 1 ku,ýon eahosz iziug fitlr front talath.i ' On atrn muscle anti nerve powx-r ant i sueny net- der iigistiy. Del plenilng is apt teaxonit hast yen a got teal lo nger I a train tla final point et lnspactil wesnork, Tis, akb one xiii carry tisa teer the roola cf treaes, heure jusl rex- - fdt o'lfathm vra i thocarflor aînan acî, itesea~fsîep1nig rne tn nis, axide-practi:ex-en if'exng tisecennre is autticiant. Wisat lime museus. ILi aisssxenfin- th liltch --tweea s trla5 i 1net lokeit fox by the, buyer, andt htisa applias te tracs is gond aise for harmy gr&.OI 't't 8h Tooth Ache ..andAllýPainl Ilas receiedniore hQnest, unsoli- Scited testim:ronials from reputable people, than',any other Temedy of the agre. ýNote the statexieepte from weII known people ~publisbed In the news coluimos of this Issue. biigh pelvie axch wiii as a rula, givea the wide izlps, auwd the incurving thigh. liaTLJ thea best formes the badkboena is sorne- H M S P A LY wýhat sagginug, amind at tiea chimae the 1 - ~ A E T~ spDmn bones axe well silussai aboya the biadjes, ail of whieh indicata a -ruggeld Dver and Clothescleaner consýtitution and stayi»g qualities. As I to thea uddnr signs, soreaplace a funl l Fas rernoved bis works to the 1eH bial of thea total upon thiemz, andt wîth ýnown Eastern bluse. much show ef reason. Gis an an nilder long from the, rear so as to have PRicEs--For eleaning, dyin an large abdominal attachmeint; xxeil bal- beautifully pressing an Overcoa,ýt 75 anýced inthe.quarters; teaîs al plar etS eut, and tihe udder coveraut with sof t, 0et omplete Suit 1.5-70. hs silky heux, aâad-the vains shcaving xviii prices are flot -miore than one hiait unduar the hide, -Whieh ahould bha bot h what you wou1,ld have to pay any plastic and elastic, and wihen milke d ut, stili leaves the fairly ferimailud- otiier Dye Wols and the -work wl der, rather than the empty-gl.ýiove ap- be as gooci as cail be douie ay peaxanr,; ene may ha suai thtat if wîsere. 4 ch cow' 'a not spoilei th esadevelop _________ ing from Calfhcod te coxvhoed, she, xii not be, disappoiting in rnilking quali- ties. Il La a helief of many that the cow with, un uddcer that al milks out, will net give as ricxh uslk as oui- that bas a fair ahowving of flash la itishen the mlk ta drawn, a thing I amn in- clinait to accoapt witdb a few qualifica- tions. libe milk valus are 8, matter of individuel char acter isties. Sornte e'oxs gbave cEmalu andquite. straight eueset.bers tortueus and large; some velus divid.a nit enter tha wallsa f thea bodty threugh sevaral "milk bcles, soea cows havea irea well itefnYed and crookeit veins, and other veina are iveli up on tJise bedy, and otisars xviell ton ard the eCenter. Diffarent judges place dit- ferant values upon bbc lavains as a .puns but tis much ta certain, they incicate a large venons isyatem, a muoat impor tant thing te have, as large milk tflew initicates, or rathier demanda, large bioed supplias. Whàle the, signa indic.ated presupposa lhé, xedge foru-larga b1ia in propor ien te aibuldier-zit must net bc le t sight oft Ilit the ferw ard quartiers of I t1pe coxv, while sharp on the uppar line, 'Afi, f sisoulitbe breau en tha leixer, ascacial- ly aI the base et tiese aoulder. The oeaw vifihwell apart tom ard legs and BUShRdt kIiâ, retreaîing ýbrisket carnies large vital organs, and net tIhe least are the 1Especially -ween bheeailen urcbnsec the atrong heart andi haavy lungs. The ce g"cood arýt'ile for a rea-,iahle -suie cf lIhat nets muchticbmalta muç'h milk; nieeda atrong stornnch, lh art and lunga money, thereo re il yen u an a[l proparIy te do perfect n ork, ndi if C.ock, weddingrirg-, seîlaa e- weak or impairat, lise izen Soon bas ding present, a birtbdiy presont 1î an overtaxcit aystem like somp noverf-a- le hie tre for vour o', ïuse canli ment~s !-and breaks dowm wvol a par- Ilickard"S. No better g- ooda for Vour tialiv perlormeil taI-ý. Thse rcad-based mcncy in Canadza. Anv nmnrount of ahienîder la tise propheey cf strong vi al preity Ibngs. Bovv'nanvlle.Canadian, ergana, x tis a large boari, and th3 and jubilee Souvîeîiiors. Allýil ibesaý_ absorbed briaket boue ell4s Irai 'beauii nuit s nandma ct oe being soit et, qui l e ae ot t te ~front ath ýt'n tintero iic e ree -tý -1- F-ýl y

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