Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1897, p. 6

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fT Caain Sa anfor 'the supplyof the C(lnze ýili CS Ille -Union with psa ad ihpo ______________________ pid replies. Tue, business ot the pe CARTERSS4AY.!UNE 12, 1897. sent session, whiichi, save the 'rai fica- t __________________-tion of proceedings, will he dune mainl- t NOTLS AD CMMETS. ly in committee-, will extend tlacough o a montli or six m-eeks, and, generally, t' w paia,~ill be that of revislng and t ev~tyyears ago Greecee ad a f ar renewing the general convention un- ti more terrible baptism of f ire tlan she derwhiolt, international mails are car- n is experiening noav, and lier indepetid- ried. Many apPcial measures are,how- U R E ~enceM-ns plucked from a Most desper- eve:1r, ýto be considered, the Most, im- eloe ee4teche and rtlleye ail them troubles l. ate situation. LIt was, ia f at, the re- portant, perlaps, beLng that increasing Ê ntte a bilious Ctate,!ii ytm uh~ uto h roa of the Turk. afte the' weiglit for single letter postage, e: ulzzIlt (il thu arrogrnceiof the, treko after fMaUg.ain InhSide, &c. YWhIle thoirniot they had overrun al Gec andý cap- making tIle, unit an ounce or tliree- ti remrabi ucc*x ac oe shwnin urngtured Athens. The Greek war for f ree- quarters of an ounce, andl that pro- la dom broke out in 1821, and in the Pet- viding a univers-al postage stamp and p c4)oùnnesus the insurgents, were 50 suc- an international return stanaped enve- e SYbC~uin,.!* L=rra Lrvsa, Vasacessful that independence was declar- lope. ,BOtU, the latter propositions wexe I aur eAlg IhIvaluabte la Conipain. onrluge e in the tollowing year. In stroag dot eated at thse last congress, but as si tels180(>rc i îordere tetomaeb, oontrast wiýli the strategy of the pro- they would be conveniont, would not sý ulat1 ilthe-,ve ny re e4ii.bwea ent struggl'e, tise Greoi fleets of that intorfere witli domesti nstage andp day, commanded hy Canaris and Miau- WlOUld istimulate foreiga correspondence il lis, destroyed many TurkihshipsIn it is hoped that they may no,%v be ad- b~ A HâUa wnctb I i vengeance for disasters sustained at opted. 'hat the congre£s wil do mucli i a~.fe rm ilis dltressng omplalti sea the Tu ks masscred the inlabit- t rm e inot only tlie effieiency of tr but fortnnately ther goodneus d«)« Dot -4c anta of the Islands, of Chios, Kasos and the international postal service, but thse0, bere~aiad those Who once try them wil ens thm lite Pille raluable la %0 mai17 ways the#]?ýara. A fear tisat thse Turks would friendsbsp of thse nations, there is lye l'bey w1»I net b' wiWulngto dO wthOlu th0m, destroy tise towiss captured during tise doubt, for the easieir communiction s S' tat £Wal slok 4ea amnh n omadte na-Made, and the more closely-peopies are1 itants, lias doubtless restraiued tise broiigist lio contact, the btter theirr AR C H EGreek fleot during this wax. Iu 1824 understiinditig of eachi otiser and the il kthebane Of 00 oan yllvo tbat ere UlWI1MS tlie Sultan callod tise Egyptians to lis less lte likelibood of differences lead-v ve make .Iur gî,eat 1o*,Orplacurei Wklltetoherîs do nct. aid, andtise Greekai 'avre soonà reduced ing to war. Its sextennial meetingsd <lAurEn" sLiarrLz Livua Pxaxa are Vsy mnal to extreinitios. mark botài the sproad of intelligence ù =d -7 e tt.e. On.or two plllzmaki ..- tisongisout tlie werld, and the growtis ù a dc..Thy restletly veetable anSdo -7 motgrpeorpurebut y tser 5eltl ~tl~Far more thrilliag and terrible wero of that mutual understanding wii is uteOl SlSeeywer, r sut~'mal.the events of tisat period, whlen Geor- thse best assurance of peace. t SAlUE c&,IOI o w TIt. ga7&as, penned lu a monasteny, bleWr à I i b jký d ^ p- h building, killing himaself and fol- Late Esiglish papers publis an lu-P m lowers, but a tliousand Turks as well. tervi ew witis Mn. Alfred Pease, who was i Thoe ws n prtene ten f Tnkiis ecently elected a momber of thse Bni- MT.A.iNTEID -INTELLJ- forbearalace. TiseGroa'k patriarch at ýtisi alaeno i otr o good education, whe wantto gotrmen wîb Constantino~ple was lianged at the gate isundreýd days' journey into Somalilaud 1.n, and would bc content for a y&-thr poi and exponses. Write us with derit o n of his palace wâth an Rastor lily in and Abyssinia. Mr. Pease is ontisusi- occupation, aod we will make adeosition frhs andndCrsia aiie vr 11ow or the future. Also aeededropositoen f orlilidad lrstnfmles ee astic oven tise capabilities of thse Somn- Australia. Write to-day for were iaeme fr slaughterod ln evory quarter of tlie aliland protectorato, wiehcs le regards THE MANAGER, 49 Rchmond St., W., Teronto. city. On thIslrand of Peara eccurred as a mnucli more important spisere of tise blowing upi of tlie monaotery of St. influence titan is generally supposed lu F-RUIOaen ORNAMEsVNosiiudEES, Nikaloas. Thsegâtes vwere ope-ned b70ars érbrss ile n edlEgland. He regrets titat tiis proma- -oat~s We have the largest asseriment and thse tliousand stanvïng mmen and wiomen igreonsoud oadiisre epo is eylatest and mestlmprovedmeth. and wien 4,100 Moslems iad swarmoed > frontin.wtisho inipocudmnosex-d _ds o rgcn. Ail stock carefullY pack-fotIdi. thtsluenosex sd odter or ersouatsuervision, and ail new tn besiegers an~d besieged aliko ,vere cliequor, as lie ter=i it, but praises t oatalôgued. Th ese are the olyr te8iin eorbhards kle ytePVoý ftemn eonnected wilih any nursery in tse Dominion. tiatadhonladAtMsslogî oBm a Goerumes ufr isedminis-e Àgets wanted to repiresent us. Spca tten- ndpseead . tMsoogi""asebyGvrmn frteamns , tngven 1 park, "Pecirybulcvaoreaad.dmesmen, w' hciildrou tration of thse country.Ile strongly 1 EBtiniates furnlshedèfr supplying entire or strapped on their backs, joined a baud attvocatests osrcino, ala élhards, Why by f fereagu concerns or ofStecnruioofa ilyf siddleoen when oea u putrehase a ce o f 1,800 and eut their way througi tise froin Brea tiog oaiad adaro u and et bétte valO taock islao Turkisi army invgsting tise place, leav- whicl ho considers the most desirablev fafin on anatit . Ctalogue (E. NGo F.) 5,000 dead Li d u h otd& otfr h Tret onplti on. Sl rseries, te le. Il e, igin.tn iemutd-pr ieterminus uf a lune goiug k Toroin t O mut. Fnhl usres ielaigvoted iseroisin failed to turn tise tide isto Abyssinia. Zeyla is at peatts ofanadiantree men. ,witi tise Ac-lersntheL ut defoat, ad fAtisonsport for trade witis Abyssina i iar WTANED A:N ~L~Rl~d Regn opols, hins wa lat tofal, ~ ar, but tise Frenchs it seems, are sus- ý.Q ~edie the possession of the Turkisis pected of an intention to build a lino,a Ras captured thse Britishi Empire. Extraurdin- anm. itsieco-erinef iu Mu-i mry testinionials from the great men; send for ,fr lifrithein Opotiut Dof Kig te Han- cOPY free. Marquis of Lorne says, "The best 1 wipular Life Of thse Quecu 1 have seen."lRer It was at tuis point that thse Sultans ak, r, wisiheiwu ortof na uin la.cc r-n a aesy sends a kiud tler ofappreclation. Sel- sult ndel iaoilte oqett r . ense, o mal rila. is a ngo- ling by thousands ; gives enthusiastije s -tîac gt rd nhscmltlcnus tie. neta sit u wney bt arge circula Yielded to Greece indirectly' vi at sho e i eest eAets ntssps âOn ustities tow rotait, 80. Lots f istorie ilutee t our yevr onev nestise tyranceentise rietish tI illustrations. Large nook-ever 1ail ilISIxiOlscxebyevrycoce iemhe. Men and wemen et standiogin tise cern- able self-sacrifice. Tise poeors et Eu-, nw t atesppisfotBrea bnity making $15 lu $40 a week. Exclusive npdadntbenetiwyinifretTs itsda miltrysuisfonteretry- territéry, Prospectus frec te agents. l3okhs ou oehdntbe etrl nifr trne. 'THE BRUADLEY-GAsIIESes C., Ltd, Tor- te tise suftenings of Gree'co, and tis e, Iog ien imntarut xortiuSoin tr- ente, Ont. Englis people especially were stirred a iinolthe to Idiae,taofeintien Somet O N A I A K by indignation. In Joy, 1827, a'pr - hvi g e s e nd an as in te Afghan- ONT~ê5f o êeAI B3ANIE BstC tocol was sgned at London by Russia hait at îa4000 amels oudghn do avila Gera B«nuand France, lu wicli it w'asagneed oired for la s4,0 ang elvsio ete Agency.tiat if Lise Tunkisis Goverumeut, witis- my, ad ftratsingmlerdcvusioneofthoe DE1>OSITS in a monti, did net ceusent te a tniaco, acollancted in nauer csix mothb., ecelved ln savlngs Bansk 1epariment aud on tise tireo powors would necognize 1 h 1tiei ndaude i mn .il alcofltidrwa ueeanryâllIdopbtits independonco of (ireéce. Turkey wasi Tis0s-gestofeSomali camels ho- Fab leretit antd.lrnori. oig. roquinod for anu nlii ayt yable en derisand4 lu ineosuntor te coucede tisai it w as netAgsnoa asscre t 4gia r- ti EXCHAINGE invincible, and tise Tukrkish fleet von- Atai ud wiie ci ordne fa eems I Bms«tiandaold and Draftsîsudptrp tatrrod to fixe on tise sii1ss, efthtie pewers, anbe d-ý,hchago da sei Uated Etate a,,and anada,atgo Gold,8llver and lu tise osulng goneral battie in tise, t Ubitodgmtatea Green backsbouoeht anaol ta bay ot Navanine tise allied fleets coin- rstM.Pae asaotts COLLECTIONS plotely wiped ont tise Turks, who lest Abyssinians ie very intereating. Ho PrsMlnty Madeeeai çarrent rates apon cil part Lu tisat neinonablo sea f ight not' less finds great need for a propon under- f Qrela Brîttana. ieUielSae aftsthan 66000 mou. Modemn Greece alateg standing istseA ssnas a, frein that October day in 1827. Per- theugi tise Britisis spiene iu Somali- Telegraph Traiîsrers isapa tise present Sultan will avuid the land is calleda pretectonate, England Made for largo or small sains ou &Il parti o! mistake of ils predecesser, but lis arn- doess nt proteot the natives frein tise -aaaa.This is esPecially avantageoua te ~rsr.onm living iu Manitoba or tise Nortbrest, Les have suddonly acquired a trein- Abyssinians, w-ho, it appears, muako imatkem tisetaunds available at once aI tise doms idea oft tieir supeniunity.poeiclrds nt tse euty . lacero patosent. cati aitishe bmak. --Tisose raids are said by tise;Britishs ef- E. outat ThFIÏ uC.MUI ie rapid incroase of postal cuil-filcials to le of rocent origiu n n .&ccontant Manaer. unicatien in recent yoars, and tise Pease iimselt is efthtie opinion isa B OWNAU VILLE BICYCLE enormeus volume of business trans- ùisey have been Made frein tinte mmcmn- acted tisnou$gi tise mails, givo unusual oial, being tise Abyssinian inethod ut importance te tise meeting of tise ut- cllecting tise tiuopybeb versi Psta Unon,<avsic isnowSomalis,, wlien allowed te run tue long G e rai R EPAIR SHO 0 meeting in Wasinigton. About sîxty- iu arears. [Re found tise AhYssini an Ge n five coutries and provinces,j or ail tise iitis whiomho and ils party came lu erganized goveruments save China,cottveyfedy.Tey eeai VV'.F' $ }I L I ~ ore andtis OrngeFro Stte, ar ammd witi tise 1894 Iiialian magazine1 Praleal Maelinlst, Tool Maker, represonted in tise Union, whidi meets rifle part ot tise booty takon at Adowa, at intervals ut six years for tise regu- and had an inexisaustible SUPPlY ot ain Lock and Gunsmitis, lation ofthtie international postal af- Munition. Tise Italian defeat, says Mn. ________fais uttis cuudris emracd iniL.Pease, has net impnoved Britisis pros- SpelalMahinryforhanijg Beyle e.Tise tirst stop) toward sucis negalation i., buta distinction is draýw-n e- SPiriý aleiobryncfessand alineBMcchin- wsmd nts Psa uvnintween Englishmen and Italians, tise pnrinualisbrnhs o ilFn ahn signed by tise United States ad Great B.rtai in188, ollwed sme yersformer being Iwelceme and tise latter Mr .B i a n lu 1 4. f lo edQo n e r detested. T ie greatest oîivilizing in- Ar. Charlotte do ..,,.3a.M 'if 1891, tiseolatter represenhing 1, Lv., " 'North King .-..5.40 a.us 800f000,000 peuple, including Lisoseof e0 ah motnc uig h ne Ar. Cobunirg, Omt. 1....0 p.f.m summen et a single seasen.,, Any A r. Port Ilope ..... 1.4:, paotise entire western continent. lreshm fSuhPlrepoa SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Among tise acts ufthtie last cougress tien must provide for, a sojournuoet two Yor Furtber particlars -apply to was tisat making tise international bar- or more years. A singleo season is STOTT & JURY, eau, oV central office ofthtie Union at scareely more tisan sufficient te lc Agents, B"'Manvile. ýerne, a *cleaing isuse for interna- an expe io n sgi ouiem ai- Il. H. GLDERSL1EEVE, tionai tiostai accuuuts, aud providingtude whene acttive work tuay bt-gini at Gcneratl atanager, iKingston. 'IIeR Cr fo Pth rsCa oi. aunrise iu the f oliowing yeam. ITt is by no means unlikely that tise De Ger- lache par.ty may sacceed lu thoir effort to cross the present soutsomu linit ot the explored area, and, if fortune fav- ors, they may return with'hot a lit- tle new information; bat tise peniod ut thein work is tue short ton very ex- tended researos, and tuo mach shouldi tut ho expected of tison, Vise pastho yeaxtý have witasessed a X'emankable revival, auxun(g geegrapiti- exs, ot ierest ln Antanctie explora- tions, and is ratihen surising tînt mlore hws net ieen doue iu tise îay ut puttiag an expedition lu tise'field, equipped foir two on tiiree years' 'ayons. Bonohigrevink, tise Norw-egian, was, to stant thsis suminen, vader Bnitisis au- spices for Victoria, Land, and isis ex- pedition w-as ýte ho tibe tiret te winter in tise SouthsPolar negions. Notising, how-ever, ihabeen Iseard ut lïis enter- prise fer nontlis, and it îs now evident isat he, vrilI aiit start tisis seasen. A committee troinvarions iearned socie- lies, inrladiug, tse Royal Geograpisical Society, lias boot impreosing apon tise Britisha Govenusuent tise importance ot reaewing Antarctie reseameti, and umg- Lng thlat Englaufi hersoit sisould pro- ide tise vesffels and oquipsuent, as suie lid in a nunsis of f tille Aroitic oxpedi- îionq. Tisomvmittee is able, at least, to report, progmess, for tiseBritishs Ad- ssiralty, wliicsý hîtherto, ied deciinod to Lake any part in tLe projeet,- bus fi- xally agneed te, sait and ontfit an ex- pedition, thongb it iLl IInet provide a és.ýp. A Ètrossg mo-vement las Licou Ln progress la Germlany ton two years Pat luin hlf ofetGexman Autanctio exploraoný bat neno W*f4flsyot been received tsait tise cormlttee, w-hich iras te report at tise reicebyt gograph- ical meeting n .luJoua, 'lids ont any prospecte of spoedy Gemusnaparticipa- Lion. f Tt la nmone tinas.lI a century sauce auY imPortant additiomns have been asadýe teo ur knbw-ledge efthtie Antaro- tic regiowss. Tie BriLlise mnd German cunsmitteos Lave prfeparod, lonig lists et the importamt gain-sLu science tisat ssay ireasussably bho oxpoted te resait fro-m thse rnnefival uft tiese researches. lihere is uow no other part ofthtie wonrld ast eqaiexienit tisat is su littie kss'w-n; aud if ;ge.ogxap;hicnl discoven- oles Ot tise irSt importanei are yet te se made, tIsere la littie doaht tisai ühey will ho tounUin latise Sentispolar area. Unden tisese ciroummetances a ne- newal utflintarctie enterpnise ou a scale adlequate ton t1se ntrln oth ion- ugis resultasim.y hoe epected; baL theore are ne indications thnt any largo uteUPnriseofet tis nrtae vilile b .aanclsed within tise fnt year, or tw o. RELIEF IN SIX HOilRS. Geo. Seales, a Weil-Kuown Contracter et Niagara Falls, Conpletely Re- stomed - y the Great South Ameni- can Kîdniey Cure-Tsousauds ýMore Cari Bear tise Same Toatimouy. I w-as a great safferer for ycans witis mv-te kidney disorden aud pain nnysides. When aimost ailutiser ilnowu n emedies lhad been fairiy trled and lad failod. 1 was advised te Lake Soutis Amenicais Ki.dney Cure., One bottia' did me imo muai, gnod I ýpar- lhased two more. I amnuow comâplote- ly rostemed-feel botter thanIr have for fîve yeana. rt's a great cane ; avili give relief lu six isoars, -and I dlgît in ne- commcn'ding iste tlors. For sale by Stott & Jury, ACCOIMPLSHED. Dobsen-Tsene igues D'Auber and bis nics wife. Sise narried, hlm Lu ne- form iim. H1obson-Did ie succeed I Dobson-Yes; lie iasn'L jmaintod a pictare since ho wvas narrmed. REGISTRÂR 0F ONTARIO. Mn, George W. Dryden ofthLe 10w-n ,f Port Ferry bas boen appointed R-eg- istrar et Deeds lu ai-d tor the coantv et Ontario, inthe reoin and stead ut *Dr. F. ae, deceased,«On bearing tisat Mn. Drvdeu was a candidate for tbis office mîearl * vail tise otiser applicauts resigned ne deubt prove eminoistly satisfactory te tie majonit et tise constituonts et tise niding, and spdallv te ail pensons isaving te do buinss aI tise rgistry office. N C110 ýý1 The Great Emnergency Remedy Many of the best known people ia the land testify to its eficiency. it promptly cures Toothache and ail paiîn. Quickly allays inflam- mation. Wherever the skin is eut, bruised, burned, inflammed or discased in aoy form "Quickcur," will do its wonderful work. Dr. E~. . Ibbotson, Major royal Scots, Montreal, and Co=n- muandant of Bisley Teain in z894, writes:* I"1'Quiclicure 1 is a treasure, A NEW HANUSHAKE. Tise new-estisandsisake is called tise "double twist." Concerted action is necessany Lu shako a succestul and art- istie "double twist." Tw-u pensons meet.and clasp bands iu tise ordinary w-ay. Tison, stili holding bands, tiseme 15 a perceptible pause et a ew' seconds and each is apparntly inspimed by a sudden impulse Le make Lise greeting more cordial. As tisougis iy an atter- thuglth ie two draw eacis otIson oser adI eoaci utiser's isand a leariy squeeze. A very perceptible intenval between tise dlasp and shako is indis- pensable Le tise proper carrying eut fethLie new geetng. IL is necessary to bew-are ut laving a lunmped nose. MORE DESILAIBLE. FinatTramp-1 kuow. a place where dey give yen a good troc lunch wid a gla-s otbeer 1 Second Mramp'-Yen do, oh ? Weil, w-ot I'm lookin' ton is a place w-bore they give a glass ut heer wid a troc lunch. MIRACLES TO -DAY. William R. White, et Pertugue.se Cove, racked by tise tentures et Risea- matisin is quiekly roileveti and pemman- entiy carod by tisa Great SentisAns- erican Riheunatic Cure. "l- was a martyr te acute riseumatisin ton yeans. Ail tise knLow-nnemodies and isest doc- tors w-eme givent a trial, but notbxng ever gave ne aniy permanent relief an- LUi I ohbtained ýyour great South, An- enican Rheamatic Cure. ILlas duone se mach ton me tisai I gladly, givo my tffltimony. that otier sutterens from tise agonies utfniseamatisn may Lake my advido and Lny tisis great rn'emedy. 1 an satistied IL will cane Lsein as it las rue." Par suie by Stett & Jury. SIMILAR SYM.FTOMS, Attorney-Are you a married man f Humble Witness-No; I w-as hurt in a saw-mill last week-tisat's wisat makes me look su lad. llow Te Cure Ail Skia Deseawes. Simply appiy "Swaytîe's Oulmet" No internai medicine reqaired. Cures tetter, eczema, itci, ail eruptiens ou thse face bauds, nuse, etc.. leaving thse sikiaj dlean, w-ite and bealtby, its great healiig and curative pewers are puss»-I c-d bynu otser remedv. Asksyour druE.- gmst for Swayne's Ointment. Lvmax. Sens and Co wisolesale Agenîts, o- real., THE PROPER TIME. Mns. McLubbety-Munty, w-lin do a coule ilybrte isirniaw-eddin'? McLuiscîy-ear to novi! Whin dishueientane in years, av coonse I I CAN'T SLEEP Is tise daily w-ail eft Liousauds et hum- anity w-is have suttered as Wm. Froudfoot utf Huntsville bas. llead w-laitishe Great SeuLh American Ne rv- lue did for hlm. "'I w-as greatly tnuubl- ed witis generni nervoas debiiy, tu- digestion and sleeplessness. I Lied a number ot dures au 1 conuated best physicians without ni. i benefiL. I w-as tiîsally indnced te gis a South Americ- an Nenvine a trial. I lad beard ut some great cures by iL. I took iL, geL nelietfnom my snfferi:mgs, and afier usingeue bottle sweet sioop came Lu me. I slepi like a ehi. 1. Six botties bave compleLely cured i 'o. For sale by Stoti & J ury. NO DECIDED lii RO VEMEN ',1. Have youneticed aumy returu o_ con- fidence lu business? Weil, ladly. Wison I pawned watcis Ibis moruing Uncie Si îpsen ued tise saie oid bottie ut acid in tosting' iL. 1"I N VA CHANGEID Ml"l 9 l Arn Corîvinced That Paine's Celery Compound Has No Equal." ë The OnlyMedicine That Produces Positive and Permanent Cures. Tic deciarations above arcîmade by Mn. Cisarles B. Hoinsan, 262 King St., West, Hlamuilton, Ont., a soung man known te iundreds lu tise ambitieus Cit.y. Mn. Ilolman's declarations are honest anmd frein tise heant. Atter a siege et sickness aud groat danger, and failure wilh otier medicines, tiends w-lu lad been cnred by Paine's Celerv Cumpeund recommended un te use tie saine lite savon and isealtis nestoren. Mn. Holinan, wiso iad been 'seotten deceived, isad yet faits te do as le w-as advised, and a glenloas rew-ard w-as his l'he dangoroas ceugis, lis debility, bis' weakness and depressien ut spînil 'tint wenc ýdraggiig hl te tise grave were ail banisised, and beho'w-as made a new man. Hoew-rtes about bis cure as toi- lows : "In tise spin.- et 1895 I w-as troabled w-us a ceagis, debility, and general de- pression et spirits. Darnugtise saîner ard autumu I ased a namber etfusedi- eines, but received ne benefil frein tisen. About tise beginuluz et Novent- ber I w-as advised te use Paine's Celery Compound. I procured tise preparatien and began te use il wils wonderfai benefit. I an now cenviuced, atter usiag several betties efthIis unequalled medicine. tint nu other can compare with il lu auy respect. "I am now a cbanged man ; my icalth. is renewed, depression of spirits is gene, ny appetite le geeod, and 1I sleep w-cil. "I waili alw-avssgad sav a guud Word for P iii&,s Celery t'oîuipoumîd. - THOMAS PEATE, Dver and Clothescleaner RE" rernoved lis works to the imell inown E astern House. Picros:-For eleaning, dying- and beautifully pressing an Overcoat 75 Gen; Compflete Suit $1.50. Tbe;se, prices are flot more than one hiaif what you would have to pay any .ther Dye Works, and the work1 be as good as ean be do ne .iy where. 3-m Reaching ail Canadian Points:- London, Hlamilton, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, etc. And ail United States Points: Chicago, and West. Detroit, Buffalo, New York, Boston, Portland, etc. THE POPU bAR TOURIST LINE to Nia fara Falls, the Thousand Islands Rapids cf the St. Lawrence, Georgian Bav and Muskoka Lake liegions, the Highlands of Ontatio, Gulf iResorts, Saguenay River, Atlantic Coast.ý Best spots for Fishing, Boaing, Bathing and Camping. Equipped with the finest Day Coaches.. Pullnan Wagner Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars. For f li information applv to Wm. Woods, Or writc to Station Agent, M. C. DICKSON, D. P, A HE A LBROS Agents For IN PACKAGES, the pure Ceylon Tea cail- ed. Bee's Jrand'tho test îi the market. Try a package. Telephone 57. A -Wiso man M8 ~sR GONi1 fitigg Especially 'veen ho cen parclase thse geud article for a reasenale suns et munoy, therefore if yen w'ish a w-atciî, dlock,* wedding ring, spectacles, a aî'od- ding present, a birtbday present or table w-are for, your ow-n use cail at Ililckard's. No better gols fer vui noney la Cana,-da. Ans amin ofe pretîy thiîîgs. Be-nanvill,Caunadiani, and Jabilee Seaveauloni. AIl these guods and mny more beiug sold at prices wîthiu tise reaciset every eue. Aise Sewing macisines eft Ilree makzes Eyesigit carefuiy and seientifically tested troe, Grocers' due bis taken as cash. T. N. RICKAP09 Watchmaker, Jew-elior andOpcan Bowmanvilie. Eyesight Tested Froc. 7c m.~- ~ - - - r1 *ý 13owmpirlvli.tLtE.

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