Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1897, p. 8

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When you buy a Truss ifili 111 flti. THE WIETMORE TRUSS. Superior to ail others. You eau fit it yourself or we Will do it for you, Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Any one requîring a Truss wiIl flud it to their advant- age to examine the WETMORE TRUSS sold by i.Higi'nbotha &SoÊn. BoWMANVILLE. Chemists and Druggists.1 ie The trade ini WALL PAPE R with us has started early. News of the size of the stock, andi especially the beauty of designs, has E gone abroad, ahead of anything in the past, I~in this direction ; prices are likewise alto- gether in favor of the shopper. Will be pieased to show them whether you buy or Q not. We also have a nice assortment of Curtain Poles and Window Shades at 40c. -- Sand 50c. 'aïe- B0WMMVIULE It That Furn itureg or piece of Furniture you are wauting this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you caunot aff ord to be without it. See the newest desigus lu ail kinds of Fui niture. are always weleome. BOWMANVILLE. Youi LR 18SI Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, Beung-ill's Block. New Store. New oods.1 Ds here and Ready Mixed Paints are now iu order. We have the best lines lu these goods lu the County. No old stock, ail braud new, so that yon eau depeud on getting the best., Sauderson, Pearey & Cols celebrated brands are too well known here to need recommendation from us. 'We have them in al eolors. Their vuleauized floor paint will dry iu twelve hours. We have Sherman Williams Cols (New York) celebrat- ed uine of House and Floor Paint. A trial will eonvince you of their merits-they are fully gnaranteed. Try them. Paint, Kalsomine, Varnish and ail kinds of Brushes. In great variet-y. Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Forks. Lawn Mowers, Sprayers-all at r-ock bottom prices. Barb, Chieken, Plain and IFence Wire, ini fact, ail kinds of Wire at lowest priees. Caîl and sec us at the West End Hardware Store, Quick's Block. Sale agents for thec Gur'ney Foundry Co's celebrated Stoves, Ranges O.nd Furuaces. BOwMAIVnL-. MINI filliv. cgul Hl oui Acc miusioc pas. Mr. F. J. Grat and Mr. A. B. Cry- derman spent Enster in Toronto.,. Visitors: Miss Curtis, Tyrane, at Mr. J. T. Cale's; Mrs. Hetherington and daugbters at Mi. E. Hastings. ... Mr. G. Blanchard is moving inta Mr. R. H. Bunt's bouse this week .... Special col- lections anîounting ta about $23 were tabou in the churches ai this circuit on Sundav in hehiali af'Indian Famine relief iund. Specini Enster sermons wore prendhed in the morning by Rev. W. Jolliffe and Rev. E. E. Howard in the eveuing. The choir suppiied East- or anthetos. The churcli was decorated with n benutiful displuy af flowers... The social Fridny evouing under the auspices0aithe Woman's, Missioary Society swas quite a success. Proceeds aînounting ta about $9 woe devoted ta Indin Mission work .... The uew ofi- cors ai the Longue are: Hon. Prest.- Rov. E. E. Howard; Prest.-Miss Marie Rogers; lst Vice-Miss Mary J. Elliott; 3rd Vice-Mr. A. B. Cryderman; 4tb Vice-Miss Amy Armour; 5t4 Vice- Miss I. Ellis; Sec'y-Miss Ida Aluin; 'reas.-Mr. Cophas Johns; Cor, Sec'y -Mr, A. B. Cryclerman. HAGYARD'5 YELLOW OiL,-This aid reliable medicine, in use over a third of a century, cures ibeumatisin, stiff joints, sprnins, bruises, 5weliinO5, hast bites, elblains, chafing ,neura 'gin and ail pain or soreness in man or beast. 25e. at ail druggists. The fnneral ai Mis. W. N. Pascoe an Wednesdny weelz was very' largely at- tended-ovor 100 vehicles in the proces- sion. Rev. J. B. McLareni Columbus, officintod. The Sans ai Temperacîce aud Loyal Crusuders ench sent n benuti- fui. floral wreath ta ho placed on the cas- bot. Deceused wus an energetic worz-- or lu the Sans af Temperance and ber demise is deeply regretted in the Order. The bnsband bas the heartfelt sympnthy ai thce etire community in this sad be- reavement, Loyal Crusaders gave a capital ýro- grain ut Division Fîiday nigt ..Soi- row was depicted an the countenaiuces ai the Suuday School scb'olar, wbeu it wns made bnownto thein that the usual ton and anniversury was vated uwny by motion at a meeting Wodnesday nîgbit ...Mr. R. McLnren ' aur energetie pedagague, is spending bis Enster holi days at bis home, Columbus,.., ,Easter visitais: Mr. Oea H.L Hoarth, B. A., wiie and fnmily ai Whitby: Misses Reynolds, Oshawa; Mis J. F. Hurîbut, ai Eufield.... .Mr. Edwin and Miss Estelîn Reynolds visited iîiends lu Mai- i p0oa lnst week .. . .Mr. and Mis. E. G. Pnscoe visited Haydon friends recentlv. ...Miss Noa Werry's lily is again in bloom. "NoT ExAOTLY RIGET. "-Tbonsands af people are in this condition. Tbey are net sick and yet they are by no means well. A single bottie oai Hood's Sarsaparilla would do themu a world ai good. It wouid toue the stomacb, croate an appetite, puriiy and enricb the bload and give wonderful vigor and vitality. Now is the turne ta tube it. Hlood's Pis cure nausea, sicb head- act~e, indigestion, biliousness, Ail druggists. 25c. The Kind That Cures. The Great Spring Health iRene-wer. Palne's Celery Compound for Nou, Women and &hildrea. -Read the following testimany tînt cames tram Miss Blake, ai 303 Elughson streot, Hamilton. "For years I suffered greatly, and wns under tbe cure of doctors who tinallb, told me I wus going into cou- suimption. I was becrning worse thraugb the use ai medicines, und I, gave up my doctors. While lun very criticul condition, neot aIle to sieop or rest, alwaîs* faint und weak, appetite, and digestion bad, and my systein inn- down and littie lufe ici tilu me, I coin- inenced to use Puine's Celeiy Compaund. After, tabing one bottie I felt inudl relieved. I have used lu ahl seven or eight bottieauand am now a uew wan, cun enjoy lufe, and arm ns welus I wisb ta ho. Mauy thuubs for your groat medicine," BOWMANVJLLE, APRIL 21, 1897. COLUMBUJS. Editor James,Bowmauvilie,visited bis brother, Mr. John James, neur Column- bus, Good Friday, and iound bin just able ta sit up for an bour or so. Ho bas been very seriausly ill, havîng de- velaped acuto double pneumonia after anu attack af la grippe. Dr. McKay of Oshnwa bas been in regualar attendance for about seven weeks and Mr. R. D, 'Power ussisted hy Miss Doolittie have given Ibim mast watchiul, careful and skiilful nursinuz. Dr. Julin Thomus aif rToronto, bis- sister-in-law, bas also visited hum several turnes. Healtb and vigar are esseutial for succoss. Therefore mube yaurself straug and beulthy by tabing Hood's Sarsapar- illa. Easter Visitors:-Mis. Davey and daugliter, Toronto, are guest s ai Mr. J. J. Gibson; Mis. E. Elemos and son Albert, Toronto, guests ai Dr. Mitchell; Miss Madge, Port Hope, Mr. John Lee, Pickering, guests af Mr, F. Rogers; Mi. and Mrs. H. Doubt, Port Perry, gunest of Mr. N. Byers; Mis. James Staintan, Zion, is 'visiting relatives arouud bore ...The JilI social was a success. An excellent prograin was furnished by the the young' ladies aiter whicb a collation ai ice creami and cakes was supplied. Women witb pale, colorless, iuces,wbo feel weak and discouraged, will recoîve bath mental and bodiiy vigar by using Cartor's Iran Pis, wh;icb are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. HIAMPTON. This la the coinplaînt of! thousands at thie season. T.bey have no appetite; food does not reIish. They need thetoning upof the. stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood'a SarsaparIlla will give tbem. It alsa purifies and enrichei the. blood, cures that dîstreas alter eatlng and Internai xisery oniy a dyspeptIe can kuow, createa an appetite, overcemes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the. whole phys!cai system. It so prompt- iy and efficiently relleves dyspeeIic aymp- tomsa nd dures nervous headaches, tint it seeme te bave almost "a magie ouch 0arsaparila Is the best-In tact the One True Blione Purifier, Hoos PUsare tbebest afer-dinne& For Infant% ?.nd Children. Te fr. içutor MAPLE GROVE~. Mr. Chas. Axford is reuovating bis house .. .. Mr. Fred. R. Folev entertain- ed bis Suadny School class Good Friday .... Misses Bertie and Gladys Munday spentl aster holiday s nu Port Hope... Visitors: Mr. and Mis. A. Trenouth, ilampton, and Miss Lyda Crumb, To- ronto .... A bouncing boy dropped into Mr. Robt. Moore's home-Good Friday.. .Rev. R. Taylor, Newcastle, preached a capital educational sermon Sunday aftornoon. Tis SPRINcI.-Spring is at hand, winter is nearly over. Are you ready for summer? Is your bl')od pure ? Burdock Blood Bitters purifies and on- riches the blood, cures d\ spe sia, bad blood, sick beadache, etc. K. B. B3. removes every trace of impurity fromn MeIîHlcdtTroin a common pîrmple ta the worst scrofulous sore. HAYDON. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pascoe, Sauina, spent Suýiday atMIr Jas. Moor's.... Mr. E . T. Siemon, B. A., Oshawa, is spending vacation bore .... Miss Editb Mountjoy is bomne.... .Miss Campbell is visiting at Port Hope. . .. Miss Alice Creepor Tyrone, is visiting lier unele, Mr.W.H.Creeper. . Mr. and Mrs. H.Ban- bury, Bowmanville, are visiting bore.. ..Mr. Thos. Gilders is clap-boarding h is bouse .... Mrs. Thos. Asbton visiteâi at Mr. Rowe's, Providence, recenly.... Taffy and prograin at the scbool Thurs- day afternoon was well attended .. .. Mr. Jaos. A. Montioy, B, A., and campany attended the Higb Scbool concert fin Bowmanville. MAXWELL JOIINSTON.-Medical mon, Hospital treatinent and a dozen differ- ont medicines fniled to cure me of dropsy. 1 had been tapped seven times and was given oîily a few ._ays to live when I began using Do an 's Kidney Pis. They cured me completoly, and I amn now in the best of health. (Signed)l MAXWELL JOHN STON. Toronto, 'int. OSH-AWA. Mrs. Rorer wns the guest of Mrs. R.S. Hainhin while in Oshawa lnst week... Miss Watson, of Kingston, is the guest of Miss Morgan. . .. Fred Bailes bas gone witb Messrs. Everson & Hawkins, ta learn hardware .... Mrs. Tbos James, Toronto, spent Easter with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, ....... MeLaughlin Carriage Ca., are very busy, working twelve bours a day .... Mr. Gea. Mc- Laughlin hias resumed as Manager ai Mcl nughlin Carrnage Co's brnncb at St. Johni, INew Brunswick .... Mr. P. H. Punshon delivered bis lecture, "The Lesser Peets" in Lindsay Caleginte Iu- stitute, Friday week and lad a big bouse.... Mr.and Mrs. Ed.Pascoe,north of Thornton's Corners, are down with typbaid fever. Their, daugbtor, Mrs. Annis, also lias it and the hured man and servant girl, making five cases in one bouse, tbeir son Mr. John Pnscoe and wife, of Oshawn ,are also down witb it. Those uuhappy persans wbo suffer froto nervousness and dyspepsia sbculd use Carter's Little Nervo ils, whîch are made expressly for sleepless, ner- vous, dy spep tic sufferers, Prico 25cts. TY]RONE. At the regular animal meeting af Sunday Schboo teachers and officers the followîng wore nppointed for tbe ensu- ing yenr: Supt -W. R. Cloumens; Asst. Supt.-A. Annis; Bible Class teachers- W. J. Roy, Miss Mowhray; lat alass, ifrls-Mýs A. C. Wilson, Mrs, J. H. lann;2nd class, oirls -Mrs. Thos Creeper; 3dclasso'irrs-Miss lladgsoni; MisspMcLau7,ghliu; I st clnss, boy~,s-A. L. Woodley, M. Werry; 2nd class, boys- A. Brent, A. Annis; Srd class, boys- Miss M. Patter; -Infant cla6s--Mrs. W. H. Hicks; Treasurer-J. H. Manning; LibrarianuH. Curtis; Secretaîy-W. H. Moore; Assistant Secretarýy-W. Roy, jr; Orzanists-Miss R. Wnlters, Miss L. Saunders. It bas boon decided ta raise the required S. S. iunds by sub- scription again . .. .Rev. N. D. Drew, Blnckstock, pîeached ar Tyrone Sab- bath ovening .. ..,Rev. H. E, Curts is uiuder--oino exains ut Trenton this week ...Easter'XTstors: Miss Marie Wilson, Albert Callege, Belleville; Mr. Ed. Hawkey, Wlîitevale; Miss Jennie Mc- Laugîlin, OsbLwa .. .. The sick are !i provin .Mliss Mowbrny is sponding be bodaisatier borne, Whitby, and Mis Pate at Oshawan..The junior beague under the leadership af Miss Emma Worry conduets the cburcb ser- vice Snbbath ovening next. OP THE U nited Counties of Northumberland and Du rharn. In theme ratter of thme est aie o' Jaseplh Clemens laie af thme township of Dlarlingion, in Cauniy of Dur- ham, farmer, dEceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant ta chapter 110 Section 36 R. S. 0. 1887 (and amending Actsl that ail personis havin am against the estate of JOSEPH CLEMENSIlate of the township of Darlington county P of Durham, farmer, deceased, who dled on or ý about the 27th day of February, 1897, are re- > quired ta delivOr or send by post prepaid, ou or before THE 12th DAY OF MAY, 1897, ta Miss Annie A. Clemens, of Bowmanville, anc ofi the administratrices of the, said estate P their namesaddresses and descriptions and fulli statement lu writing containlng full.particulars > af their claimis, and nature af securities(if any) heldby them duly certîfied against astate af de-%j caased. And that after the said date the ad-i ministratrices will proceed ta distribute the P assets amaug the parties entitled thereto, hav-i ing regard only ta the dlaims of whtch they Shat hE n have notice. Dated this l2th day of April, 1897. ELE ANORM. GAUDà, dinsrtrcs ANNIE A. ( EaIENS Adnitarc. IDA CLEME.NS,J D. B. SIMP'SON, solicitor for administratrices. 16-4w, For IN PACKAGES, the pure Ceylon Tea cail-. ed Bee's Brand'the best in the market. Try a package. Telephone 57. A VERTISED- OST By its 'Loving Friend OEYLC :N TEA. Phot1ographs .i HE N RY'S SReputatian for makrng evory 'i ze, style and frnish known to Sthe art is already establ-ished,. ,Will be at his Galleoy, King S t., every day. Prices to suit Sthe turnes. 15-1y Guarautee stamped on bacb afien He Tfhe finest wheels are ta be four(u4 the mavemeîîts they caîîtaiu. Ifighly tempeîed, finelv finishod, YU rnaking theto perfect timie boopors, Now thon, with suchi a case and ar wbat bave you? As gaod a watch utl mnan requiros. See thein. Aniy umaunt afi s tifil goodis, etilt able for your own use as, well as for Birthday and Wedding Preseuts. Grocers' Due Bis tabou asiý, cash. W atcha r eFelxa ltan, Dowmanville. JOyesight Tested Frec. Jj 1- pý -%?P. -%M -%tPý Alp- AU Low Prices, it is said, have made this business, but not low prices alone, quality xmust be right, then with price riglit, it is flot strange that this big busi- ness continually increases. MVe boast of the great values we offer, neyer more worthy than now, its because we sell the greatest values, that we seil the greatest quantity. Last years best was this year's starting point and we are grandiy ready for you in our new Spring Stocks, new goods ail through the bouse. C5tapl/e &Fancy Dry Ooods Suitable for the many needs that confront yau with the advent of Spring. Our Spring Stock is now ready, we are showing the latest and best Spring Goods at a uniformly low scale of prices. Our new stock is of the practical, popular kind containing a pleasing variety, new novelties and a thûrougli up. to-date appearance and quality is everywhere apparent, reliable goods and rea- sonable prices in plenty await you. Our Spring Goods are marked for quick selling. Corne as soan as possible while the assortment îa completc; a look through will please you. Beady-mnade C!othIng; We bave neyer yet in one season opened out such a big lot of choice lines of Men's and Boy's Ready-made Suits. Our Black Worsted Suits are. far away ahead of anything we have yet shown and we have more than twice as many as we have e-ver shown heretofore. Cutaway and Sack Styles in Venetian and Clay Worsteds, also Colored Worsteds in fine qualities. Oxford and M-ýid Greys and Claret in either cutaway or sack styles. We are confident you capnot find these choice lines elsewhere. Among the new arrivais we notice ,!,-ilethïng wonderful in Tweed Suits at $5.00. One custainer stated lie saw no such value in Toronto as these. Tin Boy's Suits we are showing more than ever before. The assortment is large and the prices are riglit. Don't buy before you see aur stock, Give our stock inspection. Gent's Furnisghings & Clothing toO irder, Our New Hats are taking like wild fire "goirig like hot cakes." We have aiways done well with Hats but this season bids fair ta surpass ahl former anes. The new styles are very taking and the values this season are ahead of all previous years. Our New Ties are selling very freely, every Saturdav night heaps of the special i5c lines, and the 25c and 50c scarfs ail have their ad- toîrers. New Gioves, Sox, White Shirts. A very special line of Unlaundried Shirts at 5oc. See them. We are taking orders freely for new Spring Suits. Our new Suitings are very handsome and we make them up riglit. Black worsteds in great variety and choice pantings to suit them. boots andil Shoes A few of the specials still ieft --i Box Baby's Boots 25c. i Box Chiid's Boots 400. i Box of Ladies and Girls, a good assortment in this lot at 6oc. We are undoubtediy in a position ta give extra value in Boots and and Shoes. We buy for cash and froto the best makers and marking aur goods s0 close, we are sure ai the values. No trouble ta show goods. See what we can do in Boots. GCIR0 0 iZ -F. Every week sees large quantities of new goods arriv,., in this Dep't. There is no nYîon live Grocery business anywhere.. Everythipg, is kept nè- aind Fresh a.nd up-to-date. Here yau can depend on getting the best v" possible for your produce. Special this week-Pure Maple Syrup direct frolà far m. Heiny's Pickles, best in the world. Call and

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