Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1897, p. 4

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e. e w evue 8u we - - v t We-are showing the Newest Colora justifresh from the Factory. Every Package guaranteed. Barb Wire, Poultry Wire, Barbless Wire, Truss Cabel Wire, Oiled and Annealed Wire,etc. We handle tons of Fence Wire every season and the quantity makes Rock Bottom Prices. Be sure and get our prices before you buy. BOWMANVILLE. Diamond Jubilee Concert. -2-AV9- lez 'dàON 4 lkef a , "',n , 1 The amnnal concert of the Methodist :NI choir will be given in the Music Hall, lit' on Tuesday, June 22-Jubilee Day- This being the celebration oft Her Majesty'sfDiainond Jubilee and the day _, having been prociaimed a National holiday, this event will be made worthv of the remarkable occasion. NEWCASTLE. et,, V Councillor Moore is busy improving the highways. .. .Miss Gertrude Pearce was guest oft Miss Mabel Rickard, Shaw's for Easter . ...Miss May Kimball Port Mie__ Granby, visitod Miss Florence Bellwood, recently. . .Mr. Beer, Cor Secretary of onono Epworth League, paid Newcastle are the patterns of Wall Longue au officiaI visit.. .Officers ef Royal Templars furmished this proo-ram Paper, and the prices are Thursday night: Baritone solo, k. W. very low, and the place to Pickard, Select Councillor; Reading. buy is at Miss Bonathan, Vice Select Councillor Speech, John Uglow, Treasurer, Read- ing, Thomas Dou las, Chaplain; Speech lH. R. Pearce, ïecording Secretary; Mouth Organ and Accordion solos, Lewis Barrett, Guard ; Readi MSs fl taIIW 1 T ver latest desigs in in, Waltr Dulass Auditoî; Read- The ervlatet dsign in ing- E. C. 11111Km, tmusteo..Miss' Canadian and American aggie Young,aBownanville, was Goods. Complete combina- guest of Miss Fannie Elinor, reently. 0 tions of Wall, Border and Mossrs. Frank Rowland, Standard '~ C rein c. Bak, Picton and Raîpli S. Rowland, Ceilng, from 54 Fenelon Falls, were home for Easter... ___ kg, ~ ~. .,Miss Worden visitod at lionrbernein KuioiWa O e receutly. sher's I e a h 320 is.the record of Mr. Thos. Martin, lu Seuth DrlingtonDpreacled two fine sermons on the Resurrection lu the FOR Kootenay District, Pointe in B. Columbia, Kalso, Kootenay Crossing, Mu rphy Oreek, Nelson, Pilot Bay, Robson, Rossland, etc. Tickets now on sale at special low rates. The Grand T runk Rail- way System via its Chicago lines gives you superior accomm o dation lowest charges and the quickest time to the above points. Full in- formation at G. T. R. Stations, Town Agents, Station Agents, or write to M. C. DIcKsoN, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. BOWMANVIILE. APRIL 21, 1897. Methodist chret; Sunday . M 5115E Orchard has la, grippe. . -. Mt. N.- A Pickard is painting Mr. SamI Rickard' residence ....Special Easter service wer beld i St. George's churcli Sunday conducted by 1ev. Canon Farncomb The chnrch was beautifully decorated. The ladies of the Epworth League are collecting goods for the destitut people on the Flinton Mission.... Mr Robert Barfetts hbaving his lawn re modeled. Mi. W. Orpwood is superin tending it ...Miss Mabol Richard, Sbaw'swas guoestof Miss Florence Tay. lor, Sunday....Mr. and Mr. L. Neil Port Hope, were guest at Mr. Johi Uglow's, recently . ..,New wearing ap parel was much in evidence on Sunday. .... Mr. Venner and Miss Rosa Venner orillia, were recent guests of Mrs. S Mason..The Methodist churcli wv nicely decorated with flowers for raste by the floral committee of the Leagu under the direction of Misses Odie War ren, Almeda Coucli and Agnes Orcliarè Mr. John Uglow is having some im rovements made in lis house. Mr lorace Wright, Kingston, was hor. for Raster. Valuable Letter About[ Is Money At our earnest solicitation one of our thoroughbreds and selling them to friends, an admirer of the horse, onewho breeders and so produce thorouglhbred for years has been paying a good deal stallions for service throughout the of attention to the subject, and who by country, lu anticipation of the demand association with the noted dealers of the which has since come. The Grahams province and careful observation is com- of Claremont,the Cochranes of Compton, petent to assist our readers,has contrib- Quebec, the Becks of London, the Beiths uted for THE STATESMAN the followiug of Bowmanville, and many other Cana- article, which we publish with much dian.dealers are to the front also in this pleasure and with many thanks to the line in Canada. writer: The thoroughbred hackney is not in DEAn MR. EDITOR :-In complying demand from the public. Tl half-bred with your request, I am presuming you is what is required by them. This is desire me to give my views on the class where the matter becomes of importance of horse which is leading the market to- to your readers. day, with a viow to render assistance, The ideal mare to breed to thîs class as well as information, to tuose of your of horse isathe trotting stock, tTohb- readers who are in a position to breed gin with she should be free from all horses to enable them to obtain an in- constitutional infirmities or broken siht into what is required. down legs unless caused by accident, Iorse breeding generally follows the and from splints, spavins, etc Mares fad of the individual, some prefer to that have done much hard work arenot raise the work-horse, of the stamp of the the best as they are apt to throw under- Clyde, on the ground that they are not sized foals. The size should not be un- so lable to have mistakes and have not der fifteen three. Mr. Stevens has in to reach that degree of perfection in his stable about thirty mares of trotting conformation which a harness-horse or stock purchased from Kentucky which huntor must have toic saleablo at a bo is breediug to bis hacknoy sires to reinunerative p tace, a-herefore the produce drivers or carriage horses, and proportion of the stock which are good from which he expects pairs to realize ones will be greater than with the light- from $1000 to $2000 for gentlemen's er class. With these I agree as the uses. These are not unusual prices,but demand for this class of horses 1s great cannot be expected to be obtained by and is getting greater, and those of your readers as they are for thorough- your readers who incline to this view lv broken finished horses, while your are fortunate. readers must hot expect but the price There is another class, however, and for the raw material as they have not I arn afraid they constitute a large the means or the experience to put on majority who will persist in kicking the final polish or fitting or to reach the against the pricks, and by that I mean best market. If the ordinary farmer attempting to force their will against would breed his reasonably general the great growing factor of "demand" purpose mare to horses of this class and and breeding what they tern trotting properly care for them in their baby- stock. I am afraid the young man Of hood lie will produce eighty per cent of the family with his light covered buggy his stock saleable horses commanding and lis pretty girl with the Easter hat at three years of age from $125 to $200. and the evening and Sunday drives, Carriage teams of this class are very and his rival with a similar outfit hasaleablehre from $600 to $900 at four tee muci te de with this course. If this years, which leaves ample margin to satisfied vwiti one horset fats mlyd on the dealer to pay the prices mentioned tesae pincipnehaase o tis benthyonand put on the final tiffics in mouthing, the same prmnciple that as it is healthyreining, stepping, straightening gait to te only havei ee wearon of a pretty and remedying defects. liat at a time, it is profitable te limît your ideas in business to one horse. The foals should be well nourished by With these fads, however, i1have feeding ; straw and turnips in a dark nothing to do. 1 am asked to tell of the hole, or under the celd comfort of a horse which leads the market to-day and straw stack,will not do. Their feet must reigns absolutely supreme in his in have special care. Colts from yearlings dependence as a~money-producer In must be run not tied up, on round this there is business. It is regubated floors lu well veutilntod and welllightod lu the sane wny, as at oe tie, it was stalis; their foot pared at least twice more rofitable t ise wheat; it passed durinz a wiutor season, and two or by,and arley becamnethe rnliug feature thîco times during the summen seasen. in grain, which in time, having lost its It is well to have a blacksmith cut them prestige, gave way to clover seed, and down to the tender peint. Long tees was telloed by peas. Se in the herse. overgrewn or unnatural make herses aVeall rem er whe a fairly atch- knuckle,chanes the shape o their legs ed team ef Clyde horses, rangig from and put on falsegait inmeving. Wash four te six years, if heavy and faad a colt's footoncea wcok witli sait.and seud ere chased afte and co n water. Dirtv feet in stall and princi- eed any sum from $850 te $500 miltheut pW yl atr aueicpettrs te slightest effert of thee5wn. eS and ctracted bad heels fatal te the n gw, the haruess-horse et goed size and harness horse. wigbt, say fiftoen tliroo to sixteon F eod yearlings a g allen et chopped b s ad e 10 t 15 osds oats and a gallon f efbran everyday, af- s with good front action, fair hock action ter they are stalled, and carrots once a e aged four to five y ars, sells hirnself day, and hay. It may be said this is knewing that lie is for the timo the faacy more expensive than keeping a colt on of the purchasiug public and can ask grass aud stmaw, and tumips for the flrst for imslt wat ie lkes thee eas et its lite, but il will pay it- e Thee are only thîee classes of horse self u stho long i un. What does this in which the-public are concerned, and grain cost ? One gallon chop per day, 2they corne lunflie fllowing ider, îst, 182 gallons, 28 bushels. $460 in six the harness-borse (higl stepper and months, and the bran wbich is a tîie. carriage); 2nd, the dray-horse of Cli des- Clean you colt witb a stiff brush seme dale pattern; and, Srd, the saddler for every day durig winter months. Watc which the dernand is semeubat limited bis bealth ; nlfittle sulphur if needed, andwhichis almosts eut e the question pberhaps some nitre. There is lots of for this noigbberhoed a the temale tirne te do this andud ar makiug stock is not bore tobreed te. fm meney by so ding. ilalter breakvou The horse which leads and fils the colt at six months, make him handy, eye et this tastidions public the,, hack- handle his feet ; do not pet him and nev ois. Is ep t cho a make a fool ef him ; lastly give him tc r that has come to stay, that the condition n goud man to break.hDo net try to dc e of things caused mainly by the use of this youns wlf. Goed boises have beo reloctnicity, bas wiped out what was once ruînod in this way. De net wonk hlm termod t hgneral purpose herse. on the farm at anything but the lightesi The producers of horses have net in kind o labor. Sol befere you attempt past.vears beon hreoding, whîcli bas te break if yen have ne geed man near eendered teI supply very snall, se much by, unless yunare experienced in the so that I will venture to say that in art, or if yeo can cemmand a goed mai your constituency there is not one sound is btter teluwhou cemiug trem hi herse of driving quality of four, five or hands or while with him. six years, and leaviug eut the deal- The class et boises refeîred te ait ors and p haps ee other, net ten easily raised-,very few mistakes occun desirable herses of twô or three years. and if one does the horse is well fitted I will not venture on yearlings as from size, boue, etc., to take his propei there should be some from that royal place on the tarin as a good work horse fellow "Jubilee Chie." And what is Pricesabovementionedareactuallgob tru-of-your constituency-from th ieained- Ono gelding fouiryears ebo,îs j wraeleneggered fnmvrem ir#4by- M essirsaKeci tis year or wno can go on any o tue not again, as last year, see a class of many excursions, will take a letter of useless little brats of horses of about introduction to Mr. Stevens or to his fifteen hands, unsaleable at from $20 to genial manager, Mr. Gay, which can $40 apiece, but they will be replaced by readily be obtained on application to a horse properly bred with good judg- you, let them go down to Attica and ment, as noble as he looks, and costing see for themselves the way things are no more to raise than his ghost or managed. These thoroughbreds were travesty. obtained for the purpose of raising PRAOTICAh West nd Huse, BOWMANVILLE. Never before have we shown such a fine range of Fancy Dress Goods both in black and colors, as we are showing this season. Perfectly new goods imported direct by ourselves at 20c, 25c, 35e, 50c, 60e, 75c, up to $1.25 per yard in all the newest weaves and colorings and special value at each price. In Blouse Goods we have just opened up some new Crinkle Cloths as nice as Silk and in entirely new patterns at 25e per yard. Also new Prints in delicate shad es. Fancy Sateens in dresden effects speeially nice goods for Pillow Covers. We sell a good English Print for 5c per yard. Ladies do not forget that we sell White Jnderwear of all kinds Skirts, Corset CoversDrawers, Chem- ises, etc., and at prices that make it an object to buy them ready to wear. Ladies' Blouses are also a feature with us this Spring. We have an immense range of these goods from 60e and 75e up. The very best fitters made. Boy s Clothing with us is down very fine. We know that we can give you better value than you can gel elsewhere and we have no old stock. Every Suit is new and made especially to our order for this season' s trade. ive us a look if wanting anything in this hne. Our car of Mammoth White En silage Corn is now in store and we are more than pleased with it. It is without doubt the finest sample of Corn ever brought to Bowmanvile. When buying Corn for seed come and see ours, it is the best. Teas, Teas. We sell lots of Kolona Tea,and have had customers come for Kolona that never traded with us before and once using will use no other,put up in lead packages in black and mixed at 40e and 50c per lb. It may be higher in price after this week, Why not buy a few pounds ahead. Our 25e Japan Tea is as good as most of the 35e Tea. It gives universal satsfaction. We have just reccived into Jtock 25 doz. Brooms and we are giving ex- ceptional value at 20e and 25c. We have a new churn, the "Cradle Churn," a child can work it and it is claimed for it that it will bring butter quieker and better than any churn on the market. It iN also a little cheaper. We always pay the highest price for all kinds of Farm Produce. We invite you to an inspection et our stock ana will with pleasure show you what we can do for you. A large assortment of Trunks, Bags, Valises, etc., always on hand,

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