Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1897, p. 2

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a~makaaa Sue s Oa Se sox in scuras seadache, yet CPms r Ivcn ara quair ahitieni onsp&toucuring md revnti~ tis tni~1n cooiaint. whle thuy al8o c'rre - i ie esoz csuastornach. onitathe 1 e _ndreuatze the bowalz. Even if they oi uo Ache thcy vould bea lciost price7esa to Ibe Nubo slfler fren, ibis distî esin-z coniplaint4 hin fortunateiy tlieir gootinesz does nt end kerie, end ths -whio once ry thera willl ied tee littie Iilla vaiable in so many ways thal te" Y", lIc S le wllinig te do wttout thein. 1BU ftler ail sick bcad ta tlite bas e rsinyIt iair t liera lawhart ure inaPa ouîr t boast. Our Pilla cure il Wi1ffia otcrudo not. CÀAMra'b Lrrros Tryzu FILaS arevery snial) and very easytotata. Oua or two pilla nake a dose Tbey are trictiy vegetable and de net grIps or purge, but by their gentie action plsi i ehouoeathem. Tu viasar 2 cnts; rafr$.Soldeeverywhere, or sent by mail. O£i2 uzzmlnz ?~00., IZew o. M yà:21. ONTARIO BANKC cotloilntes to do a Qeneral Banking Business Bownianville Agency. DEPOSITS eecevad In Savinga liank Diepateet and on lan dinteregt aliowed aton rrant rates No Meotloofwithdrawalnoes-3aryý ,11 Udeposifs payable on deinand EXCHINGE E)mghtandsold and Draftslssued upnn rope' UnltadSEtatas and Canada, alao G:old, Sller and UniîedStaatas Greeubaoksbouaht and sold. COLLECTIONS Prýtuptly ruaeat curreut ratas tenon sU pas 01 Great Brittain, the lUnited Statat and i a Doiniaon o fOanada. Tclegraph Tranîsfers Madle fer large or srmail sures on ail part et (Xnada. Thins is espeohslly advantagaons ta Jasseis living in Alaniloba or the Nortbwast, flusakes the funds available at once at the Pkco f paymeu t. Etberparticulars cai aS the bank. L. PRTT, GICO. McGILL, .&ccotntaflt. Manager, &.Ii1 eST FAE,"1 NIAD Plan o ye'r home clai n with 'î Osc"tcee ce i L b d ,i' a : GVe T1he only food * the that -will baild * ab ,>JY u a weak cons- a titution gradu. Chanice ally but strely ist 1P a simple, scientific and highl1 4e lnutritive prepsýratîoai for infants, Odelicate children and invalids. *KCRRV 'WATSION &1',CO., PnOP5i5TOe$,.4> abat i Naar LAMP is aoutas earperfection as 50 yes.rs 0' c Lamp ivakcag can attain to. It b borans kc:pi--,e ne, and gis-es a. pomerfut, , learmbhite iget, and miii neitibr biow gp nor jar out. Wben out driviag mtb ýtit t he darkinesi eaîily k-eops about two - hundrai feet ahcai of your amartest norh;e. hcn ycu n'ont thtes-ary best Driing Lrnsp te hc bai, ask your i deaier for tht,'-Diaiz. " WC is-a peciai Cataicgoee Ii SLsmrp, and, if you es-or prcwi arcund ater aigiet -fal, i iiinterest ycu. Tcs maited frac, R. EZ DIETZ CO., 60 lýaight st, New York. ed n a Wh eMuthlnk cf SOMeiml P'r0t.ct megion s r 'bring rt ielte WOre' J uaN lqvuuEngcSn c. aet Atr te W e a'in'gt D 1. ., fer chir 01e8te onze ocrer auJ IL tut ue ielenoyi zscta ,utec. Thle Canadian_ Statesm,,an WýEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1897. A 011 uSDCOMM,3EXTS. A iob -a£ tht history et the islanti et Samens sincu b-ta c.--apt from. din.e'eý Tunkisi noie la itroof ecueugh hibeýthtis strnggle et te, Crack ra-e e-rnhr Lu sisal-e off T:umbiish oppression is jats- iiert by every cuirai anti materiai ren- soue.Sao is mcamýl ialer tbhan Creto an([ciioaîo<,only 15D square miles, c-ie a popu-lation et about 00,000. But thsanas" tnuinquer1abie spirit that ex- i&sine t ,is cnrI n Sames, anti it esouri s inltel aulonomy f nom. the Sultan aean]y fift ' 'yesrs agi. La tise reeh< rvuio f 1821 Snsatoob n deter- minel le n d ttfer ain eara tidetieti the 1urri5le foorces. After tise battît et Nas-anino, nticeesbahlished Greece as an indupendent nation, the pois aýre tiecidcd ihas Santue. for geog-raîiicril reares simouiti st.ill baleng te 'Lurkey, oant bc aubjc"i rie a, Tunisch oeunes-. The Sainanrefuseti Lesubiî tfor tee e yeai-a, and ti wnas thena, amange t t a they shonul begraiàet tise nigbîteto uloci their cesn cQuucrl, wsitit a prosi- dent, ticiaina Led by the Suiltan, but a Gneeh in religion. Bayenti thieS-lie isiant mia nequiredti tepay tUeSultan an annual tsubsitiy et $16,500. Tbis arran-gemnent was subenittedti t until 1849, uboen a treeli eutbrtmk wes tbreateined.l in Samios on accouait the abusesati eýxactions et tise Tunkýhisse- preseinistives. Tht Sultan ibainu me- lisis for anol.imer contout with tho isianiars, anti funther rip-bis ta gavera tiersebletas %eeagranteti. 'hes in- cluiedthie electioàn df a generaul as- sombly, emi onere t teciioset ibeir cesn prasden. Asonate aiea n-as f ormeti, et es-huma te T-urklah prince, nameti ont- j alf. PFuilic rTevýenues msMare taiuen tfrOnI Ctht pmii"e. andtrietti er te-a native ceeicl acOs village b-ad a soice, in cti;ooaueng ita mayon, -andtihie courts eeo reen'ganizeti, anti givuen charge cf cer- tain cases previoasby suhjert teuLisemn- bilmas'y ill efthtie Ges-ernor. A, rusyon, assistecl hy a local ceuncil, %vas allen- oui junisiutiei in iner luntsuits be- twveeisinhabitants -cf hic commune, Ia n usent, Sarumoseufer iseîf pelitical privibegea net fanrrnmoveti fruenihome Tise reaLults turing tise terty-sevea years tient have elaliseidsince tie conro-zsiene score Nmresieti from, Trurkey basee"n et tetiraiÀt impanrtano te the littli lanu. ti.Ihas eýnjop cd poace- fui Limes. Tise, population, uihict w aýs 20O,000 in 1832, tis in-ýroaseot ieeefoit. Les experts areclos-en Ltimes nibat tleYý more, in 18392. 'ienne is naojpublic doetü andtihie treasnry reliants a cotutont- able unnnal surplus. Cbnipleite fredeom from. Tunkey mycult base inoneasetist shcitsing et prospomeity. In the face et suci es-itenc.es cf improvoti comditions amîeng tho-iýr tnten neigisiore it la vain Le expert the Cretaine te trop back miat the oit order et thii-ngs, ciabject tetise ,greei cof a TnissGos orner ain the grinding presence es-enysehere ot Tunkisis trois. Croeelias fis-e Limes tise pcpuhntiuOs of Saisies andtihLe, sanie affinities et race. Tlae pcdmora miii tinti tent ILt isniers-vedtiLea final tiesporate uttonTt ta tris- ut tiseTank fores-ar. Evidence aceumaulatea Ibat Spain en- uaL mennh longer eandure tise burton et tmo msara, andtehat a criais iliho coi- onial affaira is n-car ai hanti. Es-en te iVladiicipaliers nais-publiah isapatcea mshidi show tise situation lanLice Pbilip- pijnea Le ho fan mont serions tisanh-as hec-n representeti, that instesti et a constaut succ-ession et insurgen5tidefents the Spanisis campaiga s laamesi para- lyzeri oviag te lacit et treops. Sorne 6,000 Mon initendet for Cuba, are, iL is saitLab- scea-t ta Manilici inaleati, tisough thse straits te mshid tise gos- cramuent la put tar reintorceents la sevan by Lis- report Lb-at these necraita ms-tpa raiseti by offors of hounity, il ho- ig deisicd unsatfe lantise preseat state of public opinion in Spain te turtbon ex- tend conscription. Ia Cuba tisew-ar tirage on, wmus tise utioeb mere giemny for Spain tisan 'at aay Lime alece tise struggle b-tpan, tise anmy being seeak- or andi suttering t rainm1nint Ot pp.y except ina deproîbarori paper curroacy, andtitie insurgeaSstarranger than tbey -But acceptin'g thiei as trac, tbe samwi[ng cannot hut bu diacearaging te Spnin, anti muet inerotise tht gromsing discoantent ms-us Genorai Weyler, mistue yenr oft commasedti.to-agis mankeci hy unusual seveirity 'toward ail classes of Ijubans and an enormaous destruction of property, bas plainly proved a failure.' That a;ny Wther general cati retrieve, Spain's fortunes in theý island is irupxo-z bbLa hiber resources being nom so exý- hian-tedti Iat it is do-uiful wbether she can hope 10 repair the loses %vbich ber raaks suffer frein campaig.ning. The debîts conîracled. in the, islaad dur- ing the past year, and for whicb no fund ai-e fori ]corning, ameount, ;t is said, ta $50,000,000 mnd il is reported £roum Madrid that after May 1, the gov- erament wiii have nio money available for prosecuting the campaign. If that be true, the crîsis cannot long be avert- ed, for any fartiier inereasa of taxa-, tien ceuld so aw uei he general dis- cotnw icb bits aiready reachcd for- mida bic proportions, thaï t1he Carlists and Ilepublicans couiri hardly he re-1 strained £rom taking their chance. Ac- tive operatiCans in tbe fieflmiii, of course,, ho stopped la a fevv weeks by the raitny seasion, but the terrible drain upon the trpeasury will flot be suspended nor the ravages of yellov; foyer and oth-er d-iseases amcong the troops, aur tbie uaceasiang activity of the insurg- ente. Nis one crin have augbt but ad- mairation for the tenacity witb îvbicb SPalin-lollon t. ber Iset great cal- onial posssession, but she cannot pro- long the strtrggle indefinitely. In shiarp cointrast vietii tha G erman einperoDr's naval prograrae for the neXi four YearS is that for the next fi-cal year recently preseii tat the British Parliamneýnt, The former cailed for ate expendittareo f 32S,000,0090'marks in tiidn our byattleships, six crui- sers, cine guaheut, twe desî atcb boars aned tbree tarpedo boats, b1mt t sucb determrined opposinion in the Reichstag that the govornmnent vras faroed te ucceopt i-n lieu of it a crodit cf 1,000,000 m~arks texvcrd a ne;v bat- tleship. Thie Brlîýisb naval estimates for tbe Coming year alone caîl for $109,190,000, or moire than one-hait more, than the Gnrman appropriation askod for, witb, whioh is. te be begun the, coýnstruction cf- four buttfiesbips, three cruisers, two slcops, four gunhoulis, and t-WO torpedo boat destroyers. Adding these to the ships already anthcrized, there iii ho under construction or to be comrletod during the cooming year, fourteen battlesbýips, twenty-seven crui- sers, tity-t-o destroyers, tue sloops, jfour gunhoats and nine boats for seecal srvic, a total cf 108. These vessels w iii have a total tonn1age cf 38000, and mili de- velop about 800,000 horse power, and Sixty--sýix Lof tlwm w ili,, it la expecotod, bu ready for service this ý,yeur, includ- ing fifty CfI Lb- tu pýedo beat destroy ers, soarr'of whi*ch are guarainteod to e-anch a, speod of tbircy-thrýee knot, Provi- sic-n is aïse rmade for an increase of the' naval persoDnnel officers, sosumen, marines, etc.-tbm2 ne-w estimate being for 100,050 as against 93,750 for the current year, andthtie manu-facture ot guns, projectiles, pou der and oChar mu- nitions is to procead ou a, larger se-aie. Matmas preparatilai against a possible invasion otf ln-gland, by^ a co- alition cf continental petvers, and to relieva the navy froua more defensive merk, the -mur zdoparimeýnt proposes te fortify t-our moré bartors, and to streagihen thbe dofensive pocsitions nl- ready .slectod hotu ce Liondon and theB coast. These positions mxiii, la the event ef atteMnpted envasilon, ho de- ,endeti by the militi and volunteers, the rogujiars beirsg pu1,hed to, the front, and in order te educate the former fer their work, nuereu- rifle ranges are. te be establioeidth.ro'ughoat tfue kinýgédon. In addition, itLsh propnsed! te- acquire, forty tbousand acres cf land as a maaoeuvring ground for troops, w-ith aý speecial viem te, the training of ofticers wbo bave had :ne experieaco yet upon wbohi the, work of defence muy faîl, Ln -handling large Lhodies of mmu. Ail these preparations have for their chiof purposo the defence cf Lon- don, the objective point of any invasion, anid whicli once- lost. or thrown iato anarchy, wcaiul muan almnost irrepar- abyle ruiîn, even tbougb the island it- self wore not ce.nquered. The danger cf attaok by a hostile coalition is, iL L3 bnld, ai roal danger, the mot.ive for it being jealeusy of the rapiti expan- sroa of Great Brîtain, thie. belief that desire may b", and hou ever sarrenueus l their effoats to maintain a- strict non- triality, they miii, if mur h egins, ha- corne more pa,,ns la tbe contest waged hy the greater pow ors, or w-ii hoe over- rini at mili by thec contendinýg armnies. Witboiut power cf saccesul resistance, tbe bosser states live by the sufferantce t- the greater, countîng fer netbing vhen they interfere,îsith the pcllicies anti plans oft the Enropean concert, ati incapable, of oftering ef- fective re-sistance to, any aggresaîon saývo by the assistance of some great poweer svheae jealoiusy muy ho aroused. They cannot even live thoir oma lives' or norrk oinit their ow-a idoa. vithi, their limiteti Ispheres, ivithout caro- fally consideiring how os ery litile acion .w-ii affect thels relations w itb, the grent states near them, and are compelled te defeirences whicb bave as heýn'mbiag- an effect upýon the national, spirit 'as conitemplation cf the' over- poerinig force,cf nature Glas upon Indian (cbaractar. Sweden ls aroe- poirad by dread.etfEtirsia, the, miner Balkan states Iby fier of that power and Austria. Portugal must bear ta Africa, auy menace frore Germany, anti Spain must keep friend'ly witb France or go ihsnkrupî. Resistance is im- psilfor the great pois rs are arm- cd te tbe teýes w bile the smaller coe are net, and witb the improved rra- chinencof m-ar the time bas gene by w hon an ndisciplineti and haîf aret people, ho ovýer, ready teo due inbas eanturu tha tide of isvasion. The ait'oeUton ila, dtisiîeartening une for the lbaser statos, wbich, if lett free, migbt do a, gr-'at n erk for civilizatien, but must non tidepend for life, upon the good-ciii or jenloînsies ot thatr great ne.igbbors, ttc promoe or arouse -wbicb is the, permanent object of ail1 their dipiomacy, and eveof etmu, of their internai legialation. Tbere i no siga aither, thalt aay remedy for the evil wil i ie Îfou-ad, thoseLgh Fuirope would gain mi-mcb by settiag tbem trep, un thec exemiple tbey wdaild gi'veocf the pes- sibilitios ot progross anti culture la states relieved et militarism, and in the relief theî svooid off or te the mnono- tony cf tha Elaroreansy,aýtem. The old remedy of a defensivo beague cf the miner staies muai ho abandoned, as impratica er thoy are tee ný'ideiy scatterod, anti, excepting Uduiland, lack the me-ans, te nintain the armamoni naoesary teo mabo a coalition effective. To seoit safeiy 'onde-r, a protectorat" svrhid bha te teanthor diminisb their in- dependence by increesing the pretauro et tha greait po-wers tpon, them, and beside, the crection cf piretectorates, in the ' ealciasies certain te ho, aronsed, me'aid foir semaet ofthenendniun annox- atlen. Appareatly, the only boe for thln ethat 'when the map ut EiaLroýpe is r-aie', they may ho absorbeti on ternis net ntteri]y hliiliatiag by the grenier statos, or brm parts of a futukre, Eureperan fetioation bora et a general irevelution. Failing that, there is notbing lot but to endure their present status as besi they cain, resolvod if the, opportunity ever comes te f lght tei thieat man te maintain t5ecir in- tiapendence. Any exp!or"ýr w-ho buas reacheti Lake, Tchlad, tins van tht cradit ef achieaving n notabl e geographi--al font. If ait bas gene wýeil îvith-M. Gentil, of the French Congo servic.e, ho bas got te the la&e by a nom route, carried nearly ail the w-ny by a steamboat, anti Fis bltle ve- sel tas non- puttlng nreumd on that re- markable sheot of mater, svhiereof the dimensions are s e'eus-bic hat uts area la believed, at times te ho as great' as that ot Victoria N3 anza. A year ago nast Noveniber Gentil teck bts steam- boat, the Leon Rot, far -up the Congo anti its Mobangiý affluent te the moutb of tire Kamru River coming from the nerte. The route et the explorer Mn- iatre letbtrough, iLs vailey, but svhen Gentil reacbed tht Tonal Lributary et the Keme ho turnod bis steamer up tient rive-r and- struob out, a nem routa ia Africa. [t iwas the period ut higb mat- er and the, river mas thon about 350 foot ivido. lIt ndds scores et miles te theba lngth et the navigable waters et the Congo bain, nom believedti t reacb n t otal et about 7,000 mile'a, The Leon BWl renobed the navigable binait et thia important river. IL had pusheti north te 5 degrees 46 minutes N. Liatitude, and ahead was the mater parting betwees t-be Congo anti the Shari, or LaIko Tchad, systenis. The steamesr vas then di vided lato hiendeeda ot pioeces, nbicb euiti ho carrieti on the hacks of rmon. A tRou ancinativ1e_3et that region w eroegnged as porters, anti mith thitir aid the expedition mas et Africa's great bukeis, The lake la co etfi tapestinteraestlug etthe physiý*cal features of Atrica. ItLai a treqh nater lake mitheut an outiet, in tht ordbnary sons', for ne stream f on-s treen 1. But xshanis grýent lis htat border its basin pour tbpir fluotia te thc laite ia the rainy seasons, Tchad overtoîva ils âno confines. spreadiag far amay, anti Il l itis releaSe of waters that keopti Tcliad froku being c:"asaeti emong tise 5itlaktes. Literary -Notes. -Oae Man Who Was Content,"by Mrs. Schîaylar Van Reeslur 6bmo, 130 pages-. Nome- vYork: The Cenitury Co. Price, $1.01). Mrs. 'Vain Ronsselaer bas ruade -bier an e l i o as awryit- or on art and nilelisteeture and as a monter un the, cnue eteducation, 0f inte bier nains bas be«n attaichedti-O severa short atonies, anti four ot theso are nom gathoreti mie this littie vol- umie. The, ieuit giv-os the titi0 te the collection la a pretouati rayeholo- gical tisiuýly that cabieti eus a namborw ot personal trihurtes upen ita recent ap- peara-nceý in The Ceahury Magazine. It pTeaches the gospel ot contentient atong the aga, nobleat linos, lor the heroefe the tale gises as tise source ot hie. hapli sthe seuse, that hicbas reall- lived the lite ef a man; that ho e tt anti ebtaineti, a.spired anti roalizePd, ,po5,sesseti anti anjoyeti, fûonght mith bislsieoriali fate, anti gain- ai the viiiu .Thte ther siories lai tise book arc MVary, The Lu.stigs, anti Cbirnna's Fiamnietta, The lat tivo are based tapon lite in the peorer quar- tera cof a ge-aù eety, foundeti upon Mua. Van Rens,ýelaer's experionce as in- epecror et Cormoan Sehlsos in N'w York. 1 "Prisonera et Conscience," hy lVrs. Aimeiin E. Barr, l2ma, 240 pages. Ilia- struteti. Nom Yorks: Tht Century Ce. $Price, $1.50. The sînne et Mrs. Barris story is laid la the Shetland Islands, anti ber characiers are the Fîsber-feolk. These people are brought op ia the strictest tenets -4 Calviaiisin, -h'ed'ged about, as Lhe author ias, itlt the phantcm- cf a g1comy cre-etiJr la this tact that exPlains tise titie et the story. A tragetiy -enters the lite et the berri ani heo-ine, andti trough ira influence there are hrt'ugbt teite the ccnafort anti tht' consolation ihat a. mucher failli bas tiraisn froue Sie Socriptures. 'The sien unas publiisbeo, la Jbrlifer form, la lba Century M\,a- -guzine, anti calleti oui, many trýibates te its Pomier pied L it itlity ta charae- ti.r Poitayl.Mlrs. Barr bas no- pre- fixett i t an accouai cf the. lite, love, anti early deatb- et the bero's father, Liot Borsein. As the sia et tht fa- tber ia visiteti upen the son, this throm îag et 1-tigbupon Iilnvi's ameieetents, still furth"ýr etroagis the etevel. Thrare are a -nunaber et illustrations by Louis Loeb, uho uns sent te the Shet- landtiIsltandt te mke thtetir-aningseon the 'spot. The bcok hais a tiovel cever, des3igneti ley William S. Hudamay. The aide, panel shbows throaigh a rude w-lu-- dom nastores-toasted test, salouetteti ugain-L Che- settueg sun. A reinlaicent untiee on Jenny Linti anti ber borne lite bas been prepareti byh be naughter, Mrs. Raymndnt Maunde, for pub.icatioa in tht May Ladies' Home JournaL. lit is saict ti h ltei i iaieresting menterie-s oete famous; singer, andtisl notesvorthy a.so as being tise tirait iew- vohavi oftlber tb'rouigh tht eyes cf lber ndorng daught- or. Mirs. Mnebrings ite light Itho tant that Jeany Liai mas aImays fier- vous anti overstrung betore events-juat. before singlng ia a non opera or orat- orio, buet nea quite Cca u hen th1 very meoment et action arriveti. BIIASELG WRECIKS. tAl noee-m et ofan olti methoti et raiseng ivreeka bas cheen invoatoti by. a Frenchiman. Ris apparaus itaa number cf -waterproof hags matintathe shape et hunge cylindors or pipes, long tubes, whficb conneci these baga uith n pois erfai air puimp, anti some astout pieutes etcanasanti chaina. The air pamnpa, shich are exceaptieinally pou- enfui, are carried intahie etera et stancit oceiaa-going auge. The diver tirai paS-chas nis enas the hIdles ot thbe ssuken ship, and thon opena aillthe batcbou. 1Be next makes f ast te the, hull a large flamber et air-tight, cyl- imdrical linge, mnIhiciare buiat sitb ebaine nliong the keel aloag cither aide. As the bags f111 ivitis air, neer the in- fluence efthLb- pressure freen abeve, they rmise the bull, mbich biots oiver anti eventuably resta on thse bottom. up- side demie. Thon, tbmreasgbtise large main pipes, svbich bave beon matie f-ast einide Lie baul, ila-foid a pomair- fnl anti steatiy current of air, miot grudually takes thse place of te sater, util the bull becemies Be ligbt that iL ries te the surface. BAD S-EALING YEAR5 Nows frein tht east coat sealing fleet bas been received ai St. Jchn'a N.F., Ont et sixteen rpteamiena fesheng lin the N'orth Atlantic eleven bave been board trom, mbose cembineti catches are only 211,000 rseals, lesa than a i-ead for one sieneer. Tis il the worst record for a huadreti ycare. Tisere il hule like- lihoc'd ot the f ishery belag retnio-veti inter freen total faintre. Iluig tierce mien steamers fishing in thbe Gulf of St. Law rence, oaly 75,00 saas ane neîv reporteti, and is is net probable eet, atways ready, al- ersys efficient, aiways sat- istmstery; prevent a col or fat or, cure ail liver 111e, sic'r headicbo, jacudice, constipatlon, etc. 25e. 'lbc oeiiy 1itlsi te take witbh lood's Sarstepartita t _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Q,-ackery is always discov- ering rernedies which will act upoîî the germus of disease clireCtly and kili îhern. But no discovery lias ever yvet beeri approved by docQrs Which xvii cure consump- tion that way. Gerrns can only be killed by making the body strong enough to over- corne thern, and the eariy use of SuCh a re-medv as Scott's Ernulsion is onie of the helps. li the daily war- fare mani kecps iup, ho tvins best, who is provided with the needed strengîli, such as Scotc's Emulsion supplies. DANGER FR014 NEW CREMICALS. caseis aud Coucpounids Isliy In Comimer- dcia, se 1PIsceti ri sitar Re-,trictioss. Several more or leassmagerons auni- elots et cheneisul maunufacture are lit- c0ming re lnrgeiy employeti fer a van- iety ot useful purposos nom Lisat oe restrictions us to tisir sale, coavey- once, and tiiorage, are, l iseitr est of the ipublic sat.ety, imperative, a~ thse Lontion Lancet. Certain subst-tn& ibat score Prevleualy regarieti as cui ical Suniosities, have ceaseti te ho se, anti are nom timpuortant commercial Commetiîiee anti matie on n tory large scale. Tiscucsantis et galions of "liquti" carbenlu nýýid gas la steei cylindersn- tion bigs compression imay nom hýe seen every day heiseg cionveyeti in c-arts frein pince te placeý, anti similarly otiser, gaSes are stioreti under pressure ia '«tube-s," as, fon examplýe, oxygen, h drogen, nitrons oxitie, anti eo on, aill ot mbich may expose the public te dan- ger. SioLItibric"ksf et -eallic sodium, again, Ltept undor napista, ot courýse, are o5ory day camrion nomu port Le port as part ef a chip's cargo, anti very serions accidenta bave occasionaliy anis- crn frcm tise intermixtare of varions chemicals on hoarti shlp by tise dam- aging ettees ef a crougi passage upon 1she packages. Thi t tratie in cybinders cf compreset gaisea bas already been pinceti ander control. Stiti anetiier chomical substance et comparatively reconst iiscovery la reow se extensive- ly useti as te bave givon rne to tht eeecessity ot a Borne Office order being, issueti. Wo roter Le carbitie et cal- ci'um, misicie on sirupîy beceming moitt igises off tise exceetiengly intbanmmnabia gas acetyLene. Carbitie et calcium la usetul fer a variety et purpees',bu- chiot ly because, on simply placing At ii seater is ovobves pure ncetylone, wislb Poaýsessesa nremarsable hega illumin- ateng power. Tht empboyenent eft tiss niethoti et geaoraîing agaseous ilium- ians for optie lanterna, for photo- graphie purpises, and for lighting pni- inte tw'ilngbuses, ba iendy been tnieti. It is quise obviens that sonne restriction ahoulti bu placet apon the sale anti ererageofot his substance. uhichis jenom beia'g manufactumeti on a largo mcaie, anti uhicis simply int moisi atmosphere gis-es off an inflam- mable gas, w-hioh iîih air ferma an ext- plesàve mixture. Carbide et calcium - l nom to be hroughit untier tise 14tie sec- tion ofthtie Petrroum act, 1871, anti, atter April 1, 1897,,iL miii hc anlam- fnl te keep car-bideetopfclruniexcepi tn s-mmue oeta license te ho obtuained £ rom t-be local autbenity tender tise Pet- roeut acnu. Ieuhtiess tise rocent ac- cidents tisai bave heen neponteti from tîme ot ime hy tise employenent et acetylene in Lis w ay b-ave prempteti S-be Home Office to issue tisis entier, te- getir wmus a memeranctum. shoming the character oetheise iks tehoagnaird- ed againsi, and gis-ing suggestions as Se tise nattefthie procaations like- iy te ho most effectuai ton seang satety. ElGHTY IN EVERY HU1NDRJý Sutter More or Lesa treen That -Most Offensive et Dtseaaos Catarris-That Dr. Agnem's C-ciLarrisal Posdon le a W*,ontiorfut Remedy la Testitie t t tey Thousanda w ho Hias-e Bean Cur- ed Outright-Mn. Alex. Edmontison of Roteemutis, Ont., Says: "I bave been troubieti mite catarrh fer a great maay years. B-ave isuffer- ed greatly freen it. 1 b-ad trieti ail tise so--calieti cures, but nover necei-eti amy relief freen ibee. Seeing Dr. Agaewa Catarrhali Pomdor largeiy -adventised, I dtieeninedti t ty Lt, aitsotigsvery aceptuicai about any relief, but I mas greaily anti agreeabiy tisappoinleti. fer froým tise tirai dose I roc-eiveti very gnons relief, sari te-day I eaibonestly sny tient it b-as cured. I keep iL con- stantiy in tise bouse, as me tint iL a quick cure for colt in the bond. It gis-es nimýost instant ruT f have ne Sometinees n m-an gets credit for thougietfulneassati generosiy by hrnging bis mite home a box et Frenchs cantiy. andti Listaetts four-tiftse et if hieeof, i - ij /

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