Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1897, p. 1

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/ 7 1ýERMS :-$1.50 PEiR ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WOIILD ÂFTERWARDS, M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, NEw SERJES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1897. VOLUME XWL. No. 16. 0 e Coucli, Johnston & Cryder- 9 man invite ail Housekeepers who want a New Carpet ofi any kind to see their fine stock before buying. Union Carpets from 25 ets. to 50 ets. WooI Carpets from 65c to 85c. Al Wocl, three ply, for $1.00.1 Tapestry Carpets from 35e tog 85c. Axminster Carpets withq Borders,for $1 .00. Crossley's Brussels, with Borders, fromi $1 to $1.25. Fine range of pat-9 terns in ail grades of Carpets and as to values we guarantee9 that no house in Canada is selling the same qu.alities for less money. Carpet Squares in ail the popular sizes in Jute, Union, Scotch Wool- and Ayranian. Newest designs --- the finest stock we have ever shown in ail qualities up to $7.00 per'9 pair, imported direct and special values. JL ï i U* Sa PERSONAL. pet ISprin eni Ils- 41b- The trade in WALL PAPER with us has started early. News of the size of the stock, ~- and especially the beauty of designs, has gone abroad, ahead of anything in the past in this direction; prices are itkewise lo gether in favor of the shopper. Will bo S pleased to show them whether you buy or i S not. We also have a nice assortment of S Curtain Poies and Window Shades at 40c. i ~y and 50c. ~3 BOWMANVILLE. The Late Mr. Goode. On Thursday April let MriWim Goode was sticken with paralysis froni wbich ho died early the folios iig morning. Sliortly before thi, strokehlew~a1ked briskly into the bouse 10 note the turne and then weot to the stable t0 cail lis, son to dinner who weas engaged in feedmng th( stock and a moment after finiorming lîofthehie time, lie called agaiiu saying thettlic thonolit lie wes beeosning paralyzed ini one side. The sou immediateiy went te his fatier's assistance anoi witli grcat difficulty sncceedod 1ino'tting hlmn te the bouse whe'n1llpsed loto unconsciou,-- nes femn which ho nover recovered. Medicali aid was summonmed bot te ne aveul; shertly efter 3 o'eiock Friday moroing lie passod peacefuily eway. lH ad been ouite ili 0the wsotorfromi tbe efforts of a bad cold and sioce that time lai nt been feeling very strono', but ino serions teý suits weie anttcipaed. Hec was hein at Ceibouno, Isle of Wigh, Nov. 4tb 1825 and came te Canada witli a cern- paniy of 1Inonde 10 1849' Hc reside d for maoyv years in the town of Bowmenvillo and lateroni tic faim wlirchedied. Hl eavesdivedcanght- ers and thîce sens fe mooro the lues of a geod aod kiod father. Hoeiras an earnet christieni and was for many y cars conocted 'eitb the Metbedist clîurcli. The uerai took place on Mon day. Services were conducted liy Rev. Dr. Mrvin. Those present frein a distance were Mr IW C Goode of Godericli. Mis J C Vancour, Toronto, end Mi and Mrs j H Deyman, Ceicago, Ill. BAY OF qUINTE CONFEItENCE. PROGRAM COMMNITTER MEET AND PERPECTl' AIRRANGEME NTS FOR THE CONFERENCE. 11ev. T. M. Camipbell, W. J.-You-g 11ev. C. Parker, Dr W. E. Tilley, W Trewin, Levi Morris and M. A. James,; comprising the, Prograin Committee of the Bay of Quinte Conference, met here Tuesday to arrange for the ser- vices of the Conference. This will be the l4th session of this Conference and will be held in Bownonville for the first tiue. Ministerial sessions open Weduesday, June 2nd. at 10 a. la., and the General i sessions Thursday. June 3rd, at the sanie hour. Stationing committee meets ýMonday, May 3lst, at 3 p. ni., and Statistical, Commnittee on June lst, at 10 a. in. The publie services are as follows.- Sunday,June 6th-Conference church- 9 a m. -Coniference Love Feast led by 11ey. Dr. Lanibly; 10:30., Ordinationi sermon by 1ev. T. M. Campbell; 3 p. ni., Sunday Sehool addresses by 1ev. D. O. Cros ,sley and E. C. S. Huycke, sqof Coborg;7 p. ni., 1ev. C. E. Mlntvre; 8:30, Sacramental service b.y Rev. W. J. Youtng. Queen street church-10:30 a ni.,R1ev. F. B. Stratton ; 3 p. r.. Sunday Sehool meeting, 11ev. F. J. Anderson and S. R. Armnstrong, Esq. of Peterboro; 7 p. ni., Rev. S. J. Shîorey ; Sacramental service by 11ev. J. Kilgour. St. Paul's (Preshi terinn' l a. m., 11ev. R. Duke; 7 p. mn., Rev. Dr. Croch- ets. Trinity (Congreg-ational) il. a. ni 1ev. W. Limbert; 7 P. lu., 11ev. C-W, Watch. Disciples' chureh-11 a. ni., 1ev. WV. B. Seccotnbe; 7 p. ni ,, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A. ANNIVERSAIIIES. Educational-Thursday, Jane 3rd- 8pý niIfevs.lDr.Dyer and W.R.Young,, and S. P. Ford, Esq., M. D., N'orwood. Reception servie ,Frida ' , June 4th- -8p. ni,, Boss. T. J. Edmison, B. D.and 11. M. Pope. Tomperane Mondav, June lth-81 P. ini., Rev. D. N. McCanius and R. J. MeLaughlin, Esq., of Lindsay. LETTER PROM TH1E RECTO11 0F M,. W. J. McMutiry,of Toronto, was in town last week. Miss M. A. -Weriy, of Solina, spent lest week et Loîne Villa. Dr S C Hillietrogistered ai the Queons, Port Hope, Sunday Mr W G, Perîy of Toronto lias been guest of Mirs W McMurtiy Mis. John Iteskiio and maid, Toronto, sailed Saýtuidey for Euigland. Miss Rosa White, millînerlias a situation In W A Murray & Ceis, Toronto Mr. A. Clark, son of Mr. Lewis Clark, Orono, is postmaster et Danville, Cal. Lieut-Gevernor Kiikpatrirk will sali from Englen d for Canada, Aprii 21. iMi Dosnald MaclKay, ý'DuntIonald,"' Toronto, lies donated$~50 tb Knox College. j 1ev E E and Mis Howard, Hampton, weîe g>uests of Mr John Fleming lest week Mr Mc o J Bell, Newcestle, Editoi, and publish- or of The Times, gave us e rail Tuesday Dr. Harry Chepplo, 9s West Durhsam boy, is a moayoral candida te et Billings, Montana. Mi. John Jackson, C. C., las witlidrawn fîom tle fin cof W. Jackson & Sons, Kendall. i 1ev. Albiert J. G.Cgrs caddeo,of Victoria Uni- versity, las bic omore for sorne weeks suifer- in g freim la griîppe. Dr. J. H. Allun, wbo has been teaching et Coutice aud Tyronei is taking e pos-graduate course n New Ylork. 11ev. 'W. J. -Young, Cherry Valley, Secretary cf the Bay cf Quinte Conference, was guest of 11ev. C. Paîker, lest weok. Rev. T. M. Campbiell, Camplielîford, Presidoot of the Bey of Quinte Cofererice, was gnest of Mr. M. A. James, et Lorne Ville, lest week. Miss Anea Fraser lias returned frorn London where sheclias heen ceuductiug a cooking class tri connection with the Toroîs c Cooktng Scliool. iMr. C. R. McCullough. Hamilton. is s'oprosenrt- ative cf the Canadien Club ou the Central Com- mitie b arrange for celebrating the Quceu's diarnond jubile. 1ev Neil McPherson, M A, B D, pester of St Paýýul's curci, Hamilton, 'eas gucat of bis sister, Mis J N Lawýrme, on Monday. Hie is higbly pleaeed witli bis new charge. Rev. J.! Vanwyck, pastor of Goro St. Metho- dist elsîrelî, HamiltDro, andi presidoîîtrof Hamil- ton Conference dled April tlî, cf halo disease. lie was invited te Broadway Tabernacle, Tor- Mis. Doratha Orr,Whithy,widow cf the laielR. B. Onr, M. A., cf Bowmanville, bas passed lier secoîîd yoar ini medicine et Trinity University, teking ahl-round bonors witl idrst-class bonors in anatomy, pbysiology, cliemistry and physies. At a meeting of the Uiniversity of Toronto Fctdey niglit,Dr F J Smale,Lecturer onScience, wes eppcinted examiner in Chemitry in the Doparirnent oif Agriculture Dr Smalo is well known bore, lie ng a oepliew cf Mis John Lee Peikin, Brown st Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Emisikillon, attended in Toronto thc annuel meeting of Trinity Medicai i lumni of whicbholiewas prosident, end, the Worid says "lie opened the oratertcalpert oftle piogram wibh happy reminisconces et old roi- lýýecdeys" et tic banquet. Dr. A. S.Tilley,iNas elected'Vice President for Eastern Ontario, and resgpcnded to the toast, The Ladies, ai the han- Montreel papers lest woek gave a losîgthy eccunt cf the closing exercîses cf the 57tb ses- ýu o f fte Cougregatiesîal College cf Canada. Afine portrait was given cf" Mi J Lambert A eadrnf Bowmanvillesenior student,wlio 0etbossFse ,ften do, leotie gl-Ieduacing f , Tb itnoss seys 'Mi Alexaniiderdeve cd c ery Ooîïtrâlt endmpressive eleirtîy, e Lt i 1gpîto bis discourse bcblg teii' Mit i/Cas R Asbdow2i, valedicccrian,wtîopr-eacli -eOTrslt h lest Feul is second on the -aduatinglist His portrait is aIse gis on TuE SURGEON 0F "QUEEN'S OWN CANAI)IAN T-l SSAiIS Dr. Chas. E. Elliott, M. D., Quebec, writes: "I have used 'Pheno-Banum.' (,or 'Quichzeure') with much success in mnany cases of foui and suparating- wounds; especially in one case follon ving v accination,which resisted ail treatment f or three months,that îvas quickly cured h)y four dressings of the above. I ami niow using h uinimany fornis of skin diseases, and ulcers with apparent bene- fit., For cuts and burus it makes a splendid dressing." zAt John Hellyar's. 1 take pleasure in announcing to my numerous customers and the public generally that the purchases for Spring and Summer have been placed in stock and as a result of a very large increase of business in fine goods last year I have bought a larger supply of very stylish higli grade Footwear in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. We keep also a lower grade so that al can be suited. Our objeet is to maintain the position we bave justly gained-that of keeping the best goods to ho obtained frons the leading Manufacturers, Our prices will always be found to be as low as they eau consistently bc and our aim shall continue to be to give our customers the very best possible for their money. We invite you to an inspection of our stock an'd- wili with pleasure show you whait we can do for yon. A large assortment of Trunks, Bags, Valisjes, etc., alwaysý on band, BOWMAINVILLE, JhnIr Ta .- toke epnesdw HADAR sanie (Ie a 9 Ê 0 M %.jpring FootweEý-.ý,,i"--l

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