Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1897, p. 2

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fekIledahe ndrelieve al tlhe trIle Inci- 4entea iliuastte or th. ysam sch as sin.Pain ite Side, &e, w-hile their most z:..argkablo succeiibas basa shown luecuring usai preventiug titis anrnoyiîtg contplaint, white ahe aieci-st Il disci-ders of tme stomach. gîtmult.atit iver and regulate he boweia, x. iey iycureti Àaoethey vld bealai o"SIcles to m 'whosnlIr fi-oie Culs disrireg comi.Ptnt, ibe iîipis ralîtable In se ..ay ways thail h ~ rwllnet Ce w inlg te <d0 WtthotiOithem.ý but alter allisek bead lia the banse cf se maey liv-rs hat fiers lg witere ,we ialte oui- gi-at boast. Our pilla cure Il kIiloe ettierdo fnt. 0..1-RTEa's TELini î it ît£ a -vriy amati ..,al ery eay taakeb. On. or two pillsmnako en dose. Tltey ai-e itrictly vagetable and do mlot grîpa or purge, but by hir gentle aeidon Slvesse aitl wbo usetem, In Vialsai 25 centî; o. or $. Solti everywhere, or sent by mail, ONTARIO BANkX o=tninues te do a General Bankîng Business Bowianville Ageucy. 1DEPOSITS ~evd In SaRing8 Bank Departmnent and on I Ian ti jutai-est allowed atolîrrent rater' No notce of wthdra wal necessary. AU! deposils payable on detand EXCHJANGE îughtand eold and l)raftsif3gued upon lEurope 'ait ed States and Camada,alao Gold,Snlver aid UnitotiStaos Grass lîaksboultht antisold. COLLECTIONS Fr 'uIptly made at een-eut raie3 upon a1l paît 9)f (4reaî Eniin.uthe IUiediStates and d.1a Du ltion ofCanada. Telegraffli Trans fers Mfate for largo or Isnalsauns on ali part of Canada. Thiis lespecially advaiinîgeou.i tu PecsonF living lin aniiebaoete Nortlîwest, it-matces te filiats avaiuable at gonce ai te place of paymoeet. Obberp.articnl0uis calet te tait, 31. P.ORTI', UEO. McGILf4, Aitontant. Mngr FOR TW'iE-,Ty-sEVEy YeARS. THE CQOKrS BEST FRIEýl'ND LAPIGEST SALE IN CANADA. Escli cucceting year iceorne te broadt- I~~~12~' -enthe fascenabing arorle cf brin.igt -~th ligial, hy the usetif tite spado, a Sindisputbite record of lit, aluer.Fremi SEgyçut to Babylcnia lte s 'jeuttii labor ~~~~~l o~S ~ ~ f devetion goeezferaxard rteadilîy, anti -- ' ~ ltehe y l tinte-e tintes ci te excava- t 7tiens cf larelvo e nnthS is eneagi te1 fîlI a large xeitiae. Thlic cerontbat-k- w ,ard extension' cf ancient hisîery in Yl Bubylo-nia by soueral ilicasanti yeurs is g ~noarw a famailier narrative. Interectinl 1-it 2 tiirccTleas -'0yea"s -elexcavatione s aely bis siiflti te te f CtoliO . e n al a te.le lu ic b: 1- - atdx' ~~-CA ~ Ccliseuairah ome. While sceevork- -- rmnw-aera îaaking a acaxer last menit to jar . '~ u' ai tr i t O n the noclt aide eofthlitagroat rein on- ý:,!I -rz tt 'itbey cam en linthe floors et taxe ceones I. dJ mr.'~ ic:y rr'. tai belouging te an early perioti of rte ~t :,- \V cx 'utr"or'lc' ~IRornan Emptire. the'Cliecum i le iuît t' ý1C for¾i. Tta l.dic4 e t V tehase et tte Ecquiline his, en tilt-,ý; a~ ~î~ te ite cf an muamental loto cou- o oS a iu 1a ýir clu lnadtLucte'l by Nero When Vespaisa a"cr t - - Ilu. iandTitius erectet te Coî1iseaaaain lte, ifirct century o-f the Chrishian eha, co T y ohtteir ideas wae te obliterale te gar- dei-Ins cf Neco, and ti lerxrise xv, îe eut ]ýfa1_i_1ýbis memary. - Petot'Ceî- -la c- '.I-nfront eft tiis laie Noro bniit 'bis e~'CtD.tit~T-tiLr ~golden ho-use, andti e litemanie fîceca M ~.- feunti by the workmnea a few days ago le o -unt Ararat. Thbo main point cf are believed t Liave beeta a part of thec eccentratton, Ïhowever, is Sari- that. fanions edifice. Otne cf the r'cuis, karnysh, between the fre(-ntier atnd the le paved -wi,h cubies ofcfeam--whito ferîresof Kars, the works cf whieb Muosaic, interspersed with blocks 2-incit- were ccmpleied anti armed a few years1 ,s square of red, greetsi slnd bluish ago. Sarikamysh in the lime cfib e marbie. The %djoinaiüg roodai Le pýaveti Turkisli occupation was an insignificant with mariales eût in simpile geornetrir village, but ico l8il9 bas become a patterns, triangles, squares anti peu- military staîltioncf the f irst import-1 tagons, 5 oui- 6ÎiuUbes inlaengtb. Be- ance. nermanent barrants fer a divis-1 Th1e Canadian Statesman WEDNSAY M1 119 AO0TES A YD CO MENT2 On -Hlarchi2an statemetit explana- tory of tb" Britisht nàry estimatos foc the neat fiscal yenr was preseaetd ue Pariiaftnelal. The surn ased for is $109190,000 againlat $109, 115,000 fer ttc lteecrent year. Il aeking ocrcte uOxr pprogrammne, te first pcint uc at- tract attentionl i>3taItte naa-y por- porsennol, inciuding officers, rseamen, beys, casat guanct, anti royal marinues, bas at l passedthte 100,000 mort, the neax%,- esiniat e hlag for 100,050, agaiact 93,750 fot i te uarrent car. Ibis ex- pansion cf lte personnel Le matie ap cf 121 officers, 265 engiua roorn axtifi- cors, 2,000 sîters, 2,40 sesmon, 1,000 marines, anti 514 niscelaueoues addi- lic-ns, maiting 6,300 in all. Medicai anti acceantant officers, citalains, antins- rai insîructors appear te have recoiv- eti manchlte grenter paricf te cei- naîssionietiadditions, axitle o grade of engineer officers cf aarranti rant bas beau esohlibsitetias on encouragemenît le engine-rooni artiticece. I ilxiilibe observed titat Enllanti, se fac fccr lce in,- reatiytb part xx îiI cirdinisit bier marines, ste le cceaso ttoiîr hum- ber hy 1,000, cf xxb n clb iaîf go tc te infantcy andI te oters 1 tce artiilery brantit. Tite rajccity of ce- cruitîsdunuu4f ltaepast 30c r -e fcom igitteon te txaenty yeurs olti, xx tu corne, untier igliteen 3 cars, aure founti w eh qualifioti p-iyiclly. As b n'a',- constrechien, beginuing iisite Majestic Gîses et hahîle chips, cf nearhy 15,000 tens di-placenienitthe Prince George anti Victericaus xve >matie ready turing thte paet year. 'Te Mars anti Juîper, itaviag been dcliv- emet i tie moanKhbs aiteati cfteir cou- tract dte-s, w-ljI ho arailable fer iser- vice lte toming summer, andthieIlilus- Irions Caosar. anti Hannibal xiii ho cempîctet i near (lhe auhurnn. lt'eHo siouxn xili aIse bec eatiy xxhonorer ce- qaireti. Five bettle chips cf lte (an- opus clas e t-e begun tiaring te year. l'h-a big cruisers Pearerfal anti Terribue wree elivoret about six menthe abeati cf lteir co-uracl doles, an 1 four ut-w resls of bise Diationtciscs xxece hegan, axile maseconti-etase crusers oethtie Talbot anti Arrogant types, sud lird-. -lacs cru'iseî's of ble Peloras type wxx r0 cetipletid or greatly atvanýýed. Il la perbape spocially îetecesting titat lest year'a aninuai saoement stoxu d ltaI no a ewer t-bhan nînehy lerpode boni de- streyers axece hail or building or 10 hoe ordereti. 0f Ibose forl3-two axere le mute 26 or 27 tac-ts ecd, forl3 -fivo le ceacis 30 itkats. axtile threc avete guaranteedti lcobtain't-hoeîineqît:llcd speed cf 32 tb 33 ktb. 1h leadmit- bcd titat thiese lest spootis are caponi- meutal, andtiyeh it te tieclareti noxx thal tltey xiii doubties hbc eaclieti. Nearly aIl te lorpedo-boal destroyers cf frcmn 26 te 27 ktiole hart- been îieivereti, ant in ou f toe30-ntuer us lihae un- tiorgoitte tbcic speeti trials euccessfully. Daring lb' cemilag year ài lepropesete te beguîs fifleen neax- esseis, nameiy four baItlle chips, lhnee thîrd-ciass crul- s ers, laro cloops, four guahonîs, aud tare destreyers. lte gunotear, te destroyers, anti tno LttUc -,.hîp, ili ho hut hy coeract, but the resl in lte Govrc.iteenl docit yards, e.lîbcngt tIe îiropellinti maulinry ant ibliers for âA txcept {avo cruisers à,ti a ;el wil coe rfom rn uvale firnas. Taiiag bgelit heiaonew s hips anti te arort already auttonizoti, uhere wiil bc unglr tcontrucltian or coniplet- ing ducing liai'ceiag f iscal yeac tour- teen bahtlo chips, bax'enty-sovon cruis- ors, fifty-bax o torpeto-boat destroe rs, eiglît ligit-riaugith sbeamers fer epe- iai service, four gum1beestbwe eleop,3 and a neyai yacht. Tht-se 108 ',îesets wxili de-place uini lte aggcegâtb aheul 380,000 honte anti tevelcp ditat800,000 hocce oerwoc aile sx3 îxof Ihemi are expectedto le, o erapleteti foer ser- vice ducî'u-g lte yyac, ncuiag fifly cf te orpedo-lat tdestroeres. 'fhcse tacts aud figures ctarlte cemgy xxibli %vhitiotEnglanti stili pushea on lber naval preparaticas. As le lite arma- naeWL cf lte ehip, »il la eneugi tolnote taI thc maniifaclure ef 12 lu-t anti lue snlte taxe apsrhrnents is a space Itavet iwt grayieb whbite marble, witb a depreccion w bure a deer w orteti on s pivot. Neco's fati for race mariales la cbuxî n in thae renbards of bis gold- en lieuse, anti ail theva-rietics hoaseti ire valuaitle in Rome te-day. The spien- dors of ltaI structure, anti of the other buildings aroundth ie laite, are cecerdeti ia bictory. Aboout Itto ye-ars ago thte aaounir cf earth ucrit eof the Coliseumn was cleareti avoy sud lte coads arounti the ampitbeater ',xere laid hr.le axere paveti wit te pulygenal bo-e of bluisit lava co'nmcnîy useti by the old. Romans. Thedieecscfas menthit aera nMade underneatit(,ceocf titese rond.s. la Greece tluring tbe past îear lte French bave conlinnoti their excava- tions at ]Delpiti, addîng 0to ir b-uta- droiTs cf t-poinons cf sculpture anti in- actin.Their murs importaînt f lad le a life size bronze statue ef -a char- lobeer, dating freon about 465 B. C. The' Germana are still itusy near teê Acro- polis, anti have drug eut a tract t-ev- erel xx îtliancien'. buildings, iniersect- el1 by siarren, ercoet tceat, lite the pocrer quareocf Athons at te pres- ont tUrne. Englieli ercavarors et ïAtb- ens bave heen rcxxaruleti by fintiing the foun-latic of a gmanasluos, andtihie Greoits are digging slcxxly onte aorb aide cf the Accepelis. Ah Conntl, b aill he cemembereti, a theater bas iteen ceaciteti hy tespade. W be-n an impor- lent findis iamtie the scientists enjoy titenselves irnrensely la leotoing ap its obscure peints,. Te bronze caitoiteer frona Jeliuhi, for instance, axas the su-b- jeet of dohare ai s very spirited, soc- les of meetings, andti iere wasa warrn contention as te nitetiter the figure wvas Libyan or Syraeusan. thougit ex- cavatore lntayw-iangle, 'rliy gel over 1h easily, anti alxaya cuci thIerseîxes beforo arriving at Ib-e scage cf ex-i citoti inlereett hat datrulledth ie ce- Iciety on te Slais1aue. ' Iu repiyiag lelte demantis of bbc poax-rs Greoeei- calma ati temaporale, angt1 yet managea to moite a poaxrful useocf ils diplom1atie xx eapoals. Ils sjuggescion Chtt rote, afler te inter- renie" ntions tati- cotrel cf it, ho alicxaed le decide its caxa fate by lte ballet, is raîculatoti to carry dismay int several cf te ceurts cflEaurope. On :itat littho word 'ballot- a great deal cf lte future lîistory cf Europe xiii depetii. l is net lu bbe lexicon of Russie, anti te ruacoes ilË sud- dcnPly in Crete muet bc a great, sheet ho lte Czar. 'The %verti is familier in Eaiglanti anti Franco, ant -ilxiinet bave the aplpearan-'o there cf a specher at a feost. It bas a certain standing lu Itaiy, anti Gerrnany tuons ire rneaning, ta epite of bbc assomaptions of irs arro- gant axar ýlord. ln tIret-ce lte people are aceustomedti o edlections andti t free pliticai discussion leatiing tup te tem. But inRasis tise Iallot la un- discovereti, a tinilg that bas ne Possible b<arinC on lte imperial xiii or te gover.nenl cf the empire. i ls te Czar fixes bis gaze upon Con- lstanlinBople andti t Fdr .'odt' ranoati, andi studios tféietplnl tirnathe cîomring partition cf Turkey te lis adrantage, ho nexpeetedly finda3 bimself face le face -wit'a modemn ides, lTe faigsyn- that Con- stantine saw lanlte sky ah noendoy, la- scrilSet, - By titis ;cnquer," aras « wl,êceme vision te that' master of the East; but Ibis l11111ecletiti iearisig the arerd "ballot " is a message cf tif- forent import te lte rigbty Russian absolutisaa xahing for a chance to ati- vsnce ils houadaries anti stiangthitis po)ver. If te Cretans may, acte on ,a question cf national aovereigaty, avby net other islands, provinces anti colon- les? A Russian migh ceabudt hat ho bas 'the came right te a ballot as5 a Creban or a Greet. Wblle reaching for a nex',gateway le lt axerîl te Czar must hleounderratedth Ie fart ihat lte accnplisbnient cf bis -avisb xiii hing Lma iet close contact arltb peoples wbo bave plaeti constilutienal restraints on thieir colora, antiw-be are thernselvos a part cfthie geiveramnent titrouigi the exere socf suffacge. hitIlteiniajoity of te îow ors %iii evo)r censent le a pleit-ictum na arote is fac front probabhle. X et Greece bas doue axeli te propose , and ti hi xxi Literary No'tes.J Scott's E mulson Mke ,ExPreidet arrson whs i the blood richer and îin- çles in The Laie'olrne Journal are poe h iclto. 1 erealing sucb iiespread intereet, aill rvs te cruain write about "The Social Pife. of the,- creases the digestiprn and President," la Ihe April ise oc (bat magazine. The ex-lFresidentI whIlteln rse hebd~ hcr ci the dinners, recopiions, etc., that are nûihstebd.- j cr give.a by thte Cliief Executive, anti de, et iesd lCil r tail the great social demande matie.ap- rcs dsad ato n on hlmi. Ho alec gives a peep into thie .trenothenis the nervou s ss-i White Hocco dinîng-rcem anti cil', on closet, anti nches the beanîy cf the temn. 'lI a word, it places service ,îcet for Stare din-ners, which asbogbt at second banti. h le saiti th e body in the best possible.; thast halecI pays heeti to lte oft-re-1 peateti question, ,How ranuchcf bis csal- cofldion for rtrevciito ion cf infantry anti a stroag force of eavalry a nti artillery haviug been cern- pleîed lu that year. Ih is aiso the beail squarlers of the annual camp for man- Joeuvres of tbe army of t ho traas-Cau- castus. Fxcna this station tbere are twe roatis leading to the Turkisb fren- lier, oeacross tbe Soghanly Dngh to Zevin, wbere the Turkisb anti Russian pests face echi caber, on either aide cf a small streananuinng tbreugh a basin surreuunde-dby higi bilîs. Zevin Le n-ited as coecf lthe points w bore the ]usnscufferod a severo defeat ra h Ie bauds of the Tiurks, thýroaigh the temority cf te tussir-,n, comnuter, who threw bis mon againetL a. formidable, position withut suffîcient reconinaissance cr information as ta the strenýgli cf the qTurkish force. Frcm 75pvin a rond, axvhici L indifferenl, leatis le Erzeroum, the Garia cof the Armen- ians; hktt the one hy which the ad- rance cf a Riassian araay woci nacmre probably ho inade, is ltai frona Sari- kamycsh tb Mulazgerd, opening direct- ly cia the grant plain cf Passia, over ivhich a, rend leatis directly te Erzer- oain by the village cf Koprikeui anti te lti castle, o Hassan Kaleit. An adi- vanced guard of cavalryanti lighttartil- lery ceulti be. hefore Erzeroumn , eigh- téon huvrs or iess frona the, tlime cf 6tarting fxckn Maýlazgerd,1 The roadq où 'the Rkicsiani sitie are iu good order, -Sarikainysh is etleceiwith Kars by a rond o f doihble wtidih, admittine of artillery mo-i.nig taxe gens abreast . he mnovement cf troope la Lhus greatly se- celerat'ed.e Kars, il is calc~ulated by lte RüsEian) military 'autborities.wcvul d reqtiire an arÏýnt cfat leacI 120,000 Ota inlvect it effectivîel'yý 0ack from Kars a cond goeie b AUexandlropol, the olti OUsanri of the Georgin sud ITcrks, a ûit-y of conseiderabie a iire, anti an iim- p)artant rnilitary station conneclediw ith tite Tif lis-Bath Itailw ay lino at Ak- gtâffa by an excellent readti Irougit the Deïiiji-a defile,. 1 Another ipratpoint on lhýefron- tier, f rom ',<ioh. an advanca e, ti ha. b madinl the direction of Erzeroumr frona the narth Le (vtt, wbithl is connecreJ, ivîth Ardagrbnn ,vw-ien was lest to the Turkse eard il the iast %var e.brough lte treacecy âet tsc cenuander; lThe nexl peint front axich ttreeps wouLd ho puehel fintoTurkiÊah rerritory is front Batoum, cin the BIsetk Sea,i up the val- ley cf the T'rioerLut-Sua teBaibourÈ, a pretly ion n athe Tehorlat Hivor, dominatceti hy !a igb', îi-ecipileuÊ, rcky ritigeonathe i-ight bat caf' lthe creant, cron-ne i hy Ihe ruins of foctificatiens cf ancient date. Baibei -,was thecee of otne cf lthe w oral of thPe Ait-nenian nmassacres, tLe ferooilus Lazes cf tbe neîgbuTing mouatainis bnving iteeni calleti in te participate in i.ý Here> the rond between Erzercuo and Trebizoati w-ould ho occupieti, and a force puait- adi on a slwmt distance w eniti bhold theJ -haticn of (t Erzingian roati w itht that to Trebizenti, over the Kop ant i Zigana, chaina aof'l4utains, the saniej by wiîci tradition itays the celeitrateti retreat of the Toin Thegsafnd G rocks Crom Prttto tý>e ea, desoribeti by iXellphcîa, n-as madie. On lthe AmIaid àe, cf lthefroatier a inovement -cti ho bmatie front ifrîvan by Elcbiniadziný, lthe seat cf the Ar- rXl.fial Ctiobte beati cf tho iGre- gorian Citrcli, acros,ýs tihe>Acaxes anti t-ho 6purs cf Ararat te Bayazîid, antiz tsene on te Van. on the' east endi cf tbe lake of tise amename, anti by Bit- Iils anti-Monsùt on tltrough gIoonay de- flués ta Diarbekir. ,Minc anovemoîts woud laite place frein poinite alorig tbe frontier beiNveen Ararat anti Mallazgerti into lis p,,ain cf Hascsbtacveýrawe anti conîrol bite lae.î-l-xss IKuwdi[.lstribes ibat inithabit bet-weeË' the frientier anti loto Van and tho Bit li4santi Mouith (istricte. In w-bat cnpaciity a Ruccian arrny-woulti enter Armoen;in le Ps yetuncertain. Il would deppenti oi eventis in lise Balkaitsý andtihie ne;igh'borhooti of ihe f)iLardan-, ele. Il si)gtbl ho os an invaý,der, ne a. mandtialry cf tisefa'cenpewers. as the aUIy cf the Tord agài!üýa a LÀex- epeanattacki. lin any casae it lih foc te protection anti advaneenocf Russian intecests. TH1E KAISEH'S ADVENTUHE. The Germait emperor, during hie re- cnstyliel, met w.i- h anamas germs of Consumption fromr. beginning or conitinuingtheiri work. In that one sentence- us the whole secret, Book-I coverirlg the subjeCt verv thoroughly sent free for the, asking, "Cl-.T & £tOWtl, Lielleville, olît. .9 There arc tbree literary articles in. tlie April Atlantic of original inteceet -Mark 'leain as an Interprerer cf' Arnerican Chacacrer, by (harles Minlet' Thompsca. There is ail interosiing cempariccu of Markt x,wsin anti Abra- ham nLincoln .Eve ry reader of Kip- ling bas asitet imcof w hether modern machinery odmita cf peetical Iroot- meut. Mr. Arle Bates takes ap Chie inqîîiry lu an article calledTh ie Song c' Stoarn. anti ceucluades that mach- maery ibsoîf is nt ol erie, bon eor în- preasixe it may ho. Fcilcxaiîg Nir. Citaprnan's receut article on Emerson,- Mr. 1H. D. Setigxicit, Jr., wvrites a velu- arien ef William Cullea Bryant fi-ena the point cf rien cf lthe preisent. OIf distinct iloracy 'value in titis niontits insralîrnent cf Colonel Ilegginson's ce- nainisu-oncos on rthe futhetfNewxEng- landi1Piteralure. Mr. Maurice lbewp- son, poet antd archer, axhose feaîs as a houter aviith the bowarndît arroa aireî remarteble, describes a saccessful ex- periene lanrthe Cierotoe Hils. FOl- low- lg hic article on Venus, Mc. Per- rival Powell, bthe astronoernr, describes, his recent covolutiinari tiuecevecies aborit the planet Merrury. A preily colonial loxe suory ia bld lun the laveý letters of lthe xxites',of <tcxerîieer SpoLtford cf Virginia,lThe Pacson xxhoj \Vo n h-r H'and, olti letter ne',',focrthe firet timie publisheiThon- arethe brie£ papers under Man anti1Lotreret lThe lil-ant for an Ainercan Plitera- turc, iy Bradiford Terrey; A Retin- teace of Chariles Hoetie, by Fraucce Courtenay fisyter, anti the Blok that is niot rtVritten, by Mary Ilarx', l Cabther oi. The grcxa ng tache for decorarive' tio ofman rcco structures, public anti prîrate, gîves specîsl timeliness and inlersute s aitaper ity Mr. W ill 1-. Poar ini McCiure's Magazine for April. Mr. Pow, by bi"s xell-tno,n ceiiag inilthe \Valtiorf IHolel anti cIter aert of titis itintdi, le meîf cleselyi teýntifiet ith the acax meremeat; antinla Iis papor bie touches apea lthe oegin anti calent cf 1h, andti liaitconsiders, laiographie- alîy, anti criticaliy, the lthree greatest masters et docorative pioinhiug, in re- cent limes, lThe paper la ricbly illus- trateti aitit reproductions ef celeirtiet painbtings by Paui Baadýry, Puris do Chavannes, anti ehers. A series cf hitherto unIîublisbod letters axcittea hy Gouerai Shterman te a yeung girl arbho appliedtieto im aneniymousîy for inter- motion regacidiug au army officer cf xx item she bad ence e elthe corres- pondent, is the meel acrvel fc-'iue cf titis numnbor cf iMcCiurýe's. Thece le a tout-h cf bamor anti a teacît cf romance la the atonies lthe letters unfolti, anti one is meveti itehtehosigi andtietoaugli ah lthe posture te vahuithile genecal's geoti nature fineily briago iin. A second inetalment cf "St. Ires,' lthe noar Stevenson nordl, confirais thecpin- ion ebarteti i th ie tiret, Ihat la il thte leng anti varieti liai ef Sterensen's -axent is noue tuera e- aging thaal tiis, bis laei creatieýn. Biesiýdes titis, lthe Sp- mil McClucc's offers, cf especielly not- able fiction, a Drurocbhy s'.ory by lan Macla cen; o stery o-f rit-ceai Wecstern lite cf tc-day by Octave ibaner; ams terious cea stecv; anti anotiter lite- ostiag ebopter coflipiing's Captains Courageous. rJhtn, oqaaling the bet-s of lthe fiction in etranngo. drainaiîc in- cident anti epiriteti narrative,,are tli short, hi-ne railcoýat stecies bold by C1 Warmn, bimself once an engineer. A socles cf portraits cf Alexader Ham- ilIon anti bis avife, ail fron originale painieti or dcawa froinlîfe, accompauy a very intereeting- paper on Hamilton, la bot his, public anti prirate if e, h, lthe Hon. Henry Cabot Potige, ',vho le easily lthe, firat auîborihy on ail titat portai ns ho Hamilton, lthe S. S. MeI- Clare Ce., Ne,' York City. Fron tlie N. Y. "Iaadepoîden.'-MNr. C-harles G. D. Rbeerts bas saing bis ay into lthe esteoni et cribles ant inmet the boorts of o large audience axho lite wbsl lis gocti. As a peet ho, bas ne .up- erier un the grenu Norlt, ahece cf lobe o itevy cf cbsininig tyrists bits beeui ina'kuîng greaýt mursic. Beeenbily Mr. Raherts lbas hon axriitiug short si 'ries lita prose, siaowing ai stmong seinse cf lthe pici tureeque sud an excellent use of axhat ave coul "local celer." Titi-book nexr iefoce us in bis tirst nord'l, or ex- tendeti romance. anti ae feel suc that msny ceadoere of lt-o Indopendeant xxiii Iunate lb ax Ith liveiy anticipations cf pleascre, allbite greator on account cf the sceut o tsen fer 1i1, ahichit lthe peainsula ef Acatia. Nec tidcave Chiait chat tbey avIl b- dlsappeiulod. "Theo Forge la Ciao Forest" L a romnance pure ai-d silniple, tlltiili quainz graci'anti diction. TheC catraClIers are, naest cf titon, Acadian creoDF.os, andtihie matit incidents cf bthe shecy have a p1easiug, naolodrarnatic, effect. Mr., Robierts' skii as a tale-týeller shows xxelIla the itandling cf scrties whirb, if presonteti lecs cleerly, arcoiti have heen toc car- ageiy biocdy foc biete aste of ceflinet rýeatiers. His art stands out admi-ra bly, tee, in dopicling characterS as despie- ah'e os Satan, andtiyot avitia sulihte- serve ihet bhey beave ne mc cring citadoaýva taon the brilliancy cf thte ne- mance. Mr. Roiterts tells his tale axiith- eut apo&cogy, anti foc ilts cx', sake, not la the leasu ashameti cf its direct appoal to theimaglination. Ha ýindulges la no analuytical dissectionîs cf motives anti passions; in place cf rt-ese ave have pa- graphe cof graphie description, as pure, aand Ircie as aausterpietes cf axater-ce 'or painting. the story is c,'i an frein ho- AND FOR WEAK PEOPLE Hat ing Heart and Nerve Troubles, stich as Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregu,.tr Beating of the Heart, Shortness of: Breath, Smothering Feeling, Losi, or iMeonor, Dizziness, Feeling of Azixîety, o r Morbid Mental Condition, etc. For Thii or Poor Blood, Gorneral De- bility, after effects of La Grippe, etc., they are niost valuable. Titese PîUIs do not stimulate for the monment as brandtv and other powerful stimulants do, bu, act as a tonic, siowly, yeÉ permanentIv, building up the tissues, restoring regular Hataction, regutlatiing the dgsx orans and neutralizing ilite poisonousi acids cf tlue blood..ý Titoir direct action on te Nrvous Ss teni gives toue and \ igor to everv nierve, so that s'îfferers froin any Hcart or Nev Disease arc su-re le ftnd alinost îînme- diato bene(fit., Each box is guaraîîtecd tb give satis-. faction. Your money baclç if1 oti wat it. Price 6oc. per box, favor with a prurient taste. It eaa Le read openýy at the family fireside,. anti every page wi,,i have ils uharm. The Ccýsîug echopters containi 5oilistrong sketrnivîg of hattle. seenes in;ain assault tipen Grand Pro by ti4brý Frerîch,. d lîreast-deep iay upen the grounti, d fihe figbiing is described so) faithf cl, thait one sees il as if by the lighrc the burning houses and with the co'c wvid w bistiing in one's ears. FOUND HIS SON. Tatii Froîim a "6or4u110 oIrl,% 1 FaLihcr Sear<'elil tEurope h1Afei: One of theo brigbtest and best lked paitils of tbe Belvidere N.J., Seminar', lef t on 'Wednesday w vitb bis fater. He w as the nine-year-old son of A.J.e- retan, a wealthy business niaýn of Pn don, England, and bis diseovery th-r by bis fatber endeti a searcb w bich it eti neariy a year, and envereti parts cf Europe, the United States and CanAda. The story tolti by MUr. Secrotan - 'Cludos some interesting features. !le placed the boy last suminer ini the cIre of a governess in Toronto, Canada, bis wsife's infatuation for ce: tain spiritual- iste biaving led te an estranginent h- tweon îbern, By sorne means, ho says, bis w ife secureti possession of. the bo.y,. and gave him in charge to a womam frienti named Price , xhe broughl bitan le Belvidere and placed hlm in 3Mis Busb's semainary. The ltIle felliow was weli liked, anti no unusuai restrielion--s w ere plaoed upon bis movemnente. Hee knew bis fatb- er 's London adtiress, aind, persuilded. sorne person te communicato w ltb hini. The father xxas delighted te loarn thet boys's w bereabouts, and etartedl for Anm- eriexai tonce. Ho engageti a lawxerý irnmediately upon bis arirval, ant i ng- otiat ions were openeti for the surren- der cf the chilti. Afler constýilting w iUi ber counisel, Miss Bush gax e up) ber pu- pil upon paymcaît cf bis bis, and McNl. Secretan and is long lest son left Jo- fully for New York on Wednesdav, in- tending bo sai at once for their Lona-. don borne. 110W THIEY MÂRRBY. Retcrneti Tourist-Anti so yccr. daughlter is married1 She wvas the :d-l cf ber set. Did she make a ns choir-? Hedeprs-Abeul as -%ise as t' es gem ýrally make. Yen know Eabe wa, (levoted te socîetî -ene cof înosesocicr'yt bens w-holive atttl reathe iluéa,%whirl of exciternent, andi she aas sc 1,ceIî, Lvp c rwithout half a dozen eü taes Yes, Iremeniber. W\ell, site marrieti a lighl-heasoIý llow To Gure AUl 8km Besüases. Simpile ýappI "Smaynie hOîtet ;o internali medicine required.Cue tetter, cezemia, itci, alil tiens on lite face bauids, nose, etc.. leax ing thu sikn, clear, whbite anti bealthy., Ilsgea healing anticrtd oesaepses cdb n ther reni. A skyo cr dru-- 7iifrSa e Ointbnýent. Lrnian, SesadCe w-holesaléent oI'L real, ets Mo- Wanted-An Idea cig oa lteo 'xee rurIds' te-r eiay brlug r a 0. 1 Writ JONWDIoiRN&(OPatent Attor. I-a ofi citwe biundred Inventions vwaaieît

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