leck 1Headache and rolIeýe al the troubles tuel- dont tu a bilous state of the eym=. suoh as Dlzziises, Nause. Droivsiness isteia eatinig. Paingl de ke, &o. Whle their rnost uimarliable success blas been shown in curing anSprventing thig annoyiog conpin, "whil. îhaoc' =rc Il (disordcrs o!fUme stomach, stigulat% the iver and regrulate the bowels. £voEit f thcy oniy cured Ach,, they -wouid ho almost pricel. 1.tath.s wh ufrfoI dsrsng Mcoman , hut fortunatel 1 tieir goodn.os P.t',no"en here, and thosa who once try them will lInd these little pis valuable in so nany ways thai liem 111 not be î-illiixg ts do 'ithout theux. l13. ater ail sick Ieafi ithe baise of so mnany lives that here la whert wo maire aur great boast. Our pilla cure i whle otâmrs de not. Ciaars's LITTrsxLx riras are very imal anS very easy b taire.Oaortops am a dose. 'fbey are strlotly vegetaillo and de moti grips or purge, but by their gen île action Èlease allwlso use them. In vialsa t 25 cents; votor *1, SoiS everywhere, or sent by mail. CMÂâu IIVE lOM, isw Toa1 ONTARIO BN eomtinues ta do a General Ban iing Business Bowmanville Àgeaoy. DEPOSITS Dsoelved IngavingbBair Ieartîment aa ne liandinterestanlowed atourrent rate- No noticeot wtbdrawal neceesary, &H depositi payable on detaanad EXC IlIA (RI B3aghtand sold and Draftelssoed nuix l tipO Uulted staSes and Canada.also Qold,Sliveîad IUattedaaes Green backsbouwhî and àld. COLLECTIONS Framptly madie at carreut rates uonit rsut, t of Grent Hrittxsln, the United StaSes and .J o DO niloa0 olCanada. Telegraph Trasisfers Made for large or Smali soins on ail part of Canada. This is oespecially advaîntsg8oosas1 persons livinig in Maniloba or the Northlxwest, âtrnakes the funds available aI once ar, heC place of paynon t. Ote? p8Miulars oal at the bank. Acounhat. Manager. FOR TWENTY-ISIEVEN YBARS. BAK~IN POWER VHE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. jýodcstyl S makes thousanda of won nSuIe in silence, rathier thaanteol t17lîer 9? troubles to anyone. To sc - in theslaud ignoredl, evid'ently under Thne Canadian Statesman 'orderslp, the eutbority of the Christzian' governor; Lecause t-he Modýem popula- WEDNESDAY, MAR,'h 24, 1897, tion opposed the organi-zation ofI the2 gentiarmorie, and would certeinly have ztOfLS AND COMMENTS. sided with the troops agaiust it; and becaniso th-- National Asslemhly could If any one, supposes that this subjec tl~the presence of an armed Mussuiman is merely a wbimsical fancy lie will nb do nbtling even if il mnet. The- have to modify the opinion a little when resait of thse attempted application fýcf be learu.s that a hospital is going np the scee was to, set the islqund ablaza inMuich.5,for the,. -ostemaio sstmoann.from onýcenud to the other; the ris- of diseases by a diversified rogimon of mnusic. Dr. Riverra. an old physicien oft thet city, will ha eat the bead, of it, but h-e desires it to ho understood that the idea is flot modern. The hasis of hie argument la favor of 'the mnusic cure is thwt it bas an affiniîy for the water tham cestimat<ca of ma-ny pe opio: tthe l-, bs proverbia.ly a refrge fo icks.Il le toco often tliught thatî .tvmehow a Lbad case bhas a btter chance in the baunds of a mhrew d and paid advocatei who understands all thoý artifices of the law and les ever ready to resort f0 them. It is safe to say that there is ieeis arability ia the bý eart of itho party who declins s f0 ave, the sttiement of the difficuity t.o a just and good friend. .Some people emjoy fighbting, no' matter ing being precipîtatÊd, it Ls believed. where. by the Sultan bniseif, who-ow-sbed to - give the powers an objec lesson ln the There is, .ve are aware n tëo frequ- ahssrdity of deos-eeiTsg reformes for'eut reluctauco'- to Le the referee. It Christians before they have 'been re- duced to "order'" by thba Mnssulima.n- selldiery. Wiaat -eho as doue ilu Crete cura and hypuoflo t cris of tr-eatmenit. -neuof iie ss* e N0il rJ.c frc l5u o ong arLd thet. from. its affect,. on the ofrfoms omii rni or5 ln it may lie classed w îîh vapor methode, astlb' troope eand the Mosliu mob obeyi saab as lengbing gas andi chîcirotonai. hlm, referra wVil nfot kaýep him f romn Theeotbing effect of music se weîî killing lits Chritiana subjects, andci 51 knovn, a mother applying if uhen sbe long ne killing continues, £beère -ll' singe hier chilci tu sîeep. ina general, ho disorder li Terkey andi danger to lb-e theory cf the bospital wiliL etIsaI Europe. The faut is that retorm ni li pai ca bcsubuadby heresfulin-Turkey t lie affective must heginw itis paincenhe abdrd U th retfu in deposif ion of te Sultan, flot witlUs. fluences cf macle. If the Ipatient willlpprshmsstaiti D i c listea ble will forgat bis -inges. AscptaIe the minc isl tranquilizad andi gloom dis- pelleci hie condition mey Le pronouIne- Aimcst aisvlays lui is bette-r to bease ed. better. and even a temporsry lmi a malter lu dispato Ictucorne just and provemeut le sometbing. disintere.sted pnrty than to go tu leir. TIse abuve is a'ruleocf action adopitei But«ifwoulci nof do to conduct a b ospitlital on a vague generaiity. Thc beac cf >the 1105vinstitution bas differ- ent music for varyin_- forme cf dis- eae. One ward w-i Le eeepeciaily for pain patiente, n-bore the stralus cf bar- UZmoLy sll Lu s seet and. subduod. What lb-a resaIt would Le on e, sufferer froin pa as severe toGtheche is a mrgter of douht. If a persooa of unchastened spirit ho, migbt seaar. There wlll Le another v-rd for narvous patiente. and bere tIeseccores of W agner iiliLe beh main reliance, eacb rrrýeceîe by a lec-- tare describîng tLe -"plot " et the story to Le rende-red hy the strl*ngi.ý reeds and borne. "For exemple." say.ý Dr. Biverra cf eue of these tales tbld by ftho orchestre, "'you see a mil- meui bave th~ e husecand go bu tIse hemn.swithftho pail la ber baud. You hear the tiret fsukle cf the whbite drops in the pail, w-tb the mad crooning beýr song as sha fille it." There le maîch more et what a victiai of nauralgia le expecteci te cee i-n the mind's eye, or perbaps lu tire musical ceutLers. w'hen the lecturer gives place teIsa beon cf the cudueýLor. No provision is mede for the transter. et bi's owu requesî. ot a patient sitb, stomecb oramp trom tire sootbing ward to the Wagnrwnrd. À. doctor. ot course. is saprime ilu bis prescriptions. Tbe lond, compelling strains ara reserveci for t ho norves. Ouae tatement cf theenterprising practitioner ln a noir fielci will b"- re- ceiveci nwitb particular intoreet. Ho ce-- serte that indigestion bas otten been .uicd i4y Isuua-ie. anid shai h arem edy relieves Nworrixnent et ovary Slnd, precludiug the pessibility cof nervoas. dyspepef ia. If IbËis ig fruie,.why net ap- ply the cure in tIse tenu et frequent ata-fn-rixse t. concerts and the cult.i- vat ion cf good musicaet ho me? Darwin bas, lefI ou record an expression cf re- gret tUaI h habd passeci bis irbole ite iu a eientitic groove, to the negleat bY a very etaccessful business man wbich, ha, calîs, "oaa of bis iron rabes." Thet ius, ho scys, "Ev-ery ime I bave been ina].it:igat[c., 1 tbink more ot my ircin rai]e and in eacb insetance I have rosclveci more firmily tban ever nover to deparri fronsi itagnin." IYObag me-n In'a lagal fight are al- mcist almvays iujured, howaven it terr- la:tes. The minci is ecured and given e ç!arxreLscime beut that lasta a long -shiio. If defeated, the yccng mindle imbittered. ,Ifsucaestful, aý hau.ghty andci rtel self-li lecultivnted. rThe lcin-g daye cf preparation for trial it a, siait are ugly: days. DOatails to hurt' the L(îhex party are scught, cut andi dirait a pcuLý Oaa gross mad by the 5hctrI-r. tAll the gaîntIer feelings cf the boha-rt ara, pttneide for days. ,TUe savagery oit oue's nature is on top nigbt auci day. Sixrh a thing as dcîmetic pence, is cUl of the questioù f111 the suit le decide-i. One's other business suffers irreparnbly hy -negleot. The -lt nesses gel mixdci p lu the quarrel, andi as t'hese, are oid triende generaliy, -ho wcld alone La .likely tb ]anos anî - thing about youî- affaire,,you are, lucky indeaid if et the end ycîni do aot bate ha-If thse man ycu ikucu-, and the cther- haîf ycti love le- lthan ycn did et theý beglnning. Laving the malter toý arbitraf ion lessens every one cf Ibese- evils doevn te thet minimtum. INot, ti il avoidsemi ail, but it scftens theus. Abritretîcun secures a pris acy to your - troishbles -whicb le n-ortb more, Ihen . I xa.n teoll.yc-4ianavmi-m. TIsa tact of vouýr baving a disegreoimant le almaSt uil- known. 1t ha-s nover b-eu Ulazoneci lu tisenespa-pers with proverbial un- fairniess. ýElderly iuercnts, being ignorent of your affaire, do not hold il ageinst ycli and day, "Ah! thal l 5 e- ycfing 'mess Nverend aboutlan'tIse orfairts." Ycur future caraer le not hiaaperaci. Yef-i do ncil gel the repu- Il :s offen difficuJit to gaiu, assaut of the, right sort of porson. And sncb a iity ! For the peculiar biassing cf a kýiudly peaiemaker is coecf the bright- est laurels cf social life. 'The fear of miagliug ilu ther people's% troubles, the dread of g2tltilng betweenifn-o fixes and ý beiug bssrnf-d on Lotit fanits, inveet the undertalriug asitis a degree «Ct heroismu, [t is a noble office. It la' indeed god- Iiike. (By soft ivords and wise? counsel it is generalIly possible tu go further t han the more decision. Enemie-s can baP made triencis. Illarsl,.r and exeeper- tiug roneacslanigfhod a shop or a store carl be beantîfuily t.rare«ftlrâed. T-he radiauce et a new dLay ofte.a lies in lt-e po-wer of n, referee. Llnjurris cease et the ecimmand.' of bis voice. lObe judicial prceuiaenco whicb such a perseet assumeý-s flot infrequent- - y exteande jais e gos cinfluence f or gooSd. HIe beccenes a tcogue of n'isdom ln a grciup of frien"ie and bis reward is thse walght of bis authority, which is mucb sought alter. h quiet fdiga- ity cf g juest person w-ho bas sol rpc*kaa to allinlutroubla, le lu rural oeinmunities Iike that ofe a,-n uncror, nod kiug. lleaven bles sno chnîis! A more t'horcugh acquaiatance witb the planet ou wYoich weo live is a1ways1 fa subject cf inteýrest, and the time is stli distaYit whecn geographî'rs Wili an- noance tisaI therir tek ot many centur- ios is complele. Anig the 'explorers w base names came prominently to t ho front iu 1896 le Drx. Namseui, with. his unequaied NojrtlheT- record cf 86 de- grees, 14 iariýtis, and bis discovery of an Arctic ce 12,010 to- 15,000 feet deep. Dr. Nansen's book, Mhicb is jusi; ouIt ia London, wiIiLecoon of thie leadiag publications cf the pres'at year, andi a point of departure for future polar work. Several Autarctic expeditions are plauneci for Ibis yoar, eue under Berchgrevink,- auother commandeci by Belgia ns. The 'An tactic blank to ho fiibed lu on the nsap presents a great but indefin ie ld f ccc the explorer. If ho shoulci discover an uaknow n race of mon lsolated there the world would ring with bis praiso anci histury con-- iýecde bihm. a promineà' place. Ia regard to itfrica, it les aid tIrat ise prebleni ofthte Niger bias been slv- ý-A [II 31uagc ark tartcd to trace thse river a hundreci years ega. When bis death occurreid Uy drownng ho buit visiteci apart cf its UPper co&urse. Difficulties cf exploration are proverbial la West frica, anci the on-- tire length ocf thse Niger w-as unknown t'O science antil travereed lest year, for tUe f rst lime, Uy the Frencb traýveler, Capt. H-curaI, n-ho descendoeci, fin l)oat Literary Notes. A etorY Of Western lie by Octave Tbànet, a Drumrcchty story by lan Maclaron, a greolup of true railroad stiories by Cy W armai, a romaatrc ea story, aend instalments of iRobert Louis Stevensouns last novel, St. Ives, and of Kipling's fine tale of thse Grand Banks, are promised li McClure',s Magazine for April. Orchardson, the Britisb painter, fa- mous for Napoleon on the Bellerophon, lier Firl Dance, and otltar popular pictures ils the subject of a paper hy Ceesmo 'Moikhouse in the April ScriL- flores, with. many iilo.sitrations selccted liitli the artist's advie. Orcherdsoin is a Scet who iweu ct London w'hen only 27, and won ainicet immieauccees.. The Publishers of the Atlantic an- nouic thet t he tbird edition of the Marcis issue of thie, magazine is nol ready the unusual damand for this number bas n.l'ready completely ex- beusted two ediiens, and the third le no- ready for delivery. The w ide- spread interest in public affairs is -w el ullustrated bly the large sale cf the Marah issue of the Atlantic w bich -con- tai-ns John isake ou th&- Arbitration Treaty aud Woodro-sv WiLson on Pres- sdent Cleveland. Tb-e schol t ront- *ment of the subject Ly John, Fieke makes the lutricais of this treaty wvon- derfu-lly plain and sho-s it in ail its broad sîgnificance. The recent inaugur- ai coromonies at Waahingtou, closing the career of MXr. Cleveland as our chief magistrate. hbrimug hlmi more than evor Lefiore the public oye, and Mr. Wilson treats is career wltli judiil fairnes and genuine enthusineni. add Lit Notesi, The Go.i-r for March ils a very coin- plete end îuterestiug number. and bas many special stories and features. An addition of 16 pages bas3 been made w ith ùbis number, and this brings theý sizo up to double w-bat the firsà copy two yeers ago lad. 'The opeing story for tIs montb is Gable Links in the Geor- gin Woods," aud tlocf a Scotch- trav- e.ler, wOho, stopping frcllns a steamner on the Sav annali river many yoars Cgc, taught the old colored man to play the game. Thiis is fow ü.Ned Ly a paper on ,"T-be Care of Lianks," by Mr. John Ihorpe, superintendent cf floriculture o f the WVor.dýs Colombien Exhibition. The officialirmnue of tbEý annuel meet- i ng cf tie lUited States Golf Associa- t ion and the oxocutive committea meet- ing heid theasaame day are givon in detail. A description cf Ithe Chicago Gof Club course, where the amateur and open champicnshipe s, L e held l'bis year, Is frcus tha pen of Mr. Chariles B. Macdonald, amate-ur ex-champion and capta in *of the club. 'Tbrcughont the pages are items from fthe clubs througb- out the sta-tes, competi-tions, etc. Amcag hie ilustrations are a fu-page plate of President T. A. Havemoyer cf the IrTnited St ates GolfAssociation, and por- traits of Vice-Presidents La-ronce Cur- tis and C. B. Macdonald. ireasurer Sain- ue[ L. Parriieb and Secretary R. B. Kerr. Ther~l iso a plan cf the Sea- puit Golf, Club links and other, illus- trations, Next mol ~5issue wil'l close volume 4, and the Golfor promises Io open volume 5, -ilh nnumber hofit- Iing the occasion. The proprietor, Mr. James Shields Murphy, son ofthte( late Johu W. Murphy. gets bis interestý in puhlisbing by inhepritance, for bis fatb- er nec a publisher 40 yearË5 ago in Bos- ton, aud nes conected wit.h corne of the iending firmes here. Tbe you-nger Mr. Murphy, who ivas formnry conneot- ad witb Tlie Herald, bas had an exten- sive experionce on sportiug poriodicals. but. is noirv devoting his energies ont ire- ]y to the Goifer, sviah bas caused the eyes of ail goifers to turntow-ard Bos- ton. It clha-mpioued thse cause of the Essex Ccuaity Club for tbhe w onn"s abampionship, aud nec largely instru- mental lu securing the meeting- for this club tais year. As an officiel organ ýof the United States Golf Association it bas been steadfast to that organization-, n-hicb non- bas a membgrsliip of nearly 100 clubs. - s'î.$s~sî' ,'t.-,e' ~ 5O~~' '5'~ î5~5~-~5 ~ 5 -' ~5't5~55C5 iSi 5't" i5 - iii - -- -r- -. O- *-'-'--.- - - --- I - . ------ ' ris- -r -- - - -' -;. O*Q' 'i-si-mA u55Žs,,Sssrrw'r ~i,,-O '81, .krazrO'~ ~ 5-nu ' -rt àuw',. 555-15.55 s- ,Zi.sr-i nC, <. - - - -' C .~- -, i - .5 as, R .-VV- -.e - ' - s., -. - .~ - Anoemia me2ns Ilwant of blood," a deficiency in the red corpuscles of the blood. its cause is found in want of sufficient food, dyspepsia,ý lack of exercise or breathing impure air. With it is a natural repugnance to ail fat ioods. Scott's Emulsion is an easy food to get fat from and the easiest way of taking fa t. lIt makes the blood.rich in just those elcments nec-es- sarv to robust he2'ttb, by supplying it with. red cor- jsuscl es. Fer saie at 50 cents and 5vo y i rtgs5 SCOTT I;QilW'ýE, aB:tX!,o'v ulive te The only food*: A), 7-1bthat will build 3"up a weak, cons- a~ Chantce ngradit, Martin's ardinal Foodi asimple, scientific and highly. nutritive preparation for infants, 4delicate childrcn and invalids. eKEPRY WATSON &Co., Wbg o Den ta Write JIH I 4DIBR & 00., Patent Aotar ~~eys, ~ D Cahntn ) .. for thele S1,800 prIze offor 0118 ILOof wol hndredLinventiona wanted. lipw Mr. Barnato came to Le married. The begiUning-s of bis fortune are si to have been due to the prudent pur- chase of diamonds lu South Africa. Thase he deposited for safey, w itb a, certain barmaid in Kimberley. After a time Le said to her: "Give me my diamon~ds. Prm off to Europe. When 1 return sve'.l Lbe married." -l tbink we'il be marri ed first," she replied, and those were the onfly terms on which ho could get back bis diamonds. Now this astute young lady is the present Mrs. Barnato, and her baby drives along the King's road at Priglitonin a silver perambulator. -NEVER NEEDS UJNPAICKING. There are mauy useful improvements to chronicle in the way of lnggage, and among thema a truuk that doos flot need to be unpacked, but answers the pur- pose of a w ardrobe and a chest of draw- ers, Tt 0[-,MnwIle e, on orri-V'id a the journey's end against the wall. The lid will remain open when thus placed, and discovers separate trays for miliinery, handkerchiefs, gloves, linens. laces, and boots- and sboesI iued with washable waterproof. so that, if .tbrown in mud- dy, dirt can be w a.hed off; some hav- ing one long renepacle acrees for uni- brellas, parasols and sticks. the latter w omen hbave taken to in the country much of late. Be 10w this upper tray