Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1897, p. 5

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-t BAKIRG ~ ~Local and Otherwise. feing frorheart failue.' Mr. WTrenouth Sunday.gusof ER AESYs Almoqt everthing luharwri o Mrs. Wm. Kenner, Prince Albert,has IL Sec the C. P. R. movement at Rick- found at J. BMartn's. been visiting Mirs. John Reid. ard's. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Mn. Upton Runnalis, Port ilope, was Miss Josephine Williams is visiting Licenses, Bowmanville. guest at Mn. M. D. Williams' Sunday. Oshawa friends. Mrs. D. A. Wells, Toronto, has been Cobourg Hockey Club played wit Master Cecil Scott, Orono, is visiting guest of Miss McWain. Bowmanville on the rink liene Saturda~y Loyol C"alladiail People, friends lu town. Insect powder applied wlth a puffer evening and were defeated by a score POD E g * Miss, Mabel Welsh is visiting ber will kill vermin on cattie. of 8 to 2. cousin Mrs. George Pearce. Would ou see a splendid hardware Wellington Lodge S. O. E. will give Miss Gertie Young is visiting lier store ? ee J.B. Martyu's. an At Home ln their hall Friday night. I 5e pe r pou n d. sister Mrs. W. IN. Tilhey, Toronto. Mn. A. Hoover of Emeny has been Invitations have been issued, f flicthe Y IOL L ES? 1 5c per pound. Mr.James A. Conger, Belleville, was appointed Constable lu Oshawa. members and their familles. HYSO DALBRTO guet o Dr Bimaomb oer undy. Booi, n ardare Ys a J.B. Whitby and Bowmanville Hockey Wfhen we Say that our BgusihDr.rimme ove und wiary oî. a nhadgar Yes . B.Clubs will Play here Friday nîght f0 hardware sound atne5e lulMartyn's. Caîl Alandn get bamrga nsB.decide the championship of the MidlandADHEL Y iBain Pwde a 1e alb Bwm~vile Ai cn e hmtJB Mrs. M. D. Williams was a recent district. Game called at 8'clockAD EATY IS superior to Most of the high Martyn's. guest of Mrs. John Curtis, Port Hope. Special Mîsinr evcsnx prcd odesin the mar- Have you seen the "H1istorical Com- Mn. S. M. Herrington, Belleville, wasLor's ay a th e ices Te priced powdersthe Dici es h e petition" on an inside page, liow to win guest of Mr. M. Cryderman, Beecli Ave. pastor's morning subjeet "F e *erpet- et esimpy repeat What a new bicycle ? Wm. Quay, Esq., Port Hope, lias ual Obligation of flic Creat CommisP- lo' dozens of the best cooks in Millbrook Public Scliools contributed been visiting lis sister, Mrs. Bleakley. sion"l; ni hti "Thevalue of~ Forei- iu n es C6erl lh>1OPdlf11ll tit-tt tý 0 -vt- -t tc - r t- t- t - - of J . ________ ~a ~ - ~tE7~E ~ic4li~ ~ - tmed -ot- ar--[forNim herre: V-m -h -~hP~ ~ wd$ r - .-.t-- -4 ______ _______ ______-~______ . _____________ ______ ____ ______ ~v ~ ran ~~W nauInELF~nnn ~ '8r,~-A,, ~.,.,r.,~ -,-U lt F N ~-~orir 1'B~f6re-vo~ ~uy-a-sewinn~ machine see-$ if~ ~ w- 1:'- ,- .- . t t -t . t-t--te-. ï7a 1 h 4-1--t - u -T--- T~TT~ F i ~ 'f~ I - C-.- v~tt. t ttc. L, -L - r i - ~--C~--k-~.--'--~-.T n~u~ r~~rt5-iv-wrote-i~iTm--rn~ ...~c...,. ____ _____ ________ ____ . ~- ____ ____ ________- ---- -.-~t* Lt- ~%mI1Tr~outTvtrt~rtc.~.t-. - A.A ~IL~ ______ i~The Tai7W!~n cttin eyp~7~WUnn ~ _____ V.. ______ P.c.-- C' ~ ,-.- ~ L~.- itO ii ewio-are-sICKTa unlnwer ~ rn,- ý- Ï average uucb t i rpairs lmst yean .was 1ally entertainec to lBo ston baked beanâs less than 7e a wheel. Stott & Jury, and other delicaciess they drovýe If voit want a good second liand wheeî, caîl at Stott & Jury's quick. If vou are tlunking of getting awheel ~this season drop a card to Stott & Jury for catalogue fiee. 90,000 wheels were manufactured by the Crawford Mfg. Co. last year and this year prospects are stili better as their wheels gave universal satisfaction last season. Between 5e and 6c a year in repairs is a small amount to pay on a wheel and Ce the average cost of rprs for the Crawf ords la 1896 was 1es=hn 7c eadh wlieel under their guarantee whieh stands good for a year on every wheel. Speak early for your wheels so that you will not be kept waifing wlien fhe rush is on. Sf ott & Jury are booking orders no w. If you want to save money on a Bicycle caîl at Stott & Jury's or drop them a Postal Card. RLding soft tires is the cause of a vast amount of unnecessary trouble and damage. Oycling is like the sunlight which Mines into tlie lives of some mnen and ,women, dispelling Clouds almost as fast se they eau ga.ther. you till we meet again"ws wel sung by the Bowmanvile friends. Everybody corne to-night to W.C.T.U. enterfalument lu the Epworth League room of the Methodist churdli A good programn is provided. There will le short addresses fnoinRevs. Fraser, Bar- nett, Burriss and Parker. Solos will be rendered bv Misses Freeland and James. A pleasing feature of flicpro- g ram will be vocal music by Miss E. W. Crdran of Hampton accompanied by rMiÏssM. J. Elliott on tlie guitar Heading and recitation by Mr. L. T. Courtice and Miss Jennings, Doors open at 7.80. Silver collection at the door. MRS. M. CRYDERMAN, press cor. Window shades and curtain poles at ail pices at L. Morris'. Solid gold weddîng rig, quality guaranteed, atRickard's. Furniture in ail newesf desig4s and lowest pices at L. Morris' Does your liead ache ? Consult Hick- ard and lie will tell you if spectacles Wini leip you. Our Ladies' Winter Coats are"all sold but we are still off ering Fur Capes much below the wliolesale prices. Coucli, Johnston & Crydermen. U. W. members fo make fils the best year in the Society's hisforv and ne- omests each lodoze i'ii fi litript toa dd- at renest i t-- guuuanu trunc men fotus iri so fIat Grand Master Unitf's request f or 50i00 new members in Onfario may be nealized. With flie new, conditions and graded assessment younZ men sliould lose no time lu joining this ex- cellent society. The Mardli number of flic Delineafor is called the Earl y Spring Number Ifs forecast of Spring and Summer fashions 16 made graphic by numerous plates il- lusfrating fleic ncoming Dress Modes and Fabrics. Ifs literary menu in-- cludes a charming n teefe of New York art life cald "The Story of a Picture" People interestcd in Palm- isfry will find something about if la Mrs. Wifhienpoon 's f, ea table chat. The voung folks w Il enjo 'v A Bicycle Enferfalument and a storiette called Tee Cream made !n a Minute. There are the usual notes on New Books, Sea- sonable Cookery and Domestie Science Emma Haywood descnibes some cm - broidered cases for doilies,receipts, etc:. and flic illustrated papens devoted to knitting, tatting, crocheting, etc., are,, as always, valuable f0 ucedie wvomen. Delincator Publishlng Co., 33 Ricli mond St., Toronto, Ont. Subseniption price of The Delineator, 81.00 per year, or 15ts. par singlo eopy, ami MVessrs. Ffrost and Knlght-sang a veýry pretty selection "Sweet and Low" also well receiv ed. The. duet "Excelsi- or"by Miss Glover and Mr. Knight was exceedingly well renderted and was loudly encored by the appreciative audience. Mr. A. Mitchel captured the house in his humorous selection, "Swim out O'Grad V" and kindly responded to the heartv encore lie receîved on each appearance. The Delsartean exercises by Misses Nellie Saunders,Millie Grigg, Kate Ellîott, Maggie Coleman, Carnie ]labcock, Ida Hoskin and Annie Ewart were splendidlY rendered and mudli enjoyed by the largee audience. The accompanists were Wr. John Rice, Miss Tille\-, Miss Armour, Miss Brown and Miiss"Glover and each gave excellent satisfaction, The concert was verv satisfactorx- and1 ail appreciated the efforts of the dhoms under the leadership of Mr. E, R. Bouiisall and Mr. 1. J. Knight, in giving such a splendid program for this worthv cause. The promoters of the concert were Messrs. W. B. Coucli, M. M Fenwick and R. D. David son. Proceeds of the concert $14475. rk. fac.. @oy I3IJW MAII V lLLE MARKETS. FLOUR,'4P 100 lbs ........$2 80 V1 ' aul, bush ...oGOo n White Elfe .... üOGO Red t .... 0 00 n GOOSE .... O 0O BAR-LEy, P bush, No. 1 ..0 27 n I n2 .0 24 n n n3.... 0 23 Two rowed O 21 OÂvs, white "....O()jo Rva "...... 000 BucxwEAT Il............O00 PEAS, Blackeye, U, bush.. o 54 nCanadian Beauties.. 54 nMummey 0 O45 tSmall, 0 O39 'Blue, t 0 40 BUTTER, best table, VI lb.. O il Effls, e doz ............. o il POTATOES. bush...........00 HaY per ton ........ .... o ~o to 82 70 S0 78 0 070 0t 75 lt O 65 0 28 O 25 0 024 'i0 17 t 084 t'0 25 fi O 55 fi 0 55 fiO 0 0 040 0 045 0 013 fi 0 12 il 0 00 fi 9 Q00 V AR TOSELLOR RENT.i-Being Whichae odfrare welg, and necessary i-g 1 9 ii be soli at a ver low figur wit small by, or RAuS. WRIGHr, barristt-r, Newcaste. 10-3 w. F ARM FOR SALE.-Beiug part of lots 1220 and '21, con. 8, Dariington, 12o acres, on wbidb are good frame dweling, driviug bouse and woodsbed attacbed, two haros, 0one witb. stone cellar aud stables for stock an-cd frame borse stable. Weil watered by neyer failing. spriu g and two bardwater wells. Small orebarti. if not sold will be rented. For further particu. lars alppiy to Miss naine, South Park, Bowman. ville.8tf W ANTED.-Old established whole- sale bouse wants one or two honest andin dustrious representatives for this section. Can ay a bustier about $12.00 a week to start withi ~rawer 29, Brantford, Ont. W ANTED.-Intelligent men ith good education to whosn $600 nd enses for the first year wonld be an indue nt Write wt fullparticulars. TnlE MAxÂGSB1, 49 Ricmon st Wet, orotoOnt ~1ÀE~tiO~xc.e~ealversements.rapî ïiý g -M1 EEL-ý i e7, VUgU Lil WIM UIMUIIUU UV ïf. -11 1 5F Il ýl 1 AND

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