Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1897, p. 4

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THlE PLEBISCITE. ENNISKILLEN. v. . A MKAY D.D. Visitors: MssCura Reynolds, Beth- Bv Ev.W. . MKAY D.D., any; Mr. Tramel, Prince Edward Ce.,V V àWOODSTOCK. gust of Mr. James Pye; Dr. Archer and Mr. Meharryg, Port. Ferry, at Dr. Mitchell's. . . .. W. W. Noble, teacir- Electers of Canada, yen are face toeor, ma i e bis monthlv visit te Toronto 144 face with eue of the groat social prob- F~dyrmiigoo abt.. Ieims of the nineteenth centur.y. Our Rev. S. G,. Rorke was caiied te Peter- 0Dominion Goverumet assures us that as boro Satui'day by the serions illiuess ef seedî]y as possible it wili tako a piebis- bi-aori av-Rv.M.Svg.Mr cite ou the question of prohibition. The Geo. Power, Ma ple Grove, took iris eloctors wiil thon have an oppurtunity of work Sabbath ... Rv.Geo McCol B. The Great declaring themselves for or against thre A., Oshawa, wiil preacli a missienary cuntinuance of the liquor traffle. A crîsîs sermoni bore Sabbath evening ..The is upon us. The pî'acticai importance visit of Tyroiie League on Fridavy evon- IDuin th nxttwo weeks I willoffer the whole of ut the vt ahrlyh vretmtd n was greatly appreciated. Hev. H., Durîng te ne-xtIf through indiffereuce or party prejudice E. -Carts made a model presiding officor my immense stock of Shelf and H-eavy Hardware, Stoves the vote ho adverse, the cause of tompor- adhuldtetpcl edsae ance wiil receive a check that will be feit several fine selections of inusic wero ad1Tinware at fer many y-oars te cerne. Even if the rendered aîuong theîn an excellent andvote ho favorable, but with smaii major- quartette witb chorus by sevoral mem- itv the chances of advanced legisiatien hors of the League and a very sweet rea lv edu ed Pri es l the near future wilbe small. It isueot solo sung bv Mr. John Coilacott. Miss irIr g ly R eduice P r*1 W 1 11 S. a test that shouud satisf v us. but such(an End 1Housoe, BOWMANVI LLE. 0One Prîce and Cash Iloise -- - - -! ~ - ----- '.-Tý M C l ui a rr itl i ~ G Ureat -B argain SaTe ai Mhis month. Having secured .J ~ Y ~. ~ Prince E dwar Island, together' witli c i n ood taste. Ia e liEai EOI'LE ARE CONVINCED-WhMf this giant ex-il. wriften ny honest mon anawomnenandi fanclÇj1!aVfiLi Oeà areplain,___ 1,ht-forward staternents choice. A few items are: Probably neyer before have mon exer- are pain Tepolra vofieci An levent that is always anticipated grave. Our opporite ar ra.Tewc te edicines-fail. 5 -n. i for inanv weeksprior o ledae, is the .s anolpraua(rrran f -Ta-bling, F-r 1~-pre--5,f~fe are alwa s here but lower animal eonversaziofle at the Ontario ig rits Tbere ils no uestion~ bo- ORN.Flannelette in dark colors reg. price 8c, for 44e. 115 JIS ML ini±ndnnLtem that is cornparablin oste an cau& It is th e off season, but successful f unctions of tliis character yet that of the Suppressionî of -the drunkard- terS -thelu Bow a ori ae en is-Lais held at this popular in'stitution. A makiug business. Questions of tariff re, itiner, hewale,.. have bee vi- Lde' "iose, rib'd price 35c, for 25ce. Btock will be found complete. spc1 train bronght from Toronto forîn and of national sehools have thi iigfred he . 0 osphi Ruth- 3 nh atrCtohay rc aot250 guests, iucluding several importanîce and may wiselY be cnideîr erford, Newcastle, has been 38inhpointedtohayprc 10e, for 74e. osde-Division Court Bailif ... . Miss Mulligan, peilaue instudents from Victoria anid Toronto ed, but they are secondary to the liquor NewcslvitdMrJa.L cy Univerities vrsaarueas prnipl probiem. Iýhe drink traffic isby far the cate îîeM.Js ito re-B Miss Wilson and Miss Grace Miller graetei htaflcsoradi a n. ranvstd Mr.JohnF Muillau, gratsteilthtaflit orlnfna-recentiv .... Miss Ethel Andrus ils visit- d So s Pictures, weicomed the guests, who were soon cially, politically, socialiy, morally and biad iie r .I.Wihs mingliug with the 250 lady students and religiously. Its suppression is therefore m'a ida.. isEn aS. I ol o ot aeseilbr'isi h n Pitrfrm s riends of the colloe-e from other to s the greatest of ail t he issues before the in 'mas, is visiting relatives here..... It Jol o ot aeseca ag si h r of the Province. DU'lessandro's orches- Canadian people. Remove this evii and Mr Boh aisgangoi vstn G-oods Department and not have some leaders in our Boot Sehoolg Su pned Meep idrostbanfd ostheqetsay eoult to tho settne friends here. ... Miss Mav Harper. Co. and Shoe Department, our Boot and Shoe man would flot; cocetam inn hlltatful Ltthe cornes to thefrnte frqenlsolution. bor'i visitino' Mr. C. J. Thompson S conertan diin hals tatcfli L~ te isus b prsetedfrqunti Mr. \Viu Nash, Kingston, s lent Sun like it, sowe are marking several lines at speejalpee Photo Al bu ms, arrangcd with flowers and palms and and forcibiy to the people,and we ma a ekwith his brother, M EB.for this month. ~~ c<.~~~ ~~ artistic furniture, these guests and the asumethat the mass of voters-many Nsh.Mr W.J etn-otPrv . ..- an rulet esreter~t sdaant h De- rfc h epoo ash -u Mr.n roctW . J .Fetn ortaa Wi- Luesexauxoaroergya ,c fr7e mnost cnjoyably whiied away the hours Canaacmitn thcmseives, aftc r Ma eundt aiol ..Mis Lde ogKdOfr he Statîon ery. geninedi co nceti i vaiic.} e l Aiduida shm ..Te1 eulpa9eprn tu in 'rmndÙ,i ovÏan' shos sl adeito.othsuptofgg collections made lu' the Methodist soles, spnecial $1.00 My $1 Photo Album is a îeunei istening to the rendîtion of the shop 'shrl ocevllCuch on this circuit Suuday weck in lNosetta -- ames oBwmanvîilie, a RES P-. amountect to $48.... .Tuesday evouing student of the college, sang with Miss 'ixiorus atcs ths prîce -li ----- h sup pying -cuf-Sun-day- &hooIs- HîI aduet- uT e -F-shrm an.- -The m-ln oving me or vef -erg Mr.Trr -h Bro i a g f O fo d t t WitlI Libraries and every requisite, iuvitcd gests from here were v departeÉl ihis 11f e on January Sth, aged 16 years Brwning, Mr. Simpson, Sheakespeare, shoýWn anyWherêi -D. Kingmae speeial at $1 .25 sealfeatur-e witli me. Mrs. D. . rand Miss McDowcii, Mr. and A ho e ov e~s from ail bsare, literary meetinog of the League.,..Mr. Ladies Glove G-rained, buttoned and laced Boots, reg SsealMrs. T. E. lligginbotham, Misses Ethel And allthe host above wifl >ay Stark and dang ter, of Starkvilie, wcrc price $1.25, for $1.15. and Ena Trebicock, Miss Florence, He did the Saviour's cail obey. gusso r ohn Coîborne, recently.. Tillcy, Miss Florcnce Ibar, Miss E. low ha pyhe did pass away, .TheonstoufRihrBon A special line for men Msr.D. Wbat sorrow to the parents' liearts 7fue 1acilyrso M .11LU L U N orris, Mrs. W. C. Cubitt; MsrD. That they must -with tbeir loveci one part. îige, was taken ili after leaviug school A. 8 Tllcy. H J. Knig-ht, Harry Rice, But God has caiied friraon before, and expired lu a few days. , He -vas anILv. BOwMANVILLE. Fred. Hoar, Fred. Joness, and Fred. R. Soon ibey wilmeet bim on the shore, intercsting 5chool boy and bciovcd byd' y Focy heMiss ili ad lanr And clas lits band in Heaven above, %Mmd RAFWY. Eerso ohe aMonysas M r.li and Mrs.no Wher ail is joy and peace and love, ail his mates.... Mr. E. Nash has becuR e - Everon it armny nd r. nd rs heymiss their hoy of love and care, appointed leader of thc Methodist choir 1 GRAND TRUNK RALA. T. H. Everson of Oshawa wcrc also No more bis form do they sec there, in place of Mr. G. M. Long, rcsigucd..M prescrit. 1-is chair iis vacant at the home ç le.S .brc niklcgv A Y l i g BOWM1iVILLn STATION. ______But we wiii say Thy wiii he done. Re SG:orEnikln ThnEidei ssdfryo an iuteresting lecture ou. "The Hoiy hv GOING EAST. GOINe WICST. Thon.. To part wit u d brotr Weo LadhothapotvLauTedyW e just plaeed into stock our first shipment of Express...,.5£ .m Express.. 5 23 a. Mn DALNGO COU'CIL But, then, you know it was God's wilî evenino' Mr. Wesley Cavcrly, Plain- Boys Su its. We start fresh in this line, everythinÉ new, *ECxpress:.'Ï 10 1 a.: -Local. 8,7 Il Soyenumust try, and love Hirm stili. efrJ.oe' ...e.e.. 22 mfieid,wili*takci chargeo Bo..GHn y s ca .. 65pm. xpes.. 4 On ,ap n,'c. Weraltbwer r trceese factory a ofa... OnTurs- a- "O 1 ic oui' rices ess man eise w lere. BO _________________________Members ail ýresent. Minutes of iast Fo u erSvou' vrtee d lu marriage to Miss Mary Cdi,,,o .e s s w metig ea ad onlred Cm- Then schoolmates do fromnsin diepart, daughter of Mr. H1.11Odeli of our town. splendid, range of Men's Suits from. $5.00 up, also Pants metn r m ad. Bunfrk Si son, And serve the God Who loves yeur beart, This intcrosting function. had been post- Cn Vss IUVmunications:FoD ukSmsn Then ial a start without deîay, adodVss Esq., inciosing form of By lawli re Colla- For God is calling every day. poned owing to the li heaith of the cott gravel. pit. Laid on the table. The thief of t'me would steal away groom. le left with bis bride immedi-de BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 3, 1897. Fro JH ed s. cinu osel And cause you to neglect the day, ately alter the weddîng for California. grave J.Ht toted osi. leccivct d Tillivou would hear the sentence passed~ Ail 'their friends hope that despite his < gad fle p n somt e cnhp irculs. Toolate! tooiaie! I'm left ai ast. iîîness, hoe has mnany ycars of usl' ess WET»UIAX BYS ndfle.An om iruar.Retbesda, Jan. 22nd. 1897, bfr l WES »1IIAXThe clerk was instructed to notify _________m yet. Thtis Department is in Une with the others a~n d have A Hamilton dispatch says: Rev, ieil Samuel Jeffcrv, Thos. Peters, W. W. awi'~svrlseil o Mrh u orTa hs m it McPherson, M. A., B. D., la te of Petrol - Crawford and Wm. ilil to move their "I A IUJIDeÂAArMarî fron i s f or willh saveu Ta ti monean gtgod Ta ea, the now pastor of St. Paui's Presby- fonces off the Road aiio1wance lotsFOR 17 À I GSF ýadfonu n o.wl aemnyadgtgodT teran hurh, reached bis first ser- and 18 in the 4th C-oncession.' It was 7l 1(VVT h etTai h xnons here Sundfay to large congrega- ordered that Mr.Wx.Aiiin,Pathmaster,-- pcaeark tpie *ions wvho listened to the discourses with be furnished with wire for a fence acroSs 40e and 50e. G-old Medal-paekageý Tea we sel 1t~5 e the geafet lueres. Mr IiiePerun tre iïîl1ond~t Haptonte rptacthe- 14s- Years-Iearflb-Sanerng-.11hsndai i. roo none bas spent some wocks lu Ne Yrkpentordfc. Mr. Samuel Rob- inerosignn hiomrcarge. tak- bins applied for compensation for dam- Stratford, Ont. in' aseilcusofsdy. bis oid age to bug-'y on accounit of defect in "Five years ago I began to suifer Don't muiss this Great March Salie. sc~olmte ad umros riends here road. LiS over tili next meeting. from symptoms 0f kidney trouble, such wish hlm abundant success in his new Ordered that the Janitor put the furit as acute pain accross the smali of In pastorate. ~turc of the Counicil whcre it will nlot beckdzspispani m ,imb a lipis, blotches, blackhcads, red. ronrbh, injured by persons using the hall, palpitation of the heart and restlessness .iy mohy skin, itching, 9caiy scalp, dry, at night. These symptoms, together thin, and fa11inig flair, and baby blernNhes of 'I ownsbip Officors and for repeaiing proved beyond donbt that my kidneys effective skin purifying and beautifying Rev. R. A. Burriss, M. A., had an Bv-law No. 435, entitled a By-iaw were. not performing their proper S s nthfor i, bathe as prlairan eventfui trip to the Sunny South. Hie Auithorizing the erection. of a wire fence functions, consequentiy the poisenous sets o olebtadnrey ef t for Kentucky Fobruary 15thte at- on the eastern. boundary of Lot 81,Con- matter was distributed through my 'en- ten th bcsid ofhisfater ~î-aw cession 4, pursuant to Sub-section Il tire systom. My appetite was peor. 1 Mr. John A. Watts, of ~~Mount Carmel, Section 1. Chap. 49, Victorla, Statutes bcm eywa n otlehrpd arriving there at 2:80 aà. m.,of the 17th.o nal. h ir a instruce ly. In fact 1 feit gencraily miserable, Mr. Watts was stili living but in a ..'ti te notify Wm. Truli, Ailan Truli and both lu heaith and spirits. Whou 1 ACBi ca cndtin it n posec ~ L. K. Murton of tho passage Of the -said stooped it was with painful exortion BoAP 'a soldthrnghoot the wo,id. POrrssEf DEUG covory. Wheu hoe ef t Detroit 't was BY-a an te moYe -thoir that 1 again stood ereet. "awî rîn1-maidfe suewing, but 100 miles north f Cicm- "I roceîved no practicai benefit froml.t cofl oel »iati,every vestage of snow dl'sap)peared A By law ln reference to the Coilacott any of the remedies 1 toek until fi EVERY HUMOR r, 'miluSrfl ne and passing aiong the Ohio River many Gravel pit was read a first time and laid weeks a gco, wben 1 commoncod taking werc gardoning. Ho had a most provi- over tili nfit meeting. Doan's Kidnfey Pis. They seem te go identiai escape from a train wreck on The Reeve was instructed te grant right te the seat of the discase, risor tihe Chesapeake and Ohio railwav. An orders on tihe Treasurer for the foliow- ing my kiducys te a heaithy condition, unexpccted delay occurred at Cincinnate ing amounts : s0 that they porformod their natural 0t'we0 detaiîî hlm severai heurs. H-erein James Gaie, balance on printing$8 1.00 office in reoving the poison from My we sec the baud of Providence. Satur M. A. James, printing 1.5system. As a resuit-my back troubles Thore has neer been ati-e wben grow. day a great storm prevaiied-oiie of the R. 1Wîndatt, Registration focs 80.20 and ail ether distressing alments 1 car .hnl erdagnet fý.aîle whoe sevorest Kentucky has cxperieîîced for ILuke Potter, Sheep damages 3.31 have mentioned are gene. I have F« rie Seede were moes ential. 1hey are ilany ),cars, it rained continualiy for 44 Alexander Stapies,Sheep damages 8.00 gainod in strcngth and wolght, my dealers everywbere. luisis on havusg them hourS- Ra ii was universal- throughout-S Tre-vail,-cedar- 'appetite-s l e, --nl Ia-tsuysay- m Pennsy ivania and Virgini* and the Geo. A. Stephons, ravel 2.60 that I feel splendid, ail being the reut F R9 E A MI water courses wore fillied fro1 ba nk te Alfred Hogarthr, ceâar 28.50 of taking Dean's Kidney Pis, and ail je full of information fer gardenere and te bank. The Ohie River rose rapidly A. Taylor, werk ou town line. havlng been doue lu five weeks. thannowtosendfortheIm7editîon.F-ee.Hadr e and as the train whieh hoe was te have Cartwrîght and Darlington 10.75 "1 saw by the papers that the agent D.M.Ferr&o., ,Windsor, Ont. taken on Monday was nearing Ports- R. Katerson, re'p'ng Counceil for Doau's Kidney PuIs was te ho at mouth it rau on te a bridge whjch was furniture 5.00 Messrs. J. Il. Masmytir & Ce's. drug inundated and the entîre train was de- Indigents : Janet Wilson, Mrs. Curtis, store on the 27th inst., and se ieft My raiied, some fifteen passengers kiiled Thos. Ward, Robert Skeen and Mrs. werk expressly ou purpose te Sec hlm § I R and injured. boidge $5 .00 each; James Campbell $4 ; and give this voluntary statement as H vn ogttecrfal sotdsok o hl -Tuesclay he-taok-thçi flr--- trlater -M-rs-Staples ancIMrs. Lanue.-act a- sma i -retupu fOr- -the- bnefi -1 hlave -i., niheavy hardware from-theesaeo Mr .T fCmp tre repairs had been madle. The river Thos, ' ilcox,and Mrs. Campbell $2 each. received, aslI onsider it only my duty CosWo1II a(ln Rp had raised 51 foot and it was reperted Joniathan Coucli $4,00. te make ethers acquainted with. a re- Lindsay, and placed it in my store, Bounsa]1'hý Block, that 3 more foot was te comle It was a Mr. Brown gave notice that hoe will at medy se efficient and prompt te rieve rreat siglit te, see tihe swollen river. next meeting of Council move te io sufferers from kidnev complaint. Bowmanville, I request everyone Who wants arLy thing in Hool ail1 the. towns and cite were "VTn --ter in Wm hr' odba. (ind . A - Ias l ue-tet ad aet aî n e "osadIer h ýrch--

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