Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1897, p. 2

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f cv f theim have been the vci~ fisland, ýevry dejpxrtment of loca d ldose. They are strictly vegetable andi di set gipe or purge, but by their gentie action plaeait wlao xse thern. Ien iais et 25 cents; ve o~.~1everywBere, rsdB' mi CÂP.TEZ M=etIIUI Co.. liiw TrI ONTARIO BA.NKC Offntimues to do a Gouerai Benkîng Business ecwiaanviîîe Agency. JIEPOSITS secalvee l121Savings tBank leet and c r Iteuilloteresi aiiowed atourreet rates No, matkecef withdrn wai oussar>'. Ail dps veaakl£ on demaend EX1CHAÂNGE uultin<lPiad tiDretitssued 1,nu p lGitd rtce îo ackmbaugiandcar acr. COLLECTIObNS Èr atîotig natairuaenet c ateg noce a ilpat et le % itinio, '016United, State8 and 1 e DomVo rateleauianada. Matýe, for large or soitil 'ums on ail part oÊ 0anada. 'This lse îpecially advaîîitgoes to - e-on-lijvieju lianiil>a or tlie Ner-tiawa, itaîakes Vihe fuidava iable uonce ac i ilu Acceunitant. Manager. F'OR TW.Ei"TY-SEX E N YEA fS. LARGEST SAE r, GANDA Sa source of great dcOm~rt. IL's nnoying te yourself and dibgntiDgJ toyoar friends. ileet tirnes dandrufî, ncurf, or zcales caue e h, anid tiiese, if ne- Iectedl, produce baldnecs. 13y usarig lîlaireiie yen c'ni dean flh scalp, rr'liùva the tcliing, nourjîli the hair ~ roots, and produce a vieor- oes growth of hair.ý Sold in Bomanvilie by Stott & Jury. Ridaney Pille first proved to ths people that Kidncy diýasais l crable. Being the original Kidney remedy le pil1 ion, fths 'ures they have mncdo, and the famne they 1ave attained have opened the wvny for a lust, of imnitations and substitutes, but IhoSa Who have bien ounîd of ~Complainbs throngh tlhe use o! thIIs Won- iteni n medicine, those whose lamie hack ia new frie froni pain, those who now have ,me liedaches, those Mho have îscaped huom the deafli grip ef Diabetes and 23right's disease by thes use 01 Doan's Niamey are the onffos whoseeopinion le vainube. When scores ef snch people coee orward and clIi pubiicly that Doan's Kidney Pilla cured thern citer other means failcd, it ià »vdent Lt l he only "Great 'W bite Queen,'" andi acter 1if tisumptive, andi bis rîmaining brother But beh -a n cleýsely watchîti on ship- would probnbly devolve upon sente cf brard, anti the novelty of the voyage the maie descendante cf Nicholas 1., finaliy ncaoi te youarg man toi the effeot of xhich net oily upon bis lot. liilikedth ie wines, and par, Russie but aunl Europe wouid bhinl- licularly the Benedictine. The 'en- calculable. Tic rmore have, of course, gine andî the electrie liglits fil lm be po'ptly andi atrenuoualy denied, nit vi wcintler. If ha hati only knewaýi anti May lie ouaiy invenitions cf thei news whist le liced lin Kumassi, he said, that mangers, but ns they wouiri bc dinied the w hite --t.an wias se great, thîre in the t'zar'e intereSt in any event, weuld have bjeen ne -war, and li wostld thcy mn; aise havi a basis of fact. stliii hava hein Ring of Ashianti. Wlihat le actualiy known le that the empier le net physically streng, that Preîntpah 1ladMils that it xva1s his ig-- undr the nutccratie system lie mnust, nerance that caused his ,iowfail. t ~if a consdaetesmn i iral v an intereecing1 f net that eveny import- wýorkedacm admitlitd by titi plans eut 'native mien lan Afnica against for partly nelieving hlmi by the creation wlientla Furoeuan power has sent an o! a niw ceuncil. armnetlforce, lias beau the victint cf hie own nignorance anti arrogance. Thhse murs possessati grenu. influence ant i -eldati large power, andtheiiEu- ropean Glais ýinvariably preferroti Ilircuc-pealioa ic fhlai betility; anti cnly thoe a ings nho honestly be- blet they ýmiglif kili, enclave, anti chal te tem itauat's content,andi ne te- stantupower ceulci stop teým, lucerehein compilliUo le hem the lutter lesson of ttei hte imaa"supprianity aul of thear oxyn helplesnees beforu hie int- plemints cf'var. An 'Africit ruler xvho lias marin a litîle empire for hintaîli, or inherifeut flic tinne cf hic ancîstons, asualiy hi- l-cris he is lte greâtstefmanin lthîe xxrl omtnti lichebuilef s begin te wmIl ttrougli thiu huis cf hie capital. lIe- doe of Abyscinia teldthettiBritishi mis- sion titI it wmas fiting fIa griateel king lunte worlt slould arîrititi gref- est queen, anti whîen te fcrmally pro- pocoti for lte lientio! Quein Victoria le lienestly thoughi ne bigler loor onîri ha confeireti tpon lin. t xxas n entail potentats on the tenigai River wie cent -tuer I te Napoleen 111. i flic ouflnetuk cf titi i'aneco-Pnus- sien 'xar, that ltae Empier migît ceunI ou lit if hi scrvices lee ne net- et te ltilp vanquisit the Germaine. When Le unulK ing 'et 1h Met- chilis, sent lisi envoys te EDîCý lstdthey mime griat inipresset vitit mhiat thiy sew, but saidt tit tliîy woulld etdure te ritumu te their master cuti taîl hlmn fie Bitleh wenî more pcwîrfuai than titi Mýatabile peuple, or fiat Quecu Vic- toria -eue a gneater monerch than Le Beaigula. Titein lires moulti hi fonfeit if titîy nîperbîti the trutit. Wien a mnissionamy tbld flue nîmaritable tan, wito hati neyer met c reverse lu war, f bat Goti mes gneatîr tian hi, fIe Ring bhumdînîd: " Yen lie!1" A fîw years latin le ie d einlutle ildenias, a iii- gibine front lis ewn coatry, drmm nouf by thc ferons tatlad ouft lis pet e- giments e le pces. Ring Mtesa et IJganda cent aununi- binseyte London, anti net deeiing lb necessary to bi mîpnîsenteti by eny cf ls nobles, hi confidîti bis mission te, titnie min of lie common people. Titiy woffld net have baisa officially rîceir- id if tieti rick lad bien discovimed. lThey came lut o instant nepute as the grectest liane lnu lgantia, whîn they wîut honte mitI fueir rouderful t cries of it-tthey lad aen, anti uarewly e-scepet losing their heade mIen they f olti Mtesa titt is country coulti not kold aIl the Englisîntin, anti that Râi- beage, bis capital, tii net siue luneni- pensera wit h London. rmard an arnusing expereice sweueyears agu wJrnotws iougi she would economize men and money if sonie subjects of King Mandara Of East Africa were taken to Berlin te eee how great the Germans are. TheKig fr K id-ney Tieage, Biadder and IUrin&rý deputed soeaof his favorites for this, dffieulties, Lamae Back, and the number- tour, which proved, howrever, a pure! A czar, if ha is te nretain hic »auto- cracy, muet gin îthe final ordere, and in a mest empie like thnt o!fE-ussia, tiare are so malty suit ondins, affect- fing ce unany lunterîsts, p,.llii al aund per. sostal, that te dispose of thina hi must mahi. Ai lÎe anust give iriry ondin uomc tiongit, if enly liacausa li nsI te sce bis axan administration cuccieti, ifti lmeaitocinevibeble ltait ishealtit, if meait, Fsitoul t i fiies bmec-k dexn andin the strain, and ibat at suait tintes thene sboulti ha alI sotte'o! ruinons about hlm. Relief migîf lie f ounti by deIugafing a parit of hie pome_ te a eirong mrinister, as tls f mat G.tintaU emperor dlri, but sevezeigns nomîa,,cys,! andt especiaiiy the yoanger mea, are loth te sarnentier aaachorily, anti tu, rathen, b hibc eeu exixinirg if hem- seiras. Titi change, mbecbenr due to a mee dain te bc visible, or' te a dei- sire te combafttie growving feeling against imc.narrthy etsowing how ivill tcan te morkaci, gneatly increas titi mesponsibiity of scereigus, anti se the strain upcon hialtit. Moreover, in case et a breau,4ki-te , tte, alseiuce cf a strong minet-ar wlt-h titi nigat 'of cen- tre1 nicessittis adnministration hy cent- missions; anti as fie commissions te not age e mong thînteelvis, anti are tee jeaious te infmuet euthitonty te g ref mi-n, bof h te atocracy andtihte na- tion are distinclly wiakiuicit. TInt le what is likely te liappen in RussieL shouldtihîe czar prove tee f eiblî te migri. Titi synopsIs e! ttc proposîti reforms lu rteislant of Cuba, pncnnuigaied by lte Spauisit govenîrient, shows fIe new souete lble ma11 mreliera.i titan tle Abanrzuze megeaiae of 1895. bun lte sciteumeacocuncil- of administrtion o! thirrty-five matueres i risat, txnen- by-one te bee diteeni diletliy by titi qualifieti eleototrs, nine iy lte comnmer- eial cuti etucatienal hodies ef Havana, anti fine froeuix-membema of tite Com- tes f£romn Cuba. Tiis counil'i-lit freie anti apprve te local budget, ant i mii ao fre-ea colonial tarif! andin cer- tain pneseniibeti condtlions, te essîn- liai oeabeing lte-t c pa'oticlivi mer- gin of twenty pin cent. shall hi allometi te Spaniait gools ns cge-met feneigu geods. REoiprocity triai e whioh utay hi matie for Cuba cloetawlîl bhi imta hy titi heuue geux-eumeuf, but only ait- tepr consultation witiit ii ceuncil o! adi- ministration; anti eppoinbmnts by lte gevemnon cf emnpleyees, mite must hi' eititîr Cabans, ,or Spaulvrds nu- aident lunlte isiaintifo9ttwe oh more Yiare, mill elso genealliy himate mithtihle assint oethtitieoaiaciUl Thitlnunicipai anti provincial goera- iug hoards are, moreoven, te hi more nePriesntabive o! tii people andtief bave largen pomere, anti appanently te vetopoers o! the govîmnor aire fie lie ourtaileti hy tii igît of ap- peu! bthte council, mihflin al.miter- enci te titi goverumeuf et lMadriti Tiese are titi most noticiabli features of the nitv referme, mhich are to hi- come operaivi as coo,- as lie approval lees resuits of disordered liidneys le Doan's waste of public fonds. 'The gentlemen of the Cortes is obtaineti for the Kidney Pille. Be sure to get Doan'a. from Mount Kilima-Kiare declined to! sýchIsme, and the pacification of the Priwa fltty cents per box. For s&lIsW be impresseci by anything they saw. isiand will permit. Their only comment when they svt- FOR SALE BY STOTT & jU3Ry nessed a great military paradE ear That thley conitituite a considerable âd- ________________ _______Berlin was that it dîi not comtpare as Vanc- tPOfl the Athàrzuza la-w, the a spectacle with the ýsight of ail of lrit cft concession laid downn y the Mantiara's cattle when tbey were Cre w yamuo me d gathereti in one herd. nitd u htee if carrid ont il, gooti faith6 theY will be accoýta bie Al these Afrîcan poentates and tO the Cubans is inconceivabl, 'I2h1e many othere have been swept aw ay. If miinimum demanti of the latter en- U~Eai dcest cfih Beei ue~seve, iirua littie knowledge had widened their uline home rule, whîch the propoîd -Te- niatieni anti ail Pain. Female Rýegelatori, Bicot horizon anti taught thece humiiity,theîr f orms stili withhold, for with ne îarj 1Iige Matir. Larg)e botta, uic.Ti l ri b ox,3c. md ntý,eee fsfrz doîet. flr.owardmedaoneeC. &dai.Ot days mght have bean lengthened. Very md u h yee f ufug ie lAbile Engia"nîl l invulveti just nota lu, several litile Af rican ware, lte Roy- al Niger Comtpany lias begun n ram- paiga cf its ocru againet lte Bntir cf Nupe. th caLise, conditIos, aurd pcs- sibia recuite o! tlhis struiggleinlveet iM vt more than oxdlatary intiriet. Nupîs las oeacf the ifohammnedan. States of tte Western Satdan iying au boili banks af tite Mididle Niger. T le lua will-waterid and fertile region, wit.h corne large tqwns, and te Nupes, w ho fot the mass cf the population, are mentaliy and ,piiysicatlly supeior te many Africain people-s. iTiey are in- dustriceis, te pairs o! any African tnibe as tIllers o! itihesci, anti excel rmt thier Sudanese as wiavers anti workcrs in Iran, brasel, leather -ad lThei Royal Nugepr Comnpany hsaio quar- rai witd titi Nupes. Thn fact, the ap, pe! te arme hais bien made lu hehaif of ltis vîny peuple, as againet their tyranatees rulers, îheadîti by the Eluir, whîo f o n ay cnî-fiftit of the popula- tie. Tit e mpanyliaýs Lied tle frîesh te titi tennitory, andri eto f ils main statiýons axe in N upc. listeaty witit titi Emir cbtains for lte cempjany un-' usuel contrcial advantages, and lie hue not chrown a pîbile in titi wayi cf the coenpanys entirpnisas, but lias pockated hies;ýu tidy cf $10,000 n yeare and permnitteri it to etivilop its trade Tie trouble nue caused by the Emirie horrnible treaament, 1uf htus subjcot.s whiali bide fair te depqpuiate Nope. fie as a descendant cf the gneat Fulali chie!, whe na century ugo, epniari hie neligieus mar ovin lteWestern Soudaný front Laite Tchad toe tiIpper Niger- fiLa, people are Iaow do)minant lunFlie FulIe Statie, witit hie descendants ln moist ofthe ohief places of authority. INupe, osa i f th e maller States, pays annual tnibute lu thonsande cf slaves tho titi Sultan of SokIYto, the hiiad cintre o! the FuIe-k poer; andthîe many slave raids of the Emir among bis lowu (suit- jecîs, titi pakea Nupe, lis wiolesali confiscation oi thein lande, andi othir acte of tyranny havi bien reducîugis country te, a pitiabue condition. Titi Royal Niger Company vainly protesteti, andi et last ticiiedt t use fonce for the suppression of slave raids andi for the reeteration cf theirlande te thousauris of tiespo-lietiNupîs.1 Tite contpanay cou.nted upon titi sup- port cf the natives, and thus fan if lias net bain tieappointîd. With 400 well-armed min and sente artiliery if bias driven titi enenty, about 4,000 lu number, front tii fir st place wieni fis section of titi Emîr's foot soldiers anri cavalry awaited battie. Tie natives ne- ceivîd flie column vaith, joy andi are saidti te b rislng againsf their Fulai oppresslois. At lest accouraIs the Bri- tiait Bida, tie capit&al o! Nupe, aà very POPUIOns Place, covernag five square miles anti surreundiri by n dlapidatîri mud wali.11 The waet interasting , tietion is watwili e hietiattitude cf tie gar- roundiug Fulait E3tatas, wifh tfuir titoUsands cf trainiti soldiers andt fir iarg-e troope cf cavait y. Noe uropean POWer Iue show-n tli) tast disiri to pick a quarrai wit t Ilium. Tite Lau- don Tintes laitimaes chat thei Royal, Niger Copnniy w oulti ueYvar have be, gun thlisi wtae if il hat not preiously, marie satis!actoory arrangements withl t.he Sultan of Sokoto and Gendo, '.4ut nie (8vidence le ariducedti 11sf uch an arrangement exista, aud ucîouiri thesu, POwarful rulîrs make titi quarrîl their crn", EugIahad anti net ber ditatereti cempany 'will havaie b hetilargest factor ln funther prociatinge. Wî venture te say titalttis war pne- sents fie dfficulty that impentds ovar ail Ainica's Mbhtamedan Statefrom the Nule bttieNiger. FTit trritories o! England, France, and Germany teoucli thein hortlers, anti cadi cf these pbuwers is iciger te coee m full pos- session of e literai ditce cf titiFulai country. T> miucit discusseti ques- tion cf heur te eupplant Moheameidanî witit European denominatien wiii pro- habiy eh nnswenîti hy force cf anme, lu thé Sudan, ns il lias bien lu other parte cf Africa mhleEnropi',s etvauce bais, benuopposîti. Titi werld wili havensothingi more fron thbie raglo peu ef tie late Robi- ert Louis Stevenison nftîrlte, roman tic novel of -St Ives," -milcih. egins pub- lication lu tii 3lrollnh numbar cf Ale- Cluna's Magazine. Wi kuow front Stîv- cnson's letters b Sidney Colvin, aineady pulisiter that hi was engagiti on i hie novai do-en alniost te titi moment cf his setidîn deatit, anri tint it intieeferi bina tiîply. fie itadtihtigooti fortune to have it snbstanfiaily compuete. lThi lest lwo cbapIers, peritaps, -eire net fuhiy wnittîa; but hi hef( sucli a sunt- mary of themn that titi course anti con- clusion of tte ctony ire quite satisfact- onily shown. IPersans n ho havi rend tii nolve-i proinunce !È unitisitatingly oui of lte rmeet igaging cf Stivenson's ue~a~ et - - - - 'ful relu; it moves with, a ra-pitiity anti titnilicf mincadnt unsurpasseti; anti it presînts e succession c! perconages cf tlii ulmoet ariety,sutltity. anti et- bnnactivene,s. Ttit 15a loea stery,î andthie htroîne le ue iTesstibl eas sic ta-ho est- gagodtihîe affectionse!ofdm4 Davidi Bal- four anti of ail wito endti he immortel record cf lis adventurem. The rigit, cf serial publatien ef "St. Lyse"' lu Amt- ertea trac purcitaseti b3i MûClure'e Mag- azine of hic exîcutor veryp icon citer Mr. Stircnson's deat. Iu Ilarpen's Magazine for Mardi Captain A. T. Maitan, U. S. N., tie leatiing wminer on Anirican naval topica, will choir how car consistent en- fondement of the Monroe Doctrine, an- voregeat probability of war xii = 1ropeanpoera, ast ltxviioutliie a sdhintaaof dufiasi by sea. Iuntesamne number, Dn. fieuray Sntith Williamts, ln a seies cf articles on te contributions et titi ninuteinft century te science, wil ticiehe icAsîronornical Prog- rese cf he Century. Other important articleýs are titi second paper on The Awakiuaing cf a Nation, a description cf tbc Mexico cf to-day, hy Charles F. Lummisa, andTihîe Lsst of a Greft Blackt Nation, an aooount cf Englui ruile iu Basutolandi, by Poulbuî:ey Bigeiow. The leatiing fiction cf titi numnber will lie titi skrll part cf George du Meunier's Tii Martien, anti Separ'e Vigilante, hy Owen Wistir, xxhir-h dels tnitithbie oharatere anti ecenles alreedy dear te Mn. Wlstîr's rea.ters. Godiy'e Magazine for Mari i l no- table for titi varity of ils bopice anti tle versatîlity cf its gineral rnnke-up. lie leading article on Pastlnte Pito- tograpby shows winat pleaslug work cap hi doue by a skiliful use cf titi camera anti living motuls. Lt le iuilyilu- brateti vit quaint and pretfy pictunes. Followiui titis ileMorierni Art lu Pia- no Buýilding, illustrateti mIit pictureti ci fie meet beautiful instrumentesefu neccut imake. Titisi phtones wmli sur- prise many peple e. iden Opera ne- cuives trealment, withl illustrations, andi wiii interet nef oniy musical pe- pli but gînerai neadirs as we-li. Among titi specicîs o! tintîly intîrest i ll auti- seinte Newspapir Wonten, trlit portraits iu whieh Mi Helen Winslow o!fte Boston Transcript describes theti titi anti mark cf saveral 1inusiineut beau- f iful wemen oi thýe pris, Tie ti ong fiction puece oifthie issue ile tiSep- anaf ist Friccier, by May K(elsey Chamn- pion, wiabtellislier taie lu au intense adn, forcein! manner. Faw people are fana hlr witb Ibme Separatiet moetent of 1740, andtihit story miii te a revil- etien te buany. Hulmerons fiction us fount inl)Cupiti anti Fagasus, by Jean Meyers anti tragedy la, Uge, a tale of the circus ring, by Clama Spraguî Rose; caid tnon& cter gooti storis help te f111 the numaber, An eapecialiy timiiy anti intenesting fieturc of tic mnaga- zine ie Among tie, Ferns, by Charnles F. Sauntiene, wlilhrira-eings froni the, living furne by Elizabetha Moorte, loweil. Fern levers -vii ti intu ti-, article much, fief le heipful and it')!>c,,e ing. Precticel f opics, are coveneti xei1 in Standard Tinte anri Tinte-Te laIes, by c railroati tan, and bly Sut Johstsiaar, who discourais fielingly of te flic- rince cf Negro Miaietreiavsuad lte literary triat cf tle mentit is founui ln tite Bookery mherî Citelfen writes efthîe New Englanti o! Mary Wilkins. Wlaen yen tae HoodFe Pilla. Titi big, oid-fasit- lene, sugar-conleri pille,laiihtfeaeou ail tut pieces, are net lu iltait Rood's. Ensy te taIre and easy le opîrate, is truc l of Rcod's Pills, wluicla are aip tedate lu înery respect. Sae, certain anaisre i drcuggsts. 25c. C. 1. Hbcd & Co., Lowîll, Mass. lThe enly Pila te fate with ilood's Sarsaparilla. Who audean ýroectaor wdc>ýher ,aay briar yon weaiý,Write JOHN 1) !i>Ru.t7Rii& CO., Patent Attoa. levs, wil ngotD . C., fr rtheit, $1,860 prise off#e5 C'nd staiof tan hUndrîti inventions wanLec. Te Puehion and Woman'a lDpartmentý are ful cf practicni tinge; antitht nom finis-led Modes anti Mannîrs ci erînty Years, by.,Gmace E. Drexx givis thaf complitiness toe mtitnie issec (Jnnuary, Fehnuamy anti Mancit>, wiicu rentiers tberntworlhy te hi kîpt epns't fer future ueo, a nsauong titi contri- butions te general iltenature wll [Company, Lafayette, Place, N'ew York,. The Century for March is an -U,. augiaration Naýnber" and le one of a serte"s c pcal issues wî,bich will maki the presehju year of that magazine CI mure, than trdinary interest te ith readers. The Century was neyer more popular titan at preseýnt; its Januýry and February minabers went out ci Iprnit within' a week of issue, anti di t'wo leading, serials. Oampai[gnine witî Grant, b' General Horace Porter, nul fleùgblmyunn Free Quaker, Dr. Wie Mitcbell's novel of the American fia. volution, are atttracting wide-spreýai interest. Dr. Mýitcheli's story, ti1 scenle, Of'which le laid in Fhiladeiphiî bas doublîti thýe sale of the magazine Ï4 týhat City. itis "Inauguration Nuii. ber" contains several articles whicl wili have a special inte-rest te Ameni dans at this tinte. One Our Feliew Citizens cf the -W lhite flouse, hy Ma C:. C., Duel, describte the officiai lifc e a Presidînt, and le illustrateti hy-,,a_ Ilamhidgî and eite. hxnee-f-routis- piece portraits are -g-ive-î with the numher-two of l-~ditîatMc- Kinley, and ena i iFrei«1ent Clive- Land 'at' his degk, .1 of -he4m madie from photographs eial-taken for The Century., Mrj I. B,. mBisbop cou- tributes u Pn artic1 cDnIr imauguration Scenes anti Inciden, with stories and pictures relating totxrTýe fainmoes inaug- urations cf tite pasi, ¶Uhîe !Wibrarian of Cengneess descrihes splenndid build- ing just comp)lîtel foE rTýM'e Nation's iahrary, and Mr. 1Villiam_ A. Coffin» the art eritie, writtî c),£ its decorations. Theae articles on fI, raew ikbrary, with the tLwenty-sîix i1àstraticau)s accent- panying then, fornth-e mczýst complets account cfttý i sbjFat yet printed- It le not-edin an editoljaul on A Gd/ Ex ample ln GovernnntîBurilding, that thei lihrary huili ig--at-s iîoiplîted within the timn i*, t nd a asaviug of 8140 00l on thb b te}lap propriation, The grealt, raunicipe b-aiiiding lu Pila- deiphia coeil $1.60 b- euhirm foot. witile this bas coet but t ocAets a cibic f oou inciuding gec-oratiis_-;. ýptain AI- fred T. IMalian -wrîv -of N-*ýlson's most famious battu, Traix.1-gar, and among the illustrations is(eie shoii.viug the ar-' rangeme'nt of titi ignal zflags, spell- ing eub-tbe sentei, iEngLand expicts e.vîry man lb do is' dLty. Anot her illustration je aag-Tîaîv1iug hy Timo,- thy Cole of Turnez'fg-e:rat picture, The* Old Tenteraire. ýe.iee ax=wicles, with short stories. chalt-e lu the serials, poems, aditorials et,c., raak-e up a num- ber of Tht euùi-bc bas seldonu bien surpassefl. HORNS LiIOVE î(F I¶)SQUITOES. Capt. Nea*îtif, of tifimeîiucrÎla, IPouffita WnMy te Sanele iU,jue 1s lm"Peacc Aller Teet. When the Briti .stear=nex Bîîlucis Nvas in the, harborda Ienceazs Ayres the sktippers of the otl sehips lin the estu- ary of thei Platb -r«ndei:red wvhy the ],:nglish vessei's fqU4Darn mwas tooted evîry evening. Thec-nlhioes of the harsU braying of the, hoîiuqNkcL up the bar- lier anti cataspat arneat; Édai cf comn- ment, When the myste was solvedti ti berne on othen erg -wvcre biewn, fo, The explanation T';i7araIU-y very sim- ple. Capt. Neniea,:ti-the IKellucia, waas nahieteemoke ha ý-.ning pipe onac- count cf the i mllu c f S.-,uth Ameni- can mosquitoces tir rad)life on deck after suntio-%n ucla.it-abie. RI happeneti tow-riLembý-r that;mos- qitauoes cannot stat-the Ipzulsations li. the air cautetibyiuîû:xid x-ý_aves, Se un every dog-walah i liJtai led a sailor, to blow a hemn bacbo f bi,- chair on the quarter teck, andi the, , aftersnteki pipe undisturbed, AN OUTNCE 0OF PREVENTION. Mrs. Nuhhlus-Why do you împlu that; darky to whutewaeli thcelenco4 You lknow he's the ntost notoroQ chicken thief ln the neigihorieuri. Mfr. INnibine, a practical man,j want hlm to e e ow poor anti ean chiokens are. --i LËLË--ý -T --l

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