// / ,~2 .0t TE-UMS,-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Preprietor. Nr-i-w ýEIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1897. VOL-UME XLIII. No. 10. lhe sale of Winter Goods at haff been a big success---Ladies' W:inier Coats ail sold, but they stili lave in stock A'e HAMPTON. Miss Ada Hastings bas returned from an extended visit to Oshaa.... Messrs. F. Robbins, S. Findlay, Leskard ; F. Findlay, Midland; Mr. and Mrs. F. Branton, Oshawa, visited friends lu the village this week ..About 25 of the young people cf the village surprised Mr and Mrs. C. Stonhouse bY taking posession cof their home Weidnesd[ay eveîii.il. A very plensant visit was enjoyed .... lýa-ghees are the order of the day .Mr. 'J. T. Williams lias pur- chased and moved to the village the stock of Mr. W. H. Tonukin, CGeneral Merehant, Leskard. 110W TO CURE CouNs.-Easy ? Yes if you go about it the right way. Get the best alwa3 s. Putnan*s Painless Corn Extractor neyer fails to cure Acts in twent.y four heurs and causes neîther pnour discomfort. Putnam's Cern Exitractor extracts corns ; it je the best. MAPLE GROVE, Mr. Will. Snowden has the quinsv.. .Master Harny Tyler bas itatuma- tory rheumatism -a relapse, ... Mr. W. Gay, Oshawa, was home oven Sunday .... Mn. John Cox, Solina, le visiting friends here .....MnU. Truiman Power les visiting friende ln Port Hlope .... Mr. J. D. Stevens and Mr. John Power visited at Solina over Sunday .. .. Mn. A. W. Foley, contracting agent for the Page W1: M riraa N ....................... ... .... . -------------- arlMaB nnNaaaaaaI~naaaaaaa--------a-a------a-----B..aaa, ..r ........................... ..............nbaab. .aaabfna......... a: a ailiam lmr i.B.-Your ewn sub- p scription mauet be br i paid for 1897. HAYDON. Have yen a friend or neighibor who je net a subecriber to THE STATESMAN? Wo Want 1000 bona fide Pew subecribers and yen want a copy of that splendid large portrait in three colors of Hon. Wilfrid Laurier and hie Cabinet. It je one of the most popular premiumes ever issued iu Canada. Every Liberal wants it wbo has ceeu it. We will send you eue frc of charge for a eliglit service ou your part. Wc offer te coud for 10 inenthe THE STÂTESMAN (te new subecribere) and The Weckly Glolbe te eux- address in Canada or thc U. S., and a cepy et this Laurier Cabinet Picture ail for $1i.00, and the old subecriber will get a free copy cf the Laurier Cabinet aise. Ail erdere mnuet be sent te M. A. JAMES, BOWMÂANViLLE, ONT. PORT 1HOCPE. j TYRONE., Mrý and Mrsý Sanderson, H oliand, Manitoba, start for homie on Friday next accompanied by their cousins Misses Selena and Maggie lice r... Our League spent an eîîjorable eveninZ with the Emîhikillen frieiids Feb. 26th. ... everal y oung- peopie attended thec reception Frila *y eveiugil at Mr. E. lXillsoi's ...An old. I wv inan, Mr,. Elg'in VanstoTne, nom, doing a thriving business at O-weii Sound. paid a flying- vîsit lwres Saturday accrmiýpan-,ied hx'Mr. Jas. Elliott, liowmianvie.Mr. Johnt Curtis, B1 ep rt, Ucen, a former Ty- ronie,boy visited relatives here recently. 11e ie highlýv pieased with Uncle Sam's colntry. 0(1tiume friends and ac- quaiiitanees of Mr. John Jardine, form- erl of this township will be sorny te hea of hie recent denth at Gorre, Ont. .... On entering ajis store Monday morn. igMr. W. Il. Clemens was met by cloude of smoke. Examination reveal- cd about four feet square of the floorxing burut. it is supposed the tire originated by a lighted match falling into a saw- dust box near the stove. INEW lHIVE ILÇ Miss Cz Veal lias retuined fIrom To- ronto where she lias been waiting on a brother who was very iii with typhoid fever. . Mrs. H. Power bas had la -grippe *....The infant child of Mr. E. J. Bnrkl, a ait